1958-07-30 Special Meeting Minutes of the Meeting .'July 28, 1958 Continued Jurora for the Week beginnine Auaust 18. 1958 (Continued) • Harry`L: Smith Robert R: Croom Edward B. WYiite Don W; Hortoii ' Thomss Q. Gordon W. L. Griffin Richard'H. Brown James T. Newton Herbert Newton M. D. Moseley Richard Burnett C; W: Watkins J. J. Pointer L'eon Chestnut W. M. Robinsori C. D. Rivenbark 0: F. Hunnicutt J. B. Marahburn 2422 Jefferson St. Rollie M. Walton 4102 Lake Ave. Clayton D.'Burton ' 241 Pinecrest Pkbry.' S. M. Frisbee' " 116 S. 6th Street H. C. Foreman, Jr. ' 313 Chusch Street Jamea DeB Walbach 2526 Adams St. Richard Arnold Harper 4 Carolina Apts, J. E. Woodburn 103 lake Forest Pkwy. W. E. LeMoyne 1405 ChuY'ch Street W. D. Boswell P:O. Box 137; Carolina Beach,N.C. Tames Rutland 2407 Jackson Street George W. Bellois 304 N. 45th-Street Thomas E. Holland 7 G. Oleander Courta E. C. Marlowe 618'Thomas Ave. W. M. Robinson 2909 Chestnut Street Eugene M. Blsckwood 501 South 17th Street J. R. Bridgera 18 Wrightsville Ave. Willism J. Livengood 205 Church Street Leon Chestnut AD'JOURNMFNT - ' There being no further business brought Uefore the Board, Mr. journ, seconded by Mr. Mayhan, and unanimously adopted by the Board. City Council Chambers, Municipal Building, SPECIAL CALL MEETING 4908 Wrightsville Ave. 3108 Market Street P.O. Box 136, Caroline Beach,N.C. 623 Rosemont Ave. 3 E(hc£ord Street, Wrightsv. Beach 2515 Guilford Ave, 2952 Hydrangea Place 188 Lake Forest Pkuy. 239 Boriham Ave. 24 Mercer Ave. 519 S. 3rd Street 4101 Market'Street P. 0. Box 1033 2709 Chestnut Street 1511 S. 3rd Street 12 G. i.ake Village 3022 Adams Street 618 Thomas Ave. Williams moved that the meeting ad- HOUCI?F, Fbcecutive Secretary Wilmington, N. C. Ju1P 30, 1958 COIdUEP1TI0N - ' & speci.al meeting of the New Hanover County Commissioners xas called by the Vice Chairman, J. E. ? Aolton, Jr., with L. E. Hroadhurst, E. R. Mayhan, Berry A. Williams and County Attorney John Bright Hill and County Auditor T. D. Love all present. Chairman J. M. Hall, Jr, was abse.nt from the meeting since he was out of the County on vacation. , WAIVER OF NOTICE - Mr. Williams offered a motion that legal notice of ineeting be waived in order to constitute this as an official meeting, seconded bp Mr. Broadhurst and unanimously approved by each member of the Board present. , PURPOSE Mayor of the City of Wilmington, J. E. L. Wade, explained that a firm in the textile field was C contemplating locating here in new Hanover County on a 10 acre plot between the Railroad and Smith's Creek i on North 23rd Street Extension but that their problem was water. The total distance from the present 12" Water Dtain in the City systen is 6300 feet, 2620 feet o£ which is inside.the City and 3680 feet is outside in the County. The approximated cost of such a project is $47,882.71 and since 58.4% af the dis- tance is in the'Coiinty only the cost would be $28,000 for which the County is responsible. The Mayor and mEmbers of the City Council were excused. The proposition lras diacussed freely among the manbera of the Board and Attorney and Auditor. AGREEhffidT Mr. Williams offered the following motion, that since the County Attorney has assured us that such an expenditure is within the law and as the County Auditor has essured us that sufficient funds are avail- able from the ABC revenues, the County provide a 12" Water Main from the City Limits to the plant site (not to include a meter) at a cost of.not more than $28,000 to the County. The motion xae secanded by Mr. Mayhan and unanimously ado t by the entire Board including the Uice Chairman who requested to'be record- ed sa voting £avorab].e on the matter. RATIFICATION It was understood and agreed that this matter would•be presented before the Board at their regular meeting Monday, August 4, 1958 and confirmation of this action be ratified. ADJOURNMErIT - The purpoae for vhich this special meeting was called having been accomplished, Mr. Wi,?liems moved adjournment, seconded by Mr. N,ayhan and unani.mously passed. ? ? W. G. HOUC ?K EScecutive Secretary , A,peragraph omitted in the minutes of July 28th, 1958 undex the heading o£ JWENIIT HOME PHONE - Mr. Broadhurst brought to the attention of the Board that a telephone liated at the Juvenile Home is unnecessary and suggested that it be removed. This was the consensus of the opinion of the other Com- missioners, and by common conaento they authorized the Executive Secretary to have it remoned at once. \ I