1958-07-14 Regular Meetingr*z? ?? Minutes of the Meeting July 7, 1958 Cont3nued BUDGET HEARINCS - (Continued) beginning at 8:00 A. M. Wednesday, July 9th. This uas unanimously approned by common consent. ? TAX ABATIIENT - Pureuant to inatructions bq the Board on Jime 16th rePerring to a request by Lieutenent Colonel Roger M. Page for an abatement on taxes, County Attornep John Bright Hill ruled that under the law there xas no legal meaavres of granting this request, therefores Mr. Willisma offered a motion, seconded by Mr. Broadhvrat, that a letter be xritten to Colonel Page explaining the matter to hSm and mxpress our regret for not being•able to comply wlth his requeat. This iras unanimously approved and ordered. ? SF)CONDARY RObD6 •• Mr. A. K. Mallard, Suparvisor of the State %ghxay Commission, presented the 1958-59 Secondary* ?Lbz Road Plena approved for thia County and requested the following Resolution for their Ralei.gh office: WHERE'.A.S, the North Carolins State Highway Coimniesion has allocated and approved $14,,100.00 for impronements on the Secondary Roads of Nerr Hanover County; aud WEiEREA5, after proper investigation by their engineering staffa they propoae the Yollowing roads be graded and stabilized. 1. Darden Rosd • 0.5 mile 20000.00 2. Burnette Road 0.6 " 20700.00 3. Park Avemze • 0.8 " 39000.00 !,. Rogera Road 0,4 ° 39000.00 5. Jackaonville & Wilmington Avenue 0,4 " • 10000.00 6. 49th Street & Maple'Avenue 0.2 ° 400.00 7. Circle Drive 0.2 " 500.00 $. Railroad 6venue•at Castle Haqna 0.5 1v500.OO NOW, THEREFS)RE the New Hanover qgnnty Board of Commiasioners unanimously concur in adopt- ing the proposal and deem it necessary adequately serve the Citizens of eaid County. 1he fore- going resolution wae duly adopted bp the Nex Fianover Conntq Board of Commiaeioners at'their regular meeting on the 7th day of July 1958. DRAINAGE - ' ? Coimnissioner Broadhurst reported to the Board that an important drainage problem had come to hie r? attention and suggested that's long range program be worked out whereby we could guarantee tvelve monthe operatioa for the dragline. Thia matter was diacussed thoroughly bq each member of the Hoard and Mr. Broad- hurst moved, seconded by Mr. Williams that Dave W. Rivenbark be given the responsibility of aecuring an operator for uork under his direct supervision. Mr. Rtvenbark is to measure the work done each week and report to the 9cscutive Secretary vho uill in turn keep the Commissioners informed of their activities. The present plana underway are to pay the operator $2.00 per hour on an hourlq basis but not guarantee atraight time but pay on],y for the number oF hours aorked. This was unanimouslp adopted by the Board. REPORTS - ?? , . (c) -? (d) NeH Asnover County Hmue Agent Neta Hanover County Home Demonstration Agenb Wilmington Public Library Statenent of Tax Collectiona Museum Report Report on Agricultural Ektenaion Service ADJOITRNMENT - . ' There being no further buainess presented before the Board, Mr. Williame moved, adfournment.. aeconded by Mr. Mayhan, and unanimously adopted. . ^ . W ?G. Houck. Ekecutive Secretary '\ • Wilmington, N.C. July 149 1958 ASSEMBLY - 1he regular weekly meeting of the N mr Hanover County Board of Commissionera was heTd this daq in _ the Commissioner's office in the Court Houae at 9:30 A. M. PRFSENT: Chairman J. M. Hall, Jr., Commies- ionere L. E. Broadhurst,,, Ernest R. Mayhan, Berry A. Williama, County Attorney Sohn Bright Hill. County Auditor T. D. Love, and Commiasioner-Elect Peter H. Braak. Coimnissioner Jamea E. Aolton Jr, was unable to attend the meeting since he ie attending the North Carolina National Guard Camp. INtIOCATION - , , Chairman Hall called the meeting to order and asked Reverend R. Irving Boone, Pastor of Central Baptist Church, to open the meeting with a prayer for guidance. . MIANTFS APPROVAL - a: IIpon motioa of Mr. Williame, aeconded by Mr. Broadhurst, the minutea of the meeting held on Sulq • 7th were unanimously approva3. BLIND CONCESSION - ? Mr. M. L. Pate, Snpervi.sor of the Blind Cmmmiisaion, requested permission to place a cracker vend- ing machine beside the coca cola dispenser in the basement £6r the benefit of the blind in this city. By common consent of the Board, they agree3 unanimously to allow this concession, CNIL DEFENSE - ' A letter was receined from Colonel Andrew H. Harriss, Jr. informing the Bosrd that inasmuch sa his Cotmnission had fulfilled their missi'on and responsibility placed upon them xhen they were organized, he felt that it ehould be officiellyft:;solved by both governing bodies as of July 15, 1958. After some discussion by the Boerd members, it was decided that the Cammission should be reverted to an advisory ststus. IIpon motion of Mr. `ailliams, aeconded by, Mr. Mayhan, the Board unanimously approved this request aixi in- structed the Executive Secretc+ry to write Colonel Harriss and eaeh msnber serving on that Board and exgress our appzeciation for their time and effort, sometimes at great personsl sacrifice and without financial gain for the f3ne contribution they have made in evaluating and implementittg a realistic, intelligible and work- able Tvacuation P]sn for the citizens of New Hanover County. ? L_ ? d?D 9 4_? Continued - Minutes of the Ideeting Ju2y 24o 1958 1 . AIRPORT CAA SUHVEY Airport Manager John A. Westhrook presente3 a letter from the Civ31 Aeronautics Administration, United Ststes Department of Cmnmerce, in answer to a request for their consideration in changing the Approach .Light Syatem and the Instrument landing Systmn to Runway 5-23. The angine ers estimate an approximate ex- penditure of $75,000 would be require3 to relocate the Instrtulent Ianding System and tha't no material improv- ment would accrue to 9ustify euch a disbursmnent, and in addition, it would be dependent on the the budget- ary action bp Congress which could not be accomplished until next year. The Approach Landing"System xill need a twenty year lease at $1.00 per year for an area 75 Peet on either side of the extended ruriway. In addition, assurance that an area 125 feet outward on each side and 106 feet beyond the extreme southeast y tnd of the leased area will be zoned to prevent structures and trees, but not agricultural cropa, extending above the light structures. They requested a prompt reply assuring then that their terms could be met and advising when engineers could enter on the property for the purpose of a survey of the sites. Chairman Ha11 inforaed the Board that he had, again, approached Mr. Bruce Cameron, owner of the property which would be effected by the ad3ed facil3ties and that he was convinced it rroulfl require condemnation proceedinga to acquire the fiVe and one-half scres needed to meet the necessary minimum requi.rements to extend the runxays. After free disevssion by the Board members explori^ng the possible complications involved in condemnation actiona, it was agreed, bq common consent, to withhold any action at this time. SECONDARY ROAAS - ? ? The following aecondary roada were aecepted by the State Highway Commissions as additions to the system and recommenrled by Harold Makepeace of the Department o£ Secondary Roada: Name of Road Len th Date of Renort Old Military Road 0.55 mile dune 2, 1958 Devon Caurt 0.1 May 30,s 1958 , Wood Dale Drive 0.2 May 30t 1958 King Street 0.2 May 30, 1958 Brightwood Road 0.5 Ma9 9, 1958 Pine Valley Estatea 2.75 May 99 1958 Old Cemetery Road 0.9 , May 9, 1958 Darden •Road 0.5 BIIDGETS As achednled, the Depsrtment oP Public Welfare and the 8her4ff's Depart,ment presented their Bud- get requests before the Hoard at their meeting today. No decis3on was requested and no action was taken. The Commissionera Will stucLy the requeats and render their deciaion. < WELFARE PETITIONS - . ' Mrs, Helen B. Sneeden., Superintendent of Public Welfare Department, presented two Petitions far Relief because of their inabil3ty to care for thenselves and a physical disability. 8y common consent of the Hoard, Archie Lloyd FY-yar and John Lexi's were admitted for County Home'Care. - PETIT NRY - The following good and lawflxl persons were drawn to serve as Juro re in the trial of Civil casea in Superior Court £or the one week term beginning August 4th, and in'the tri week t r b i A i t lSth el of Criminal Cases for the one . e m eg nn ng ugus . . Jurora for the week beginnine Anauat G. 1958 - Cfvil Casea Herman E.. King 29 Morningside Drine Goldie Levitte P; 0. Hox 235 Fred C. Tyon 13 Reaton Avenue E. F. Risley Jr. Box 630, Carolina Heach, N.C. E. A. Xerr 2709 Orange Street Carl d. Iossen A,FD 2 , Box 125 E. E. Aing 2805 LYndon Avenue W. E. Harrell . 716 Live Oak Parkway C. E. Richi Cape Fear Apartments C. B. Boggess 107 Borden Avenue J. P. King 2411 Princess Street Arthvr L. Madeley . 19 Lake Forest Parkaay Milton D. I.add 1515 Nun Street Thomas L. Huggina,Jr. 2735 Harrison Street E. R. Shinm 304 MacMillan Avenue Ghomas D. Gallagher 2835 Jefferson 5treet Wm. F. Grove 2$33 G. Adams Street John J. Iampros 710 Westmont Drive Clqde Watts 2855 Jefferson Street N. R. Skipper , RFD 1p Hox 329 Victor W. LBxis 213 North 22nd Street DeLeon A. Longley 111 N. 15th Street 0. D. Blake Jr. 4210 Greenfield St. M. L. Meyland, Jr. RFD 3, Box 274 W. K. Hobba 2230 Metta Avenue Fdward Lipsius, Jr. 411 South 19th Street J,.Ts. Reece 2015 Metts Avenue George W. Wilkins RFD 1. Box 160, Castle Hayne N. C. P. P. Runple 259 Castle Aayne Road W. L. Reynolds,Jr. 17 W. Iake village Anne C. Bryant Box 147, Wrghte. Beach F. A. Beaulier 2732 Harrison Street Robert W. Ludwig 2225 Plaza Drive David Levi Bradahaw % Coa.stal Terminal Incorp. Billie S. 23ttle 175 Colonisl Drive Cornelius J. Hogervorst . 522.Market St. Melvin Bass 21111 Cherry Avenue Homer A. Ianier 210 Page Avenue ' Theodore R. Ezzell 3804 South Front St. David A. Hinson 4525 Market Street J. T. Cerroll, Jr.4525 Market Street E. M. Klander 4402 Oleander Drive E. F. Pridgen 522 Castle Hayxse Rd. J. R. LeGrand 3809 Peachtree Street James E. Bordeamc 520 Park Terrace Iaymond,A,,Yioodcock 308 S. 16th Street E. L. Vanderpool 326 South 3rd Street Charles W. Blanchard 243 Oakcrest Drine Daniel J. Batts Jr,4910 Wrightsville Av. Howard A. McLaughlin 209 Rrancea Mar3on Drive Jurors for.the week beeLnninp Au¢ust 18. 1958 - Criminal Csaes ' Francis M. Foy 5030 Pine Street D. B. Gaither Cape Fear Hote1 " . Marion V. Orr 20 Montgomery Ave. Ben Murray RFD 1. Box 24 H. E. Iane 311 Pine Grove Dr3ve R. C. Parker 515 Castle Street Raymond L. Kirk,JrRFD 3., Box 275 dames V. Warren Apt. C-6 Oleander Court Apts. • N. E. King 232 North 25th'St. Frel Retchin 1109 Hawthorne Road C. J. Keen 171$ Orange St. Thomas B. Bolesh 110 Penn Street Arthur L. Snow 110 Wrightsville Ave. Charles G. Balch 4120 Park Avenue W`. C. King 503 S. 17th Street William W. Lewis 221 Kenxood Avenue T. F. Smith 210 Ann Street Charles Grant Cooper 3714 Wrightaville Avenue James L. Goff 1606 Orange Street J. W,'Jackson 2407 South Front Street Otis L. Lewis 435 Rosemont 9ve. C. S. Howell 212 Page Ave. Ri.chard C.'Lewis 703 Country Club Rqad Ernest C. Costin 223 Bagley Ave. Fdward F. G?urry Jr.Box 103, Wrghtsv.Beach C. B. Bolton 2525 Monroe Street E. L. Royal 4312 Wrightsville Ave. Iney Barnett 1+401 Peachtree Street L. W. Kelly 1509 Castle 5treat Van Hill King, Jr. 30 North 25th Street . , Minutes of the Meeting Ju7,q 14, 1958 Continued Jvrors for the Week be-vinnine Aueust 18, 1958 - Criminal Gaaes (Continued) Farl A. Baker RFD # 3, Box 245B Isaac W. Cooper Sames A. Scott 112 Borden Avenue Harry R. Johnson Iouis W. Perry 3701 Winston Blvd, Charlie W. Silanae Leonard N. Poirier RFD 1 Box 108,Castle Hayne Matthias A. Spruill J. W. Register 405 Castle Street W.O.S. Sutherland Fred T. Uarey 21q South 9th St. Thomas W. Sneeden H. T. Strickland 3816 Princess P1ace Rd.LeRop B73zzard Roy L.Montgomery Box 145,Carolina Bea ch W. L. Baumgardner Robert C1emraona,Jr. 2516 Burnett Blnd. Michael labriola C. J. Southerland 4922 Oleander Drine David Brinton Grove Eytecutive 5ecretary . Wilmington, N. C. July 21 . 1958 -r t7( ? ?????' Shore Acres.Apt. 1. Harbor Tsland 29W.Greensboro St.,Wrghtsn. Beach 2106 Iske Shore Drive 1 Terrace Walk 208 S. 3rd Street 1401 S. Live Oak Pkary. RF'D 3, Box 403 2851 Fast Adams 506 Central Boulevard RFD 3, Box 195 ADJOURNAEIVT - There being no further business to come before the Board, Mr. Broadhurst moved that the meeting adjourn,, seconded by Mr. Mayhan and unanimously adopteti. ASSEMBI,Y - ' The regular weekly meeting of the New'Hanover County Board of Commissioners was held this.'day in the Commissioner's office of the Court House at 9:30 A.M. PRESENT: Chairman J. M. Hall, Jr., Commissioners L. E.'Broadhurst, James E. Holton, Jr. Ernest R. Mayhan, *County Auditor T. D. Zove, County Attorney John Bright Hill. Commissioner- Elect Peter H. Braak wae also present for the meeting. ?- and Eemy A,.-Williams.•.. INVOCATION - ' Chairman Hall called the meeting to order and asked Renerend Bruce B1ake., Pastor of Blake's Chapel, to open the meeting with prayer for guidance. ? MINUTFS APPROVAI, - ' Upon motion of Mr. L. E. Broadhurst, seconded by Mr. Erneat Mayhan, the minutea ot' the meeting of July 14th were unanimously approved. TAX STUDY The Chairman recognized Mr. Hargrove Bellamy, Chairman of the Tax Committee of the GreQter Wil- mington Chamher of Cammerce, who informed the Board that his Comnittee had made a very thorough study of the tax etructvre of this County and in perticular as it related to the Bizdget Requesta oP the aeveral departmenta for the 1958-59 Fiscal Year, He explained that they did not want to tske a peasimiatic view of the business outlook for our County but that there were manp factors which led them to the conclusion that we should aeigh every expenditure. To aupport their opiniona., they presented the Board t+ith a written copy of their recommendationa for ea¢h perticular department receivfng tax money. Their final conclusion was that competition between communities for ner+ industry resulting in increased employment and taxable property is becoming extreme],q intense and in msny cases a matter of taxation could be the'difference ba- tween obtaining the induatry or losing it to a more highly competitine area. They aleo recommended a study o£ the local tax dollars spent per capita or per $100 valuation year :.by , year i:- :'for the ]ast five years and that it be compsred with other-compsrable Counties in the State. In conclusi6n they thank- ed the Comroissioners'for their aholehearted cooperation and reiterated that the report was made with the idea of being conatructive and factual, with the ultimate sim of obtaining the higheat grade County Gosrern« ment in the State. The Chairman thanked Mr. Hel7smy for the report and the interest ahoWn t3y his comroittee in behalf of the County Governraent. I FORECLOSURE PURCHASE OFFER - . . . . . . . Pursvant to actions of the Board on Apri1 21, and 28th, 1958 with reference to sale of property .. jolntly owned by the City and County because of Tax Foreclosure describe3 as n part of Bloek k and the east middle aection of Lot /., Carter and Murchison, local-attorneys representing Winn-Dixie Stores.' Ineorpoxated, proposed that since the value of the property amounted to more than the total eccrued taxes, the heira of the former owner, J. L. Menory, wovld like to redeem the I.ot by paying up all back taxes and costs of the £oreclosure proceedings. Mr. Holton auggested that the matter be referred to the Courity 9ttorney for con- aultation uith the CSty ittorney for their recommendatione. Thia was unanfmously approved by the Board. WEI,FARE LIEN RIDIIFTION - • ' ' A Complaint by Annie Pearl FFhitley against New,Hanover County to clear the title tb propertq on which a lien was placed because her husband.•R. S. Whitley, drex certain old age asaistance as provided in WP,c,'Q-?' Chapter 108 in the General Statutes of North-Carolina, the same being Lien 982 and Lien 1231 `filed.itt the I3en Ib cument Book # 23 page 328 in the office of the Clerk of Superior Court on the first day of December 1953. By caimnon coneent of the Board, the Chairman referred this complaint to the County Attorney for hand- ling. •Mr, Hill then presented the Board with an Ansxer to the Complaint, and upon motion of Mr. BroadhursL, seconded by Mr. N,Qyhan, the Chairman of the Board was unanimously authorized to sign it in be?olift f the , BOARD OF IDUCATION - y' Mr. Berry A. Williams reminded the Board that in thair regular seasion ott llpril 28 and again on Jnne 2nd, 1958 they had requeated certain detailed informati'on from the Board of Educat3on with reference , to Slzpplanentary Budget Expenditures and again £rom tYme to time verbal requests had been made for thia 3n- -formation but that up until this time it had not bee» furniahed. Commissioner Williams then made the folltsw- , ing:motion: I move that the County Treecsurer be direeted to stop all sWlementarv t,?gvments under the heading of "Saleries and Exoenses of Teaehers and PrSncinals" and "Administrative Expense" until the Board of Coffiaissioners of New Hanover County is furnished the b'reakdown that was requested by this Board at its ' meeting of April 28th, and subsequentl,y renewed and revised on June 2nd,'1958 as it reZatea to the cate- gories mentioned above. This was seconded by Mr. Mayhan and unanimously approved by the Board, including the Chairman, with the stipu7ation that a copy of a letter written to the Chairman informing him of this action be sent to each member of the Board of Fducation and County Auditor T. D. Love. L_