1958-06-02 Regular Meeting,?6 2 Minutes of the Meeting, May 26t 1958 Continued PETIT JIIRY - (Continued) Surors £or the Week beeinnine June 16. 1956 - Civil Cases Julian D. Cribb 109 Graham St. B. G. Page 121 S. 6th St. Allen C. Bawn Rt.#2, Box 188 Cooper S. Page 513-5. 4th S't. Jennings B. Joye 416 S. 19th St. R. E. Lord 1417 S. Qth 5t. Sdalter D. Mills 1507 Orange St. T. E. Kemp 318 North Qth St. William G. King 102 N. Floral Pkrry. A1L1ert James 918 South 16th St. A. R. Moore 20 Kenwood Ave. William R. F7.ake,S r.235 North 26th St. John G. Dixon Rt. #1, Hox 313 A W. Q. Welch ' 511 North 5th St, Tabitha C. Hutaff P.O. Box 1407 Francis ELigene Kel ly 3 M. Iake Village Albert E. Horne 128 Williamson Dr. G. M. Smith, 5r. 309 Northerm Blvd, H. C. Blake IJorothea Q. Jones F. K. Myers Grifton W. Jones Jack E. Moore 49illiam H. Earry Harold Goble L. C. Davis F. 0. Allen E. E. Horne?Sr, Thomas D. Eason Charles A. Simms, Jr. Dio Lewis Deames Smith Douglas G. Cline N. A. Sykes C.A. Sikes Benjamin F. 5mith 2808 Market St. 2520 Market St. 2110 Rhodes Ave. 4302 Oleander Drive 2521 Burnett Blvd. 2715 Jefferson St. 4901 Park :Ave. 603 Castle Hqyne Road 21.5. Iake Uillage 231 Calhoun Drive 2302 S. Front St. lOQ S'outhern Blvd. 2521 N. Harrison St. 519 rrun st. 112 Morningside Drive 2302 Washington St. 3933 Winstbn Blvd. 1401 S. 3rd St. Jurors for the Week be¢innine June 23, 1958 - Civil Cases Donald Iangley 12 T. Iake Village S'. D. MeMillan H: N. Fadcliffe Paul F. Lineberry Jamea B. Henderson H. F. Permenter Victor D. Valentine D. L. Christian J. A. Brickhouse, Jr. C. M. Yarborough George Birmingham Fred B. 5trosnider C. C. Birmingham Louis 0. Freshwater Roy Stonecypher Rtchard E. Witherspoon Clarence B. Sternberger Owen Nessersmith Henry J. Sautherland 119 Colonial Circle 312 N. 15th st. zol S. Qlst St. 603 Chestnut St. 176 Colonial Circle Rt.#3, Box 389 106 Northern Blvd. 11 West Drive Rt. # E, Box 587 4940 Pine Street 4701 Long Leaf Hills' 108 S. Monroe St. 168 Colonial Village 5 Finecrest Pkwy. 115 N. 8th St. 105 Wrightsville 7ave. 2U2L N. 26th St. Rt. /{1, Hox 278 R. C. Parsons 22 Iake Forest Pkwy. Jo e A . Pridgen Castle Hayne, N.C. Mo nos Bowling 303 Williamson Dr, L. B. Harrell, Jr. 2958 Park Ave. M. C. Skipper 107 Colonial Circle R. V. 5parlman 5 Lee Drive L. A. Hatchell 1918 Market St. W. S. Robinson 313 Ann St. John D. Charlton 23 Barnard Drive A. L. Williams 2115 Chestnut Hts, A. S. Futrelle 1113'Chestnut St. J. I. Jeffreys 512 S. 18th St. 0. L. Bergeman 206 S. L,lst St. Ra lph Bordeaux Rt.#1, Box 240 Tdm . LeRoy Chadwick 2120 Brandon Road C. C. Williford °606 Thomas Ave. , J. N. Brittain 2202 Cedar St. ADJOIIRNR+lA1TT - There being no further business for discussion, Mr. Williams moved that the meeting adjourn, seconded by Mr. Mayhan, and unanimously adopted by the Board, I -v? , W.G. HOUCK, Executive Secretary Wilmington, N. C. June 2,1958 ASSENIBLY The regular veekly meeting of the New Hanovar County Commisaioners met this day ia the Commisaioner's Rvom et the Court Honse at 9:30 A. M. PRESENT: Chairman J. M. Hall, Jr., Cmmm1es- ioners L. E. Broadhurst, Eraeat R..Nlayhan, and.Berrq A. Williams; County Avditor T. D. Lrn+e and Gmmty Attorney John.Bright Hill. Comisaioaer James E. Holton, Jr. wsa unable to attend. INi/OC6TION Chorman J.,M. Hall., Jr. oslled the meeting to order and asked Rev. E. G. Connette, dr.,, Pastor oP the 3t. Andrexe- Covenant Preabyterian.Churcho to opea, the meeting xith grayer for guidance. MI1dIITE5 APPROVAL _IIpon mot3on of Mr. WIlliams, seconded by Mr. Msyhan, the mimites.were approeed nfter a oorrectiott uas made ia the paragraph headed °Carolina Beaeh Road" toti+it; Mr. Holton snggeated that it be extended to the Carolina Beach Limits rather than to etop at Snosr's Cut, xhich was accepted ae s part of originsl motion,but thie rrae not soceptable to the Hoard at thst time. • DRAIh'AGE Mr. E. E. Willimson, a property ouner, wsa.recognized by the•Chairman and informed the Board that he ovned txo pieces of gropertq on the Caro2lna Beach Road, one, a combination grocerq atore and filling atation at the interseotion of the.511ver Lake Road. Aia eomplaint there xas to the effect that the Coimty, mora than two years ago, had authorized-their dragline operator,under•the dir- ection of Mr. John Thompson,to change the conrse of the canal as well as the depth. He claiais that no effort r+as made to slope the ditch bank or plant aqp sort of negetation on it to keep it from xash- ing out or caving in. He furthar states that the bank is nou caving in around his cement block pump house and, slorrlp working its rray to his atpre xhich• uill alao soon be urnlerm3n e'd,: ' It is hia contention thpLt the Cotmty made s mistake in havSng•this uork done as it wae. He requeats that theq remedy the situation. He is only aeking the.County to repsir the damage beYore it is necessary for him to lose his buildings or dispose of them before auch event happene. • •• The other complaint which he regietered wsa a ditch runn4ng through his property from Motte Creek which hes become clogged and etopped up becauae it hae groxn up in willox trees and buehea,, backing the water up ao that it stagnstes_arid breeda moequitos. He is afraid his children rrill be L_ e. Minutes of the Meeting June 21 1958 Continued DEAINAGE conteminated; and unlese something ie'done'he vill ha6e'to mobe:- lhis property"is aboiit"oae- que`rter of-a mile fvrthei drnin the Carolina Besoh Road from the atore aboves ]moxn as the old Pennington PIace;- 'He was of the opinion that a crew oP men,uith buah axes snd ahovels could remecty this situation rrithout too much trouble. ' ...... ... . . .. . Kr . . --- " 7lf'tet Mr: Fiilliamson had made his original complaint with the Executive Secretarys, Mr."Dave W. Riventiark'sad he innestigated these complaints and Pound ttiat the situation at the etore snd fil]ing atation-at the'intersection at Silver Iake Road was being.caused by eurfaae vater running fraan the road. liaok totirard the-c;attal snd naturel7,y washing out banka of the ditch, and it is true.tllat eventua2ly the pt4np hotise"and the etore will be involved vnlees eame steps are taken to remedy the s3tuation. We ireie also advieec]-thst Mr. Williamson purchased thia propertq after the ditch had been changed at the requeat of the owaer"s at tkiat time. As xe vieired the matter, it did not seem to us that his trouble wea a reault af any work the Countq had done nor vss it the County'e responsibility to repair,anq damage that might - }iave beea caneed by thie surface vater. We did 4ind on the other ditch that it was a main drainage canel vtiich the County normal],q maintaina. We informed Mr. Williamson that as soon as our ditching crew xere available ve would clean out the ditch and release the vater backed up on hia property. ` AMBIILANCE 3ERPICE Mr. Donald L. Chriatian and Mr. John W. Poole rrere recognised by the Board and preaented s finsn- cisl etatement covering the operation of the Cape Fear Atnbulance Co., Ine. for the fiscsl yeare beginning„ October 31, 1955 through October 31, 1959. * The balance sheat shrnred a aet losa of $65.06. b1r. Chriat-. ' ian ettplained that the loss was eauaed bq the use of old equipment on whioh the upkeep rras high; and loes= C? es due to default bq aome of the pstients refusing to pa,p; and that the volume of calla uas reduced by the lasr enforcement agencies on some occasions traneporting incapaeitsted persona to the hoapital in their own cars rather than call the ambulsnce eervice. He pointed out that becavse of the lou uages they vere able to pay, their personnel turnover uas unusuellq high. He also cited examples xhere no aminilsnce fee usa paid bp the Welfaro Depsrtment unlees the patient was admitted to the hosgital and vas eligible for WelPare Benefite. He seemed to tkiink that if all ambulance aells were handled by them and they vere able collect for them, that the trip rate might be reduced and that they conld operate at a profit. Mr. Chriet- ian aeemed very coneoienticus about the aervice being readered by them and eaked the question °IP thep eeaaed operation., vho xonl.d haadle the fvnctiona theq normal]y perform?" The Chaisman aaked if thie matter had been preaented before the City Council ea he wea under the impresaion that the service by the Cape Fear Ambulance Company vas largely tirlthin the City Limits and.. therePore., would have e greater im- paot on the'citiaene of Wilmington if it were diacontinued than on County residents. He suggeated that theq preaent this matter beYore the Citq Council end inetructed the Dcecntive Se¢retarq to contact the City governing bodies aftcr their meeting scheduled on Wadnesday, Jwie llth to eee if theq xould appoint a commi.ttee to meet ti+ith the officers of the Cepe Fear Ambulance Compsny for a diacuasion o£ thie problam . Mr. Broadhurat suggested that thep aTao interview the governing bodies oY Carolina Beaeh.# Kure Beach, and Wrightaville Beach as they also xould be interested in the matter._ ADVERTISING TAP.ES - ' City-County Tex Collector Sam W. Johnaon informed the Board that all 1957 delinqueaet taxes are subject to be advertieed on Julq lst and zequeated approval`of the Board to proceed. Mr. Williams offer- ed the motion that this request be granted, seconded by Mr. Maqhan, and unanimously adopted. ELElCTION EXPFSISES - ' ' Mr. Henry C. Host, Chairman of the Nex Aanover County Board oY Electiona was recogniaed and ia--4&'? Pormed the Board that the coet of the regular eleotion amounted to $10,794.00 from which could be deducted 010655.00 represeating fees paid in'by candidatea. He said that because of the Hoepitsl snd School Boad IIection held in February.. he vovld need additional fluids for a second primary eince the coet of that eleot- ion rras borne out of hie 1957-58 Budget. Ihe election laws of this Cotmty are governed by a 3pecial ACt stipulat3ng that a day ahauld conaist of eight houre and that W portion of e dsy seraed bp a Poll Holder "aficuld-be*paid ae a xhole daq eo that eome of those who were Iate in oampleting their recor@a xere eligible for reaeiving three days psy uliich increased the cost of the election even though he had ple3 with them to keep the cost at a minimum. He explained this by an obeervation that his Poll Holdera were vety conaciea- tious people and had, thereforet merited the oonfidenoe of the votera. He estimated that the second pri-_ mary would cost approximetely $79500.00 net as he had a credit of $1500.00 left in the Budget. IIpon mo- tion of Mr. Williams, eeconded by Mr. Mayhen, the Board approaed paqment of two invoiees.coveMng adminie- trative expenses for the regular election held on May 319 1958., PEDDLER'S LICENSE .- . • ? _ ? ?^' Mr. S. M. Edwarde,, a dieabled War Veteran, oY 105 Lee Avenue,, llilmington, N.C. made a request' Por reneval of s Free Lioense to pe3dle Priits, Vegetablea, and Fiah in New Hanoner Covnty Yor the taxable Ye". MaY 34 1958 through Msq 311 1959 Which tiras,granted upon motion of Mr. Broadhuret, seconded by Mr. Mayhan, and unanimonsl,y appraved.+ .` . ., ? CAA ANNNERSARY Mr. J. A. Weatbrook, Msnager of the local airport,, end Mr. W. W. Anape, tower operator for the IInited States Department of Coamarce, infoxmed the Boanl that the veek of June 22 - 28 xae being set aside and declared by the CBA as Civil Aviation Week to celebrate their 20th Anniversary.and requeated the Cm- miesioners to order the folloxi.ng Proclsmationt WfIEREA3y the mea and xmen of theNCivil Aeronautics Administration are playi.ng a maJor and in- diapeneable role in the encouragenent and deneloFment of•oivil aeronautica; and WHERFASp the Civil Aeronautica Adminiatration, together with aur aircraft,and air transport induatriea, our private and buainess flyer, and other a9lation intereats, have been primarily reepoasible for the development of the worldts ontstanding ayetem oY airways and civil airporta; aad -' . WfiEREAS, the Civil Aeronautica Administration has made a major contMbution to saYety ;..- , in avistion; and . , WHEREAS, American c3vi1 aviation is on the thresho2d of new frontiera of traval, comfort and safetq as We prepare for the trenaition of onr sir transport Pleete from piaton-engined'to jet-poxered aircraft; and . • . WHEREAS, cnrrent defense plans of onr militarq establiehment continue to, place great reliance n.. upon Federal sirwqys, air traffic control, and safe operation of all aircraft ia the natioa, all primary . ftmtiona of the CAA; and ' WfiEREAS. June 23,1 1958 la the 1t+entieth'Annioersar77of the GYvil Aaronautice Act of 19380 bringing into being the Civil Aeronautica Administration: Nox,, thereforel I# J. M. Ha11,, Jr.i Chair+nAn, Aetir Hanover County Board of Commiasioners, do hereby proclaim June 29 as "Civil Av4ation Da}t" and the week commencing on June 23 as °Civil Aviation Week". . Mr. MWhan moved that the reqnest be granted. aeconSed by Mr. Broadhnrst and uaaniinoue]y adopted. 4 e? J ,264 Minntee oP the Meeting Juate 2, 1956 Continued AIRPO&T BENC}E5 - 4lheri Mr. 5lestbrbok s+as giving the above inYormation, he obeerved that'ttie bennhea provided ia the waiting iroom for the oomfort of the psasengere and vieitora were very, very uncomtorCable and that he had-reoeibed some oomplaint's. He had inveatigsted pricee Por replsaenent of upholatered aofa type ae£tees"end Pound that it xould coet approximate],y $850.00 to repiace the old benohea xlth a euitable new type; Commiasibner 4filliems said that he, too, had receined complainta about the diacomPort of-the facilitiee at tlie Airport. The Executive Secretnry requested that in event the Commiseionera deoided to-approve the purchase of nex aofae for the airport, the old benches be placed around the Grand Jnry Room-in the Court House foi the convenienae of vitnesses waiting to be called before that body as xe ' lisii aeveral requests foz such abcomodation. AfLer discussion of the matter, the Board, be cammon con- eent, sgreed that it was a metter that should be considered when the new Budget was approveQ. ROAD PETITIONS - - " The Oleaader Compsn,q, through Mr. Hugh MaeRae II, preeented Petitiona for*improvemment and ,r,/,?!?,?y1 maintenance of Churchill Drive and Hasrthorne Roed by the 3tate Fii?way Commiesion. The Petitions are 6°" properl,q aigned by the property oxnere, and upon motion of Mr. Broadhurst, and seconded by Mr. Yilliams, theq vere ordered transmitted to the 3tate Highway Commieaion for their coneideration. .. WE[,FARE DEPARTMT - . . . , Mre. Helen B. Sneeden, Superintendent of Pnblic Welfare, proearited a Petition for Relief for Preaton McFhrlan because of p2u*sical disability. 14?ia was an emergency case and he liae slread,q been admitted to the CountY Home, ao uPon motioa of Mr. Broadhurat and seconded by Mr.'Ma,qhan the Petition was approved for him to remain as long ae hia health required. AUTOMOBILE INSIIRANCE - The Nstionwide Mutual Inaurance Compar49 presented their invoice Por fleet inevrance coverage on the trucka owned by the County to r0plaae the coverage expiring on June 7th. IIpon motion of Mr. Broadhnrat, seconded by Mr. Mayhan, the Board unanimouslq'epproved the psyment of the invoice and the ineurance ooverage therein. FARM dGENT APPROPRIATION Mr. D. D. Baggett, Nex Iianover County Fhrm Agent, informed the Boerd that becauee of the free2e leat vinter the trip which he had oonteenplated in February to Florida in the intereat oY vegeteble grosring was cancelled and therefore the funds approved and appropriated by the Board on Janvary 27th were not used. The Wachovia Beak and Trust CompaRp in oooperation with North Csrolins Stete College and the North Carolina Departanent of 9griculture is arrangiag a tour oF Ioxa for farm leaders in the ia-. terest oP livestock and poultry produetion, and marketing. The total coat of the trip xould amount to $180.00 but he had approximately $30 00 available in his o13 Bud t O n m ti f M M h d .t . ge . po o on o r. uy an an aeconded by Mr. Broedhurst, the Board unanimously appropriated $100.00 from [Tnanticipsted Flxnde to Countq Farm Agent Travel Fhnde to cover the necessarq eocpenee for thie trip. HOARD OF EDIICARION APPROPRIATION - A requeat from Mr. H. M. Ro7.and, Seoretary of the Board of Fdueatiory for flmde uith which to -? parchase property for the Jimior High School at Winter Park was diacuased. It i+as dec4ded that in order ak t th f d b o m e e un s availa le immediately, $26,000.00 be tamporarily tranaPerred from the Supplementary Budget Account ta the.Bvilding Bond Flmd in order to poetpone the isauing of the total amount of bonda voted by the peogle, but the money ie to be returned to the Supplementary 9ccount jnat ss aoon as the bonds are sold. IIpon motion of Mr. Brosdhvrat, seconded by Mr. Mayhan, the Board UIIflriSIDOllB].f 8PF21'099fI the above transfer of funde for the purpose specified. d request bq the Hoasd of Education through their 8earetary, Mr. H. M. Roiand, for an appro- priation of $47,881.80 of Federal Fumds to be budgeted this year to the Supplementary Budget was, b'y common conaent, held in abqyance for futnre action. • BUDGEf RDQUF515 Commiaeioner l;illiama aeked Covnty Auditor Iave if the Budget requeate uere caaning in eatie- factorily. He recalled that in his motion on April 21, 1958., the department hesds be inetructed to pre- ? sent their Budget requeats in detailj, xith the salaries itemized,, not later than Jtme leto in keeping , with the Fiscal Control Act. tM. Love obaerved that a few of the Budget requeate had been received, ? all oP them.ehowing a decided increase enen though he had etressed the fact that their sakinge ehould be miminized. Mr. Williams them offered a motion that every department head fUrnieh their itemised Budget requeats inoluding salary breakdouni• and flurther that if they xere sutmiitted without the details, to return thma for completion. Thia motion was seconda3 by Mr. Mayhan and unsnimouelp adopted by the Board aith the provieo that aohool teachers' ealarfes could be broken doxn into categoMes rrhich are con- trolled by the type.certificate held and mmmber of years taught. BODGET INCREASES. _ . • . . County Avditor T. D. Love especiallp reninded the Commisaionere that if e decrease in the tax 7? rate was to be obtained, all budget requeats uouid have to be held to a minimum and cut dorm oonsiflerab]y, particular]y where they evidenced a sharpe increase. STATE HIGHMfAY PATROL - Colonel J. R. Smith, Gommsnding, State Highway Patrol, with Attorneq Fudolph I. Minta,, appear- v?_? ?19' ' ` ed before the Board and requested that the tract of property described se Lot # 2l? in the 3outherland {S? ' " 3ubdinisioa, nov under lease to the State Highvay Patrol, be conveyed to the 3tate of Nortdi Carolina. ?-? IIpon motion of W. Mayhans, seconded bq Mr. Broadhurst, the Chai.rman and Clerk of the Nev Hanover Countq C(3C Board of Conwisaionera vere authorimed to eurocute, for good and valuable coneideration, a Deed conveying the traet of property, deacribed as Lot # 24 in the 3ontherland Subdiviaion, nov under lease to the State ftighway Cammisaiont to the 3tate of North Carolina. , . Colonel Smith was recogni.zed bq the Chairman and enpreased the aincere appreoietion of the , Stste Highxay Patrol for the aooperation they had received in thia County xith particular reference to the quarters they had beett pezmitted to occupy here in the Court House and for thia traot on vhiah to ,?.- tsonstruct Headquartera, and inforned the Board it wauld be a completely modern air conditioned atruct- CI tu'e 8pproximateljr 37' x 781 oontaining 3,000 square Peet of floor space. There vill be offices Por Div- iaion Headquartera, Motor Veh4clea Department of Driver Licensing, Aearing OPficere, Safety InstrucL- ioa and Inapection Station. W. J. M. Hall, Jr., Chairman of the Board remarked that thia Cotmtq eoa- aidered the S#ate Highxay Patrol an asaet snd thoexght that in addition to being s valusble serviee to Hew Fiattover Countq, it xould likeviee benePit the adjoining Counties eerved bq this 1Hvision. ? REPORTS ? . , . . . , PyVOt?.?,t?? (1) Inepector's Report o£ the Superviaing Epgineer oP the L?bermen's Mutual Casualty Campa?y r covering an inepection of the vater heaters otimed by the County indicated that there vere no adverse aon- ditiona noted. The report was filed for information. (2) The regular monthly Veterana' Sernice Office Report afiowed a total aWarda for the County \ _, n G °+ 6er ? Minates of the Meeting June 2, 1958 gEppRTg _ "(Continued) amounted to $11,281.66. Contimzed - This report xas slso ordered filed for informatiot?.• ADJOURNMENT - ^ • • " ' The"re tieing'no flarther busittese before the Board,, Mr. seconded by W. Broadhnrst and unanimously adopted. Williams offered a motion to adfoura, - -, ^ . ? ?` a r ? W. G. Houak, Exeautive Sacretary Wilmington, N. C. June 4,'1958 SPECIAL CALL MEETING A apecisl call meating of the New Hanover CounLy Boasd of Commissionere wse called tiy the,. Chairman and helil at 4s30 P. M. on thia date for the purpose of discusaiig the pr6posed Dedicatioa ? of_the neir Bridge rnier the 7ni,and Wateruay at WMghtsville Beach.. The following Gammiasionera par-„ ' ticipated; ' Chairman J. M.'Hsll, Jr., Caomissioners L.-E. Broadhurst, James E. Holton, Jr., Erneat R,-Mayhan and Berry A. Williems. Theq imanimously xaived formal notice of the meeting by comnon con- sent. After a thorough"diacusaion of the maay angles connected with such ari important endeavor, Mr. B"roadhurst offe,sed-a motion to adopt the following Resolution. It vae seconded by Mr. Holton and unanimouslp adopted. WHEREAS, the Board of County Comaisa3oner"s of New Hanover Coniity ia regular` meet3ng assembled on the lOth dqy of March, 1958p unanimouslyr paased s resolution" ^ request3ng-the North'Cairolina'Stete Highway Commission to name the New Nrightsville Heach Brtdge 4he " C. Heide 1rask Memorial Brldge ° in honor of C. Heide 2raak. former State H3ghway Commiesioner for the Third HSghi+ay Metrict and'that letters be vrritten.the Highsray Commission and the Governor to this effect, and WHEEtEAS, it ia the policq of the State Highvaq Commission not to name any ` bridge; highwey,or other facility for snyone vatil thst person hae beea decessed for a period of not lese thsa,4ive years, which ia in keeping xith,the poliey of the Departmen I t of drehivea and History of the State of North Carolina; . NOW, TNEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED: That under and,by virtue of the'poxer ariii - authority given Boarda of Covntq Commiseioners by the'1957 Tav, as set forth.,in the General Statutes of North Caroline, Chspter 153-9?, ?g?Ph 45; the'Board oP County Commissioners of New Hanovei County, in apeciel meeting'asseinbled `on?thia tfie Qth day of Jun@'. 1958,-do heTeby name and designate ttie new'road and bridge? oder the Inland Waterway at Wrightaville Heach as tlie " C. Heide Trask Meaiorial Br3dge," and also the nerr road leading to the bridge as the ° C. Heide 1]ask liigh- way n ? . . BE IT FURTHER RESOLUED, that'this'Highway -and bridge be dedicated to the mem= ory of C. HeiBe Tiask and tliat a copy of this resolution be sent to the State High- vay Commission for their records. . 1he above Resolution was unanimouslp adopted by the Board of County Commissionere of Nev Han- over Countp at itsapeclsl meeting held on the 4th day of June, 1958.. . .. . . ? Clerk to the Board of Countp Commisaionere of New Hanover Cotmty Wilmington, N. C. June 9, 1958 ASSEt++1BLY - The regular weeklq meeting of the Countq Camml.esionera xas held this day in the Comuiaeioaer's Room of the New Hanover County Court House at 9:30 A.M. PRESENT: Chairman J. M. Hall, Jr., Coamias- ioners L. E. Sroadhurst, James E. Holton, Jr., Fsnest R. Mayhan, and Berry A. Williame; County Auditor T. D. Love, and County Attoraey John Bright Hill. INVOCATION - 'lhe meeting vas ca7led to order by tkie Chairmsn who asked Rev. Edrrard Bedford,, Pastor of the Alliance Christian Missionary Church, to open the meeting with praqer.Yor guidance. : MINIITES APPROVAL - The minutes of the regular veekly meeting held on Jrme 2nd and the minutes of the epecisl call meeting held on June 4th npon motion of Mr. Williams, aeconded by Mr. Broadhurst, vere unanimouslq a approved. . . . NROAS _ . . ' • A letter Yrom Jndge Psul Frizelle, aurrentljr holding Superior Court, suggeated that the Commias- ??. ioners cause 48 names to be draun ae Jurora for the trie2 oP Civil casea instead of 36 as has been the cus'- . tam heretofore. Some inconneniences have developed recentiy wherein the court was delaped antil a auffioient number of taleamen could be summoned, ae for various reasona, those drawn in regular panel could not serve. IIpon motion of Mr. Broadhurst, seconded by Mr. Mayhan, this suggestion was unanimous],q adopted by the Board - and 3n the future it vill be customary to draw 48 names for fury duty inatead of 36. ,A