HomeMy WebLinkAbout1958-10-27 Regular Meeting
Minutes of the Meeting October 20, 1958 Continued
improvement but that a recent examination by Dr. Bruce H. Dorman seemed to
reveal tlzt physical therapy might restore him to partial use of some of his normal
functions by the use of braces. As there are no facilities at the Community Hospital
for this kind of treatment, Pdrs. Sneeden recommends that he be transferred to the
James Walker Niemorial Hospital for a period of thirty to sixty days to determine the
probability of his partial recovery. The braces tivill cost approximately $200.00 in
addition to the increased hospital cost. Mr. Holton moved that Nrs.'Sneeden be author-
ized to move this patient to James Vdalker Memorial Hospital as requested. The motion
rras seconded by Mr. Mayhan and unanimously adonted. '
Nrs. Sneeden called the Board's attention to the fact that some of the re-
cipients who lived in the housing project were being pressed for their rent and even
ejected in some instances, without due regard to the various dates on which they re-
ceived their grants. She seemed to think that the Housing Authorities were a little
impatient in demanding rent before a reasonable effort had been made to determine when
the grants would be received. She mentioned one case in which they were*threatened
with ejection on the 7th of the month. The Chairman suggested that she arrange an in-
terview with the Housing Authority and explain the program in an effort to handle the
problem in a satisfactory manner.
' Pursuant to instructions last week, the Executive Secretary reported that
the hospitals were not free to divulge the records on the alledged mistreatment of
-? George T. Ahrens unless a court subpoena was issued. After some discussion relative
to the best procedure o£ handling, Mr. Mayhan offered a motion that the Executive
Secretary be authorized to write a letter to the foreman of the Grand Jury outlining
the alledged maltreatment reported to them and requested them to instigate an investi-
gation. This motion was seconded by Mr. Holton, and before the question was called,
Mr. Broadhurst oFfered a substitute motion that the Grand Jury not be asked to make
the investigation but that the Commissioners make their own investigation. There was
no second to this motion and the Chairman ruled it dead and when the question was
called on the original motion, Mr. Broadhurst registered a TMNO" vote, but all the
other members of the Board voted 'TYES't so the Chairman ruled it adopted and instructed
the Executive Secretary to proceed.
The Executive Secretary informed the Board that the new boiler for the County
Home which was ordered several weeks ago had been delivered and suggested that a licens-
ed steam fitter be employed to instsll it. Mr. Broadhurst suggested that Parks Super-
visor, Rhoda rarrow, be instructed to install it and a£ter some discussion by other mem-
bers of the Board, Nr. Holton offered a motion that Mr. Farrora install the boiler and
be authorized to employ a steam fitter if he ran into'difficulty and that if the instal-
lation developed an unusual expenditure of money it was to be reported to the Executive
Secretary who would present it to the Board members for further instructions. This
motion was seconded by Mr. Broadhurst and unanimously adopted.
Mr. Williams called attention to the widespread announcement in yesterday's
paper of the new company organized by one of our own citizens, Mr. J. W. M6Watty and
expressed the feeling that it would be desirable to write a letter of commendation to
him for his organizing the S. & G. Prestress Comoany.
He also r.eiminded the Board that just recently another of our citi-
zens had brought favorable publicity to our County because of his having completed a
? l term as president of the National Association of Insurance Agents, Incorporated and it
has reflected the high esteem in which Louie E. Woodbury Jr, is held by hi.s profession
and the contribution resulting from the National publicity.
Mr. Williams then offered a motion which was seconded by Nr. Holton and
unanimously adopted, that the Executive Secretary be authorized to write letters of con-
gratulations and commendations to both of these native citizens.
Upon motion of Mr. Holton, seconded by Mr. Broadhurst, the Board unanimous-
ly voted adjournment:
W.' G. rouck, Executive Secretary
Wilmington, N.C.
The regular weekly meeting of the
was held this day in the Commissioners' Room
Hall, Jr., Commissioners L. E. Broadhurst,
Berry A. Williams, Commissioner-Elect Peter
County Attorney John Bright Hill.
INVOCATION - Chairman Hall asked Reverend W.
Church, to open the meeting with a prayer
New Hanover County Ba3 rd
at 9:30 A. M. PRESENT:
J. E. Holton, Jr., Ernest
H. Braak; County Auditor
October 27,195$
o£ Commissioners
Chairman J. M.
R. Mayhan, and
T. D. Love and
J. Neese, Pastor of Fifth Avenue Methodist
for guidance.
Minutes of the Meeting October 27, 195$ Continued
Mr. Williams requested that the paragraph under Cape Fear Ambulance Company
in last weeks minutes in Item 5 be made to read that !'the operators would make every
effort to collect their fees for a period of 60 days and that the County would have a
30 day period in addition in which to attempt to collect from these cases in which the
Cape Fear Ambulance Company had failed vrhich means that the'County'would'not be called
on to pay any fees until after a 90 day period had lapsedT'. Then upon motion of Mr.
Holton, seconded by Mr. Mayhan, the minutes of the last meeting were unanimously approv-
ed as amended above.
14rs. henry E. Hough was recognized by the Chairman and stated that she would
like to register a complaint against the James Walker I4emorial Hospital because of their
indif£erence and inattention to her during a recent visit in which she considered she
needed emergency treatment. She criticized the hospital severely for lack o£ efficient
handling of her injured thumb. - The Chairman explained that the Board had no official
connection with James Walker Memornal Hospital and suggested tla t she carry her story
to the manager, 1°lr. Emory N. Grubbs, as he felt sure that Mr. Grixbbs would be very much
interested in learning o£ any inefficien£ operations of the hospital so that steps could
be. made to correct them. '
Mr. Glen T. Hernclon, insurance adjustor, explained that he had completed his
inspections o£ the hurricane damage to the County properties and was ready to report on '
all of them except for the roof of the Coizrt House on which the Executive Secretary has
so far been unable to secure an estimate. The following properties were covered: Air-
port $7,$7$.$9; County Home $392.00; Community Hospital $1,0$8.95, making a total
of $?9,359.$4 net damages for which insurance will pay. After discussing the various
items, Mr. iailliams suggested that the Executive Secretary verify each of these claims
with the department heads to see if they were agreeable and compatible with their con-
clusions and for him to continue his eff'orts to secure a bid on the Court House damages.
Mrs. Henry A. Jordan?Oliver R. Godwin appeared before the Board in the inter- P -'
est of the stabilization of the road into their property on Bradley Creek. Z'he origin-
al Petition was approved by the Board on May 19, 1958 and was acknowledged by the State ?
Highway Commission on June llth stating that they would give full consideration to.the
request. They said that the road was so narrow that you could not pass on it and thax
recently a car was stuck trying to get out and blocl:ed all the rest of families to such
an extent that the school children could not be taken te school trat'day. He informed
the Board tl-a t Mr. hlallard, the Supervisor for the Highway Commission's Secondary Roads,
had investigeted the matter but so far h2.d not done anything about it.? The Chairman ex-
plained that the County had no equipment for rcad work and that since the State had assum-
ed responsibility for roads, it had no direct authority to work on the road but that he
thought they s.hould give some encouragement to remedy such a serious problem and he in-
structed the Executive Secretary to ascertain from the State Highway Commission if some
sort of temporary relief might be given to this project untilla definite plan might be
worked out.
Nr. Jerry Rouse appeared before the Board and complained that his taxes had --T?
been increased and protested the arrangementtthe Commissioners had made with the Cape
Fear Ambulance Company about underw'riting some of the emergency calls. He said that,
in his•opinion, if they were to pick up drunks that the person should be able to pay
the ambulance fee-if they were able to buy the whiskey and that there must be a stopping
place somewhere on taxes and that his salary had not increased in the past year propor-
tionate.•to his tax increase. The Board assured him that they were just as zealous
about spending tax money as he and that their taxes, too, had gone up so they were very
conscious oS saving every dollar compatible with reasonable service demanded by the tax-
payers themselves. • • • • • `
Nr. John L. Mavrolas was recognized-by the Chairman and explained that•he•was
concerned about the increase in his taxes. It seemed to him that they had gone up too
much. ?'he Chairman explained that•the Equalization Program resulted in the revaluation
of all the property in the County and that unless some mathematical error was made°in
the computation of his taxes, the•Board was powerless to take any action about them and
suggested that he check with the Tax Supervisorts office to have the figures on his
statement verified to make sure that they were not•in error. '•
Following the instructions by the Board last week with reference to the com-
plaint registered by George T. Ahrens, the Executive Secretary reported that the Sheriff
informed him that he had interviewed Dr. ?arilliams with refe•rence to the treatment given --=^
Mr. Ahrens at the time he was taken to the hospital and that Dr. Williams said that he 5C?
had x-rayed the pstient thoroughly and•could find no evidence of mistreatment•and that
the boil,.which was lanced, in his opinion, was an ordinary abscess which can and•does
occur on many people at various times. Mr. Holton remarked that he thought the•Sheriff
was to•make a written report about his investigation covering the entire incident. _
Others on the Board were of the opinion that the Grand Jury investigation would be suf-
ficient, Nr. i,Villiams observing that it should be accepted and let the chips fall where
they may.
. . . . . ,
AIRPORT• DAMAGE - ' - • GJ,,,,?,,,-?-'
The following estimates were received covering damage to the Butler Hanger
Building a t the New Hanover County Airport: ••°
J. H. Sloan Company, Wilminaton, N.C•, t1,650.00 ••
Miller Building Corporation, 49ilmington, N.C. 1,995.00 ••
F. R. Bray, Lumberton•, N.C. • 22100.00 ••
After making a personal inspection of the emergency-caused by HurriCane Helene•to the
buildiag, 14r. Williams moved that,due to the emergency and that because the buildinga
was continuinj to be damaged, the contract for repairs be awarded to the lowest bidder
and that they be instructed to proceed at once with the work with whatever safeguard
the County Attorney recommended. Mr. Holton se conded this motion and it was unani-
Minutes of the Meeting October 27, 195$ Continued?
AIRPORT DA'qAGE - (Continued)
mously adopted.
Mr. P. M. Camak, Director of the Chamber of Commerce, presented a reo,uest
to the Board for contributing one-half the cost for guarding the cars o£ the passen-
ers who were taking the Stockholm Cruise. The City Council have already appropriated
?400.00 toward this project. The necessity for the request was'caused by a misunder-
standing due to the appointment of a State Ports Director. Original arrangements
were made with SPA on Januaary 27th 195$ to store the cars in the confines of the SPA
property but when the new Portst 6irector took office he was not familiar with these
details and allowed a boat load of mohogany lumber to be stacked on the yards which
normally would have been used for storage of cars, therefore, it is necessary that
guards be employed to protect the property of the passengers. It is felt that they
contribute an i.mmeasurable amount of free advertising for New Hanover County and in
addition leave at least $50,000 in the County on each cruise. Nir. Williams o£fered
a motion that the $400.00 be appropriated for these guards from the regular $4,000
appropriation made to the Chamber of Commerce. When he was informed that the Chamber
of Commerce had already used the $4,000 appropriation, he withdrew his motion in fa-
vor of one made by Nr. Mayhan that an appropriati.on of $400.00 be made available for
this purpose from the regular Advertising Fund and appropriated to the use of the Sher-
iff's Department. . It was seconded by Mr. Broadhurst and when the
question was called, Mr. Williams voted "NO" and all of the rest'of the Commissioners
voted "YEST" so the Chairman ruled it carried.
? The ChAirman reported that he had made three different attempts to contact
Nr. Bruce B. Cameron in an effort to conclude the arrangements for the purchase of
necessary property for installing the approach landing lights at the Airport'but'that
so far he had been unable to contact him, contrary to some reports that he had heard
' about the.County 11dragging their feet" with reference to closing the matter: He said
that that matter was being attended to as rapidly as possible and that the survey was
being made this week.
Egidio Marini appeared before t
Avenue and that there d.ere seven other fam
Carolina Beach Road ar.d that every rain le
it very rough and, in addition, a light po
which he thought sheuld be removed. The C
ti•ray Commission had {}urisdicti.on over all t
ioners had no authority for interf??'1ng in
glad to check t•.ith the Highway Commission
be give.^. this groject. He instructed the
Commission to ascertain their plans in the
he Bcard and stated that he lived on Myrtle
ilies v;:o lived on the same street off the Q
ft the street ti•:ith lumps and holes, making
le had been left in the middle af the street
hairr!an explaiaed to him that the State High-
he reads in the Cour.ty and that the Commiss-
any o£ their projects, however, he would be
in an effort to dAtermine o:hat relief might
Executive Secretary to contact the Hiohway
Tlie,fol'lowing good 'and 1'awful persons'were selected to serve as Jurors in the'-
,trial of Criminal cases for the waeks beginring October •27-2 195$ and November 3, 1958.
Jurors for the week beginninz October 27, 1958
Raymond E. Best 211$ Klein Road
Ws. H. Best #5 Wrightsville Ave.
Everett J. Hale,Jr. 601 Rosemont
Robert Ruth 31 T errace Walk
Charlie E. Vdebb 2617 NTarket St.
Paul I:osh Cast le Hayne, N.C.
Lloyd J. Todd 309 N. 46th St.
Joseph Rose, Jr. 2206 Princess St.
A. K. Otey, Jr. 152 Pinecrest Pkwy.
C. E. Paul 315 Nun St.
James Lee Ovaen 5031 S. 1$th St.
F.F;. -PQeuter',Jr. z4o6 1 Princess Place
C. F. Lewis,Jr 2716 B Oleander Court
Marvin E. Scott 29;; Oleander Drive
J. B. McKoy 2904 Monroe St.
Morton Meloe 318 Red Cross St.
Wilbur Kirk Letivis 16$ Lake Forest
G; °. McKoy 2221 Klein Road
C. 0. Bullard 1309 S. 3rd St.
Edward J. Lincoln Jr .605 N. 23rd St.
L. T. Andrews 163 Colonial Drive
George J. 0'Rourke 1$20 Chestnut St.
T. L. Breeland 1$ N . 23 St.
Paul H. `1'hompson 2912 B Jefferson
Richard C MacDonald 2112 Klein Road
Richard M. Floyd 403 Northern Blvd.
Richard L. Elsen RFD #2, Box $
A. J. Zeman 2419 Market St.
William M. Irigram. 412..'S, 1$th,'St?:•
M. W. Barnes
C. D. Dobson
W. H. Thorpe
Charles Norris Jr.
Charles E. Felton
Robert A. Taylor
Thomas N. Terrell
Walter Grady
William J. Harris
J. L. Warner
2719 Adams St.
2109 Rhodes Avenue
17 E. Lake Village
RFn #3, Box 152
3$31 Glilshire Drive
406 Central Blvd.
2 Ca e Fear Apts.
RFD ?1,Box 136 Castl.e Hayne
2740 Harrison St.
213 Lake Forest
Thomas L. Vlillis 14 Court M. Lake Village
A. E. Straughn 11 230 Lake Forest Pkwy.
William R. Webster 109 Norningside Drive
J. F. Zellers 10 Community Drive
F. C. Johnson 2515 49ashington
J. J. IYlarlowe 1501 Moore Plaza
L. W. Downing 15 Woodlawm Avenue
L. 0. Goodyear 2117 Metts Avenue
W. P. Troutman 30$ S, 17th St.,
John C. ?+Iilliford 2835 B Jefferson
Frederick F. Wilson33 Pinecrest Pkwy.
Jurors for the iaeek beginning November 3, 195$
C. W. Harley'.
Wade H.. Harper ,
Jessie T. ?urke
James P. Herring
W. J. Baugham
R. B. McCurdy
H. C. Davis
Thomas E. Meece
Alden K. Booth
I. T. Harden
14.Ivey Circle
711?.Northexn Blvd.,
2224 Brandon Road
4212 Oleander Drive
1002 Chestnut St.
304 Central Blvd. ,
12. Pinecrest Terrace
406 Plrightsville Ave.
2820 Adams St.
1$15 Grace St.
2$19 Harrison St.
R. H. Hardison
R: JaCk Davis
Virgil A. Jones
Lacy McGowan
LeRoy Peoples
Norman A. Wheeler
James B. Sharpton
Stewart F. Collins
Durwood E. Murray
E.F. Rittenhouse
Clixence B, McCoy
424 S..Fi£th Street.
611 Kenwood Ave.
404 South 16th St.
Route #3
P. 0. Box 163,Castle Hayne,AT.C
5-Z Lake Village
2962 Parlc Avenue
50$ Park Terrace
12 N. Lake Village
17 Woodlawn '
203 Central, Blvd,.
Minutes of the Meeting October 20, 1958 Continued
improvement but that a recent examination by Dr. Bruce H. Dorman seemed to
reveal tlzt physical therapy might restore him to partial use of some of his normal
functions by the use of braces. As there are no facilities at the Community Hospital
for this kind of treatment, Pdrs. Sneeden recommends that he be transferred to the
James Walker Niemorial Hospital for a period of thirty to sixty days to determine the
probability of his partial recovery. The braces tivill cost approximately $200.00 in
addition to the increased hospital cost. Mr. Holton moved that Nrs.'Sneeden be author-
ized to move this patient to James Vdalker Memorial Hospital as requested. The motion
rras seconded by Mr. Mayhan and unanimously adonted. '
Nrs. Sneeden called the Board's attention to the fact that some of the re-
cipients who lived in the housing project were being pressed for their rent and even
ejected in some instances, without due regard to the various dates on which they re-
ceived their grants. She seemed to think that the Housing Authorities were a little
impatient in demanding rent before a reasonable effort had been made to determine when
the grants would be received. She mentioned one case in which they were*threatened
with ejection on the 7th of the month. The Chairman suggested that she arrange an in-
terview with the Housing Authority and explain the program in an effort to handle the
problem in a satisfactory manner.
' Pursuant to instructions last week, the Executive Secretary reported that
the hospitals were not free to divulge the records on the alledged mistreatment of
-? George T. Ahrens unless a court subpoena was issued. After some discussion relative
to the best procedure o£ handling, Mr. Mayhan offered a motion that the Executive
Secretary be authorized to write a letter to the foreman of the Grand Jury outlining
the alledged maltreatment reported to them and requested them to instigate an investi-
gation. This motion was seconded by Mr. Holton, and before the question was called,
Mr. Broadhurst oFfered a substitute motion that the Grand Jury not be asked to make
the investigation but that the Commissioners make their own investigation. There was
no second to this motion and the Chairman ruled it dead and when the question was
called on the original motion, Mr. Broadhurst registered a TMNO" vote, but all the
other members of the Board voted 'TYES't so the Chairman ruled it adopted and instructed
the Executive Secretary to proceed.
The Executive Secretary informed the Board that the new boiler for the County
Home which was ordered several weeks ago had been delivered and suggested that a licens-
ed steam fitter be employed to instsll it. Mr. Broadhurst suggested that Parks Super-
visor, Rhoda rarrow, be instructed to install it and a£ter some discussion by other mem-
bers of the Board, Nr. Holton offered a motion that Mr. Farrora install the boiler and
be authorized to employ a steam fitter if he ran into'difficulty and that if the instal-
lation developed an unusual expenditure of money it was to be reported to the Executive
Secretary who would present it to the Board members for further instructions. This
motion was seconded by Mr. Broadhurst and unanimously adopted.
Mr. Williams called attention to the widespread announcement in yesterday's
paper of the new company organized by one of our own citizens, Mr. J. W. M6Watty and
expressed the feeling that it would be desirable to write a letter of commendation to
him for his organizing the S. & G. Prestress Comoany.
He also r.eiminded the Board that just recently another of our citi-
zens had brought favorable publicity to our County because of his having completed a
? l term as president of the National Association of Insurance Agents, Incorporated and it
has reflected the high esteem in which Louie E. Woodbury Jr, is held by hi.s profession
and the contribution resulting from the National publicity.
Mr. Williams then offered a motion which was seconded by Nr. Holton and
unanimously adopted, that the Executive Secretary be authorized to write letters of con-
gratulations and commendations to both of these native citizens.
Upon motion of Mr. Holton, seconded by Mr. Broadhurst, the Board unanimous-
ly voted adjournment:
W.' G. rouck, Executive Secretary
Wilmington, N.C.
The regular weekly meeting of the
was held this day in the Commissioners' Room
Hall, Jr., Commissioners L. E. Broadhurst,
Berry A. Williams, Commissioner-Elect Peter
County Attorney John Bright Hill.
INVOCATION - Chairman Hall asked Reverend W.
Church, to open the meeting with a prayer
New Hanover County Ba3 rd
at 9:30 A. M. PRESENT:
J. E. Holton, Jr., Ernest
H. Braak; County Auditor
October 27,195$
o£ Commissioners
Chairman J. M.
R. Mayhan, and
T. D. Love and
J. Neese, Pastor of Fifth Avenue Methodist
for guidance.
Minutes of the Meeting October 20, 1958 Continued
improvement but that a recent examination by Dr. Bruce H. Dorman seemed to
reveal tlzt physical therapy might restore him to partial use of some of his normal
functions by the use of braces. As there are no facilities at the Community Hospital
for this kind of treatment, Pdrs. Sneeden recommends that he be transferred to the
James Walker Niemorial Hospital for a period of thirty to sixty days to determine the
probability of his partial recovery. The braces tivill cost approximately $200.00 in
addition to the increased hospital cost. Mr. Holton moved that Nrs.'Sneeden be author-
ized to move this patient to James Vdalker Memorial Hospital as requested. The motion
rras seconded by Mr. Mayhan and unanimously adonted. '
Nrs. Sneeden called the Board's attention to the fact that some of the re-
cipients who lived in the housing project were being pressed for their rent and even
ejected in some instances, without due regard to the various dates on which they re-
ceived their grants. She seemed to think that the Housing Authorities were a little
impatient in demanding rent before a reasonable effort had been made to determine when
the grants would be received. She mentioned one case in which they were*threatened
with ejection on the 7th of the month. The Chairman suggested that she arrange an in-
terview with the Housing Authority and explain the program in an effort to handle the
problem in a satisfactory manner.
' Pursuant to instructions last week, the Executive Secretary reported that
the hospitals were not free to divulge the records on the alledged mistreatment of
-? George T. Ahrens unless a court subpoena was issued. After some discussion relative
to the best procedure o£ handling, Mr. Mayhan offered a motion that the Executive
Secretary be authorized to write a letter to the foreman of the Grand Jury outlining
the alledged maltreatment reported to them and requested them to instigate an investi-
gation. This motion was seconded by Mr. Holton, and before the question was called,
Mr. Broadhurst oFfered a substitute motion that the Grand Jury not be asked to make
the investigation but that the Commissioners make their own investigation. There was
no second to this motion and the Chairman ruled it dead and when the question was
called on the original motion, Mr. Broadhurst registered a TMNO" vote, but all the
other members of the Board voted 'TYES't so the Chairman ruled it adopted and instructed
the Executive Secretary to proceed.
The Executive Secretary informed the Board that the new boiler for the County
Home which was ordered several weeks ago had been delivered and suggested that a licens-
ed steam fitter be employed to instsll it. Mr. Broadhurst suggested that Parks Super-
visor, Rhoda rarrow, be instructed to install it and a£ter some discussion by other mem-
bers of the Board, Nr. Holton offered a motion that Mr. Farrora install the boiler and
be authorized to employ a steam fitter if he ran into'difficulty and that if the instal-
lation developed an unusual expenditure of money it was to be reported to the Executive
Secretary who would present it to the Board members for further instructions. This
motion was seconded by Mr. Broadhurst and unanimously adopted.
Mr. Williams called attention to the widespread announcement in yesterday's
paper of the new company organized by one of our own citizens, Mr. J. W. M6Watty and
expressed the feeling that it would be desirable to write a letter of commendation to
him for his organizing the S. & G. Prestress Comoany.
He also r.eiminded the Board that just recently another of our citi-
zens had brought favorable publicity to our County because of his having completed a
? l term as president of the National Association of Insurance Agents, Incorporated and it
has reflected the high esteem in which Louie E. Woodbury Jr, is held by hi.s profession
and the contribution resulting from the National publicity.
Mr. Williams then offered a motion which was seconded by Nr. Holton and
unanimously adopted, that the Executive Secretary be authorized to write letters of con-
gratulations and commendations to both of these native citizens.
Upon motion of Mr. Holton, seconded by Mr. Broadhurst, the Board unanimous-
ly voted adjournment:
W.' G. rouck, Executive Secretary
Wilmington, N.C.
The regular weekly meeting of the
was held this day in the Commissioners' Room
Hall, Jr., Commissioners L. E. Broadhurst,
Berry A. Williams, Commissioner-Elect Peter
County Attorney John Bright Hill.
INVOCATION - Chairman Hall asked Reverend W.
Church, to open the meeting with a prayer
New Hanover County Ba3 rd
at 9:30 A. M. PRESENT:
J. E. Holton, Jr., Ernest
H. Braak; County Auditor
October 27,195$
o£ Commissioners
Chairman J. M.
R. Mayhan, and
T. D. Love and
J. Neese, Pastor of Fifth Avenue Methodist
for guidance.
?Ml `
Minutes of the Meeting October 27, 195$ Continued
PETIT JURX - (Continued - Jurors)
L. V. Swann
James B. Hu?-hes
Herbert Lee Young
L. F. Jones
S. H. Aycock
Delmus R. Cherry
W. L. Barnes
Floyd W. Costin
Hoy R. Brown
George P. Clark
K. H. Benson
J. W. Sandlin
0. C. }3aldree
J. W. Andrews
211 Brookwood Ave.
P. o, sox 209
64 Pinecrest Pkwy.
3004 Wayne Drive
2709 Burnett filvd.
2726 Jefferson
115 s. 16th St.
227 Bagley Ave.
9 M. Lake Village
129 Morgan St.
Route j`2, Box 124
2$11 ?^Iri.-htsville Ave
16$ Pinecrest
20$ Mercer Ave.
D4argaret B. Farmer
Richard S. Rogers
John Kefalas,
A. D. Abercrombie
William Mowbray
James Robinson
Swift Boatwright
E. K. Scott
H. L. Henderson
W. C. Bowden, Jr.
Fred L. Kersey
C. L. Pope
Claude T. Gore
Guy C. Pitts
2221 Plaza Drive
°Jo Wilmington Savings
927 Hawthorne Road
20 Pinecrest Terrace
304 Parkway Drive
2725 Washington St.
lk S. 3rd St.
RFD #2, Box 110
17$ Pinecrest Pkwy.
117 h'ayne Drive
201 Central Blvd.
1 West Lake Village
2525 Jackson St.
$4 Pinecrest Pkwy.
& Trust
Upon motion of Mr. Holton, seconded by N1r. Nayhan, the Board unanimously
voted adjourrunent.
. W. G. Houck, Executive Secretary
Wilmington, N.C. November 3, 195$
The regular weekly meeting of the New Hanover County
was held this day at 9;30 A. M. in the Commissionerst Room of t
Vice Chairman J. E. Holton, Jr, Commissioners L. E. Broadhurst,
Berry A. Vdilliams and Commissioner-Elect Peter H. Braak, Countg
County Attorney John Bright Hill.' Chairman J. M. Hall, Jr. was
he was oub=of the city.
Board of Commissioners
Ie Court House. PRESENT:
Ernest R. Mayhan and
Auditor T. D. Love and
unable to attend since
Vice Chairman J. E. Holton Jr. called the meeting to order and asked Rever-
end Horace Hilton, Pastor of the Winter Park Presbyterian Church, to open the meeting
with a prayer for guidance.
Upon motion of Mr. Wil3iams,'seconded by Mr. Mayhan, the minutes of the last
meeting were unanimously approved as written.
A letter was received from Attorney Elbert A. Broti,m in behalf of the John E. r?
E. Wood Electrical Company claiming a balance of $$02.75 due in connection with services
rendered and materials furnished for repairs at the Community Hosptal. This is the same
request that was made on August 25th and referred to the County Attorney who reported
that he had had numerous coriferences with the parties involved and that the Cumber-Moore
Company claims that it is an unjust charge. The Commissioners expressed their convict-
aon thaL- all claims had been settled with the Cumber-P4oore Company when the compromise
agreement was reached. Upon motion.ot Mr: Broadhurst, seconded by Mr. Williams, the
}3oar'd unanimously agreed to decline payment of the bill and instructed the Executive Se-
cretary to notify Attorney Elbert A. Brown to that effect.
' A property owner, by the name of Mabel Mumford, R.N., who lives at 1120 llock -Tcy
Street, was recognized by the Vice Chairman and stated tl? s e bequeathed some property /"
she owned to a church for use as a convent and.t1
imocTnTeek-:,;, ?: :?=c.? it vaas necessary for her to erect a fence
around it for seclusion but that before she had erecL-ed the fence she had discussed tlae
matl:er with the building inspector who in£ormed her that no taxes would accrue on the
property so long as it vaas used for religious purposes. A discussion of the matter de-
veloped the fact that no deeds had ever been made on the property and so far as the re-
cords are concerned, it did not belong to a church and under the North Carolina Statutes
was still subject to taxation. It seems L-hat the misunderstanding occurred because she
contacted a City o£ficial instead oi' a County of£icial and after she understood the situa-
tion, stated that she would immediately take steps to deed the property at once. The
I3oard referred her to the Tax Supervisor.
ELECTION EXPENSES - ' ' ' ' • ' ???+?yi
' Mr. Henry C. Bost, Chairman'of the RTew Hanover County Board of Elections, was
recognized and informed the Coirmissioners that his esLimate included in the Budget 1'or
Election Expenses was inadequate because he had based his amount on the 1956 figures'and Cioll"
overl'ooked the fact that since that'time the State had increased the pay of Elect3on'offi-
cials from $10.00 to yp15.00 a day and the assistants from $7.00 to $10.00 per day'result-
ing in an overall of 50% incrcase which jumped the precinct cost from ti?219.00 to $307.00
per'election. He also'reminded the Commissioners L-hat this County operated under'a Spec-
cial Act tvhich decreed that the oi'ficials should be paid'on the basis of $ hours per'day
or a fraction thereof which meant that this particular election would cost approximai;ely
$1500.00 more than the 1956 one. After a discussion of the matter, Mr. Williams'suggested
i;hat it be re£erred to the County Attorney vrith instructions to report on the Election Lavrs
under which we operat;e wit.h suggestiions or recommendatiions which•might improve Lhe effic-
iency of the operaLions and cut down the cost to'the Gouhty. It seems that there may be