1958-12-22 Regular Meetingr6 i. i ?Ji ? December 22, 1958 Wilmington,N.C fn? ? C' 0 ` ASSEMBLY - The regular weakly meeting of the New Hanover County Board of Comnisaioners was held thie day at 9:30 A. M. in the Cormnissioners Room of the Court House. PRESENT: Chairman J. E. Holton, Jr., Commisaioners Peter H. Braak, J. M. Hall, Jr., and ' Berry A. Williama, County Au3itor'T. D. Love, and County Attorney John Bright Hill. Mr. Broadhurst was out of town and unable to attend the meeting. INVOCATION - ' Chairman Holton called the meeting to order and aeked Mr. Foster Edwards, Clerk of Superior bourt, to invoke the Divine Presence through prayer. Reverend S. J. Starnea, Paator of Sunset Park Methodist Church, was unable to attend the meeting as scheduled.. APPROVAL OF TFIE MINUTES - ' The Executive Secretary called the Boardte attention to the fact that under the Paragraph headed Appropriation and in the motion by Mr. Hall, seconded by Mr. Broadhurst, the word 'unanimously" should be deleted and after that •entence, inaert "Mr. Williams voted againet the motion". Under the Paragraph headed Inatitute of Government in the qentence in which the Board unanimously expreseed them=elve= as be- ing in favor of the Clerk of Suparior Court and Sheriff attending the School in Chapel ..Hill, delete "with such representatives as they elected to go with them." Mr. Williams than offered a motion that the minutee with the changee •uggeeted by the Executive 5ecretary be approved ae amended. It was seconded by Mr. Hall and unanimously adopt- ed. JOINT ME.E'PING RATIFICATION Upon motion by Mr. Hall, aeconded by Mr. Williama, the minutes of the Special Joint Meeting held on December 19, 1958 with the Wilmington City Council covering the opening of the bids and the awarding of the contracts for the propoaed 12" water main along North 23rd Street was unani.moualy ratified b,y the Board as writ- ten. ALTERNATE PAYING AGENT - Mr. M. C. Brown, Vice President of the Security National Bank, was recog- nized by the Chairman and expreeeed the appreciation of hi= bank for the pa•t County businesQ and informed the Board that in the past handling of Bonds for this County, a New York Bank had been named Paying Agent. He further atated that tkse atandard cost o£ handling Bonde wae 5¢ per coupon or $1.00 per Bond and since they could offer the same aervice he requeeted that the Board coneider naming the Security National Bank as Alternate Paying Agent for the Bonds now in the procesa of being issued. Mr. Williams asked the County Auditor if there was any reason why thi.s requeat should not be granted and upon receiving a negative answer, he offered a motion that the Security National Bank of Wilmington be named as Alternate Paying Agent in the forth- coming Bond Sale. The motion was seconded by Mr. Hall and unanimously adopted by the Board. Mr. Richard S. Rogers, Vice Preeident and Truet 0£ficer of the Wachovia Bank and Truat Company, was recognized by the Chairman and stated that they had been approached about eubmitting =ealed bids covering the cost of handling the proposed Bond Issue ae Alternate Paying Agent. He said that ainco arriving i;n the Court House he had been informed that some action had already been taken'on thie subject but that they were under the impression that the meeting time was 10:00 A. M. inatead of 9:34 A. M. on they would have bean present at the opening of the meeting, The Chairman explained that no past interest had been ahown in the handling of previoua Bond Salea, and that unlesa the Board wiehed to reverse themselvea, the matter for this particular sale was cloeed but that there would be future Bond Issues to be considered. Mr. Fred B. Graham, Vice Preeident of the Wachovia Band and Trust Company, informed them that hi4 bank had been handling all previous Bond Iscuea on a no fee basis and that he thought it rather inconeiderate for the Board not to give them a chance to aubm3t bid• on the present contemplated sale. Mr. Williams explained that since there was ronly one party seemingly intereeted in making a request to handle the Bonds he had epecifically asked the question "If there was anq reason why it Qhould not be given to the bank making the requeet," and after receiving a negative reply he was willing to go along and, therefore, he did not feel that the word "inconsiderate" applied to this particular set of facts. HIGH1vAY NANE - While NIr. Fred B. Graham was addre4aing the Board, he etated that the main reason for hie appearance today was to requeet that portion of the Castle Hayne- Myrtle Grove Qection o£ NC Highwa132 from Oleander Drive to Market Street Road on US#17 be named and designated as 'College RoAd" in view o£ the conatruction of Wil- mington College ad°,jacent to it. He informed the Board that the request was made by the authority of the Board of Trustees who had paesed a Resolution authorizing him to preaent the matter. After some discussion by the varioua members o£ the Board, Mr. Willi:ams offered a-motion that the name of NC Highway #132,known also ae the Castle Hayne-Myrtle Grove Junction Road be named and deeignated "College Road" all the way from US #117 at Ca•tle Hayne to the Intersection of US #421. It was aeconded by Nr. Braak and the discussion which followed reaulted in deferment of definite action un- til January 12th. EMERGENCY APPROPRIATION NLr. Foster Edwards, Clerk of Superior Court, was recognized by the Chair- man and informed them that tha reque.t he was about to make was very unuaual 6ut that he felt that it was a necessary one and proceeded to explain that in Auguat of thiQ year a marine by the name of Tony Eacobedo with 12 yearst eervice was releaaed in San Antonio, Texae and proceeded to the Catholic Welfare Bureau and demanded his children who had been placed in their care approximately 10 years ago by their mother who disappeared and had not been heard from Qince. He presented correspondence which developed the fact that one of the children Ronald Eecobedo, was brought to Carolina Beach in August and left with a Mra. Moore. The father has since vaniahed, deeerting the child. P7ra. Noore plaeed him in the Carolina Beach School but because , :30? d Minutes of the Pleeting December 22, 1955 Continued EMERGENCY APPROPRIATION - (Continued) lk-7-1 "°' of his incorrigible diepoaition they were forced to expel him. He was pick- ed up by the Police Department for un-mooring boate at the docks and ordered placed in the.Juvenile Detention Home by the Juvenile Judge. It has been determined that if tranaportation could be provided through the Travelere Aid, they would superviae his return to San Antonio where they have promiaed to provide for hie care. The plane '_ , fare will amount to $10!}.61 but the local Tranelers Aid eaid they were will- ing o a?siet as much ae po•sible ao•Mr. HaZl offered a motion that an appropriation of $100.00 be made from the E?nergency Fund pa,yable to Travelers Aid Society for this purpose. The motion was esconded by Mr. Williams and unanimously approved by the j" Board. . ?? SURETY BOP1D A 5urety Bond in the amount of $1,000 covering the Executive Secretary and an invoice covering its coat was reviewed by the Board and upon motion of Mr. 47illiams, aeconded by Mr. Braak approved with the underatanding that the County Attorney would also check it and approve it before it was recorded. • T-HANGARS • A letter was received from John A. 4Jestbrook, Airport Nanager, informing?Board ? that he had been approached by eeveral local plane owners, including Mr. Rye B. Page, --'" regarding the building of T-Hangara for rent by local ownera of airplane= and euggest- a' ing that a meeting of the Board be.scheduled for conaidering plans for such a venture. The Chairman •uggested that although the letter was addressed to the Board, he thought' it should properly be referred to the Airport Committee for atudy and recommendationa before coming before the entire Board. After some diecuasion by some of the members of•the Board they finally agreed that the Airport Manager ehould arrange euch a meet- ing with the Airport Committee and their recoimnendations be presented to the entire Board not later than January 19th. POLL TAX EXEMPTION - -T ay Nir. William J. Carlin of 151 Colonial Circle presented a requeet that he be exempted from Poll Tax on the grounda that he was 60% disabled and preaented a state- ment from the Adjudication Officer of the Veteranst Admini=tration Regional Office showing that he received a special monthly compeneation which eupporte his diaability claim. Ae the North Carolina Statutes give the Commiasioners authority to grant-euch exemption,.Mr. Hall moved that the request be granted. It was aeconded by Nr. Braak and when the vote was called, Nr. William4 requeeted to be recorded as having abstain- ed from voting. The other members of the Board voted in the affirmative and the Chair- man ruled it as having passed. • PORT TROOP NOVEMIIdTS - . . • The Executive Secretary i:nformed the Board that at the request of Nr: Ben MacDonald he had attended a recent meeting participated in by Nayor J. E. L. Wade an ??/1je/?5_z? other City officiale, P. M. Cemak, Director of the Chamber of Commerce, in company with a group of officere from Fort Bragg arranging the preliminaries for the embarka- tion of 1500 parachute troopa from the Wilmington Port on January sth. It was auggeat- ed that entertainment be provided £or the ranking officers, in number seven, and luncheon for a!}0 piece band, at $1.00 per member, the coat of which would be dinided by the• thseabodies equally. It is not expected to exceed $50.00 each, however, the plana pro- vided that each member of the goqerning Boarde could invite one gueet each if they cho.e. Thoae present expressed themselves that very few guests would be invited as they would try to keep the coet down, however, i't was agreed that the impression left would effect future action by the officera controlling troop movements out of our port ? and so this will be a very important geeture toward public relatione and good will fbr our port here in Wilmi.ngton. Mr. Hall then offered a motion that the County go along with thia plan. It was seconded by Nfr. Braak and unanimouely appnoved. SCHOOL'CROSSING GUARDS - Mr. Hall was recognized by the Chairman and atated that.he had been approach- ,. ed by varioue PTA groupe about the County furniehing guarda at the folloraing Elementary School Croesing•: Bradley Creek, William Blount, Harbor Island, J. C. Roe, Winter Park and Wrightaboro. His inveetigation had developed that it required approximately 3 houra per day at $1.00 per hour and that there were 180 school daye in a echool year which would require $540.00 per croeeing for the guarde. He was of the opinion that if the Board decided to furniah the guarde they should alao have standard uniforme, arm banda, caps, gloves and raincoats. The estimated cost ia as Pollow•; arm bands, $10 00 each; caps, $2,00 each• gloves, $1.50 per pair; pea.eos.ts, $10.00 each, rain- coate, $12.00 each and auits 45.00 each: He was of the opinion that the PTArs would furnieh aome of the necessary equipment but thought that some etandard uniform should be adopted. .. ' -• ." " ' . ? • ' -. The PTA organization of each school would be reque•ted to recommend the name o£ each guard eerving their particular school croasing. Without the uniforme, the total coet of such a program would amount to approximately $3600.00 per year. After each member had expressed hiG thoughts on the-matter, it was unanimouely decided to defer action on the matter until next Monday, December 29, at which time the Chairman instructed the Executive Secre- tary to place it on the agenda. REPORTS AND LETTER FOR FILING - The following reporta and•letters were reviewed and ordered filed for in- formation: • • ' (a) Conaolidated Board of Health Monthly Report (b) N. C. State Highway Conm{iseion pamphlet on Secondary Roade (c) Varioua letters from Federal and State Repreaentativea acknowledging Board'a oppo•ition to Federal Aid to Schoole (d) Christmaa Cards I - L lJ'?lM 'jYJ'"a? 'A r 348 >?a Ninutes of the rieeting, December 22, 1958 Continued PETIT JURY - The following good and lawful peraons were aelected to serve as Jurors in the trial of Civil Cases for the weeks beginning January 19th and January 26th. Jurors £or the week beginning Januar.y 19th - Civil Case• L. G. Gore 211 Keaton Ave. J. B. Thompaon W. W. Yoor 190(} Lingo Fred Farrar A. Suggs Box 86,Carolina Beach N.C L.A. Ackerman W. E. Yopp 1207 Market St. Archie Carr 0. C. Noore 1104 S. 4th St. Heath W. Love G. B. Craig RFD 2, Box 102 E4nery W. Nilla C.W. B. Korb Box 87,Wrightev. Beach Joseph Simon W. S. Rourk 227 Page Ave. A. A. Chiemiego H. L. Harrea 10 Central Blvd. Albert T. Gore L. 0. Garner RFD 3, Box 224 Jack Glazier L. K. Branch 9 Wooster St. H. B. b:illaford J. S. Rimmer %Gen Del. Carolina Beach Harry R. White M. L. Pridgen RF'D 2, Box 396 N. Bruce Norris R. C. Baldwin t}209 Park Ave. Carl M. Allen, Jr. . F. 0. Flhitley 3714 UJinston Blvd. Charles L. Hill E. 0. Sullivan 21 Ive,y C;rcle Gary G. Fairfax Ldm. F. Caulder :. -2131.Klain Road John S. Canfield C. R. Spivey, Jr. 308 N. 21st St. George D. Farrow James H. Edwards 2421 Nonroe St. Frank A. Shepard Herbert Nalpasa 2182 N. sth St., Franklin D. Scott Victor R. Allison 214 N. 19th St. Eugene M. Lashley Le.lie N. Boney, Jr.Churchill Drive Herbert Bordea.ux Stephen D. Kelly Jr.1902 Carolina Ave. Robert Lee Spencer Levi Earl Peyton Jr.2860 Jefferson St. Paul Mitchell McLamb Frederick C.Gri£fith42 Lake Forest Charles L. Spencer Jurore for tha rreek beginning JanuarV 26th- Civil Caeee 0. V. Rowe N. S. Wood G. E. Sugg H. B. Stone J. B. Allen H. L. Smith D. Llugin W. L. Cross A. S. Kelly J. D. Taylor W. P. Farrar A. W. Blount L. H. Hudson M. L. Wilkin: N. C. Johneon John Sykee A. 0. Watters Relmon Daniel Franklin W. Bell Bobby R. Huggin: Nathan P. Xanthos John Wayne Holder 153 Pinecrest Pkwy. D. L. Troutman 198 Pinecrest Pkwy. Lee Fun Howe 32 U Lake Village L. W. Crumpler Box 150 GlrightLv. Beach ? Frank Romeo 916 S. }th St. Carl S. Gregg 2608 West Lake Shore Dr; Lillie G. Ard 10 S. Front St. Geo. F. Burries Box 2, Wright4v. Beach J. C. Cavenaugh 513 S. 4th St. R. M. Padrick, Jr. 1207 Fairn*ay Drive Glilmer D. Edene P. 0. Box 4.18 Robert R. Lamb 2826 Columbia Ave. Elwood Barnes 14 Lagoon Drive Anthony Rouby 3(}022 Wrightaville Ave. Minnie M. Fagan 421 N. 21at St. Dale K. Proctor RFD 1, Box 208,Castle Hayne Thomas R. Ratts 4121 Peachtree Ava. 6 V Lake Village 2907 Oleander Drive 217 Lake Forest Pkwy. 1903 Market St. 2517 Washington St. Julian K. Taylor Jr.P. 0. Box 23 Jamea Walter'CJ.arkJr. 18 Hudson Drive George G. Thomaa Harold B. Carter James V. Stanley Robert Williams Woodrow Crocker 4lilliam A. Brock Jr. Robert G. Hodgkin Sr. Robert Addison Sykes 301 ACL Bldg. 2216 Princess Place 17 Colonial Circle 4g27 oleander Dr. 50 Pinecrest Terrace 112 Lake Forest Pkwy. 2207 Brandon Rd. 107 Floral Pkwy. 13 Summit Walk 11h. WiJ.liameon Drive 2103 Cheatnut St. 2710 Arden Road 105 Pinecreet Terrace 16 Colonial Drive 2529 Harriaon St. 5042 wright°V],lle AVe• 1011 S. 3rd St. RFD 2, Box 82 4945 Pine St. 2907 Adame st. 18 Tvey Circle 2521 Harrison St. 1 H Nesbitt Courts 2860 Jefferson st. 562 Caatle Hayne Rd. 2720 Jackson St. 40$ N. Front St. 121 4dhitman Ave. 217 Dock St. 210 MacNillan Ave. 153 5pofford 3809 Park Ave. 2924 Princess Place 2951 Park Ave. 502 Park. Terrace Box 248,Casolina Beach 3601 riarket St. 4 Terrace 41a1k 1601 ann st. %R.C.Tiagt?allfi BuiYling (}15 RaleighAr.jea?ina 246 Forest Hills Drive RFD l, Box 162 2711 Van Buren St. RFD 1, Box 1+5 5325 Spofford 6?lright3VatBe&o?l;IeC 2946 Park Ave. 6 B. Lake Village ADJOURNi1EPiT - Upon motion of Mr. Williame, aeconded by Nr. Braak, the Board unanimouely voted adjournment. . ? W, G. Houck, Executive Secratary 41i1mington, N.C. December 29,1958 ASSEI•IBLY - The regular weekly meeting of the New Hanover County Board of Commiesionerti wae held thi.e day in the Commieaioners' Room of the Court House at q;30 A. N. PHESENT: Vice Chairman Peter H. Braak, Commiesioners L. E. Broadhuret, JamesM. Hall, Jr., and Berry A. Williame, County Auditor T. D. Love and Cou.nty Attorney John Bright Hi].l. Chairman J. E. Holton, Jr. was eick and unable to attend the meeting. INVOCATION - Vice Chairman Peter H. Braak called the meeting to order and aeked Reverend W. D. Morri;, Paator of Temple Baptist Church, to open the meeting with prayer. APPROVAL OF THE I%11INUTES - Upon motion of Ifs. Hall, seconded by Mr. Williama, the minutes of the laet meeting were unanimou•ly approveci as written. 11? SCHOOL CROSSING GUARDS = 9mo" Pureuant to in•tructionr at the laet meeting, the above eubject waa schedul- ed for diacussion today. Nir. Hall stated that he had discusaed the .matter with the Grand Jury and the Sheriff'a Department but had not contacted the Parent Teachere Asaoc- iation. Deputy Sheriff Harry L. Lovic informed the Board that the Sheriff'e department 6,