1958-07-24 Regular Meetingr.2,82 7:30 P. M. July 23, 1958 Wilmington, N.C. SPECIAL MEETING CONVENTION - A special called meeting of the Neu Hanover County Board of Commissionera was held in the Com- misaioner's Roam at 7:30 P. M. this-day for the purpose of discussing the Budget Requests of the varioua Couaty Oepartmeats, 'PRFSIIdT:.,'Cha3rman J. M. Halli Jr., Commissionera L. E. Broadhurst, Jamea E. Holton Jr.; Ernest R. Maqhan and Berry A. Williams, County Attorney John Bright Hill, County Auditor T. D. Love? and Commissioner-IIect Peter H. Braek. OPENING - The meeting was called to order by the Chairman who snnounced that the reading of the minutes of'the previoua meeting would be dispensed with. He also explained to the Board that if they desired to make thia an officisl meetingg it would be necessary to waive the legal notice required. WAIVER OF NOTICE - ._.? Mr. Williams offered a motion that all legal requirements of notice of the meeting be waived Cand that this meeting constitute a legal assenbly of the Board. Thia motion was secondeQ by Mr. Mayhan and unanimous]y adopted. , . . COMMtJNITY HOSPITAL - , „ N1r, Williams offered a motion that $720,000 be appropriated for hospitalization and all iadi- f gent hospital costs be charged against that appropriation on a per diem basis until such time as the Com= mun3ty Hospital xas turned over to the Board of Trusteea as approved at the meeting on September 30, 1957. There was no aecond to this and the Chairman ruled it dead. After e further discuasion of the Coffinunity Hospital Budget, Mr. Aolton offered a motion that 'the Coamunity Hospital Budget Requests be approved tirith the exception of salarq increases, and that $120,000 be appropriated out of ABC Fhnds xith the proviso that $3,000 could be used,as an adjuatment `vhereverequities are apparent. This motion was seconded by Mr. N'ayhan and when the vote was cast, Mr: 1Jilliame voted °NO" on the issue, but the Chairman ruled that it rras sdopted by the majority of the Bcard. BOAFD OFIDIICATION - The Chairman opened the discuasion on thia Department by eacplaining that he had had a:conversa- tion xith Mr. E. A. Laney, Chairman of the Finance Committee and Acting Chairman of the Board of Fducation. ,f Mr. Laney has assured him that the Board of Fducation does not want a controversy between the Board& and that there would be no raise in any of the salary schedules except thoae controlled bp the tppe certifi- cate held and the length of services. The Board diecussed the matter freely among themsolves and finall,p on all the items requested in the Budget until they reached the Janitors' Salaries. The ma3ority of the Board were favorable to adjustments in this category and Mr. Williams o£fered a motion that Janitors' Salaries be increase3 from $30,500 to $33,000. This motion was seconded by Mr. Mayhan and when the vote was calle3, all of the Commissioners v,oted in the affirmative, except Mr. Hroadhurat who vote3 °NO°. Mr. Williams then offered a motion? seconded by Mr. Mayhan that the School Budget be approved in detail and that all departmenta be put on written notice that they must keep within the approved Bud- get items. The question rras never called on this motion and no action was taken. • Mr. Williams then offered a motionI seconded by Mr. Mayhan that in view of the Yact that the information requested from the Board of Education had been supplied in aufficient detail Lo meet the re- quire,ments made sometime ago about the Supplementary School Fundp the Board relesse the funds impounded at their regular meeting on Monday,,July 21, 1958. 7'he question was never called on this motion and no action was taken. . Mr. Broadhurat then offered a motion that the Suppleaientary School Budget be approved exactly the same as last year. He received no second to this motion, and the Chairman ruled 3t dead. COIINTY GOUERNMIIVT - , Mr. Williams offered a motion tkiat funds be ineluded in the Budget for the employment of a County Manager. There was no second to this motion and the Chairman ruled it dead. • 1nulnVUtlvlrJ ? The Board, at this time, decided that they were sufficient7,y in agreement on the figures de- ?1? cided npon to adjourn and asked the County buditor if he could bring a recapitulated Budget figure by `t 12:00 A. M. tomorrow. A9r. Love agreed that it would be possible and they instructed him to include a $5j000 item for groins.at the Northern end of Carolina Beach and present it at the next meeting. RECESS - Mr. Williams then of£ered a motion that the Board recess until 12:00 Nobn.. July 24th for the purpose of adopting the Tentative Budget Estimate. The motion was seconded by Mr. Holton and unanimously adopted.' • 12:00 Noon, Ju],y 24, 1958 Wiimington, N.C. RECFSS MEETING C7 .r.G-. Purauant to the Recessed meeting on July 23rd, the following menbera of the Boax+d met at the above time in the Comnissioner's Room for the purpose of adopting the Tentative Budget for 1958-59. PRESF3dT: Chairman James M. Hall, Jr., Commissioners L. E. Broadhiirst, James E. Holton, Jr,, Berry A. Williama, County Auditor T. D. Love, County Attorney John Sright Hill, and Commissioner-Elect Peter H. Braak. Commiasion- er Ernest R. Maqhan was absent from the meeting. OPENING The Chairman opened the meeting'and atated its purpose and then requested Countq Auditor. T. D. Love to give them the result of yesterday's Budget deliberationa. ' Mr. Love stated that the total Budget 6ppropriation would amount to $5,362,111.55 and if they added the $5,000 for the groins at Carolina Besch and the $305.00 agreed on for the Negro $ome Agentg the total Budget xould be $5 367? 416.55 and that iP he used $125,000.000 as a base, he could hold the County Tax Rate at not more than ?1.15 per 100 valuation.' TENTATIVE BUDGET ADOPTION - Mr. Holton then offered a motion that the County Commiasionere approve the Budget of $5,,367,416.55 to be appropriated in detaa as follows: L_ Minutes of the Recessed Meeting July 24, 1958 Continued T?INTATIVE SDDGET ADOPTS4N - (Continued) General ?18 ;736.78 Agriculture and Economica ' 19,608.00 Aid to Blind 131934:38 Aid to Dependent Children 5440000:00 . ' Aid to Permenently and Totally Disabled 282;150.00 Old Age Assiatance . 434,698.00 . County Home 92,151.00 Health 1160898.19 Hospitalization Indigent Public Asaistant 61,000:00 Hospitalization - Coamunity • 323p435:00 3lorlanens ' Compensation 2;923.46 School Bond • 218j465.00 School Pension 369944:84 School Regular 431i080:00 School Supplenent 411j967:19 School Books 17000,00 ' School Building 19,840:39 School Lunch 50i000.00 Capital Outlay 39;250.00 Veterans' Program 119243:55 Wilmington College 71;348.27 Welfare '120?182.50 • School Bond Building Fund • 1,550i000:00 Driver Training Fund " 20j000.00 Crand Total ' 5,367,415.55 It ie directed that no changes be made in the detailed Budget vithout prior consultation and approval be?. Pore incurring any obligation against the Budget and that the School Budget be adopted as amended vith the proviso that no salary increases are allowed except those brought about by those regular adopted procedures covered by the changes in certificates1 changes in positions and length of service, eaccept Janitor Selary adjustments allowed within the Budget.J This motion uas seconded by Mr. Williams and unanimously adopted: l ADJODRNMENT ? The gurpose for which this special meeting was called having been accomplished, Mr. Holton moved that the Board adjourn, seconded by Mr. Broadhurst, and unanimous]y approved. . , J# _ . . . / L? \S • /? / ?V ?/l?'K%d? w W. G. HOIICK, Executive Secretary Wilmington, N.C. July 28, 1958 ASSIIMBLY The regular weekly meeting of the Aex Haaover•County Board of Commiasioners xas held this day in the Commiss3oner's Room of the Court House at 9:30 A.,M, PRFSENT: ViceChairman James E. Holton, Jr. Conmisaioners L. E. Broadhurst, Erneat R. Mayhan, Berry R. Wi1liAms, Countp Auditor T. D. Love, and County Attorney John Bright Hill and Comnissioner-ELect Peter H. Braak. Chairman J. M. Hall Jr, was out of town and tnable to attend the meeting. '°INVOCATION - ? . . Vice Chairman Holton, Jr, called the meeting to order and asked Reverend Hunley A. Elebash., Pastor of St. John's Episcopal Church,to invoke,the Divine presence through prafer. I APPROVAL OF TFiE MINUTFS - ' Mr. Williams offered a motion that the minutes of the ].ast regular session held on July 21, 1958 and the epecial session held on July 23p 1958 at 7:30 P. M. be approved with the following correction: In the speciaZ meeting under the title "County Governinent". the correct paragraph should riead: '-Mr. Williama offered a motion that funda be included in the Budget for the employment of a County Manager, There was no second to thia motion and the Chairman ruled it dead: Covnty Attorney John Pright Hill suggested to the Board that although the minutes as originally written had already been approved, he suggested that they be amended to include the word Budget and other actions taken at the Special Meeting held on June 23rd and 24th. This suggestion, by common consent,was unanimously approned by the Board. FLAG PRFSENTATION Messrs.. George D. Walters, District•Manager of the Woodmen of the World', and W. R. 7ones',"r3r..* Secretary of Live Oak Camp # 6, were recognized by' the 9ice.. Chairman. - Mr.fe'aTters' explained tfie 'purpo'ses .'of the Y/oodmen of'the;.World aad-eriumerateil'some of the community services an3 civic projects to akiich it has bontributed and thus influencing the upbuilding of citizena throughout the United States: ''Mr. Jones then' presented the United States Fleg, in the name bf Live Oak Camp # 6, to the Vioe Chairman, J. E. Holton, Jr., who thanked than in behalf of the County for this fine gesture. After comments from the other membera of the Board and thanking the Woodmen of the World for their presentation, Mr. Broadhurst suggested that we ehould also have a State Flag of the same size and texture as well,sa flagstaffs and atands so that they might be'properly displayed in the Commissioner's offi'ce. By common con9ent of the Board, they unanimous- ly authorized the Executive Secretary to carry out this plari. JAIL INSPECTION As inatructed by the Board on June 9th, 'the Fxecutive Secretary had the ualls and roof inepected bq the building custodian, Rhoda Farrow and.representatives of the Hanover Iron Works, All,of.the inspect- ion reporta indicated that the only way to atop the seepage.of water through the walls whicti is causing the damage, is to remove all of the loose material from the terra cotta masonry mortar joints,from the outside JWENII.E HOME PHONE - (See Page 285) Ai