1958-05-12 Regular Meeting?5 '5 , Minutes of the Meeting Nay 51 1958 Continued PETIT NRY - The following good and lawflil persons were drawn to serve as jurors in the trial of Criminal cases in Superior Court for the week beginning May 19th. For the Week of Mav 19. 1958 L. G. Hay 2325 Njarket St. John L. Iane,Jr. BoxN1, Wrightsville Hch. C. E. Glinn, Jr. 1813 Perry Ave. Huber t M. Evans ? 40 Terrace ldalk Lesli Swain e E. 117 Nun St. Rober t H. Lucas 312 S. 16th St. ' Gordan G. Sauls 2313 Chestnut St. Charl es D. Lewis 711 Central Blvd. Frank T. LeBay,Jr, , Rt.//2, Loop Box 142 A. Rober t H. Stone 419 S. 19th St. Roger W. Price 510 S. 3rd St. Pierrie Smith . 1920 Woolcott Ave. Norwood G. Smith 223 N. 27th St: J. S. Stone 122 No. Channel Dr. D. C. North P.O. Box 1178 A. L. Cheek, Jr, 2709 Willow St. I. C. Lewis 3320 Market St. J. H. Bowen 229 N. 23rd St. N. H. Reaves 112 Rutledge Dr. W. J. Reaves 114 Davie Dr. F. D. Memory 2203 Klein Rd. R. G. Parker, Sr. 1502 S. 3rd St. W. A. Walker 711 Country Club Rd. R. D. Dyches 27 Ivey Circle L. T. Ianden 3619 S. Front St. 0. D. Curtis 203 Borden Ave. M. W. Hewett 206 Ann St. Wilbur G. Cooper 5 Lake Village , Parisi Dominick 410 N. Blvd. Alfonso H. Weedon 1504 S. 3rd St. Roy S. Steele 25 lake Forest Pkwy. Ivey James 3utton,Jr. 1811 Chestnut St. T. D. Sessons 505 Castle St. R. P. Doorley 209 N. 27th St. James P. Wheeler 710 Northern Blvd. John H. Shannon 183 Iake Forest Pkwy. Charles F. Pridgen 410 ldalnut St. '- Ralph Wm. Starkey ? 13 Bernard Dr. Ralph Stanley 16 L Iake Village J. C. Andrews 3615 Winston Blvd. W. M. Peacock 3 D. Iake Forest Pkwy. J. L. Register 216 Church St. , L. B. Hurnette 2853 S. Front St. J. M. Schwartz 713 N. Qth St. E. C. Bradshaw 2911 Jefferson St. Edward R. Sullivan 32 Pinecrest Pkwy. Alex A. Strsphorn 527 S. Front St. Leon Bell Stevenson 66 Carolina 9pts. James T. Strickland 207 Pinecrest Pkwy. Charles S.Southerland 2944 Adams St. L) . r COURT HOIISE CIACR - ? Chsirman Hall info:med the F?cecutive Secretary that on a recent night he was coming uptown and that the clock in the Court House tower appeared to be out of order and seeme3 to need some attention. This will be referre3 to the Czstodian of the building for investigation and correction. ADJOURNMENT - ' Upon motion•of•Mr: Williams, seconded by Mr. Broadhurst, the Board ad3ourned unanimously. / r W. G. Houc , Executive Secretary Wilmington, N. C. May 122 1958 ASSEhffiLY ' The regular weekly meeting of the New Hanover County Commissioners was held this day in the Commissioner's Room of the New Hano"ver County Court House at 9:30 A. M. PRESENT:? Chairman J. M. Hall, 3r., Commissioners L. E. Broadhurst, James E. Holton, Jr., Ernest R. Mayhan, and Berry A. Williams; County Auditor T. D. Love and County Attorney John Bright Hill. INVOCATION - ' The meeting was called to order by the Chairman who asked Rev. G. 0. Reed, Pastor of the First Advent Christian Church, to invoke Divine presence through prayer. MINUTES APPROVAL The minutes of the meeting held on May 5th were approved with a correction to the effect that Mr. Hall was authorized to designate someone to represent the County at the Hearing of Wilmington Harbors in the event he was unable to go. Mr.•idilliams offered a motion that the minutes be approved as corrected, seconded by Mr. Mayhan, and 'unanimously adopted. ' . _.---?--r COMMiTNITY COUNCIL - • • ' e ?AM.?? Mrs. Herbert Bluethenthal, President of the Community Council, was recognized by the Chairman and informed the Board that the reason for her appearance was to aquaint the Hoard with the'unusual],y, heavy demands being made on the local direct help agencies and the inability to meet them because of a lack of sufficient funds. In some instances, the needs had more than tripled and they wer'e being forced to turn away many applicants for assistence. She was of the opinion that it was a matter for serioua thought and study in order to arrive at a practicai solution to the problem. She then introduced the follow- ing members of the Council: Rev, Daniel B. Cartin, off'icer in charge of the local Salvation lx'my, who in- formed the Board that their funds were insufficient to meet the fncreased demands being maae on them anzl that in many cases the transient needs hafl increased nine times over last years needa; Mrs. Gertrude B. Smith, Fxecutive Director of the Travel Air Society,'said'that "while her work was entirely with the traveling people, she could echo the experierice of the Salvatiori Army because'the demands made on her agenoy were proportionately greater."; Mr, Louis J. Poisson, Jr., a manber of the Council, also reiterated some of' the problems they had faced in txying to stretch their insufficient dollars to meet the iricreased demands; Mr. James B. Suai].s, a member of the Council, said that in addit'ion to the transients, our local people were making demands because they covld not meet the legal requirements for public welfare assistance; Mr. William H. Poweil, Manager of the State Dnployment Security Commi.ssion, gave the Board statistics showing the comparison of the unemployment situation for the first four months of 1958 with the same period of 1957, and in most instances it was doubled, but in every instance, a decided incresse was shown; Rev. Mortimer W. Glover, Pastor of St. James Episcopal Church, was recognized and informe3 the Board that the demands and needs developed by the Chvrches had also shown a decided increase, and while he had not talke3 with every minister in the area,-he had consulte3 many of them and had found the same conditions which they were not able to cope with; Mr. H. A. Marks, representing the United rland, observed that in his opinion the drive and solicitation in last yearts effort to raise funds for these direct local needs was successful in that they waged a most diligent campaign, although it was short of the anticipated goal. He informed the Board that they had even spent funds pledged but not yet collected in an e£fort to meet the requests of the differ- ? Minutes of the Meeting May 12, 1958 Continued COMMUNITY COUNCIL - Continued ent agencies. Mr. Marks also observed that in some years past the County had contributed as much as $30,000 in the interest of service to these unfortunate people. Chair,nan Hall explained that the reason the large allocations to this type of work were decreased was because that for every one dollar that the County expended through the Public Welfare Department, the County received seven dollars back in return, therefore, it was deemed wiser to put the money where it would bring the ]argest return for the citizens of this County. HOME DEMONSTRATION• AGENT - • • • -?- Miss Verna Belle Lowery, the New Hanover County Home Demonstration Agent, was recognize3 by the Chairman and introduced Mrs, Mary L. McAllister, Southeastern District Home Agent.•who explained to the Board that,she would like to have them approve the employment•of Miss Sanelle G7hite as Assistant Home Agent, at the same salary, to replace Miss Cornelia Q. Williams who recently resigned. She was in hopes to have Miss White assumE her duties as of July 1, 1958 and in order to do so it,would be necessary for her to arrange the salary schedule with the U: S. Ectension Service immediately, therefore, she would like for the Board to approve the reconLnendation today. After some discussion relative°to the salary arrangements, Mr. Holton offere3 a motion that Miss White be employed at the salary as•the present Assist- ant Home-Agent receivetl. This motion was seconded by Mr. Williams and•unanimously adopted. COMMITTM - • • • • • Coffinissioner Holton reported to the Board that, a s Chairman of a•committee to study the County's Insurance Program, it had not been practical for him to call a meeting up to this time but'that he was not unmindful of the responsibility and would arrange to come•up uith recommendations in the very near future. • • ' • ' Mr. Hroadhurst, Chairman of the County Home committee, reported that his committee'had not yet been able to meet and discuss the boiler situation at the County Home, but that this matter wduld be attend- ed to as soon as practical. ' • • BEER LICENSE• - • • ? •An approval of the application for a retail Malt Beverage Permit was requested 6y Charlie T. Walker, 1006 Dawson Street, however the Board, by common coasent, agreed that the form notice"to the Covnty Governing Authorities did not require approval of the Board and therefore no action was necessary. DRAINAGE - A Petition by a group of property owners of the Murrayville section of the County was received requesting that a ditch be dug from Smith Creek to Murrayville in order to relieve a very unhealthy and un- desirable drainage prolilem. The F?cecutive Secretary informed the Board that he and the Drainage Supervisor, Mr. Dave W. Rivenbsrk, had been out to look over this situation but since it was too great an undertaking for hand labor and would require a dragline operation, we had decided that Mr. J. B. 5i.mpson, an engineer with ttie United States Department of Agriculture, 56i1 Conservationist Service, should review the situation and give us some idea of how vast an undertaking this would be before . ax?y definite recommendation to the Board. At this point, the EScecutive Secretary also informed the Board that he was having some diffi- culty in securing a dragline operator for the job that had been already authorized, The Chairman suggested that Mr. J. A. Westbrook, T;anager of the Airport, be contacted to see if he could spare Mr. A. J. Grady long enough for him to operate the dragline to cut the ditch authorized on April 21, 1958. JUIdIOR CHAMBER OF m hAtERCE - Mr. John W. Blake, representing the Junior Chamber of Commerce, requested approval for reinsert- ing an ad in their State Magazine to be published currently. In the past, it has been customary for the C? City and County of New Hanover to split the cost of the ad on a 50150 basis. Mr. Blake atated that the G?.._ City had approved this same arrangement and that the County's part of the cost would be $25.00. He also ? stated that more than 7,OOO copiea of this publication would be distributed over the State of North Carolina. Mr. Broadhurst offered a motion that we authorize the advertisment but that the Chamber of Commerce be re- quested to pay for it out of the advertising allotment allocated to them in the Advertising Budget. This motion was seconded by Mr. Mayhan and unanimously approved by the Board. ? VACATION AND SICK LEAVE The Dcecutive Secretary was requested to explain the reason for including the item of "Sick Leave and Vacation Schedules" being placed on the Agenda. He explained that at a meeting recently con- ducted by Mr. J. Alexander McMahon of the Institute of,Government, he made the statement that he seriously f questioned the legality of payirig sick leave or vacation Imq to County employees unless that County had an rp9??ev+?r+? established uniform re ation coverin the mstter. A co g?7. g py of some proposed regulations was mailed to each of th C i i f ? e omm ss oners or study. Mr. Broadhurst offered a motion that they not be adopted by this Board. ,--- This mq-tipn was seconded by Nr. Mayhan. iv1r:.Williams then offered a substitute motion that the decision be - held in abeyance, and the motion_tabled for a week i.n order to allow further study and consideration. This motion was ruled dead by the Chairman for lack of a second. Then Mr, Williams offered a substitute motion that the proposed regulation be adopted. There being no second, the Chairman ruled it dead and the question was called on the original motion and all of the Coffinissioners voted in the affirmative eaccept by N?r. Williams who registered a negative vote. The Chairman ruled the original motion adopted. N's. Williams stated that he was whole-heartedly in favor of giving vacations and reasonable sick leave with pay but he was definitely opposed to such action until some uniform regulations were established and adopted for the employees of the County. Mr, Broadhurst stated that he would not approve of this Hoard paying time and a half-time and not aliowing other offices to do so, and for that reason he would not go along with peraonnel rules. PIIBLIC WELFARE - ' .. Mrs. Helen B. 5needertp Superintendent of the Public 47elfare Department, presented the Board with the New Hanover County 1958-59 Assistance Fstimates. The Board reviewed the requests and after noting that d the proposed estimates were in considerable excess of the 1957 figures and assuring themselves that the approv- ' al of this estimate3 request in no way bound them, ASr. Williams move3 that it be approved as a tentative es- ' timate. 4 his motion was seconded by Mr. Holton and unanimously approved. C1VIL DEFENSE DIRECTOR - • The Chairman asked the Board to recall that at a meeting last year when he was appointed Civil De- fense Director that it was with the understanding that a permanant Director xould be appointed at a later date arid that he had accepted the responsibility in order to act temporarily to sign documents and hold the ' organization together but that he had not the time to do a good job and could not continue to devote as much ? °time in the future as he had done in the past and requested the Board to authorize him to arrange a joint ??Q ?p?-? eeting o£ the City Council and the Board of Coaimi.ssioners for discussion of this problem and determine the D ? ? CN`"r' y amount of money that might be available and to appoint a permanent director. He stated that at that meeting he would be prepared to make a definite recoimnendation of a man who he thought was available and who would do an excellent job. He considers the Civil Defense organization of sufficient importance to warrant care- ful consideration in the next budget for sufficient funds to carry out a program for,the benefit of the ever growing communities outside the City limita. By common consent, the Board gave him permission to arrange the joint meeting for 10:30 A•. M. on Monday May 19'th. At this point, Mr. Holton stated that there seemed to be , ?5;6\ Minutes of the Meeting 19ay 122 1958 Continued CIVIL DEF'ENSE DIRECTOR - (Continued) ' some miaunderstanding about the committee appointments and as'he underctood the matter; he was appointed to be a member of the Civil Defense Council and that'Cou¢nissioners Mayhan and Williams were appoint- ed as members of the committee for recommending a permanent Civil Defense Director. FILING - The following reports were ordered filed for reference: (a) Countq Farm Agent . • (b) Home Demonstration Agent (c) Negro Home Demonstration Agent , (d) Electrical Inspectorfs Reports for Jan., Feb., and Mar. (e) Veternns Service Office , (f) 17ilmington Public Iibrarg • (g) 47ilmington Colored Public Library (h) Consolidated Board of Health PETIT NRY - . The following good and lawflul persons were drawn to aerve as Jurors in the'trial of Civil Cases in Superior Court for the two week term beginning May 26ths For the Week of Mav 26th. 1958 • ' H. C. Ray 2927 Jefferson St. Howard 0. James 2525 Washington St. Charles E. Ray 5431 Park Ave. Wendell D. Moore Q Pinecrest Pkwy. H. A. Hall 217 Montgomery Ave. Aubrey E. Hayes 711 Holmlock Terrace Junius Russ 2325 Shirley Road Thomas Rouse 2879 Aclams St. King Jay Bryan 58 West Drive `' 'George H. Fason 52 1'inecrest Pkwy. Walter Farl Keen Jr.1710 Church St. Herbert D. Shain 426 Ros mnont Ave. • F. L. Meier 412 Church St. Hampton 4larren !,Q Lee Drive H. E. Clark 5 Southern Blvd. George Reaves 2207 Barnett Ave. T. M: Flack 1520 Castle St. George F. Branch 3909 Park Ave. R. L. Lucas 729 Essex Dr.,Glen Arden K. W. Jewell, Jr. 321 N. 18th St. J. W. Coker 167 Pinecrest Pkwy. Earl Barnes 7 D Nesbitt Courts W. G. James 2002 Market St. R. B. Holmes 1025 S. Front St. W;'J. Horne 213 Greenville Ave, W. F. Ingold 2123 Metta Ave. J. F. Cribb 226 A. Williamson Dr. ' J. E. Hardee 14 Morningside Dr. • R. T. Horne 2101-Creasy Ave. R. H. Holden 2621 Chestnut St. , J. N. Brand Jr. 710 Princeton Driye W. R. Hadley ' 152 Colonial Drive Austin J. flsker Rt.#2, Box 217 ' M. L. Hodges 2528 Washington St. Roland Bowen 4702 Peachtree St. R. L. Burris 119 Williamson Drive . For the Week of June 2nd. 1958 Elbert H. Walker • Rudolph D. Cottle Ozella F.ich Jorflan Walter C. Debnam A.M. Hinshaw Wm. E. Shepard Ghn. G. Leggett L. C. Johnson L. W. Carroll W. L. Burriss R. B. Padgett G, C. Bridges, Sr. Bedford Jackaon Ilurbun L. Blanton Joseph R. Halecki Kenneth B. Wiggins landrew 0. Hufflnon Walter L. Hufham 2 Ct. H. Iake Village 402 S. 52nd St. 208 Maryland Ave. 2932 B. Adams St. P. o. Box 92 317 N. L,th St. 204 Mercer. Ave. 2106 Pender Ave. 16 Pinecrest Terrace 228 N. 25th St, 262 N. 26th St. 2732 S. Front St. 2407 S. Front St. 304 Mercer Ave. Rt. #"l, Box 29 2849 D. Adams St. 3 Lee Drive 64 Lake Forest Pkwy, Howard H. Everett Obbie M. B]anton Robert L. Simkina L. P. Clenuuons S. E. Southall A. A. Johnston W. P: Phillips David A. ldoodruSf C. D. Thompson Sr. Theo H. Hashagen Charles S. Crockett A. S'. Ellington Abraham Goldstein Wilmer A. Breedlove Herman J. Gerdes Addison K. Porter Gordon W. Ittner J. H. Peterson r N? ?WT 704 Essex Drive 2869 G. naams st. 138 Lske Forest Pkwy. 10 Morningside Dr. 2929 Adams st. 2743 Mimosa Place 2707 Burnett Blvd. 266 Lake Forest Pkwy. 4402 Park Ave. 119 Colonial Village Box 256, Wrightsville Beach.N.C. 222 N. 27th St. 1902 Princess St. 174 Pinecrest Pkwy. 2308 Brandon R,d. . 121 LJard St. 504 Central Blvd. 125 Newton Lane ADJOIIRNMINT - There being no further business to come before the Board, Mr. Brnadhurst offered a motion to adjovrn, seconded by Mr. Mayhan and unanimously adopted. ? WA. Houbk? ExeGutive Secretary ' Wilmington, N.C. May 19, 1958 ASSIIMBLY - The regular weekly meeting of the New Eanover County Commi.ssioners was held this day in the Commiss- ioner's Room of the New Hanover County Court House at 9:30 A. M. PRESENT: Chairman J. M. Hall, Jr,, Commias- ` ioners L. E. Broadhurst, James E. Holton, Jr., Ernest R. N,ayhan, and'Berry A. Williams: County Auditor T.D. Love and County Attorney.John Bsight Hill. INVOCATION - ' • The meeting rias called to or3er by the Chairman who asked Rev. E. E. Kirtin, Pastor of St. Marks Episcopal Ctiurch, .to invoke Divine presence through prayer. MaTUTES APPROVAL - The minutes of the meeting held on May 12th were approved upon rriotion of Mr. Hroadhurst, seconded by Mr. Mayhan, and unanimously. adopted. • LITTLE LEAGUE D _ • ' ?? Mr. George Slban, Jr., representing the Little Tar Heel League of North Carolina, and Mr. R. Elmer Higgins, representing the Optimi.st,Leagues of `Sd'inter Park, appeared before the Board and stated that they had a franchise for the Little League set up for the entire New Aanover County outside the Wilmington City limits, however, they had not organized in any of the other sections of the C;ounty at the present ti.me. They stated AA