1958-10-20 Regular MeetingF' 316 Niinutes of the Tsieeting October 13, 1958 Continued DITCH DRAINAGE - The committee, appointed by the Chairman at the last meeting to investigate ? the request of Nirs. N[aude P. Martin for installing drainage pipe in front of her resi- ?.i?s?'n a-- dence at Harbor Island, reported that two members of the committee voted negatively on the matter while one member voted in the affirmative. After some discussion, Mr. Broadhurst offered a motion that the construction work be done with prison labor for Mrs. Martin provided she would construct a catch basin. This motion was seconded by A4r. Holton w;.th the remark that he realized it was over-riding the recommendation of of•the committee and orhen the vote was called, Messrs. Mayhan and Williams voted against the motion, and Messrs. Broadhurst, Hall, and Holton voted for the motion and the Chairman declared the motion adopted. HEALTH BUILDING - ? The Executive Secretary reported that Paul R. Jennewein, a reporter for the local necvspaper came into his office and reported that he had just come from the Health Department and that it was damaged considerably by Helene and in fact the door frame in -? (a? the front was warped to such an extent that he could hardly enter the building and that th l t f lli d e p as er was a ng own and the building cracked in other places. Upon investiga- tion by the Executive•Secretary, it was found that it is true that the front door had swollen because o£ recent heavy rains and that the building did have some cracks in the _ walls but so far as evidence there seemed to be no damage caused by the Hurricane Helene, so upon motion by Mr. Holton, seconded by Mr. Broadhurst, the Board'unanimously ordered a letter written to the Health Department asking them for a report on the conditions of the building. • ? COURT HOUSE REPAIRS - The Executive Secretary reported to the Board that some water seepage was causing some damage to•the paint and wall's of the lower floors because the lower cornice ?- on the annex needed re-tuckpointing. Mr. Holton was appointed as a committee to investi- Clk(-yuo? gate with the Executive Secretary and determine the proper recommendation. We found some deterioration in the cement between the stones which we decided could be corrected by our custodians but most of the damage evidently was caused by seepage around the window framing which we found needed caulking. This will be done by the custodians. AIRPORT - Chairman Hall reported that Mr. John T. Talbert, a former CAA engineer, had contacted the Federal Governmental authorities and they had informed him that they would ` go along with the approval of the minimum purchase of the 521 acres on which to construct the approach landing lights and that the easements could be secured at a later date, how- Q? ever, he suggested that two additonal appraisals be secured as the Federal officials would not recommend governmental aid beyond a fair and reasonable price so if they do not consider the present offer fair and equitable they would not participate beyond the fig- ure they considered fair. REPORTS - I ? The £ollowing reports were reyiewed and ordered filed for information: (a) Wilmington Colored Library (b) New Hanover County Agent (c) Home Demonstration Agent " (d) Negro Home Demonstrat ion Agent (e) 49ilmington Public Library (f) Letters from several of the agencies in response and appreciation for our commendation to their departments for their contribution to the comfort and wellbeing of our citizens during the stress period caused by Hurricane Helene. ADJOiJRNMENT There being no further business presented for discussion, Mr. Holton moved adjournment, seconded by Mr. Broadhurst, and unanimously adopted. .--?. W. G. Houck, Executive Secretary Wilmington, N. C. October 20, 195$ ASSEMBLY The regular weekly meeting of the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners was held this day in the Commissioners+ Room of the Court Housejat 9:30 A. M. PRESENT: Chairman J. N. Hall, Jr., Commissioners L. E. Broadhurst, J. E. Holton, Jr., Ernest R. Mayhan and Berry A. Williams, Commissioner-Elect Peter H. Braak, County Attorney John Bright Hill. County Auditor T. D. Love was absent from the meeting since he was away on vacation. • IIVVOCATION. - • I The Chairman asked Reverend Paul Browning, Pastor of Epworth MeT,hodist Church, to open the meeting with a prayer for guidance. APPROVAL OF THE NiINUTES - Upon motion of Mr. Holton, seconded by Mr. Mayhan, the minutes of the last meeting were unanimously approved as written. ,- AIRPORT - I County Attorney John Bright Y.ill reported that he had drawn the contract to ? buy and sell the necessary acreage for the approach landing liohts at the New Hanover County Airport. He read the agreements including the permanent easement contract and after a discussion of some of the stipulations, Mr. Holton offered a motion that the R\ \ Minutes of the Meeting October 20, 195$ Continued AIRPORT - (Continued) Chairmaft be authorized to sign the instruments and recommendations presented by the County Attorney including the appropriation from the Emergency Fund to cover the cost of the land and survey. The motion was seconded tiy Mr. Williams and unanimously _ approved by the Board. > ° John W. Westbrook, Airport manager, pre"sented estimates for damage caused byG???+?"' Hurricane Helene to the Airport property, some of which was covered by insurance and some of which'is not. Mr. Broadhurst offered a motion that Mr. 4^?estbrook be authoriz- ed to secure three bids covering ali of the insured damage and proceea co have tne re- pairs made as soon as the contracts were approved by the insurance adjuster and that he was to secure three bids on the uninsured property and present them back to the Board with recommendations. j'lr. Williams seconded this motion and it was unanimously adopt- ed. Mr. Westbrook further informed the Board that there was a small drainage ? problem in connecti.on with one of the control points that'should be remedied as soon as possible and since the dragline was in the shop being repaired he would like to have approval for usi.ng it on that project before it was moved back out to the County schedule originally approved by the Board. Mr. Williams offered a motion that the Airport pro,ject be completed next with the dragline and then immediately moved back on schedule. Ihis motion was seconded by Mr. Broadhurst and unanimously approved. DRP.INAGE COMMITTEE Mr. Holton observed that he understood a drainage committee was to'be appoint- ed to help the Board in making decisions on drainage projects and,in fact, had a list ? of inen who he thought would be interested enough to accept this responsibility of making investigations and recommendations. The Chairman remarked that he would be prepared to suggest such a list by the next meeting for the Board's consideration. ' CAPE FEAR AMBULANCE COMPANY = Mr. Don L. Christian, president of the Cape Fear Ambulance Company informed the Boasd that their regular rates were a flat $15.00'to the City limits and 30¢ a mile beyond the City limits but that they were willing to make a concession to the County for a flat fee of $12.00 to the City limits and 25¢'a mile beyond. After discussing the various phases o£ the operati_on, Mr. Williams suggested the £ollowing compromises, 1- The County will reimburse the Ambulance Company for all patients certified by the Welfare Department even though they may not be hospitalized. 2- The County will assume responsibility for all calls inside the County originating with the Sheriff or Highway Patrol providing they immediately certify the fact with the office of the Executive Sec- retary and the ambulance operators secure a written report from the officer. 3- If the fee is collected at a later date, the County would be reimbursed'by the Ambulance Com- pany. 4- The County will be responsible for the calls made by the Sheriff's Department or the Highway Patrol even if it results in a"dry run" occasionally. 5- The operators would make every effort to collect their fees for a period of 60 days and that the County would have a 30 ddy period in addition in i?hich to attempt to collect from these cases in which the Cape Fear Ambulance Company had failed which means that the County would not be called on to pay any fees until after a 90 day period had lapsed." After all the Commissioners had expressed themselves with reference to the suggested regula- tions, n?r. Williams offered a motion that effective midnight today the above regulations be adopted for a minimum period of 90 days or until terminatedby either party after that time. This motion was seconded by P+Ir. Broadhurst and unanimously approved by the Board. CIVIL AIR PATROL AMBULANCE - Captain Cornelius M. Kelly informed the Board that he was leader of the CAP . Squadron in this area and that they had emergency equipment located at Federal Point, ? Wrightsville Beach and at the Airport and offered their assistance whenever the need might arise and stressed that in no way did he intend it to jeopardize or conflict with any of the arrangements made with the Cape Fear A:nbulance Company or to compete with them. Chairrnan Hall assured him that they were considered a very unselfish organization and they were to be commended for their willingness to be o£ service. He also remarked that to his personal knowledge the members o£ the CAP paid their own expense and used their own cars when called to the scene of emergencies. 'vdELFARE ASSISTANCE PROPERTY LIEN' - ' I4r. Louis Goodman, attorney for the estate of Robert James Nichols, informed the Board that James Nichols, the £ather, was owner of 6 acres of land in Harnett Town- ship. He died in 191$ and divided the land by a will between his wife and three child- ren, Daisy, Dave and John and to his son, Robert James he left compensating land in Cumberland County. During his lifetime, Robert James ?ichols received aid from the Wel- fare Department in the amount of A634.00, however, the We1£are Department filed a pro- perty lien against t}ie estate of ?ames Nichols and it has since developed that because of the death of some•of the•heirs intestate, Robert tias inherited 3/5 of the 6 acres. Robert James died in 1952 and now the rest of the living heirs have requested that this matter be referred to the proper authorities for investigation and evaluation to deter- mine what the value of the 1.3 acres is so that it might be applied against the lien to satisfy it. Mr. Goodman was referred to Mrs. Sneeden, Superintendent of the Welfare Department, and to to County Attorney John Bright Hill for disposition and recommendatipn. ?-t- . FETITION FOP. RELIEF - ' ' . ?,ra,vvry? Nrs. F:elen B:'Sneeden, Superintendent of Public'Welfare Department,..presented ? a Petition'of`Nr. Milton Leroy Kidd for admission to the County Home on account of ohysical 1. disability. Investigation discloses that he receives $53.10 Der month OASI Benefits and while he owns no property, he does have savings amounting to 4400.00. Since his disa- bility is terminal cancer, it was recommended that he be accepted on the basis of contri- buting to his upkeep and expenses. Nir. Holton offered a motion, seconded by Mr. Broad- hurst, that he be accepted as a•resident of the County Home on the basis of his paying $40.00 per month, 2his motion was unanimously approved by the Board. Mrs. Sneeden also.in£ormed the Board that an indigent by the name of,John Paul Lewis,who is a paraplegic,has been in the Community Hospital for two years without apparent 'A / ?.? Minutes of the Meeting October 20, 1958 Continued PETITION FOR RELIEF - improvement but that a recent examination by Dr. Bruce H. Dorman seemed to reveal tlzt physical therapy might restore him to partial use of some of his normal functions by the use of braces. As there are no facilities at the Community Hospital for this kind of treatment, Pdrs. Sneeden recommends that he be transferred to the James Walker Niemorial Hospital for a period of thirty to sixty days to determine the probability of his partial recovery. The braces tivill cost approximately $200.00 in addition to the increased hospital cost. Mr. Holton moved that Nrs.'Sneeden be author- ized to move this patient to James Vdalker Memorial Hospital as requested. The motion rras seconded by Mr. Mayhan and unanimously adonted. ' Nrs. Sneeden called the Board's attention to the fact that some of the re- cipients who lived in the housing project were being pressed for their rent and even ejected in some instances, without due regard to the various dates on which they re- ceived their grants. She seemed to think that the Housing Authorities were a little impatient in demanding rent before a reasonable effort had been made to determine when the grants would be received. She mentioned one case in which they were*threatened with ejection on the 7th of the month. The Chairman suggested that she arrange an in- terview with the Housing Authority and explain the program in an effort to handle the problem in a satisfactory manner. PRISONER CONPLAINT - ' Pursuant to instructions last week, the Executive Secretary reported that the hospitals were not free to divulge the records on the alledged mistreatment of -? George T. Ahrens unless a court subpoena was issued. After some discussion relative to the best procedure o£ handling, Mr. Mayhan offered a motion that the Executive Secretary be authorized to write a letter to the foreman of the Grand Jury outlining the alledged maltreatment reported to them and requested them to instigate an investi- gation. This motion was seconded by Mr. Holton, and before the question was called, Mr. Broadhurst oFfered a substitute motion that the Grand Jury not be asked to make the investigation but that the Commissioners make their own investigation. There was no second to this motion and the Chairman ruled it dead and when the question was called on the original motion, Mr. Broadhurst registered a TMNO" vote, but all the other members of the Board voted 'TYES't so the Chairman ruled it adopted and instructed the Executive Secretary to proceed. COUNTY HOME BOILER - The Executive Secretary informed the Board that the new boiler for the County Home which was ordered several weeks ago had been delivered and suggested that a licens- ed steam fitter be employed to instsll it. Mr. Broadhurst suggested that Parks Super- visor, Rhoda rarrow, be instructed to install it and a£ter some discussion by other mem- bers of the Board, Nr. Holton offered a motion that Mr. Farrora install the boiler and be authorized to employ a steam fitter if he ran into'difficulty and that if the instal- lation developed an unusual expenditure of money it was to be reported to the Executive Secretary who would present it to the Board members for further instructions. This motion was seconded by Mr. Broadhurst and unanimously adopted. PROGRESS - ACHIEVEMENT Mr. Williams called attention to the widespread announcement in yesterday's paper of the new company organized by one of our own citizens, Mr. J. W. M6Watty and expressed the feeling that it would be desirable to write a letter of commendation to him for his organizing the S. & G. Prestress Comoany. He also r.eiminded the Board that just recently another of our citi- zens had brought favorable publicity to our County because of his having completed a ? l term as president of the National Association of Insurance Agents, Incorporated and it has reflected the high esteem in which Louie E. Woodbury Jr, is held by hi.s profession and the contribution resulting from the National publicity. Mr. Williams then offered a motion which was seconded by Nr. Holton and unanimously adopted, that the Executive Secretary be authorized to write letters of con- gratulations and commendations to both of these native citizens. ADJOURNMENT - ' Upon motion of Mr. Holton, seconded by Mr. Broadhurst, the Board unanimous- ly voted adjournment: W.' G. rouck, Executive Secretary Wilmington, N.C. ASSEMBLY - • The regular weekly meeting of the was held this day in the Commissioners' Room Hall, Jr., Commissioners L. E. Broadhurst, Berry A. Williams, Commissioner-Elect Peter County Attorney John Bright Hill. INVOCATION - Chairman Hall asked Reverend W. Church, to open the meeting with a prayer New Hanover County Ba3 rd at 9:30 A. M. PRESENT: J. E. Holton, Jr., Ernest H. Braak; County Auditor October 27,195$ o£ Commissioners Chairman J. M. R. Mayhan, and T. D. Love and J. Neese, Pastor of Fifth Avenue Methodist for guidance. ?