1958-07-07 Regular Meetingr2YT 4 Minutea of the Meeting June 30, 1958 Continued FILINGs (Continued) (7) The regular monthly report of the Veterana' Service Office. .. ADJ9URNA4NT - There being no flurther businesa preaented before the Board, Mr. Holton offered a motion for adjourmnent, aeconded by Mr. Broadhurat and unanimously adopted. ? ? ? ? W. G. Houck, bcecutive Secretary Wilmingtoa, N. C. Jv]y 7. 1958 ASSETTIHLY - The regular weekly meeting of the Neur Hanoroer County Board of Commissioners was held on this day in the Commissioners' office of the Court House at 9:30 A. M. PRESENT: Chairman J. M: Hall, dr., Commisaionera L. E. Broadhnrst, Ernest R. Maphan, * County 6uditor T. D. Love, County Attorney John Bright Hill.and Commissioner-Elect Peter H. Braak. Commisaioner James E. Holton Jr, was unable to attend the meeting since he ie attending the North Carolina National Guard Cazap. * and Berry A. Williame INVOC6TION - The meeting was called to order by Chaixman J. M. Hall, Jr., vho asked Reverend R. K. Johnaon, Pastor of the Woodburn Presbyterian Church at Leland, Nof-th Carolina, to open•the meeting with prayer for guidance. • MINUTFS APPROVAL IIpon motion of Mr. Hrosdhurst, seconded by.Mr. Mayhan, the minutes of the meeting held on June 30th were unenimously approved. -? PUBLIC LIBRARY - • Librarian Miss ISatlierine Howell and txo members of the Board of Trustees, Mr. Marcua L. Gold- stein and Mr, jlllen B. Jones were recognized by the Chairman. Mr. Goldatein was under the impressioa that the Board had received copiea o£ their budget proposal but since the Commisaionera had not had sn opportunity to study them, it was decided to xait until the apecial budget discuasion meeting aae-scheduled. • ASSFSSMEPiT: APPEAL - _?- , A letter was received from Poisaon, Campbell and Marshall advising the New Hanover County Board 7"e7(?9 of Commisaionera that an appeal was being filed with.the State Board oP Aasessments in behalf of their ? client, the J. & S. Investment Comparly., which ovns property in Block 191 in the city of Wilmingtott. No action was necessary except to file the letter tmtil the date of the hearing has been set by the 5tate Board. ASSF•SSMF'NT COMPLAINT A letter was received fraan the Schloss Fetate Corporation proteating the increased sasesaments on property they own at Wrightsville Beach. Zk wae suggested that the letter be answered and inform them that their recourse was through an appeal through the State Board of Assesamente or that they could xait until next year when the Board again constitutes itself as a Baord of Equalization and Review on March 16, 1959 as provided by Statute. ' , PARRING PERMIT - _.? Joe W. and R. L. Garner were recognized by the Board and requeated permission to park a truck for the sale of home grown vegetables on the edge of Oleander Drive betueen the entrance of Hugh MacRae Park and the Masonboro Loop Road. It was axplained that the Board had no authority for such a purpoae on the Hugh Me.eRae Park paemises because of a, restriction in the deed of grant and that they were pouer- less to isaue a permit for parking on the right-of-wsy of the State Highxay Comnission. COURT REPORTER - ?--? Pursuent to instructiona.ieaued at the meeting on June 30, County Attorney John Bright H171 presented a new contraet,covering the changes requested by the Court Reporter, Dw4ght McFkren. Upon motion of Mr. Broadhursto seconded by Mr. Mayhan, the revised contract was unanimously accepted and the ? Chairman authorized to execute it for the County. The said contract reada as folloas: THIS AGREEMENT Made and entered into this the first da.y of July, A. D. 1958, by and between DWIGFiT McEWEN, of tke City of Southport, Brunaxick County and State of North Carolina, party of the first part; and the BOARD OF COMMffSSIONEAS OF NF?W HANOVER COUNTY, eaid 5tate, party oE the second part., WITNESSB'PH., THAT, [dHEREASp the last agreement entered into between the partiea was of date the Firet daq of Janvary, 1940, and WHEREAS, the ntmmber of Courta has greatly increased, and conditione existing at the time of said last contract hsve changed, and it ia now considere3 desirable and neceasary that a new contract be entered into betxeen the parties, NOW, THEREFC)RE, for and in oonsideration of the premiaea and forttie.purposea aforesaid., eaid party of the first part and said partp oP the aeoond part have agreed and do hereby agree and bind himaelf and itselY, as followe: . let. The said Dwight McEt,ren, party of the first part agreea to report sll terms of Super- Sor Court, bo.th Civil and Criminal, regularly, :calendsred, and any epeeial term not conflicting xith a regularly 'calendered Term of Superior Court in Nex Hanover on Pender Countiee, xhich may he held ia the Connty of Neroi Hanoner from the firat day of July, 1958, until the thirtieth day of June, 1959, it being understood between the purtiea that in the event of s Special Term in New Hanover County vrhich conflicts with a regular Term in said County or in Pender County rendering it impoasible for said party of the first part to report said Specisl Term, the County of New Hanover xill provida and pay a substitute Reporter at its osm egpense. And, the party of the first part flurther agreea to make and retain in his office, sub- fect to the denand oP the Solicitor of, or the Judge Preaiding, in the Fifth Judicial District, oae copy of the transcript of all appeal cases; it being dietinetly underetood and agreed by and between the.parties hereto, hoxever, that nothing contained herein shall be construed to mean that the party of the first pQrt , ?7 5? Minutes of the Meeting July 7. 1958 Continued COTJRT REPORTEFt - (Continued) shall furniah auch copy of transcript for the use snd benefit of either Counael, or their clients, ' unless aad until said copy, or original, shall have been paid for at the regular prevailing rate. ' And the partp of the first part agreea to write aqy and all Ordere dictated by the Judge Pre- aiding at sx?y and all Terme of the Superior Court of New Hanover County, and the said partq of the first part Purther agrees that he will perform all services, for the compensation hereinafter set forth, as he msy be required to by the Judge Presiding at any and all terms of the 9uperior Court of Neu Hanover County, except reporting proceedinga of Grand Juries in Sesaion at the time, or.that may be required by the Statute Law of North Carolina, all of which work the eaid party of the first pArt agrees to do and complete in a promt, neat and sccurate maxmer and subjeot at Any and ell.timea to the inapect±on by and approval or disapproval of the said party of the second part, same to be done according to the directions and in the manner satis- factory to the said party of the second part; the said party of-the first part further agrees to do all of asid work in the manner aforesaid at hia own expenae, it being understood and agreed, and he does hereby agree to furniah Lypewriters and atationery neceseary in the carrying'out of the Agreement in the manner sforesaid, at and for the aum of $3,859.00 per annum, payable in equal sem3=monthlq•vouchers, as is nrnr the case, to be paid by the said party of the aecond part to the party of the first part so long ae said party of the first part performs and does the work as and in the manner he has agreed to do, until the thirtieth day of June, 1959, and no longer ar unless thie Contract remains in force thereafter, as hereinafter set out. 2. 1'he Board of Commissiotters of New Hanover County, said party of the second part, upoa condition that the said party of the firet part shall continuously and at ell times faithfully keep and per- form each and all of the conenants and agrecments just hereinbeFore recitecl and by esid party of the firat part herein made, agreea to pap to said partp of the first part the sum of $3,859.00 per annwu, in semi- monthly vouchera, ae ie nox done, for ell of said xork and servicea, so long se said vork anfl sezvicea are• done and completed according to hie agreement in a prompt, neat, accurate manner, and aubfect at any and all times to inspection by, and approval or diaspproval of, said aecbnd party, same to be done according to the directiona of,and in a manner satisfactory to, said party of the second part, but not for a longer period than the th4rtieth of June, 1959, or unlesa this Contract ranains in force thereafter, ea hereinafter aet out. . It is distiactly underatood attd agreed betueen the parties hereto that ehould aaid firat _ party at anp time fail to ftulfill, keep and perform any of the covenants and agreenenta by him herein made, then and in that event, thia contract shall, at the election of said second psrtq, iimnediately become null and void; and ahould said.first ?partp, from eicirnesa or any other reaeon, other than a conflict of a Special Term of Court xith a regularly ?calendared Term of Superior Court of New Hanover or Pender Counties at any time, be unable to keep and perform aqy of the covenanta and agreements bp him made, and should said second partq in thia event, not elect to terminate this agreement, then and in that enent, eaid firt party has agreed to suthorize and empoaer, aad he does hereby £ully authorize and enpower the said second party to secure the services of aaother Reporter to do and perform the work and sernices hereinbePore mentioned, and to pay said Reporter out of aqy money or monies, that may be due, or which may became due, said first party • under and by virtue of this Agreement. • It is diatincly underatood and agreed.that this contract shall remain in full force and effect a£ter the thirtieth,of.June, 1959, Unless and vntil the same has been terminated by either of the par- tiea hereto, by giving thirtq (30) days notice, in writing, one to the other. IN WITNESS WHERFyJF, the parties hereto have hereunto set their hands and affixed their seals, the day and year first hereittbefore written. ; . ' .. /a/ Dwiaht.McEwen (SEAL) ATTFST: W. G. Aouck Clerk BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY Hy /s/ J; M. Hall. Jr. Chatrman MA50NBOR0 INLET - Mr. Richard F. Meier of Wrightaville Beach Was recognized and explained that an allocation of $306,,000 r+as available for work on the Maeonboro 3nlet Project, He 3nformed the Board that Masonboro Inlet xas divided and that eagineers pnroposed that the Southern inlet can be c2osed by rocking it and requested the Board give him verbal assent to proceed with negotiations attd guarantee iminunity from any property owners' auit agsinst the Federal Government. Sinoe this is the procedure required bp the government arid folloued by the Board in past inatences of this nature, the Board, by consent of each individual, agreed that they vere favorsble to this request. . DRAINAGE - • Mrs. J. T. Vick appeared before the Board to inquire about the committee'a report on her request made June 30th sri.th reference to the aerioue drainage problem she has on her property, Chairman Hall, r+ho also acted as Cha.irman of the committee appointed on June 30th for investigation of this matter, expJ.a3ned to her that the comunlttee had met uith Mr. A. K. Mallard of the State Highuay Commission who had already gone to the expense of haning the end of the culvert uncovered so that the committee could ittspect it. This con- , firmed his previous contention that this problem tass reeognized at the time the improvanent on the road was made ao he had arranged for the louering ;bf water in this low epot to at least the level of the surrounding area, but the evidence showed that the ditch•leading to thia drQin pipe had been closed up (admittedly.by Mrs. Vick) so that the uater could not run out. It was felt by the committee that if the ditch uere reopen- ed, the lavel of the vatar in this Fwnd would be loWered by 21 to 3 feet. All during tdle time the Chairmsn was explaining the situation, Mr?ir,]c continued to interrupt him and insisted that she had no intention of opening the ditch which she had closed snd, flu'thermore, she maih;tained that her trouble xas not under Park Anenue Road but the entrance at Hinton Avenue. After considerabTe discussion betxeen Mrs. Vick and membere of the Board, finally Mr. Williams mgved, seconded by Mr. Mayhan, that the decision of the comittee be final and that no ftu-ther action be taken on this aubject. 19ze motion was unanimously adopted. / i Reverend Lewia E. Grady waa recognized and stated that he lived on Chair Roadp near the Tinga Nur- bnWM`d? sery toward Castle Hayne and that in the back of hia church and home there vas a ditch that had not been eleane3 out in over five yeare and he requestod that it be given consideration. IIpon motion of Mr. Broadhurst$ aeconded by Mr. Mayhan, it ttas referred to the FScecutive 5ecretary for immediate haadling. The motion was un- animously approved. , / ? . BOARD OF ALCOHOLIC CONTROL - ? 0- A letter was received from the Chsirman of the State Boand of A].coholic Control informing the ? ? Board of a new policp with reference to the issuance of sll Alcoholia Heverege Permits as folloa8: f? ' ?276 QIeOD?''?'' Mintues of the Meeting July 7, 1958 Continued BOARD OF ALCOHOLIC (ANTROL - (Continued) °In the future all persons interested in msldng application Por a retsil malt beverage and/ or wine permit must aecure, directly from the RELleigh office, the necessary forms required under the lax for making application for same. The person can secure these either by written request or in person. After the applicant ha.s filled out proper application Yorm, posted proper notice on the premises, and filed pro- per notice with local governing authorities, the applicant will then mail the application'direetly back to this office for ftrther processing. Upon receipt of this application, the Board xill iaunediately no- tify the local governing authorities that the applicant is in the process of making application to sell either wine or beer at retail and at which time ue sak the local governing authorities or'thei.r designated person to sulmi.t in writing for the Board's constderation any protest to the issuance of the permit or any comrnent in behalf of the person applying for same. Any objections to the isauance of a permit ahould be submitted to this Department vithin ten days after the filing of the public notice. The application will then be mailed to the local inspector in vhose territory the applicant's establiahment is located with the request that a thorough inspection and investigation be made of the prenisea for rrhich the appli- cation has been sutmitted and of the applicant, his or her quelifications, fitness attd suitability to hold q/beer and / or wine permit. After the inspector has completed his inuestigation and eutmitted the resulfs of ssme to this Board, the Department will examine all of the facts tirhich have been submitted and, basealon these facts, will then approve or disapprove the iasuance of the permit. If the issusnce of the permit is denied, the applicant will be notified by mail of the Board'a decision. If the iasuance of the pezznit is approved, it will be mailed to the local inepector in xhose district the applicant oper- ates or resides to be delivered to the applicaat at which time all rulea, regulations and lawa rrill be diacusaed in detail with the permittee." This was aceepted and filed for fliture reference. STATE ASSOCIATION OF COUNTY CAMMISSIONERS A letter xas recei.ved from Mr. James M. Pleasants, immediate past president of the State Aasoc- iation of County Commissioners, attaching a Resolution in appreciation for the fine Convention recently ended at Carolina Beach. They paid particular tribute to the splendid cooperation of one of our local Com- mieaioners, Berry A. Williamap in the following Resolution: - WHFREAS, the North Carolina Association of County Commissionera, the North Carolina Aasocis- tion of County Accountants, and the Aasociation of Assessing Officers oP North Carolina have experienced a auccessflal and enjoyable Fifty-First Annual Convention, from June 22 to June 25, 1958 in Carolina Beach, New Hanover County, North Carolina, all of which has been made poasible by the courtesies and acts of kindness extenfled to them by manq people; end, • WfEREAS, the appreciation of the joint membership ia particularly due to the officisls of New Hanover County, namely Berry A. Williama, Nex Hanover County Commissioner, who served as General Convention Chairman; W. G. Houck, Executive Secretery of the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners, who served as Regiatration Chairman; James M. Hall, Chairman of the Neu Hanover County Board of Commissionera; L. E. Broadhurst, 7ames E. Holton, and Ernest R. Mayhan, members of the New Hanover County Board of Commiasionere; and T. D. Love, County Accountant and Tax Supervisor; all of whose untiring efforta to provide entertainment for the•countq eom- misaioners, couttty accountants, tax eupernisora, and Iadies of the Connention msde these past four daye ones long to be remembered; and WHEREA3, the courtesies of the Chamber of Commerce, the Town of Carolina Beach, the mans?.,_ ers and staffs of tkie hotels and motela at Carolina Beach, Mra, Hines and her volunteer vorkers, and Edwarda and Broughton Printing Compax?y who printed onr programa, have all combined to make thie occaeion a memorable one; TfiEREE'ORE BE IT RF50LVED by the North Carolina Association of County Commissionera, the North Carolina Aaeociation of County Accountants, snd the Aesociation of Aesesaing Officers of North CarolSna that the sfncere appreciation and thanks of the menbers thereof be expreased to all of those who have made the Convention one of the finest meetings within memory; AND'BE'IT FURTHER RESOLUED THAT copiea of this resolution be sent to the Bosrd of County Comm4ssioners of New Hanover Countp, to the Chamber of Commerce, to the Poxn of Carolina Beacho and to Fdvards and Broughton. COMMUNITY HOSPITAL - A letter addresaed to the Administrator of Cammunity Hospital complaining about the service was / received and read from Dr. S. R. Rosemond D.D.S. He calls attention to (1) the insanitary condition of the rooms including bathroom facilities, (2) nureing care is below atandard, sa clean toxela were not pro- vided dailq without requeat, (3) the food, poorly prepared pnd served as the trays were unattractive and the food was cold "and occasionally below standard of wholesomness. By ooaunon consentg the EScecutive Secre- tary was instructed to send the letter to the Chairman of the Board of Directors of Community Hoapital for their investigation. ? RIVERS AND HARBORS - ? w A letter x'ss receined from the National Riners and Harbors Congress informing the Board that Wil- WG `r mington Harbor had been clnaeified ae a Clasa 111 Project and recoimnended that an expeditious report on sathorized survey requested. The Chairman explained to the Board that at the present time such a eurvey would not be to the best intereat of our long range Port Development, while he did feel that'this would apply to the prbject through the mouth of the river ae far as Southport. As there was no 3uatificetion at present for a Porty(40) foot channel into Wilmington Harbor, the report was to be filed for information only. _ BCDARD OF IDIICATION - ' Mr. Broadhurst again requeated the atatistical report,purporting to aupport a statement which he understood Superintendent of Schoola H. M. Roland made aeveral weeks ago to the effect thet New Hanover County had alipped from 29th place in the payatent of Teachers Supplement to 52nd place in the countiesl echool system and offered a motion that the Dxecutive SQCretary again write Mr. Roland and make this raquest before the School'Board Discussion was scheduled. This motion was seconded by Mr. Mayhan and it was unan- imously adopted. , Mr. Williams f1u ni.shed each member of the Board with copies of an Artlcle aetting forth the facta with reference to recently publiahed newspaper accounts of miaunderstandinga of,etatenents msde about the Board of Education Budget in an effort to clarify and set the records atraight. He requested that oopies be sent to the Superintendent of Schools and each member of the Board of Education and that thia Btatement be made a psrt of the minutes of this meeting. This uas unanimously adopted bp common conaent of the Board. The above mentioned Article reads ea follows: L_ '24" 7 7 1 Minutes of the Meeting July 7. 1958 Continued BOARD OF EDIICATION - (Continued) "As a result of certain statements made recently relative to school finencea, much confusion baa resulted in the minds of our citizens. The purpose of this statenent ia to aet the record straight in order that our people 3mow the facts. First, mar?p of our citizena have been led to belleve that school flmds have been approprieted "for other than school purposea by the Board of Covnty Coamissioners. A check o£ the financial recorda of the Countq of New Hamover will show that sll school funds have been credited to the schools. The atatement has been made thet the federal funda recentl,y discus&ed were Anticipated Revenue for the year 1957-58. A thorough check will disclose that the Budget that was official]y adopted by the Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County showed Anticipate3 Revenue from thia aouree of onlq $2,000.00. Much hae been said about the Federal Revenue receivai during the l.ast several'qears for echool purposes. We feel that New Hanover County was entitled to every cent received from this aource and that those who helped to aecure these funds were performing their duty as em-ploqees of New Hanover County and further that every effort should be employed in the future ea in the past in aeeing that New Hanover County receives the fluida that we are due. ? A statement has been made that the Board of Cor.imissioners promised to appropriate additionsl Federal Flmda if received during the year (vhich would have increased the Budget'which was sdopted for 1957-58). The minutes do not subatantiate that statsnent, however, the Auditor's recorde uill show that the funds under diacussion were credited to the school aceount on May 2, 1958. , The'charge has been made that the Teachers Supplenent would have to be cut if there was not a . subatantial balance in the Supplementary becount at the end of the pear. 1he action of the,Commisaionera in not allowing these funds to be apent during the 1957-58 Fiacal Year will help to assure e,greater re- serve for the year'1958-59. It has been intimated that the Board o£ Commissioners haven't the right to require the budgeted items not be over-expended without prior approval of the Board of Commissioners. ha you lmow? the County Coffinissionera are reaponsible for levying the texes to support our schools. (Over one-half of the tax dol- lar in New Hanover'County is apent on Education.) 41e feel that it is not only the right, but the duty of the Board of Commissioners to be familiar xith the finances of our schools at all timea. Several Budget items were over-epent in the achool budget (one item over-spent by more than $10,000.00) duriag the past year. We aealiae thet the totsl Budget was not over-spent, however, 3n over- expending in even one Budget item, the policy as adopted by the Board of Coffinissioners was violated. We shall pcpect the adopted policies of the Board of Commiasionera relating to school. budgeta to be adhered to henceforth. The auggestion has been made thst the details of the propoaed 1958-59 Budget are svailable to "each Commiseioner at any time they deaire to make a atudy of theae Budgeta". Thia Baard has requested a detailed copy of the propoaed Budget. We hope that the County Auditor has been furnished this inform- ation. ' We hope that the aforementioned facta will help to clear up aqy misunderstandings that esiet. Let us assure you that we, too, are interested in an'excellent school aystem Por our children and that we will continue to work with you toward that end.° ?aas+??nu??n County Auditor T. D. Love presented letters from School Superintendent H. M. Roland, requesting T""`??--?- a tranafer of flanda within the budgett_and although he recommended that the_accounts be left sa is. he aould "?•u???"' leave it to the Board for their decieion. Mr. Mnyhan moved, seconded by Mr. Williama that the sdjuatments vithin the Budget requested by the Board of Education be apgroved as follor+s: $581.98 Deduct from Office Assistanta, Bookkeeper Add to Office Expenae $300.00 Add to Espenses, Boarfl of Education 2$1.98 30200.00 Deduct from Repair & Replac ement of Instructional Apparatue Add to Clerical Assistants ' -300.00 Add to Cammencement 50.00 Add to Heating Lighting, Plumbing 1,000.00 Add to Telephonea 850.00 Add to Jenitor Supplies 11000.00 39500.00 Deduct from Janitor Salariea Add to Water, Light & Poxer 3p500.00 8,925.00 Deduct from Building & Grounda, Salaries Add to Building & Grounds , Materials 2j525.00 Add to , I,ater., Light & Pbaer 6,400.00 3j900.00 Deduct from Bus Driver_Salarie.s Add to Gas, Oil & Grease 19150.00 Add to Auto Repair Parte 200.00 Add to Huilding & Groimde, Materials 2t550.00 When the vote was called, ell voted in the affirmative eacept Mr. Broadhuretj who voted "NO". The Chairman ruled the motion carried. Mr. Williame then requested County Auditor Love to flunish the following: (1) The nwnber of teachers receiving Supplements+only and the:amount.of.therSupplement. (2) The)number of teachers arid the amount of 8upplement being added to State Selaries. (3) The bslance in the Supplementary Fund used for otlier purpoaea. AERIAL SURVEY MAPS - 8 The Chairman recalled a recent newa article to the ePfect that the Stste iatended'making an serial? survey of sll the property they osmed in the countfes throughout the State and that they vere using New Han- over County as one of the pi•1ot counties and he thought that it would be a fine thing to have s complete eet of aerial maps made oF theTo?unty. After eome diecussion, Mr. "Ifilliams suggested that the Executive 5ecre- tary be instructed to get in touch xith the proper authorftiea to detexmine if an arrangeaent could be nego- tiated whereby the Countq paq for the additional service but receive copies of the complete ghotographic eerial survey mapa. ` BUDGET HEARTNG3 _ County Auditor T. D. I.ove reminded the Commiasioners that the Machinery Act required the adoption of the Budget not later than July 28th and that he xould euggest that the Countq begin the Budget Hearings sa soon as possible. 1he Chairman of the Board, after receiving expressions from other members as to a suitable time, inatructed the Fbcecutive Secretary and Auditor Love to achedule a series of Budget Hearinga , -A r*z? ?? Minutes of the Meeting July 7, 1958 Cont3nued BUDGET HEARINCS - (Continued) beginning at 8:00 A. M. Wednesday, July 9th. This uas unanimously approned by common consent. ? TAX ABATIIENT - Pureuant to inatructions bq the Board on Jime 16th rePerring to a request by Lieutenent Colonel Roger M. Page for an abatement on taxes, County Attornep John Bright Hill ruled that under the law there xas no legal meaavres of granting this request, therefores Mr. Willisma offered a motion, seconded by Mr. Broadhvrat, that a letter be xritten to Colonel Page explaining the matter to hSm and mxpress our regret for not being•able to comply wlth his requeat. This iras unanimously approved and ordered. ? SF)CONDARY RObD6 •• Mr. A. K. Mallard, Suparvisor of the State %ghxay Commission, presented the 1958-59 Secondary* ?Lbz Road Plena approved for thia County and requested the following Resolution for their Ralei.gh office: WHERE'.A.S, the North Carolins State Highway Coimniesion has allocated and approved $14,,100.00 for impronements on the Secondary Roads of Nerr Hanover County; aud WEiEREA5, after proper investigation by their engineering staffa they propoae the Yollowing roads be graded and stabilized. 1. Darden Rosd • 0.5 mile 20000.00 2. Burnette Road 0.6 " 20700.00 3. Park Avemze • 0.8 " 39000.00 !,. Rogera Road 0,4 ° 39000.00 5. Jackaonville & Wilmington Avenue 0,4 " • 10000.00 6. 49th Street & Maple'Avenue 0.2 ° 400.00 7. Circle Drive 0.2 " 500.00 $. Railroad 6venue•at Castle Haqna 0.5 1v500.OO NOW, THEREFS)RE the New Hanover qgnnty Board of Commiasioners unanimously concur in adopt- ing the proposal and deem it necessary adequately serve the Citizens of eaid County. 1he fore- going resolution wae duly adopted bp the Nex Fianover Conntq Board of Commiaeioners at'their regular meeting on the 7th day of July 1958. DRAINAGE - ' ? Coimnissioner Broadhurst reported to the Board that an important drainage problem had come to hie r? attention and suggested that's long range program be worked out whereby we could guarantee tvelve monthe operatioa for the dragline. Thia matter was diacussed thoroughly bq each member of the Hoard and Mr. Broad- hurst moved, seconded by Mr. Williams that Dave W. Rivenbark be given the responsibility of aecuring an operator for uork under his direct supervision. Mr. Rtvenbark is to measure the work done each week and report to the 9cscutive Secretary vho uill in turn keep the Commissioners informed of their activities. The present plana underway are to pay the operator $2.00 per hour on an hourlq basis but not guarantee atraight time but pay on],y for the number oF hours aorked. This was unanimouslp adopted by the Board. REPORTS - ?? , . (c) -? (d) NeH Asnover County Hmue Agent Neta Hanover County Home Demonstration Agenb Wilmington Public Library Statenent of Tax Collectiona Museum Report Report on Agricultural Ektenaion Service ADJOITRNMENT - . ' There being no further buainess presented before the Board, Mr. Williame moved, adfournment.. aeconded by Mr. Mayhan, and unanimously adopted. . ^ . W ?G. Houck. Ekecutive Secretary '\ • Wilmington, N.C. July 149 1958 ASSEMBLY - 1he regular weekly meeting of the N mr Hanover County Board of Commissionera was heTd this daq in _ the Commissioner's office in the Court Houae at 9:30 A. M. PRFSENT: Chairman J. M. Hall, Jr., Commies- ionere L. E. Broadhurst,,, Ernest R. Mayhan, Berry A. Williama, County Attorney Sohn Bright Hill. County Auditor T. D. Love, and Commiasioner-Elect Peter H. Braak. Coimnissioner Jamea E. Aolton Jr, was unable to attend the meeting since he ie attending the North Carolina National Guard Camp. INtIOCATION - , , Chairman Hall called the meeting to order and asked Reverend R. Irving Boone, Pastor of Central Baptist Church, to open the meeting with a prayer for guidance. . MIANTFS APPROVAL - a: IIpon motioa of Mr. Williame, aeconded by Mr. Broadhurst, the minutea of the meeting held on Sulq • 7th were unanimously approva3. BLIND CONCESSION - ? Mr. M. L. Pate, Snpervi.sor of the Blind Cmmmiisaion, requested permission to place a cracker vend- ing machine beside the coca cola dispenser in the basement £6r the benefit of the blind in this city. By common consent of the Board, they agree3 unanimously to allow this concession, CNIL DEFENSE - ' A letter was receined from Colonel Andrew H. Harriss, Jr. informing the Bosrd that inasmuch sa his Cotmnission had fulfilled their missi'on and responsibility placed upon them xhen they were organized, he felt that it ehould be officiellyft:;solved by both governing bodies as of July 15, 1958. After some discussion by the Boerd members, it was decided that the Cammission should be reverted to an advisory ststus. IIpon motion of Mr. `ailliams, aeconded by, Mr. Mayhan, the Board unanimously approved this request aixi in- structed the Executive Secretc+ry to write Colonel Harriss and eaeh msnber serving on that Board and exgress our appzeciation for their time and effort, sometimes at great personsl sacrifice and without financial gain for the f3ne contribution they have made in evaluating and implementittg a realistic, intelligible and work- able Tvacuation P]sn for the citizens of New Hanover County. ? L_