1958-09-08 Regular Meeting,??? Minutes of the Meeting Auguat 25, 1958 Gontinued PETIT U[DIRY - (Continued) 7urors for the Week beeinnine Seotember 29. 1958 E. C. Ray . W. S. King John E. Bugg Charles R. King; Paul G. Mills F. H. Capps V: L. Toms H: E. Hicks C. D. George Louia Rubin B. L. Lewis Fred H. Fason C. W. Speneer George Mxon W. G. Gornto J. L. Parker Arthur Roueh J. J. Mathis S. T. Chappell R. L. Futrelle Morriss E. Merritt J. A. ldilliams John M. Williams C. S. Lowrimore, Jr. Lee A. Rivenbark 5431 Park Ave, G. C. Shoaff 1606 Ann St. John T. Blanton Hotel Wilmington I. A. Eisler RFD #;3, Box 617 C. F. Tyalor 319 Cottage Drive James C. Statbn:: 14 xenwood Ave. Thomas R. Bennett 3 South Qth St. T. L. Morton 730 Windsor Drive David L. 7urner 223 Iake Forest Herman V.W. Winkle 12 S. Lake Foreat Hugh Morton , 512 Central Blvd. Tohn H. Hunter 230 Uance St. Robert C. Sutton 514 Princess St. . Charles F. Lucae RFD # 3,.Box 56$ R. C. Cantwell 111 RFD # 1, Box 297 Charles W. Sidbury,Jr. 128 A Williamson Dr. R. E. Marlowe 13 C Oleander Court 6dilliam C. Mitchan 1306 Greenville St. Kenneth E. Johnson 66 Pinecrest Thurman F. Bradskraw 242 Peiffer d4ve. Stanley Ray John:Dn 310 Parkway R. M. Williams 240 Calhoun ?rive B. G. Gregory Rt.1,Box165 Chstle Hayne M. H. Congleton , 3626 Straford Blvd. R. D. Pearsall 1501 S. Qth St. 1702 Orarige 5t, ' 618 5, 3rd 5t. 134 Pine Cone Road 209 S. 46th St. 305 Midland Drive 2866 Jeff erson P.O. Box 22,Wrghtsv. Beach 3012 Jefferson St. 1909 Ann St: P.O. Box 839 824 Fbrest Hilla 1011 Cypreas Drive P.O. Box 93, Castle Hayne, N.C 1304 Hawthorne Road 2417 Market St. 218 Parkway Blvd. 226 S. yth st. 119 Sumter Drive 207 Uance St. , 112 Keaton Ave. 1810 Grace St. 2019 Barnett Ave. RFD # 2. Hox 211 115 S. 15th St. 6DJOURNMENT - ' There being no further budmess being presented before the Board, Mr.'Williama offered a mo- tion, seconded by Mr. Maphan and unanimously adopted. ' y 5,1/ G. /Houck,-Executive Secretary Wilmington, N.C. September 1,1958 This being Iabor Dey and a legal Holiday, no meeting was held on this date..^ 1111? / . W. G, H I // . Secretary Wilmington, N. C. Septmtber 8,195$ vvirvVvniivar - The regular weekly meeting of the New fianover County Board of Commisafoners rras held this day in the Commissioners' Room at 9:30 A. M. PRESENTi Vice Chairman J. E. Holton, Jr., Commiasioners L. E. Broadhurst, Ernest R. Mayhan, Berry A. Williams, Commissioner-Elect Peter H. Braak, County Auditor T. D. Love and Gounty Attorney John Bright Hill. Chairman J. M. Hall, Jr, was out of the city and un- able to attend the meeting. INVOCATION - ' ' The acting Cheirman, J. E. Holton, Jr, oalled the meeting to'order and asked Reverend H. A. Elebash, Pastor of St, John's Episcopal Church, to open the meeting with a prayer for guidance. APPROVAI, OF THE MINUTES - ' ' Upon motion of Mr. Williama, seconded by Mr. Mayhan, the minutes of the last rogular meeting were unanimously approved as written. DITCHING REQUEST - ' ' ' Mrs. G. W. Martin, who lives at 116 Channel Drive. Harbor Islsnfl, was recogn3zed by the acting Chairman"and informed the Board that she wanted to have them put in a catch basin and some drain pipe ia front of her lot due to the fact that when there uas heavy rain the water was a long time drigiriing off. Upon motion of Mr. Williams, seconded by Mr. Mayhari, this matter was referred to the FScecutive Secretsry for recbrrmendation. In May of this year, Mr, J. W. Holland of 112 South Channel'Drive called the ESc- ecutive Secretary and outlined an identical problem. Mr. Dave W. Rivenbark went with the EScecutive Secretary to tiarbor Island to i.nveatigate the'problem and we found that the property was owned by the Shore Acres DeaeloFment Company, a private inatitution, and was not a profect that would come under t.he use of prison labor and, therefore, in our opinion, ineligible for County easistance and it was not'recom- mended. We. therefore, do not recommend to the Board that thia is a County responaibility in our opin- ion. , , Miriutes of the Meeting September 8, 1958 Continued - ? AUT0140BILE BIDS _ "-Pursuant'to an advertie'ement requesting bids for furnishing four cars for use in the Sheriff?s Department, the Cape Fear Motor Sales Incorporated and the Raney Chevrolet Compax?y submitted bids as followa: Cape Fear•N`otor Sales offered to trade 3 new 1959 i.m1ts for the 1957 Models now in use for a net difference of $3,000.00 and sell ono unit with no trade in for $1899.00 or e total of $4,899.00. Faney Chevrolet Company offered to deliver 3 new 1959 Models for a net figure of $3729.51 and sell the car with no trade in for $1883.17 or a total of $59612.66. , . Upon motion of Mr. Broadhurst, seconded by Mr. Mayhan, the Board unanimous],y accepted the bid of the Cape Fear Motor Sales for a net figure of $3,000.00 on the trade in and accepted the bid of the , Raney Cheorolet Company on the single unit with no trade,in for $1883.17 and authorized the Fxecutive Secretary to notify them to make delivexq. ZNSTITIITE OF GOVERNMENT - • The invoice covering the several publications ordered from the Institute of Government amount- ing to $22.25 was ordered paid by common consent. \ WATERPFOOFING COURT HOUSE ANNffi Pursuant to our advertising for bids to waterproof the Court House dnnescy the Hanover Iron Worka submitted a bid of $3095.00, which xas the lowest and onlp bid received, and upon motion of Mr. Mayhan, seconded by Mr. Williams, the bid was accepted unanimously and the Dcecutive Secretary ordered to proceed to have the work done. OCEAN HIWAY - -J A letter was received from Mr. Ernest A. Ward, Jr., President of the Ocean Hiway Association, q19 calling attention to the conatruction permit for a Bridge-Tunnel in the Chesapeake Bay on U. S. Highway # 17. It was felt that since this improvement would be i.mpo'rtant to Coastal North Carolina, failure on our part to act in notifying the officials in Raleigh of our sentiments on the matter would only assure U. S. Highway 13 gnd 301 a ma3or portion•of the bay crossing traffic. In view of the importance of this project, a meeting will be held at the Rendezvous in Washington, North'Carolina on SeptEanber 16th in order to promote the Highway # 17 traffic. Mr. 4dilliams suggested that he thought it was of sufficient im= portance for more than one member of the Board to go and represent this County. Other members expresa- ed the thought that a group of citizena should go in an effort to promote this area. BOILER !cT COUI3TY HOME Mr. BroadhursL rmninded the Board that xinter was approaching and that a neu replacmnent boiler e, xould be needed at the County Home this winter and offered a motion that the EScecutine Secretary be author- ? -ized to advertise for bids to be opened on September 29, 1958 at the reglilar meeting. This motion was Ga was seconded by N?r. Ma.yhan and unanimously adopted. TRASH DiJMP - The Board was informed thst a tentative plan for reopening the Countq Trash Dtmrp had been for- mulated at aipeeting held last week with the.Chairman and Commissioner Williams repreaenting the County and Mr. Fdwards and Mr. Iassiter representing the Health Department. Mr. M. W. Merritt, who is.nou operating a commercial trash hauling servico, has agreed to use his equipment and operate the County Trash Dump in a manner satiefactory to the Health Department, charging commercial haulera a dollar and a helf per ton but making no charge on individue.l users of the trash dump. After a temporery triel period, he is to report be.ek to the comnittee with whatever recoimnendations he deems advisable as a result of this experience. ' Upon motidn of Mr. Nliayhan, seconded by Mr. Williams, the Board'authorized a 90 day trial of this arrangement, xith the County providing one man as a helper. The only dissenting vote was regi,s- tered by Mr. Broadhurst with the remark that he preferred to have the Health Department present before approving this arrangement. ? "4.Q?'?%l" MYRTLE GROVE FIRE DISTRICT ? 'n A letter was received from Mr: Ed B. Wright, Secretary of the Nex Hanover Countq Fire Inspect- .t. ion Committee, outlining a revision in the fire district of N?Yrtle Grove Fire'Department as follows: "Be it hereby resolved that the New Hanover Board of Commissioners designate'the following defined Diatrict, in order that this Diatrict may comply uith the Hulletin issued by the North Carolina Fire Inaurance Rating Buresu on "Community Fire Defenses for Communities not havinga Standard Water Works System" (February 1952) to receive credit approval by the North Carolina Fire Ineurarice'Rating Bureau under the Provisions of the above Bulletin. • Be it underatood and agreed that this Resolution in no way or manner voids, altera or super- sides any of the conditions that now exiat by written contract between New Hanover Covntv and the resoect- ive Fire Dene.rtment, Deacription of Fire District - MYRTLE GROVE FIRE DEPARTMENT Beginning at a point where the Carolina Beach Road (Highway 421) crosses Barnard$s Creek and contirruing in an Easterl,y Direction to the idhiskey Creek Bridge on the Carolina Beach (Lit-off Raad, thense in a South EELsterly Direction to the Inland Waterway, continuing along East Bank of said Waterway 2.75 miles, thense in a South Westerly Direction to a Church (Hanlt's Chapel) on the Carolina Beach Road (Highwaq 421). thense in a North Westerly Direction to Barnard's Creek, thense slong South Bank of said Creek in an Fasterly Direction to a point of the beginning. Be it hereby resolved in order to prevent the aboye defined Fire District to be denied of Fire Protection by having all its units servicing a Fire beyond its designated area. We hereby submit this Plan of Coordination between the various Volunteer Departments of the County. If the Nyrtle Grove Volunteer Fire Department is called beyond its designated area,with all its units, the South ililmington and Winter Park Fire Departments be alerted to serve in event of a Fire in the Myrtle Grove Area. Resolved also that nothing in the foregoing Resolutions shall in ax?y xise restrict the servic- ing of any portion of New Hanover County by the Wrtle Grove Units when the occasion creates such s de- marid.° ?p??iorm B J ? Minutes of the Meeting September 8. 1958 Continued MYRTLE GROVE FIRE DISTRICT - (Continued) ' Mr. Williams offered a motion that the above Resolution be approved. It was seconded by Mr. Mayhan and unanimousJ,y adopted by the Board. DRAGLINE - ' ? Cominissioner Williams was recognized by t,he acting Chairman and informed the Boa"rd that he ? tiad juat learned that the dragline was in operation on private property in the Porter's Neclc neighborhood in spite of action tak.en by the Board at their meeting on August 25th at which time the Board had a di- viaiori of opinion and aince it wae a'tie vote he thought the operat3on had been stopped until the return of Mr. Holton, After reviewing the developments, ttiere tiras a free discussion among the mFmbers of the Board during which time Mr. Broadhurst told them that he had ordere3 the dragline moved to its preserit lo- cation in view of the minutes of Auguat 18th in which a tentat3ve schedule of•the dragline was'outlined. Mr. Holton expressed the opinion that he should not be requested to make a deciaion in the matter until he had had time to investigate it personally. Mr, ldillieas then offered a motion that the operation of the dragline at its present location be stopped and triat it be moved to the State Ports Authority or the next priority project. Thia motion was seconded by Mr. Maphan. Mr. Broadhurst offered a substitute motion that the present project be continued until they reached the first pond: 1here was no second to this.substitute motion and the acting Chairman ruled it dead and the vote was called on the original mo- tion, on which the onl,y negative vote was regl.stered by Mr. Broadhurst. The acting Chairman ruled the original motion prevailed. Mr. Broadhurst then moved that the dragline operation be discontinued at once. There was no second to this motion and the acting Chairman ruled it dead. KEEP NORTH CAROLINA BEAUTIFUL - A letter was received from Colonel John W. Homewood, Chairman of the "Iieep North Carolina 4(1c.c. Beautiful" Committee requesting two favora that aeem to be of advantage to our community. (1) He re- questa that a"County Beautiful Committee" be appointed for each county. (2) Recommenda a local indivi- dual to co-sign a certificate of inerit which will be issued to indivlduals, clubs, towns or groups who merit this outstsnding certificate. It was decided that since the Chairroan was not present at today's meeting this matter should be handled by him when he returna to the citg. PUBLIC LIBA@RY REGULATIONS As requested by Commissioner Broadhurst on August 25th, the County Attorney aubmitted the Rules and Regulationa for the Allocation for State Aid to Public Libreries in accordance with General Statutes 125-7 Section E. Article 4. , °Secure appropriation or tax levy adequate to provide imY.,,." library service. Appropriation or tax rate from each appropriating body muat equal at least the amount of preceding year. State Aid is a supplementary fund and not to be used to re3uce the amount voted by the people to be levied for library purposea, or the amount appropriated by the governing bodies for library gurposes,° . ? T? TAX COLLECTOR'S REPORT - The following monthly report was sutxinitted by 1ax Collector Sam W. Johnson: . STATF,METdT OF BACK TAX -- NE4! HANOVER COUNTY Open July 1, 1958 62,993.62 23,537.44 12,826.04 91252.70 59464.11 119913.33 Rdded Aug. 5, 1958 . .48?477.29 . Totals 111;470.91 Coll'ected ' July, Aug. 1958 6,195.63 1,942.34 2,843.33 999.69 266.30 103.01 58.96 Bal: Sept:1,1958 105,275.26 46,534.95 20,694.11 11184605 8,984.40 5,361.10 11,854.37 INMATE LABOR SEROICE - ' '?. A letter was received from Mr. Leonard W. Barrett, Manager of the Prison 7mate Labor Service Dinision £ N th C D li t ? o or aro na epar ment informing the Board that State Prison inmates were available for employment at the rate of $5.00 per each provided the location of'the work project was within 5 miles of the prison location furnishing the labor but that if more than 5 miles, 10¢ per mile would be charged for traneportation. NOTICE OF LEVY - ' Mr. P. K. Sanders, Diatrict Director of Internal Revenue for the United States Treasury Depart- ` ment, filed a Levy on any funds that might be paid to John E. Wood Eleetrical Company up to the amount of "T? $596,79 to coner Withholding Tax and FICA due the Federal Government. REFORTS FOR FILING - - The following reports were received for information and filing: ' ..? (a) Farm dgent's Statistical Report ? (b) Home Agent's Narrative Report (c) Negro Home Agentfs Narrative Report ` r J (d) Veterans' Service Office Report shoving a total' award of $4,922.40 O ? • for the month ? (e) Wilmington Public Library Statistical Report ? - ? (f) Wilmington Colored Library ' ADJOIIRNMF2IT There being no flurther busi,ness presented before the Board, Mr, Williams moved adjournment , seconded by Mr. Mayhan and unanimously adopted, W. G. Houck? ecutive Secretary ,