1958-06-09 Regular Meetingn G °+ 6er ? Minates of the Meeting June 2, 1958 gEppRTg _ "(Continued) amounted to $11,281.66. Contimzed - This report xas slso ordered filed for informatiot?.• ADJOURNMENT - ^ • • " ' The"re tieing'no flarther busittese before the Board,, Mr. seconded by W. Broadhnrst and unanimously adopted. Williams offered a motion to adfoura, - -, ^ . ? ?` a r ? W. G. Houak, Exeautive Sacretary Wilmington, N. C. June 4,'1958 SPECIAL CALL MEETING A apecisl call meating of the New Hanover CounLy Boasd of Commissionere wse called tiy the,. Chairman and helil at 4s30 P. M. on thia date for the purpose of discusaiig the pr6posed Dedicatioa ? of_the neir Bridge rnier the 7ni,and Wateruay at WMghtsville Beach.. The following Gammiasionera par-„ ' ticipated; ' Chairman J. M.'Hsll, Jr., Caomissioners L.-E. Broadhurst, James E. Holton, Jr., Erneat R,-Mayhan and Berry A. Williems. Theq imanimously xaived formal notice of the meeting by comnon con- sent. After a thorough"diacusaion of the maay angles connected with such ari important endeavor, Mr. B"roadhurst offe,sed-a motion to adopt the following Resolution. It vae seconded by Mr. Holton and unanimouslp adopted. WHEREAS, the Board of County Comaisa3oner"s of New Hanover Coniity ia regular` meet3ng assembled on the lOth dqy of March, 1958p unanimouslyr paased s resolution" ^ request3ng-the North'Cairolina'Stete Highway Commission to name the New Nrightsville Heach Brtdge 4he " C. Heide 1rask Memorial Brldge ° in honor of C. Heide 2raak. former State H3ghway Commiesioner for the Third HSghi+ay Metrict and'that letters be vrritten.the Highsray Commission and the Governor to this effect, and WHEEtEAS, it ia the policq of the State Highvaq Commission not to name any ` bridge; highwey,or other facility for snyone vatil thst person hae beea decessed for a period of not lese thsa,4ive years, which ia in keeping xith,the poliey of the Departmen I t of drehivea and History of the State of North Carolina; . NOW, TNEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED: That under and,by virtue of the'poxer ariii - authority given Boarda of Covntq Commiseioners by the'1957 Tav, as set forth.,in the General Statutes of North Caroline, Chspter 153-9?, ?g?Ph 45; the'Board oP County Commissioners of New Hanovei County, in apeciel meeting'asseinbled `on?thia tfie Qth day of Jun@'. 1958,-do heTeby name and designate ttie new'road and bridge? oder the Inland Waterway at Wrightaville Heach as tlie " C. Heide Trask Meaiorial Br3dge," and also the nerr road leading to the bridge as the ° C. Heide 1]ask liigh- way n ? . . BE IT FURTHER RESOLUED, that'this'Highway -and bridge be dedicated to the mem= ory of C. HeiBe Tiask and tliat a copy of this resolution be sent to the State High- vay Commission for their records. . 1he above Resolution was unanimouslp adopted by the Board of County Commissionere of Nev Han- over Countp at itsapeclsl meeting held on the 4th day of June, 1958.. . .. . . ? Clerk to the Board of Countp Commisaionere of New Hanover Cotmty Wilmington, N. C. June 9, 1958 ASSEt++1BLY - The regular weeklq meeting of the Countq Camml.esionera xas held this day in the Comuiaeioaer's Room of the New Hanover County Court House at 9:30 A.M. PRESENT: Chairman J. M. Hall, Jr., Coamias- ioners L. E. Sroadhurst, James E. Holton, Jr., Fsnest R. Mayhan, and Berry A. Williame; County Auditor T. D. Love, and County Attoraey John Bright Hill. INVOCATION - 'lhe meeting vas ca7led to order by tkie Chairmsn who asked Rev. Edrrard Bedford,, Pastor of the Alliance Christian Missionary Church, to open the meeting with praqer.Yor guidance. : MINIITES APPROVAL - The minutes of the regular veekly meeting held on Jrme 2nd and the minutes of the epecisl call meeting held on June 4th npon motion of Mr. Williams, aeconded by Mr. Broadhurst, vere unanimouslq a approved. . . . NROAS _ . . ' • A letter Yrom Jndge Psul Frizelle, aurrentljr holding Superior Court, suggeated that the Commias- ??. ioners cause 48 names to be draun ae Jurora for the trie2 oP Civil casea instead of 36 as has been the cus'- . tam heretofore. Some inconneniences have developed recentiy wherein the court was delaped antil a auffioient number of taleamen could be summoned, ae for various reasona, those drawn in regular panel could not serve. IIpon motion of Mr. Broadhurst, seconded by Mr. Mayhan, this suggestion was unanimous],q adopted by the Board - and 3n the future it vill be customary to draw 48 names for fury duty inatead of 36. ,A I??? Minutes of the Meeting June 9. 1958 Continued INSTFTUTE OF GOVERNMENT - •-- 291e Chairman read a letter addresaed to the Board from Mr. John Alexander McN{ahon, Assistant Director of the Inatitute of Government. He called Lhe attention o£•the Board to s panel dis'cussion to be held on June 24, during the Conaention, for discuasing the reasons some countiea have eleated to dis- pense xith their County Homea and resort to boarding homes and the reesona vhq other countise grefer to maintain their County 8ome and Fsrm. 7his information was noted and filed for future reference. JUFOR CAMPLAIIdT - Mr. George Slona, Sr, informed the Board that on or about November lat, 19572 he wae summan- ed and"served as a furor in the case of Mr. Don Eberett who apparently titsa murdered in a vacant house on Dock Street, by parties unknown. He stated that he xas again aumnoned for the inquest on November --?? , 4p 1957 ana after deliberation, Dr, Robert Nilliama, Deputy Coroner, decided to recess because of in- `'?? ? aufficient abidence. For some reason tmimown to him he has never been , paid for aerving, although he had talked to Dr. Williame tti+ice aad had xritten him a letter on one occasion and requested that he in- form County Auditor, T. D. Iove of the obligation amounting to 08.00. County iuditor Love informed the Board that he had never received an invoice and could not pay, it until such information had been obtained. • ? .. . . ? PINE GR0VE DRIVE - A group of property owners living on what ia nou Pine Grone Drive petitioned the Board that thia deaiwation be continued instead of changing it to the Masonboro I.oop Road. Triis came about becauae the New Hanoner Hiatorical Comnission had overtured the Board on May 19th'requesting the change be mode ? because of the historical value attached to the Masonboro Loop Aosd. Mr. Holton was of the opinion ?? - that since the Qeople who lived on this street and rnmed property Lhere, the}r ahould have some voice ia ?,?roR79O f ita neme. Mr. Williams vas of the opinion that it should be deaignated by the Bosrd as Msaonboro Loop R d ' oa because it hae been lmown by thst name for the past fortq years. Mr. Holton moved, aeconded by Mr. Maqhan, that the portion of the street from Wrightaville Avenue to Oleander Drive be officially nsmed Pine Grove Drive. When the vote was csat, four of the Commiasioners voted in the aPfirmative end Mr. Williems voted "No°. The Chairman ruled the motion carried. ' WORRI+SEN'S COMPIIVSATION - ? The North Carolina Industrial Commiseion, through a memorandum eddresaed to all Self-Inaurora and Insurance Companies, infoimed the Board that a recent court decieian holde minimum and maximum com- pat?p ratea apply to permanent partial disabilities. The calculation as laid down by the court is as followa: "Sixty per cent.of the average weekly wage multiplied bp the.percentage of permanent partial disabilitq, subject to the minimwn or maxinnmm rate in effect at the date of the accident.° This applies to permanent partial disabilltiee imder the General'Statutea 97-31. See 248 N. C. 199; and 2l+3 N.C. 422. C. HEIDE TRASR MFMORIAL BRIDGE - • A letter dated N,ay 20th from Mr. W. F. Habcock, Director of Highways of the State Highxay Commiesion, informed the Board that the 1957 Ge¢ieral Assemb],p paesed GS 153-9 authori2ing the Boarda of ? County Commissionere to deaignate the nsmee of roada or streeta in unincorporeted areae.. therefore,their action of June 4th designating the Bridge at Wrighteville Sound over the Inland Yatenray be named the "C. 8eide Trask Mmnoriel Bridge and Highway^ sras retiPied. , BOARD OF IDIICATION APPROPRIATION A letter from Mr. H. M. Roland, Superintendent of the Neu Hanover County Schools; requesting an appropriation of the Federal Fimde be budgeted in the 1957-58 School Year xas read. This ia the same requeat that vas delayed on June 2nd nntil further information coulfl be obtained. After a full dis- eussion by the Hoard, Mr, Holton offered s motion that the IInanticipated Revenue Prom the Federal Govern- ment to $45.,881.80 be appropriated to the Supplementary School Hudget xith the prbviso that the Countp d A - ? u itor be authorized to disperae the 826g000.00 authorized by the Board on June 2nd for the purpose of the purchase of land for the new Winter F9rk Junior High School but that the expenditure o£ other funds ie to be restricted until a member of the School Board appears before the Board af. Commisaioners and out- linea an explanation for the need of other flunda. lhis motion vas seconded by Mr. Williams and unani- mously adopted by the Board. {iGRICIILTURAL E%TFNSION OONUENTIOId - County Farm Agent D. D..Baggett had requested the Chairman of the Board to make an addresa' of welcome at a meeting of the State Farm Agents to be held at the Cape Fear Hote1,F"ridaq and Saturday, June 13th and 14th. Chairman Hall informed the Board that he uwld be out of toWn on these dates and requested the Vice Chairman, Jemes E. Holtont Jr, to perform those duties. BUDGET ftD2UESTS - , ' Cammissioner Berry A. Williams saked the Countp Auditor T. D. Love if all Budget requeats had been turned in to him as inatructed bp the Board sometime ago. He vea informed that most of them had . been and that all had been requeated a second time and he felt sure that they xould all be in aometime thia week. 1he Chairmsa etated that if they vere not.in bq the time the Board wanted to reviei+ them, the Board itselP would make the Budget on the basia of their 1957-58 Budget. Mr. Williema observed that he had talked to some members of the Boards of other Counties and they were planning on having their • Budget set by July lst sa required by law and he thought we should also attend to thia mstter right auay. COMMISSIONEIirELECT - - Mr. Broadhurst suggested that the Board invite Commiasioner-Elect Peter H.Braak to attend sll ?,ez Board meetings and sit in with the Bosrd on diacuasiona of all the Budgete. JAIL INSPECTION The Sheriff made a request through the Executive Secretary for aome repair work and painting oa the County Ja31. The Board decided to make an inspection of the Jail properties and found that in aeveral places along the outside xalls, xater vas aeeping through, causing the salt peter to ooze out and damage the paint. They also found a fex other minor repaira that could be handily done by the Cuetod- iana immediately. 1he Ececutive Secretary vsa inatructed to arrange for the cleaning and painting to be done beginning the week of June 16th as the Sheriff in£ormed the Board that criminal court would be over by that time and the geil population reduced at a minimum. FIRE INSPECTION CONMITTEE - ' • • . A letter was receiroed from Mr, Fd. B. Wright, Secretary to the Nex Hanoner County Fire Inspect- ion Comtoittee, informing the Board that in their action on November 5th,, 1957l they spproved fYre die- trict limits for the Winter Park Fire Departmment bat that aince that time an error had been found in the description of the district eo the committee submitted the•following outline to be approved in place of the one Pormerly presented; .._ / L, . Minutes of the Meeting June 9, 1958 Continued 4i'?D?-?Da't FIRE INSPECTION COMMITTEE = (Ceritinued) -• -'°Beginniag at a poin't,uheie the ptlantic Coaet Line Failroad,Tracks crosa the Wilmington City Limits ISne Near Burnt Mill Creek and Mercer Avenue, thence folloWing the Atlantic Coast Line Railroad Traak in an easterlp'iiirection to a point .6 mile East of.the Aerr Avenue Crosaing thence in a Southerly direction to Hswthorne Drive. continuing albng the West side of" sald Dride to the Intereection.of Oleander Drivet thence continuing in a Soiztherly di:rection to a point where the Greenville Loop Road Croases a Bianch of Hewrlett'e Creek, thence slong the West side of said branch of Hewlett's Creeko thence along South bank of esid'Creek to'the Intraboastal Waterway, tkience aiong the Weat berik of the,InJ.and Waterway to a po3nt where the eaid Weat bank intersects the Weatern Property line of the Borot,by Owena Property, thence parallel uith said Weatern Property line to the pave3 Highway Smown ae Masonboro Loop Road, to a poiat 4.0 milea from the Winter Park FYre Station.. ttience in a diTect line to the Interaection of esid t+,ssonboro Loop Road with the Carolina Beach Cutoff Road, said Interaection being e*netlp 4.0 milea from the Winter'Park Fire Statioa end also OtQ miles Northxest of Wh3skey Creek Bridge on the Carolina Beach , Gutoff Road: Continuing from this intersection in a Northuesterly direction to the Eastern Boundary of Greenlawn- C;metery on the Winter Park - Shipyard Boulzvard Road, (formerly the Winter Park - Maffitt V11- lage Road,) thence coatinu3ng in a Northwesterly direction to the Wilmington City Limi.ts I3ne at the inter- sect3on of Jtffiping Rim Creek, thence follouing the Wi]mington City I3mita Line Northuard and Faetuard to the poittt of the beginning." -- Sy common consent, the Board approved thie request and adopted the Reaolution revising the Fire Diatrict Limits sa outlined above. dDJOIIRNME'NT `- -''- There being no flurther business to come before the Board, I9r. fourn, aeconded by Mr. Broadhurat and,unanimouslq adopted. Williame offered a motion to ad- / ?W. G. Houck, ecutive Secretary Wilmington, N. C. June 16, 1958 ASSII9BLY The regulQr xeekly meeting of the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners vas held this day in the Commissioner's Room of the Court House at 9:30 A. M. PRESINT: Ctimmissioners James E. Holton$ Jr. Erneat R. Msyhan, L. E. Broadhurst, and Berry A..iiilliams; County Auditor T..D. I.ove and County Attor- ney John.Bright Hill. Commissioner-Elect Peter H. Braak was also present for the meeting. Chafrman J. M. Hallo Jr, was out of the city and unable to attend. INVOCATION - In absence of the Chairman, the Vice Chairman, James E. Holton, Jr, called the meeting to order and requested Reverend L. S. Jeffrey, Pastor of St. Andrew's Episcopal Church, to open the meeting with prayer fbr guidance, , - APPROVAL.OF MINUTFS .- ' The minutes of the meeting of June 9, 1958 xere approved, upon motion of Mr. Mayhan, seconded by Mr. Broadhurst, and unanimously adopted. \ ?s? CAUTION SIGNS Mr. Fred K. Retchin, a resident of 1109 Hauthorne Road, reqnested that the Board authorfzerthe erection of some ^Slow - Children Playing" signe*in the 1100 and 1200 Blocks of Hawthorne Road as the street had become denselp populated and vehicles traveled at an excessive speod on this narrov street and he implied that the residents of the area would appreciate requesting the Stste Highwey Cormnission to erect the signs. By common consent, the Board authorized the Fscecutive Secretary to investigate the need, and handle the matter directly v3th the State and City Departmente. , CAPE FEAR AMBULANCE COMPANY - f Purauant to the action of the Board on June 2nd, the City Council appointed a committee to study the problems of ambulance service in the City of Wilmington and the Covnty of Nev Hanover. The Vice Chair- man appointed Mesars. Berry A. Williama and I.eon E. Broadhurst to represent the Countq ott that committee. TAX ABATFMENT REQUEST - • A letter was received from Lieutenant Colonel Roger M. Page, nox a resident of 506 Kentucky Ave- ?? • nue., Alexmndria, Virgina but a property owner of 928 Country Club Road in Wilmington? North Carolina? explained to the Boasd that his property had been financed through the Pilot I3fe Insurance Company of Greensboro. During the years of 1454, 1956 and 1957., he vas penalized For failure to list his property for taxes. Because the ta3ces were_paifl by the Pilot Life Insurance Compat?y.. he was not aware that he hsd been paying penalities until Jenuarq of 1958 after he had been advised in anawer to his inquiry as to why he had not receined a tax notice for 1957. For some of these failures, he offered the reason that he aas in Korea in active duty and therefore, respectfully requests the nonlisting penalties for the years 1954, 1956 and 1957 amounting to $95.89 be abated and a refund made to him. After discussion of the matter, it was referred toCounty Auditor T. D. Love and County Attorney John D. Hill for handling. COURT REPORTER - 8 --f Mr. Duight McEtaen, Superior Court Reporter, appeared before the Board and stated that the last "pZA1",, contract that he had with the County vas dated in 1937 and while it was true that several provis3.ona had c6""" been changed, there were one or tr+o other statutory rights that had not been cleared such as set forth in GS,15-181 "And where it sha11 appear to the presiding judge that a defendant who has been convicted of a capital felony, or having,been tried upon a bil.l of indictment charging a capital felony, has been convict- ed of a less offense, and who has prayed an appeal to the Supreme Court from the sentence of death or other sentence pronounced againat him upon such conviction, is unable to defray the cost of perfecting his appeal on account of his poverty, it shall be the dutg of the countp in vhich the alleged capital felony xas com- mitted, upon the order of such 3udge, to pay the necessarq cost of obtaining a transcript of the proceed- inga had and the evidence offered on the trial from the court reporter for the use of the defmdant and the necessarp cost of preparing the requisite copies of the record and briefs which the defendant is required to file in the Supreme Court under the rules of said court," He read a new contract uhich he proposed to have approved by the Commiasioners vhich in no way changes his salary schedule or other responsibilities but does allow him the statutory rights in the portion of the above quoted general ststute xith reference . to capital offenaea and ps.upers. The Board, by common consent, referred this matter to the County Attorney, for study and recoaunendation. ? A ?