1958-06-23 Regular Meeting2 ? .A Minutes of the Meeting J.iine 16, 1958 Cotttinued SF.ATCBA Mrs. Alice Strickland, Executive Secretary of SFNCBA, was recognized bq thellice Chairman and ' explained to the Board that her organization was very happy to present them a copy of a small brochure recentlp issued setting forth the many attractions in this srea and stating that 10,,000 of these bookleta had been distributed and that favorable comment and inquiry had come Prom eoery State in the IInion and aeveral foreign countries ss a result of it. The Vice Chairman exgressed the sppreciation of the Board to her organization for the fine contribution they vere making in alluring tourists to thia area and thank- ed her for the'booklete. BUDGETS - ' • . _ A diacuseion among membera of the Board developed at this time with rePerence to the approach- ing approval 04 Budgeta for the different Covntp aervices and as the Boaz+d of Fducatlon's Budget is more comglicated and uill require more study, Mr. Broadhuret maved that it be presented to the Sosid.in detail on June 30th. lhis was seconded bq Mr. Mayhan rrith the auggeetion that a meeting be aet at 7:30 that a3ght and the Board of Fducation be invited to participate in a discuasion. 1he motion was unenimously adopted. " Mr.'Broadharst then ofPered a motion that Mr. Roland be requested to fltrniah the Hoarfl members With a atetiatfcal report supporting his statenent before the Hoard that Nent Henover County had dropped Prom 29th place in Teachera County Supplement to 52nd place. This motion was seconded by Mr. Mayhan and when the vote was called, sll voted in the affirmative except Mr. Williams xho refrained from caating a note on this iseue. YARDS AND PRFMISES - , Mr, Mayhan observed that the prmnises aurrounding the Court House xere beginning to look unsightlp becauee of the xeeiis groxing up around the edges and papers blrnm in from the etreets were scattered in cornera and offered a motion that thie be called to the attention of the custodians,9 and thst they be directly responaible to the Suecutioe Secretary and under hie supervision. 7his motion was aeconded by Mr. Broad- hurat snd unanimously approved. INSIIRANCE An Inaurance policy amounting to $41,657.00 covering Fire and FSxtended Covarage on varioua County ? owned properties was receS.ved fram the Walker Taylor Insurance Agency with an invoce for the preaiuan amount- ing to W4.85 from the Wilmington Association of Tnsurance Agents, Inc. The Policy was accepted by comnott consent and approval to pay the invoice. ' REPORT3 - ?? . (1) Farm Agent (2) Home Demonatration Agent ? (3) Consolidated Board of Health . (4) Wilmington Public Library _ ' (5) Wilmington Colored Public Library ADJOIIRN9ENT - • There being'no further bueinees to be presented before the Board, Mr. Broadhurst offered a motion to ad3ourn, aeconded by Mr. Mayhan and imanimouely adopted. . ' . . • _ ?, _ ?. /?r I i ? W. G. Wilmington, N.C. •? uf'V-? - - p F? ive Secretary m ?n Jutte 23, 1958 The New Hanover County Commisaioners being hoats to the North Carolina State Association oF County Commiae- ionere, County Accountante, and Countq Aesessors m d being held on thie date, their re,¢ular week - meeting was dispenaed xith. , y W. G. Houck, F]cecutive Secretsrq Wilmingtons, N.C. ;gune 309 1958 ASSFI+IBLY - ' ' The regular xeekly meeting of,the New,Hanover County Board of Commisaionera was held thie day in the Commiesioner'e office of the Court House at 9:30 A. M. PRESENT: Chairman J. M. Ha11, Jr.,, Commise- ionere L. E. Broadhurat, Erneat R. A1ayhan, James E. Holton, Jr., emd Berry A. liilliams; County Auditor T. D. Love, County Attornep John Bright Hill. Cammisaioner-Elect Peter H. Break was also present for the meeting. INUOCATION - (hairman Hall called the meeting to order and requested Reverend C. E. Bernhardt, Paetor of St, Matthexa Lutheran Church,to invoke Divine preaence throngh praqer. MINIITFS APPROVAL - Mc. Broadhurst moved, aecondedby Mr. Maqhan, that the minutes of the meeting held on Jnne 16 be approved with the follororing corrections; Under the Paragraph headed Badgeta, the motion by Mr. Broadhurat that tdie Fducation Board be requested to sutsait their 1958-59 Bud8et on June 30th et a meeting called for 7:30 P. M. be separated from the balance of that paragraph and record the action on this issue sa unanimously spproved by the Board; and that the second part of the paragraph reqnesting Mr., Roland to,shoy the etatistical record of the relative poeitiona of the Countq Teachers Supplenent pay be recorded ea all the Commiesioners voting in the affittnative eaccept Mr. Willisms, who refrained from casting a vote; was unanimonely approved. .a -A