1958-11-03 Regular Meeting?Ml ` Minutes of the Meeting October 27, 195$ Continued PETIT JURX - (Continued - Jurors) L. V. Swann James B. Hu?-hes Herbert Lee Young L. F. Jones S. H. Aycock Delmus R. Cherry W. L. Barnes Floyd W. Costin Hoy R. Brown George P. Clark K. H. Benson J. W. Sandlin 0. C. }3aldree J. W. Andrews 211 Brookwood Ave. P. o, sox 209 64 Pinecrest Pkwy. 3004 Wayne Drive 2709 Burnett filvd. 2726 Jefferson 115 s. 16th St. 227 Bagley Ave. 9 M. Lake Village 129 Morgan St. Route j`2, Box 124 2$11 ?^Iri.-htsville Ave 16$ Pinecrest 20$ Mercer Ave. D4argaret B. Farmer Richard S. Rogers John Kefalas, A. D. Abercrombie William Mowbray James Robinson Swift Boatwright E. K. Scott H. L. Henderson W. C. Bowden, Jr. Fred L. Kersey C. L. Pope Claude T. Gore Guy C. Pitts 2221 Plaza Drive °Jo Wilmington Savings 927 Hawthorne Road 20 Pinecrest Terrace 304 Parkway Drive 2725 Washington St. lk S. 3rd St. RFD #2, Box 110 17$ Pinecrest Pkwy. 117 h'ayne Drive 201 Central Blvd. 1 West Lake Village 2525 Jackson St. $4 Pinecrest Pkwy. & Trust ADJOURNMEIdT - " ' Upon motion of Mr. Holton, seconded by N1r. Nayhan, the Board unanimously voted adjourrunent. . W. G. Houck, Executive Secretary ASSENiBLY Wilmington, N.C. November 3, 195$ The regular weekly meeting of the New Hanover County was held this day at 9;30 A. M. in the Commissionerst Room of t Vice Chairman J. E. Holton, Jr, Commissioners L. E. Broadhurst, Berry A. Vdilliams and Commissioner-Elect Peter H. Braak, Countg County Attorney John Bright Hill.' Chairman J. M. Hall, Jr. was he was oub=of the city. Board of Commissioners Ie Court House. PRESENT: Ernest R. Mayhan and Auditor T. D. Love and unable to attend since INVOCA'I'lON - Vice Chairman J. E. Holton Jr. called the meeting to order and asked Rever- end Horace Hilton, Pastor of the Winter Park Presbyterian Church, to open the meeting with a prayer for guidance. APPROVAL OF THE II4IPIUTES - Upon motion of Mr. Wil3iams,'seconded by Mr. Mayhan, the minutes of the last meeting were unanimously approved as written. UNPAID 13ILL- COIU?'NNITY HOSPITAL A letter was received from Attorney Elbert A. Broti,m in behalf of the John E. r? E. Wood Electrical Company claiming a balance of $$02.75 due in connection with services rendered and materials furnished for repairs at the Community Hosptal. This is the same request that was made on August 25th and referred to the County Attorney who reported that he had had numerous coriferences with the parties involved and that the Cumber-Moore Company claims that it is an unjust charge. The Commissioners expressed their convict- aon thaL- all claims had been settled with the Cumber-P4oore Company when the compromise agreement was reached. Upon motion.ot Mr: Broadhurst, seconded by Mr. Williams, the }3oar'd unanimously agreed to decline payment of the bill and instructed the Executive Se- cretary to notify Attorney Elbert A. Brown to that effect. 'PAX COMIPLAINT - ' A property owner, by the name of Mabel Mumford, R.N., who lives at 1120 llock -Tcy Street, was recognized by the Vice Chairman and stated tl? s e bequeathed some property /" she owned to a church for use as a convent and.t1 imocTnTeek-:,;, ?: :?=c.? it vaas necessary for her to erect a fence around it for seclusion but that before she had erecL-ed the fence she had discussed tlae matl:er with the building inspector who in£ormed her that no taxes would accrue on the property so long as it vaas used for religious purposes. A discussion of the matter de- veloped the fact that no deeds had ever been made on the property and so far as the re- cords are concerned, it did not belong to a church and under the North Carolina Statutes was still subject to taxation. It seems L-hat the misunderstanding occurred because she contacted a City o£ficial instead oi' a County of£icial and after she understood the situa- tion, stated that she would immediately take steps to deed the property at once. The I3oard referred her to the Tax Supervisor. ELECTION EXPENSES - ' ' ' ' • ' ???+?yi ' Mr. Henry C. Bost, Chairman'of the RTew Hanover County Board of Elections, was recognized and informed the Coirmissioners that his esLimate included in the Budget 1'or Election Expenses was inadequate because he had based his amount on the 1956 figures'and Cioll" overl'ooked the fact that since that'time the State had increased the pay of Elect3on'offi- cials from $10.00 to yp15.00 a day and the assistants from $7.00 to $10.00 per day'result- ing in an overall of 50% incrcase which jumped the precinct cost from ti?219.00 to $307.00 per'election. He also'reminded the Commissioners L-hat this County operated under'a Spec- cial Act tvhich decreed that the oi'ficials should be paid'on the basis of $ hours per'day or a fraction thereof which meant that this particular election would cost approximai;ely $1500.00 more than the 1956 one. After a discussion of the matter, Mr. Williams'suggested i;hat it be re£erred to the County Attorney vrith instructions to report on the Election Lavrs under which we operat;e wit.h suggestiions or recommendatiions which•might improve Lhe effic- iency of the operaLions and cut down the cost to'the Gouhty. It seems that there may be J ,? ??? Minutes of the bleeting Nouember 3, 195$ Continued ELECTION EXPENSES - (Continued) some confusion betwecn the State requirements and the stipulations in the' Special Act under which New IIanover County operates. The Election Rules should con- form to both legal requirements. Mr. NIayhan suggested that no appropriation be made i:o the additional funds at this time but that it be deferred until the exact amount ' was determined and then they could appropriate whatever was necessary from the Emer-' gency Fund to meet the need. UTILITY RATES - • • A letter was received from the Carolina Power & Light Company intorming ? the }3oard that they were re-arranging the contract covering the power requirements from small general service Schedule 2B to the large service ScYiedule G-2A. The letter indicated that a request had been made for this and as no member present was familiar taith the difference in the schedules, D4r. Williams offered a motion that the Executive Secretary be directed to investigate the mati;er and -instruct the Power Company not to make any changes in the rates until after the Board was familiar with the different schedules. This motion was seconded by Mr. Mayhan and unanimously adopted. SENCLAND APPROPRIATION - ' D7r. Richard S. Rogers, representing Mr. F. B. Graham of the SENCland Devel- ?? opment Association, appeared before the Board and requested an appropriation of $100.00 ?-? for use of the Industrial Committee. Mr. Williams made a motion LhaL the request be granted and an appropriation of that amount be made from the Industrial Fund. Mr. May- han seconded this motion and it was unanimously adopted. [9ELFARE PETITION I'OR RELIEP -? Mrs. Helen B. Sneeden, Superintendent of Public Vdel£are, presented a Petit- ? ion of Susie Campbell Richardson for County Home care because of senility and illness. ` eT+Ir. Broadhurst made a motion thai;'this Petition be approved, seconded by NIr. Mayhan, and unanimously adopted. CONSOLIllATED BOAItD OF HEALTH - Mr. Broadhurst observed that two or three months ago a letter was received from the Consolidated Board of Health criticizing the County for the operation of their trash dump, stating that it did not meet the minimum sanitary regulations oS the Health llepartment and inferred that unless an improvemeni; was made it iaould be necessary Lo employ vahatever means vras available for remedying it. Iie further remarked that he had I,?p?JClriL made many trips to the County Trash Dump 'since it was turned over to the present opera- tors as well as,to other garbage disposal sites in the County and £ound that instead of being improved iL- appeared to him that they steadily grew worse than L-hey were before. He, therei'ore, o£fered a motion that the Executive Secretary write a letter to the Con- solidated ]3oard of Nealth and ask,.Why no improveir?ents have'been made in any of the trash dumps? Why the County Trash Dump was allowed to become worse? What the intent of the Board was in reference to such improvement? He requests that immediate action be taken to correct the unhealthy condiLions now existing at the several trash dumps in the County. 'Phis motion was seconded by Mr. Mayhan and when the vote was called, Messrs. Ilroadhurst and Mayhan voted "YES". A4r. Williams voted "VO". The Vice Chair- man ruled the motion carried. GROIN RIPRAP PROPOSAL - H. B. Ludlum and Sons propose to furnish 1001b. to 3,000 lb. pieces of rip- ' rap £or the purpose of building groins at the northern end of Carolina }3each at a price of y?3.90 per ton'in place. He also advised that he had approximately 250 tons of riprap in 20 ton pieces.which he would put in place for $6.50 per ton and stated that if the County decided to place the materials after it was delivered to the Beach, 50¢ per ton could be deducted from those figures. The Executive 5ecretary informed the Board that he had been in conference with Colonel J. B. NiacCumber, Civil Defense Director,.and after studying the provisions of the law (PL $75); it is concluded that the CounL-y is entitled to Emergency Relief money or equipment. Upon investigation with the Civil Defense author- ?E?rn?-?ities in Raleigh they referred the matter to Regional Headquarters in Thomasville, Georgia, el?'Q' 4 which also agree that the County is entitledto Rehabilitation Funds to repair the beach erosion damage caused by Ilurricane Helene. IIe suggested that the proposal by Phr. Ludlum be kept in mind but no action taken until it is determined what funds are available thro.ugh the Civil Defense 0£fice. VETERANtS SERVICE OF'FICE - The monthly report of the Veterants Service 0£fice vaas received showing total awards amounting to $7,610.£31 for the month of October and ordered for information. PETIT JURY- The following good and lawful persons were selected to serve as Jurors in LYie trial of Civil cases for the weeks beginning November 17th and November 24th. Jurors'for the trial of Civil cases- November 17th H. S. Hale Rt./il Castle I-Iayne,N.C. Robert L. May 4003 Park Ave. A. R. Bunn 249 Pinecrest Pkwy. W. L. Fox 1$0$ Church St. W. K. Ilobbs 2230 NIetts Ave. S. A. Wahl 515 Forest E3ills Dr. D. C. IQorth, Jr:3 C. Oleander Apts. W. L. Pfarks' 225 S. 17th St. H. A. Olsen 2509 Adams St. W. T. Hall, Sr. 1715 Orange St. M. D. Danford 5523 V7rightsville Ave. E. P. James ' 2532 Van Iiuren St. R. F. Hall, Jr. 410 S. 19th St. L'd.. R. Jones, Sr.'710 Wynick Dr,Wrights.Beach J. E. Grady 2859 S. Front St. W. P. Turlcett 116 Colonial Circle F. R. Sasser. 3921 S. rront St. W. L. Barnes 115 S. 16th St. H. S. Hufham 55 Pinecrest Pkwy. William J. Sigmon' 217 N. 22nd St. A. LV. I'arrow,Sr. 11 R4ontgomery Ave. W. L. Anderson 2309 Princess St. Rd. Lindsey E. Ward 420 N. 41st St. Robert Joyce ' 21 W. Henderson St.Wrights.Bch Thad 0. V]alker,Jr. 915a Liveoalc Pkwy. John J. Eal:ins 50 Lee Drive - Bill Grainger 1$ S. Lake Village J. H. Sweeney 1920 Nun St. R.M. Roberts 4936 Oleander Drive J. P. Mewborn 506 Northern Blvd. E. W. Robinson $27 Windsor llrive , D. L. Futrelle,Jr. 440$ Wrightsville Ave. E. P. Blanchard 3316 Market St. Buford C. Keene 1705 Princess St. \ J ?o z Minutes of the Meeting IQovember 3, 195$ Continued PETIT JURY - (Continued) Jurors - continued LeRoy Brown G. T. Musselman Eugene D. Pridgen L. W. I3ordeaux Herbert T. Fisher Barry Eubanks lloris V. Vdesthrook Oscar L. Bradshava Box 62,Castle Hayne,N.C 2116 iviarket St. 124 Arlington 3623 S. Front 5t. 2$0$ Princess Place Dr. $ Shearwater,Wrightsv.Beach 2715 Van Buren St. 402 N. 23rd St. ' W.E. Ifiarrington Herbert J. Johnston j+Iilliam Charles Hall Christian Arthur Hansen Harry McD. Coleman Clayton E. Mcrayden Clarence R. Ldilliamw James Rutland, Sr. RFD #3, Box 145 3615 Market St. 212 Virginia Ave. Apt.D -2$70Jefferson 2859 Adams St. % P'oy Roe Company 510 Sunset Ave. 4$ Nercer Ave. Jurors for the week beginning November 24th - Civil Cases T. W. Cobb 305 N. 43rd St. 0. A. Hall 29 Kenwood Ave. J. E. Hall 4601 Wrightsville Ave. Oline E. Hall 201$ Pender Ave. 0. A. Smith 115 Gordon Road J. W. Lewis 1501 Ann St. ` E. J. Hale, Sr. 603 Rosemont Ave. J. H. Corbett 212 Forest Road Carroll W. Hahn 607 Rosemont Ave. T. J. Cress 4104 Oleander Drive J. B. Davis 1911 Nun St. y ? 9 R. E. Hayes 1130 Live Pkwy. 0ak John A. Lewis 5 B. Lake Village , R. N. Getty - 1909 Nun St. Dennis R. Ward 322 Calhoun Drive - E. W. Manning 190$ Church St. G. C. Seaton 202 Adelaide Drive L. H. Matthews 409 S. 4th St. W. R. Peterson 206 S. 46th St. , E. H. Schulken 2031 Chestnut St. S. G. Highsmith 2704,Market St. George A.Morgan , 1301 Azalea Drive Kenneth P. Winstead62 Lee Drive Thomas E. Glemmons 1704 Church St. A. D. Harris S. E. Buxton W. L. Godley R. E. Becker, W. M. Brinson . Raymond R. Hall , Joe M. Tilley Adrain R. Verzaal G. W. Powell Dan 0. Hansley . Aorace R. Gore Samuel L. Collins, Jr. J. H. Tienken B. P. Kennedy D. W. Everett Robert C. Confer Wm.G. Broadfoot F. L. Harrington Daniel E. Todd Jr. Edward,A. Gaskins L. W. Tovmsend Earl C. Huband, Jr. Wm. Thomas Barber Tommie Rivenbark Theresa Augusta Hooper $32 Forest Hills Dr. 2006 S. Front St. 1305 Virginia Ave. 20$ N. Blvd. 119 Dock St. , . 2521 Van Buren St. 2$5$ Adams St. 107 Newton Lane RFD #3, Box 327 100 VirginiaAve. 111 Mercer Ave. 10$ Meares St. 1513 Ann St. 4921 Pine St. % Wilder Realty Co. 2513 Jefferson St. P. 0. sox 90$ 1507 Ann St. 67 Pinecrest ' 307 Greenfield 40$ S. 16th St. 425 Rosemont 232 Lake Forest 123 Castle Hayne Rd. 311 S. 3rd St. ADJOURNMENT - Upon motion of Mr. Mayhan, seconded by Mr. Broadhurst, the Board unanimously moved adjournment. r Secretary C r , Wilmington, N. C. November 10,1958 ASSEMBLY - The New Hanover County Board of Gommissioners held their regul:ar weekly meeting , this day at'9:30 A. M. in the Commissioners' Room of the Court House. PRESENT: Chairman J. M. Hall, Jr; Commissioners L. E. Broadhurst, J. E. Holton, Jr., Ernest R. Mayhan, and Berry A. Williams, Commissioner-Elect Peter H. Braak, County Auditor T. D. I,ove and Coun- 'ty ty Attorney John Bright Hill. ' INVOCATION' - ' Chairman Hall called the meeting to order and asked the Executive Secretary to open the meeting iwith prayer. Reverend W. B. Lewis, Pastor of Shiloh Baptist Church fail- ed to appear as scheduled. , APPRDVAL OF THE MINUTES - ' Upon motion of N1r. Williams, seconded by Mr. Mayhan, the minutes of the last meeting were unanimously approned as written. ' ELECTION E%PENSES ' Mr. Henry C. Bost, Chairman of the New Hano'ver County Board of Elections report-I ed that the Election costs were considerably less than he had anticipated because of the £act that the vote was so small the precinct tivorkars were able to finish their work without running into a 3rd day. He explained that last week when he advised the Board that some of the Registraxa had received a full dayfs pay for less than an hours work because the books were kept open more than'$ hours, he had overlooked the fact that the Registrars were requir- ed to keep the Books open for three Saturdays be#'ore the Election as well as register voters at their homes whenever requested and that actually in getting paid for-the £ew minutes over the $ hour day, they were being compensated for the 3 vaeeks work before,the Election. The invoices covering the Election costs were presented and verified bp the°Board, after which Mr. Holton offered a motion that the pxesent bills be paid and that a letter be written?to Messrs. Hewlett and Yow requesting them to seek nullification of the Special Act under which New Hanover County holds its Elections and place this County back under°the General Election laws as enacted in Chapter 581 bp the 1937 Legislature. The motion,was'seconded by'Mr. Wil- liams and unanimously adopted. The County Attorney will write the letters suggested. BEACH EROSION Mr. Richard A. Shew was recogn3zed by `the Chairman and statecl that he would like ? to call their attention to a recent experience in the preservation and rehabilitation of beach erosion. He has lived on Wrightsville Beach and observed the devastation o' the Beach by Hurricanes as well as rip tides. As an emergency measure, he and soma o his I