1958-12-08 Regular Meeting Minutes of the PSeeting December 1, 195$ Continued SURpEY AND PLANIQING CON[[d,UTTEE = (Continued) the vote was taken, Mr. Broadhurst remarked that it was his understanding that the State Highway Commission had made it very clear that they would on],y deal directly with the County Commission- ers and that he would pre£er some time to study the situation. By corrmion consent of the Board, a de- cision was delayed until the meeting o£ December 15th at which time the Ececutive Secretary was in- structed to place the matter on the Agenda. INSPECTION COMMIITTEE - , Mr, i,lilliams called attention to the action of the Board at their meeting last Monday in approvi.ng an appropriation for an additional tank truck at the request of the South Wilmington Rural Fire Department and pointed out that before such a request should be presented that the equipment must be inspected by the Rural Fire Inspection Conunittee. He further observed th'at the contract stipulated monthly inspections certified to the Auditor before the regular monthly checks could be sent out. Mr. Hall remarked that'he could see nothi.ng improper by the action of the Board last rreek and offered a motion that the appropriation be withheld until after the equipment was inspected and certified by the inspection committee. This motion was seconded by Mr. Broadhurst and unanimously adopted. COMMITTEE APPOINTMEPITS - buring the discussion of the above subject, Afr. Peter H. Braak was suggested for appointment as a member of the Fire Inspection Committee and after some discussion, Mr. Hall offered a motion that the Chairman be allotaed to name his orm appointments to the Cormnittees. The motion was seconded by NIr. Broadhurst, and unanimous7y adopted. ? C 2''?^ T A 07"?'9...r_ GAVEL PRESENTATION - Mr. Broadhurst observed that since PZr. F?all was retiring as Chairman, he would like to offer ? D'?''' a motion that the gaVel with which he had presided be presented to him and that i;he E?cecutive Secretary be authori2ed to have a band put on it with a suitable inscription. This motion rras seconded by Mr. Braak with the amendment that.the cost of the band'be borne by the individual members of the Commiss- ion and not- paid for by the County. This motion with the amendment was unanimously approved. REPORTS FOR FILIIQG - (a) Annual Narrative Report of County Ektension Agents, including Farm Agent, Home Agent and Negro Home Agent. (b) Veterans' Service (c) Institute o£ Government-'s Legislative Service Report (d) Farm Census Survey-Educational Training Program ADJOURNMENT - There being no further business presented before the Board, Ns. Hall moved adjournment, seconded by Mr. Broadhurst and unanimously adopted. / W. --0" -. Wilmington, N.C. December 8,1958 ASSEMBLY The regular weekly meeting of the New Hanover County Board of CommiQsionerer.a was held this day in the Commissioners' Room of the Court Houae at9:30 A. M. PRESENT: Chairman J. E. Holton, Jr „ Commisaionera L. E. Broadhurat, Peter H. Braak, J. M. Hall, Jr., and Berry A. LtiTilliams, Coiznty Auditor T. D. Love and County Attorney John Bright Hill. ' INVOCATION - Chairman Holton called the meeting to order and asked Reverend John R. MacKin- non, Pastor of the First Prewbyterian Church, to open the meeting with a pr¢yer for guidance, ' I APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES - Before any action was taken on approval of the minutes of laet week's meeting, the Executive Secretary requeated the Board to approve the £ollowing correctiona and amendments: Under the Paragraph headed Reorganization the wording was changed'from a "motion" offered by Mr. Williams to "nomination" and that "ae no further nominat3 ona were received Mr. Holton was unanimou=ly elected Chairman" and under the Paragraph head- 7 ed Survev and Planning Comnittee after the word4 "last allocation" and before "Mr. Broad- ? hur•t remarked", the following amendment ehould be inserted; "Mr. Williama offered a ?,.motion that a Countp Planning Corrnnittee be organized and that each.of the reapective gov- erning bodies of each political aubdiviaion or organized community be requeeted to appoint a repreeentative to thi= comittee. The motion was aeconded by Nir. Broadhurwt but be£ore the vote was taken". Mr.•Hall then o£fered a motion that the amended minutes be approv- ed and it was aeconded by Mr. Braak and unanimously adopted. CSC REPORT Mr. Foster Edwards, Clerk of Superior Court, reported that an audit of the public fund• under his care totaled $143,842.83 and the following property was depoeit- ed in safe deposit lock box 473, Wachovia-Bank and Truet Company, Wilmington, North Carolina in name of the Clerk of Superior Court: - One platinum bracelet with 53 small diamonda by Roland DeHaven, Administrator C.T.A., Estate of Sarah Cowan DeHaven, for Beth Troy, minor. One gold-band diamond ring by PeopleQ Savinge Bank and Trust Company, noVr Wachovia Bank and Truet Company, Admini.trator of the Estate of Nms. Jeaee Shanda Shoe- maker, for Horace T. King, Jr. United Statea Government Bonde, Seriea E. total maturity value $675.00 in name o£ Joseph L. Aehley, Jr., minor; and United States Government Bonda, Seri.ea E. total maturity value $1,775.00 in name of Dorothy Louise Ashley, minor. 22 Full paid ehares Carolina Savinge and Loan value $2,200.00 in name of Nary C. Bradehaw, Incompetent. ' ' Continued- : i, , 'A Minutes of the Meeting December 8, 1958 Continued CSC REPORT - (Continued) 41 F'ull paid ahares Carolina Savings and Loan Aeaociation valued at $4,100.00; 5 War Bonds, Series Q. maturity value $125,00• one War Bond, Series L, maturity value $50.00: two Savinga Bonda,maturity value $500.00 each; One 3eriea E Bond, maturity value $100.00; 116 Sharea Queen Coach Company, maturity value $5,916.00; 40 Sharea General Realty Ineurance Company, maturity value $1,534.4.0, all in name of Nancy Rowland, minor. He stated that the audit had been approved by County Auditor T. D. Love and Superior Court Judge Clifton L. Moore. Upon motion of Mr. Hall, saconded by Mr. Williame, the report was received and unanimously approved for signature and ordered publieh- ed as required by North Carolina law. NACO REPORT - Mr. Berry A. Williama reported that after recently attending the Mid- - U7inter Sesaion in Asheville of the National Association of County Officiala he was more convinced trian ever that local government was the gras• roota of all govern- ment and that while he learned much that would effect County governing bodies the main eeQeions which he attended were chiefly concerned with the Department of Public Welfare as he was appointed to the Idational Committee to study that •ubject. Among other things he found that Public Grants are made to the States on the basis of their ability to pay and contrarp to the usually accepted opinions he found aome Statee re- ceiving higher grants than others. Coneiderable emphasis waR placed on the value of a good County Mapping Program and the recognized need for such a sy4tem was stresaed in their deliberations. He also learned that the Federal Government would participate in Civil De£enae Programa on a 50-50 baQis. BUILDING IIZSPECTOR Mr. Peter H. Braak a1=o attended the Mid-GTinter aeaaion of NACO and report- ed that he had attended the sessione wherein County Planning was diacuQsed. He re- riarked that the County Coranissioners were empowered to create a Planning Board through Legielative Act, Chapter 153-0, subeection 40,whoQe duty it would be to make a care- ful etudy of re•ources, possibilities, and needs of the County, particularly with res- pect to conditions which may be injurioua to the public welfare and to make plans for the development of tha County. He made it clear that he did not coneider this as a Zoning Board as Mr. Holton and Mr. Hall reminded the Board that thia question was dis- cussed about 2 years ago and delegations from the County overwhelmingly protested auch a cor ittee, most of them it aeemed were willi.ng to have such a Board to tell others whatLa?guld or should not do but none aeemed to want it to apply to their own case. Definite action on this eubject wae delayed until next Monday to give some of the Com- mipsioners time to study the matter and consider what cource of action should be follow- ad for the best interest of the County. Another subject Mr. Braak covered was the oppoaition by the State and Nation- a1.A ssociation to Federal participation in aid to schools. The Chairman complimented Neasrs. Braak and 4Tilliams for their in1'ormative report and expressed a strong conviction for a County Planning Board and in oppoai- ? tion to Federal Aid to echools. Mr. Hall offered a motion that the Board go on record as opposing any Federal Aid to.schools and that our Federal and State Repreaentativea , be in£ormed of'their feeling in this matter. The motion was aeconded by I4r. Williams and unanimously approved. GRAND NRY REPORT - A copy of the Grand Jury's Report to hia honor, Walter J. Bone presiding ?a in the December 1958 Criminal Term of Superior Court was received showing that 64 Witnesaes had been examined and 58 True Bills returned. The J'uetice• of the Peace Reporte and 47arrante were checked and'found in order. An inQpection was made of the County Schoola and the recorrunendations forwarded to the Consolidated Board of Educa- tion. They aleo inspected the County Home wfiich they found in fair condition but recom- mended a fewmi?or maintenance repaira be done. ^ Attorney John C. Wessell Jr. was recognized by the Chairman at thi• point and =tated that he would like to make a few remarka pleading for cuahione for the chairs in the Grand Jury Room as recommended in the October 1958 Grand Jury report. Mr. Hall.offered a motion, eeconded by Mr. Braak, that the recozrmiendation of the Grand Jury's-October report with reference to cuahione for the Grand Jury Room chaira be granted. Th3.e motion waa unanimouely approved. REVALIIATION APPEAL _ Pursuant to previoue inetructions, the County Attorney, John Bright Hill, reported that he and the Tax Supervisor had conferred with Cole-Layen-Trumble Company repreeentativea and "attorneye for the Schloea Estate Corporation and the J. & S. In- veatment Company with reference to an amicable agreement on their property. The orig- inal valuat4on placed on the J. &._S. Innestment Compan propert?* amounted to $129,000.00 which resulted in an aeaeeament for tax purpoaes of $6},500.00 He a1=o atated that since the original inapection of the premises, additional informat4on had come to light auch as cost figurea that tirere not originally available that caused them to be willing to reduce the naluation to$90,000.00 reeulting in a tax asQe•ement of $45,000.00 He said that they were not able to reach an amicable agraement with the Schloae Eatate Corporation attorneys and he recommended that the Board approve the new valuation agreed to by the Cole-Layer-T.rumble Company,. Mr,.Hall remarked "that"if'"the Cole- Layer-Trumble,Company were willing to compromi:e?" 3ust `t'o'keep from appearing before .tHe": State Board oi' Aesesamente •to? juetify thei'r value's; -' he personally could not- approve- :of.- it, .that during.the°.time, they eat as a Board of Equalization and Review the Qame type arguments were made by other property owners of aimilar buildinge and that they were told that just becauee they had gotten a bargain was no reason the vaules were not inherent in the property and it did not aeem to him that there should be as wide a margin in the original appraisal a• in this reviaed recommendation. Mr. Williame ask- ed if the appraieal on thia building was not baeed on the =ame formula as on all simi- lar buildings. Tax Supervi•or Love remarked that the Commiasionere had gone along with the Cole-Layer-Trumble Company on their revised apprai•a1Q in the past and a3nce they had recommended thie adjustment, he was inclined to think they ehould approve thia recommendation. Mr. Williame offered a motion, eeconded by Mr. Braak, thet no action ? ' \ 34 1 Minutes o£ the Meeting December 8, 1958 Continued REVALT7ATION APPEAL - (Continued) I be taken on thia proposed compromiae but that it be allowed to go before the State Board of Aseessmente in Raleigh a= echeduled. The motion waa unanimously approv- ed. In discuesing the attendance, it developed that it did not =uit any of the Com- miesioners to go but they thought they ehould be represented at such a hearing and Mr. Holton agreed that he would make a apecial effort to attend in the event it was not continued. It appeared that;;at least one of the complainante would requeet a contin- uanco and the Board agreed that the other ahould also so that both complainte could r..?' be heard at the sa¢ne time. ::there wae a posaibility that TAX LISTERS - The Tax Supervieor preaented the following liet of namea as Tax Liaters for the coming January in the variou4 townships: WILMINGTON TOWNSHIP: Mr. W. P. Toon Mrs. N. L. Wallace Mr. G. T. Swain Mr. J. L. Gholson Mr. J. T. Morris Mr. H. S. King CAPE FEAR TOZVNSAIP: Mra. George W. Wilkins 520 Princess St. 507 N. 23rd St. 60£3 Orange St. 1510 Dock St. 107 Wrighteville Ave. 114 S. Sth St. Route #1 FEDERAL POINT: Carolina Beach, Kure Beach, N.C. Mra. James H. Myatt Carolina Beach MASONBORO T04JNSHIP: Mrs. George W. Melton Jr.Route # 2, Box 161 HARNETT TOWNSHIP:# 1 Mra. John C.Leeuwenburg 3407 Wilshire Blvd. WRIGHTSVILLE BEACH - HARNETT TOWNSHIP # 1 Mr. W. F. King 4803 Wright•nille Ave. HARNETT TOWNSHIP # 2 Nf`rs. Sally Best Middle.Sound, RFD #1 Wilmington, N.C. n n u n i n n n n n Castle Hayne, N.C. N. C. Wilmington, N. C. n n n n it n Mr. Williams offered a motion, eeconded by Nr. Hall, that the liat be approved as eub- mitted and that the Qame procedure be followed as laet year, i.e., the firat two weeks of the month the listere will remain in their respective townehipa but for the laet two weeke of the month all tax listing will be done in the Court Houae and that liat- ing begin on January 2, 1959 and end on January 31, 1959. This motion was unanimously adopted. • PaY - The Tax Supervieor had been made.by the li4ters for the and con discuasion among the members the pay for Tax Listers this year be at 8:30 A. M. and end at 5:30 P. M., be g.ranted. This motion was second& again reminded the Coimnisaioners that a request same pay as Election officiale. After some pro of the Board on thia subject, Mr. Hall moved that $12.50 for an 8 hour day and that the day begin six days per week;and that no extansion of time ' 9 bq Mr. Braak and unanimously adopted. INSOLVENT TAXES - Mr. Williams remarked that he was concerned vent Taxea and •uggeated that the Tax Collector ahould activity. After some discussion, Mr. Williams offered Mr. Hall that the Tax Collector be requeated to make a solvent taxes by next Monday, December 15th and render time. This motion waa unanimoualy approved. ? about the collection of Inaol- -T,</ submit a weekly report on this a motion which was aeconded by report on hie collection of in- a monthly report aftar that STIIDENT GOVERNMENT DAY - ..?--- Mr. Cyrus D. Gurganua, Asaistant Principal of New Hanover High School, re- quested approval of County participation in Student Government Day to be held on May 7, 1959 in order that plane could be formulated to that end. Mr. Williams o£fered a mo- tion, aeconded by Mr. Hall, that we go along with this program and thie motion wa• unani- mously adopted by the Board. • CIVIL DEFENSE DISASTER REPORT The Executive Secretary reported that Henry Von Oeeen:and Aseociatea were in the proces= of making application for Federal Assi=tance in the Rehabilitation of the ??'W_pfl? Hurricane Helene damage with particular reference to the northern end of Carolina Beach which received the brunt of the disastrou• wind and waves. Mr. Williams reported that H. B. Ludlum and 5ons had sufficient landing mate which could be ueed for trucks in hauling the neceesary riprap acro4a the sanda for building the proposed groins and that they also could furnish the riprap. COM2TTEES - The Chairman addressed the Board and explained that it was hie recommenda- tion that aIl matters pertaining to the operation of the County pass ovar the deak of the Executive Secrotary and be handled £rom his office. He then proceeded to appoint the £ollowing atanding coimnittee4. 1- Airport, Mr. Holton and Mr. Hall 2- County Farm and Home, Mr. Broadhuret and P'ir. Braak 3- Rural Fire Department Inspection Corrmiittee, Mr. Williams 4- Community Hospital Director, Nr. Braak 5- Chamber of Commerce Advertiaing Coirmiittee, Mr. Broadhurst 6- State Highwsy Coimnittee, Mr. Williams 7- SENCBA Advertising Coimnittee, Mr.Broadhurst 8- Cormnittee o£ 100, Mr. Hall • 9- Rivers and Harbor=, Nlr.. Williams . ' 10- SENCBA Board of Directore, I1r. Williams continued- ,?`y?,'?""'? ( P?e7n-ryi?e?`- A C ) tJ* 4 6' ? Minutes of the Meeting December 8, 1958 Continued COMMITTEES - The Chairman then observed that the Board had previously approved periodic quarterly inapectione of County properties and auggested that the Executive Secretary include them on the Agenda but not give previous notice to the department to be vi- 9?v?a? sited. He instructed the Executive Secretary to noti£y the various organizations concerned with the•e appointmente. ? REPORT FOR FILING - The monthly report of the Wilmington Public Library was received for in- formation and £i ling. ADJOIIRNMENT - There being no further bueineea to be brought before the Board, Mr. Hall moved adjournment, eeconded by Mr. Williams, and unanimouely adopted. W. G. Houck, Executive Secrtary Wilmington, N.C. December 15,1958 ASSEMBLY The regular weekly meeting of the New Aanover County Board of Commieaioners wae held on this day in the Cgzmni•sionerst Room of the Court Houee at 9:30 A. M. PRESENT: Chairman J. E. Holton, Jr., Coimnissioners L. E. Broadhurst, J. M. Hall, Jr., Peter H. Braak and Serry A. Williame, 'County Auditor T. D. Love and County Attorney John Bright Hill. INVOCATION - The Chairman called the maeting to order and asked Reverend James L. Pollard, Pastor of Southaide Baptist Church, to invoke the Divine Presence through prayer. APPROVAL OF TfE MINUTES - Upon motion of Mr. Hall, aeconded by Mr. Broadhur•t, the m3nutee of the laet meeting were unanimously approved as written. WELFARE LIEN - Pursuant to inatructione issued at the meeting on November 24th, County Attorney John Bright Hill reported that the family of J. H. Berry were not yet in poei- tion to make an offer for satisfying the Lien placed on his property because of Old Age Assista.nce but that he would continue his efforts to secure a cash offer and a time payment offer of $25.00 per month. , HIGHWAY SIIRVE7C AND PLANNING C0I4riITTEE - Pur=uant to the agreement to defer action on the motion o£ N?r. Williame made on December lat with reference to a Road Survey and Planning Committee, the Board entered into a further diecuaeion of thie matter which revealed that other governing bodies within the County look with favor on such a committee and that their dutiea would be to familiarize themaelvea with roade in New Hanover County and to work with and adviae the Cosruniesioners and any other group seeking the poesibilities for better- ment of road ayateme in the County. Thie would not take away anq authority from the ? Coimnivsioners as the duty of the corrmiittee would be to exerciQe their convictiona by pereuaeion and recoimnendations. Nir. Broadhurst reiterated hia former opinion that Qince the State Highway Department had declared their intention• to deal only mith the Cozmniesioners, he could •ee no advantage in having thia committee,and when the vote . was taken he voted egainet the motion. The Chairman exprecaed the opinion that he did not want to see the Board become top heavy with the mechanice of cperation but •ince the Board had approned Mr. Williams' motion he inatructed the Executive Secretary to get out letter4 to the governing bodies of the municipalities in the County and re- quest the name of one of their membere for appointment to the Committee by the Board of-G)unty Comiseioners. TAX COLLECTOR'IS AUDIT - t J. B. McCabe and Company aubmitted theirao?ithe Conaolidated Tax Office _?. and recommended that in caaea where tase= are abated for more than one year by a single abatement atatement that the amounts to be abated be itemized by yeare. It is further recommended that no taxes be listed under the heading "Not Listed" unlesa the not listed penalty appliea. County Auditor Love .=uggested that the Board approve the itemized list of abatements monthly in the future. INSOLVENT TAXES - Tax Collector Sam W. Johnson submitted hia tax report for NovBmber as follows and,in addition,a progress report on Ineolvent Pereonal Property Taxee collect- ed since September 1958 which •howed that he had collected a total of $3,229.13. NEW HANOVER COUNTY STATEMENT OF TAX COLLECTIONS - NOVEMBER. 1958 sack Tax Totai 1957 1956 1955 1954 Open July 1, 1958 111,470. 91 48o477.29 232537 .41{ 12,826.04 9, 252. 70 CollectionQ-July- Nov. 16.622.73 9,130.38 4.859.87 1.675.22 624.39 91+,848•18 39,346•91 18,677.57 11,150.82 1953 5,464.11 207.94 5,256.17 Prior 11,913•33 124.93 i1,788.40 8,628.31 continued- ? L,