HomeMy WebLinkAbout1958-06-16 Regular Meeting.
Minutes of the Meeting
June 9, 1958 Continued
-'°Beginniag at a poin't,uheie the ptlantic Coaet Line Failroad,Tracks crosa the Wilmington City
Limits ISne Near Burnt Mill Creek and Mercer Avenue, thence folloWing the Atlantic Coast Line Railroad
Traak in an easterlp'iiirection to a point .6 mile East of.the Aerr Avenue Crosaing thence in a Southerly
direction to Hswthorne Drive. continuing albng the West side of" sald Dride to the Intereection.of Oleander
Drivet thence continuing in a Soiztherly di:rection to a point where the Greenville Loop Road Croases a
Bianch of Hewrlett'e Creek, thence slong the West side of said branch of Hewlett's Creeko thence along
South bank of esid'Creek to'the Intraboastal Waterway, tkience aiong the Weat berik of the,InJ.and Waterway
to a po3nt where the eaid Weat bank intersects the Weatern Property line of the Borot,by Owena Property,
thence parallel uith said Weatern Property line to the pave3 Highway Smown ae Masonboro Loop Road, to a
poiat 4.0 milea from the Winter Park FYre Station.. ttience in a diTect line to the Interaection of esid
t+,ssonboro Loop Road with the Carolina Beach Cutoff Road, said Interaection being e*netlp 4.0 milea from
the Winter'Park Fire Statioa end also OtQ miles Northxest of Wh3skey Creek Bridge on the Carolina Beach ,
Gutoff Road: Continuing from this intersection in a Northuesterly direction to the Eastern Boundary of
Greenlawn- C;metery on the Winter Park - Shipyard Boulzvard Road, (formerly the Winter Park - Maffitt V11-
lage Road,) thence coatinu3ng in a Northwesterly direction to the Wilmington City Limi.ts I3ne at the inter-
sect3on of Jtffiping Rim Creek, thence follouing the Wi]mington City I3mita Line Northuard and Faetuard to
the poittt of the beginning."
-- Sy common consent, the Board approved thie request and adopted the Reaolution revising the
Fire Diatrict Limits sa outlined above. dDJOIIRNME'NT
`- -''- There being no flurther business to come before the Board, I9r.
fourn, aeconded by Mr. Broadhurat and,unanimouslq adopted.
Williame offered a motion to ad-
?W. G. Houck, ecutive Secretary
Wilmington, N. C. June 16, 1958
The regulQr xeekly meeting of the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners vas held this day
in the Commissioner's Room of the Court House at 9:30 A. M. PRESINT: Ctimmissioners James E. Holton$ Jr.
Erneat R. Msyhan, L. E. Broadhurst, and Berry A..iiilliams; County Auditor T..D. I.ove and County Attor-
ney John.Bright Hill. Commissioner-Elect Peter H. Braak was also present for the meeting. Chafrman J.
M. Hallo Jr, was out of the city and unable to attend.
In absence of the Chairman, the Vice Chairman, James E. Holton, Jr, called the meeting to order
and requested Reverend L. S. Jeffrey, Pastor of St. Andrew's Episcopal Church, to open the meeting with
prayer fbr guidance, , - APPROVAL.OF MINUTFS .- '
The minutes of the meeting of June 9, 1958 xere approved, upon motion of Mr. Mayhan, seconded
by Mr. Broadhurst, and unanimously adopted.
Mr. Fred K. Retchin, a resident of 1109 Hauthorne Road, reqnested that the Board authorfzerthe
erection of some ^Slow - Children Playing" signe*in the 1100 and 1200 Blocks of Hawthorne Road as the
street had become denselp populated and vehicles traveled at an excessive speod on this narrov street and
he implied that the residents of the area would appreciate requesting the Stste Highwey Cormnission to
erect the signs. By common consent, the Board authorized the Fscecutive Secretary to investigate the need,
and handle the matter directly v3th the State and City Departmente. ,
Purauant to the action of the Board on June 2nd, the City Council appointed a committee to study
the problems of ambulance service in the City of Wilmington and the Covnty of Nev Hanover. The Vice Chair-
man appointed Mesars. Berry A. Williama and I.eon E. Broadhurst to represent the Countq ott that committee.
A letter was received from Lieutenant Colonel Roger M. Page, nox a resident of 506 Kentucky Ave- ??
• nue., Alexmndria, Virgina but a property owner of 928 Country Club Road in Wilmington? North Carolina?
explained to the Boasd that his property had been financed through the Pilot I3fe Insurance Company of
Greensboro. During the years of 1454, 1956 and 1957., he vas penalized For failure to list his property
for taxes. Because the ta3ces were_paifl by the Pilot Life Insurance Compat?y.. he was not aware that he hsd
been paying penalities until Jenuarq of 1958 after he had been advised in anawer to his inquiry as to why
he had not receined a tax notice for 1957. For some of these failures, he offered the reason that he aas
in Korea in active duty and therefore, respectfully requests the nonlisting penalties for the years 1954,
1956 and 1957 amounting to $95.89 be abated and a refund made to him. After discussion of the matter, it
was referred toCounty Auditor T. D. Love and County Attorney John D. Hill for handling.
Mr. Duight McEtaen, Superior Court Reporter, appeared before the Board and stated that the last "pZA1",,
contract that he had with the County vas dated in 1937 and while it was true that several provis3.ona had c6"""
been changed, there were one or tr+o other statutory rights that had not been cleared such as set forth in
GS,15-181 "And where it sha11 appear to the presiding judge that a defendant who has been convicted of a
capital felony, or having,been tried upon a bil.l of indictment charging a capital felony, has been convict-
ed of a less offense, and who has prayed an appeal to the Supreme Court from the sentence of death or other
sentence pronounced againat him upon such conviction, is unable to defray the cost of perfecting his appeal
on account of his poverty, it shall be the dutg of the countp in vhich the alleged capital felony xas com-
mitted, upon the order of such 3udge, to pay the necessarq cost of obtaining a transcript of the proceed-
inga had and the evidence offered on the trial from the court reporter for the use of the defmdant and the
necessarp cost of preparing the requisite copies of the record and briefs which the defendant is required
to file in the Supreme Court under the rules of said court," He read a new contract uhich he proposed to
have approved by the Commiasioners vhich in no way changes his salary schedule or other responsibilities
but does allow him the statutory rights in the portion of the above quoted general ststute xith reference
to capital offenaea and ps.upers. The Board, by common consent, referred this matter to the County Attorney,
for study and recoaunendation. ?
Minutes of the Meeting Jvne 16, 1958 Continued
Register of Deeda, R. L. Black, and Clerk of Superior Court, Foster Fdwards appeared before
the Board and informed them that aince July 4th was•on a Friday this year, they requeated permission
to close their offices on Friday and Saturdayp July yth and 5th. IIpon motion of Mr, lfilliams, second-
ed by Mr. Mayhan, the Board unanimously approved this recommendation.
Mrs. Helen B. Sneeden,. Superintendent oP Public Welfare Department,, appeared before the
Board and presented for approval, the proposed ffiudget for aid to the blind for 1958-59. Vice Chair-
man Holton outlined a comparison of the 1957-58 Budget vith the proposed Bndget which iniiicated an
increase of nine recipients for a total of 125 fbr at the present time the number o£ aid'to the blind
cases amounts to 120. The total amount of County FSxnds in 1957- Sg. Budget amounted to $12,727.14
? and the ro sed Bud et for 1958- 59 Bud et amounted to
P P? g g 513,93408. After conside'rable discnssion in
which it was pointed out that while thia was actually only, a tentative Budget and subject to being
altered at the vill of the Board, it was felt that because it vould be necessary for the State to have
some figures on vhich to base its Budget, the Board ahould approve the tentative Budget as presented
and so Mr. Williams offered the motion that the Board approve this tentative Budget and authorize the
Chairman and the Executive Secretary to sign the proposed tentstive Budget. Mr. Mayhan seconded thia
motion and xhen the vote was counted, all voted in the affirmative except Mr. Broadhurst who regiatered
a negative vote. The Chairman ruled the motion carried.
After Mrs. Sneeden had discuased the above Budget, she called attention to the unbearable
heat in their department during last Thursday and Friday and requested the Board to approve the shift-
ing of $1093,00 now in Administrative Budget - Aid to the Blind to Capital Outlaq - Public Welfare,
The matter was discussed at length by the Board with Mrs. Sneeden, but, bq courtnon consent, no action
was taken on the matter.
Mr. H. M. Roland, Secretary to the Board of Fducstion, presented each member of the Board
with the fol3owing letter explaining their reason for desiring to have the receipts from the Federal
Gooernment Funds transferred to the Supplementary Budget for expending in the 1957-58 Budget year and
? that if there was not a substantial balance in the Supplementary Budget at the end of the 1957-58 pear,
teachers supplements would have to be cut:
, °The Federal Gooernment sent $47,881.80 to the Nev Hanover Countv Board of Education for
, the 1957-58 Budget.
The'Federal Government sent $48,308.57 for the 1956-57 Budget. This is typical of the
Federal receipts for several years past.
Auditor Love did not see fit to include Federal funds in the estimated receipts for
•1957-58. This procedure is different from that followed previoasly, (or by other
schooLumits: ) • _ -_ . .
• Auditor Love and the County Board.of Commissioners promised to add the Federal receipts
to the 1957-58 Budget, if and vhen they arrived. '
Auditor Love cut the Board of Education's Supplementary Budget drastically becauae of
his new policy of estimating receipts.
The Neu Hanover County Board of Education respectfully requests the Board of Covnty Cam-
missioners to make the $47,681.80 a part of the 1957-58 Supplementary Budget.
There are many complications in obtsining Federal flands, You are urgently requested to
act so as not to make this task more difficult or impossible.
The teacher supplemente vould have to be cut if there is not a subatantial balance in
the Supplementary Budget at the end of the 1957-56 fiecal year. You may depend on it
'--'-that all expenditures will be held to the absolute minimum. The Federal agencies would
assinne that their receipts so far have been spent for 1957-58 obligations.
The action of the County Board of Coram3ssioners of last Monday definitely eliminates all
Federal funds from the 1957-58 expenditures, • •
It is easy to see that a report of this situation uould enbarrass and jeopardize fliture
dealings with the Federal agencies."
He assured the Hoard that if they released those funds, they could depend upon all expenditures being
held at an absolute minimum. He further informed the Board that there uere many complicationa in-
volved in obtaining Federal Flinds and that i£ this situation was reported it would definitely jeopard-
ize future dealings xith the Federal agencies besides be a very embarrassing position for the County
as thia prodedure is so different from that previously followed or by other'school units. Mr. Roland
informed the Board that there were 174 achool syeteme in North Carolina and that New Hanover County
• echool unit had dropped from 29th position in teachers' supplement pay to 51st place. He aleo brought
out that it was the policy of the Board to psy the teaehera 1/3 of the supplev,ettt at Chriatmas time
and 2/3 at the end of the school year. Mr. Broadhurst queationed the validity"of the figures quoted
by Mr. Aoland of the position of Nex Hanover County in the echool aysteme of the 3tate and requeated
khe Ekecutive Seoretary to write a letter to the Bosrd of Education attd requeet that those figures fle
presented before the Board at their next meeting on June 30th. After a thorough discusaion by the
members of the Hoard with Mr. Roland and County Auditor Love, it rras finallq agreed that since their
action last week was based on a report of the Chairman, J.M. Hall Jr, after he had conferred by tele-
phone vith Mr. Roland, they should defer aqy, action until Mr. Hall and a flall Board vere present.
? .
!7 A letter from the Consolidated Board of Health through their Director, Dr. C. E. Dati's, ex_
plained that they vere requesting kwo additional Publie Health Nurses and requeated approval of the
Board in eharing in their concern for the handling of the rapidlp increaeing Publio Health problema.
Mr. Rroadhurat offered the motion that no action be taken on this requeat at thie time, aeconded by Mr.
Mayhan and unanimously adopted. .
Mr. C. D. Hogue, Jr. called the Board's attention to the fact that the reaulte of the Speoiel
Election had been reviewed by the Chairmsn of the Board of Electiona, himaelf, and the Clerk to the
Hoard and subaequently aent to the Bond attorneys in Nesr York for reniew. 'ihe Cleak then presented the
returne, ehoxing the result of the not4ng on the queation submittad at the Speoial Election held in the
County of New Hanoner on Ma,y 319 195$ made bg the registrare and Jndgea oY the Election proper]y appoint-
ed. The folloti+fng Affidavit was then made by the Clerk: •
Minutes of the Meeting June lb, 1958 Continued
L' rj G
I1 W. G. Houck, Clerk of the Board of Coarmissionere oP the County of Nev Hanover, in the
State of North Carolina, DO.HEREBY CERTIF7C sa follows: ,
1. On the yth daq of June# 1958, the persons vho acted as Registrare and Judges of Election
at the apecial election held in said County on My 31, 1958, f41ad in the office of the
Clark of the Board oP Commiseionera of said County returns ahoxiag the reault of the
voting at said election in each of the voting precincte in said Countq, and said returne
so filed are now on file in the office of said Clerk. '
? 2. The retvrn msde by the Regietrar and Judgea of Election Yor each voting precinct hea
been eigned by the persona appointed to be auch Registrar and Jtidges of Eleotion.
3. I'have compared the attached copiea srith said returns so Piled and said copies ere true
copies-of said returna and of the whole thereoP. ,
IN IdITNESS WHERDDF9 I have hereimto affixed, the seal of said County of Nesr Hanoner, this 4t3i day of
Jtme, 1958
. . . ? .
• ,. , ?
. .. .? . . , -
Clerk of Boe.rd of Commissionera of
. ' Aesr Hanover County, North Cerolina
Commiseioner Berry A. Williams moved tkie sdoption of the folloxing resolution:
WHEREASj, the Regiatrars and Judges of Election appointe3 to holfl the Specisl
Election held in the Crnmty on Msy 319 1958, have he2d said election and have made
returns ahorring the reautt of the voting on the queation sutmitted at said electioa
and Lhe Board of Commiseioners has coneidered said returna snd has dul,y canvassed
the returns and ascertained the resu2t of said electlon; and
WHEREAS, it appeara from said returns thet the polla for said election were
opened in each precinct at the polling place prescribed therefore at the hour of
6:30 o'clock, A. M. (Eastern Standard Time) and were continuwsly kept open until
6:30 o'clock, P.M. (Fastern Standard Time) and that the notera noting at said elect-
ion uere required to use ballots ia the form prescribed for said election by the
resolution adopted by the Board of Coaunisaionere:
NOW, THEREF'ORE, BE IT RF50LVED by the Board of Commissioners of the Countq
of New Hanover as followes
1. It is hereby determined and declared that the ntmiber of voters registered
and qualified to vote at said election vre.s 33,607.
2. The ntmber of votera voting at said election vho voted "YF5" on the Quest-
ion submitted at said election vas 9,960, arid the number of auch votere aho voted
"NO" on said Queation xas.3,576,, and a ms)ority of th?e votera of said County quali-..
fied to vote and notfng at said election voted "YES" on said Question.
3. A atatement shawing the number of dotera who voted "YF5" and the ntmmber of
notera who voted "NO" on said Qiieation$ and'the number of votera quslified to vote
at said election and declaring the result of said election, shall be prepared and
aigned by at least a maJority of the membere of the Board of Comaisaioners and deliv-,_
ered to the Clerk ao that auch atstement may be Piled and recorded in accordance
- «._... vith law. .
Commiseioner L. E. Broedhurst aeconded the motion and the motion aas unanimouslq
adopted. The membere of the Board votirig for the adoption of the leat mentioned resolution thereupon
signed a statement of the resuit of the.election and delivered the atatenent eo aigned to the Clerk.
For the purpose of recording the statemerit, as required by ]aw, the following oopy of the etatement so
eigned ia inserted in the mimitess '
• MAY 31, 1958
WHIItEASO bp direction of the Board of Commissionere of the Countp of New Hanoner,
in the Stete of ftorth Carolina, the folloving queation vas enbmitted to the qvalified voters
of said County at the apecial election held in said County oa May 319 19589
Shall the quelified voters of the County of New Hanover approve
the bond order vhich vas adopted by the Board of Commissionera on
April 289 1958 snd which (1) euthorizea bonde of the County of Nev
' Aanover of the maximvm aggregate principal amount of $600,000 to
finance the coat of acquiring land ead erecting thereon, for the use
of the Ffilmington Cmnmzmity College, one or more buildings contain-
ing classroome, laboratories, adminiatrative offices, utility plants,
libraries, cafeterias and auditoritmms, end of purchasing and.inetall-
ing equiFsnent auitable therefor, and (2) also authoriaee the levq oP
an annual tax sufficient to pay the principal of and interest on the
bonds authorizied thereby; and approve the indebtedness to be in-
curred by the isauanoe of said bonds? and said Board of Commissionera has duly canvassed the returns of the Regiatrars and Jndges
of Election appointed to hold said election and has determined the reault oP said election
to be ae hereinafter stated:
Minutea of the Meeting June 16, 1958 Continued
Said Baerd of Commissioners herebq makea the following etatement of the result of
aeid election, pursuant to the County Finance Act of North Carolins: (1) The nw¢ber of votera regietered and qualified to vote at said e].?ection vae
(2) The number of notera voting st eaid election xho voted "YES° on Queation
No. 1 was 9,960, and the nimmber of euch notera who voted "NO" on eaid
Queation wae 3,5760 end a majority of the wtera of said County qualified
to vote and voting at said electton voted "YFS" on esid Question.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, ve, the undereigned membera of the Board of Commissioners of the
County of New Hanover, have hereunto set our handa, this 16_ day oY June, 1956.
/8/ J. M. Hall. Jr.. fhairaan
`ef Jemes E. Holton, Jr.
Comniasioner Berry A. Williame moved that the etstement so aigned be approved bq the
Board of Commissioners and that the Clerk be directed to file the original atateuent in hie office
and to publiah a copy of the statenent in the manner provided by law.
Membera of Board of Commissioners
Commissioner L. E. Broadhurat seconded the motion and the motion xae unenimously adopted.
County Auditor T. D. Love presented the Bva?iwith the folloving internal changea in the
Budget and requested appropriationa as followes
Auditor - Travel $35.00
a n 5.00
Commissioners Salaries 55.00
n " ' 150.00
County Aid - Hog Cholera Serum 7.0p
" " " ° " 1s,000.00
Court House - Repalrst Bldge. 25.63
a a e n 4.80
Jail-Aectrical Snppliea .84
a n w 10.00
n n n 10.00
Superior Court - Capital Outley 10.00
County Hame Anergencq 525.00
n n n 800.00
Unaaticipated F1,mds ly800.00
Community Hoapital 410921.00
(Unanticipated FYmds-Bad Debts
State Public Assistance
Cash Balance 7/1/57
Charity Recoveriea
Duke mdowment
State Intangibles
st,ate Msafoal cara
Nurees Fees
General P1and Anergency 59000.00
Capital Account- Agriculture,Economics 50.00
Comihiasionera Salariea 56.27
/8/ L. E. Broadhurst
/e` Erneat R. Mayhan
/13/ Berry A. tdilliame
to Auditor - Repairs, Equipment
- Telephone
" . Commiasioners - Stationorq, Suppliea
" Coroner - Autopey
" County Aid - Caskete
n n n ? gevaluation
" Court Houae - Electrical Supplies
n n n _ Fuel
a n n ? IC6
" Jail - Ritchen Supplies .
" " - 6ater, Sewerage
n a _ Leumdry
" " - Produce from Farm
" Superior Court - Stationery, Supplies
" Countq Home - Fuel
n a a _ Groceries _
" County Farm - Capital Outlaq
" Co=unity Hospitel (itt total)
to Elections - (in total)
" Telephone, $35.00; Office Suppliee
" Stationery,, Supplies
IIpon motion of Mr. Broadhurst, seconded bq Mr. Mayhan, the Board unanimousl,v approned the requeats ahown
o A letter from a citizen, S. W. Garrett, giving the location of 53 dogs which he alleges have
not been given in for 1958 Taaes Was read by the Board but aince the oiruere' names uere not furniahed,
it xas imposaible to aecertain r+hether or not they xere indiviflual listiage ao upon motion of Mr. Broad-
huret, seconded by Mr. Mayhans,.the matter was referred to Raa Supervisor T. D. Looe with inatructiona
`rr? to aontact tdie dog warden for inveatigation and whatener action ia required.
Mr. Louia T. Moore, Chairmsn oF the Nea Hanover Historical Coumiesion, reuinded the Board that
May 90th wae declared National F1ag Asp bq lhomsa Woodrow Wilson, a former resident of this County,, and
that Live Oak Camp, Number Six, Woodemen of the World had offered to flirniah a National F]ag for use in
the Commiesioners' Rnom if theq would accept it. Mr. Broadhuret offered a motion that Mr. Moore be thanked
for thia offer end a letter written to him thst the Board wonld be glad to accept such a gift and that
the presentat3on could be made at any regular meeting at their convenience. This wsa unanimously accepted
bq,common consent.
2 ? .A
Minutes of the Meeting J.iine 16, 1958 Cotttinued
Mrs. Alice Strickland, Executive Secretary of SFNCBA, was recognized bq thellice Chairman and '
explained to the Board that her organization was very happy to present them a copy of a small brochure
recentlp issued setting forth the many attractions in this srea and stating that 10,,000 of these bookleta
had been distributed and that favorable comment and inquiry had come Prom eoery State in the IInion and
aeveral foreign countries ss a result of it. The Vice Chairman exgressed the sppreciation of the Board
to her organization for the fine contribution they vere making in alluring tourists to thia area and thank-
ed her for the'booklete.
BUDGETS - ' • . _
A diacuseion among membera of the Board developed at this time with rePerence to the approach-
ing approval 04 Budgeta for the different Covntp aervices and as the Boaz+d of Fducatlon's Budget is more
comglicated and uill require more study, Mr. Broadhuret maved that it be presented to the Sosid.in detail
on June 30th. lhis was seconded bq Mr. Mayhan rrith the auggeetion that a meeting be aet at 7:30 that
a3ght and the Board of Fducation be invited to participate in a discuasion. 1he motion was unenimously
adopted. "
Mr.'Broadharst then ofPered a motion that Mr. Roland be requested to fltrniah the Hoarfl members
With a atetiatfcal report supporting his statenent before the Hoard that Nent Henover County had dropped
Prom 29th place in Teachera County Supplement to 52nd place. This motion was seconded by Mr. Mayhan and
when the vote was called, sll voted in the affirmative except Mr. Williams xho refrained from caating a
note on this iseue.
Mr, Mayhan observed that the prmnises aurrounding the Court House xere beginning to look unsightlp
becauee of the xeeiis groxing up around the edges and papers blrnm in from the etreets were scattered in
cornera and offered a motion that thie be called to the attention of the custodians,9 and thst they be directly
responaible to the Suecutioe Secretary and under hie supervision. 7his motion was aeconded by Mr. Broad-
hurat snd unanimously approved.
An Inaurance policy amounting to $41,657.00 covering Fire and FSxtended Covarage on varioua County ?
owned properties was receS.ved fram the Walker Taylor Insurance Agency with an invoce for the preaiuan amount-
ing to W4.85 from the Wilmington Association of Tnsurance Agents, Inc. The Policy was accepted by comnott
consent and approval to pay the invoice. '
REPORT3 - ??
. (1) Farm Agent
(2) Home Demonatration Agent ?
(3) Consolidated Board of Health .
(4) Wilmington Public Library _
' (5) Wilmington Colored Public Library
There being'no further bueinees to be presented before the Board, Mr. Broadhurst offered a motion
to ad3ourn, aeconded by Mr. Mayhan and imanimouely adopted.
. ' . . • _ ?, _ ?. /?r I
W. G.
Wilmington, N.C.
•? uf'V-? - - p
ive Secretary
m ?n
Jutte 23, 1958 The New Hanover County Commisaioners being hoats to the North Carolina State Association oF County Commiae-
ionere, County Accountante, and Countq Aesessors m d being held on thie date, their re,¢ular week - meeting
was dispenaed xith.
, y W. G. Houck, F]cecutive Secretsrq
Wilmingtons, N.C. ;gune 309 1958
The regular xeekly meeting of,the New,Hanover County Board of Commisaionera was held thie day in
the Commiesioner'e office of the Court House at 9:30 A. M. PRESENT: Chairman J. M. Ha11, Jr.,, Commise-
ionere L. E. Broadhurat, Erneat R. A1ayhan, James E. Holton, Jr., emd Berry A. liilliams; County Auditor
T. D. Love, County Attornep John Bright Hill. Cammisaioner-Elect Peter H. Break was also present for the
(hairman Hall called the meeting to order and requested Reverend C. E. Bernhardt, Paetor of
St, Matthexa Lutheran Church,to invoke Divine preaence throngh praqer.
Mc. Broadhurst moved, aecondedby Mr. Maqhan, that the minutes of the meeting held on Jnne 16 be
approved with the follororing corrections; Under the Paragraph headed Badgeta, the motion by Mr. Broadhurat
that tdie Fducation Board be requested to sutsait their 1958-59 Bud8et on June 30th et a meeting called for
7:30 P. M. be separated from the balance of that paragraph and record the action on this issue sa unanimously
spproved by the Board; and that the second part of the paragraph reqnesting Mr., Roland to,shoy the etatistical
record of the relative poeitiona of the Countq Teachers Supplenent pay be recorded ea all the Commiesioners
voting in the affittnative eaccept Mr. Willisms, who refrained from casting a vote; was unanimonely approved.