1959-01-02 Special Meeting Minutes of the Neeting December 29, 1958 Continued FARN AIJD HOI?'iE ORGANIZING - Mr. Broadhusst inf ormed the Board that the committee was giving considera- tion to the following adminietrative changes in the County Farm and Home set-up: 1- N!r. Herbert C. Rivenbark to be Home and Livestock Superintendent 2- Nir. Luther D. Mintz to be Farm cc Production Supervisor 3- Mr. Dave W. Rivenbark to be Drainage Supervieor 4- Nir. Rhoda Farnow to be Cemetery, Parka, and General Repair SupertTi4or As the two Rivenbarks are now exhanging duties in order to get their time- off period, likewiae Me.srs. Cooper and Shelley could exchange when neceesary. In the discussion which fol].owed this announcement, Mr. tiTilliams thought that the drag- line should aleo be included under the Drainage Supervisor, Mr. Dave Rivenbark?and that the operator of the dragline bo limited to working eibht hours per day. Mr. Hall remarked that in the past there had been a conflict of peraonalitiee which led to unhappy working conditions. Mr. Williams remarked that when differences of opin- ion arose among any of the Supervisors, they shou].d ca1]. the Executive Secretary who might reaolve the quoation through di•cussion or if necessary he could call the County I3ome Conmiittee or other memberw of the Board. cL`latic?- ENTERTAINP'tEidT - .-YY1 , p,,,?,? The arrangements approved by the Board at the maeting on December 22, ? 1958 for honoring and enterta.ining the Cormnanding Officers of Fort Bragg on the occas- ion of the first troop movemente through;the 4lilrzington Port were confirmed and the Board invited to participate in a party to be held at the Cape Fear Club on Monday, January 5, at 4:04 P. M. ADJOURNMiENT - Upon motion of Mr. tiJilliams, seconded by N?r. Hall, the Board unanimously voted adjournment, t . ti+l. G, Houc Executive Secretary Ninute4 of the Meeting of the New Hanover prainage Committee Grand Jurp Room Count,y Court House ldilmington, N.C. 9:30 A. M. Januar.q 2,1959 ASSEMBLY - D? ^??-- Members of the New Hanover Drainage Committee, having been duly appointed bq the Board of County Connissioners on November 17, 1958, met today in the Grand Jury Room of the Court House at 9:30 A. M. for the purpoee of reviewing and evaluating drainage projecta in the County. PRESENT: Chairman Garland S. Currin, Colonel Charlea H. Burnett, Mr. M. S. Emmart, Nr. Dirk Swart and Mr. John Tinga; and Mr. Dave W. Rivenbark, Drainage Supervioor and Mr. J. B. Simpson, United States Department of Soil Conservation Engineer. Mr. Herman H. Hall and Mr. James Ferger were unable to attend the meeting. ELECTION OF OFFICERS - e Chairman Currin called the meeting to order and the following alate of ?„??-??• officers were elected: 14r. Jamee Ferger, Vice Chairman, and Mr. John Tinga, Secre- tary. Gr;ivzxAL DISCUS3ION - In the discuasion by the various members of the committee and thoae present, the £ollowing facts and decisions were determined: 1- Nembers of the Committee agreed that each individual member should in- vestigate drainage requests in hia particular area and report back to the Committee at the next meeting. 2- It was brought out that the County Commiasionera want this Corrunittee to paas on drainage requests requiring hand ditching to Mr. Dave Riven- bark, as well as investigate drainage problema requiring dragli.ne opera- _ tion, and determine their priority. Persona needing drainage of County ditches that can be cleared by hand need only make a request, however, petitions and right-of-way agreements are required for canals. 3- A motion waQ passed to ask the County Corrmiissfonera to request legislation to make it mandatory that persona be enjoined from blocking ditchee. • L}- A motion waa paased to reque•t the County Conmmissioner4 to authorize Mr. Rivenbark to clean out trees and trash £rom main ditches at hia dis- cretion. 5- A motion was paQaed to requeat the County Corrmiissioners to see if a bull- dozer wa= available for cleaning rights-of-taay for canale when needed. -A r, pw? ./ . ? Minutea of the Meeting of the County Drainage Committee -Continued PETITIONS - Mr. Hall and Colonel Burnette submitted a request for Messrs. Long and Bealle for drainage in the Ogden area, and stated that a Petition has been made for this work. The railroad and nighway culvert must be lowered. Mr. Simpson will lay out ditches as a soil conservation measure. By common conaent, the Corunittee agreed that this would tre their firat dragline project, since it ia fuatifiable in that it will help at least six individuals' property, and ia important aQ a'lead ditch for drainage to several acres of farm land, and also because of mosquito control. Q Gordon Road Petition - Property owners and reaidents of the Gordon Road ?area near the Market Street Road request drainage on both sides of the Gordon Road extending .from Big Gum Branch to Market Street Road, as a reeult of hurricanea during the past five years which have cauaed the ditchea to fill up with silt and aand creat- ing improper drainage and a mosquito problem. Mr. Rivenbark will clean out debri• from these ditches as soon as possible. ?r. We.yers request for changing of County ditch through his property to hia property line on Bonham Ave., 6Jinter Par.k, in order to change the courae of the drainage from cutting ? hia lots and making them unsalable. The Cbinmittee.felt that changing of the pre=ent, adequate ditch in order to improve the 4Jeyers' property ahould be their responsibility and not that of the County, therefore, the requeat was denied. Olearider". Compan.y-request by Mr. Hugh MacRae for cleaning out of three existing canals J? in the neighborhood of Oleander Drive, Hawthorne Road and Nerritt Street, also £or the opening of a canal ea=twardly along Merritt Street, in the rear of the present housas. The Hawthorne Road ditch has been cleaned out. The ditch involved carriea water from a County area to a City ditch. Thia is a new development and the Committee feels thia ditch is adequate but the City muat open their ditch before the County can do further work. The Committee recommends that the County cloar existing ditches when outlet of the City ditch proves adequate. McKop request was received and reviewed regardingaserious drainage problem exieting D?''r'?^a near the fork of two dead enda behind the County airport in which the airport drainage goes on the McKoy property. The Committee recommends that the lower end of•the ditch be cleaned out to relieve this'condition. ADJOURNMENT - Chairman Currin expresaed hia appreciation to the Committee and those pre- sent for their work and fine spirit of cooperation. He further requested that a copy of theae minutea be mailed to each member. There being no more buaineas to be pre- aented, the Committee unanimoualy voted adjournment. /S/ Garland S. Currin, Chairman New Hanover County Drainage Committee Wilmington, N.C. January 5, 1959 INVOCATION - ' Chairman J. E. Holton, Jr, called the meeting to order and asked Mr. W. G. Houck, Executive Seeretary to the Board, to open the meeting with a prayer for guidance. APPROVAL OF THE NiINUTES - Upon motion of Mr. Williams, seconded by Mr. Braak, the minutee of the last meeting were unanimously approved as written. ? BOND SALE RESOLUTION - QZy,p Nr. C. D. Hogue, Jr., Attorney for the Conaolidated Board of Education, was y,-? ? recognized by the Chairman and explained the legal proceaa for the sale of the School ??? Bonds and Wilmington College Bonds authorized by the voters last year. He stated further that the form of the bonds and tha interestcoupons had been approved by the ? County Attorney and the County Auditor and recorrunended the following Resolution which was read and passed unanimously: Coimniasioner Peter H. Braak moved that the following reaolution be adopted: WHEREAS, each of the bond orders hereinafter described has taken effect and the Board of Commissioners desires to make further provision for the issuance of the bonds to be iasued pursuant to said bond orders; NOW THERE- FORE, ASSEPiBLY The regular weekls meeting of the New Hanover was held this day in the CommiasionereT Room o.f the Court Chairman J. E. Holton, Jr., Commissioner_= Peter H. Break County Auditor T. D. Love and County Attorney John Bright was out of town and unable to be present for the meeting. sleo absent. ,ounty Board of Cormnissioners House at 9:30 A. M. PRESENT: and Berry A. Williama; Hill. Mr. J. M. Hall, Jr. Mr. L. E. Broadhuret was ? BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Cormiissionere of the County of New Hanover, as follows: (1) The County of A1ew Hanover (hereinafter referred to as "County")shall issue its bonds of the aggregate principal amount of $550,000 pursuant to and in accordance with the bond order entitled "Bond order authorizing the iasuance of $1,550,000 School Bonds of the County of Idew Hanover", adopted by the Board of Commi.asioners of the County on January 6, 1958. Said bonds shall be desig- nated "Sehool Building Bonds, Series A". Acting pureuant to Section 153-80 of the County Finance Act, the Board of Commissioners has ascertained and hereby determinea that each of the existing school buildinga deacribed in said bond order and each of the new buildings and additions to be finanoed by the issuance of the bonds ia of either fireproof construction or non-fireproof construction c? ,