1958-07-28 Regular Meeting Minutes of the Recessed Meeting July 24, 1958 Continued T?INTATIVE SDDGET ADOPTS4N - (Continued) General ?18 ;736.78 Agriculture and Economica ' 19,608.00 Aid to Blind 131934:38 Aid to Dependent Children 5440000:00 . ' Aid to Permenently and Totally Disabled 282;150.00 Old Age Assiatance . 434,698.00 . County Home 92,151.00 Health 1160898.19 Hospitalization Indigent Public Asaistant 61,000:00 Hospitalization - Coamunity • 323p435:00 3lorlanens ' Compensation 2;923.46 School Bond • 218j465.00 School Pension 369944:84 School Regular 431i080:00 School Supplenent 411j967:19 School Books 17000,00 ' School Building 19,840:39 School Lunch 50i000.00 Capital Outlay 39;250.00 Veterans' Program 119243:55 Wilmington College 71;348.27 Welfare '120?182.50 • School Bond Building Fund • 1,550i000:00 Driver Training Fund " 20j000.00 Crand Total ' 5,367,415.55 It ie directed that no changes be made in the detailed Budget vithout prior consultation and approval be?. Pore incurring any obligation against the Budget and that the School Budget be adopted as amended vith the proviso that no salary increases are allowed except those brought about by those regular adopted procedures covered by the changes in certificates1 changes in positions and length of service, eaccept Janitor Selary adjustments allowed within the Budget.J This motion uas seconded by Mr. Williams and unanimously adopted: l ADJODRNMENT ? The gurpose for which this special meeting was called having been accomplished, Mr. Holton moved that the Board adjourn, seconded by Mr. Broadhurst, and unanimous]y approved. . , J# _ . . . / L? \S • /? / ?V ?/l?'K%d? w W. G. HOIICK, Executive Secretary Wilmington, N.C. July 28, 1958 ASSIIMBLY The regular weekly meeting of the Aex Haaover•County Board of Commiasioners xas held this day in the Commiss3oner's Room of the Court House at 9:30 A.,M, PRFSENT: ViceChairman James E. Holton, Jr. Conmisaioners L. E. Broadhurst, Erneat R. Mayhan, Berry R. Wi1liAms, Countp Auditor T. D. Love, and County Attorney John Bright Hill and Comnissioner-ELect Peter H. Braak. Chairman J. M. Hall Jr, was out of town and tnable to attend the meeting. '°INVOCATION - ? . . Vice Chairman Holton, Jr, called the meeting to order and asked Reverend Hunley A. Elebash., Pastor of St. John's Episcopal Church,to invoke,the Divine presence through prafer. I APPROVAL OF TFiE MINUTFS - ' Mr. Williams offered a motion that the minutes of the ].ast regular session held on July 21, 1958 and the epecial session held on July 23p 1958 at 7:30 P. M. be approved with the following correction: In the speciaZ meeting under the title "County Governinent". the correct paragraph should riead: '-Mr. Williama offered a motion that funda be included in the Budget for the employment of a County Manager, There was no second to thia motion and the Chairman ruled it dead: Covnty Attorney John Pright Hill suggested to the Board that although the minutes as originally written had already been approved, he suggested that they be amended to include the word Budget and other actions taken at the Special Meeting held on June 23rd and 24th. This suggestion, by common consent,was unanimously approned by the Board. FLAG PRFSENTATION Messrs.. George D. Walters, District•Manager of the Woodmen of the World', and W. R. 7ones',"r3r..* Secretary of Live Oak Camp # 6, were recognized by' the 9ice.. Chairman. - Mr.fe'aTters' explained tfie 'purpo'ses .'of the Y/oodmen of'the;.World aad-eriumerateil'some of the community services an3 civic projects to akiich it has bontributed and thus influencing the upbuilding of citizena throughout the United States: ''Mr. Jones then' presented the United States Fleg, in the name bf Live Oak Camp # 6, to the Vioe Chairman, J. E. Holton, Jr., who thanked than in behalf of the County for this fine gesture. After comments from the other membera of the Board and thanking the Woodmen of the World for their presentation, Mr. Broadhurst suggested that we ehould also have a State Flag of the same size and texture as well,sa flagstaffs and atands so that they might be'properly displayed in the Commissioner's offi'ce. By common con9ent of the Board, they unanimous- ly authorized the Executive Secretary to carry out this plari. JAIL INSPECTION As inatructed by the Board on June 9th, 'the Fxecutive Secretary had the ualls and roof inepected bq the building custodian, Rhoda Farrow and.representatives of the Hanover Iron Works, All,of.the inspect- ion reporta indicated that the only way to atop the seepage.of water through the walls whicti is causing the damage, is to remove all of the loose material from the terra cotta masonry mortar joints,from the outside JWENII.E HOME PHONE - (See Page 285) Ai ,2-84 Minutes of the Neeting July 28, 1958 Continued JAIL IN5PDCTION - (Continued) £ace of the building on all four elevations extending from the coping line at roof level dotm to the underside of the cornice line at the top floor windov sill level. Purauant to this conclusion, the Hanoder Iron Works sutmitted a bid of $3,095 covering thia waterproofing job which also included a few roof repaira with a five year warranty,of satisfaction. As the proposed repairs necessary to correct the deter- iorated condition of the Coiirt Houae annex amounted to more than the statutory minimum within the authority of the Hoard of Commissionera unless an emergency exists, it nras ordered by conmion consent of the Board, that this repair proposal be advertised for bida as preacribed by lau under such circumstances. . BOILER INSURANCE SETTLEMFNT - Y.? Pureuant to the proposal made on April 28th byr the adjuetor for the Lumbermen's Mutual Insurance 14,?yr;^?Compary covering the damage to a boiler at the County Farm, a check for $667.00 accompanied by the Proofs of Loas wae received and considered by the Board. After conaidering the terms of aettlement, Mr. Broadhurst w? offered a motion that the check be accepted and that the Clerk be authorized to sign the Proofa of Loss for the County. Mr. Williams seconded this motion and it was unanimously udopted. C, 0'0' . DRAGLINE REPORT - ? The bcecutive Secretary informed the Board that the first week the dragline was operated, 1212 '?"?,?',?.,.,?. lineal feet was cizt in 52 hours and that the aecond week's operation covered 881 lineal feet in 48 hours w?•' " p which was explained by the fact that as the operation proceeded, it was necessary 'to cut deeper and.there- fore, required the removal of more yards of dirt in the same number of feet forxard. This report was accept- ed as satis£actory by the Board. ' PROIERTY SALE PROPOSAL - I At this time, Mr. E. Mosel.ey Fonvielle, representing the Willetta Realty Co., was recognizetl by the Vice Chairman and ata"te3 that'he hsd a contract to convey, accompanied_by a check for $500.00 as part payment for an offer of $5.,000 by the Tidewater Gas Compary for approximately 5?j acres of land owned by the County ]mown as the old 5anitorivm site located at the extension of North 23rd Street and the Blue Clsy Road. The proposal stipulated that the Covnty muat furniah the survey of the meets and bounds description of the property as well as agree to pay e 10%'sales commission. After discussion by each member of the Board,' Mr.,, WiHiams'offered a mot3on that the proposal be accepted for study and conaifl eration until the next regular meeting of the Board on Monday, August yth and that it be referred to the Countq Attorney and the Tax Assess- or for recormnendation at that time. This was seconded by Mr. Broadhurst and unanimously approved. PRISONER RII,EASE FINES - Mr. Broadhurat explained to the Board that it had been the custom for some time for the Superin- tendent at the County Home and Farm to accept fines glaced on prisonera under his care by the Court and re- lease them, then transmit the funds to the Clerk of the Court. He'expressed the opinion that this should be stopped and that a release first be issued by the Court official and then presented to the.supervisor in ? charge of the prisoners before ar?q prisoner could be released, although he recognized that there would be some objection to this procedure for Saturday afternoon and Sundays when the Courts xere not open. After -• discussing the matter, Mr. Broadhvrst moved, seconded by Mr. Mayhan,"that in the future a receipt be requir- ed from the Clerk of Court as the fine had been paid and an order from him before the release of any prisoners at the County Farm, This motion was unanimously approved, f DOG LISTINGS - Mr. Mayhan reninded the Board that on June 16th Mr. S. W. Garrett presented them with a 1Sst of 79? d'ogs which he claimed were not listed for taxes. He requested the Tax Supervisor to check'into this matEer ? and recommende3 that it be turned over to Deputy Sheriff H. M. Bridgers, Acting Dog Warden, for investiga- tion and recotmriendation. PRIMROSE DRNE - Purauant'to a request made to the Board at the meeting on July 21st, 1958 rep,arding the name of some streets being developed in a subdivision by Mr, and Mra. L. D. Gaddy of Seagate, Mrs. Gaddy appeared before the Board with a plot of the subdivision shoxing two atreets running in an easterly direction from ? Myrtle Avenue in the Bradley Creek aection of Seagate and requested that the Board officially designate ? than'as DuPree Arive arid Primrose Drive. An inve§tigation xas made through the files of the City and the . Post Office in'an'effort to determine'if there'were duplications'of ax?y knotim.streets and if the nsmes were agreeable to'the residents o£ the streets. Mrs. Gaddy assured the Board that this was satisfactory and on motion of Mr. Broadhurst, seconded by Mr. Mayhan, the Board unanimously approve3 the requeat. AUDITING - Mr.'Williams reminded the Board that a few meetings ago, the'Clerk of Superior Covrt informed the Board that no audit was being made of Non-County Flands handled through his office and suggested that con- ? sideration be given to correct this condition. The County buditor informed the Board that he would make a a monthly audit of all County Fuids in that office but that he thought the Non-County Funds should be in- ? cluded in the annual public audit. ltfter the Board members had expressed their opinions on the matter, Mr. Williama offered a motion that the Au3itor employeti'for the regular annval sudit be requested Lo check the funds handled by the Clerk of Superior Court, the extent of which was to be determined by the County Com- missionera and•further that he be requested to etart on his regular annual audit imme3iately. Mr. Mayhan seconded the motion and it was unanimously adopted,° ? JOINT SESSION - A letter addressed to the Chairman of the Hoard by Mayor Wade requesting a joint meeting vith the City Council and the County Commissionere was received and a meeting is being set for 11:00 A. M. on Monday, Auguat bth in the office of the County Commissioners, PETIT NRY ? The following.good and lawflal persons were namel as Jurors in the trial of Crimtnal Cases for the week beginnirig August 18th. Jurora for the Week beeinnine Au¢ust 18. 1959 Criminal Cases Charles G. Cox PreBtoh C. F,ing Kenton T. Cale Daniel P. Ward Graham B. King Clyde Sikes L. J. LaSure Julian G. Capps Eldon F. Lowry P. 0. Box 975 4010 Cherry Ave. 109 S. 6th St.' 1003 S. 5th St. 7 K. Iake Village 107 Graham St. 502 S. 18th St. 5446 Oleander Dr. 4903 Wrightsville E. E. Carter ' Sam Berger John M. Glover A. R. Howard L. E. Turner Lennox Cooper Daniel Thorpe Fdwsrd R. Dalton 4v.M. C. Vestsl Route #2, Box 397 203 N. 13th Street 4619 Cedar Avenue 9 Keaton Avenue 14 Jackson Drive 1608 Chestnut St. 125 Colonial Circle 4106 Peachtree St. Box 176, Wrightsville Beach, N.C. ? Minutes of the Meeting .'July 28, 1958 Continued Jurora for the Week beginnine Auaust 18. 1958 (Continued) • Harry`L: Smith Robert R: Croom Edward B. WYiite Don W; Hortoii ' Thomss Q. Gordon W. L. Griffin Richard'H. Brown James T. Newton Herbert Newton M. D. Moseley Richard Burnett C; W: Watkins J. J. Pointer L'eon Chestnut W. M. Robinsori C. D. Rivenbark 0: F. Hunnicutt J. B. Marahburn 2422 Jefferson St. Rollie M. Walton 4102 Lake Ave. Clayton D.'Burton ' 241 Pinecrest Pkbry.' S. M. Frisbee' " 116 S. 6th Street H. C. Foreman, Jr. ' 313 Chusch Street Jamea DeB Walbach 2526 Adams St. Richard Arnold Harper 4 Carolina Apts, J. E. Woodburn 103 lake Forest Pkwy. W. E. LeMoyne 1405 ChuY'ch Street W. D. Boswell P:O. Box 137; Carolina Beach,N.C. Tames Rutland 2407 Jackson Street George W. Bellois 304 N. 45th-Street Thomas E. Holland 7 G. Oleander Courta E. C. Marlowe 618'Thomas Ave. W. M. Robinson 2909 Chestnut Street Eugene M. Blsckwood 501 South 17th Street J. R. Bridgera 18 Wrightsville Ave. Willism J. Livengood 205 Church Street Leon Chestnut AD'JOURNMFNT - ' There being no further business brought Uefore the Board, Mr. journ, seconded by Mr. Mayhan, and unanimously adopted by the Board. City Council Chambers, Municipal Building, SPECIAL CALL MEETING 4908 Wrightsville Ave. 3108 Market Street P.O. Box 136, Caroline Beach,N.C. 623 Rosemont Ave. 3 E(hc£ord Street, Wrightsv. Beach 2515 Guilford Ave, 2952 Hydrangea Place 188 Lake Forest Pkuy. 239 Boriham Ave. 24 Mercer Ave. 519 S. 3rd Street 4101 Market'Street P. 0. Box 1033 2709 Chestnut Street 1511 S. 3rd Street 12 G. i.ake Village 3022 Adams Street 618 Thomas Ave. Williams moved that the meeting ad- HOUCI?F, Fbcecutive Secretary Wilmington, N. C. Ju1P 30, 1958 COIdUEP1TI0N - ' & speci.al meeting of the New Hanover County Commissioners xas called by the Vice Chairman, J. E. ? Aolton, Jr., with L. E. Hroadhurst, E. R. Mayhan, Berry A. Williams and County Attorney John Bright Hill and County Auditor T. D. Love all present. Chairman J. M. Hall, Jr, was abse.nt from the meeting since he was out of the County on vacation. , WAIVER OF NOTICE - Mr. Williams offered a motion that legal notice of ineeting be waived in order to constitute this as an official meeting, seconded bp Mr. Broadhurst and unanimously approved by each member of the Board present. , PURPOSE Mayor of the City of Wilmington, J. E. L. Wade, explained that a firm in the textile field was C contemplating locating here in new Hanover County on a 10 acre plot between the Railroad and Smith's Creek i on North 23rd Street Extension but that their problem was water. The total distance from the present 12" Water Dtain in the City systen is 6300 feet, 2620 feet o£ which is inside.the City and 3680 feet is outside in the County. The approximated cost of such a project is $47,882.71 and since 58.4% af the dis- tance is in the'Coiinty only the cost would be $28,000 for which the County is responsible. The Mayor and mEmbers of the City Council were excused. The proposition lras diacussed freely among the manbera of the Board and Attorney and Auditor. AGREEhffidT Mr. Williams offered the following motion, that since the County Attorney has assured us that such an expenditure is within the law and as the County Auditor has essured us that sufficient funds are avail- able from the ABC revenues, the County provide a 12" Water Main from the City Limits to the plant site (not to include a meter) at a cost of.not more than $28,000 to the County. The motion xae secanded by Mr. Mayhan and unanimously ado t by the entire Board including the Uice Chairman who requested to'be record- ed sa voting £avorab].e on the matter. RATIFICATION It was understood and agreed that this matter would•be presented before the Board at their regular meeting Monday, August 4, 1958 and confirmation of this action be ratified. ADJOURNMErIT - The purpoae for vhich this special meeting was called having been accomplished, Mr. Wi,?liems moved adjournment, seconded by Mr. N,ayhan and unani.mously passed. ? ? W. G. HOUC ?K EScecutive Secretary , A,peragraph omitted in the minutes of July 28th, 1958 undex the heading o£ JWENIIT HOME PHONE - Mr. Broadhurst brought to the attention of the Board that a telephone liated at the Juvenile Home is unnecessary and suggested that it be removed. This was the consensus of the opinion of the other Com- missioners, and by common conaento they authorized the Executive Secretary to have it remoned at once. \ I