1959-01-12 Regular Meetingz Minutes of the Meeting January s, 1959 Continued SIGNATIIRE AUTHORIZATION - Pursuant to the action taken by the Board•at a Joint Session with the Wilming- ? ton'?_ City Council on December 19th awarding'a contract for the construction of a 12" ' water main to the City limits to the new Lace Plant, County Attorney John Bright'Hill ? presented the contract £or confirmation and signature. Upon motion of Mr. Braak, Chair- man J. E. Holton, Jr. was unanimously authorized to execute the contract for the County. SCHOOL APPROPRIATION - A request was received from the Board of Education for the appropriation of $3,290.60 representing an additional claim balance £or demage to school buildings by Hurricane Helene. The County Auditor, Nir. T. D. Love, confirmed the fact that he had received such a voucher for that amount. Mr. Braak, thereupon, offered a motion that $3,290.60 be appropriated from IInant3cipated Funds to the Regular School Budget - Main- tenance of Plant (Buildings and Grounds - Materials). The motion was seconded by Mr. Williams and unanimously approved. FARM AND HOME ORGANIZATION Mr. Williams reminded the Board that on December 29th a tentative plan was suggested for fixing the responsibility for the efficient operation of the County Farm ! and Home activities and offered a motion to confirm that agreement naming H. C. Riven- ,cv-,-?^ -? bark, Home and Livestock Superintendent; Luther D. Mintz, Farm and Production Supe'r- visor; Dave W. Rivenbark, Drainage Supervisor; and Mr. Rhoda Farrow, Cemetery, 'Parks, and General Repair Supervisor, and direct a letter to all departments of the County in- forming them that W. G. Houck is now the Executive Secrotary for the Board of Commiss- ioners and responsible for the general supervision and coordination of the several de- partments of the County. This motion was seconded by Mr. Braak, and unanimously adopt- ed. PARKING REGULATIONS - As instructed at a previous the Board that he was ready to present the control of parking around the Cour was put off until next Monday when all Secretary was instructed to include it REPORTS - meeting, the Executive Secretary again informed a suggested list of Rules and Regulations for t House property. By common consent, the decision Board members will be present. The Executive on the Agenda for Monday, January 12th. The following reports were reviewed and ordered filed for future reference. ' -1 1- Monthly and semi-annual report of the Wilmington Colored Library -?-i-? ? 2- Veteranst Service Office report, ADJOURNMENT - • Upon motion of Mr. Braak, seconded by Mr. Williams, the Board unanimously adJourned. eo• / /W ck; Executive Secretary Wilmington, N. C. January 12,1959 ASSEMBLY - ' The regular weekly meeting of the New Hanover County Board of Coirmiissioners was held this day in the Commissionerst Room of the Court House at 9:30 A. M. PRESENT: Vice Chairman Peter H. Braak, Commissioners L. E. Broadhurst, J. M. Ha11, Jr., and Berry A. Williams; County Auditor T. D. Love and County Attorney John Bright Hill. Chairman J. E. Holton, Jr. was unable to attend the meeting. INVOCATION - ' The Vice Chairman, Peter H. Braak, called the meeting to order and asked Reverend M. C. Dunn, Pastor of Trinity Methodist Church, to open the meeting with prayer. APPROVAL OF THE MlivuxnS - ' The Executive Secretary explained that he had misunderstood Mr. 4Jilliems' statement recordQd in the Paragraph headed "Old Age AssistanoeLien" last week in that the Masonboro Baptist Church did not actually have a signed option for $3,000 and in- sert immediately after the words "for the reason that the" owners had implied a will- ingnass to sell it to the Masonboro Baptist Church for, and Mr. Broadhurst requested' a change in the Farm and Home Organization Paragraph from "Executive Officer" to ".Execu- tive Secretary". After these corrections, Mr. Williams offered•a motion that the min= ?-, utes be approoed as corrected, seconded by Mr. Hall, and when the vote was taken, Mr. Broadhurst voted "NO" explaining that he did not agree with the'action taken in last t weekts meeting. The Chairman ruled the minutes £ormally approved. / PROPERTY REVALUATION COMPLAINT - Mr. A. C. fierring, a property owner at 1516 South 5th Street complained to the Board that the assessed valuation of his property had jumped £rom $2250.00 to -$3800,00 and that he requested some ad3ustment as his house was a part of a unit he ' had purchased from the Maffitt Village properties and moved to the present location, one-half of which had been remodeled. He said that he had checked ad3acent properties and found that his properties were valued above like properties in the neighborhood and that he was paying more tax than similar holdings. The Tax Supervisor in£ormed the Board that he had requested the Tax Aasessor to•make an inspection of the proper- ty and he, too, felt that it was over-rated. 7.'he County Attorney explained that under the present law no change could be made in the assessment until the Board again sat as a Board of Equalization and Review which will be on March 16, 1959. Mr. Herring explained that he would have appeared before them last spring but that he was in the hospital at the time. He was advised to file his request for re-assessment, so the matter could be handled at the next sitting of the Board for that purpose, beginning March 16, 1959• 7? I t3 5 8 Minutes of the Meeting January 12, 1959 Continued DRAINAGE COMMITTEE REPORT - ? As scheduled at last week's meeting, the Drainage Committee's report was pre- ?,?,v-?-? ?- sented for approval and discussion. Mr. Broadhurst offered a motion that the report be approved with the following amendments; Under Item 3 of the General Discussion, to authorize the County Attorney to draw suitable legislation declaring it a misdemeanor for a person to block a public ditch without providing a suitable alternate and to de- termine the fine therefor; The County to determine whether the alternate is suitable. IInder Item !}, the original motion establishing the Drainage Coimnittee authorized the cleaning out of main ditches and canals on a systemat3c basis and Mr. Dave Rivenbark has been following this policy. IInder Item 5, the Health Department has agreed to . m a ke'_ the bulldozer owned by them available for clearing the rights-of-way when re- quired. Mr. Williams seconded the motion and it was unanimously approved, __--- SENCBA - ^ Mrs. Alice Strickland, Executive Secretary of SENCBA, presented each member of the Board with a 1959 Tide Tables and Calendar. She informed the Board that the Fort Fisher development was getting under way and reminded them that last year Fort Macon drew more tourists than any other point in the State and she saw no reason why Fort Fisher would not develop into as great attraction for our area. She,was very com- plimentary o£ the assistance rendered by Board member Williams as one of their Direct- ors and he informed the Board that the Annual Meeting o£ SENCBA would be held at South- port on January 31st at which a dinner would be served on a Dutch basis. . CSC AIIDIT - ? The reviewing and approval of the Audit Report as scheduled from last week was discuesed and the Executive Secretary instructed to contact the Clerk of Superior _.f Court to ascertain a detailed description of the coimnissions paid to the Sheriff in cash and receipted for on the Judgement Docket as mentioned in the Audit on Page 21 Item 2, also to determine if the recomunendation of the Auditor for depositing all cash received in a banking account opened for that purpose and dispersed by check would be objectionable to his office operation. He also was asked to arrange for the Clerk of Superior Court to appear before the Board next Monday, January 19th for any comment he cared to make. - COUNTY FISCAL YEAR AIIDIT Pursuant to the tabled motion made by Mr. Williams on December 22nd for naming that portion of NC 132 between IIS 117 at Castle Hayne to the intersection of IIS 421 at Myrtle Grove Junction "College Road", the Board, hy common consent unani- mously approved the action provided there was no duplication of names. STREET NAMING COPO'IITTEE - Sy common consent, the Board instructed the Executive Secretary to direct _.r. a letter to the Chairman of the Street Naming Cormnittee, Mr, Charles T. Burke, and re- quest an u to date re ort on the actinities of that Committee p p . OGDEN TRAFFIC SIGNAL - ' Mr. Williams informed the Board that the citizens of Ogden Coirununity had approached him with the requeat that a traf£ic light be installed at the intersection. This is particularly important for the safety of school traffic which will considerably increase when the proposed Junior High School is complete. By common consent, the Executive Secretary was Snstructed to contact the State Highway Patrol and requeat a traffic surveq to determine if such a light met the minimum traffic count and would serve to reduce traffic hazard and promote the safety control. TRASH DUMP - ' A letter was received from Airport Manager John A. Westbrook attaching a letter from the Chief, Combined Station Totaer, a Faderal Aviation Agency complaining ? that the smoke by burning refuse at the Trash Dump was an aviation hazard in that smoke combined with the fog at times lowered the ceiling which rendered visibility below safe operating minimums and that the garbage attracted seagizlls which also could cause serious injury to pilot and passengers. ' They recommended the removal of the present trash dump and that it be relocated at a point that would not interfere with ._l the maximum use of the Airport. After a discussion by Board members, Mr. Williams offered a motion that an area be designated for burning the trees and trash which were not feaeible to bury and that the F..xecutive Secretarg was instructed to see that a trenching method be used, which would build the land up, and be charged with keeping a check on the operation to see that it meets the minimum requirements of the Board of Health. This motion wae seconded by Mr. Hall and when the vote wae taken, Mr. Broad- hurst voted "NO" but the Chairman ruled the motion adopted. DESIGNATION OF DEPOSITORIES - Mr. Foster Edwards, Clexkof Superior Court, requested the Board to designate depositories ?• ? for funds in his keeping and requested that only those institutions being in•ured by the FDIC be named. Mr. Williams offered the motion that all of the Banks and Saving and Loan Companies covered by FDIC be named and designated as depositories. This mo- tion was seconded by Mr. Hall and unanimously adopted. APPROPRIATION - ` The Executive Secretary reported to the Board that the work on the Court House steepZe had been completed and that because of that expenditure and the wDrk authorized September 8, 1958 for the Court House Annex, the Building Maintenance and ? Repair Building Account was exhausted and that tha County Auditor suggested that it would probabl9 take $3500 to finish out the Fiscal Year. An invoice for $86.25 was reeeived from M. H. Lander for engineering services in connection with the.survey and layout for the Tidewater Natural Gas Company sale on the old sanitorium sit-a. Mr. Williams then offered a motion that $3500 be appropriated to the Building Maintenance and Repair Building Account and $86.25 to County Aid - Surveying from the Emergency Fund. Nir. Hall seconded the motion and it was unanimously adoptad. ? . 'tr I L, Minutes of the Meeting January 12, 1959 Continued ..l.? RESOLUTION - pa? A Resolution was received and read from the Consolidated Board of Health commending Dr. John C. Wessell for his long and unselfish efforts for the.improvement of the Countg Health Department and regret £or his resignation. Mr. Williams observed that in hie opinion two men with long periods oP unselfish servico,to New Hanover County had recently rosigned and that he thought a letter should be written from the Board in recognition of their sernices and offered a motion that the Ececutive Secretary be in- , structed to write a letter to Dr. John T. Hoggard who recently resigned from the Board of Education and to Dr, J. C. Wessoll who recontly resigned from the Board of Health. The motion was seconded by Mr. Hall and unanimously adopted. PETITION FOR RELIEF - • Mrs. Helen B. Sneeden, Superintendent of Public.Welfare, requested that Dave Cowan be allowed to go to the County Home because he was unable to care for himself, however, it is falt that he ie eligible £or Social Security and the Welfare Department will follow through on the application to the Social Security Board and wi11 make pro- per disposition after it is determined if he is eligible. Mr. Broadhurst.offered a mo- tion that this request be granted. It was seconded by Mr. Williams and unanimously approved. PARKING RULES AND REGULATIONS The Executive Secretary reminded the Board that he had been instructed to present a euggestad plan for regulating parking in the Court House area for discussion at todayrs meeting. A copy of the proposed rules was pronided each member of the Board and by coirunon consent, they decided to study it for another week before making a de- cision and instructed the Executive•Secretary to schedule it for next week. UNAUTHORIZED HOLIDAY - . • Mr. Williams informed the Board that he understood the employees of 'the Con- solidated Health Department had taken an extra Holiday on Friday, January 2nd, which the other County employees did not get, The Executive Secretary explained that the matter had been discussed with Mr. Edwards, who, investigation revealed, made the de- cision as Dr. Davis was ill at the time. Mr. Edwards said that a skeleton force was on duty during that day and that four of their "staff were out sick and some on vaca- tion. N,r. Williams was of the opinion that the matter should be brought forcefully to the attention of the Department head and orders given for strict obsarvance oP the days set by the County Commissionera as Holidays in the future. Mr. Hall remarked that in his opinion he thought it was a dubious position as authorization for regulat= -ing hours for the Health Department :..was-:- - vested in the Board of Health. Mr. Williams then offered a motion that the Board of Health be requested to furnish an ex- planation for taking off an'extra day unauthorized by the County Commissionere. This motion was aeconded by Nir. Broadhurst and when the vote rras called, Nr. Hall voted "N0; however, the Chairman ruled the motion prevailed. f d.uv ? _-- e ?------ H-a? OLD AGE ASSISTANCE LIEN - V,SZ The County Attorney reported to the Board that he had requested the Tax Assessor to appraise the property in Masonboro Township on which the requeet for re- Zeasing a Welfare Lien in the amount of $4736.25 was made Zast weelt with an of£er of $500.00. No report as yet has been received frcan the Tax Assessor. Mr. Williams then offered a motion that the offer of $500.00 made by Carr & Swails be rejected and the attorneys noti£ied. This motion was seconded by I4r. Hall and unanimously adopted. . TRANSPORTATION - Nir. Williams observed that he thought that some transportation should be pro- vided for the Executive Secretary if he was to check on the various activities o£ the County from time to time and suggested that an innentory be made of the vehicles owned by the County to see if arrangements could be made for the use of any of them without e e hindering any other department. Mr. Broadhurst oposed this suggestion and no official action was taken. ? REPORTS - , The following reports and letters were reviewed and ordered filed for informa- tion: '- , (1) Farm Agent's Monthly Report. (2) Home Agent's Narrative Report. (3) Negro Home Demonstration Agentts Plarrative Report (4) Tax Collectorts Monthly Report showing total of $1,221,780.68` (5) Wilmington Public Library (6) Letter from the Catholic Welfare Bureau confirm3ng the safe arrival of Ronny Escobedo (7) Letter from the North Carolina Sorosi4 endorsing the County Planning Board action. . (8)'.'Thank-you letter £rom trhe Social Service Index of the Christmae Bureau ' • Program £or use of truck during Christmas season. (9) Change in Status of Welfare recipients reviewed, ADJOURNMENT - There being no:? further business adjournment, seconded by NIr. Broadhurst and presented before the Board, Mr. Hall moved unan3mously approved. ./ W. G. Houck, Executive Secnetary ? A