1958-06-30 Regular Meeting2 ? .A Minutes of the Meeting J.iine 16, 1958 Cotttinued SF.ATCBA Mrs. Alice Strickland, Executive Secretary of SFNCBA, was recognized bq thellice Chairman and ' explained to the Board that her organization was very happy to present them a copy of a small brochure recentlp issued setting forth the many attractions in this srea and stating that 10,,000 of these bookleta had been distributed and that favorable comment and inquiry had come Prom eoery State in the IInion and aeveral foreign countries ss a result of it. The Vice Chairman exgressed the sppreciation of the Board to her organization for the fine contribution they vere making in alluring tourists to thia area and thank- ed her for the'booklete. BUDGETS - ' • . _ A diacuseion among membera of the Board developed at this time with rePerence to the approach- ing approval 04 Budgeta for the different Covntp aervices and as the Boaz+d of Fducatlon's Budget is more comglicated and uill require more study, Mr. Broadhuret maved that it be presented to the Sosid.in detail on June 30th. lhis was seconded bq Mr. Mayhan rrith the auggeetion that a meeting be aet at 7:30 that a3ght and the Board of Fducation be invited to participate in a discuasion. 1he motion was unenimously adopted. " Mr.'Broadharst then ofPered a motion that Mr. Roland be requested to fltrniah the Hoarfl members With a atetiatfcal report supporting his statenent before the Hoard that Nent Henover County had dropped Prom 29th place in Teachera County Supplement to 52nd place. This motion was seconded by Mr. Mayhan and when the vote was called, sll voted in the affirmative except Mr. Williams xho refrained from caating a note on this iseue. YARDS AND PRFMISES - , Mr, Mayhan observed that the prmnises aurrounding the Court House xere beginning to look unsightlp becauee of the xeeiis groxing up around the edges and papers blrnm in from the etreets were scattered in cornera and offered a motion that thie be called to the attention of the custodians,9 and thst they be directly responaible to the Suecutioe Secretary and under hie supervision. 7his motion was aeconded by Mr. Broad- hurat snd unanimously approved. INSIIRANCE An Inaurance policy amounting to $41,657.00 covering Fire and FSxtended Covarage on varioua County ? owned properties was receS.ved fram the Walker Taylor Insurance Agency with an invoce for the preaiuan amount- ing to W4.85 from the Wilmington Association of Tnsurance Agents, Inc. The Policy was accepted by comnott consent and approval to pay the invoice. ' REPORT3 - ?? . (1) Farm Agent (2) Home Demonatration Agent ? (3) Consolidated Board of Health . (4) Wilmington Public Library _ ' (5) Wilmington Colored Public Library ADJOIIRN9ENT - • There being'no further bueinees to be presented before the Board, Mr. Broadhurst offered a motion to ad3ourn, aeconded by Mr. Mayhan and imanimouely adopted. . ' . . • _ ?, _ ?. /?r I i ? W. G. Wilmington, N.C. •? uf'V-? - - p F? ive Secretary m ?n Jutte 23, 1958 The New Hanover County Commisaioners being hoats to the North Carolina State Association oF County Commiae- ionere, County Accountante, and Countq Aesessors m d being held on thie date, their re,¢ular week - meeting was dispenaed xith. , y W. G. Houck, F]cecutive Secretsrq Wilmingtons, N.C. ;gune 309 1958 ASSFI+IBLY - ' ' The regular xeekly meeting of,the New,Hanover County Board of Commisaionera was held thie day in the Commiesioner'e office of the Court House at 9:30 A. M. PRESENT: Chairman J. M. Ha11, Jr.,, Commise- ionere L. E. Broadhurat, Erneat R. A1ayhan, James E. Holton, Jr., emd Berry A. liilliams; County Auditor T. D. Love, County Attornep John Bright Hill. Cammisaioner-Elect Peter H. Break was also present for the meeting. INUOCATION - (hairman Hall called the meeting to order and requested Reverend C. E. Bernhardt, Paetor of St, Matthexa Lutheran Church,to invoke Divine preaence throngh praqer. MINIITFS APPROVAL - Mc. Broadhurst moved, aecondedby Mr. Maqhan, that the minutes of the meeting held on Jnne 16 be approved with the follororing corrections; Under the Paragraph headed Badgeta, the motion by Mr. Broadhurat that tdie Fducation Board be requested to sutsait their 1958-59 Bud8et on June 30th et a meeting called for 7:30 P. M. be separated from the balance of that paragraph and record the action on this issue sa unanimously spproved by the Board; and that the second part of the paragraph reqnesting Mr., Roland to,shoy the etatistical record of the relative poeitiona of the Countq Teachers Supplenent pay be recorded ea all the Commiesioners voting in the affittnative eaccept Mr. Willisms, who refrained from casting a vote; was unanimonely approved. .a -A Minutes of the Meeting June 30, 1958 Continued VETERANSI SEftVICE OFFICE - Mr. A. H. SeaWell, the Veterans' Service Officer, autenitted his annual report: RUNNIIdG MONTHLY 9WAR1)5 Serv4ce - Conneeted Compensation - - - - -.- - - - - - - - - - - - - - $16,812.00 Dependent Parente'Compensation - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 5..550.00 Child'aPeneion -----------------^_-----_- 2r24z.50 r- Non-Service Connected Peneion - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ' /,1#315.25 ? Widov'sPenaion ------- ----------------- -- 17070.70 ? Widou'e Campensation ------ - ----------------- 2p299.00 AideadAttendanceFee ------ ----------------- 69095.25 Dependency and,Indemnity Compensation - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 149957.00 . ACTIVE MORTHLY AWARD6 AccruedBenefit --------------------------- 641.85 BurialAllowance ----------- --------------- 4,490.00 United States Government Life Insurence - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 69979.00 National Service Life Insurance . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 259316.30 GRANDTOTAL, ---------------------------- $144,,068.85 FUII, BID6 In response to an ad, the bide covering prices for eupp],qing the Coimty's needs for tuel in the 1958-59 Fiacal Year, we received the folloxing xhich xere opened at the meeting todaq: Arkaneae Fliel 011 Corporation 95 Octsne or higher gasoline, tankwagon price lesa, .035 per gallon #2 F1ie1 011, tankti+agon price lesa .0275 per gallon Pure Oil Company, ' 95 Octsne or higher gseoline, tankaegon price less, .0426 per gallon #2 Eliel Oil tankwagon price lesa , .026 per gallon Sinclair Refining Compax?p 95 Octane or higher gasoline, tenkvagon-price lesa 3.36 per gallon #2 F1ie1 Oil tankwsgon price lees 1.50 per gallon ? / ? Mr. Brosdhurat moved that Lhey arorard the contract to the lowest bidder subject to a letter from the company etating thet the gaeoline meet the requirements of 95 Octane or higher gaeoZine and the f1ie1 oil meet the required standsrds. The motion was seconded by Mr. Mayhan and unanimously adopted, whereupon the contract was exarded to the Arkansas F1ie1 Oil Corporation, operating locallV as the Cities Service Company. DRAINAGE Aire. J. T. Vick was recognized by the Chairman and requeated the Executive Secretarp to read an excerpt from the minutes of the regular meeting held on May 19, 1958 in which was stated that Mr. Mallard, Supervieor of the State Highway Ccmmtae3on, said that he had recognized the drainage problem here and hsd gone to the expense of installing a catch-teain under tkie road in order to relieve, as much as possible, the acctmiulstion of vater in this low area and that Mrs. Vick had closed the ditch which blocked the culnert so that the xater could not flow out of her pasture. Mrs. Vick then restated her problem ae out- lined at previoua meetings and requested the Commiesionera to go doNa and look over the aituation snd show her the culvert, as &he was uneaare of any such precantiona having been taken by the State Hightray Commdsaion vhen they imptroved the road in that area. The Chairman sppointed himaelf, Mr. Broadhuret, Mr. Faqhan, and the Fxecutive Secretarp, ss a committee to meet on the eite and determine vhat diepoaition should be recom- mended for this complaint. RIIN-0FF II,DCTION - ? Mr. Henrq C. Bost, Chairman of the Board of Electione, reported on the Run-Off Primary held on rI? June 28th'and requesteii the Haard to spprove payment of the administrative egpenses amounting to $3716.67. Upon iiotion of Mr. Brosdhurat, seconded by Mayhsn,, payment of this involce was authorize3 and unanimousl,y approved. ROAD PETITION - ? The Willetts Realty CompsrW sutmitted a Petition, requeating Deoatur Drive and Ashley Circls in ? Devon Park ExtenaSon be sent to the State Highxay Commisaion, for maintenance and added to their ayatem of roads. By eoimnon consent, the Board approned this petition and ordered it aent to the 3rd Divieioa of the State Highway Coffii.ssion.for their•consideration. ? THE WURT REPORTER - < W. Dwight•McAren, the Court Reporter for this area, was recognized by the Chairman and informed the Board that he hsd located his old contract tiahich was dated in 1940 instead of 1937 ae he had told the Board on Tune 16th so th.e Board requeeted that it be sutmitted to the County Attorney, John Bright Hill, for atudq and recommendation.for ar?y revisions requested by Mr. McAren. .. . , . . ? STATE PORTS DRAINAGE - • . . . . . ? The Chairmsn informed•the Board thet a ditching problem had developed under the road leading to Qy.? the 3tate Port snd that it would require a dragline operation to relieve the troublesome condition and that in hie opinion it was a Countq reaponsibilitp and that the matter should be attended to as soon as poasible. The FScecutive Secretary esplained that the dragline operator which we had employed tvo ueeka ago had proved uneatiafactory and at the present time,, we were without a skilled operator, but still trying to enploy one. ?_ - CI9IL DEE'IIJSE BUDGET - ?b A letter from the Mrector of Civil Defense, Colonal J. B. McCtmber, enclosing the proposed Ad- C ?ministrative Budget amounting to $9,000.00 was received and by common consent of the entire Bbard was ordered referred to the Countq Auditpr, T. D. Love,, for incorporation in the 1958-59 Budget. 1 INSOLVEtdT TAXES +?x CommYas3oner Berry A. Williame observed that in the paet the Tax Collector had aubmitted a liet.of Ineolventa and reuested a roval on the eame da but this c1 PP y qear he would like to have the list aeveral daqa °ahead of the approval date so that it could be atndied before definite acticn w as taken on ite acceptance. By commott consent, the Board inat:veted the EScecutive Secretary to requeat auch a liat from the Tsx Collector in suPficient time for study before acting on it. 4, +?ae!' ? ? 27 3 Minutes of the Meeting Jime 30,, 1958 Contimied HARBOR ISLAIdD - Mr. E. A. Palmgren was recogniaed by the Chafrman and etated thet he made hia svmer home on Harbor Island and that there was a def3nite drainage problem causing the overflow of their aeptic tsaks sad backing aewerage up into their pltnnbing fixtures as well as creating a definite health hazard. He v slso informed the Board that for some reason the mosquito problem had been unusually bad this pesr nnd while he Was aware oP the need for a long range program to reliene these prnblems, he felt that it was an urgent situation at the time and he tiras aeeking information from the Board at thia time for eome relief of this polution in the interim. The Board d4acussed the problems and recognized that 3n oriier to correot the insanitary conditions, it xould be necessary tA make a avrveq by competent engineera before any recam- mendation of a pernanent nature could be obtained. Upon motion of Mr. Holton, seconded by Mr. Br,oadhurst, the request rras referred to the Consolidated Bosrd of Health for their recommendQtion. Thie motion was unanimously approved. ? SENCLAND APPFODPRIATION A letter directed to the Board by F. B. Graham, Chairmen of the Induatrial Mvision of SENCland C Develognent Association, requested the Board to appropriate $100.00 for their uae For tlie qear 1958. By w'- common consent,of,the Board, thia letter xas referred to the County Auditar, T. D. Love tirith the recomnnend- ation that it be worked into tdie 1958-59 BudBet. PIIBLIC WII.FARE - - Mra, He1en B. Sneeden, Sttperintendent of the Public Welfare Department, presented Petitions for _,. Relief to the Crnmtq Home for I3z21e.Dudley and Frank Cyrua Daweon. Mr. Dsweon receives $30.00 per month ? Social 5ecurity and will be able to contribute trnrard his expenees at the Countq Home. Mrs. Sneeden also requested that the Board suthorize her to emp1oq an additional xorker which would in no way add to the Bud- get or her personnel because one of her present cases uorkers xas taking a leave of abaence in Septanher to attend a refresher courae in College and,therefore,would be gone for nine months. Mr. Holton moved that . the Petitions be approved and that.so long as the addition in workere would not increaee her total Budget, that her request be granted. Thie wae aeconded:by Mr. Broadhurat and imanimouely adopted. , Mre. Sneeden explained to the Board that in the item of Case 1lorker Travei,.her.Badget had been exceeded and requeated that $125.00 be traneferred from Conveping Indigente Travel to Case Worker Travel. ?v'- Mr. Holton of£ered,the motion that thie be approveds seconded by Mr. Broadhuret and unsnimously adopted. ., CHANIDER OF COTII+IERCE - Mr. Broadhurst offered a motion that a letter be written to Mr. Ro]and eaplaining to him that the Bulletin on Teachera Supplauente which he sent to us did not meet the request rrhich he made on June 16th as it included city sehool eystems in afldition to connty school spetems and request him to furniah s va"•W statistical report showing the relatine standfng of New Hanover County in the countiPS' school aystems onlp. Thia motion was aeconded by Mr. Holtoxi and adopted by four membere of the Board, aince Commiasioner Williams reYrained from voting on the metter. INTERIM BUDGET - ? IIpon motion of Mr. Holtont seconded by Mr. 8roadhuret, the #'ollowing Resolution xas adopted: BE IT RF50Lr/ED BY THE NEW AANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COA4IISSIONERS, Section 1- 2hat in order to operate the County and its eubdivisions from July lsts, 1958• • to date of adoption of the 1958-59 Budget Resolution, apptopristions are hereby made for the purpose of psying salarles, the principal and interest on indebtedneas and the usual ordinary expenae of the County and its aubdivieiona at the same rate of expenditure as provided for in the 1957-58 Fiscal Budget Year. , Section 2- Thia Resolution ahall cease to be effective from and a£ter the adoption of the 1958-59 Budget Resolutiont and all diaburaementa made in accordance with this Reeolution ahall be chargeable to appropriatioas made in the 1958-59 Budget Wppropriationa. RDGISTER OF DEHDS - . . . Regiater of Deeds R. L. Blsek requested a shift in his Budget of $200.00 from Stationery and Suppliea to Binders. He made it clear that this would not increase the Budget and only shift flands fraan - one account to the other, Mr. Holtott moved, aeconded bq Mr. Broadhurst, that this request be granted aad it was unan4mously approved by the Board. COMMISSIONERSO CANVENTION Chairman Hall remarked that he thought Commissioner Berry A. Nilliams, xho served as general ?-?•?'??` Corrvarition Chai.:mwn for the recent 51at Annusl Convention of Countg Conmiesionerel, Cotmty Accountantst and Assessing Officers.. deserved a vote of thanks for the splendid manner in Which he handled the details oP this Convention and appreciation for a fob well done becauae tFie suceesa of this'Convmtion wae greatlq'due to his efforts. A£ter eomplimentary rmnarks from each of the other members of the Boerd for the smooth manner in rorhich the Convention was handled, Mr. Holton offered a motion that Mr. Williama should be highlq commended for the nioe way in which ell the details of the Convention were handled. This motion was aeconded by Mr. Broadhurst, and unanimously adopted by the Board. FILING: The following letters were receined as information: . ?_ (1) City of Wilmington requesting an open date be reserved for Julv 28tdi•for an.import- ant meeting. (2) Letter from Mra. Jsmes M. James reporting on the bSiseum for the Year. (3) Letter from the Community Hospital advising that Strong Montgomery had been trens- ferrad to McCsin 8anatorium on Map 26, 1958. , • f (4) Letter from the State Highuay Commisaion acimowla3ging the action of the Countq Com- missioners in naming the 'Wrightaville Souad Brqdge as the "C. Heide 7rask Memorial Bridge". (5) Labor Market Newa giving the report'of the Flnployraent Security Commiasion for Bruns- vick, Neu Hanover and Pender Countiea. (6) 'Newaletter of the North Catolina Association of Connty Commisaioners ?closing a dis- $?? cuasion by representatAnes of the Association with reference to a atudq of Public School F'insncem follows: 1. Doea the Association Peel that current public school funds are adequate? 2. If current public school funda are inadequate, how does the Association believe that additional funds might be raised? -A r2YT 4 Minutea of the Meeting June 30, 1958 Continued FILINGs (Continued) (7) The regular monthly report of the Veterana' Service Office. .. ADJ9URNA4NT - There being no flurther businesa preaented before the Board, Mr. Holton offered a motion for adjourmnent, aeconded by Mr. Broadhurat and unanimously adopted. ? ? ? ? W. G. Houck, bcecutive Secretary Wilmingtoa, N. C. Jv]y 7. 1958 ASSETTIHLY - The regular weekly meeting of the Neur Hanoroer County Board of Commissioners was held on this day in the Commissioners' office of the Court House at 9:30 A. M. PRESENT: Chairman J. M: Hall, dr., Commisaionera L. E. Broadhnrst, Ernest R. Maphan, * County 6uditor T. D. Love, County Attorney John Bright Hill.and Commissioner-Elect Peter H. Braak. Commisaioner James E. Holton Jr, was unable to attend the meeting since he ie attending the North Carolina National Guard Cazap. * and Berry A. Williame INVOC6TION - The meeting was called to order by Chaixman J. M. Hall, Jr., vho asked Reverend R. K. Johnaon, Pastor of the Woodburn Presbyterian Church at Leland, Nof-th Carolina, to open•the meeting with prayer for guidance. • MINUTFS APPROVAL IIpon motion of Mr. Hrosdhurst, seconded by.Mr. Mayhan, the minutes of the meeting held on June 30th were unenimously approved. -? PUBLIC LIBRARY - • Librarian Miss ISatlierine Howell and txo members of the Board of Trustees, Mr. Marcua L. Gold- stein and Mr, jlllen B. Jones were recognized by the Chairman. Mr. Goldatein was under the impressioa that the Board had received copiea o£ their budget proposal but since the Commisaionera had not had sn opportunity to study them, it was decided to xait until the apecial budget discuasion meeting aae-scheduled. • ASSFSSMEPiT: APPEAL - _?- , A letter was received from Poisaon, Campbell and Marshall advising the New Hanover County Board 7"e7(?9 of Commisaionera that an appeal was being filed with.the State Board oP Aasessments in behalf of their ? client, the J. & S. Investment Comparly., which ovns property in Block 191 in the city of Wilmingtott. No action was necessary except to file the letter tmtil the date of the hearing has been set by the 5tate Board. ASSF•SSMF'NT COMPLAINT A letter was received fraan the Schloss Fetate Corporation proteating the increased sasesaments on property they own at Wrightsville Beach. Zk wae suggested that the letter be answered and inform them that their recourse was through an appeal through the State Board of Assesamente or that they could xait until next year when the Board again constitutes itself as a Baord of Equalization and Review on March 16, 1959 as provided by Statute. ' , PARRING PERMIT - _.? Joe W. and R. L. Garner were recognized by the Board and requeated permission to park a truck for the sale of home grown vegetables on the edge of Oleander Drive betueen the entrance of Hugh MacRae Park and the Masonboro Loop Road. It was axplained that the Board had no authority for such a purpoae on the Hugh Me.eRae Park paemises because of a, restriction in the deed of grant and that they were pouer- less to isaue a permit for parking on the right-of-wsy of the State Highxay Comnission. COURT REPORTER - ?--? Pursuent to instructiona.ieaued at the meeting on June 30, County Attorney John Bright H171 presented a new contraet,covering the changes requested by the Court Reporter, Dw4ght McFkren. Upon motion of Mr. Broadhursto seconded by Mr. Mayhan, the revised contract was unanimously accepted and the ? Chairman authorized to execute it for the County. The said contract reada as folloas: THIS AGREEMENT Made and entered into this the first da.y of July, A. D. 1958, by and between DWIGFiT McEWEN, of tke City of Southport, Brunaxick County and State of North Carolina, party of the first part; and the BOARD OF COMMffSSIONEAS OF NF?W HANOVER COUNTY, eaid 5tate, party oE the second part., WITNESSB'PH., THAT, [dHEREASp the last agreement entered into between the partiea was of date the Firet daq of Janvary, 1940, and WHEREAS, the ntmmber of Courta has greatly increased, and conditione existing at the time of said last contract hsve changed, and it ia now considere3 desirable and neceasary that a new contract be entered into betxeen the parties, NOW, THEREFC)RE, for and in oonsideration of the premiaea and forttie.purposea aforesaid., eaid party of the first part and said partp oP the aeoond part have agreed and do hereby agree and bind himaelf and itselY, as followe: . let. The said Dwight McEt,ren, party of the first part agreea to report sll terms of Super- Sor Court, bo.th Civil and Criminal, regularly, :calendsred, and any epeeial term not conflicting xith a regularly 'calendered Term of Superior Court in Nex Hanover on Pender Countiee, xhich may he held ia the Connty of Neroi Hanoner from the firat day of July, 1958, until the thirtieth day of June, 1959, it being understood between the purtiea that in the event of s Special Term in New Hanover County vrhich conflicts with a regular Term in said County or in Pender County rendering it impoasible for said party of the first part to report said Specisl Term, the County of New Hanover xill provida and pay a substitute Reporter at its osm egpense. And, the party of the first part flurther agreea to make and retain in his office, sub- fect to the denand oP the Solicitor of, or the Judge Preaiding, in the Fifth Judicial District, oae copy of the transcript of all appeal cases; it being dietinetly underetood and agreed by and between the.parties hereto, hoxever, that nothing contained herein shall be construed to mean that the party of the first pQrt ,