1958-08-25 Regular Meetingr?9?6 jYilmington, N.C.August 25,1958 CONVOCATION- The regular weekly meeting of the New Hanover County Board of Commission- ers was held this day in the Commissioner's Room of the Court House at 9:30 A. M. PRESEIVT: Chairman J. M. Hall, Jr., Commissioners L. E. Broadhurst, Ernest R. Mayhan, Berry A. Williams and Commissioner-Elect Peter H. Braak, County Auditor T. D. Love and County Attorney John BrighfHill. Commissioner James E. Holton Jr. was not pres- _ ent for the meeting since he is_out of the city. INVOCATION - 4 Chairman Hall called the meeting to order and asked the Reverend R. Irving Boone, Pastor of the Central Baptist Church, to open the meeting with a prayer for guidance. _ APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES - Mr. lYilliams offered a motion that the minutes of the previous meeting be approved, seconded by D4r. hlayhan and unanimously adopted. ADVERTISING DONATION - Reverend R. Irving Boone and Dr. S. J. Howie, representing the Prince Ha11 Grand Lodge, explained to the Board that they were having a meeting here in Wilmington on December 8, 9, and lOth which would hring 1200 to 1500 delegates from all over the State and that they were in the process of assembling materials and funds for their souvenir journal to be issued for that occasion. They requested the Board to take a full page of advertising in the journal at the rate o£ $100.00. After some discussion, it developed that their deadline was September 15th and Mr. kYilliams then offered the ? suggestion that the Board take the matter under study and make their decision by Sep- tember 8th. W.L.I. Public Library - s? A letter was received from Miss Katherine Howell, Librarian, explaining that under North Carol.ina regulations governing library appropriations, it is neces- . sary that "each approp"riating body must equal at least the amount of the preceeding year" and requested the Board to increase the appropriation of the Library by the amount of $623.15. If this is not done, the L'ibrary will forfeit the State and Feder- ? do al Aid amounting to $6,700.00. Mr. Williams then offered a motion that the Board T his motion was appropriate $623.15 out of the Emergency Fund to the Library Fund. seconded by Mr. Mayhan and before the vote was called, Mr. Broadhurst offered a sub- , stitute motion that the County Attorney be asked to look up the law on this matter before he voted. There was no second to this substitute motion so the Chairman ruled it dead and the vote was called on the original motion. All of the Board voted in the affirmative except Mr. Sroadhurst, who voted "NO". GRAND JURY REPORT - • The report of the Grand Jury for the August Criminal Term was received ? stating that they had examined 16 witnesses and found 8 true bills. They had also found all the warrants issued to be in order with the exception of the Justice of Peace, R. G. Barr, Sr., whose records are being investigated Yurther. , NORTH CAROLINA WATGR PROGRAM - A report was received from Mr. J. R. Townsend, Chairman of the State Board ? of tiVater Commissioners, outlining the draft of a program for the conservation and wise use of water to serve all the water-using interests in the State. The Chairman urged the Board to study it for any possible comments they might care to make as it had to do with stream polution which might effect our area. JURY COMMITTEE - ' The Chairman remarked that he had recently observed comments in the local t of the hands of the Commissioners and of J ri s o ki th le ti b t t on u e u ou e se c papers a a ng placing it under a special Jury Committee. He opened the way for any comment £rom any other members of the Board, so Mr. Broadhurst explained that if they attempted to exclude all the names of people who were exempt from jury for various reasons it would be an endless task as well as a very expensive one. Others observed that the • present system allowed the Clerk of Superior Court the right to exempt certain well defined and classified occupations so that even though an exempt eligible name was drawn, he could be excused by applying to the Clerk.' CHAMBER OF CaMMERCE ???? ?pwinmIc-p- A group representing the Greater Flilmington Chamber of Commerce, headed by their president,.John B. Fox, Jr., informed the Board that they had recently made a study of the advertising needs of our community and while they were in no way criti- cal of the past leadership of any organization or political subdivision they did feel that a definite,program should be worked out by all concerned that would follow the seasons and obtain the most for every dollar expended. He observed that it had been the policy of the Chamber in the past to request the services of representatives of any subdivision on its advertising committee. Also the Chamber is very definitely committed to solidarity of effort and unity of purpose in all of its practices in order to get the maximum benefit. Wh110 no definite advertising expenditure was available, the estimate is $15,000 per year through all agencies and after making a comparison with other promotional enterprises, it was the consensus of opinion that in the light of competition and consumer resistance, that New Hanover County area as a whole should be spending an aggregate $30,000 to $35,000 annually. They specifi- cally requested an appropriation of $4,000 allocated on the basis of $2,500.00 for agricultural promotion and a minimum $1,500.00 for immediate advertising. It was pointed out that surveys had been made at our neighbor town of Myrtle Beach, South Carolina and that on an average week-end, 79% of all the automobiles were North Caro- lina cars, and it was felt that we had equal or superior attractions but that the people were not aware of them because we had not extensively advertised as well as they. In the discussion that followed, it was brought out that the legality of spending tax money for advertising purposes depends on the corporate body maintain- ing control and having a voice in the expenditures. Mr. Mayhan offered a motion L_ ?97I Minutes of the Meeting August 25, 1958 Continued CHAA9BER OF COMII7ERCE - (Continued) that Mr. tNilliams be ap70illted to represent the County as a member of the advertising committee of the Chamber of Commerce. This motion was seconded by Mr. Broadhurst and unanimously adopted. b1r. 19illiams offered a motion that a sum not to exceed $4,000.00 be appropriated to the Chamber of Commerce for the next Fiscal Year. This motion was seconded by Mr. Mayhan and unanimously alopted. • UNPAID BILL - COndMUNITY HOSPITAL • . A letter was received from•Attorney Elbert A. Brown, representing the John E. Wood Electrical Company, inforiming the Board that a bill amounting to $802.75 for services and materials furnished in connection with the repairing of the Community Hospital by the Cumber-Moore Plumbing Company•was still unpaid. As funds •covering this claim were included in payment made in a recent settlement with the Cumber-Moore Plumbing Company, the County has no further obligation and, therefore, no 'action was necessary at this time. • ?a? DRAINAGE PROGRAM - • Mr. ?Nilliams requested recognition by the Chairman and stated t-hat he had noticed in the minutes which were approved this morning, a tentative schedule for the dragline operation and in order to set up a definite program offered a motion that after the present project was•completed that it be sent to the State-Ports Author- ity and from there to the Murrayville Community and then to the ditch which carries ? off a large portion of the Winter Park drainage water to Hewlett's Creek since this was the order in which he understood the dragline requests had been made. This mo- tion was seconded by 141r. Mayhan and in the discussion which followed the Chairman ex- plained that to his mind the dragline should be operated full time so long as it was beneFiting an area and it did not make much difference where except that it should be on a worthwhile project. Before the question was called on this motion, Mr. Broad- hurst offered a substitute motion that the•schedule of the dragline be left as is out- lined in the minutes which were approved this•morning. At this point, the Chairman vacated the chair and seconded the substitute motion. When the vote was called, INessrs. Broadhurst and Hall voted "YE5" on the substitute motion and Mr. Mayhan and Williams voted "NO". Since the result was a tie vote the question was called on the original motion offe'red by Mr. Williams which resulted in Messrs. Mayhan and lNilliams voting "YES" and Messrs Broadhurst and Hall voting "NO" leaving the matter at an im- passe until the return of Commissioner Holton. The Executive Secretary reported that last week's operation of the drag- ? line resulted in 1100 lineal Feet of ditch being cut in 50 hours and likely as not this project would be completed by IYednesday, Septemher 3rd and ready to move to an- other location. , TRASH DiJMP Pursuant to instructions of the Board at last week's meeting when the ?--'?- Chairman was appoin4ed as a committee of one to work on a solution for the disposal of trash in the County, he reported that he did not have a recommendation at the time but that he was continuing his efforts and hoped to work out a satisfactory plan in the near future. LABOR DAY - By common consent of the Board, they decreed that since Monday, September lst was Labor Day and a legal Holiday that the Court House offices would be closed and that no meeting would be held. CONSOLIDATED BOARD OF HEALTH - The regular monthly report from the Consolidated Board of Health was re- 1-d--act# ceived for information and filing. PETIT JURY - _ The following good and lawful persons were drawn to serve as Jurors in the trial of Civil cases for the week beginning September 15, 1958 and in the trial of Criminal cases for the week beginning September 29, 1958. For the week beezi.nnin- September 15, 1958 Civil cases J. A. Munn Jr. 2218 Chestnut St. R. F. Phelps Robert E. Holt 3223 S. Front St. A. P. Vereen Clyde E. King 4206 Greenfield St. Eari L. Carney M. M. Sipe 229 Rose Avenue Whis Hufham Jr. Ralph H. Buck RFD # 1 Box 180 James B. Branch Glenn J. Toon 45 1Yoodlawn Robert E. Lossen Arthur Foster John Dew 304 S. 18th St. ? B. Jordan 307 Castle Hayne Rd?Le?ivil Hughes H. J. McGee 4707 iVrightsville Ave.Yhomas Koonce Harry W. Mason, Sr. 406 S. 46th St. Camelia P. Hinton Louivi lle D. Brown 2417 Market St. Richard M. Howell David J. Brady 1817 Ann St. H. C. Foster Lacy H. tNhite 115 n7organ St. J. H. Talley, Jr. Dan J. Kelly, Jr. 19 Summit IUalk J. A. Poteat Robert Pinto 2872 Adams St. L. W. Stuckey John A utry RFD # 1, Box 266 W. L. Hickman W. E. iNhite 2003 tYoolcott Ave. Vernon Lee Collins A. H. Rowan 2713 Jackson Ralph L. Hattaway John E. Griffith 2212 Barnett Ave. W. L. Reynolds Rockwe ll Poisson 292936 Park Ave. L. A. Blackmon, Jr. John D. Lawhorne 2824 Lake Shore Dr. Thomas B. Carraway. James IYeatherly RFD # 2, Box 21 L. 0. Fonvielle J. F. Heinbockle RFD # 2, Box 151 Charles S. Grainger L. L. Roberson 210 Davie Drive Robert J. Senechal Joseph S. Henderson 4714 Long Leaf Hills William H. Herring 115 1Yest Renovah 61 1Vest Drive 18 U Lake Village 2868 D Adams St. 3033 Jefferson St. 2210 Barnett Ave. 2020 S. Front St. 307 Davie Drive 222 Forest Hills Drive 1919 Market St. 4106 Park Ave. 549 Bonham Ave. RFD # 2, Box 33 2611 Willow St. 9 Morningside Drive 714 Prinston Drive 1 T Lake Village 7- C Oleander Court RFD # 2, Box 512 2946 "Adams:...St • 5017 Pine St. • Forest Hills Drive 700 S. 17th St. i16???eg?r??verfleacfi; N.C -A ,??? Minutes of the Meeting Auguat 25, 1958 Gontinued PETIT U[DIRY - (Continued) 7urors for the Week beeinnine Seotember 29. 1958 E. C. Ray . W. S. King John E. Bugg Charles R. King; Paul G. Mills F. H. Capps V: L. Toms H: E. Hicks C. D. George Louia Rubin B. L. Lewis Fred H. Fason C. W. Speneer George Mxon W. G. Gornto J. L. Parker Arthur Roueh J. J. Mathis S. T. Chappell R. L. Futrelle Morriss E. Merritt J. A. ldilliams John M. Williams C. S. Lowrimore, Jr. Lee A. Rivenbark 5431 Park Ave, G. C. Shoaff 1606 Ann St. John T. Blanton Hotel Wilmington I. A. Eisler RFD #;3, Box 617 C. F. Tyalor 319 Cottage Drive James C. Statbn:: 14 xenwood Ave. Thomas R. Bennett 3 South Qth St. T. L. Morton 730 Windsor Drive David L. 7urner 223 Iake Forest Herman V.W. Winkle 12 S. Lake Foreat Hugh Morton , 512 Central Blvd. Tohn H. Hunter 230 Uance St. Robert C. Sutton 514 Princess St. . Charles F. Lucae RFD # 3,.Box 56$ R. C. Cantwell 111 RFD # 1, Box 297 Charles W. Sidbury,Jr. 128 A Williamson Dr. R. E. Marlowe 13 C Oleander Court 6dilliam C. Mitchan 1306 Greenville St. Kenneth E. Johnson 66 Pinecrest Thurman F. Bradskraw 242 Peiffer d4ve. Stanley Ray John:Dn 310 Parkway R. M. Williams 240 Calhoun ?rive B. G. Gregory Rt.1,Box165 Chstle Hayne M. H. Congleton , 3626 Straford Blvd. R. D. Pearsall 1501 S. Qth St. 1702 Orarige 5t, ' 618 5, 3rd 5t. 134 Pine Cone Road 209 S. 46th St. 305 Midland Drive 2866 Jeff erson P.O. Box 22,Wrghtsv. Beach 3012 Jefferson St. 1909 Ann St: P.O. Box 839 824 Fbrest Hilla 1011 Cypreas Drive P.O. Box 93, Castle Hayne, N.C 1304 Hawthorne Road 2417 Market St. 218 Parkway Blvd. 226 S. yth st. 119 Sumter Drive 207 Uance St. , 112 Keaton Ave. 1810 Grace St. 2019 Barnett Ave. RFD # 2. Hox 211 115 S. 15th St. 6DJOURNMENT - ' There being no further budmess being presented before the Board, Mr.'Williama offered a mo- tion, seconded by Mr. Maphan and unanimously adopted. ' y 5,1/ G. /Houck,-Executive Secretary Wilmington, N.C. September 1,1958 This being Iabor Dey and a legal Holiday, no meeting was held on this date..^ 1111? / . W. G, H I // . Secretary Wilmington, N. C. Septmtber 8,195$ vvirvVvniivar - The regular weekly meeting of the New fianover County Board of Commisafoners rras held this day in the Commissioners' Room at 9:30 A. M. PRESENTi Vice Chairman J. E. Holton, Jr., Commiasioners L. E. Broadhurst, Ernest R. Mayhan, Berry A. Williams, Commissioner-Elect Peter H. Braak, County Auditor T. D. Love and Gounty Attorney John Bright Hill. Chairman J. M. Hall, Jr, was out of the city and un- able to attend the meeting. INVOCATION - ' ' The acting Cheirman, J. E. Holton, Jr, oalled the meeting to'order and asked Reverend H. A. Elebash, Pastor of St, John's Episcopal Church, to open the meeting with a prayer for guidance. APPROVAI, OF THE MINUTES - ' ' Upon motion of Mr. Williama, seconded by Mr. Mayhan, the minutes of the last rogular meeting were unanimously approved as written. DITCHING REQUEST - ' ' ' Mrs. G. W. Martin, who lives at 116 Channel Drive. Harbor Islsnfl, was recogn3zed by the acting Chairman"and informed the Board that she wanted to have them put in a catch basin and some drain pipe ia front of her lot due to the fact that when there uas heavy rain the water was a long time drigiriing off. Upon motion of Mr. Williams, seconded by Mr. Mayhari, this matter was referred to the FScecutive Secretsry for recbrrmendation. In May of this year, Mr, J. W. Holland of 112 South Channel'Drive called the ESc- ecutive Secretary and outlined an identical problem. Mr. Dave W. Rivenbark went with the EScecutive Secretary to tiarbor Island to i.nveatigate the'problem and we found that the property was owned by the Shore Acres DeaeloFment Company, a private inatitution, and was not a profect that would come under t.he use of prison labor and, therefore, in our opinion, ineligible for County easistance and it was not'recom- mended. We. therefore, do not recommend to the Board that thia is a County responaibility in our opin- ion. , ,