1958-12-01 Regular Meeting n4inuLes.•of the Meeting November 24, 1958 Continued AIRPORT TRAFFIC REGULATIONS - Airport Manager John A. Westbrook informed the Board that beginning January ? lst, 1959 all aircraft will be required to have an operative receiver during the hours ? between sunrise and sunset and between sunset and sunrise all aircraft will be re- quired to have an operative two-way radio. No action was necessary on this item. DRAINAGE REQUEST - A letter was received fr.om the Oleander Company requesting dragline drain- age work at the intersection of Hawthorne Road and Merritt 5treet. Their recommenda- tion is that a drainage canal be opened Eastwardly through Merritt Street and then extending Southwardly along the rear o£ the existing houses on Hawthorne Road. They expressed a willingness to give rights-of-way £or this project and by common consent, the Board authorized the Executive Secretary to handle this request with the Drainage Committee since it-was inside-the Wilmington City Limits. REPORTS FOR FILING AND REVIEWING - • I ?,$Rn (1) Changing in Status Reports of Welfare Recipients • a .x (2) Check for $15,067.95 from the State Privilege License and Beverage T Division, given to the County Auditor (3) Consolidated Board of Health Report. N? n WELFARE LIEN - The Gounty Attorney infCr,nai the Board that he had- been requested by James H. Berry to clear,up a lien•on some property deeded to him by his father, Julius R. Berry, located in Block 7, Lots $ and 9 in Foxtown. He stated that the father had received from the Wel£are Department $2,592.$$ in Old Age Benefits which automatically created a lien on the property in that amount. The Revaluation Appraisers valued the property ? at $1950.00 which makes the Tax Assessment $975.00. The County Tax Assesser has in- spected the property and°placed a valuation o£ $1250.00 -$1400.00 on it. It was the opinion of the County Attorney that James H. Berry would take the chance o£ allow- ing it to be sold £or taxes rather than pay the lien against it hoping that &t the sale, he would be able to purchase it at a more reasonable figure. The County Attorney was, instructed to confer with the claimant, the Tax Assesser and the Welfare Department in an effort to bring a recommendation back to the B4ard next Monday. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business brought up be£ore the Board, Mr. Mayhan made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Mr. Broadhurst, and unanimously adopted by the Board, who adjourned to meet after the swearing in ceremony at the first Monday meet- ing in December and not at their regular scheduled meeting at 9:30 A. M. : / ! . ?- , , /W./G. Houck, Executive Secretary Wilmington, N. C. December 1, 1958 ASSEMBLY - ' The week]y meeting of the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners was held this day in the Commissioners' Room at 10:30 A. M. The delay was necessary because of the administering of the oath of office to Mr. J. M. Hall, Jr. and Mr. Peter H. Braak. PRESERT: Chaisman J. N. Hall, Jr., Commissioners L. E. Broadhurst, E. R. Mayhan, J. E. Holton, Jr. and Berry A. Williams, Peter H. Braak, County Auditor, T. D. Love and County Attorney John Bright Hill. INVOCATION - Chairman J. M. Hall, Jr. called the meeting to order and asked Dr. L. A. Taylor, Executive Secretary of the Wilmington Presbytery, to open the meeting with a prayer for guidance. REORGANIZATION - Corrmii.ssioners James M. Ha1J., Jr, and Peter H: Hraak, elected County Commissioners at the General Election held November 4, 195$ for four year terms, having qualified by taking the oath of office before the Honorable Walter J. Bone, Superior Court Judge presiding, the Board proceeded to reorganize „ ' , "PP C, Chairman - Nir. Williams placed in nomination the name of James E. Holton for Chairman of the Board £or the year 195$-$9. The nomination was seconded by Mr. Broadhurst and as there was no further nominations.the bhairman put the question and Mr. Holton was unanimously chosen Chairman. Vice-Chairman - Mr. Broadhurst then of£ered a motion' that Peter H. Braak be named Vice Chairman for the 1958-1959 year. This motion was seconded by'Mr. Williams and unanimously adopted. Chairman Hall, after expressing his appreciation for the cooperation he had received £rom the members of the Board during his term as Chairman presented the gavel to the newly elected Chair- man James E. Aolton, Jr. who addressed the Board in appreciation of the confidence placed in him and pledged his best efforts to continue to work with the Board in an endeavor to do a good job. Courity Attorney - Mr.Broadhurst offered a motion that John Bright Hi11 be reappointed as County,Attorney £or the ensuing year.,'This motion was seconded by Mr. Hall and unanimously carried. Administrative Policies - Mr. Williams offered a motion that the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners adopt the County Manager form o£ Government as provided in North Carolina Statutes 153-20. This motion did not receive a second and, therefore, was ruled dead by the Chair- man. Mr.Hroadhurst then oFfered a motion that the Board continue its administrative policies with the Chairman as Presiding Officer and that W. G. Houck be reappointed the Clerk-Executive Secretary to carry out and administer the policies set by the Board asias been the practice in the past ye"ar. This motion was seconded by Mr. Braak and unanimously adopted: ` C i ? k 3 C Minutes of the Meeting December 1, 1958 Continued APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES - The minutes of the last.meeting having been previously mailed to each member of the Board ? were upon motion of Mr. Broadhurst, seconded.by Mr. Hall,: : unanimously approved as written. CERTIFICATE OF AWARD - Chairman Holton then presented Mr. Mayhan with a Certificate of Award in appreciation of the faithfulness of his service to the Commission as a valued member of the Board, after which Mr. Mayhan, the retiring member of the Board, made the following statements: " I want to take this opportunity to express my sincere appreciation to ny many friends who supported me in seeking the office of County Commissioner and who stood behind me during my term of office. Many of you have taken time to discuss with me various problems and gave me advice that has been inval- uable to me in rW actions as County Commissioner.. It has been rqp i.ntentions and I have at all times made every effort to act in the best interest o£ the people of New Hanover County. To my fellow Commissioners I want to assure you that it has been a pleasure to have had the opportunity to serve with you and to get to lmow you as I have. I appreciate the £act that we did not always see things under the same light, but I feel sure that each of you have always acted to the best of your ability according to your thinking. However, I am sure that each of you feel as I do that you have received an education serving in your capacity. I am delighted to have been a member of such a body. To Mr. Peter H. Braak, I offer rrW congratulations and hope that his associaLion will be as pleasant and will mean as much to him as mine has to me. I also wish to express rU appreciation to the County Clerk, Attorney,Auditor and other elect- ed officials and the many employees of the County for the splendid job they did and the cooperation that they gave me during my term of office. I can assure each of you that the past four years are go- ing to be among ffV most pleasant memories. " /S/ Ernest R. Mayhan nr,ilnliuv Utinttulxiu - ?' 9, . • - Mr. Williams observed that each of the Commissioners are called upon from time to ti.me to re- present the County in various capacities, however, it was always necessary for i;he Chairman of the Board to contribute considerably more of his time.and effort to the discharge of County business.than the other members, therefore he would like to move that the retiring Chairman J. M. Hall., Jr. be commended £or the fine job he had done during his term.as Chairman. This motion was seconded by Mr. Broadhurst and unani- mously adopted by the Board. RETIRING SHERIFF In recognition of his long and faithful service to the citizens of New Hanover County, Marvin ? B. Register, who is retiring from 26 years of public office was summoned by Chaisman Iiolton and presented a Certificate in aclmowledgement of his personal effort and contribution to the progress and growth of Nex Hanover County. The Sheriff thanked the Board for theis thoughtfulness.and assured them that it had been a pleasure to work with them over the past years. WILMINGTON COLLEGE BONDS - A written request from the Secretary to the Board o£ Trustees of Wilmi.ngton College support-, ing the verbal request made today by Dr. J. T. Hoggard, a member of the Board, for the sale of $600,000.00 ?-? in Bonds voted by the citizens, was received and upon motion of Mr. Broadhurst, seconded by Messrs. Hall and Williams, the Board unanimously ordered the sale of the Wilmington College Bonds in conjunction with the Board oF Education Bonds making a total issue of $1,150,000.00 at this time. ? Bond Term - County Auditor T. D. I.ove presented two plans for consideration of the Local Gov- ? ernment Conmi.ssion £or the amortization and retirement of the Bonds, one covering a period of 20 years at 3.7% interest and the other for a period of 25 years at 4.25% interest. Mr. Love recorranended the short term plan. Mr. Hall then offered a motion that the short term schedule be recommended to the Local Governnent Commission. This was seconded by Mr. lJi7.liams and unanimously approved. AIRPORT GROUND TRANSPORTATION - ? Pursuant to instructions by the Board last week, the Airport Coimnittee reported that their in- ? vestigation revealed that at the time the original,three year contract ?aas made for transporting air- passengers to their destinations, it was the understandi.ng that if no notice of change was given by either part,y it was to continueWgyie also explained that one requixement was that it be given to someone already in business and that twn„radio service be provided. The present operators are requesting a renewal o£ this contract with the proviso that they can terminate the services of their limousine and substitute adequate taxis. Mr. Broadhurst offered a motion that the request for the present contract renexal be granted along with the change requested provided adequate taxi service _&OFm? was always on hand. This motion was seconded by Mr. Hall and unanimously adopted. TAX C01eLAINT - J A property owner by the name o£ John W. Hales of 222 Page Avenue stated that on January 9th, 1958 his home which had been returned for taxes on January lst burned but that he had been billed for the year's taxes. The Chairman requested an opinion from the County Attorney on this situation and was advised that under North Carolina law, all property possessed as of January lst of the taxable pear was taxable £or that year regardless, unless there is a change in the present law the Commissioners have no authority for abating any taxes under these circumstances. The property owner remaxked he understood the present law but thought it unfair and hoped that his complaint might bring about an amendment that would alleviate this unfair practice £or £uture citizens. ' CSC AUDIT - C?? Clerk of Superior Court, Foster Edwards, informed the Board that the audit of the Public Funds in his care had been completed and that if the Board wished to review it today, he would be glad to sub- mit it but in view of the delay caused by some memhers having to take their oath of office he would pre- sent it at the next meeting provided they approved. The Board, by common consent, agreed that the Clerk of Court could make his report next Monday. A 733 3 8 Minutes of the Meeting December l, 1958 Continued WELFARE DEPARTMENT YETITION - Pursuant to a request of Mrs. Helen B. Sneeden, Superintendent of Public Welfare, for the removal of a paraplegic by the name of John Paul Lewis from Community Hospital to James Walker Memorial Hospital on October 20, 1958, she reported that pk?ysical therapy had resulted in a partial use of his body and that with crutches he was able to get around and that Dr. Dorman was very much encouraged with the progress he had made and hoped that a few more treatments would enable him to be.sufficiently ambulatory for his safe removal to the County Home for recouperation. Mrs. Sneeden presented a Petition for re].ief of Lester Wesley Gai.ney because of senile arterio- sclerosis and recommended that he be accepted at the County Home for care. Mr. Aall moved that the re- quest be granted. It was seconded by Mr. Broadhurst and unanimously adopted. Christmas Donations - Mrs. Sneeden reminded the Board that on October 6th, they had appro- priated $125.00 to provide Christmas Gifts for New Hanover County citizens now in State Institutions and the number was so large that it seemed that an additional appropriation may be in order so that each might receive a suitable remembrance, however, the Board decided that the appropriation already made was the limit and instructed Mrs. Sneeden, the Welfare Superintendent, to distribute it on a pro rata basis. Good News - Nirs. Sneeden informed the Board that she did have one bit of good news in that the Federal Government was notJ using a different formula that would reduce the County's participation in -? Old Age Assistance from 1/6 to 1/8 and that she hoped that this new system would prove so beneficial that we could extend our assistance on a wider scope and maybe have sorne funds left over in the appropria- tlOIl. SATURDAY PARKING - Pursuant to the request last week of Mrs. T. D. Love, Executive Secretary of the Wi]1nington Merchants Association, Mr. Hall ofFered a motion, seconded by Mr. Williams, that the request be approved for Saturda Parkin b Christmas sho ers for the month of December on y g y. pp 7,y and that the parking be under the supervision of the Court House custodian and instructed the Executive Secretary to write the Merchantsf ?-? Association to that effect and that a sign be placed at the entrance informing people that the privilege was granted for "Parking on Saturdays Only". This motion was unanimously adopted. DRAINAGE - A letter was received from Henry Weyers,owner of property north of and parallel to Bonham Ave- nue through which a drainage ditch now cuts 7 lots in half so that they are not saleable and he requested ? the County to consider cutting a new ditch on the north line of his property into the same canal to which ? it nota drains. He asserts that by doing this the County will receive approximately $75,000 worth of new taxable property and at the same time cut the maintenance cost of the drainage ditch because it wi11 short- en the length of it by approximately 300 £eet. IIpon motion of Mr. Hall, seconded by Mr. Braak, the Facecu- tive Secretary iaas instructed to refer it to the Drainage Committee for investigation and recommendation. Mrs. J. T. Uick - A Petition requesting culverts under Hinton Avenue to carry water into Hew- lett's Creek was received from Mrs. J. T. 4ick and a group of adjacent property owners. This problem has been reviewed on previous occasions by a committee from the Board of Commissioners who determined at the time of their investigation that a drainage ditch was provided for her property at the time improvements xere made by the State Highway Commission on Hinton and Park Avenue but that she had seen fit to close the ditch and showed no inclination to reopen it. By cormnon consent of the Board, the Executive Secre- tar,y was instructed to write Mrs. Vick and inform her that until she was willing to reopen the means pro- vid'ed for drainage they would not look with favor on her request for this work. CAA CONFERENCE - A.letter was received £rom the District Airport Engineer of the Civil Aeronautic Administration informing the Board that a representative would arrive in Wilmington on Friday, December 5, 1958 around 3:00 P.M. for the purpose of ineeting yrith Aixport officials and making an inspection of the Airport facil- ities. The Chairman polled the Board and £ound that each of them could fulfill such an appointment and instructed the Executive Secretary to write Mr. William W. Johnson Jr. and inform him that they would be glad to meet this appointment. ROAD IMPROVEMENTS - A letter was received from the State Highway Department informing the Board that the following ?p-/b,?, p:ojects had recently been placed under construction: U,(lp?? - 1- Surfacing with curb and gutter on US 421 in Wilmington from KentuclSy Avenue to a point southeast of Shipyard-47inter Park Road. 2- Resurfacing on US 74 and 76 from east end of Inland Waterway Bridge to west end of Banks Channel Bridge. In addition, the.following projects were authorized: 1- Improvements and revisions in the system streets in and around the Wilmington area are being studied by our Advance Planning Department. 2- The construction of a new bridge over the Inland Waterwa,y with revisions at Carolina Beach and right-of-k*ay acquisition northward on US 421 to junction of NC 132 is now being studied. PENSION APPROPRIATION - County Auditor T. D. Love presented a request for an additional appropriation amounting to r} $116.30 as a result of a Board of Education employee being pensioned. Mr. Hall moved that $116.30 be -?l/l'j?_KKC.P_ appropriated from the Emergency Fund to the School Pension Fund covering Knoxie H. Pete of Castle Hayne ,,;py? from September 1, 1958 through the balance of this Fiscal Year. The motion was seconded by Mr. Broad- ? hurst and unanimously adopted. SURVEY AND PLANNING COMNNUTTEE - Nir. Williams was recognized by the Chairman and remarked that in his opinion a co7mnittee ? was needed composed of inembers of of£icial governing bodies of the organized nnmicipalities and com- munities along with the County Commissioners to study highway needs and problems affecting the roads ? an the County as a whole to determine the priority of needs and proposals of the State Highway Commiss- ?Jr?,,,LO ion. He further observed that New Hanover County did not receive any funds for secondary roads during the last allocation. Mr.ldilliams offered a motion that a County Planning Committee be organized and that each of the respective governing bodies in each political subdivision or organized comtmznity be requested to appoint a member to this committee. This motion was seconded by Mr. Broadhurst but bofore L. Minutes of the PSeeting December 1, 195$ Continued SURpEY AND PLANIQING CON[[d,UTTEE = (Continued) the vote was taken, Mr. Broadhurst remarked that it was his understanding that the State Highway Commission had made it very clear that they would on],y deal directly with the County Commission- ers and that he would pre£er some time to study the situation. By corrmion consent of the Board, a de- cision was delayed until the meeting o£ December 15th at which time the Ececutive Secretary was in- structed to place the matter on the Agenda. INSPECTION COMMIITTEE - , Mr, i,lilliams called attention to the action of the Board at their meeting last Monday in approvi.ng an appropriation for an additional tank truck at the request of the South Wilmington Rural Fire Department and pointed out that before such a request should be presented that the equipment must be inspected by the Rural Fire Inspection Conunittee. He further observed th'at the contract stipulated monthly inspections certified to the Auditor before the regular monthly checks could be sent out. Mr. Hall remarked that'he could see nothi.ng improper by the action of the Board last rreek and offered a motion that the appropriation be withheld until after the equipment was inspected and certified by the inspection committee. This motion was seconded by Mr. Broadhurst and unanimously adopted. COMMITTEE APPOINTMEPITS - buring the discussion of the above subject, Afr. Peter H. Braak was suggested for appointment as a member of the Fire Inspection Committee and after some discussion, Mr. Hall offered a motion that the Chairman be allotaed to name his orm appointments to the Cormnittees. The motion was seconded by NIr. Broadhurst, and unanimous7y adopted. ? C 2''?^ T A 07"?'9...r_ GAVEL PRESENTATION - Mr. Broadhurst observed that since PZr. F?all was retiring as Chairman, he would like to offer ? D'?''' a motion that the gaVel with which he had presided be presented to him and that i;he E?cecutive Secretary be authori2ed to have a band put on it with a suitable inscription. This motion rras seconded by Mr. Braak with the amendment that.the cost of the band'be borne by the individual members of the Commiss- ion and not- paid for by the County. This motion with the amendment was unanimously approved. REPORTS FOR FILIIQG - (a) Annual Narrative Report of County Ektension Agents, including Farm Agent, Home Agent and Negro Home Agent. (b) Veterans' Service (c) Institute o£ Government-'s Legislative Service Report (d) Farm Census Survey-Educational Training Program ADJOURNMENT - There being no further business presented before the Board, Ns. Hall moved adjournment, seconded by Mr. Broadhurst and unanimously adopted. / W. --0" -. Wilmington, N.C. December 8,1958 ASSEMBLY The regular weekly meeting of the New Hanover County Board of CommiQsionerer.a was held this day in the Commissioners' Room of the Court Houae at9:30 A. M. PRESENT: Chairman J. E. Holton, Jr „ Commisaionera L. E. Broadhurat, Peter H. Braak, J. M. Hall, Jr., and Berry A. LtiTilliams, Coiznty Auditor T. D. Love and County Attorney John Bright Hill. ' INVOCATION - Chairman Holton called the meeting to order and asked Reverend John R. MacKin- non, Pastor of the First Prewbyterian Church, to open the meeting with a pr¢yer for guidance, ' I APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES - Before any action was taken on approval of the minutes of laet week's meeting, the Executive Secretary requeated the Board to approve the £ollowing correctiona and amendments: Under the Paragraph headed Reorganization the wording was changed'from a "motion" offered by Mr. Williams to "nomination" and that "ae no further nominat3 ona were received Mr. Holton was unanimou=ly elected Chairman" and under the Paragraph head- 7 ed Survev and Planning Comnittee after the word4 "last allocation" and before "Mr. Broad- ? hur•t remarked", the following amendment ehould be inserted; "Mr. Williama offered a ?,.motion that a Countp Planning Corrnnittee be organized and that each.of the reapective gov- erning bodies of each political aubdiviaion or organized community be requeeted to appoint a repreeentative to thi= comittee. The motion was aeconded by Nir. Broadhurwt but be£ore the vote was taken". Mr.•Hall then o£fered a motion that the amended minutes be approv- ed and it was aeconded by Mr. Braak and unanimously adopted. CSC REPORT Mr. Foster Edwards, Clerk of Superior Court, reported that an audit of the public fund• under his care totaled $143,842.83 and the following property was depoeit- ed in safe deposit lock box 473, Wachovia-Bank and Truet Company, Wilmington, North Carolina in name of the Clerk of Superior Court: - One platinum bracelet with 53 small diamonda by Roland DeHaven, Administrator C.T.A., Estate of Sarah Cowan DeHaven, for Beth Troy, minor. One gold-band diamond ring by PeopleQ Savinge Bank and Trust Company, noVr Wachovia Bank and Truet Company, Admini.trator of the Estate of Nms. Jeaee Shanda Shoe- maker, for Horace T. King, Jr. United Statea Government Bonde, Seriea E. total maturity value $675.00 in name o£ Joseph L. Aehley, Jr., minor; and United States Government Bonda, Seri.ea E. total maturity value $1,775.00 in name of Dorothy Louise Ashley, minor. 22 Full paid ehares Carolina Savinge and Loan value $2,200.00 in name of Nary C. Bradehaw, Incompetent. ' ' Continued- : i, , 'A