1958-05-26 Regular Meeting260 .Minutes of the Meeting May 19s 1958 Continued ADJOURNMENT - There being no further business being presented to the Board, Mr. Holton offered a motion to adjourn, seconded by Mr. GTilliams and unanimously adopted by the Board. ' W. G. Houck, Executive Secretary Wilmingtoh, N. C. May 26, 1958 1tSSENIDLY - The regular weekly meeting of the New Hanover County Commissioners was held this day in the Cominissioner's Room of the New Hanover County Court House at 9:30 A. M. PRFSENT: Chairman J. M. Hall, Sr., Commissioners L. E. Broadhurst, James E. Holton, Jr., Ernest R. Mayhan, and Berry A. Williams; County Auditor T. D. Love and County Attorney John Bright Hill. INVOCATION - The meeting was ce.lled to order by the Chairman who asked Rev. C. A. Foss, Pastor of the Fourth Street Advent Christian Church, to open the meeting uith prayer for guidance. MINUTFS ApPROVAL - • The minutes of the meeting held on May 1.9th were approved upon motion of Mr. Williams, seconded by Mr. Mayhan, and unanimously adopted. • I{URE BEACH EROSION - Mayor H. L. Prevatte accompanied by the following citizens and property owners of Rure Beach; D. P. Lilly, R. L. Sarbaugh, Jack B. Clark, C. J. Carpentor, U. S. Church, Mrs. Pearl Harris, Mr. John F'lowers, Mrs, Fred Schenk, S. S. Mustin, Mrs. N. F. Cordes, Nrs, Beatrice M. Connor, N?rs. Martha Lewis, R. G. Fletcher, S. G. Cheek, Mr. G. F. Teeter, Mr. R. G. Ford, and Mr. George Canoutas who Yvt,t/tQ.,? appeared before the Board seeking some relief for the abnormal erosion occurring along the shoreline. He ?0O stated that the taxable property had been hit east and west by the Axmy which absorbed twenty-eight houses and the Hurricanes destroyed twenty-six which correspondingly decreased their revenue and, therefore, they were not able to-acewnulate sufficient funds to be of much help to themselves on this project. They pre- sented engineering data prepared by Henry Von Oesen and ,Associates indicating that a correction of this si.tuetion woulfl cost in the neighborhood of $40,000 in order to proper7.y reconstruct these groins, however, they were of the opinion that satisfactory repairs could be made to the existing groins•for approximatelp $10,000 and that was the request made by the group. Mr. S. G. Cheek, Chairman of the Taxpayers Council,. also spoke on the same subject and said that the present jetties (groins) needed repair to stop the en- croachment o£ the sea on their shoreline propesty. In a discussion by members of the Board, it was brought out that it was their understanding that the State Highway Commission was receptive to the idea of allocat- ing some funds for the stabilization of the shoreline along that portion which paralleled so closely with U. S. Highxay # 421. In fact, Mr. Broadhurst was under i;he impression that the State had earmarkefl as much as $50,000 as a preventive measure. Mr. Williams suggested that the Executive Sanrpt$J'y contact the State Highway Comnission about the present status of this matter. Mr. Holton felt that they should con- tact the U. S. Corps of Engineers, in an effort to seek possible Federal aid and that the Chairman appoint a committee to call on Colonel H. C. Roland, District Fngineer, to see if there was a possibility of help on this project from that source. T?j-.,Chairman appointe3 Commissioner James E. Holton, Jr.,Chairman; 34ra. Alice Strickland, Executive Secretary of SENCBA; and W. G. Houck, FScecutive Secretary to the Board of the County Commissioners. The Chairman, Nr. Hall, informed the delegation that there were no funda in the 1957-58 Budget and that any consi3eration must be given to the 1958-59 Fiscal Year Nycpenditures. EUREKA LAND CORPORATSON Pursu,ant to a request made by Ns, Henry Von Oesen for the Etzreka Iand Corporation, developers of a subdivision known as Green Meadowa, on March 24, 1958 to lend some assistance in lowering the water table in that area by cleaning out the Leeuwenburg ditch to Smith Creek which has not been practical to do up until this time. Mr. Von Oesen appeared again today on the same subject and stated that in order to ex- ? pedite the paving of the streeta in this subdivision that they were willing to make a proposition, ' The ? distance of the necessar ditchin r?uiremgnts.amovnts to 3800 r operating a dragline i's $800. Mrg LeeuwenburB is unwillin to havethesd oils t dum e ed son hisd cost of ' g p p property.and, 4 therefore, arrangements must be r.iade for trucks to remove it. They proposed that since the County does not have their dragline in operation and the contractor is losing money because he can not complete the paving work to absorb one half the cost of this projectr that if the County will contribute e400, they .. will have the work done. After considerable discussion, both pro and con, Mr. Holton offere3 the motion A& ? tliat the County appropriate $400 out of the Dragline 3uflget Fhnd for this project. It was seconded by Mr. Mayhan and unanimously approved. Mr. Yii.lliams had of£ered.an amendment that the dragline operation be re- activated on a permanent basis and that a long range drainage program be planned so that primary projects • . might receive deserve3 attention. Some complaints, he said, had been heard about favors being shown some and not others in the handling o£ the drainage. This amendment did not receive a second and, therefore was ruled deafl by the Chairman. DITCHING - • Mr. L. Paul Stsnley was recognize3 and stated that he represented a group of people in this same neighborhood who were experiencing extra hardships because of lack of drainageLand that if the canal re- quested by Mr,.Von Oesen was cut, it would relieve a large group of property owners in that vicinity. ROAD PETITIOM - Mr. Robert C. Plummer presented a Petition for Improvements and Maintenance on 1500 feet of road bed known as Sycamore Street in Harnett township. N,r. Broadhurst moved that the Petition be approve3 and transmitted to the State Highway for consideration, seconded by Mr, 3i?'il].iams and unanimously adopted. , FARPi CINSU5 - A check amounting to $357.40 was received from the North C¢rolina Department of Agriculture covering the State Incentive Pay for the Farm Census secured by the Tax Listers in the various Townships. Mr. Love, County Auditor informed the Board that this money was earned by the Tax Listers indivually and V Q would be forwarded to them, Mr. Broadhurst offered the motion that the check be accepted and the funds properly distributedj seconded by Mr. Mayhan anfl unanimously approved. . • k6- ?? .?. Minutes of the Meeting May 26, 1958 Continued ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS. - Mr. Ben J. McDonald was recognized by the Chairman and stated that in his various travels over ?/? ? the State he found that mar?y Counties with Alcoholic Beverage Control Laws made a contribution of 5% of the profits for Rehabilitstion. He used Cumbexland County as an exEimple and stated that they had provided an AA Club for the use o£ rehabilitation of those afflicted with this malady. Alcoholism is the number one problem in our country today and he suggested that some consideration should be given to this program of rehabilitation even if it required additional legislative enactment. He was hopeful that some provision could be maiie £or including these funds in the Budget for the coming year, He also stresse3 the point that Alcoholics Anonymous could not request funds for its own operation since it was self-supporting but they are interesteii in rehabilitation. 41ILMINGTON COLLEGE• Commissioner Berry A. Williams presented the follovring resolution for consideration of the Board: ?°?? WHEREAS, The contribution of ZJilmington College to the economi.c, industrial and cul?ural poten- tial of New Hanover County and all of Southeastern North Carolina is significant, and potentially much greater than it is today, and ` I " WHEREAS, ire realize that the facilities of the college are inadequate for the ful.7.est contribu- tion it can make; and , , WHEREAS, many of our children will be able to attend ?di].mington College who would not be able to attend elsewhere, and WHEREAS, the State of North Carolina will provide up to $600,000.00 in matching funds for new buildings and equiFsnent fo'r the college thereby enabling it to continue as one of the leading community colleges of North Carolina, NOW THEREFORE, be it resolved that the Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County do hereby urge the voters to approve the Bon3 issue to be presented to them on May 31) 1958.. Upon motion of Mr. Holton, seconded by°Mr: Broadhurst, the resolution was unanimously adopted with the proviso that•it be given press, radio and television publicity and that a copy of,it be sent to the Hoard of•Trustees•of the Coll.ege. CAROLINA BEACH ROAD The action of•the City Council at their meeting last iJednesday in declaring the stretch of road now lmown•as South Front Street from Greenfield Lake'to the City Limits be name3 Carolina Beach Road was brought to the attention of the BBard and Mr. Williams offered'the motion that the continuation from the City Limits to Snow's Cut be officially called the Carolina Beach $oad. Mr. Holton suggested that it be extended to the Carol?.na Beach City Limits rather than stop at Snow's Cut whSch was accepted as a part of the original motion; but this was not agreeable'to the Board at the time. After some discussion of the matter with reference to mail delivery, the Chairman'declared the motion dead for lack of a second. _ ?? ? PROPOSID BUDGETS - • ' ' , l County (Auditor T. D. Love informed the Commissioners that he hacl requested each Department to submit a tentative Budget for the 1958-59 Fiscal Year not later than June lst. A few of them have been re- turned and each showed a substantial increase over last yearls'Budgeta, although he had urged each one to minimize their requests as much as possible as all of this money must come out of the taxpapers pockets and we should be as careful as possible in our expenditures. He also observed that revenues year to date were lagging percentage-wise iahen compared uith last yearts, . ? MASONBORO LOOP ROAD - . . ?? As instructed in their meeting,last week, the Executive Secretary reported that Mr. Charles T. Burke, Postmaster, informed him that it would not interrupt mail delivery,,to change the name Pine Grove Drive to Masonboro Loop Road, however it would be necessary for those persons living on that section of the road to notify their correspondents of any changes. Some o£ the Comnissioners £elt that the people who lived along this road should have some voice in naming it, therefore, no o£ficial action was taken on this metter. The matter was left for the EScecutive Secretary to contact the interested parties and secure an expression from them, , PETIT JURY - - The following good and lawful persons were drawn to serve as Jurors in the trial of Criminal Cases in Superior Court for the one week term beginning on June 9th anfl the two week term for Civil Ceses beginning June 16th. Jurors for tke Week beEinnina_ June 9th. 1958 - Criminal Cases W. B. Beery III 2927 Hydrang? Place N. L. Harriss, Jr. - James E. Brown 2537 Burr!ett Blvd. . Frank A. Cottle . H. A. Gibson 2255 M:imosa Place Louis W. Iatham H. D. Avery 406 s. 5th Street J. C. Julien, Jr. C. E. White ,. 121 Forest Hills Dr. Z. V. Hodges George R. Ayash 1502 Dock St. ,,. .D.-H..Godwin J. E. Clark 401 N. 23rd'St. J. A. Iarson Leonard Henry 5 E. Salisbury St.W.B. L. C. French Joseph T. Starnea Rt.#3, Box 5$0 , Charlea D. Martin W. G. Cheney ,2812 Colwnbia Ave. Gerald Taylor A.V. Taylor 3525 S. Front St. C.W. Bloome George Fdw.Saleem, 2521 Monroe St. Ludlow Strong Linwood M. Cooper 1124 Jefferson St. W. V. Butler Wilbur F. Wigner 312 Davie Drive George T. Ezzell GJilliam A. Rogers 2108 S. Front St. H. C. Godley Harold Jack Sharpe 513 S. 18th St, Robert G. Kooser L. Rogers 123 Mjornings?de Paul" J. Baschon,5r. T. C. Rhodes 11 Church St. Daniel. A. Rowland M. L. Tadlock 2126 Klein Road Robert M. Squires, Jr. Roosevelt Tisdal qS r. 1018 S. lOth St. Woodrow W. Hiclnnan C. M. Puckett 357 Lumberton Av. C.B. H. C. Jackson Alfred Teachey 12-%,,Iake Forest Pkwy. W. H. Vollera Frank C. Strange 81 Pinecrest Pkwy. G. T. Rollina George Y. Warwick 219 C. C. Blvd. Howard H. Everett M. C. Justice Rtj 2, Box 518 Norman Hatcher 2528 Monroe St. 317 N. 21st St. 530 Colonial Drive 20 Iake Forest Pkwy. 109 5..15th St. __615 S. 5th st. 5442 Oleander Dr. 1220 Dock St. .6 W. Henderson St., Wrightsn. Beach N.C. 5027 Pine Street 602 Central Blvd. Rt.#2, Box 112 • 317 Frances Marion Drive 1728 Orange St. 921 North 3rd St. 8 S. 7th Street ' 210 N. 13th St. 2874 Jef£eraon St. 10 H. Ieke Village 2 West Drive 2935 E. Jefferson St. 2405 Princess St. Rnad 8 Mercer Ave. 216 North 6th 5t. 212 South 8th St. J ,?6 2 Minutes of the Meeting, May 26t 1958 Continued PETIT JIIRY - (Continued) Surors £or the Week beeinnine June 16. 1956 - Civil Cases Julian D. Cribb 109 Graham St. B. G. Page 121 S. 6th St. Allen C. Bawn Rt.#2, Box 188 Cooper S. Page 513-5. 4th S't. Jennings B. Joye 416 S. 19th St. R. E. Lord 1417 S. Qth 5t. Sdalter D. Mills 1507 Orange St. T. E. Kemp 318 North Qth St. William G. King 102 N. Floral Pkrry. A1L1ert James 918 South 16th St. A. R. Moore 20 Kenwood Ave. William R. F7.ake,S r.235 North 26th St. John G. Dixon Rt. #1, Hox 313 A W. Q. Welch ' 511 North 5th St, Tabitha C. Hutaff P.O. Box 1407 Francis ELigene Kel ly 3 M. Iake Village Albert E. Horne 128 Williamson Dr. G. M. Smith, 5r. 309 Northerm Blvd, H. C. Blake IJorothea Q. Jones F. K. Myers Grifton W. Jones Jack E. Moore 49illiam H. Earry Harold Goble L. C. Davis F. 0. Allen E. E. Horne?Sr, Thomas D. Eason Charles A. Simms, Jr. Dio Lewis Deames Smith Douglas G. Cline N. A. Sykes C.A. Sikes Benjamin F. 5mith 2808 Market St. 2520 Market St. 2110 Rhodes Ave. 4302 Oleander Drive 2521 Burnett Blvd. 2715 Jefferson St. 4901 Park :Ave. 603 Castle Hqyne Road 21.5. Iake Uillage 231 Calhoun Drive 2302 S. Front St. lOQ S'outhern Blvd. 2521 N. Harrison St. 519 rrun st. 112 Morningside Drive 2302 Washington St. 3933 Winstbn Blvd. 1401 S. 3rd St. Jurors for the Week be¢innine June 23, 1958 - Civil Cases Donald Iangley 12 T. Iake Village S'. D. MeMillan H: N. Fadcliffe Paul F. Lineberry Jamea B. Henderson H. F. Permenter Victor D. Valentine D. L. Christian J. A. Brickhouse, Jr. C. M. Yarborough George Birmingham Fred B. 5trosnider C. C. Birmingham Louis 0. Freshwater Roy Stonecypher Rtchard E. Witherspoon Clarence B. Sternberger Owen Nessersmith Henry J. Sautherland 119 Colonial Circle 312 N. 15th st. zol S. Qlst St. 603 Chestnut St. 176 Colonial Circle Rt.#3, Box 389 106 Northern Blvd. 11 West Drive Rt. # E, Box 587 4940 Pine Street 4701 Long Leaf Hills' 108 S. Monroe St. 168 Colonial Village 5 Finecrest Pkwy. 115 N. 8th St. 105 Wrightsville 7ave. 2U2L N. 26th St. Rt. /{1, Hox 278 R. C. Parsons 22 Iake Forest Pkwy. Jo e A . Pridgen Castle Hayne, N.C. Mo nos Bowling 303 Williamson Dr, L. B. Harrell, Jr. 2958 Park Ave. M. C. Skipper 107 Colonial Circle R. V. 5parlman 5 Lee Drive L. A. Hatchell 1918 Market St. W. S. Robinson 313 Ann St. John D. Charlton 23 Barnard Drive A. L. Williams 2115 Chestnut Hts, A. S. Futrelle 1113'Chestnut St. J. I. Jeffreys 512 S. 18th St. 0. L. Bergeman 206 S. L,lst St. Ra lph Bordeaux Rt.#1, Box 240 Tdm . LeRoy Chadwick 2120 Brandon Road C. C. Williford °606 Thomas Ave. , J. N. Brittain 2202 Cedar St. ADJOIIRNR+lA1TT - There being no further business for discussion, Mr. Williams moved that the meeting adjourn, seconded by Mr. Mayhan, and unanimously adopted by the Board, I -v? , W.G. HOUCK, Executive Secretary Wilmington, N. C. June 2,1958 ASSENIBLY The regular veekly meeting of the New Hanovar County Commisaioners met this day ia the Commisaioner's Rvom et the Court Honse at 9:30 A. M. PRESENT: Chairman J. M. Hall, Jr., Cmmm1es- ioners L. E. Broadhurst, Eraeat R..Nlayhan, and.Berrq A. Williams; County Avditor T. D. Lrn+e and Gmmty Attorney John.Bright Hill. Comisaioaer James E. Holton, Jr. wsa unable to attend. INi/OC6TION Chorman J.,M. Hall., Jr. oslled the meeting to order and asked Rev. E. G. Connette, dr.,, Pastor oP the 3t. Andrexe- Covenant Preabyterian.Churcho to opea, the meeting xith grayer for guidance. MI1dIITE5 APPROVAL _IIpon mot3on of Mr. WIlliams, seconded by Mr. Msyhan, the mimites.were approeed nfter a oorrectiott uas made ia the paragraph headed °Carolina Beaeh Road" toti+it; Mr. Holton snggeated that it be extended to the Carolina Beach Limits rather than to etop at Snosr's Cut, xhich was accepted ae s part of originsl motion,but thie rrae not soceptable to the Hoard at thst time. • DRAIh'AGE Mr. E. E. Willimson, a property ouner, wsa.recognized by the•Chairman and informed the Board that he ovned txo pieces of gropertq on the Caro2lna Beach Road, one, a combination grocerq atore and filling atation at the interseotion of the.511ver Lake Road. Aia eomplaint there xas to the effect that the Coimty, mora than two years ago, had authorized-their dragline operator,under•the dir- ection of Mr. John Thompson,to change the conrse of the canal as well as the depth. He claiais that no effort r+as made to slope the ditch bank or plant aqp sort of negetation on it to keep it from xash- ing out or caving in. He furthar states that the bank is nou caving in around his cement block pump house and, slorrlp working its rray to his atpre xhich• uill alao soon be urnlerm3n e'd,: ' It is hia contention thpLt the Cotmty made s mistake in havSng•this uork done as it wae. He requeats that theq remedy the situation. He is only aeking the.County to repsir the damage beYore it is necessary for him to lose his buildings or dispose of them before auch event happene. • •• The other complaint which he regietered wsa a ditch runn4ng through his property from Motte Creek which hes become clogged and etopped up becauae it hae groxn up in willox trees and buehea,, backing the water up ao that it stagnstes_arid breeda moequitos. He is afraid his children rrill be L_