1958-09-15 Regular Meeting?01 Wilmington, N. C. September 15, 1958 gSSEMBLY The regular ireekly meeting of the New Hsnover County Board of Comn3ssioners was held tfiis,day in the Commissioner's Room of the Covrt House at 9:30 A. M. PRESENT: Chairman J. M. Ha1I, Jr:, Commission- ers L. E. Broadhurst, Ernest R. Mayhan, J. E. Holton, Jr. and Berry A. Williams, Commissioner-Elect Peter H. Braak, and County Auditor T. D. Love. County Attorney John Bright Hill was not present for the meeting since he was on vacation and out of the city. INUOCATION - " Chairman Hall called the meeting to order and asked Reverend Ray Noland, Pastor of Grace Baptist Church, to open the meeting with a prayer for guidance. APPROVAL OF THE MINUTE5 - Upon motion of Mr. Holton, seconded by Mr. Williams, the minutes of the previous meeting on Sept- ember 8th were approved as written. BID BOND '- ' Pursuant to action of the Board last week in awarding the contract to furnish 3 cars to the Cape Fear Motor Sales Company, Mr, J. D. McFayden appeared and in£ormed the Board that unless they were award- ed all 4cars, they wished to withdraw their bid. He was informed that so far as the Board was concerned, it"was a bonafide firm bid and they expected him to deliver the 3 cers according to specifications. As no valuable consideration was posted to secure the bid, after some discussion, Mr. Holton offered a motion that in the future that bidders be required to post a 5% bid bond or a minimum o£ S100:00 in the form of a cashier's check on'an approved bank, cash, or a bid bond by a bonding company licensed and recognized by the State of North Carolina. This motion was seconded by N,r. WilLiams and unanimously adopted by the Board. GENERAL STATUTFS Notice was received from the publishers that'Uolume 2 C of the General Statutes of North Carolina had recently been recompiled and they were available for replacing the old volimme issued in 1951. IIpon motion of Mr. Holton, seconded by Mr. Williams, the Executive Secretary was authorized to purchase this volume and bring the Commissioner's Law Library up to date. NACO MEETING - Notice was received from the State bssociation o£ County Cormnissionera attaching atatements to the Constitutional Coffinission requesting 'suggestions or coimnenta by the New Hanover County Board and inform- ing the Boarci of the availability of the extra copies of the Year Book and the Mid-Winter Meeting of NACO at the Battery Park Hotel in Asheville, North Carolina November 23rd through,November 25th. Mr. Williams urged all the Commissioners to keep this in mind snd all of them arrange to go if possible as it would like- ly duplicate the Annval Convention. OCEAN HIGHIJAY - ' Mr, P. M. Camak, General Manager of the Chamber of Commerce, reminded the Board of the meeting Y?6? tomorrow of the Ocean Highway Association to be held in Washington, North Carolina in the interest of improv- ing U. S. Highway #17. He explained that so far as he knew there had been no expression from New Hanover County to the present State Highway Commission as to the importance we place on the tourist trade as a re- sult of the traffic on U. S. Highuay //17 and requesteri the Board to drarr a Resolution supporting a long range improvenent and looking forward to a fovr lane road across the State. He urged the Commissioners to attend this meeting and support this movement. It develope3 that it was impractical for the Commissioners to attend this meeting as scheduled and by common consent, they authorized the Ececutive Secretary to repre- „ sent the County along with the delegation from the other corporate bodies, BRENTWOOD - Mrs. J. Porter Newton was recognized by the Chairman and presented the Board with a map of the p? C. S. Newton subdivision lmown as Brentwood and requested the Board to designate and officially name the w?" ' main street as Brentwood Drive, IIpon motion of Mr. Williams? seconded by Mr. Holton, the request was un- animously approved, prov4ding there was no conflict in the names after they had been thoroughly checked with the Post Office and City of Wilmington rosters. I PETITION FOR RELIEF' - . ' Mrs. Helen B. Sneeden, Superintendent of Public Welfare presented a Petition for entering Frank Robinaon into the County Home because of phyaical disability, however., he is to pay for, the upkeep since he has a 5ocial Security income of $55.00 per month. H3s niece, Bessie Hudson of 1306 Corbett St., will take the responsibility of burial in case of death. This Petition was approved by common consent of the Board. ROAD PETITION - --T7 A petition was received for the extension of Rivenbark Road to a branch near the Barefoot houae for addition to the State Highwsy system for regular maintenance. Upon motion o£ Mr. Holton, seconded by Mr. Broadhurst, the Board unanimously approved the Petition and orflered it transmitted to the State High- V way Commission for their consideration. FAZTHFUL REPORTER - Joseph J. Heiterer, reporter for the Wilmington Star News for the past five years announced that , he was asswning new duties with the Augusts Chronicle and Augusta Herald beginning next Monday. He express- ? ed the pleasantness with which the Boards had cooperated with h1m and that while he regretted leaving his many friends here in Wilmington, he felt that the change meant an advancement for him in the newspaper field. Chairman Hall expressed the feelings of the Board in that he had reported faithfully the doings of the Board and that while occasionally the Board hoped that some of the facts might not be reported that at the same time Mr. Heiterer had represented the mattera fairly in the news stories. He wiehed him God's Speed in his endeavors. By coaanon consent, the Board authorize3 the Executive Secretary to write and ex- press their appreciation to the paper. . . HONOR HOME AGENT A--letter was received from the Chairman of the Distinquished Service Committee of the State's A-r Home Agent Association informing the Board that our local home agent, Miss Verna Helle Lowery, had been se- D ? lected to receive apecial recognition at the National Home Agents Association in Chicago and requested the Board to appropriate $150.00 to help defray her expenses that ahe might be present to receive'this honor for distinquished service. Upon motion of Mr. 'Williams, seconded by Mr. Holton, the Board unanimously appropriated a maximim of $150.00 from the Emergency Fund for the use of Miss Lowerq in making this trip. ADVERTISING ?ONATION Qc.Kan??- Pursuant to the request on August 25, 1958 for advertising in a souvenir journal to be issued in 'A ,302 Minutes of the Meeting September 15, 1958 ADVERTISING DONATION - (Continued) December by the Prince Hall Grand Lodge, Mr. Broadhurst offered a motion that the Board autHor- ize one-fourth page in the souvenir journal. This motion was seconded by Mr. Holton and unanimously adopted. COMPLAi NT - . . ' . A copy of the complaint nami.ng New Hanover County as a party at interest in a pauper's suit by Della Brown £or injuries elledgedly received while a paying patient at'Community Hospital was acknowledged and referred to the County Attorney for handling bp common consent of the Board. SOUTHERN LACFS,INC, 9 , A letter was received from Charles J. Mozur, President of Southernl.acea, Incorporated, thsnking the Hoard for their action at the special call meeting on July 30, 1958 agreeing to assist in the exten- , sion of rrater lines at their proposed building site near the Smith Creek Bridge on 23rd Street FSctenaion. c??,,,.yer By'oommon consent, the,Board authorized the Chairman to negotiate with the City,for a satisfactory arrange- ment to-determine the cost of this project from the City Limits to the building site. He was autfiorized to use prison labor wherever it was feasible to do so in order to minimize the cost to the County. It is not yet determined whether the City will do the work with their forces or offer it on a contract for bide. BOARD OF E DUCATION - • • A letter was received from the Chairman of the Nerr Hanover County Board of Fducation, Mr. E. 1, Ianey, informing the Board that it was the intent o£ their administrative staff to cooperate with the County in every way and keep the•Board of Commissioners informed on all Fiscal matters as well as place all in-_ ? £ormation at their disposal for the proper consideration of their financial requirements. He expressed re- ??`?? ' gret with reference to the conversation with controller and admitted that some of the remarka were indis- creet but he pledged their conscioua necessity for understanding and cooperation between the two Boards. APPRECIATION - Letters were received from Major General A. F. Binney of the United States Marine Corps at Cherry -? Point and Claude 0'Shields, Manager of Television Station WECT expressing appreciation to the Board for par- ticipation •in the CAP Friendship Days. DISTRIBUTIVE EDIICATION CLUBS Gm•, A'a4 ? U11 oatzL ? I 9 letter was received £rom Mr. Alton Wright, Teacher Co-ordinator of Distributive Fducation, New Hanover High School, informing the Boar3 that the Fastern North Carolina District will meet in this County on November 5, 1958 and requested the assistanoe of the Board in welcoming the group of high school students in behalf of the County and particularly requested the Chairman to make the address of welcome. The Board recognized the importance of this phase of education and unanimously agreed to lend their efforts to this project and•attend if possible. INSTITUTE OF GOVERNMENT - • The Hoard was informed by the Institute of Government that a course of instruction for Tax Super- visors and other Tax office personnel was scheduled for the week 9eptember 29th through October 3rd. The school will emphasize the basic law and practice necessary to proper listing and assessing'of 'property for tax purposes. The Tax Supervisor stated that there was a school later in the year which would be of more benefit to him than this one so the Board was agreeable to a later date. TIDEv1ATER NATURAL GAS CONPANY Mr. E. Mosely Fonvielle, representing the Willetts Realty Compar?y, presented the Board with a re- vised contract for the purchase of a five acre tract owned by the County and situated on the extension of 23rd Street and the Blue Clay FFoad 3mown as the old Sanitorium tract. Mr. Holton offered a motion that the County sell the property.to the Tidewater Natural Gas Compsry for $1,000 per acre net and that the pur-., chaser must pay the seles commission but that the County would furnish a survey and a meets and bounds de's- cription of the property. This motion was seconded by Mr. Broadhurst, At this point, Mr,- Williams offer- ed a substitute motion that the County sell this piece of property for $7,000 and that the'County pay the comnisaion and flxrnish the descriptive survey. The substitute motion was seconded by Mr. Mayhan. Th'e ' vote wes then called on the substitute motion and resulted in Commissioners Broadhurst, Hall, and Holton voting ^nfalf end Commissioners Mayhan and Williams voting "YFS", The Chairman ruled the substitute motion defeated and then the vote was called on the original motion which resulted in Commissioners Broadhurst, Hall, and Holton voting affirmatively and Comnissioners Mayhan sid Williams voting "NO". The Chairman then declared the original motion prevailed and was authorized to sign a contract for selling the property for $1,000 per acre net to the County. CAROLINA BEACH ROAD 1a copp was receined of a Axblic Notice announcing that the State Highway Commission plans to widen State Aighway #421 from Y.entucky Avenue in Wilmington to the intersection of Shipyard Boulevard.' WILMINGTON PUBLIC LIBRARY - - The regular monthlp report of the Wilmington Public Library activities was received and ordered filed for information. . , A IRPORT Pursuant to the schedule set up on August llth agreeing to a conference with the CAA officials for a discussion of the property's improvement at the Airport with reference to the Approach Ianding System which would be a great safety factor in the instrument landSng of modern jet planes and place our airport in a first class condition rather than being a second rate landing field, Mesara..K. D. Wyant from Fort Worth, Texus and W. E. Cox of Charlotte, North Carolina representing the Federal Government, met with the Board and others interested in the progress o£ our air facilities today. After a free discussion among the members and officials, they all agreed that it would be better if they met on the premises at the Site of the property which is necessary before the proposed i.mprovements can be made and there take whatever seems the best interest of.the County at the time. Subsequently, the Board gathered at the'middle marker building mid further discussed the problems attendant the necessary property for the installation. After all of the phases had been explained, Mr. Holton offered s motion that the County employ the Real Fstate Board to appraise the value of the land necessary fo,rr?g minimtmm requirements of the Civil Aeronautics Administration from the County Property line at Sm3tTiA?o"the back line of the middle marker building approximating txenty-six acres. The motion was secor"rded by Mr. 4lilliams and before the question was call- ed, Mr. Sroadhurst offered a susbtitute motion that the Board of Commissioners act as their own apprais- ers in conjunetion with the County Assessor. There was no second to this substitute motion and the Chair- man ruled it dead and a vote rras called on the original motion, all o£ the Board voting in the affirma- tive except Mr. Broadhurst, who voted "NO". The Chairman ruled that the original•motion prevailed and authorized the Rsalty Board to make the appraisal. • ? , ??0cl 1 dJ M.inutes of the Meeting September 15, 1958 ContinuEd RESOLUTIONS - The following Resolutions were passed unanimously by the Board today: JANlES GOODLETT THORNTON New Hanover Countp and the State o£ North Carolina experienced a great loss in the eizdden death'of James Goodlett Thornton Sunday, September 14, 1958. He was born in Seneca, South Carolina, September 2, 1891, and was graduated from Woffard College'in Spartanburg, South Carolina in 1910. The same year he entered the banking business, ;. joining the staff of,Norwood National Bank of Greenville, South Carolina. He later was ma'de assistant cashier of the Wilmington'Savings &'Trust Comparky in 1917, which'job he held until 1921, when'he was made cashier, of the Farmers and Merchants Bank in Green- ville, South Carolina, In 1925 he becaine cashier of Woodside National Bank and later returned to'Wilmington in 1931 as Vice=President of the Wilmington Savinga & Trust Com- pariy.• He was made President-of the Wilmington Savings & Trust Company in 1941, and held this position at the time of his'death, ' Goodlett Thornton was wiflely recognized in the banking field of North Carolina. He was actine in civio and community affairs and in the busri.ness development of Eastern North Carolina. He was past president of Industrisl Properties, Incorporated, a director of North Carolina Business Developmerit'Corporation and a member of the Field Advisers of the Small Business Administration. He was chairman of the Executive Com- mittee of the Board of Directors'of the Wilmington Savings & Trust Company. ' He served as chairman of the Nea'Hariover County Bond Committee during World War-ll and during World War 1 he served as a member of the Armed Forces, ' With his brilliant mind and'long experience in'banking circles he developecl rare acumen'and business judgment. Ae could be relied upon to give freely of his buainesa vision and judgment in coimnunity affaira and industrial development of this area. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED: lbat the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover Covnty desires to eactend its deep sympathy to his family and that lthis Resolution be spread upon the minutea of this meeting and a copy sent to his family. This the 15th day of 5eptember, 1958 /s/ J. M. Hail: Jr. . Chairman L. E. Broadhurst Attest: /s/ W. G. Houck Fxecutive Secretary J. E. Holton, Jr. Ernest R. Mavhan Berrv A. Willi.ams JOSEPH J. HEITERER Snformation has just been received that Joseph J. Heiterer, Reporter for the Wil- mington Star for the past Pive years covering the doings of the Nex Hanover County Board of Coaunissioners, is leaving for a neu assigrnnent with the Augtxsta Chronicle snd Aerald.and . I WHEREAS tHe Commissioners realize the'importance of good public relations and WHEREAS in the opinion of the Board Joseph J. Heiterer has faithfull}* and factually reported the happenings in the County, NOid THIItEFORE; In appreciation of the fidelity and in profound recognition of this signal service are highl,y pleased to offer this Citation that it will commemorate your personal effort, which has immeasurab7,y contributed to the continued develoFanent of Neu Hanover County. Thia the 15th day of September, 1958 I8I J. M_ Hall- Jr. Chairman L. E. Droadhurst J. E. Holton, Jr. Ernest R. Mayhan •Berry A. Williams Attest: /s/ W. G. Houek Executive Secretary ko-oyB?n 'A ??o ?- , ,. Minutes of the Meeting September 15j 1958 Continued PETIT JURY - The following good and lawful persons were selected to serve as Jurors in tkie trial oP civil cases for the xeeks beginning October bth and October 13'th, 1958: Surors for the trial of Civil cases for the week beeinnine October 6, 1958 J. M. Ray 37 West Drive Willie P. 1lasiier . I. L. Todd ` 2851 C. ddams St. Bobby D. Merritt L. H. Todd 10 N. Lake Village Frederick Backus A. B. Yopp 208 Floral Pkwy. Joseph'A. Porter D. C. Gore ' 111 Mercer Ave. B. B. lailson Ramono Hall' 304 Davie Drive N. M. Shelly Albert F. Todd 2320 Princess St. Rd. M.C. McIver Joseph Glod Box 43, Castle Hayne N.C W,'D. Gravitt H. A. Msrks RFD #2, Box 67 Percy F. ltiriford Ralph L. Weeks 208 North Carolina Ave.V. W. Andrews R. H. Davis, Jr. 2507 Burnett Blvd. Henry J. Ottoway,Sr. Donald R. Vowell 15 E. Lake Villsge James R. Walters Michael David Zetts 2870 B. Adams William S. Johnson Donald A. Noore 2520 Market St. Thurstan I. Watkins James'N. Burna 1015 Hawthorne Rd. C. B. Bennett Leo J. Merck 1613 Moore Plaza Charles M. Goswick Earl C. Smith Q Iake Uillage Stanley H. Zygunt Samuel T.'Rhodea 2115 Iake Shore Drive G. T. Grotgen Donald C. Thorning 12'J. Lake Vilh ge J. P. Bradshaw George J. Sheppard Jr. P..O.Bor. 1627 Alex IIrquhart E. F. Anderson Box 223,Carolina Beach K. C. Loughlin A. B. Mintz 206 Orange St. Durwood G. McDaniel W. L. k?ztrelle 16 Brookwood J. A. Williama R. A. McEachern RFD #3,13ox375' C. R. Henderson Thomas F.Cavenaugh 22 Ebans St. William S. Fmderburg Jurors for the trial of Civil cases £or the week beeinnine October 13, 1958 J. R. Self 2914 A. Adams St. David J. Bland G. A. Cook 21 5outh 9th St. Richard S. Rogers J. Swindell Hall 4702 Peachtree St. Carl W. Hodges E. A. Eerr, Jr. 2932 Adams St. Robert W. Hosier Bobby E. Tew 315 S. 16th 5t, Olive,s R. Goduin Harwood B. Coxe 133 Rutledge Drive Charles P. Carter R. C. Phelps 3001 Princess P1 Drive L. H. Reavia Douglas E. Capps 5/+4b Oleander'Drive H. D. Hufham Boyle Wilson 2865 Adams St. N. J. Holder Esnest E.'Croom . RFD #2, Box 448 Herman L. Malpass Xenneth E. Croom 105.Virginia A've. Jackie L. Sanders Morris J: Tatum RFD #2' Box 395 H. J. Woolard Samuel G. Beard 1222 S. 3rd St. William E. Jenkina Jr. C: H. Inman 215 Oak Crest Drive A. L.'Iambeth J. E. Rel]y 2204 Brandon Rd. Roy W. Bellamy Glen T. Tyson, Sr. 713 Princess St. Howard R. Rellog H. S. Dyson 2536 Burnett Blvd. Edward L. Johnson Dan R. Combs 1513 S. 5th St.' James Q. Teachey G. M. Johnson 1717 Carolina Ave, F. A. Hartley Harry Ainsworth 140 Lake Forest Pkwy J. E. St Amand Ernest Greenough RFD #2, Box 82 Joseph A. Williams Charles A. Humphrey616 S. 6th St. Charles A. Hunphrey J. W. Peterson 104 Midland Drive Lester'B...Cvddington W. W. Barnhill 20 E. Nesbitt Courts E. D. Montgomery George W. Applewhite1504 Ann 5treet James R. Grossnickle 406-2'- S. 5th St. 115 CliurcYi St. 314 N: 43rd-St. RFD /fl Box Q A RFD #1 Box 317 RFD #3 Azalea Heighta 1314 Chestnut St. 2520 dackeon $t. 807 Orange St. 1725 Carolina Ave. RFn #z, BoX iu 2115 Brandon Rd. 2528 Jackson St. 1802 Nun St. 2842'S. Front St. 2116 Brandon Rd. 22 Court P,Lake Village 801 Market St. 307 S. 17th St. P.O. Box QS A 1855 @ueens Rt1.,Charlotte,N.C. Route #1 613 Surr.y.St. 307 Greonville Ave. 2103 Pender Ave. 720 Greenfield St. P. o. sox 1050 42 Woodlawn Ave. 11f Keaton Ave. 2915 A Adams.st. ' Box 252, Carolina Beach, N.C. RFD # 2 Box 274 2824 Washington St. 2517 Washington St. 2935 D. Jefferson St. 4 W. Greensbord St.,Wrightsv. Beach 30 Kenwood Ave. 9 Borden Ave. 616 Greenfield St. 646 Kerr Ave. 115-1 S. 15th St. 5309 Wrightsville Ave. 71 Lee Drive 1014 S. 2nd,St: 1904 Perry Ave. 2416 Monroe St. 616 S. bth St. 103 Graham'.St. . 5 B Oleander Courta " RFD 1 Box 122, Castle Hayne, N.C. ADJOURNMEhTT - ' ? There being no further Uusiness to come before the Board, Mr. Mayhan moved that the meeding adjourn, seconded bq Mr. Williams, and unanimously adopted. Executive Secretary Wilmington, N.C. September 22, 195$ ASSEMBLY The regular weekly meeting of the New Hanover County Board o£ Commissioners held this day in the Commissioner's Room of the Court House at 9:30 A. M. PRESENT: Chairman J. M. Hall, Jr., Commissioners L. E. Broadhurst, J. E. Holton, Jr., Ernest R. Mayhan and Berry A. Williams, Commissioner-Elect Peter H. Braak, County Auditor T. D. Love and County Attorney John Bright Hill, INVOCATION - Chairman Hall called the meeting to order and asked the Reverend Hunley A. Elebash, Pastor of St. John's Episcopal Church, to invoke the Divine Presence through prayer. APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES - Copies of the last meeting having been sent to each of the Commissioners, upon motion of Mr. Holton, seconded by Mr. Broadhurst were unanimously approved.? L,