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Minutes of the Meeting September 15j 1958 Continued
The following good and lawful persons were selected to serve as Jurors in tkie trial oP
civil cases for the xeeks beginning October bth and October 13'th, 1958:
Surors for the trial of Civil cases for the week beeinnine October 6, 1958
J. M. Ray 37 West Drive Willie P. 1lasiier .
I. L. Todd ` 2851 C. ddams St. Bobby D. Merritt
L. H. Todd 10 N. Lake Village Frederick Backus
A. B. Yopp 208 Floral Pkwy. Joseph'A. Porter
D. C. Gore ' 111 Mercer Ave. B. B. lailson
Ramono Hall' 304 Davie Drive N. M. Shelly
Albert F. Todd 2320 Princess St. Rd. M.C. McIver
Joseph Glod Box 43, Castle Hayne N.C W,'D. Gravitt
H. A. Msrks RFD #2, Box 67 Percy F. ltiriford
Ralph L. Weeks 208 North Carolina Ave.V. W. Andrews
R. H. Davis, Jr. 2507 Burnett Blvd. Henry J. Ottoway,Sr.
Donald R. Vowell 15 E. Lake Villsge James R. Walters
Michael David Zetts 2870 B. Adams William S. Johnson
Donald A. Noore 2520 Market St. Thurstan I. Watkins
James'N. Burna 1015 Hawthorne Rd. C. B. Bennett
Leo J. Merck 1613 Moore Plaza Charles M. Goswick
Earl C. Smith Q Iake Uillage Stanley H. Zygunt
Samuel T.'Rhodea 2115 Iake Shore Drive G. T. Grotgen
Donald C. Thorning 12'J. Lake Vilh ge J. P. Bradshaw
George J. Sheppard Jr. P..O.Bor. 1627 Alex IIrquhart
E. F. Anderson Box 223,Carolina Beach K. C. Loughlin
A. B. Mintz 206 Orange St. Durwood G. McDaniel
W. L. k?ztrelle 16 Brookwood J. A. Williama
R. A. McEachern RFD #3,13ox375' C. R. Henderson
Thomas F.Cavenaugh 22 Ebans St. William S. Fmderburg
Jurors for the trial of Civil cases £or the week beeinnine October 13, 1958
J. R. Self 2914 A. Adams St. David J. Bland
G. A. Cook 21 5outh 9th St. Richard S. Rogers
J. Swindell Hall 4702 Peachtree St. Carl W. Hodges
E. A. Eerr, Jr. 2932 Adams St. Robert W. Hosier
Bobby E. Tew 315 S. 16th 5t, Olive,s R. Goduin
Harwood B. Coxe 133 Rutledge Drive Charles P. Carter
R. C. Phelps 3001 Princess P1 Drive L. H. Reavia
Douglas E. Capps 5/+4b Oleander'Drive H. D. Hufham
Boyle Wilson 2865 Adams St. N. J. Holder
Esnest E.'Croom . RFD #2, Box 448 Herman L. Malpass
Xenneth E. Croom 105.Virginia A've. Jackie L. Sanders
Morris J: Tatum RFD #2' Box 395 H. J. Woolard
Samuel G. Beard 1222 S. 3rd St. William E. Jenkina Jr.
C: H. Inman 215 Oak Crest Drive A. L.'Iambeth
J. E. Rel]y 2204 Brandon Rd. Roy W. Bellamy
Glen T. Tyson, Sr. 713 Princess St. Howard R. Rellog
H. S. Dyson 2536 Burnett Blvd. Edward L. Johnson
Dan R. Combs 1513 S. 5th St.' James Q. Teachey
G. M. Johnson 1717 Carolina Ave, F. A. Hartley
Harry Ainsworth 140 Lake Forest Pkwy J. E. St Amand
Ernest Greenough RFD #2, Box 82 Joseph A. Williams
Charles A. Humphrey616 S. 6th St. Charles A. Hunphrey
J. W. Peterson 104 Midland Drive Lester'B...Cvddington
W. W. Barnhill 20 E. Nesbitt Courts E. D. Montgomery
George W. Applewhite1504 Ann 5treet James R. Grossnickle
406-2'- S. 5th St.
115 CliurcYi St.
314 N: 43rd-St.
RFD /fl Box Q A
RFD #1 Box 317
RFD #3 Azalea Heighta
1314 Chestnut St.
2520 dackeon $t.
807 Orange St.
1725 Carolina Ave.
RFn #z, BoX iu
2115 Brandon Rd.
2528 Jackson St.
1802 Nun St.
2842'S. Front St.
2116 Brandon Rd.
22 Court P,Lake Village
801 Market St.
307 S. 17th St.
P.O. Box QS A
1855 @ueens Rt1.,Charlotte,N.C.
Route #1
613 Surr.y.St.
307 Greonville Ave.
2103 Pender Ave.
720 Greenfield St.
P. o. sox 1050
42 Woodlawn Ave.
11f Keaton Ave.
2915 A Adams.st. '
Box 252, Carolina Beach, N.C.
RFD # 2 Box 274
2824 Washington St.
2517 Washington St.
2935 D. Jefferson St.
4 W. Greensbord St.,Wrightsv. Beach
30 Kenwood Ave.
9 Borden Ave. 616 Greenfield St.
646 Kerr Ave.
115-1 S. 15th St.
5309 Wrightsville Ave.
71 Lee Drive
1014 S. 2nd,St:
1904 Perry Ave.
2416 Monroe St.
616 S. bth St.
103 Graham'.St. .
5 B Oleander Courta "
RFD 1 Box 122, Castle Hayne, N.C.
? There being no further Uusiness to come before the Board, Mr. Mayhan moved that the meeding
adjourn, seconded bq Mr. Williams, and unanimously adopted.
Executive Secretary
Wilmington, N.C. September 22, 195$
The regular weekly meeting of the New Hanover County Board o£ Commissioners
held this day in the Commissioner's Room of the Court House at 9:30 A. M. PRESENT:
Chairman J. M. Hall, Jr., Commissioners L. E. Broadhurst, J. E. Holton, Jr., Ernest
R. Mayhan and Berry A. Williams, Commissioner-Elect Peter H. Braak, County Auditor
T. D. Love and County Attorney John Bright Hill,
Chairman Hall called the meeting to order and asked the Reverend Hunley A.
Elebash, Pastor of St. John's Episcopal Church, to invoke the Divine Presence through
Copies of the last meeting having been sent to each of the Commissioners, upon
motion of Mr. Holton, seconded by Mr. Broadhurst were unanimously approved.?
Minutes of the Meeting September 22, 1958 Continued
Pursuant to instructions by the Board at the last meeting to have the Wilming- ay?
ton Board of Realtors, Incorporated,make an appraisal of the property required to com-
plete the approach landing system for the safety of instrument landing of modern airplanes,
a report was reoeived informing the,Board that the necessary acreage for meeting the mini-
mum requirements of the CAA officials was 2?,4 acres which they valued at $125.00 per acre
after considering that the land had been used since 1942 averaging during the past year
200 flights per day and in their opinion the annexation would not affect the'value of the
other part of the tract any more than it had been affected £or the past several years. The
appraisal Board also took into consideration the £act that approximately one-third of the
reouired property adjoins Smith Creek and was considered low marsh land. Nir. Williams
offered a motion that the County submit an offer to the owner of this roperty for the pur-
chase of 27i acres on the basis of the fair market appraised value of ?125.00 per acre.
This motion was seconded by Mr. Holton with the suggestion that the offer be presented to
the owners in person by the Execiative Secretarp with the request for a prompt answer. This
motion was unanimously adopted. '
.Before the adjournment of the meeting, Mr. Bruce B. Cameron Jr., who owns the
acreage in question above was recognized by the Chairman and informed of the above develop-
ment'. He considered the of£er of 4125.00 per acre "ridiculousTM as he understood a recent
purchase made by a roposed industry of property similar to his likewise adjoining Smith
Creek was sold for ?1500.00 per acre which they considered a bargain. He also stated that
he did not wish to be put in the light of obstructing progress but that he could not under-
stand why another runway could not be used for this proposed installation and although he
was aware of the right of the County to condemn the property, at the same time he expected
to do everything within his power to secure a fair and just price for it in the event that
was done. Finally,by common consent of the Bomd, the Chairman was authorized to investi-
gate the possibility of using another runway for this proposed project and,if necessary,
arrange a confe'rence with CAA bf£icials in Washington, D. C. through our Congressman, Hon-
orable Alton A. Lennon, 'The Board recognized the urgency of an answer to this problem
by next Monday in view of the Governmentts intention to withdraw their offer, to make the
installation in favor of an airport where there was no controversy, unless the property
was made available for immediate use.
The invoice accompanying the appraisal of the Board of Realtors, Incorporated,
was $150.00 and upon motion of Mr. Holton, seconded by Mr. Williams, the Board unanimous-
ly authorized the County Auditor, T. D. Love and Airport Manager John A. Westbrook to de-
termine from which account it should be paid out of the Airport Ludget and ordered it paid,
Confirming the verbal notice of intent to withdraw their bid accepted on Septem- ,?
ber $th for the three cars awarded the Cape Fear Motor Sales, Incorporated, Mr. McFayden,
the sales manager wrote a letter dated,September 16th stating that unless all four cars
were awarded them they felt free of all obligations to make delivery on the bid. Mr. Hol-
ton informed the Board that Mr. R. R. Smith, owner of Cape Fear Motor Sales, Incorporated,
had verbally assured him that they would carry out the contract and £urnish the cars
awarded to them on the basis of their bid.
Honorable J. Hardie Ferguson, Juvenile Judge of New Hanover County, was recog-
nized by the Chairman and requested that the Board authorize the re-insta•tement of the
telephone at the Juvenile Detention Home as it was dangerous for the matron to be with-
out communication with the other parts of the County Home management. He cited several
recent instances which indicated that it would have been very advantageous for the matron
to have been able to 'communicate quickly with.the Superintendent of the Home. He also in-
f.ormed the Board that the matron, IKrs. Cora Stokes, was required at times to be on duty
at long periods of time because of no one to relieve her so long as there were children
in the Detention Home and although he recognized that she was able at times to be off duty
when there were no occupants, it was most inconvenient for her to make appointments,because
of irregular schedules which depended on residents in the juvenile quarters. The Executive
Secretary was instructed to discuss the matter with Superintendent H. C. Rivenbark to see
i£ a similar plan to that of the negro matron might be worked out in which Mrs. Stokes could
be given one-half day off each week and i£ the requirements confined her for too great a
time she would be relieved occasionally a day per week in addition to the regular half day,
the cost of such help it was felt should not run i.nLo a great amount of money, possibly
$16.00 to $20.00 per month. After some discussion by the Board members, Mr. Holton of£ered
the motion that the telephone be replaced and that satis£actory relief be worked out through
the Superintendent o£ the Home for Mrs. Stokes. This motion was seconded by Mr. Williams,
and carried unanimously. .
Mr. William N. Kingoff was recognized by the Chairman and informed the Board that
he was appearing in the interest of an appropriation for the Merchants Association. He in- _...-
formed the Board that the special bus service being run from Gamp Lejeune and Cherry Point
had been very well received at the bases and had meant a lot,he Merchants of Wilmington so
they were contemplating such a service at the air base at Myrtle Beach in the interest of
stimulating business in Wilmington. He said that?the need was for $2,000 and that up until
last year the Bo3rd had seen fit to appropriate $750.00 to the Merchants Association but
that last year the allocation amounted to $500.00. After various comments by members of
the Board on the situation, Mr. Holton offered a motion that the Board allocate $500.00 for
the use of the Merchants Association'but that it remain under control o£ the Commissioners and that the invoices be approved by the Board in payment up to that amount. N,r. Broadhurst
seconded this motion with the remark that later in the year there might be a possibility
of making an additional appropriation for this worthy cause. The motion was unanimously
Minutes of the Meeting September 22, 195$ Continued
A question has arisen through the Bank of New York questioning the authority of
/ certain signatories for authorizing the releasing of bonds held on deposit as a security
for County funds, An examinati:on of the records disclose that on october 261 1953, the
Board, at that time, autho'rized the Chairman of the County Commissioners, the County Attor-
ney and the County Auditor to sign for such releases. County Auditor informed the Board
that in his opinion two signatures would be.sufficient if the Bca rd authorized such and
that it had been the practice for the last several years for Mr. Woody to sign as Clerk
to the Board. After some discussion, the Board unanimously agreed to let the decision
made in 1953 stand and continue to require three signatures.
A letter was received from the Secretary to the Board of Directors of Community
Hospital informing the Board that Mr. Rutherford Leonard had been presented to replace
Dr. M. N. Leary, resigned, and recommended the formal appointment of Mr. Leonard, In the
?n discussion, the opinion of the Board seemed to be that they thought it was their peroga-
r,?"T, tive to appoint the Directors and since no one on the Board seemed to know Mr. Leonard
personally, Mr. Williams moved that final action be delayed until next Monday as it would
allow the members o£ the Board to make any investigation they desired before committing
themselves. This motion was seconded by Mr. Mayhan and when the question was called,
the only negative vote was registered by Mr. Broadhurst, so the Chairman ruled the motion
Mayor Tucker, accompanied by Town Manager Head, and Town Councilmen Bost, Collier,
?f Goodson, Knox and Town Attorney Addison Hewlett appeared before the Board and informed the
ea?a2hu ??+ Board that they had appropriated $10,000 in their Fiscal Year Budget for the erection of
groins or jetties to help lessen the erosion of the Northern end o£ Carolina Beach. They
requested the Courity to match their funds for work within the town limits. They were in-
formed by the Chairman of the.Board that an appropriation of $5,000 had been made in the
County's Fiscal Year Budget for erecting groins at the northern end of Carolina Beach but
outside the town limits. The Mayor explained that the money they were seeking was to be
used along with their appropriation in the town limits of Carolina Beach and he felt that
there should be no misunderstanding about where the money should be spent. Mayor Tucker
also said that the Corps of Engineers recommended the lengthening and heightening of the
present groins inside the town limits at the north end and that unless something was done
soon a break thrv ugh will occur. Mr. Holton su ggested that the matter be taken under con-
sideration and study to determine where the money was coming £rom and how much could be
appropriated for_this important undertaking and that our•efforts should be coordinated
with the Carolina Beach authoritiest plans. He thought that we should have our Parks
Supervisor, Rhoda Farrow,investigate the matter and make a recommendation as to whether
or not it could be accomplished at a lesser cost with County equipment and prison labor
rather than contracted on open bids. Mr. Williams offered a motion that the Executive
Secretary proceed to carry out this idea to determine what we might be able to do. It
was seconded by Mr. Mayhan and unanimously adopted.
While the delegation from Carolina Beach had the attention of the Commissioners,
Mayor Tucker reminded them that he thought the widening of U. S. Highway # 421 and the
erection of the Bridge over the Intra-Coastal Waterway at Snowts Cut should be the number
one project in New Hanover County and ttrit every effort should be exercised by both Boards
to keep the Highway Commission alerted in order that their efforts might not cease to
bring this about.
A letter was received £rom the Cole-Layer-Trumble Company, Appraisers, request-
ing the Board to write a testimonial letter to the Iredell County Board of Commissioners
relative to the quality and class of work done by them in our recm t equalization program.
The Board was polled individually and each thought that an excellent job had been done
and authorized the Chairman to write such a letter informing the Iredell County Commiss-
Pursuant to action o£ the Board at their meeting on September 15th referring
? to the Complaint by Della Brown in a Pauper}s Suit for injuries alledgedly received while
a paying patient at Community Hospital was reported on by the County Attorney with the
request to the Board as to whether or not they were willing to offer a compromise settle-
ment. After discussing the several aspects of the case, Mr. Holton offered a motion that
no compromise settlement be offered for the reason that in the £uture they would be be=
sieged with numerous complaints and requests for compromise settlements. This motion was
seconded by Mr. Mayhan and unanimously adopted and the County Attorney instructed to pro-
ceed with the defense of the case.
Tax Collector Sam W. Johnson submitted a list of the Insolvent Accounts which
? he will present to the Board at their next regular meeting as requested by them several
months ago. This list was submitted for information and study only at this particular
meeting so no formal action was required.
The regular monthly report of•the New Hanover County Consolidated Board of
Health was received for information and ordered filed. •
Pursuant to the information received from the Institute of Government, an in-
? structive course for Tax Office personnel would be held the week beginning September 29th,
the Chairman told the Board that he was of the opinion that it would be helpful to the
County i£ the Executive Secretary attended such a school to re-aquaint himself with the
handling of Tax matters so that in the event of emergency, he would be able to assist
?d7 1
Minutes of the Meeting September 22, 1958 Continued
( Continued ) the Tax Supervisor in some of his duties. A free discussion resulted in a
motion by Mr. Williams authorizing the Executive Secretary to attend that school if he
thought it be a help to the County Government. The motion was seconded by Mr. Mayhan and
when the vote was called the only nN0" uote was registered by Mr. Broadhurst so the Chair-
man ruled the motion carried.
Upon motion of Mr. Mayhan, seconded by Mr.
voted itself adjourned.t . t ,
. . ? - ?
Broadhurst, the Board unanimously
. ,
W. G. Houck, Executive
lailmington, N.C. September 29, 1958
The regular weekly meeting of the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners
was held this day in the Commissioner's Room o£ the Court House at 9:30 A. M. PRESENT:
Chairman J. M. Hall, Jr., Commissioners L. E. Broadhurst, J. E. Holton, Jr,, Ernest
R. Mayhan and Berry A. Williams, Commissioner-Elect Peter H. Braak,. County Auditor
T. D. Love and County Attorney John Bright Hill. In the absence of the Executive Secre-
tary,` Mr. W. G. Houck, County Auditor Love acted as Clerk to the'Board.
INVOCATION - Chairman Hall called the meeting to order and asked Reverend E. G. Connette,
Jr., Pastor of St. Andrews-Covenant Presbyterian Church, to open the meeting with a prayer
for guidance.
By common consent, approval of the minutes of the meeting held on September
22 was deferred until the next meeting since copies mailed to each o£ the Commissioners
had not been?received. ,
Sam W. Johnson, Tax Collector, presented a preliminary settlement for 1957
Taxes. Mr. Williams quest.ioned Nr. Johnson in regard to the Insolvent List. Mr, Holton
moved, seconded by Mr. Williams, that the preliminary settlement be accepted and instruct- ?l
ed Mr. Johnson to exhaust every means possible to collect all the taxes he could from ?the insolvents.
Charges as per Re-cap 1957 Tax Scroll• 1,517,060,95
Errors as per Audit September 195$ 7.504.44
` , ` 1,509,556.51
Listed as per Abstract Real Estate and Personal Property
Not Listed Real Estate '
Less Abatements
Late Listings by Auditor, Personal Book
Listed by Tax Collector, Garnishee
Penalty Collected
Advertising Cost Collected
Real Estate Sold for Taxes
Late and Not listed Sold for Taxes
Insolvents ,
Tax Prepayments ,
Discount Allowed
Collected by Tax Collector and Deposited in
Wilmington Savings & Trust Company
Collected. 95.3%
Sam W. Johnson
City and County Tax Collector
Continued- Next page