HomeMy WebLinkAbout1958-07-21 Regular Meeting
Minutes of the Meeting Ju7,q 14, 1958 Continued
Jvrors for the Week be-vinnine Aueust 18, 1958 - Criminal Gaaes (Continued)
Farl A. Baker RFD # 3, Box 245B Isaac W. Cooper
Sames A. Scott 112 Borden Avenue Harry R. Johnson
Iouis W. Perry 3701 Winston Blvd, Charlie W. Silanae
Leonard N. Poirier RFD 1 Box 108,Castle Hayne Matthias A. Spruill
J. W. Register 405 Castle Street W.O.S. Sutherland
Fred T. Uarey 21q South 9th St. Thomas W. Sneeden
H. T. Strickland 3816 Princess P1ace Rd.LeRop B73zzard
Roy L.Montgomery Box 145,Carolina Bea ch W. L. Baumgardner
Robert C1emraona,Jr. 2516 Burnett Blnd. Michael labriola
C. J. Southerland 4922 Oleander Drine David Brinton Grove
Eytecutive 5ecretary
. Wilmington, N. C. July 21
. 1958
-r t7(
? ?????'
Shore Acres.Apt. 1. Harbor Tsland
29W.Greensboro St.,Wrghtsn. Beach
2106 Iske Shore Drive
1 Terrace Walk
208 S. 3rd Street
1401 S. Live Oak Pkary.
RF'D 3, Box 403
2851 Fast Adams
506 Central Boulevard
RFD 3, Box 195
There being no further business to come before the Board, Mr. Broadhurst moved that the meeting
adjourn,, seconded by Mr. Mayhan and unanimously adopteti.
The regular weekly meeting of the New'Hanover County Board of Commissioners was
held this.'day in the Commissioner's office of the Court House at 9:30 A.M. PRESENT:
Chairman J. M. Hall, Jr., Commissioners L. E.'Broadhurst, James E. Holton, Jr. Ernest
R. Mayhan, *County Auditor T. D. Zove, County Attorney John Bright Hill. Commissioner-
Elect Peter H. Braak wae also present for the meeting. ?- and Eemy A,.-Williams.•..
Chairman Hall called the meeting to order and asked Renerend Bruce B1ake., Pastor of Blake's
Chapel, to open the meeting with prayer for guidance. ?
Upon motion of Mr. L. E. Broadhurst, seconded by Mr. Erneat Mayhan, the minutea ot' the meeting
of July 14th were unanimously approved.
The Chairman recognized Mr. Hargrove Bellamy, Chairman of the Tax Committee of the GreQter Wil-
mington Chamher of Cammerce, who informed the Board that his Comnittee had made a very thorough study of
the tax etructvre of this County and in perticular as it related to the Bizdget Requesta oP the aeveral
departmenta for the 1958-59 Fiscal Year, He explained that they did not want to tske a peasimiatic view
of the business outlook for our County but that there were manp factors which led them to the conclusion
that we should aeigh every expenditure. To aupport their opiniona., they presented the Board t+ith a written
copy of their recommendationa for ea¢h perticular department receivfng tax money. Their final conclusion
was that competition between communities for ner+ industry resulting in increased employment and taxable
property is becoming extreme],q intense and in msny cases a matter of taxation could be the'difference ba-
tween obtaining the induatry or losing it to a more highly competitine area. They aleo recommended a
study o£ the local tax dollars spent per capita or per $100 valuation year :.by , year i:- :'for the ]ast
five years and that it be compsred with other-compsrable Counties in the State. In conclusi6n they thank-
ed the Comroissioners'for their aholehearted cooperation and reiterated that the report was made with the
idea of being conatructive and factual, with the ultimate sim of obtaining the higheat grade County Gosrern«
ment in the State. The Chairman thanked Mr. Hel7smy for the report and the interest ahoWn t3y his comroittee
in behalf of the County Governraent. I
Pursvant to actions of the Board on Apri1 21, and 28th, 1958 with reference to sale of property
.. jolntly owned by the City and County because of Tax Foreclosure describe3 as n part of Bloek k and the east
middle aection of Lot /., Carter and Murchison, local-attorneys representing Winn-Dixie Stores.' Ineorpoxated,
proposed that since the value of the property amounted to more than the total eccrued taxes, the heira of
the former owner, J. L. Menory, wovld like to redeem the I.ot by paying up all back taxes and costs of the
£oreclosure proceedings. Mr. Holton auggested that the matter be referred to the Courity 9ttorney for con-
aultation uith the CSty ittorney for their recommendatione. Thia was unanfmously approved by the Board.
A Complaint by Annie Pearl FFhitley against New,Hanover County to clear the title tb propertq on
which a lien was placed because her husband.•R. S. Whitley, drex certain old age asaistance as provided in
WP,c,'Q-?' Chapter 108 in the General Statutes of North-Carolina, the same being Lien 982 and Lien 1231 `filed.itt the
I3en Ib cument Book # 23 page 328 in the office of the Clerk of Superior Court on the first day of December
1953. By caimnon coneent of the Board, the Chairman referred this complaint to the County Attorney for hand-
ling. •Mr, Hill then presented the Board with an Ansxer to the Complaint, and upon motion of Mr. BroadhursL,
seconded by Mr. N,Qyhan, the Chairman of the Board was unanimously authorized to sign it in be?olift f the
Mr. Berry A. Williams reminded the Board that in thair regular seasion ott llpril 28 and again on
Jnne 2nd, 1958 they had requeated certain detailed informati'on from the Board of Educat3on with reference
, to Slzpplanentary Budget Expenditures and again £rom tYme to time verbal requests had been made for thia 3n-
-formation but that up until this time it had not bee» furniahed. Commissioner Williams then made the folltsw-
, ing:motion: I move that the County Treecsurer be direeted to stop all sWlementarv t,?gvments under the
heading of "Saleries and Exoenses of Teaehers and PrSncinals" and "Administrative Expense" until the Board
of Coffiaissioners of New Hanover County is furnished the b'reakdown that was requested by this Board at its
' meeting of April 28th, and subsequentl,y renewed and revised on June 2nd,'1958 as it reZatea to the cate-
gories mentioned above. This was seconded by Mr. Mayhan and unanimously approved by the Board, including
the Chairman, with the stipu7ation that a copy of a letter written to the Chairman informing him of this
action be sent to each member of the Board of Fducation and County Auditor T. D. Love.
?81 1
Minutea of the Meeting July 21, 1958 Continued
Pureuant to instructions issued at the meeting on July 7th, the Enecutive Secretary arranged to
have J. Ed Davenport, Real Property Attorney o£ the Property Control Construction Div3sion of the Depsrt-
ment of 5tate Administration, and Mr. William R. Boothe, Secretarq o£ the Boothe Company Incorporated-
of Greenaboro, North Carolina to give the County a price for maps covering all the parcels of property in
the County, excluding incorporated municipalities and answer anp questions•in the minds of the Coaanission-
ers. They xere recognized by the Chairman and submitted a•firm price $23,764.00 to complete auch a
mapping program, including planimetric detail, such as highwaysi streams, power liaes, as well as property
lines and acreage. The drafting of this information would be on Dapont Chronarflex which is tranaparent
and durable and may be arranged tq overlay and register xith features on aerial enlarganents at 1° = 400
feet. USDA photographs are to be used unless the City decides to haoe maps made at 1° = 100 feet which
would require new flying at lotr altitudes for precise engineering. This pr3ce prevaile on],y if the work
is done in connection irith the State landa project now being done. This definitely would mean a saving
of at least $10,000 over the regular price. The Chairman thanked the representatives for the informs-
tion and explained that the matter would be considered flarther in the overall Budget Appropriations and
xould be undertaken if it was felt that the County could afford it at this time.
Mre, L. D. Gaddy, of 110 Greenville Avenue, Seagate? requested throu? the Executive Secretarq xy°Y
that a new street, opened doro+n by her home along which four other families have residences, be named by
the County Commisaionere as DuPree Drine. TSr. Broadhurat offered the motion, seconded by Mr. Msyhan that
the request be granted provided there was no obJection from any of the property owners on that street. The
motion was unsnimously adapted.
Colonel J. B. MacCwnber, Civil Defense Director, requested the Ekecutine Secretarq to preaent
an idea which originsted through a request o£ the Ogdan Volunteer Fire Department for a radio tranamitter. '
Colonel MacCwaber wss of the opinion that it might be expedient to equip all rural fire trucks with short
wave radios with the eame frequency ae the Sheriff's Department so that they could be used in emergencies.
At.the present time, a Motorola mohile radiot 30 Watt output, 155.01 megacycles, 6 volts eet can be pur-
,chased through Surplus Property for about $175.00 each. After some £avorable diseussions the Board, bq
unanimoue decision, decided to weigh the in£ormation before taking ar?y definite action and in fact, Commiss-
ioner Broadhurat suggeated that he was of the opinion that this equipment might be aecured through the lo-
cal C.A.P. at little or no cost to the County and auggeated that this idea be explored before any commit-
ment be made for radio equipment. ••
Sheriff M. B. Register i.n presenting his Budget requirements for the Fiscal Year 1958-59 last
veek explained that all of the cars in his department were giving mechanical trouble and on several occas-
ions, two of them hgd been in the sho at the same time leaving o
p nly one for use and requested approval for e,
the purchase of four cars since he t+ould be forced to incrsase the personnel of his depertment this fall,
three of which are replacementa which will be traded in on neu cars. After much discussion concerning .
equipment, particularly with reference to transmissions, Mr. Williams offered the motion that Bid Proposals ---
be asked for on the basis of three cars with- trade.-fns and one car to be a cash purchase, to' be equipped
with standard gear shifts and transmissione with overdrive and that the Pzroposals for Bids be advertised
immediately. . - •
Mr. W. G. James of the Wilder Resl Estate Agency sutmutted an offer of $400.00 for two Lots own-
ed jointly by the City and County described as followa: In Block 27, Lot # 2 formerly oaned by Charles
Hapwood snd in Block 37t Lot # 5 formerly owned by John L. Srownrigg. The F?cecutive Secretary had_re- •
quested appraisal figures by Mr. H. S. McGirt, Tex Assessor, uho had appraised Lot # 2 in'Block 27 at
$510.00 and Lot # 5 in Block 37 at $690.00. Upon motion of N,r. Broadhurst, seconded by Mr. Naqhan, the
Board unanimously reflised the offer of $200.00 but authorized the F.kecutine Secretary to inform the Wildex
Real Estate Agency that they vould accept the Tax Assessor's appraisal if it was approved by the City Council.
James T. Jackson, of 505 Harnett St., has offered a proposal to purchase Lot #z in Block 252
formerly owned by Thomas Newk3rk and foreclosed in 1949 for taxes. The 1hx Assessor has appraised this Lot
at $400.00 and upon motion of Mr. Broadhurat, seconded by Mr. Mayhan, it was unanimously accepted; provided
it was approved by the City Council.
A Petition has been filed in the Superior Court by the 8tate Highway Commission naming New Hanover ?V
County as a Respondent as the Petitioner is informed and believes that the County may°have an interest in
certain lands owned by other Reapondenta named in the Petition because of Tax Liens. There was no action
taken except referral to the County Attorney for handling..
Pursuant to,a Petition presented by a group of Murrayville property ownera on May 12th, 1958s,
Airs. Carl W. Murray, representing that group, again appeared before the Board requesting some relief with
reference to the unhealthy condition created by stagnant water. Since this profect would require the aer-
vices of an enginaer, and Mr. J. B. 5impson of the United States ?epartanent of Soi1 Conservation is prohib-
ited from aurveqing except where agricultural farm lands are involve3, he was not permitta3 to make a atudy
o£ thia requested proposal. Mrs. Murray, however, in her presentation to the Chairman assured him that a
farm wa§ being developed which aould be benefited greatly by such a project and, therefore, it was felt that
Mr. Simpson's servicea might be ueed to determine the practicability of cutting a ditch with a dragline to
Smith Creek. Mr. Dave W. Rivenbark will contact Mr. Simpson on this matter.
The followthg report was filed for in£ormation:
(a) County Electrical Inspector
There being no further business presented before the Board, Mr. Naphan moved adjournment, aecond-
ed-by Mr. Holton and unanimously adopted. • •
W. G. HOUCR, Executive Secretary