1958-12-15 Regular MeetingC ) tJ* 4 6' ? Minutes of the Meeting December 8, 1958 Continued COMMITTEES - The Chairman then observed that the Board had previously approved periodic quarterly inapectione of County properties and auggested that the Executive Secretary include them on the Agenda but not give previous notice to the department to be vi- 9?v?a? sited. He instructed the Executive Secretary to noti£y the various organizations concerned with the•e appointmente. ? REPORT FOR FILING - The monthly report of the Wilmington Public Library was received for in- formation and £i ling. ADJOIIRNMENT - There being no further bueineea to be brought before the Board, Mr. Hall moved adjournment, eeconded by Mr. Williams, and unanimouely adopted. W. G. Houck, Executive Secrtary Wilmington, N.C. December 15,1958 ASSEMBLY The regular weekly meeting of the New Aanover County Board of Commieaioners wae held on this day in the Cgzmni•sionerst Room of the Court Houee at 9:30 A. M. PRESENT: Chairman J. E. Holton, Jr., Coimnissioners L. E. Broadhurst, J. M. Hall, Jr., Peter H. Braak and Serry A. Williame, 'County Auditor T. D. Love and County Attorney John Bright Hill. INVOCATION - The Chairman called the maeting to order and asked Reverend James L. Pollard, Pastor of Southaide Baptist Church, to invoke the Divine Presence through prayer. APPROVAL OF TfE MINUTES - Upon motion of Mr. Hall, aeconded by Mr. Broadhur•t, the m3nutee of the laet meeting were unanimously approved as written. WELFARE LIEN - Pursuant to inatructione issued at the meeting on November 24th, County Attorney John Bright Hill reported that the family of J. H. Berry were not yet in poei- tion to make an offer for satisfying the Lien placed on his property because of Old Age Assista.nce but that he would continue his efforts to secure a cash offer and a time payment offer of $25.00 per month. , HIGHWAY SIIRVE7C AND PLANNING C0I4riITTEE - Pur=uant to the agreement to defer action on the motion o£ N?r. Williame made on December lat with reference to a Road Survey and Planning Committee, the Board entered into a further diecuaeion of thie matter which revealed that other governing bodies within the County look with favor on such a committee and that their dutiea would be to familiarize themaelvea with roade in New Hanover County and to work with and adviae the Cosruniesioners and any other group seeking the poesibilities for better- ment of road ayateme in the County. Thie would not take away anq authority from the ? Coimnivsioners as the duty of the corrmiittee would be to exerciQe their convictiona by pereuaeion and recoimnendations. Nir. Broadhurst reiterated hia former opinion that Qince the State Highway Department had declared their intention• to deal only mith the Cozmniesioners, he could •ee no advantage in having thia committee,and when the vote . was taken he voted egainet the motion. The Chairman exprecaed the opinion that he did not want to see the Board become top heavy with the mechanice of cperation but •ince the Board had approned Mr. Williams' motion he inatructed the Executive Secretary to get out letter4 to the governing bodies of the municipalities in the County and re- quest the name of one of their membere for appointment to the Committee by the Board of-G)unty Comiseioners. TAX COLLECTOR'IS AUDIT - t J. B. McCabe and Company aubmitted theirao?ithe Conaolidated Tax Office _?. and recommended that in caaea where tase= are abated for more than one year by a single abatement atatement that the amounts to be abated be itemized by yeare. It is further recommended that no taxes be listed under the heading "Not Listed" unlesa the not listed penalty appliea. County Auditor Love .=uggested that the Board approve the itemized list of abatements monthly in the future. INSOLVENT TAXES - Tax Collector Sam W. Johnson submitted hia tax report for NovBmber as follows and,in addition,a progress report on Ineolvent Pereonal Property Taxee collect- ed since September 1958 which •howed that he had collected a total of $3,229.13. NEW HANOVER COUNTY STATEMENT OF TAX COLLECTIONS - NOVEMBER. 1958 sack Tax Totai 1957 1956 1955 1954 Open July 1, 1958 111,470. 91 48o477.29 232537 .41{ 12,826.04 9, 252. 70 CollectionQ-July- Nov. 16.622.73 9,130.38 4.859.87 1.675.22 624.39 91+,848•18 39,346•91 18,677.57 11,150.82 1953 5,464.11 207.94 5,256.17 Prior 11,913•33 124.93 i1,788.40 8,628.31 continued- ? L, e3 4 ?.?? Minutea of tha Meeting December 15, 1958 Continued INSOLVENT TAXES - (Continued) 1958 Tax - REAL AND PERSONAL Added in October (Auditor) 19690 Added in November (Auditor) 2,tf t}5 2,331.72 1,695,291.60 Prepaymente (County October Collectiona November " October Abatements November Abatement• Balance December Auditor) 428,807.31 (Tax collectos)368,158•83 286, 842. 20 743.57 627.60 1; 1958 1,085.179.51 610,112.09 /S/ NEW HANOVER COUNTY DELINQUENT PERSONAL PROPERTY TAX Prev. Reported 2,244.22 1,824.60 354.08 48.24 Oct., November, Part December 984.91 923.62 50.15 11.12 Tota1= 3p2201.13 2,748.22 404.23 59. 38 Sam W. Johneon Tax Collector 17.30 17.30 Dated December 12, 1958 /S/ Sam W. Johneon Tax Collector Considerable discuseion grew out of a review of the Insolvent Tax List which revealed a large number of the aame people appearing year after year for the past four year= as the recorda were compared. Mr. Williame remarked that the law afforda the Tax Collector plenty of authority to bear down sufficiently to collect eome of tYr'se back taxee and auggested that the Tax Collector be inatructed to use every legal meane to enforce payment and that he did not think that the names should be listed until after all legal meana for collection had been exhausted. The County Auditor, T. D. Love, inf'ormed tha Board that ae high as 40f of those Iieting personal tax never paid. Mr. Williame then offered a motion that the Executive Secretary write a letter to the Tax Collector assuring him that the Board will back him up in uaing every legal meana to enforce payment of all delinquent personal taxes and that he begin to take immediate atepa, with full authority of hia office in their collection, aleo that in the future, names of firme and indivi!dua1= who are not insolvent not be included on the In=olvent Li=t. The motion wa• eeconded by Ntr. Braak and unanimously adopted. APPROPRIATION 0 The Executive Secretary informed the Board that one-half of the coQt of guarding the care of those taking the cruises through the port of Wilmington amounted to $1+31.50 and that the Board appropriated $400.00 for that purpose and requested an additional appronal for the $31.50. Upon motion of Mr. Hall, Qeconded by Mr. Broad- hurst, the Board approved payment of the bill for the additional $31.50. Mr. Y7illiams voted against the motion. PUMP DONATION The Executive Secretary called the Boardts attention to the fact that the ? City of Wilihi.ngton had recently donated to the County a Deming Pump which has been e? uaed at Legion Stadium. The Chairman remarked that it wae a very fine gesture of coop- eration and inetructed the Executive Secretary to write a letter expreaeing their appre- ciation for the very nice gift. WATER LINE EXTENSION Pureuant to a joint agreement approved July 30th by the New Hanover County Board of Conunisaioners and the Wilmington City Council for the joint extension of a Ley,ti ? 12" Water Main along North 23rd Street to the new Lace Plant, the City Engineer eub-. '"- mitted plana and epecifications for the project. T3ie advertieement on thia pro3ect appeared in the Wilmington Morning Star, Tueaday, December 9, 1958 and the bidQ are to be received and opened jointly by the County and City on December 19th at 10:00 A.N. In addition to the advertieement in the local paper, a copy was mailed to 58 State Contractors who ord3narily bid on th3s type work. The Chairman informed the Executive Secretary to notify the Board on the morning of December 19th reminding them that,bida would be received and con'tracts awarded. WELFARE STATUS CHANGES - ' ' --? f Mrs. Helen B. Sneeden, Superintendent of Public Welfare, submitted the noti- ?6v-' ? fication of atatus change of Welfare recipiente for the month of November 1958 which, were reviewed by the Board and ordered £iled for inf'ormation.* ASSISTANT DISTRTCT SOLICTOR ;4'Y?N,b-34- Solicitor John J. Burney Jr. was recognized by the Chairman and informed the Board that under North Carolina law it wae the duty of the Coimniaeionera to appoint an Aawiatant Solicitor. He nominated and recommended'that the incumbent W. Al1en Cobb be reappointed for the year 1959. Upon motion of P'ir. Williama, seconded by Mr. Hall, the Board unanimously approved thia appointment and made Mr. Cobb Aasietant Solicitor for 1959. -A Ninutes of the Neeting December 15, 1958 INSTITUTE OF GOVERNMENT Notice was received from the Institute of Government informing the Board that a School for Clerk4 of Superior Court and Sheriffs' Departmente would be con- ducted in Chapel Hill beginning December 28th and ending December 31et. The Board unanimously expressed themselnea as being in favor of the Clerk of Superior Court and the Sheriff of New Hanover County attending the School in Chapel Hill. HIIRRICANE DAMAGE APPLICATION - Henrp Von Oesen and Associates requested the following Reaolution for the purpose of expediting the application for Federal Aid on Hurricane Helane damage: RESOLUTION ADOPTED BY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS? NEW HANOVER COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA Upon motion of L. E. Broadhur4t, aeconded by Berry A. Williams, it is hereby ordened that J. E. Holton, Jr., Chairman, ae the Agent for eaid County, is hereby author3zed and empowered to sign and execute all papera and documents which may be proper and necessary in connection with the re- quest to the Office of Civil and Defense Mobilization and/ or the State of North Carolina for financial and other aeQietance in thia County, grow- out of and in connaction with Hurricane Helene of September, 1958, and the acta of said peraon in aaid behalf are in all respects validated, approved and confirmed. The authorized signature of said person appears upon the copy of thia Resolution, which is the signature of the Chairman of aaid County. /S/ J. E. Holton, Jr, Chairman, Net,r Hanover Board of Cozmniasioners The undersigned,' W. G. Houck, Executive Secretary of the County of New Hanover hereby certii'ies that the foregoing ie a true copy of the Resolution of the Board of County Commissioners at a meeting duly called and held on the 15th day of December, 1958 . /S/ W. G. Houck County Clerk RECORD PLAYER GIFT - TY?e Chairman informed the Board that he had received a letter from the Southeaetern Radio Supply Company of Raleigh, North Carolina offering to donate an / automatic phonograph to our County Home for the Aged. He further stated that arrange- ments had been made to make thie presentation at the dinner hour of 5:00 o'clock this afternoon and he urged all Commisaioners to be present but streaaed hia request for the attendance of the County Home Conunittee. The Executive Secretary was inatructed to write the donora and thank them for thia fine geeture for our County Home residente. COUNTY PLANIVING BOARD - • The unfinished discussion on the above eubject carried over from December ? 8th meeting was reQumed and each of the Commiasioners expressed their opinions which reQulted in a motion by Nr. Braak, seconded by Mr. Williams, that the Chairman appoint a five member Planning Board to act as a Public Relation• Committee ae well ae to formu- late some rules and regulations which might be recomnended for preventing injurioua actions of individusl• which may not be to the beat intereet of the development of the potential resources of the County. During the diacuasion of the motion, Nir. Braak observed that in his opinion he thought expert advice should be eought before recom- mending any definite regulations. Mr. Hall ob=erved that he thought it would be well to have a State Agency, familiar with that type aurvey, come in and make recoxrunendation• as outlined in Chapter 153-9 Subsection 40. The question was called and unanimously adopted. The Chairman requested that each of the Corruniwaionere submit at least two names ae nominations for •erving on this Board aometime between noto and January sth for hia consideration in making these appointmente. PFlt'1P JURY In the procese of drawing the Jury, the following names were drawn but re- moved from the Jury Box becausa they wer e definitely deceased: J. J. Allen, 410 Nun Street; J. Ernest Cheek, 105 Brookwood Aveuue; E. Schulken, 222 N. 4th Street, Dennie S. Southerland, RFD #2, Box 145, 4lilming ton, North Carolina. The following good and lawful persons were selected to eerve as Jurore in the trial of Criminal cases for the week beginning January 12, 1959. 'Sv?i?v, Jurors for trial of Crixninal Cases beginninrz Januarv 12, 1959 U R. S. Cox 115 S. 17th St. Walter E. Blue Jr. 120 S. 3rd St. A. N. Shew 1103 Azalea Drive W. W. Johnaon 1012 S. 5th St. S. C. Hill 15 Summitt Walk H. N. Hayden, Jr. RFD 2, Box 46 Wm. A. King 2860 Adams St. Ned H. Davis 4112 Dock St. G. C. Hines RFD#2, Box 140 B. R. Merrick 2301'Belvidero Dr. A. A. Saffo 249 N. Front St. Henry T. King 55 Spof£ord R. D. Waddell 15 N. 7'th St. E. A. McFayden 129 Wayne Dr. Edward H. Hi11 102 Morningaide Dr. James E. Furr, Jr. 116 W. Renovah Circle P. T. Turner RFD #3, Box 603 Sig Goodman P. 0. Box 225 H. R. Geddie 111 S. 4th St. N. A. Merritt, Jr. 4804 Maple Ave. William E. Hufham 5413 Park Ave. Frank Kurka 16 Brookwood-Ave. Continued- , `it 4.?\ Ninutes of the Neeting, December 15, 1958 PET2T JtiRY - (Continued) , B. T. Graham 1(} S. 7th St. A. L. Wooten 134 Colonial Village H. L. Darden 609 Thoma4 Ave. C. E. Dillon 2124 K1ein Road W. H. Buddin 2719 Harrison St. David Long RFD #2, Box 192 C.L. Bradham 19 Nesbitt Courts Joseph L.Maultsby RFD #3, Box 208 Mareden W. Gore 412 Central Blvd. Sidney Abrams 1320 Chestnut St. LeRoy Stokley 5 K Lake Village Richard F. Allen 24 Summitt Walk Raymond A11en 10 West Drive Wesley J. Henry 221 N. 22nd St. Th0Stla.S E. HOd$98 331 rt: 219t St. - A.. L. Southerland RFD #1, Box 278 Frank D. Bellamy 816 S. 17th St. Edward G. Lilly Jr .10 E Oleander Apta. Andrew L. Johnaon Brookwood Ave. Continued Joe W. Johnson Owen L. Pettit James H. Hobb4 Alclen' C. Davis Harry E. Shaw, Jr. Clifton Brock Gene Ray Autry Carlyle W. Bloome Nester L. [dallace Alfred L. Carter William T. Godbold Herbert F. Milliken Norwood Rivenbark John C. McDaniel Ernest K. Leonard Jr. Corinne M. Green Pender P. Durham Clyde HenderQon Horace S. Blanton 1705 orange St. 5803 Wrightsville Ave. 2615 G7rightev3.lle Ave. 4706 Park Ave. 73 Lee Drive 202 Huntington Road 12 s. 8th St. 602 Central Blvd. 507 N. 23rd st. 1738 Orange St. 219 Pinecreat Pkwy. 113 Greenville Ave. 2723 Monroe St, 2712 Oleander Dr. 310 N. 5th Sts 204 Borden Ave. 1021 Hawthorne Rd. 113 Vance St. 3905 Cherry Ave. REPORTB FOR FILING - The £ollowing monthly reports were received and ordered filed: (a) Farm Agent (b) Wilmington Colored Library ADJOURNMENT - There being no further businese to be preaented before the Board, Mr. Williama moved adjournment, aeconded by Mr. Brask, and unanimously adopted. W. G. Houck, Executive SPECIAL JOINT MEETING l Citv Council Chambers Municipal BuildinR 10:00 A. M. December 19,1958 ASSE1?'IBLY - Pursuant to notice by Chairman J. E. Holton, Jr. at the regular meeting Monday, the Board aasembled in the Council Chambers of the Municipal Building today at 10:00Am. with the following members present: Chairman James E. Holton, Jr., Commiesionera James N. Hall, Jr, and Berry A. Williams along with County Attorney John Bright Hill and Mayor J. E. L. Wade and Councilmen E. S. Cappa Jr., W. Ronald Lane and City Attorney Cicero P. Yow. ' CONVETJTION - Mayor J. E. L. Wade acted as Chairman for the Joint N:eeting and announced that the purpose for the meeting wae to open bids and award contracta for the construct- ion of a 12" Water Main along North 23rd Street to the new Lace Plant being conatructed. He requeated the Citq Clerk to read the advertipement ae published in the paper and dietributed to contractors. He then a•ked the City Purchasi.ng Agent to open and read the bids submitted by intereated contractors. A£ter the bida were read, Council- man Lane moved that the figures be turned over to the Clerka and City Ehgineer for can- vassing and checking the extensions. This motion waa seconded by Commisaioner Williams and unanimoualy adopted. They reported the three lowest bids Qubmitted out of the eight bid4 read were as followe: 1- L. R. Arm•trong, Wilmington, N.C. $1}8,I}58.22 alternate bid - 47,908.72 2- Feulkner & Wallace, Kineton, N.C. $48,340.40 alternate bid - 47,846.10 'r- C ?- 3- Hanover Construction Co.,U7ilmington, N.C. $46,818.10 alternate bid -_ 46:323•55 After discussing the proposed bida, it was found that the City would pay $25,617.41 and the County'a part $20,706.14. Commiesioner Williame offered a motion that the contract be awarded to tha Hanover Conatruction Company on the baais of their being the lowest bidder. This motion was Geconded by CouncYlman Lane and unanimoualy , approved by the foint Boarde. The Chairman then requested each body to ratify this joint action by separate votes, and both bodier separately, unanimouqly approved the awarding of the contract as above. ADJOURNMENT - The Chairman a.nnounced that the purpoee £or which the meeting was callad had been accomplished and there being no further bueinesa declared the meeting adjournea. W. G. Nouck, Executiv?Secretary 'A