1958-05-05 Regular Meeting<?, ? eF_ ?\ e}M a Minutes of the Meeting lpril 28, 2958 Continued ?-^ ROAD PE2'ITION - DITCHING Puxauant to a meeting with the Board on February 17th with reference to improvement of the road to a proposed chicken farm by Nm. H. L. Darden and Mr. W. Frank Joyner and the possible assistance of the County in having the ditches cleaned out, the Executive Secretary along with Supervisor Dave W. Rivenbark investigated this aituation and found that the County's ditches and canals carrying the surplus water in that area to the Sound were open and while it vould be an improvEment if the ditch banks were cleaned off and some of the sand throxn out of the ditch, but so far as wa could determine the Countyts ditches were,_draining properlq and not backi.ng up water that would i.nterfere with the road leading to his place. It did seem that probably the lateral ditch alongside of the road needed to be ditched out but these were the responsibility of the property owners or the State Highwaq Department in the event they accepted the road for maintenance. • PURCHASE OFFER: Pursuant to instructions issued at the regular Board meeting on April 21st to the County IAuditor with reference to the offer of the Oleander Co. to purchase a tract in Block Q, Part of Ivt 4 owned Jointly by the City and Countpp Mr. Love reported that the Tax Assessor had reduced the appraisal from $1,000 to $500 since it would revert to a profitable taxpaying piece of property if sold to a pri- vate business. Mr. 1(illiams offered a motion, seconded by Mr. Broadhurst that we a ccept the price of $500 provided it was satisfactory with the City. Mr. Iove informed the Board that the County had a4?% interest in the price of this propert;y and the City had a 53% interest. County Auditor T. D. Ione also informed the Board that the tract owned jointly by the City and County in Block 498 and part of Lot L, was appraised at $300 and•that the Countp had a 32% interest in it and that the City had a 68% interest. An offer to purchase this property had been received from Ralph Burwell of 310 S. 14th St. Upon motion of Mr. Broadhurst, seconded by Mr. hfayhan, the Board unanimously approved the sale of this tract of land for $300 provided it was approved by the City Coun- cil. HIGHWAY MEETING - , . • • The Board we.s reminded that the State Highway Coaanission was holding an informal meeting in the Superior Court Room in Iihiteville on Tuesday, April 29th at 10:30 A.M. The Executive Secretary was instructed to write Mr. E. L. White requesting information on the dedication of the kTrightaville Sound bridge. . ADJOURNMENT - • Upon motion of Mr. Holton, and seconded•by Mr. hTayhanp the Board adjourned unsnimousljr. Wilmington, N. C. May 5, 1958 ASSIIMBLY The regular weekly meeting of the New Hanover County Commissioners was held this day in the CommiSsioner's Room at 9:30 A. M. PRESENT: 'Chairman J. M. Hall Jr., Commissioners Ernest R. Mayhan, Berry A. Williams, L. E. Broadhurst, and J. E. Holton, Jr;County Auditor T. D. Love, and County Attor- ney John Bright Hill. . INVOCATION - ' The meeting was called to order by the Chairman who asked the Rev. C. H. MeLean,, Pastor of the Delgado Presbyterian, to invoke Divirie presence through praper. MINUTES APPROVED The minutes of the meeting held on April 28th were approved after the paragraph headed "Public Welfare" was correcte3 to approve the request of Mrs. Helen B. Sneeden, the Superintendent, for ratifica- tion of Acting Supervisor Miss Virginia Spear's increase of $20.00 per month instead of $10.00 per month as approved in the Decenber 16th meeting and the paragraph heeded "Freeman Beach Frosiont' was corrected to say that Chairman J. M. Hall Jr, observed that three gro3ns would be required to giae adequate protect- ion to this beach and thst they would cost from $4,000 to $6,9000 each and the matter shoul.d receive serious consideration at the next Budget making time. Mr. IdillSams offered a motion to approve the corrected min- utes, seconded by Mr. Broadhurst, and unanimovsly ad`opted. . ST LAWRENCE SEAWAY Mr. F. .A, Downings SDirector of the City Bureau o£ Rates, Industry and Commerce, appeared at the request of the Board to eacplain why the subsidization of the St. Iawrence Seaxay operations o£ the Seaway Authority would be inimical to the best interest of the State Ports of North Carolina.. He explained that the original authority for operating this 5eaway contemplated rates based on a self liquidating term not to exceed fifty'years: The low toll proponents want to place the operation and msintenance of the St. Lawrence Seaway Development Corporation under the Corps of Engineers, United Ststes Artqy. In his opinion, the Commissioners should take action requesting that appropriation of proper administrative expenditures would be amortized and repaid from the Seaxay tolls as established bq the original Fhabling Act and urge ?G Congress to take vhatever action may be required to that end. The Board, by common c no sent, authorized the Ececutiye Secretary to write our Congressman and Senators advising them of thia stand on the matter. w WILMINGTON HARBOR - • / A 2etter was receined from the National Rivers and Harbors Congress informing the Board that the Nilmington, North Carolina Harbor Pro3ect was scheduled on tlie docket in the South Atlantic Division for a Hearing' to be held in the rast Room oP the Mayflower Hotel, Washington, D. C. on We3nesday, Nmy 14th2 1958 at 10:00 A.. M. (EAST). After some discussion of this matter, Mr. Williams offered a motion that the Chairman be authorized to attend this Hearing provided, after proper investigation, he was convinced that it was desirable and advisable for some one to represent this County at that He.aring, or designate someone else to go if he was unable to attend. Mr.?Holton seconded this motion, and it was unanimouslp adopted by the Board. -A W. Ii. Houck, B7cecutive Secretary ?? ??:. Minutes of the Meetingv May Sth, 1958 Continued CSC BUDGEf - The Honorable Foster Fr]wards, O'lerk of New Hanover 5uperior Court, requested the Board to allow him to transfer $300 from the Binder Account to the Stationery and Supplies Account. Mr. Holton offered a ?--? motion that since it was a shift of Funds within his Budget..the request be approved. This motion was se- (;S G, conded by Mr. Broadhurst and duly passed. ' DRAINAGE - William H. Thornton and Aalph Powell appeared before the Board in the interest of a drainage , problem in their neighborhood. Theg presented photographs showing large aress vnder water and a section of the road known as Wallace Avenue completely submerged. The discussion developed that this area had always been a low section of terrain and only in very dry weather did it ever completely seep into the ground. One of the problems is due to the fact that the bottom of the,drainage canal is higher in that area than the bottom of the low places, therefore the water level can only be lowere3 by digging a deeper canal which in the past has been deferred because some property owners would not agree for the crinal to be cut acroas their lots, in fact, the County now has a claim from W. W. and Frances fAll for $3500 alledg- ed damage for the temporary ditch during the time.of the hurricanes, Haze1 and Diane. The section of the town was not sufficiently populated to justify the expenditure o=f funds to cut the canal. This section of the County is now building up which means that the inundate3 areas are increasingly becoming a health hazard to the neighborhood. Mr. Holton observed that the problem mi.ght be solved by digging out the deep- est lake and build up the road so that it would be higher,than the water level and that the pond could be stocked with fish and a recreationarea developed around it for the use of the citizens. He suggested that competent engineering services be employed by the property owners of the area to come up with an answer. The EScecutive Secretarv was instructed to contact the State Highway Commission to see if they would allou their engineers to make this survey. Mr. Powell informed the Board at this point that the State Highway engineers had been out there in the past six weeks but he did not lmow their purpose. Chairman Hall suggest- ed that after the proper.engineering plans were drawp to present them before the Board and he felt that the Commission would look with favor on making an effort to reme3y the situation. y?- PUBLIC WELFARF DEPARTNiENT - Mrs, Helen B. Sneeden, Superintendent of Public Welfare and Mrs. Grace Hixsonp Intake Worker, were recognized and presented Petitions for Relief because of permanent and total disability of F3nma Jane Hewett and Gertie Salling who were approved for transfer to the County Home provided there was sufficient room to take care of them. Mr. Holton offered the motion that these Petitions.be approved, Mr. Mqyhan seconded it, and it was unanimously approved by the Board. . They presented an additional problem with referenee to Ambulance Service atating that the min- imum charge of the Cape Feer Ambulance Service was $12.00, end that if they went outside the City, the rate was 60¢'per mile in addition. They also informed the Board that there were two negro ambulances available with a minimvm charge of $5.00. They state3 that it had been their policy to operate the Welfare Depart- ment as economically as poasible but that recently they had complaints from the Cape Fear Ambulance Company claiming that a verbal agreement had been made with than sometime in the past that they would receive all the ambulance calls of the County. No one on the Boarfl knew of aqy such agreement and the Chairman observed that he was aware of the fact that the Cape Fear Ambulance Service rras not a paying business and that it looked like it nf'ight be necessary for the County and the City to subsidize the venture if we were to con- tinue having the service availahle. Mr. Holton observed that he was opposed to?subsidization of aryy pri- vate business and that a solution inight be worked out through the Fire Department. The consensus of the Board was to commend Mrs. Sneeden for the economical operation of the Welfare Department and suggested that she continue as in the past. Mrs. Hixson stated that some of the physicians had voiced their preference to continue treat- ing out-patients on the basis of the clinical fee of $2,00 which was the generally accepted hospital clinical charge. Mr. Holton, at this point, suggested that a member o£ the Board of County Commissioners ahould be on the Board of Public Welfare and named Berry A. Williams as his nomination to that poat. CHAIRMAN PICTURES • - • • 9 letter was received from Mr. Louia T. Moore, Chairman o£ the New Hanover Historical Commiss- `?l ion, suggesting that the photograph of Mr. William A. McGirt, a former Chairman of the New Hanover County 4,,,,,c,Q, Board o£ Commissioners, be placed on the wall along with the other men who have served this County long and faithflil.ly. Mr. Broadhurst suggested that the photograph of Mr. Raiford Q. Trask also be placed among those serving the County and moved that all former Chairmen of the New Hanover County Commissioners be in- cluded in this group and at no cost to the County. The motion was seconded by Mr. Mayhan and unanimously carried. VOTING MACHIIdB - • • / Comanisaioner Sdilliams called the attention o£ the Board to a voting machine now on display at the Bost Advertising Agency office and suggested tls t it might be well for ell to go over and take a look at it.' Mr. Bzpadhurst remarked that the newspaper reported it would pay for it"self in ten years and he thought it might be worn out by that time. Mr. Williams state3 that the price of the machine was $1847.00 and that by eliminating personnel required under the present system he thought it might save the County some money. • CLERK - ?? ? Mr. Williams then requested the County Attorney to ascertain if th?re was a'larr that allowed a Board o£ County Commissioners to operate without a Clerk, that he.was unable to locate such a law. A£ter some diseussion, Mr,.Holton offered a motion that Mr. W. G. Houck, the present Executive Secretary to the Board, be appointed Clerk to the Board - Nunc Pro Tanc - retroactive to October 15th, 1957. Mr. Mayhan seconde3 this motion aad it unanimously passed. • AIR CONDITIONLR5 - The Executive Secretary informed the Board that the County Auditor's office air conditioner was not adequate to take care of the volume of hot air on very warm days and suggested that if the Board saw fit ' to,authorize the purchase of one new air conditioner for that office and have the Commissioner's office air -? conditioned at the same time. It was the decision of the Board to defer any action on this matter at the rese t ti S p n me. ome o£ the menbera mentioned that the Rscorder's Court should.also be included when ar{y air conditioning was dome,in the Court House. Mr. Ho2ton observed that the Board had agreed to make quarterly ' inspections of County property which to his mind would bring such matters to their attention. BOND PAYMENT n County Auditor T. D. Love informed the Board that this County had Bond Maturities amounting to $100,000 principal and $40,125 in interest to be paid. He informed the Board that sufficient funds were available for this purpose. • , ?5 '5 , Minutes of the Meeting Nay 51 1958 Continued PETIT NRY - The following good and lawflil persons were drawn to serve as jurors in the trial of Criminal cases in Superior Court for the week beginning May 19th. For the Week of Mav 19. 1958 L. G. Hay 2325 Njarket St. John L. Iane,Jr. BoxN1, Wrightsville Hch. C. E. Glinn, Jr. 1813 Perry Ave. Huber t M. Evans ? 40 Terrace ldalk Lesli Swain e E. 117 Nun St. Rober t H. Lucas 312 S. 16th St. ' Gordan G. Sauls 2313 Chestnut St. Charl es D. Lewis 711 Central Blvd. Frank T. LeBay,Jr, , Rt.//2, Loop Box 142 A. Rober t H. Stone 419 S. 19th St. Roger W. Price 510 S. 3rd St. Pierrie Smith . 1920 Woolcott Ave. Norwood G. Smith 223 N. 27th St: J. S. Stone 122 No. Channel Dr. D. C. North P.O. Box 1178 A. L. Cheek, Jr, 2709 Willow St. I. C. Lewis 3320 Market St. J. H. Bowen 229 N. 23rd St. N. H. Reaves 112 Rutledge Dr. W. J. Reaves 114 Davie Dr. F. D. Memory 2203 Klein Rd. R. G. Parker, Sr. 1502 S. 3rd St. W. A. Walker 711 Country Club Rd. R. D. Dyches 27 Ivey Circle L. T. Ianden 3619 S. Front St. 0. D. Curtis 203 Borden Ave. M. W. Hewett 206 Ann St. Wilbur G. Cooper 5 Lake Village , Parisi Dominick 410 N. Blvd. Alfonso H. Weedon 1504 S. 3rd St. Roy S. Steele 25 lake Forest Pkwy. Ivey James 3utton,Jr. 1811 Chestnut St. T. D. Sessons 505 Castle St. R. P. Doorley 209 N. 27th St. James P. Wheeler 710 Northern Blvd. John H. Shannon 183 Iake Forest Pkwy. Charles F. Pridgen 410 ldalnut St. '- Ralph Wm. Starkey ? 13 Bernard Dr. Ralph Stanley 16 L Iake Village J. C. Andrews 3615 Winston Blvd. W. M. Peacock 3 D. Iake Forest Pkwy. J. L. Register 216 Church St. , L. B. Hurnette 2853 S. Front St. J. M. Schwartz 713 N. Qth St. E. C. Bradshaw 2911 Jefferson St. Edward R. Sullivan 32 Pinecrest Pkwy. Alex A. Strsphorn 527 S. Front St. Leon Bell Stevenson 66 Carolina 9pts. James T. Strickland 207 Pinecrest Pkwy. Charles S.Southerland 2944 Adams St. L) . r COURT HOIISE CIACR - ? Chsirman Hall info:med the F?cecutive Secretary that on a recent night he was coming uptown and that the clock in the Court House tower appeared to be out of order and seeme3 to need some attention. This will be referre3 to the Czstodian of the building for investigation and correction. ADJOURNMENT - ' Upon motion•of•Mr: Williams, seconded by Mr. Broadhurst, the Board ad3ourned unanimously. / r W. G. Houc , Executive Secretary Wilmington, N. C. May 122 1958 ASSEhffiLY ' The regular weekly meeting of the New Hanover County Commissioners was held this day in the Commissioner's Room of the New Hano"ver County Court House at 9:30 A. M. PRESENT:? Chairman J. M. Hall, 3r., Commissioners L. E. Broadhurst, James E. Holton, Jr., Ernest R. Mayhan, and Berry A. Williams; County Auditor T. D. Love and County Attorney John Bright Hill. INVOCATION - ' The meeting was called to order by the Chairman who asked Rev. G. 0. Reed, Pastor of the First Advent Christian Church, to invoke Divine presence through prayer. MINUTES APPROVAL The minutes of the meeting held on May 5th were approved with a correction to the effect that Mr. Hall was authorized to designate someone to represent the County at the Hearing of Wilmington Harbors in the event he was unable to go. Mr.•idilliams offered a motion that the minutes be approved as corrected, seconded by Mr. Mayhan, and 'unanimously adopted. ' . _.---?--r COMMiTNITY COUNCIL - • • ' e ?AM.?? Mrs. Herbert Bluethenthal, President of the Community Council, was recognized by the Chairman and informed the Board that the reason for her appearance was to aquaint the Hoard with the'unusual],y, heavy demands being made on the local direct help agencies and the inability to meet them because of a lack of sufficient funds. In some instances, the needs had more than tripled and they wer'e being forced to turn away many applicants for assistence. She was of the opinion that it was a matter for serioua thought and study in order to arrive at a practicai solution to the problem. She then introduced the follow- ing members of the Council: Rev, Daniel B. Cartin, off'icer in charge of the local Salvation lx'my, who in- formed the Board that their funds were insufficient to meet the fncreased demands being maae on them anzl that in many cases the transient needs hafl increased nine times over last years needa; Mrs. Gertrude B. Smith, Fxecutive Director of the Travel Air Society,'said'that "while her work was entirely with the traveling people, she could echo the experierice of the Salvatiori Army because'the demands made on her agenoy were proportionately greater."; Mr, Louis J. Poisson, Jr., a manber of the Council, also reiterated some of' the problems they had faced in txying to stretch their insufficient dollars to meet the iricreased demands; Mr. James B. Suai].s, a member of the Council, said that in addit'ion to the transients, our local people were making demands because they covld not meet the legal requirements for public welfare assistance; Mr. William H. Poweil, Manager of the State Dnployment Security Commi.ssion, gave the Board statistics showing the comparison of the unemployment situation for the first four months of 1958 with the same period of 1957, and in most instances it was doubled, but in every instance, a decided incresse was shown; Rev. Mortimer W. Glover, Pastor of St. James Episcopal Church, was recognized and informe3 the Board that the demands and needs developed by the Chvrches had also shown a decided increase, and while he had not talke3 with every minister in the area,-he had consulte3 many of them and had found the same conditions which they were not able to cope with; Mr. H. A. Marks, representing the United rland, observed that in his opinion the drive and solicitation in last yearts effort to raise funds for these direct local needs was successful in that they waged a most diligent campaign, although it was short of the anticipated goal. He informed the Board that they had even spent funds pledged but not yet collected in an e£fort to meet the requests of the differ- ?