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Glilmingtonj N. C. April ].!`, 1958
The regular weekly meeting of the New Hanover County Commissioners was held thia day in the
Commissioner's Room at 9:30 A. M. PRESINT Chairman J. M. Hall, Jr,, Commissioners L. E. Broadhurst,
James E. Holton Jr., E. R. Mayhan; and County Attorney John B. Hill and County Auditor T. D. Love.
Commissioner Berrp A. Williams was absent from the meeting. OPENING - '
Chairman J. M. Hall called the meeting to order and requested ih?. W. D. Norris, pestor of T?ple
Haptist Baptist Church, to open the meeting with a p'rayer of invocation.
The minutes of the meeting of March 31st, copiea of which had previously been.mailed to each
member, were upon motion of Mr. Broadhurst, and seconded by Mr. Holton unanimously approved.
Mr. J. B. Simpson, Soil Conservation Ehgineer, was recognized and introduced the Diatrict Super-
visory Committee.Chairman, Mr. Garland S. Currin and members M.S. Ftnmart and Dirk Swart.- Mr. Simpaon ex-
plained that they appesred in the interest of continued operation of the dragline in the opening up and
developing of.additional farm land. The Board was very aympathetic toxard their request and stated that
funds in this particular account were practical],q depleted at the present time. The Board recalled that
they had made a coffiittment sometime during the latter part of 1957 to the effect that some relief would
be given in draining some objectionable low areas adfacent to the sirport. Mr. Simpeon observe3 that he
would not like to make the priority for the xork but thathe would be glad to cooperate and stake out any
work so long as it pertained to the improvement of farm lands, but that he could not assist on at?y resid-
entisl developments. By unanimous consent the Board aBreed to reinvestigate the pro3ect named above when
the dragline operation could be reactivated.
Dr. J: T. Hoggard, Chairman of the New Hanover Board of 3ducation was present and stated that E',1.A?
each year water damage has been done to several of the school properties and more particularly in the Win-
ter Park area because of the lack of the proper dsainage.
HOND ISSUES - ?---?`
Dr, W. M. Randall, President oF Wilmington College and Dr„ J. T. Hoggard, Chairman of the Board J?y,,.?.
of Fklucation, appeared before the Board of Commissioners and advised them that the necesssry resolutions
had been passed by the Board of Trustees requesting a Bond Issue of $600,000 for Wilmington College. Upon
motion of Mr. J. E. Holton Jr., and seconded by Mr. Broadhurst, the Board unanimously agreed to present
the referendwn to the voters in the May 31at primarq.
Mr. Cyrus D. Hogue Jr., Attorney for the Board of Education, presented the Bond order and atated
that the County Auditor had filed with the Clerk to the Board of County Commissioners, a statement of the
debt of the county incurred and to be incurred for school purposes as required in Section 13 of the County
Finance Act, along with application for approval of the proposed bonds.
It" Mr. J. E. Holton introduced the following bond order which tiras read at length: °
UdiEREAS' the Trusteea of Wilmington Communitq College, acting purauant to Chapter ,
1098 of the 1957 Session Iaws of North Carolina, has requested the Board of Commissioners
of. New Hanover County to provide $600,000 by the iasuance of bonda of said Countq for
the purpose hereinafter referred to, and the Board of Commissioners desires to comply
with such request; NOW, THEREF'ORE,
, BE IT ORDERED by the Board of Commissioners of the Countp of Neu Hanover, as Yollows:
Section 1. Bonds of the County of New Hanover are hereby authorized and shall be
issue3 pursuant to the CountyFinance Act of North Carolina, as amended, to finance the
cost of acquiring land and erecting thereon, for the use of the Wilmington Community
College, one or more buildings containing classrooms, laboratories, administrative officea,
utility plants, libraries, cafeterias and.auditoriums, and of purchasing•and installing
equipment auitable therefor. The maximum aggregate principal amount of bonds authori2ed
b'p this bond order shall be Six Hundred Thousend Dollars ($600,000).
Section 2. A tax sufficient to pay the principal of and interest on said bonda
when due shall be annvally levied and collected. •
Section 3. g stetement of the County debt of the County of New Hanover has been
filed with the Clerk of the Board of Commissioners of said Countq and is open to public
Section Q. This bond order shall take effect when approved by the voters of the
County at an election as provided in said Act."
J. E. Holton moved that the following resolution be adopted:
WHERF.AS, a bond order entitled 'Bond Order authorizing the issuance of $600,000
School Bonds of tkie County of Nev Hanover", has been introduced at the meeting of the VO"?
Board of Commissioners held on April 14, 1958, and the Board of Commissioners desires
to provide for the holding of a public hearing thereon as required by the County Finance
. BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Commissioners of the County of New Hanover, as .
(1) The public hearing upon sfrid bond order shall be held on April 28, 1958 at
10 o'clock in the forenoon at the regular meeting room of the Eosrd of Commi.ssioners
at the Covrt House in Wilmington, North Carolina.
(2) The Clerk of the Board of Commissioners is hereby directed to cause a copy of a-It
said bond order to be published with a notice of such hearing in the form prescribed by
law, in The Wilmington Morning Star, a neuspaper published in the City of Wilmi.ngtonp
North Carolina, at least ten days prior to such hearing.
" 1! 4 2
Minutes of the Meeting April ll„ 1958 Continued
BOND ORDER (Continued)
. (3) The County Auditor is hereby "requested to file uitli the Clerk of the Hosrd
of'Commissioners, at least ten days prior to such'hearing, a statement of the debt
incurred or to be incurred by the County for achool purposes, in the form prescribed
by the County Finance Act.
The motion having been seconded by L. E. Broadhurst, it was unanimously adopted.
L. E. Broadhurat moved that the Pollowing resolution be adopted:
? WHEREASp the Chairman and Clerk of the Board of Commissioners have filed with
???,,???4? the Local Gonernment Commission an application for approval of the issuance of
$600,000 School Bonds of New Hanover County authorized by the bond order introduced
at the meeting of the Board of Commiasioners on April 14, 1958, and have publiahed
the Notice of Intention to file such application in the Wilmington Morning Star, a
newspaper published in the City of Wilmington, North Carolina, on April lsto 195$ and
April 8th, 1958; NOW, THEREFORE,
BE IT RFBOLVED by the Board of Commissioners thst the action of the Chairman and
Clerk in filing such application and publishing such notice, be and the same hereby
approved and ratified. .
The motion having been seconded by E. R. Mayhan, it was unanimously adopted.
The Covnty Ehrm Agent, Mr.. Durwood D. Beggett, was recognized and gave the Board a brief
concerning the 7th Annuel Southeaetern North Carolina Fat Stock Show and Sale scheduled for 9pri1 16
_ f and 17 in the New Hanover Line Stock Arena at the Countp Farm. He expressed apprecietion of the Agri-
Q,cv.u, culture Committee of the'Wilroington Chamber of Gommerce and the fsrming intereats of the•entire South-
eastern part of the state for the new facilitiesbeing provided for this event.
Mr. J. A. Westbrook, aanager of the local Airport, informed the Board that the CAA pro-
posed to spend approximately $125,000 at the local Airport in i.mproving its facilities and install-
ing the latest instrwnent landing.equipment. Before this could be done, however, it rrill be necess-
CVn`? ary to purchAse approximately six additional acres of land a.nd secure renewed easements on the pre-
G sent site. Mr. Westbrook observed that the Federal Government would pay one half of :the cost of the
engineering services in surveying the land as aell as one half the cost of the purchase of nex land.
Mr. Holton offered a motion that this matter be referred to the County Attorney,, John B. Hill and Mr.
John T. Talbert Jr. who is en airport engineering associste, for xorking out the proper legal instru-
ments and securing the land at a reasonable price from the present owners. This motion tiras seconded
by Mr. Broadhurst and unanimously adopted, ,
After Mr. Westbrook had completed the information on the above sub3ect, he then informed
? the Board that one of the tractor mouers at the airport xas worn beyond economical repair and request-
ed that the Board tranafer fluids already in the airport budget under the heading of ^Salaries" over to
the purchase of this much needed capital outlaq. Upon motion by Mr. J. E. Holton, aeconded by Mr.
Broadhurst, this transfer o£ funds was approved so long as it does not axceed the total budget.
Purauant to instructions to the Board at the meeting on 3131/58? the Executive Secretary
presented the folloxing report with reference to the distribution of the covnties insurance coverage.
??.. Total hfutual Insurance coverage amounting to $518,025.49i the coverage written by the Stock Companies
l_yvo ' amounting to $581,096,34. Upon motion of Mr. Holton, seconded by Mr. Mayhan, the Executive Secretary
was instructed to contact the president of the Wilmington Association of Insurance Agents and arrange
for hi.m to be present at the meeting on 4/28/58 for the purpose o£ informing the Board as to the dis-
tribution of the county's insvrance program. In event the Mutual Agents would not participate?in the
Wilmington Association of Insurance Agents, it is understood that we would have•a Mutual Insurance Agant
to inform the Board of their position.
f Pursuant to a request by the office of the City Manager J. R. Benson with reference to?the ?-
? joint participation of the city and countq in the cost of entertaimnent for the Local Student Govern-
ment Day to be held on May 8t 1958, the Board upon motion of Mr. Holton and seconded by Mr. Mayhan,
unanimously agreed to perticipate on an equal basis, .
A letter fr.om a group of Wilmington College students maSoring in Chemiatrq and Aeronautical
VJ Eangineering was received by the Board requestingpermission to carry on research and scientific exper-
s? iments in the use of missiles, rockets, and sputniks under the superviaion of Mr. Lewis H. Adcock, Pro-
fessor of Chemistry and Physics. It is their desire to use an area about a mile and a half aouth of
the Battle Acre Monument at Ft. Fiaher with consent and approval of the owner, The Board was very sym-
pathetic toward this request but auggested that before the permit was granted, the following organiza-
tions should be consulted and their approval placed on the project. (1) Coast Guard, (2) Corps of
Engineera (3) Sunny Point (4) CAe1 (5) 701st Air Craft and Warning.Squadron. The County Attorney'
ruled that the Board would not authorize this issue of a permit but so far as the law xas concerned,
he saw no objection to it. The Chairman obaerned that in his opinion, the matter came under the law ?
gonerning fire works and that according to his interpretation, it would be necessary for the County to
approve such activities. Mr, flolton then offered a motion that the Bosrd receive the request,and af+ter '
clearance £rom the organizations which might be a£fected by such experiments, report 6ack before the
Board for further instruction. '
Mr. Fred Willetts Jr., president of the llth Annual Azalea Festival Conunittee explained to
the Board that the cost of the luncheon given for the guests and celebrities had exceeded their esti- ?
mate in the amount of $744.00, which made it necessary for him to requeat an additional appropriation
of one third the actual cost. Mr. Broadhurst offered a motion which was seconded by Mr. Holton that
the Hoard authorize the transfer of $249,00 from the Dnergency Fund to the Advertiaing Flmd and appro- '
priate it for this purpose.
The motion carried unani.mously. .
? ?
Minutes of the Meeting April 14„ 1958 Continued -
Mr. Iaurence G. Sprunt presented a road petition for recommendation to the State Highway
Cominission for the acceptance for maintenance of 0.2 miles of road running from Nex Bern St. to Claren-
don St, near the Southern Box and I.umber Co. Upon motion of Mr. Broadhurat, and seconded by Mr. N,ay-
han, the Board unanimously approved fonrarding it to the State Highway Coavnisaion for their investiga-
tion and considerstion.
9 letter from the office of the Board of Fducation informing the Board that they had recent-
ly transmitted a Federal Government check in the amount of $8,523.80 to the County Auditor for credit
to their Supplementary Account, They requeated that the Boerd approve the transfer of $400.00 of this
check, to the Regular Budget to cover the expenaes of some o£ their board members attending the National
School Board Meeting April 16 - 20, in Miami, Fla. They requested that $6,000.00 of the Federal Govern- 0061-'c'-
ment FSinda mentioned above be transferred to the Elenentary Teachers Account and $2,123.80 to the High
School Teachers Account. After aome deliberation and much study, the Board concluded that this proce-
dure would,in effect, amount to increasing the School Budget. A majority of the members hesitated to
approve this and upon motion of Mr. Broadhurst, aeconded by Mr. Holton, the requeat was denierl and the
Executive Secretary was instructed to inform them that these fluids hsd not been appropriated and there-
fore could not be spent. This motion was adopted unanimously.
TEACHERS SICK LEA11E Mr. Ben J. McDonald was recognized and stated that He had just learned that no sick leave -
was provided for teachers in the covnty school system. He stated further that any time a teacher was E'A44-?
aick she did not receive any pay, and that the substitute teacher was paifl by her, which he contended
caused ma.ny teachers, who could not afford to lose the renumeratiom, would often attend their classes
. when they were not phyeically able to do so. This resulted man}r times in injury to her own health and
her instruction would not be at its best for the children. He suggested that the matter be atudied and
if there was-no law by vhich this condition could be remedied, our representativas to the legislature
ahould be requested to seek such remedies that would correct this inequitable situation. The Board un-
animously agreed with him by coffinon consent..
The.Board received a letter from.J. E. L. Wade, Mayor of the city of Wilmington requesting e?
the use of prison.labor 3n cl?ring off the driveua3?s and streets ae well as.cl?ring undergrowth from ??s
the lota in Bellevue Cemetery. The feeling of the Board toxard this request rtas one of sympathetic
understanding and by unan9.mous consent, they agreed•for the Chairman of the Board to contact Mayor Wade "
and City Manager Beneon to determine the e3cact extent to which the prison labor was required and author-
ized him to proceed to sssist them in this pro3ect.
A letter was received from Mr. William G. Broadfoot Jr,, Acting Chairman of the Aruy Adnisorp
Committee extending an invitation to the Board to attend a.dedication ceremony at the U. S. Arny Reserae
Training Center at 1:30 P.M. on Agril 19, 1958 at 2714 Iake Shore Drive in honor of First I3eutenant
' Adrian Burbank Rhodes. . . •
Mr. Holton informed the Board that in his opinion this ceremony was of sufficient importance
to deserve the attent3on of the Hoard and urged each member to attend. The Board by unanimous consent
agreed to make every effort to be present at this dedication ceremony.
The Chairman had received a letter from the International Paper Co, through their local sub-
sidiary, Riegel Paper Corp., announcing that Governor Hodges had designate.3 April 15th as Pulp and Paper '
Day in North Carolina snd that similar Governoratoriel proclaminations are being made throughout all the
other Southern Statess,,and,inviting the Board to be their guests on a tour o£ their local plant and a
luncheon to be held at 12:00 noon in the Riegel Community.Center. •
Because of the 7,000 persons employed by the Paper and Pulp Industry in North Carolins and
their payrolls of over $35,500,000 the Board thought that.the invitation was of sufficient importance
to deserne coneideration and urged all the members to attend this xortty event.
Mr. C. A. Pope, President-of the local New Hanover Taxpayera Association was recognized by the
Chairman and atated that his Aasociation had made an investigation at•the Community Hospital in an effort
to see if they might suggest improvements that would be helpful in upgrading the Health Department's in- ?
apection and raise the standard above the minimimm requirements. He stated that water was leaking from
some of the pipes and thereby damaging the building and he thought it was of sufficient importance to de-
serne iffiediate action since the hospital was owned by the County: Covunissioner Holton observed that he
was also on the Board of IIirectors at Coffiunity Hospital and that this matter had been discussed at
their last meeting and that they were working earnestly and conscientiously in trying to improve the ser-
nice and,efficiency of the hospital.
Mrs. Vallie M. Cook of 1912 Lingo Ave. appeared before the Board and stated that etray dogs
in the neighborhood were destroying her flowers and garden aad asked the commissioners to take aome
action to stop it. It developed that Mrs. Cook lived inside of the city limita and the commissioners
felt that it was a•problem for the city instead of the county, and referred her to that body, however,
the County Attorney informed her that she would always have legal redress for damages oauaed by.dogs if
she knex the owners,
g T?ie Exec?{tive y retar?y,??forfed the ?a??tchingiandhwa?ter p obnlcemsoalong with Mr nDave W l?- ?""-" -?
tin thecom laint& rom c' zens i re erence
Rivenbark, we had run into"four instances where the land owners;would not approve of the clearing out
of the ditches thst ran through their propertq. They requested the Board to set a policy on how far in
enforcing such'setion. Mr. Holton made a motion that all matters of thie nature be referred to the Countp
Attorney on an indinidual basis for decision. The motion was.seconded bq Mr. Broadhurst and unanimouslp
Minutes of the Meeting April 14, 1958 Continued
The following lett ers and reports were ordered filed for reference:,
(a) County Farm Agent '
(b) Tax Collectors Report
"r (c) Home Demonstration Report
Q? (d) Negro Home DEmonstration Report
(e) Veteran's Service Office
(g) Wilming on ColoredLibrary
?? . (h) Grarid Jury Report
The following good and lawfYil peraons were drawn to serve as Jurors in the trial of Civil
Cases in Superior Court for the txo week term beginning May 5th and May 12th
For the Week of Mav S. 1958 '
• • W. P. Toon Jr. 520 Princess St Miriam W. Burna 1015 Haawthorne Rd.
G. W. Thompaon 121 Svmter Drive C. E. Fonvielle 156 West Renovah
Elaood C. Cole 469 Spartanburg Av. Car. Bch- Geo. Chadvick 1309 S. Li.ve Oak Pkuy.
David F.Windley 160 Colonial Dr. , James W. Worley 506 N. 21et 5t.
Meares Harris Rt.#3 gox 222 J. C. Thompson . 2938 Park Ave.
Neal D. MeDowell 2206 S. Front St. Carl W. Korb, Jr. 141 Lake Forest Pkwy.
Wm. F. Weeks 2251 Camellia Dr. Zeb V. Worley Rt.#1, Box 293 A, Castle Hayne t1.C
George Mihal Rt.# 1, Box 295 . Thamae Gaines Castle Hayne, N.C.
M.E. Underwood 2707 Chestnut St. Ralph F. Lee 407 Central Blvd.
Walter Fdagan 214 Vance St. R. H. Benton 201 N. 42nd Street
Thomae Drakos 3020 Princesa P1 Marcus K..Innis 315 S. 46th St.
Geo. Duvall Greer 2271 Osmellia Dr. Wm. M. Block 1618 Princeas St.
George W. Thomas 1 Iak'e Foreat Pkwy A. A. Stewart 2508 N. Jefferaon St.
George G. Outlaw 61 Lee Drive K,enneth,W.:indrews 3112 Market St.
John Elmore 3729 S. Front L. B. Flannagan 25 N. 23 St.
John 0. Woodcock 6010 Park Ave. Theodore Fisher 2900 Princess 5t.
C, G. Padgett 109 Lee Drive G. W. Brown 8 N. 23rd St.
Wayne T. Efird 122 Daeie ?rive R. H. Bigelow 2510 Washington 5t.
For the Week of Msv 12. 1958
L. W. Smith 615 Rosemont Ave. Barl W. AScGhee 114 East Renovah Circle
Jacob.Swart 164 Coloniel Dr. E. J. Smith 5r. 2721 Monroe St.
J. R. IDrew 184 Colonial Cir. Fdwin A. Metta Jr. 1307 S. Live Oak Pkwy.
E. V. Jonea 2018 Pender Ave. John B. Haynie 222 Calhoun Drive
W. E. Carr 105 Hawthorne Dr. Herbert L. Parker Rt.#1 Box 286
K. L. Myera 3502 S. Front St. Briley W. Howell 4901 Pine Street
S. George 2939•Oleander Dr. Jesse Lunsford RFD #1, Carolina Beach, N.C.
Ken Alpert 2810,Columbia Ave. William P. Moore 1917 Creasy Ane.
Rosa Lee Brown 2521* Jefferson W. P. McGlaughon 2724 Park Ane.
Abram Solomon 2700 Wrightsville Av Leonsrd B. Maready 1310 Virginia Ane.
Paul Rornegay . 126 Rutledge Dr. Robert E. Csrlyle 220 Davie Drive
Nhit T. Benton 1218 Azalea Dr. Howard A. Penton Jr. 2232 Oleander Dr,
William E. Hand 2400 Metta Ane. Samuel C. 4nderson 330 Calhoun Dr.
J. A. Colucci Jr. 2905 Wayne Dr. Charlie T. Powell Rt./{ l,c Box 152 A
Jesse C. Brian 37 Pinecrest Pky. Maurice L. Millinor 110 Graham St.
C. H. Farnsworth 15 Brookwood Ave. D. R. Murchison Jr. 1231 Fairway Drive
John F. Klein 2908 Princess St. William B. Padgett Rt.# 1, Box 93
Robert H. Scott 403 North 7th St. Wm. P. Sutton, Jr. - P.O. Box 227, Wrightsville Bch. N.C
. \
There being no further business to come before the Hoard, W. Holton offered.a motion that
the meeting aljourn, seconded by Mr. Broadhurat and unanimously approved.
?. .
` •
W. G. Houck, bcecutive Secretary
Wilmington, N.C. Agr31 17,1958
A apecisl called meeting of the Board of New Hanoner Covnty Coamiissioners was held thia day
in their office in the County Court Houae at 10:30 A. M. PRFSENT (hairman J. M. HallI Jr. Conm4sa-
ioners Mr, L. E. Broadhvrat, J. E. Holton Jr., Ernest R. Mayhan and Berry A. Williams. County AttCr-
ney John Bright Hill was sick and m uJ.d not be present. #
The meeting was called to order by the Chairman who announced that the pu'rpose for which this
? meeting was called was a discUssion and poasible compmmiae solution of the Civil suit now pending in
? Superior Court by the Llumber-Moore Plimibing Co. in the matter of $21,536.43 alledgedly due to thero for
work and materiale performed in connection with the boilers and heating system at Com:mmity Hospital.
Mr. Holton offered a motion that the regu]ar legal notice of a called meeting be waived. This
motion was seaonded by Mr. Broadhurst and unanimously adopted.
Chairman Hall obaeroed that there was no queation in his mind whatever about the exiating emer-
gency st the time the Cumber-Moore Plumbing Co. was authorized to proceed with the installation of the