1959-01-05 Regular Meetingr, pw? ./ . ? Minutea of the Meeting of the County Drainage Committee -Continued PETITIONS - Mr. Hall and Colonel Burnette submitted a request for Messrs. Long and Bealle for drainage in the Ogden area, and stated that a Petition has been made for this work. The railroad and nighway culvert must be lowered. Mr. Simpson will lay out ditches as a soil conservation measure. By common conaent, the Corunittee agreed that this would tre their firat dragline project, since it ia fuatifiable in that it will help at least six individuals' property, and ia important aQ a'lead ditch for drainage to several acres of farm land, and also because of mosquito control. Q Gordon Road Petition - Property owners and reaidents of the Gordon Road ?area near the Market Street Road request drainage on both sides of the Gordon Road extending .from Big Gum Branch to Market Street Road, as a reeult of hurricanea during the past five years which have cauaed the ditchea to fill up with silt and aand creat- ing improper drainage and a mosquito problem. Mr. Rivenbark will clean out debri• from these ditches as soon as possible. ?r. We.yers request for changing of County ditch through his property to hia property line on Bonham Ave., 6Jinter Par.k, in order to change the courae of the drainage from cutting ? hia lots and making them unsalable. The Cbinmittee.felt that changing of the pre=ent, adequate ditch in order to improve the 4Jeyers' property ahould be their responsibility and not that of the County, therefore, the requeat was denied. Olearider". Compan.y-request by Mr. Hugh MacRae for cleaning out of three existing canals J? in the neighborhood of Oleander Drive, Hawthorne Road and Nerritt Street, also £or the opening of a canal ea=twardly along Merritt Street, in the rear of the present housas. The Hawthorne Road ditch has been cleaned out. The ditch involved carriea water from a County area to a City ditch. Thia is a new development and the Committee feels thia ditch is adequate but the City muat open their ditch before the County can do further work. The Committee recommends that the County cloar existing ditches when outlet of the City ditch proves adequate. McKop request was received and reviewed regardingaserious drainage problem exieting D?''r'?^a near the fork of two dead enda behind the County airport in which the airport drainage goes on the McKoy property. The Committee recommends that the lower end of•the ditch be cleaned out to relieve this'condition. ADJOURNMENT - Chairman Currin expresaed hia appreciation to the Committee and those pre- sent for their work and fine spirit of cooperation. He further requested that a copy of theae minutea be mailed to each member. There being no more buaineas to be pre- aented, the Committee unanimoualy voted adjournment. /S/ Garland S. Currin, Chairman New Hanover County Drainage Committee Wilmington, N.C. January 5, 1959 INVOCATION - ' Chairman J. E. Holton, Jr, called the meeting to order and asked Mr. W. G. Houck, Executive Seeretary to the Board, to open the meeting with a prayer for guidance. APPROVAL OF THE NiINUTES - Upon motion of Mr. Williams, seconded by Mr. Braak, the minutee of the last meeting were unanimously approved as written. ? BOND SALE RESOLUTION - QZy,p Nr. C. D. Hogue, Jr., Attorney for the Conaolidated Board of Education, was y,-? ? recognized by the Chairman and explained the legal proceaa for the sale of the School ??? Bonds and Wilmington College Bonds authorized by the voters last year. He stated further that the form of the bonds and tha interestcoupons had been approved by the ? County Attorney and the County Auditor and recorrunended the following Resolution which was read and passed unanimously: Coimniasioner Peter H. Braak moved that the following reaolution be adopted: WHEREAS, each of the bond orders hereinafter described has taken effect and the Board of Commissioners desires to make further provision for the issuance of the bonds to be iasued pursuant to said bond orders; NOW THERE- FORE, ASSEPiBLY The regular weekls meeting of the New Hanover was held this day in the CommiasionereT Room o.f the Court Chairman J. E. Holton, Jr., Commissioner_= Peter H. Break County Auditor T. D. Love and County Attorney John Bright was out of town and unable to be present for the meeting. sleo absent. ,ounty Board of Cormnissioners House at 9:30 A. M. PRESENT: and Berry A. Williama; Hill. Mr. J. M. Hall, Jr. Mr. L. E. Broadhuret was ? BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Cormiissionere of the County of New Hanover, as follows: (1) The County of A1ew Hanover (hereinafter referred to as "County")shall issue its bonds of the aggregate principal amount of $550,000 pursuant to and in accordance with the bond order entitled "Bond order authorizing the iasuance of $1,550,000 School Bonds of the County of Idew Hanover", adopted by the Board of Commi.asioners of the County on January 6, 1958. Said bonds shall be desig- nated "Sehool Building Bonds, Series A". Acting pureuant to Section 153-80 of the County Finance Act, the Board of Commissioners has ascertained and hereby determinea that each of the existing school buildinga deacribed in said bond order and each of the new buildings and additions to be finanoed by the issuance of the bonds ia of either fireproof construction or non-fireproof construction c? , Minutee of the Meeting January 5, 1959 Continued BOND SALE RESOLUTION - (Continued) as defined in said Section 153-80, and that the life of each of the improve- ments described in said bond order is thirty years, computed from December 1, 1958• • (2) The-,Cpunty ahall issue ite bends of the aggregate principal amount of $600,000 purauant to and in accordance with the bond order entitled "Bond order authorizing the iasuance of $600,000 School Bonda of the County of New Hanover", adopted by the Board of Conunis•ioners of the County on April 28, 1958. Said bonds shall be designated "Coimnunity College Bonds". Acting pur- suant to Section 153-80 of the County Finance Act, the Bca rd of Commissioners has ascertained and hereby determines that the new building or buildinge to be financed by the i•suance of the bonds are of either fireproof construction or non-fireproof construction as de£ined in said Section 153-80, and that the life of the improvements described in said bond order ia thirty years, compu- ted from December l, 1958• (3) Said School Building Bonds, Series A, shall consiat of five hundred and fifty bonds of the denomi.nation of $1,000 each, numbered from 1 to 550, inclusive, in the order of their maturity, and shall be payable in annual in- stallments on June 1 in each year as followa, viz.: $75,000 in the year 1961, and $25,000 in each of the years 1962 to 1980, inclusive. (l}) Said Cozrununity College Bonds shall consist of six hundred bonds of the denomination of $1,000 each; numbered from 1 to 600, inclusive, in the order of the.ir maturity, and •hall be payable in annual installments on June 1 in each year as follows, viz.: -'$100,000 in the year 1960, and $25,000 in each o£ the years 1961 to 1980, inclusive., , (5) Each bond shall bear interest from its date at a rate which shall be hereafter determined and which shall not exceed aix per centum (6f) per annum. Such intereat shall be payable semi-annually on June 1 and December 1. (6) The bonds shall be coupon bonds, registerable ae to pri.ncipal only, and shall be signed by the Chairman and Clerk of the Board o£ Commissioners of the County. The corporate aeal of the County shall be affixed to each of the bond•. Each of the intere•t coupons to be attached to the bonda shall be authenticated by the facsimile signature of said Clerk. Both principal of and interest on the bonds shall be payable at the office of the Security Nat- ional Bank, in the City of Wilmington, North Carolina, or,at the option of the holder, at the principal office of The First National City Bank of New York, in the Borough of Manhattan, City and State of New iTork, in any coin or currency of the United States of America which at the time of payment ia legal tender for the payment of public and private debta. (7) Each of the bonds and the intereat coupone representing the interest - payable thereon and the provisions for the regietration of the bonds and for th,e approval of the bonds by the Secretary of the Local Government Commission to be endorsed thereon, shall be in subatantially the following form: ( Form of Bond ) No. No. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA - • 1 3TATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER $1,000 SERIES (BOND) $1,000 The COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER (hereinafter referred to as "County"), a County of the State of North Carolina, for value received hereby promises to pay to the bearer of this bond, or, if it be registered, to the,registered owner, the principal sum of 'ONE THOU3AND DOLLARS ($1,000) ' on June 1, 19 , and to pay interest thereon from the date of this bond until . it shall mature at the rate of per centum ( %) per annum, payable semi-annually on June •l and December 1 in each year, upon presentation and surrender of the coupon= therefor attached hereto, as they severally mature. Both principal of and interest on this bond are payable at the office of the Sacurity National Bank, in the City of Wilming- ton, North Carolina, or, at the option of the holder, at the principal office of the First National Citq Bank of New York, in the Borough of Manhattan, City \ and State of New York, in any coin or currency of the United States of America '.,which at the time of payment is 1ega1 tendar £or the payment-of public and pri- vate debts. This bond may be registered as to principal only by tha holder in his name on the bond rebister of the County kept in the office of the Bond Regiatrar of the County, and such registration shall be noted hereon by said Bond Registrar. If-so registared, this bond may be transferred on said bond register by the registered owner in person or by attorney, upoxi presentation of this bond to the Bond to the Bond Registrar with a written instrument of transfer in a form approved by said Bond Registrar and executed by said registered owner. If this bond 6e so registered, the principal shall thereafter be payable on19 to the peraon in whose name it is registered, unless this bond shall be discharged from registry by being registered as payable to bearer. Such registration shall not affect the negotiability of the coupons, which shall continue to pass by delivery. 'A 3 5 4 Minutes of the Meeting January 5, 1959 Continued BOND SALE RESOLUTION - (Continued) (Paragraph to appear only in School Building Bonds, Series A) This bond is issued pursuant to the The County Finance Act of North Carolina, and resolutions duly adopted by the Board of Coimniesioners of the County, and is issued by tha County, as an administrative agency of the State of North Carolina, to provide facilities necessary for the mainten- ance of public schools in the County for the nine months school term pres- cribed by law. The issuance of this bond and the contracting of the indebted- ness evidenced thereby have been approned by a majorfty of the qualified vo- ters of the County voting at an election duly called and held in said County on February 15, 1958. (Paragraph to appear only in Cormnunity College Bonds) This bond is issued pursuant to the Count9 Finance Act of North Carol3na, and resolutions duly adopted by the Board oP Conunissioners of the County, and ia issued to acquire land and erect thereon, for the use of the Wilmington Community College, one or more buildings contain3ng classrooms, laboratories, administrative offices, utilit9 plants, libraries, cafeterias and auditoriums, and to purchase and install equipment suitable therefor. The iseuance of this bond and the contracting o£ the indebtednesa evidenced thereby have been approved by a majority of the qualified voters of the County voting at an election duly called and held in said County on May 31, 1958. It 4s hereby certified and recited that all conditions, acts and things required by the Constitution or statutes of the Stata of North Carolina to exist, be performed or happen precedent to or in the 3sauance of this bond, exist, have been performed and hane happened, and that the amount of this bond together with all other indebtedness of the County, is within every debt and other limit prescribed by said Constitution or statutes. The faith and credit of the County are hereby pledged to the punctual payment of the principal of and interest on thia bond accord4ng to its terms, IN WITNESS lvnmxzOF, the County has caused this bond to be signed by the Chairman and the Clerk of the Board of Commissionera of the County, and the corporate seal of the County to be hereunto aPf ed, and the annexed coupons to bear the facsimile signature of sa3d Clerk, ? d th?,s bo?8to be dated December 1 1958• ? flhairman of Bo d of Coimnissioners Clerk of Board of Commissioners (Form of Coupon) No. ? June, On the f4rst day of December, 19 , the COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER, a County of, the State of North Carolina, will pay to bearer DOLLARS ($ at the office of the Security National Bank, in the City of Wilmington, North Carolina, or, at the option of the holder, at the principal office of The First National City Bank of Idew York, in the Borough of Manhattan, City and State of New York, in any coin or currency of the United States of America which ia then legal tender for the payment df public and private debts, being being the semi-annual interest then due on.its Bond, Series , dated December 1, 1958• ? ? ? ?Cl?rk?of ?d of Commissioners {Endorsementa on Bonda} The within bond has been reg4stered as to principal only, as followe: Date of . Name of Registered . Signatur.e of Registratfon . Owner : Bond Re42strar . • r ? f A4l ? Minutes of the Meeting January 5, 1959 Continued BOIdD SALE RESOLUTION - (Continued) The issue hereof has been approved under the provi'sions of the Local Government Act. W. E. EASTERLING Secretary of the Local Government Commission sv Designated Assistant (8) The County Auditor is hereby authorized and directed to provide a suit- able bond register for the registration of said bonds and to act as Bond Registrar in registering the bonds and to carry out the provisions set forth in the bonds for the conversion of the borids into re$istered bonds and for the transfer there- o£. (9) The Local Government Commission,of North Carolina is hereby requested to aell said $550,000 School Building Bonds, Series A and said $600,000 Community College Bonds in the manner prescribed by the Local Government Act of North Caro- lina, and to state in the notice of the sale of said bonds given pur=uant to Sect- ion 17 of said Act, that bidders may name one rate of interest £or part of the bonds and another rate or rates for the balance of the bonde. The bonds shall bear interest at such rate or rates as may be named in the proposal to purchase the bonds which shall be accepted by said Local Government Coimnission?in accordance with said Act. (10) The Chairman and Clerk o£ the Board of Coimnissioners are hereby authoris- ed and directed to cause the bonds to te prepared and, when they shall have been duly sold by said Local Government Conuni.ssion, to execute the bonds and to turn the bonds over to the State Treasurer of North Carolina, for delivery to the pur- chaser or purchasers to whom they may be sold by said Commission. Commissioner Williams seconded the motion, and the motion was adopted, those voting for the resolution were Chairman J. E. Holton, Jr., Commissioners Berry A. Williams and Peter H. Braak. No one voted against it. BOIdD PRINTING - I I?^p Mr. Hogue explained that at his request, the Security Columbian Bank Notes Company of Philadelphia had quoted a price or $450.00 for pr3nting the basic notea plus $20.00 for each interest rate change and that he considered this a fair prica, in fact, he s,aid that this Company :..'p.'r.inted",.'.., practically all of the bonds issued, and upon motion of Mr. Braak, seconded by Nr. Williams, the request was unanimously approved.' DRAINAGE COMMITTEE REPORT - . Mr. Garland S. Currin, Chairman of the recently appointed Drainage Commi- tee, submitted a report and recommendations as a result of their first meeting to consider drainage problems thet had been presented to them . Since two members of the Board were not present, it SJfl9 felt that it would be better to have the whole Board receive the report, so the Executive Secretary wae instructed to place it on the Agenda for next Monday. ROAD CONtPLAINT Mr. Earl H. Orrell; following up his request last week for road improve- ments on Park Avenue from (}8 Street to MacMillan Avenue again appeared before the Board. As none of the Commissioners had been able to investi$ate the situati.on, he made his request again that the County put pipe in the canal in order that a 60ft. right-of-way could be obtained without the?destruction of trees. Tho Chairman was of the opinion that a letter should be directed to the State Highway Commission on the subject and the Board withhold any definite action on the matter until a reply was received from them. Mr. Braak then offered a motion that a letter be directed to the State Highway Commission stating Nr. Orrell's request. It was seconded by Mr. Williams, and unanimously approved. , Note: After the meeting, the Coirmiiesioners inspected the conditions and agreed that if the property owners would furnish the pipe and put sufficiant soil on the site to cover it up, they would fu'rnish labor for laying the pipe: ' SCHOOL BOMB SCARE REWARD - Pursuant to the delay last week of the discussion of a reward to the re- cent school bomb scares, the matter was again discussed at length by the Board and the following motion made by N1r. Williams that a letter be written to the Board of Education explaining the proposal to offer $100.00 reward for evidence leading to the capture and conviction of any person involved in any way to frighten or endanger the pupils in any school and suggest that tha Board will be glad to go along with such a request if they wish or look with favor on any suggestions they consider better for preventing such acts in the future. This motion was seconded by Mr. Braak, and unanimously adopted. ' CAP FRIENDSHIP C6MNf2TTEE 'Y' A request was received from the Chairman of the CAP Friendship Daps re- C-v , questing the appointment of a Commissioner to serve on a steering committee to set ? up and guide the 1959 program. The Chairman appointed Coirnnissioner Peter H. Braak to serve in that capacity. ? Ia'? 'p / b CtJy'CF0 ?J? Minutes of the Meeting January 5, 1959 Continued \?^ PUBLIC RECORDS EXAMINER - The State Department of Archives and History informed the Board by letter that the Public Records Examiner would visit New Hanover County on Thursday, January 8, 1959. The Coirmiissioner,s suggested that the Aiiditor, Regieter of Deeds, Clerk of Superior Court and the Executive Secretary meet with the Examiner and show him what- ever records they considered no longer neceseary for public record. OPERATION FLOODLIGHT - ? A letter was received from the Exchange Club enclosing a copy of the fo1:= lowing Resolution comnnending the County Sheriff's Department for their part4cipation in a joint operation with the State Highway Patrol and the Wilmington Police Depart- ment in conducting "Operation Floodlight" designed to curb traf£ic accidents. rrResolved that the personnel of the State Highway Patrol, Wilmington Pol- ice Department and New FIanover County Sheriff's Department be corrmiended £or their work in conducting "Operation Floodlight". Be it furthor resolned that a copg of this resolution be sent to each of the organizations in appreciation of their efforts beyond the call of regu- lar duty in seeking to curb injury and loss oP life on the highways." Dated 12/19/58 THE WILI1INGTON EXCHANGE CLtTB . /S/ Roland Bruce, Secretary The Exeeutive Secretary was instructed to acknowledge the letter and Resolution. AIRBORNE OFFICERS ENTERTAIIdMETIT - , Pursuant to approval on December 29, 1958, the Chairman, J. E. Holton, Jr., participated in a dockside departure program for the 82nd Airborne Division embarkat4on for a tour of duty in Germany. After the ceremony and the loading of the troops, the Coirmianding Officers from Fort Bragg were entertained at the Cape Fear Club. The reception of thia hospitality for the off4cers was well received and,each of them expressed their satisfaction in the courtesies extended to them arranged by the joint participation of the Count9 Commissioners, City of Wilmington, and the Cham- ber of Commerce. It is £elt that the resulta will=be far reaching in cementing pub- lic relations between Fort Bragg and New Hanover County, AITDIT REPORT - Sinoe.a full Board was not-present at thia meeting, the Audit Report sched- uled for discuseion at this time was postponed and the Executive Secretary instruct- ed to reschedule it next week. 1 CHAIRS ' The Executive Secretary 3nformed the Board that the Court House needed approximatelp two dozen chairs as it was necessary to borrow chairs £rom various offices in order to set up equipment for tax listers and the Grand Juries. By com- mon consent of the Board, this request was approved, OLD AGE ASSISTANCE LIEN - A letter was received from Attorneys Carr and Swails stating that a Lien i th $ 6 n e amount of 4,73 .25 was recorded against the property of Owen W. King who own- ed half-interest in 6 acres adjoining Beasleyts property in Masonboro Township, be- hind the Masonboro Baptist Church. They furthor set forth that the heirs at law who own the other half-interest represent the property as having a market value of $1,000 and request the undivided interest of 0. W. King. Mr. Williama informed the Board that he was familiar with this piece of property for the reason that the owners had C'"to"? implied a willingnese to sell it to the Masonboro Baptist Church for $3 000 and that V in his opinion, the Lien should not be canceled except upon payment of 500 repre- -T?;__ senting the hal£-interest of the property sale value of $39000. By common consent, the Board instructed the County Attorney to refar the matter to the County Ta.x Assess- or for his inspection and recommendation. - COUNTY PLANNING BOARD - As instructed by action of the Board at their regular meeting on December 15th, 1958, the Chairman as authorized by GS 153-9, Subsection 40, appointed the fo1= ?•?" lowing members to compose a County Planning Board for the purpose of carefully study- ing the resources, possibilities and needs of the County particularly with respect to conditions which may be injurious to the public welfare, and to initiate plans for the development of the County:?_Xr- .7- Winder Hughes, Mr. W. Horace Corbett Mr. , Wallace C. Murchison, Mr. Robert R. Bellairiy 11, and Mr. Edward B. LTard. No Chair- man was appo3nted to this'Board as it was the consensus ? opinion that'the Board should elect its own of£icers at the first meeting whici?4 called by the Chairman of the Board of Coimnissioners. The Executive Secretary was instructed to write to each of the members of this Board and inform them that the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners would work with them in every way possible'and pledge their coopera- tion and support. ' NOTARY PIIBLIC - County Attorney John Bright Hill informed the Board that there was only ? one Notary Public on the main floor of the Court House and frequently time was loat in probating County documents because a Notary Public was not readily available and ? su ested that Mrs, Evel M. Foster be a ?g yn pproved as a Notary. Mr. Braak offered a motion that thia suggestion be approned, seconded by Mr. Williams, and unanimously adopted. S ` z Minutes of the Meeting January s, 1959 Continued SIGNATIIRE AUTHORIZATION - Pursuant to the action taken by the Board•at a Joint Session with the Wilming- ? ton'?_ City Council on December 19th awarding'a contract for the construction of a 12" ' water main to the City limits to the new Lace Plant, County Attorney John Bright'Hill ? presented the contract £or confirmation and signature. Upon motion of Mr. Braak, Chair- man J. E. Holton, Jr. was unanimously authorized to execute the contract for the County. SCHOOL APPROPRIATION - A request was received from the Board of Education for the appropriation of $3,290.60 representing an additional claim balance £or demage to school buildings by Hurricane Helene. The County Auditor, Nir. T. D. Love, confirmed the fact that he had received such a voucher for that amount. Mr. Braak, thereupon, offered a motion that $3,290.60 be appropriated from IInant3cipated Funds to the Regular School Budget - Main- tenance of Plant (Buildings and Grounds - Materials). The motion was seconded by Mr. Williams and unanimously approved. FARM AND HOME ORGANIZATION Mr. Williams reminded the Board that on December 29th a tentative plan was suggested for fixing the responsibility for the efficient operation of the County Farm ! and Home activities and offered a motion to confirm that agreement naming H. C. Riven- ,cv-,-?^ -? bark, Home and Livestock Superintendent; Luther D. Mintz, Farm and Production Supe'r- visor; Dave W. Rivenbark, Drainage Supervisor; and Mr. Rhoda Farrow, Cemetery, 'Parks, and General Repair Supervisor, and direct a letter to all departments of the County in- forming them that W. G. Houck is now the Executive Secrotary for the Board of Commiss- ioners and responsible for the general supervision and coordination of the several de- partments of the County. This motion was seconded by Mr. Braak, and unanimously adopt- ed. PARKING REGULATIONS - As instructed at a previous the Board that he was ready to present the control of parking around the Cour was put off until next Monday when all Secretary was instructed to include it REPORTS - meeting, the Executive Secretary again informed a suggested list of Rules and Regulations for t House property. By common consent, the decision Board members will be present. The Executive on the Agenda for Monday, January 12th. The following reports were reviewed and ordered filed for future reference. ' -1 1- Monthly and semi-annual report of the Wilmington Colored Library -?-i-? ? 2- Veteranst Service Office report, ADJOURNMENT - • Upon motion of Mr. Braak, seconded by Mr. Williams, the Board unanimously adJourned. eo• / /W ck; Executive Secretary Wilmington, N. C. January 12,1959 ASSEMBLY - ' The regular weekly meeting of the New Hanover County Board of Coirmiissioners was held this day in the Commissionerst Room of the Court House at 9:30 A. M. PRESENT: Vice Chairman Peter H. Braak, Commissioners L. E. Broadhurst, J. M. Ha11, Jr., and Berry A. Williams; County Auditor T. D. Love and County Attorney John Bright Hill. Chairman J. E. Holton, Jr. was unable to attend the meeting. INVOCATION - ' The Vice Chairman, Peter H. Braak, called the meeting to order and asked Reverend M. C. Dunn, Pastor of Trinity Methodist Church, to open the meeting with prayer. APPROVAL OF THE MlivuxnS - ' The Executive Secretary explained that he had misunderstood Mr. 4Jilliems' statement recordQd in the Paragraph headed "Old Age AssistanoeLien" last week in that the Masonboro Baptist Church did not actually have a signed option for $3,000 and in- sert immediately after the words "for the reason that the" owners had implied a will- ingnass to sell it to the Masonboro Baptist Church for, and Mr. Broadhurst requested' a change in the Farm and Home Organization Paragraph from "Executive Officer" to ".Execu- tive Secretary". After these corrections, Mr. Williams offered•a motion that the min= ?-, utes be approoed as corrected, seconded by Mr. Hall, and when the vote was taken, Mr. Broadhurst voted "NO" explaining that he did not agree with the'action taken in last t weekts meeting. The Chairman ruled the minutes £ormally approved. / PROPERTY REVALUATION COMPLAINT - Mr. A. C. fierring, a property owner at 1516 South 5th Street complained to the Board that the assessed valuation of his property had jumped £rom $2250.00 to -$3800,00 and that he requested some ad3ustment as his house was a part of a unit he ' had purchased from the Maffitt Village properties and moved to the present location, one-half of which had been remodeled. He said that he had checked ad3acent properties and found that his properties were valued above like properties in the neighborhood and that he was paying more tax than similar holdings. The Tax Supervisor in£ormed the Board that he had requested the Tax Aasessor to•make an inspection of the proper- ty and he, too, felt that it was over-rated. 7.'he County Attorney explained that under the present law no change could be made in the assessment until the Board again sat as a Board of Equalization and Review which will be on March 16, 1959. Mr. Herring explained that he would have appeared before them last spring but that he was in the hospital at the time. He was advised to file his request for re-assessment, so the matter could be handled at the next sitting of the Board for that purpose, beginning March 16, 1959• 7? I