1958-05-19 Regular Meeting?5;6\ Minutes of the Meeting 19ay 122 1958 Continued CIVIL DEF'ENSE DIRECTOR - (Continued) ' some miaunderstanding about the committee appointments and as'he underctood the matter; he was appointed to be a member of the Civil Defense Council and that'Cou¢nissioners Mayhan and Williams were appoint- ed as members of the committee for recommending a permanent Civil Defense Director. FILING - The following reports were ordered filed for reference: (a) Countq Farm Agent . • (b) Home Demonstration Agent (c) Negro Home Demonstration Agent , (d) Electrical Inspectorfs Reports for Jan., Feb., and Mar. (e) Veternns Service Office , (f) 17ilmington Public Iibrarg • (g) 47ilmington Colored Public Library (h) Consolidated Board of Health PETIT NRY - . The following good and lawflul persons were drawn to aerve as Jurors in the'trial of Civil Cases in Superior Court for the two week term beginning May 26ths For the Week of Mav 26th. 1958 • ' H. C. Ray 2927 Jefferson St. Howard 0. James 2525 Washington St. Charles E. Ray 5431 Park Ave. Wendell D. Moore Q Pinecrest Pkwy. H. A. Hall 217 Montgomery Ave. Aubrey E. Hayes 711 Holmlock Terrace Junius Russ 2325 Shirley Road Thomas Rouse 2879 Aclams St. King Jay Bryan 58 West Drive `' 'George H. Fason 52 1'inecrest Pkwy. Walter Farl Keen Jr.1710 Church St. Herbert D. Shain 426 Ros mnont Ave. • F. L. Meier 412 Church St. Hampton 4larren !,Q Lee Drive H. E. Clark 5 Southern Blvd. George Reaves 2207 Barnett Ave. T. M: Flack 1520 Castle St. George F. Branch 3909 Park Ave. R. L. Lucas 729 Essex Dr.,Glen Arden K. W. Jewell, Jr. 321 N. 18th St. J. W. Coker 167 Pinecrest Pkwy. Earl Barnes 7 D Nesbitt Courts W. G. James 2002 Market St. R. B. Holmes 1025 S. Front St. W;'J. Horne 213 Greenville Ave, W. F. Ingold 2123 Metta Ave. J. F. Cribb 226 A. Williamson Dr. ' J. E. Hardee 14 Morningside Dr. • R. T. Horne 2101-Creasy Ave. R. H. Holden 2621 Chestnut St. , J. N. Brand Jr. 710 Princeton Driye W. R. Hadley ' 152 Colonial Drive Austin J. flsker Rt.#2, Box 217 ' M. L. Hodges 2528 Washington St. Roland Bowen 4702 Peachtree St. R. L. Burris 119 Williamson Drive . For the Week of June 2nd. 1958 Elbert H. Walker • Rudolph D. Cottle Ozella F.ich Jorflan Walter C. Debnam A.M. Hinshaw Wm. E. Shepard Ghn. G. Leggett L. C. Johnson L. W. Carroll W. L. Burriss R. B. Padgett G, C. Bridges, Sr. Bedford Jackaon Ilurbun L. Blanton Joseph R. Halecki Kenneth B. Wiggins landrew 0. Hufflnon Walter L. Hufham 2 Ct. H. Iake Village 402 S. 52nd St. 208 Maryland Ave. 2932 B. Adams St. P. o. Box 92 317 N. L,th St. 204 Mercer. Ave. 2106 Pender Ave. 16 Pinecrest Terrace 228 N. 25th St, 262 N. 26th St. 2732 S. Front St. 2407 S. Front St. 304 Mercer Ave. Rt. #"l, Box 29 2849 D. Adams St. 3 Lee Drive 64 Lake Forest Pkwy, Howard H. Everett Obbie M. B]anton Robert L. Simkina L. P. Clenuuons S. E. Southall A. A. Johnston W. P: Phillips David A. ldoodruSf C. D. Thompson Sr. Theo H. Hashagen Charles S. Crockett A. S'. Ellington Abraham Goldstein Wilmer A. Breedlove Herman J. Gerdes Addison K. Porter Gordon W. Ittner J. H. Peterson r N? ?WT 704 Essex Drive 2869 G. naams st. 138 Lske Forest Pkwy. 10 Morningside Dr. 2929 Adams st. 2743 Mimosa Place 2707 Burnett Blvd. 266 Lake Forest Pkwy. 4402 Park Ave. 119 Colonial Village Box 256, Wrightsville Beach.N.C. 222 N. 27th St. 1902 Princess St. 174 Pinecrest Pkwy. 2308 Brandon R,d. . 121 LJard St. 504 Central Blvd. 125 Newton Lane ADJOIIRNMINT - There being no further business to come before the Board, Mr. Brnadhurst offered a motion to adjovrn, seconded by Mr. Mayhan and unanimously adopted. ? WA. Houbk? ExeGutive Secretary ' Wilmington, N.C. May 19, 1958 ASSIIMBLY - The regular weekly meeting of the New Eanover County Commi.ssioners was held this day in the Commiss- ioner's Room of the New Hanover County Court House at 9:30 A. M. PRESENT: Chairman J. M. Hall, Jr,, Commias- ` ioners L. E. Broadhurst, James E. Holton, Jr., Ernest R. N,ayhan, and'Berry A. Williams: County Auditor T.D. Love and County Attorney.John Bsight Hill. INVOCATION - ' • The meeting rias called to or3er by the Chairman who asked Rev. E. E. Kirtin, Pastor of St. Marks Episcopal Ctiurch, .to invoke Divine presence through prayer. MaTUTES APPROVAL - The minutes of the meeting held on May 12th were approved upon rriotion of Mr. Hroadhurst, seconded by Mr. Mayhan, and unanimously. adopted. • LITTLE LEAGUE D _ • ' ?? Mr. George Slban, Jr., representing the Little Tar Heel League of North Carolina, and Mr. R. Elmer Higgins, representing the Optimi.st,Leagues of `Sd'inter Park, appeared before the Board and stated that they had a franchise for the Little League set up for the entire New Aanover County outside the Wilmington City limits, however, they had not organized in any of the other sections of the C;ounty at the present ti.me. They stated AA ? ???? ? i Minutes of the Meeting May lg? 1958 Continued LITTI,E LEAGUE - (Contiaued) that in the past the City had graciousJ,y furnished them with bleachers during their active season but that it was unable to do so this summer, therefore, they are requesting some assistance from ? the County in building bleachers for their playground in Hugh MacRae Park. Ds. Sloan further informed. the Board that certain expenses were incurred because of lights and baseballs but that business firms in town had furnished the uniforms. He also said that last year they were able to operate in the black but that they could not charge admission and had to depend entirely upon free wi11 offerings to cover such expense. In a discussion by various members of the Board it developed that approximately one hundred seats on each side of the ball diamond would be required. Some favored usirig treated lumber and some thought that anpermanent bleachers could be constructed from concrete blocks. Finally, Mr. Holton offered a motion that the Board approve $300.00 from the Eanergency Fund to Hugh MacRae Park N?aintenance and Repai'rs in order to build bleachers on one side of the playground and that the details be left in the hands of'the Executive Secretary to work out with the interested parties. This motion was seconded by Mayhan, and unanimously adopted. ROAD PROGRAM - Mr, A. K. Mallard, Supervisor of the State Highway Commission, presented the Board with maps covering the proposerl secondary road plans for 1957-5$ Budget Appropriation showing the various roada to be graded and drained. He also stated that they had discovered an additional allotment of °w20,000.00 ? which would enable them to complete, in the 1957-5$ Budget Year, some of the paving that was projected for the 1958-59 Budget Year. In discussing these plans, Mr. Mallard implied that as soon as the Elngineers had completed investigations on other requested projects they would be presented to the Board for consid- eration and transmittal to the State Highway Commission in'Raleigh for their consideration. While Mr, Mallard had the floor, a drainage problem which seemed to involve the State Highway Department in the vicinity of Seagate was discussed, Mrs. J. T. Vick,who owns property adjacent to Ainton Avenue,claims that the State Eighway Depertanent,in some of their vnprovements, opened ditches to drain their roads which resulte3 in an unusual amount'o£ water flowing into a naturally low area on her,property. Mr. Mallard explained that at thg time the improvements were made,`he recognized that there would be a problem at this junetion of the roadrin order to drain and carry off 'the surplus water but that Mrs. Vick had put a piece of concrete in front of the catch basin and filled in'the ditch, which would have carried off sur- plus water to lower the°accuraulated water two and°a half or three feet. He also stated that the depth of the low area on her property was below the water level o£'the ditches draining the highway and that aeetion of the terraim so that it wouid'be impossible'to..entirely eliminate.some'water from standing,during the pesk of rair?y seasons. In order to fill in the record, Mr. White, the Highway Commissioner from this area of the 3rd Division, has been down to review the s3tu4tion as well as Mr. W. F. Babcock, Director,, Mr. C. E Hrown, Divisional Engineer and Mr. Mallard. In addition, 2ir. Hall and Mr. Broadhurst, from the Board of County Commi.ssioners, also the EScecutive Secretary'and Mr, Dave W. Rivenbark, eacki in turn having explain- ed the situation as we found it. # and therefore, he went to the expense'of installing a catch basin under the road, . . , ROAD PETITIONS: Petitions for maintenance and drainage of first class asphalt streets located in Lincoln Park Developnent was received from the Oleander Compmrjy and a Petition for improvement and maintenance was re- ceived from Mrs. Henry Jordan in the Seagate neighborhood lmown as the old Military Road'up to U. S. # 74 #76 which were upon motion of Mr. Broadhurst, seconded by Mr. Mayhan and unanimously approved and ordered sent to the State Highway Commission for consideration. ' AIRPDRT IMPROVFS'fENTS Mr. C. Roq Malott, representing the Airline Pilot Association, was recognized by the Chairman ? and explained that at the present time the operating ceiling at the airport was300'feet with a three-- uarter mile visibilit a d th t if th i q y n a e mprovements which are being contemplated are made, the ceiling would be 200 feet with s half-mile•visability which would mean better dependability and place this air- field in a position to handle aircraft on the same basis as other commercial airports. The only remaining obstacle aemns to be the acquiring of five and one half acres of land now owned by Mr. Bruce B. Cameron who has indicated to our•Cotnrty Attorney that he is unwilling to sell and that lie would force condemnation proceedings, Several of the Coramissioners strongly voiced their opposition to this development but suggest- that the Chairman appoint a committee to interview Mr. Cameron and see if an amicable settlement could be worked out. . • • 5TREET NAMES - ? On April 23rd, Mr. Louis T. Moore, Chairman o£"the New Hanover Historical Commission, contacted this office with the request that the signs marked "Pine Grove Drive" on the old Masonboro Loop Road from 4512 Wrightsville Avenue to Long Leaf Hills Drive be removed and only Masonboro Loop Road signs be erected in place of the Pine Grove Drive signs. This request was tranamitted to the State Highway Commission which advises us that they have always Imown the raod.as the Masonboro Loop Road but that a group of citi- zens requested that it be called Pine Grove Drive and that Mr. C. Heide Trask, who was then Highway Commiss- ioner, authorized the change. This replacement o£ the signs will effect the mailing address of approximate- ly thirty property owners and as the State Highway Commission is under the impression that these people will lose their mounted mail delivery if this is done. The Board, by common consent, referred the matter to the gScecutive Secretary for consultation with the Post 0£fice Department and report back to the Board next week. DRAINAGE - ` On April 21, 1958 the Board autharized the FScecutive Secretary to transmit to the State Highway Commission a problem presented by Mr. H. C. Borneman relative to a low area on Wallace Avenue developed when the State Highway Commission took over its maintenance. The Highway Commission forces raised the grade of the road slightly at this low location and pavEd the street but no attempt was made to drain the area at theftime because it was impractical to do so as the canal along Park Avenue is not low enoup h to take the , drainage. If a ditch is cut from this low area to the canal, then in heavy rains, the water from the canal would reverse and £lood the low areas. The Sta.te Highway Coramission inform.us that if the Countq drainage forces will clean out the canal along Pgrk Avenue to the culvert under U. S. # 76 they would cut a ditch • from the low place on Wallace Avenue to'drain into the canal. By common consent, this was referred to the Fxecutive Secretary for handling. SHIFT IN •BUDGETS - • • --- The Public Welfare Department requestecl the Board to approve a transfer of $300.00 in their Budget from Capital Outlay to Stationery and Supplie:, and the Airport requested a transfer of $200,00 from /J r Building Repairs to Capital Outlay. Since neither of these requests affect their total Budget, Mr. Holton offered a motion that it be approved, seconded by Mr. Mayhan, unanimously adopted. ! , 2 c a?19i Minutes of the Meeting May 19, 1958 Continued APPROPRIATIONS = R??sL Mr. T. D. Love, Coun'ty Auditor, informed the Board that Wilmington College had snticipated $5,000.00 from the State but had actually received ,?'a17,000.00 and that they requested an appropriation of F ? $11,000.00 from Unanticipated Ftmds to Wilmington College. Mr. Williams offered the motion that this re- quest be granted and it was seconded by N,r. Holton and unanimously adopted. FORECLOSURE PRUPERTY Mrs. Rose_Ely of 710 N. 16th Street has offered $250.00 for property ormed jointly by the City and County as a result of Tax Foreclosvre. The property is described as Parcel #80 in Block 240 and part' of Iot 1, aize 201 8° x 661 and locate3 401 Q" from the South West corner of Miller and Dickinson Street, froriting on Miller. It was appraised by the Tax Supervisor at $950.00 and on motion of Mr. Holton, seconded by Mr. Broadhurat; subject to the approval of the City Council, they authorized the sale of this property on an as is basis. - • RECESS FOR JOINT MEETING --? JOINT CONUENTION - N,r.. J. M Hall Jr, the Chairman of the Board of County Commissioners, presided and welcomed Mayor J. E. L. Wade and the following City Councilmen, Russell T. Burney, James H. Bat*ios, E. S. Capps Jr; ., City Attorney Cicero P. Yow, and City N,anager J. R. Benson, City Councilman W. Ronald Lene was absent from meeting. U1 County Commisaioners named above were present also and remained for the meeting. Mr. . -'Hall then'called the joint meeting to order and explaine3 that he had accepted the Directorship of the Civil Defense in oxier to expe3ite the signing of dociuiients and to'assure the continuity of authority to ? keep this essential organization active. He explained to the Board that.he had not been able to devote the time necessary to do a thorough job and that he thought that it was such an important activity that a full time Director should be appointed. . , Col. A. H. Harriss, Chairman of the Civil Defense Commission, was recognized by the Chairman D ADJOURNMENT 1$e purpose for which this joint session was called having been accomplished, Mr. ?dilliams made a motion that the meeting adjourn, seconded by Mr. Burney? and unanimously adopted. ,+£at{t#3t##ielt RECONVENTION - , The Chairman of the Board of County Co?issioners reconvened that Board and called the Board to order with all members present ? . and explained that he was unaware of this joint meeting until he had read it in the paper, but that he ' had written a letter to the Council composed of representatives of the County and City together with Mr. McC. B. Wilson, E?cecutive 1lssistant Director, recommending that the joint bodies delegate authority to one man to aot under their supervision and employ a third person as a secretary to operate the office. He further informed the Board that he had made certain recommendations to the Council on Janvary 13?, none of which had been activated and that it was his opinion that either some action should be taken with ref- erence to them or the entire organization disbanded. He also said that unless the Council,.through its . executive*authority, intended to ?ek up,the co?ission, it was useless for them to spend vacation houra working on projects and then have nothing,done about them. He stated that in his,opinion the Executive Assistant Director, Mr. McC. B. Wilson had done a magnificent job in handling the affaiss ao far. Before Mr. Harriss retired from the meeting he made an earnest plea to the joint session to back up the Civil De- fense effort an3 disseminate the information among the people that would prepare tham for evacuation in an orderly manner in event of warning of an approaching attack. Chairman Hall was likewise enthusiaetic about the continuation of the Civil Defense activities and stated that in his opinion the Budget would be the first order of business for discussion and that after that was settled he was?eady to make a recommend- ation of a Director, Mayor J. E. L. k?ade was recognized and stated that the Council had recently met and prepared a Budget based on $7500.00 a year and that he reco?ended adoption of that figure on a prorated basis of one-twelth per month until another Budget was approved. Councilman R. T. Burney moved approval of this recommendation which was seconded by Councilman E. S. Capps and unanimously adoPted by the Council. Commissioner James E. Holton, Jr, offered the same motion for the County Commissioners which was seconded by Commissioner Berry A. Williams and unanimously adopted by the Board of Commissioners. _ Mayor J. E. L. Wade then observed that the Civil Defense Council prepare and recoimnerxla Budget ? at the earliest practical time which might,include some of the projects of prime importance recommended 6y the Commission including warning systems, erection of evacuation signs, etc. to perpetuate the organiza- tion in the future. County Attorney John Bright Hill read the Statutes 166-8 Governing Civil Defense. Mr. Love, County Auditor, observed that the Budget contained a balance of $?29?.? appropriated for this pur= pose in the 1957-58 Budget. Chairman Hall then informed the joint session that he had discussed the pro?b- lem with Col, James B. MeGmi tiber, recently retired from active arn?y service and a man well qualified to dis- f charge the responsibilities and activity and that he was receptive to an appointment as Civil Defense Dir- ector, a?t a salary of $3600.00 per year with a secretary on the present basis of "?2400.00 a year. Mr. Hall ? , recommende3 the appointment of Col. McCumber, It was pointed out at this time that under the Civil Defense , laws, the Director automatically asswnes authority over both the City and County Government for a period of ' 24 houra before an anticipated attack and for ten days after and that it was necessary for the governing bodies to relinquish their authority for that period of time. The City Attorney ruled that it was necass- ; ary for the bodies to take separate action on the matter, therefore, Councilman Capps offered the motion that Col. J,?. McCumber be appointed Civil Defense Director as of June lst, 1958, and Councilman Russell T. Burney seconded the motion and it was unAnimously adoplEd. Commissioner Berry A. Williams offered a, ' ' like motion for the Board of County Commissioners an3 itnsem nded by Commissioner Holton and unanimously' adopted by that Board. The Chairman of the joipt meeting then declared Col. J. B. McCwnber fluly appointed Civil Defense Director. ?OUTSIDE AUDITOR - • County Auditor T. D. Love suggested to the Board that if they authorize a n outside auditing firm for the purpose of examining the County records, it would eacpedite and speed up the operation.• Mr. Broad- hurst observed that since Mr. William C. Barfield, CPA, had made the last County audit and was familiar with --' all the various accounts and procedures of the Count,y eystem, he would likely perform that duty with more dispatch than a new one, therefore, Mr, Holton o££ered the motion that Mr. William C, Barfield•be employed to make the audit for the Current Fiscal Year 1957-58 at a cost not to eacceerl 1?4,000.00. Mr. blilliama seconded the motion and it was unanimously adopted. ?'. STATE HIGH4IAY PATROL - At the present time the State Highway Patrol has a lease on some property belonging to the County and pursuant to an agreement made on February 19, 1958, Col. James R. Smith, Commanding North Carolina State Highway Patrol,is requesting a fee simple deed conveying the title to the property in the name of the State Highway Patrol in order that they might erect an Administrative Building for-the use of patrol activities in this area. Therefore, bir, Broedhurst offered a motion that the Chairman be delegated the authority to sign such an agreement for the Board. This motion was seconded by Mr. Holton and unanimously adopted. 'A 260 .Minutes of the Meeting May 19s 1958 Continued ADJOURNMENT - There being no further business being presented to the Board, Mr. Holton offered a motion to adjourn, seconded by Mr. GTilliams and unanimously adopted by the Board. ' W. G. Houck, Executive Secretary Wilmingtoh, N. C. May 26, 1958 1tSSENIDLY - The regular weekly meeting of the New Hanover County Commissioners was held this day in the Cominissioner's Room of the New Hanover County Court House at 9:30 A. M. PRFSENT: Chairman J. M. Hall, Sr., Commissioners L. E. Broadhurst, James E. Holton, Jr., Ernest R. Mayhan, and Berry A. Williams; County Auditor T. D. Love and County Attorney John Bright Hill. INVOCATION - The meeting was ce.lled to order by the Chairman who asked Rev. C. A. Foss, Pastor of the Fourth Street Advent Christian Church, to open the meeting uith prayer for guidance. MINUTFS ApPROVAL - • The minutes of the meeting held on May 1.9th were approved upon motion of Mr. Williams, seconded by Mr. Mayhan, and unanimously adopted. • I{URE BEACH EROSION - Mayor H. L. Prevatte accompanied by the following citizens and property owners of Rure Beach; D. P. Lilly, R. L. Sarbaugh, Jack B. Clark, C. J. Carpentor, U. S. Church, Mrs. Pearl Harris, Mr. John F'lowers, Mrs, Fred Schenk, S. S. Mustin, Mrs. N. F. Cordes, Nrs, Beatrice M. Connor, N?rs. Martha Lewis, R. G. Fletcher, S. G. Cheek, Mr. G. F. Teeter, Mr. R. G. Ford, and Mr. George Canoutas who Yvt,t/tQ.,? appeared before the Board seeking some relief for the abnormal erosion occurring along the shoreline. He ?0O stated that the taxable property had been hit east and west by the Axmy which absorbed twenty-eight houses and the Hurricanes destroyed twenty-six which correspondingly decreased their revenue and, therefore, they were not able to-acewnulate sufficient funds to be of much help to themselves on this project. They pre- sented engineering data prepared by Henry Von Oesen and ,Associates indicating that a correction of this si.tuetion woulfl cost in the neighborhood of $40,000 in order to proper7.y reconstruct these groins, however, they were of the opinion that satisfactory repairs could be made to the existing groins•for approximatelp $10,000 and that was the request made by the group. Mr. S. G. Cheek, Chairman of the Taxpayers Council,. also spoke on the same subject and said that the present jetties (groins) needed repair to stop the en- croachment o£ the sea on their shoreline propesty. In a discussion by members of the Board, it was brought out that it was their understanding that the State Highway Commission was receptive to the idea of allocat- ing some funds for the stabilization of the shoreline along that portion which paralleled so closely with U. S. Highxay # 421. In fact, Mr. Broadhurst was under i;he impression that the State had earmarkefl as much as $50,000 as a preventive measure. Mr. Williams suggested that the Executive Sanrpt$J'y contact the State Highway Comnission about the present status of this matter. Mr. Holton felt that they should con- tact the U. S. Corps of Engineers, in an effort to seek possible Federal aid and that the Chairman appoint a committee to call on Colonel H. C. Roland, District Fngineer, to see if there was a possibility of help on this project from that source. T?j-.,Chairman appointe3 Commissioner James E. Holton, Jr.,Chairman; 34ra. Alice Strickland, Executive Secretary of SENCBA; and W. G. Houck, FScecutive Secretary to the Board of the County Commissioners. The Chairman, Nr. Hall, informed the delegation that there were no funda in the 1957-58 Budget and that any consi3eration must be given to the 1958-59 Fiscal Year Nycpenditures. EUREKA LAND CORPORATSON Pursu,ant to a request made by Ns, Henry Von Oesen for the Etzreka Iand Corporation, developers of a subdivision known as Green Meadowa, on March 24, 1958 to lend some assistance in lowering the water table in that area by cleaning out the Leeuwenburg ditch to Smith Creek which has not been practical to do up until this time. Mr. Von Oesen appeared again today on the same subject and stated that in order to ex- ? pedite the paving of the streeta in this subdivision that they were willing to make a proposition, ' The ? distance of the necessar ditchin r?uiremgnts.amovnts to 3800 r operating a dragline i's $800. Mrg LeeuwenburB is unwillin to havethesd oils t dum e ed son hisd cost of ' g p p property.and, 4 therefore, arrangements must be r.iade for trucks to remove it. They proposed that since the County does not have their dragline in operation and the contractor is losing money because he can not complete the paving work to absorb one half the cost of this projectr that if the County will contribute e400, they .. will have the work done. After considerable discussion, both pro and con, Mr. Holton offere3 the motion A& ? tliat the County appropriate $400 out of the Dragline 3uflget Fhnd for this project. It was seconded by Mr. Mayhan and unanimously approved. Mr. Yii.lliams had of£ered.an amendment that the dragline operation be re- activated on a permanent basis and that a long range drainage program be planned so that primary projects • . might receive deserve3 attention. Some complaints, he said, had been heard about favors being shown some and not others in the handling o£ the drainage. This amendment did not receive a second and, therefore was ruled deafl by the Chairman. DITCHING - • Mr. L. Paul Stsnley was recognize3 and stated that he represented a group of people in this same neighborhood who were experiencing extra hardships because of lack of drainageLand that if the canal re- quested by Mr,.Von Oesen was cut, it would relieve a large group of property owners in that vicinity. ROAD PETITIOM - Mr. Robert C. Plummer presented a Petition for Improvements and Maintenance on 1500 feet of road bed known as Sycamore Street in Harnett township. N,r. Broadhurst moved that the Petition be approve3 and transmitted to the State Highway for consideration, seconded by Mr, 3i?'il].iams and unanimously adopted. , FARPi CINSU5 - A check amounting to $357.40 was received from the North C¢rolina Department of Agriculture covering the State Incentive Pay for the Farm Census secured by the Tax Listers in the various Townships. Mr. Love, County Auditor informed the Board that this money was earned by the Tax Listers indivually and V Q would be forwarded to them, Mr. Broadhurst offered the motion that the check be accepted and the funds properly distributedj seconded by Mr. Mayhan anfl unanimously approved. . • k6-