1958-12-29 Regular Meetingr 348 >?a Ninutes of the rieeting, December 22, 1958 Continued PETIT JURY - The following good and lawful peraons were aelected to serve as Jurors in the trial of Civil Cases for the weeks beginning January 19th and January 26th. Jurors £or the week beginning Januar.y 19th - Civil Case• L. G. Gore 211 Keaton Ave. J. B. Thompaon W. W. Yoor 190(} Lingo Fred Farrar A. Suggs Box 86,Carolina Beach N.C L.A. Ackerman W. E. Yopp 1207 Market St. Archie Carr 0. C. Noore 1104 S. 4th St. Heath W. Love G. B. Craig RFD 2, Box 102 E4nery W. Nilla C.W. B. Korb Box 87,Wrightev. Beach Joseph Simon W. S. Rourk 227 Page Ave. A. A. Chiemiego H. L. Harrea 10 Central Blvd. Albert T. Gore L. 0. Garner RFD 3, Box 224 Jack Glazier L. K. Branch 9 Wooster St. H. B. b:illaford J. S. Rimmer %Gen Del. Carolina Beach Harry R. White M. L. Pridgen RF'D 2, Box 396 N. Bruce Norris R. C. Baldwin t}209 Park Ave. Carl M. Allen, Jr. . F. 0. Flhitley 3714 UJinston Blvd. Charles L. Hill E. 0. Sullivan 21 Ive,y C;rcle Gary G. Fairfax Ldm. F. Caulder :. -2131.Klain Road John S. Canfield C. R. Spivey, Jr. 308 N. 21st St. George D. Farrow James H. Edwards 2421 Nonroe St. Frank A. Shepard Herbert Nalpasa 2182 N. sth St., Franklin D. Scott Victor R. Allison 214 N. 19th St. Eugene M. Lashley Le.lie N. Boney, Jr.Churchill Drive Herbert Bordea.ux Stephen D. Kelly Jr.1902 Carolina Ave. Robert Lee Spencer Levi Earl Peyton Jr.2860 Jefferson St. Paul Mitchell McLamb Frederick C.Gri£fith42 Lake Forest Charles L. Spencer Jurore for tha rreek beginning JanuarV 26th- Civil Caeee 0. V. Rowe N. S. Wood G. E. Sugg H. B. Stone J. B. Allen H. L. Smith D. Llugin W. L. Cross A. S. Kelly J. D. Taylor W. P. Farrar A. W. Blount L. H. Hudson M. L. Wilkin: N. C. Johneon John Sykee A. 0. Watters Relmon Daniel Franklin W. Bell Bobby R. Huggin: Nathan P. Xanthos John Wayne Holder 153 Pinecrest Pkwy. D. L. Troutman 198 Pinecrest Pkwy. Lee Fun Howe 32 U Lake Village L. W. Crumpler Box 150 GlrightLv. Beach ? Frank Romeo 916 S. }th St. Carl S. Gregg 2608 West Lake Shore Dr; Lillie G. Ard 10 S. Front St. Geo. F. Burries Box 2, Wright4v. Beach J. C. Cavenaugh 513 S. 4th St. R. M. Padrick, Jr. 1207 Fairn*ay Drive Glilmer D. Edene P. 0. Box 4.18 Robert R. Lamb 2826 Columbia Ave. Elwood Barnes 14 Lagoon Drive Anthony Rouby 3(}022 Wrightaville Ave. Minnie M. Fagan 421 N. 21at St. Dale K. Proctor RFD 1, Box 208,Castle Hayne Thomas R. Ratts 4121 Peachtree Ava. 6 V Lake Village 2907 Oleander Drive 217 Lake Forest Pkwy. 1903 Market St. 2517 Washington St. Julian K. Taylor Jr.P. 0. Box 23 Jamea Walter'CJ.arkJr. 18 Hudson Drive George G. Thomaa Harold B. Carter James V. Stanley Robert Williams Woodrow Crocker 4lilliam A. Brock Jr. Robert G. Hodgkin Sr. Robert Addison Sykes 301 ACL Bldg. 2216 Princess Place 17 Colonial Circle 4g27 oleander Dr. 50 Pinecrest Terrace 112 Lake Forest Pkwy. 2207 Brandon Rd. 107 Floral Pkwy. 13 Summit Walk 11h. WiJ.liameon Drive 2103 Cheatnut St. 2710 Arden Road 105 Pinecreet Terrace 16 Colonial Drive 2529 Harriaon St. 5042 wright°V],lle AVe• 1011 S. 3rd St. RFD 2, Box 82 4945 Pine St. 2907 Adame st. 18 Tvey Circle 2521 Harrison St. 1 H Nesbitt Courts 2860 Jefferson st. 562 Caatle Hayne Rd. 2720 Jackson St. 40$ N. Front St. 121 4dhitman Ave. 217 Dock St. 210 MacNillan Ave. 153 5pofford 3809 Park Ave. 2924 Princess Place 2951 Park Ave. 502 Park. Terrace Box 248,Casolina Beach 3601 riarket St. 4 Terrace 41a1k 1601 ann st. %R.C.Tiagt?allfi BuiYling (}15 RaleighAr.jea?ina 246 Forest Hills Drive RFD l, Box 162 2711 Van Buren St. RFD 1, Box 1+5 5325 Spofford 6?lright3VatBe&o?l;IeC 2946 Park Ave. 6 B. Lake Village ADJOURNi1EPiT - Upon motion of Mr. Williame, aeconded by Nr. Braak, the Board unanimouely voted adjournment. . ? W, G. Houck, Executive Secratary 41i1mington, N.C. December 29,1958 ASSEI•IBLY - The regular weekly meeting of the New Hanover County Board of Commiesionerti wae held thi.e day in the Commieaioners' Room of the Court House at q;30 A. N. PHESENT: Vice Chairman Peter H. Braak, Commiesioners L. E. Broadhuret, JamesM. Hall, Jr., and Berry A. Williame, County Auditor T. D. Love and Cou.nty Attorney John Bright Hi].l. Chairman J. E. Holton, Jr. was eick and unable to attend the meeting. INVOCATION - Vice Chairman Peter H. Braak called the meeting to order and aeked Reverend W. D. Morri;, Paator of Temple Baptist Church, to open the meeting with prayer. APPROVAL OF THE I%11INUTES - Upon motion of Ifs. Hall, seconded by Mr. Williama, the minutes of the laet meeting were unanimou•ly approveci as written. 11? SCHOOL CROSSING GUARDS = 9mo" Pureuant to in•tructionr at the laet meeting, the above eubject waa schedul- ed for diacussion today. Nir. Hall stated that he had discusaed the .matter with the Grand Jury and the Sheriff'a Department but had not contacted the Parent Teachere Asaoc- iation. Deputy Sheriff Harry L. Lovic informed the Board that the Sheriff'e department 6, \ 3C? Ninutes of the Meeting December 29, 1958 Continued SCHOOL CROSSING GUARDS - (Continued) ' highly recommended the School Crossing Guarda, as some membera of the de- partment thought it rraa so impor.tant that they were willing to serve a's guards -_ . at the school croseing: on their own time and he felt we had been very fortunate so far in not having a crossing accident. There are many drivers who will not heed the eignale of the school =afety patrol and,in fact, he said that the yellow school croesing aigne were unenforcible legally, however on?.one:or two occasionr at the Wrightsboro School where he had served, it became neceLsary for him to run down and atop eome of the oil truck drivers and one school tea.cher who flagrantly violated the aafe driving epeed around the school. He was very definite in hts conviction that sbme aort of identifying uniform should be u=ed. Mr. Hall then offered a motion that guard= be placed by the Sheriff'e Department at the school crossings in the County and that they be furnished with arm"bande, caps, peacoate, and a Glicker for the balance of this school year and that recorde be kept and a study made to deter- mine if the •ervice contributes to the improved =afety conditione eo as to warra.nt the permanent e•tablishment in the future. Thie motion was seconded by Mr. 47illiams. Each member then expressed hi4 view on the mati:er and when the vote wa4 called, Nir. Broadhur:t voted "NO" on the motion for he was of the opinion that the Sheriffls Department could adequately patrol the crossings with their preaent force, however, he would go along with two extra school crosaing'guarda as he was not against eafety precautione. The Chairman ruled the motion carried. BOMB SCARE RE4JARD - Nr. Williams offered a suggeation that the County offer a reward of $100.00 £or the arreet and conviction of any peraons perpotrating a boinb :care or hoax in any school in the County and stated that he was of the opinion that euch a move would deter future occurence of thie kind. He deplored the ones that have ao recently hap- pened in our school Qy•tem and thougnt every effort ahould be made to discourage that sort of thing and he £elt that a reward might accompliQh this purpose. Some children are reluctant to inform on their .choolmatea for fear of a stigma utiually associated with tattling. Mr. Broadhurat was of the opinion that the iniative for 4uch action ahould originate with the Board of Education and auggested that action on the matter be withheld to allow £or discuesion and atudy, there£ore, by common consent, the recommendation was tabled for one week and the Executive Secretary inatructed to place it on the Agenda for the next meeting, HURRICANE HELENE CONTRIBIITION - A letter was raceived from Henry Von Oesen and Asaociates attaching copiee of Application for Finailcial Contribution for New Hanover Countq as a reeult of Hurri- cane Helene damage. In the eame mail, a letter confir.ming the receipt of 'the Appli- cation by tha Council of Civil Defense was received etating that it had been approved and transmitted to the Regional Office of Civil and Defenae Nobilization of Thomas- ville, Georgia deeignated a• Project NC Helene #17. The total eetimated cost of Re- habilitation is $138,723.00 less New Hanover County'a funda, aupplies and equipment in the amount of $32,436.00, leaving a requeat for Federal Grant in the amount of $106,287.00. The Board accepted the Application as proceased and inatructed the Ex- ecutive Secretary to follovr up the approval by the Federal authorities. CIVIL DEFENSE - In =peaking of Civil Defense, Nir, Williama ob.erved that he thought it would be a good idea for the Director of Civil Defente to furniah the Corrm!i=sionera a period- ic report of his activitieL. This would contribute to good public relatione ass well as furnish information that would be valuable in conaidering further appropriations for thi= department. After :ome diacussion, the EYecutive Secretary was instructed to requeat a report by January 12th, 1959 from the Director of Civil DefenQe. AUDIT REPORTS - Reports were received from William C. Barfield, CPA, covering the examina C'g,C tion of Public Funds held by the Clerk of Superior Court and the accounts of New Hanov- er County controlled by the County Auditor'• office. Be#'ore accepting the.e reporte, the Board agreed, by comon consent, to etudy them £or a week in order to familiarize the.meelves with the contents so that intelligent queetions might be asked. The Execu- tive Socretar,y was inetructed to schedule thia subject on the Agenda of the meeting on January 5th. FORECLOSED PROPERTY SALE Block 269, Lot SW pt 5 is jointly otaned equally by iir. F. S. Sadgwar, the City of Wilmington and Nei,r Hanover County as a result of Tax Forecloaure. Nr. Sadgwar has offered to purchaee the other two-thirde interest and offered $500.40 for it. The property has been appraised recently by the Tax Asaessor who recommends it to be a.fair and juat offer in his opinion. Nr. Broadhurat offered a motion that the offer be accept- ed aubject to the approval of the City Council and that the County Attorneg be autYior- ized to draw a deed without warranty conveying the title upon receipt-of the $500.00. Thi• motion wae seconded by Mr. Williams and unanimously approved. SECONDArZY ROADS - -? Asemi-annual report was received from the State Highway Commiasion cover- ing the present status o£ the Accese and Public Service Road Fund..New Hanover County was allocated a total of $10,228.00 amount'ing to 0.86 mile. This report was accepted for information only and ordered filed, RECORD PLAYER GIFT - ?? As instructed by the Chairman at a previoua meeting, the Executive Secre- tary presented the picturea taken o£ some of the County Home residents lietening to the new Automatic Phonograph recently presented to them. One picture was sent with the thank-you letter to the Southeastern Radio Supply Company and the Board thought it would be a fine thing to give each one of the reaidents who were included in the pict- ure a copy of it. 'A pr 350 / Niinutes of the Neeting December 29, 1958 Continued APPROPRIATIONS AND TRANSFERS - The Couritj Audi'tor,T, D. Loue., informed the Board'that a group of -the bud- geted items had.become unbalariced, some of them cauaed oy the unuaual co'st as • a reault `, of the Hurricane etorm .damage and he recomnended that,the following appropriationa and tranafers be approved by the Board: • Airport- Repaira Bldg. General Fund Energency Clerlc of Court-Booka, Binders Commiesioners Atty. Feos " Staty., Supplies Court House - Repairs Bldg. Jail - Electrical Supplies " - Elevator Contract " - Repaira Bldg. Suerior Court- Conneying Prisoners ` ." - Special Attorney Tax Collector - Poatage Tax LiQting - Dues, 5ubscriptions Veterans Serv.Office- Duea, Subscipt. Home - Ice, Cold Storage " - Repairs Bldg. Juvenile Home - Telephone Hospitalization-B 13(Blind) Community Hosp.- Repaira Plant Clerk Court - Public Audit County Farm - Liability In=. Corunissionera - Special Storm Survey Sheriff - Schools Guarde Crossing $2771.89 From Unanticip. Funds- Storm damage 5007. oo it 11 _ ,t fr 63.42 Clerk of Court- Staty., Supplies 500.00 Corrunissiora rs - Extra Legal Steno. Help 150.00 " - Capital outlay 4192.86 Unanticip. Fund - Storm Damage 4.40 Jail - Janitorti Suppliea 22.60 - 300.00 General Fund Emer?ency 150 00 ° 11 . 35.00 Superior Court - Evidence 127.50 Tax Collector - Public Audit 20.00 Tax Lieting - Staty., Suppliea .50 Vet, Serv. Office - Staty., Suppliea 2.00 Home - Staty., Suppliea 392.00 Unanticip. Funda - Storm Damage 100.00 County Home - E4nergency 2000.00 Hospitalization - MC -1 1088.95 Unanticip. F'unds - Storm damage 1250.00 General Fund Ehergency 39.48 County Home 250.00 EYner?ency Fund 2000.00 " Nr. Hall then offered a motion that the above listed funda be appropriated and/ or traneterred ae requeated. The motion wai eeconded 6y Mr. Williame and when the vote waa called, Mr. Broadhurst voted negaticely on the motion, however, the Vice Chairman ruled the motion carried. COURT APPEAL - The County Attorney called the Board's attention to an Appeal from the United States Circuit Court to the United States Supreme Court by Dr. H. A. Eaton,et al in which the County has been named a co-defendant with the James Walker Nemorial Hoapi- ? d tal, et al. Mr. Broadhurst observed that he had noted the names of =ome of the plain- tiffe in thia action on the Delinquent Tax Liet and that it was his conviction that they ahould be able to pay their taxes if they had the money to continue this lawsuit. He •uggested that a special requeat be made of the Tax Collector ap to why he had not in- eisted on the taxes which are past due. The Chairman remarked that since the Tax Col- lector was written a few daya ago urging his activitiea be steppe.d up in forcing legal collection of all Insolvent Taxes, he thought it might be i,rell to delay thia epecial request at the moment. ROAD COMPLAIIdT - iKr. Earl H. Orrell, 4808 Par.k Avenue, appeared before the Board and stated tnat the street in front o£ hie house to MacMillan Avenue was almost impaasable and re- ?? DJ queeted the Commissionera to make a special inspection of the deplorable condition in the hopes that they might be able to originate some action to correct it. He is of the opinion that pipe will be neceasary in the canal along side of the atreet in front of his house in order that it could be covered up to allow for a 60ft, right-of-way, ae required by the State, without de=troying the trees in £ront of hie house. He ad- mitted that the State had offered to pave the street on one occasion if the property would furnish the required right-of-way but that he had refused it at that time and ' still did not want the trees taken out. The State has pcraped the road from time to time but to his knowledga it had not been worked on aince Hurricane Helene in Septem- ber. Mr. Williams Qtated that he had made an inspection of the situation several months ago but was unable to offer asolution to the problem and it appeared to him that it waa a choice beL•ween keeping the treea and the dirt street or furnishing a right-of-tiaay for the pavement. Ho explained that the reason the street was not in- cluded in {:ho State Highway rnap was on account of the past attitude of the residente. After some diacutsion of the matter, aeveral of the Cormniaeioners agreed to.make a personal trip to look.at the situation and vaould advise him later of their conclusione. HOLIDAY - The Executive Secretary reminded the Board that some of the employees had ino,uired as to whether January l:t would be deelared a legal Holiday for County employ- eee. 1-1r. Glilliam: offered a motion that Janua.ry lat be allowed as a Hol.iday for County employees. The motion waa seconded by Nir. FIall and it was unanimouely approved. URBAN COUNTY CONGHESS - Nr. Williarns remarked that the National AGaociation of County Officials would conduct..an-Urban County Congress at a -ocheduled meeting in the Afayflower Hotel, Waahington, D. C. on Niarch 15-18th, 1959. Such subjecta as County-City Federation, City-Cou.nty Consolidation and Streamlining County Administration will be etressed and he thought this fit in admirably with the recent diecussion relative to a County Planning Board £or New Hanover County. He urged all of the Cor,rriiesioners to coneider going and requested the Executive Secretary to make definite reeervations for hirn. Several of the Boa.rd thought thir would be a very irLformative program to attend and pledged their efi'ort= to attend the conference. ? Minutes of the Neeting December 29, 1958 Continued FARN AIJD HOI?'iE ORGANIZING - Mr. Broadhusst inf ormed the Board that the committee was giving considera- tion to the following adminietrative changes in the County Farm and Home set-up: 1- N!r. Herbert C. Rivenbark to be Home and Livestock Superintendent 2- Nir. Luther D. Mintz to be Farm cc Production Supervisor 3- Mr. Dave W. Rivenbark to be Drainage Supervieor 4- Nir. Rhoda Farnow to be Cemetery, Parka, and General Repair SupertTi4or As the two Rivenbarks are now exhanging duties in order to get their time- off period, likewiae Me.srs. Cooper and Shelley could exchange when neceesary. In the discussion which fol].owed this announcement, Mr. tiTilliams thought that the drag- line should aleo be included under the Drainage Supervisor, Mr. Dave Rivenbark?and that the operator of the dragline bo limited to working eibht hours per day. Mr. Hall remarked that in the past there had been a conflict of peraonalitiee which led to unhappy working conditions. Mr. Williams remarked that when differences of opin- ion arose among any of the Supervisors, they shou].d ca1]. the Executive Secretary who might reaolve the quoation through di•cussion or if necessary he could call the County I3ome Conmiittee or other memberw of the Board. cL`latic?- ENTERTAINP'tEidT - .-YY1 , p,,,?,? The arrangements approved by the Board at the maeting on December 22, ? 1958 for honoring and enterta.ining the Cormnanding Officers of Fort Bragg on the occas- ion of the first troop movemente through;the 4lilrzington Port were confirmed and the Board invited to participate in a party to be held at the Cape Fear Club on Monday, January 5, at 4:04 P. M. ADJOURNMiENT - Upon motion of Mr. tiJilliams, seconded by N?r. Hall, the Board unanimously voted adjournment, t . ti+l. G, Houc Executive Secretary Ninute4 of the Meeting of the New Hanover prainage Committee Grand Jurp Room Count,y Court House ldilmington, N.C. 9:30 A. M. Januar.q 2,1959 ASSEMBLY - D? ^??-- Members of the New Hanover Drainage Committee, having been duly appointed bq the Board of County Connissioners on November 17, 1958, met today in the Grand Jury Room of the Court House at 9:30 A. M. for the purpoee of reviewing and evaluating drainage projecta in the County. PRESENT: Chairman Garland S. Currin, Colonel Charlea H. Burnett, Mr. M. S. Emmart, Nr. Dirk Swart and Mr. John Tinga; and Mr. Dave W. Rivenbark, Drainage Supervioor and Mr. J. B. Simpson, United States Department of Soil Conservation Engineer. Mr. Herman H. Hall and Mr. James Ferger were unable to attend the meeting. ELECTION OF OFFICERS - e Chairman Currin called the meeting to order and the following alate of ?„??-??• officers were elected: 14r. Jamee Ferger, Vice Chairman, and Mr. John Tinga, Secre- tary. Gr;ivzxAL DISCUS3ION - In the discuasion by the various members of the committee and thoae present, the £ollowing facts and decisions were determined: 1- Nembers of the Committee agreed that each individual member should in- vestigate drainage requests in hia particular area and report back to the Committee at the next meeting. 2- It was brought out that the County Commiasionera want this Corrunittee to paas on drainage requests requiring hand ditching to Mr. Dave Riven- bark, as well as investigate drainage problema requiring dragli.ne opera- _ tion, and determine their priority. Persona needing drainage of County ditches that can be cleared by hand need only make a request, however, petitions and right-of-way agreements are required for canals. 3- A motion waQ passed to ask the County Corrmiissfonera to request legislation to make it mandatory that persona be enjoined from blocking ditchee. • L}- A motion waa paased to reque•t the County Conmmissioner4 to authorize Mr. Rivenbark to clean out trees and trash £rom main ditches at hia dis- cretion. 5- A motion was paQaed to requeat the County Corrmiissioners to see if a bull- dozer wa= available for cleaning rights-of-taay for canale when needed. -A