1958-12-19 Special Meeting`it 4.?\ Ninutes of the Neeting, December 15, 1958 PET2T JtiRY - (Continued) , B. T. Graham 1(} S. 7th St. A. L. Wooten 134 Colonial Village H. L. Darden 609 Thoma4 Ave. C. E. Dillon 2124 K1ein Road W. H. Buddin 2719 Harrison St. David Long RFD #2, Box 192 C.L. Bradham 19 Nesbitt Courts Joseph L.Maultsby RFD #3, Box 208 Mareden W. Gore 412 Central Blvd. Sidney Abrams 1320 Chestnut St. LeRoy Stokley 5 K Lake Village Richard F. Allen 24 Summitt Walk Raymond A11en 10 West Drive Wesley J. Henry 221 N. 22nd St. Th0Stla.S E. HOd$98 331 rt: 219t St. - A.. L. Southerland RFD #1, Box 278 Frank D. Bellamy 816 S. 17th St. Edward G. Lilly Jr .10 E Oleander Apta. Andrew L. Johnaon Brookwood Ave. Continued Joe W. Johnson Owen L. Pettit James H. Hobb4 Alclen' C. Davis Harry E. Shaw, Jr. Clifton Brock Gene Ray Autry Carlyle W. Bloome Nester L. [dallace Alfred L. Carter William T. Godbold Herbert F. Milliken Norwood Rivenbark John C. McDaniel Ernest K. Leonard Jr. Corinne M. Green Pender P. Durham Clyde HenderQon Horace S. Blanton 1705 orange St. 5803 Wrightsville Ave. 2615 G7rightev3.lle Ave. 4706 Park Ave. 73 Lee Drive 202 Huntington Road 12 s. 8th St. 602 Central Blvd. 507 N. 23rd st. 1738 Orange St. 219 Pinecreat Pkwy. 113 Greenville Ave. 2723 Monroe St, 2712 Oleander Dr. 310 N. 5th Sts 204 Borden Ave. 1021 Hawthorne Rd. 113 Vance St. 3905 Cherry Ave. REPORTB FOR FILING - The £ollowing monthly reports were received and ordered filed: (a) Farm Agent (b) Wilmington Colored Library ADJOURNMENT - There being no further businese to be preaented before the Board, Mr. Williama moved adjournment, aeconded by Mr. Brask, and unanimously adopted. W. G. Houck, Executive SPECIAL JOINT MEETING l Citv Council Chambers Municipal BuildinR 10:00 A. M. December 19,1958 ASSE1?'IBLY - Pursuant to notice by Chairman J. E. Holton, Jr. at the regular meeting Monday, the Board aasembled in the Council Chambers of the Municipal Building today at 10:00Am. with the following members present: Chairman James E. Holton, Jr., Commiesionera James N. Hall, Jr, and Berry A. Williams along with County Attorney John Bright Hill and Mayor J. E. L. Wade and Councilmen E. S. Cappa Jr., W. Ronald Lane and City Attorney Cicero P. Yow. ' CONVETJTION - Mayor J. E. L. Wade acted as Chairman for the Joint N:eeting and announced that the purpose for the meeting wae to open bids and award contracta for the construct- ion of a 12" Water Main along North 23rd Street to the new Lace Plant being conatructed. He requeated the Citq Clerk to read the advertipement ae published in the paper and dietributed to contractors. He then a•ked the City Purchasi.ng Agent to open and read the bids submitted by intereated contractors. A£ter the bida were read, Council- man Lane moved that the figures be turned over to the Clerka and City Ehgineer for can- vassing and checking the extensions. This motion waa seconded by Commisaioner Williams and unanimoualy adopted. They reported the three lowest bids Qubmitted out of the eight bid4 read were as followe: 1- L. R. Arm•trong, Wilmington, N.C. $1}8,I}58.22 alternate bid - 47,908.72 2- Feulkner & Wallace, Kineton, N.C. $48,340.40 alternate bid - 47,846.10 'r- C ?- 3- Hanover Construction Co.,U7ilmington, N.C. $46,818.10 alternate bid -_ 46:323•55 After discussing the proposed bida, it was found that the City would pay $25,617.41 and the County'a part $20,706.14. Commiesioner Williame offered a motion that the contract be awarded to tha Hanover Conatruction Company on the baais of their being the lowest bidder. This motion was Geconded by CouncYlman Lane and unanimoualy , approved by the foint Boarde. The Chairman then requested each body to ratify this joint action by separate votes, and both bodier separately, unanimouqly approved the awarding of the contract as above. ADJOURNMENT - The Chairman a.nnounced that the purpoee £or which the meeting was callad had been accomplished and there being no further bueinesa declared the meeting adjournea. W. G. Nouck, Executiv?Secretary 'A