HomeMy WebLinkAbout1958-06-04 Special Meetingn
G °+ 6er
Minates of the Meeting June 2, 1958
gEppRTg _ "(Continued)
amounted to $11,281.66.
Contimzed -
This report xas slso ordered filed for informatiot?.•
" ' The"re tieing'no flarther busittese before the Board,, Mr.
seconded by W. Broadhnrst and unanimously adopted.
Williams offered a motion to adfoura,
- -,
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W. G. Houak, Exeautive Sacretary
Wilmington, N. C. June 4,'1958
A apecisl call meating of the New Hanover CounLy Boasd of Commissionere wse called tiy the,.
Chairman and helil at 4s30 P. M. on thia date for the purpose of discusaiig the pr6posed Dedicatioa ?
of_the neir Bridge rnier the 7ni,and Wateruay at WMghtsville Beach.. The following Gammiasionera par-„ '
ticipated; ' Chairman J. M.'Hsll, Jr., Caomissioners L.-E. Broadhurst, James E. Holton, Jr., Erneat
R,-Mayhan and Berry A. Williems. Theq imanimously xaived formal notice of the meeting by comnon con-
After a thorough"diacusaion of the maay angles connected with such ari important endeavor,
Mr. B"roadhurst offe,sed-a motion to adopt the following Resolution. It vae seconded by Mr. Holton
and unanimouslp adopted.
WHEREAS, the Board of County Comaisa3oner"s of New Hanover Coniity ia regular`
meet3ng assembled on the lOth dqy of March, 1958p unanimouslyr paased s resolution" ^
request3ng-the North'Cairolina'Stete Highway Commission to name the New Nrightsville
Heach Brtdge 4he " C. Heide 1rask Memorial Brldge ° in honor of C. Heide 2raak.
former State H3ghway Commiesioner for the Third HSghi+ay Metrict and'that letters
be vrritten.the Highsray Commission and the Governor to this effect, and
WHEEtEAS, it ia the policq of the State Highvaq Commission not to name any `
bridge; highwey,or other facility for snyone vatil thst person hae beea decessed
for a period of not lese thsa,4ive years, which ia in keeping xith,the poliey of
the Departmen I t of drehivea and History of the State of North Carolina;
NOW, TNEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED: That under and,by virtue of the'poxer ariii
- authority given Boarda of Covntq Commiseioners by the'1957 Tav, as set forth.,in the General Statutes of North Caroline, Chspter 153-9?, ?g?Ph 45; the'Board
oP County Commissioners of New Hanovei County, in apeciel meeting'asseinbled `on?thia
tfie Qth day of Jun@'. 1958,-do heTeby name and designate ttie new'road and bridge?
oder the Inland Waterway at Wrightaville Heach as tlie " C. Heide Trask Meaiorial
Br3dge," and also the nerr road leading to the bridge as the ° C. Heide 1]ask liigh-
way n ? . .
BE IT FURTHER RESOLUED, that'this'Highway -and bridge be dedicated to the mem=
ory of C. HeiBe Tiask and tliat a copy of this resolution be sent to the State High-
vay Commission for their records. .
1he above Resolution was unanimouslp adopted by the Board of County Commissionere of Nev Han-
over Countp at itsapeclsl meeting held on the 4th day of June, 1958.. .
.. . . ?
Clerk to the Board of Countp Commisaionere of
New Hanover Cotmty Wilmington, N. C. June 9, 1958
The regular weeklq meeting of the Countq Camml.esionera xas held this day in the Comuiaeioaer's
Room of the New Hanover County Court House at 9:30 A.M. PRESENT: Chairman J. M. Hall, Jr., Coamias-
ioners L. E. Sroadhurst, James E. Holton, Jr., Fsnest R. Mayhan, and Berry A. Williame; County Auditor
T. D. Love, and County Attoraey John Bright Hill.
'lhe meeting vas ca7led to order by tkie Chairmsn who asked Rev. Edrrard Bedford,, Pastor of the
Alliance Christian Missionary Church, to open the meeting with praqer.Yor guidance. :
The minutes of the regular veekly meeting held on Jrme 2nd and the minutes of the epecisl call
meeting held on June 4th npon motion of Mr. Williams, aeconded by Mr. Broadhurst, vere unanimouslq
approved. . . .
NROAS _ . . ' •
A letter Yrom Jndge Psul Frizelle, aurrentljr holding Superior Court, suggeated that the Commias- ??.
ioners cause 48 names to be draun ae Jurora for the trie2 oP Civil casea instead of 36 as has been the cus'- .
tam heretofore. Some inconneniences have developed recentiy wherein the court was delaped antil a auffioient
number of taleamen could be summoned, ae for various reasona, those drawn in regular panel could not serve.
IIpon motion of Mr. Broadhurst, seconded by Mr. Mayhan, this suggestion was unanimous],q adopted by the Board
- and 3n the future it vill be customary to draw 48 names for fury duty inatead of 36.