1959-01-26 Regular Meeting?6?` Minutes of the Minutes January 19, 1959 JURORS- Continued Orvan J. McCoy Micky Ramsey Frank Ta.lman, Jr. Fleet P. Peterson Charles L. Taylor Aaron T. Mitchell Crowell E. Spivey Rudolph S. Sullivan Charle• T. Williams #4920 Park Ave. RFD 2, Box 426 A 601 Central Blvd. 14 H Lake Village 303 s. 2nd St. 202 s, ybtn St. 140 Colonial Circle 119 N. 52na St. 2521 Adams St. Cont3nued Justin S. Smith Louis C. Bryant Robert B. Elliott Andrew S. Spooner Laurence Lawson Thomas B. Jackaon Gibson Register William Letendre Leonard J. Hannah Jurors for the trial of Criminal Casea - Februarv 23. 1959 J. E. Bugg L. W. Hood R. L. Fryer S. R. Johnaon L. A. Barnes G. F. Teeter C. L. Hinnant J. F. Peacock James B. Hinea C. N. Phillips Charles S. Mayer M. Freeland D. L. Campbell Forest L. Riggs E. A. Rivenbark Jamea C. Cliff R. B. Hiclmian Jr. Henry B. Neier GeorgeL. N:itchell Herbert L. Young Jr. U!illie C. OQuinn Samual MeGuire William E. Bellamy Rupert Strickland Herbert Noskowitz 122 Grahkm St. 5317 Wrightsville Ave. 2427 Jackson St. 305 Frances Marion Dr. RFD 2, Box 444 415 Mercer Ave. 10$ Lake Forest 2848 Jefferson 54 Woodlawn Hotel Wilmington Herman Walton RFD 2, Box 37 3735 S. Front St. A. C. Widenhouse 104 Morningside Drive 613 Chestnut St. John F. Flowers Kurea Beach, N.C. 127 Greenville Ave. John T. Foreman P. 0. Box 199 28 West Drive Willis Wil•on 12 Q Lake Village Kure Beach, N. C. Pete Balafas Wilmington, N.C. B 12,01eander Court Apts.Edwin K. Warren 2112 Klein Road 140(} Castle St. James M. Idewton 15 Pinecrest Terrace 1302 Churchill Drive Frank H. Harriss P.O. Box 181,C rol?rR ?eac 2523 Washington St. Louis G. Sasser .C. 2712 Jack.=on S 224 Page Ave. J. B. YJilliams,Jr. 136 Colonia2 Circle : 228 N. 23rd ST. William M. Burns D 13 Oleander Apta. 2935 H. Adams St. Sidney Hawkins 5101 Oleander Drive RFD 3, Box 135 Arthur K. Inman 111 Virginia Ave. RFD 1, Wright:boro R oad John Kondracki 2849 H Adams St. :2216Metts Ave. A. K. Summerlin Jr. 17 N. 25th St. 22 Summitt Walk Raymond E. Taylor 28LE9 D. AdAms St. 27402 Mimosa Place % ACL RR C James R. Upchurch 198 Pinecrest Pkwy, o. Robert L. Cowan Sr. 2710 S. Van Buren Stt. 196 Pinecrest Pkwy, Henry Wm. Dixon 11 Gen.Deliv. Ca a J; 302 Virginia Ave. Dgqid Struthers g R rT.C. 211 N. 22nd , RFD 1 Bor. 190,Ca a ft 0 e,N.C Ra ndolph Radford 90 Pinecrest Pkwy. 1209 Azalea Drive F 518 S Phillip L. Sullivan Box 366, Wrightav, Beach „ ront St. Clayton W. Fountain 2202 Princess Place Dr. 1905 Ann St. John C. Christian Jr, 31 Jackaon Drive ADJOURNMENT - journed Upon motion of Mr. Hall, seconded by N?r. Williams, _the Board unanimouQly ad- . Wilmington, N.C. Januarp 26, 1959 ASSEMBLY The regular weekly meeting of the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners was held this day in the Commisaioners' Room of the Court House at.9:30 A. M. PRESENT: Chairman J. E. Holton, Jr., Conunissioners L. E. Broadhurst, Peter H. Braak, J.M. Hall, Jr, and Berry A. Williams, County Auditor T. D. Love and County Attorney John Bright Hill. INVOCATION - Chairman Holton called the meetingtn order and asked Reverend C. H. McLean, Pastor of Delgado Presbyter3an Church, to open the meeting with prayer. • ? ., APPROVAL OF THE MINTJTES - Upon motion of Mr. Broadhurst, seconded by Mr. Williams, the minutes o£ the ' laet meeting were approved as written. COURT ROOM AIR CONDITION2NG - Mr. Henry Von Oesen appeared before the Board at the request of the Executive Secretary with reference to a proposal £or air conditioning the Court Rooms. He explained ?J. that the plans which were drawn several 9ears ago could still be used and that if the an- tire Court Houso was air conditioned according to those specificat3ons, the eetimated cost would be $355000, This system includes the use of hot and chilled water which would alternately cool the building in the aummer and heat the building fn the winter. The second proposal would be a modification of the above system which could later be expanded to include the ent3re building at a later date and aome of the equi.pment would be salvag- able and limited to a direct cooling operation only. The estimated cost is $25,000. He outlined that a third alternate would be to install the package cooling equipment in the basement to eliminate the noise in the Court Rooms and use cooling units in the windows whieh could be manually adjusted and which he estimated would cost $20,000 or $10,000 per Court Room. Mr. Broadhurst suggested that poseiblg two-ton window units might be used to which Mr. Von Oesen answered that each Court Room would require approximately 25 tons which means that it would be necessar,p to use 12 or 13 two-ton window units and that-in his'.opinion that the additional wiring, maintenance costs and length of service uo uld approx- imate the estimates above and in add3tion the noise would render them more impractical. Mr. Willisms observed that at tho preaent time the trend was to set up a system of State Courts(?, and do away with the local Courta and he thought it might he well to have a long range study made involving the surveying the utilization of the entire building to aee that the maximum use of all office space was made. The matter was taken under advisement for atudy. * J W. G. Houck, Executive Secretary Minutes of the Meeting January 26, 1959 Continued FREEMAN BEACH EROSION - GROINS The second subject covered by Mr. Von Oesen was the rehabilitation of the ?jyr.n?Z northern end o£ Carolina Beach known aa Freeman Beach. He stated that sufficient funds were included in our application through the Civil Defense and Mobilization Administra- tion as a result of Hurr3cane Helene to rebuild the beach by groins and stabilization work to restore it. fIe estimated that the groin would cost in the neighborhood of $6,000 to $10,000 eech and in his opinion the heavy stone blocks or broken concrete riprap would be preferable to piling. He thought that the dovetailing of the proposed plans for the Town.of Carolina Beach for rehabilitating that portion of the Beach within its boundariee might be advisable although the actual contracts would have to be separate. At the pre- sent time it was decided that no 3ntelligent action could be taken until we had an ans- wer from the Regional Office of Civil Defenae and Mobilization Administrat3on about the ' amount which would be allocatad for this pro3ect. COIvaiIINITY AOSPITAL - Repreeentatives of the Board of Directors of Community Hospital appeared be- ? fore the Board and informed them that the North Carolina Nurses Registration and Nursing I! ?-yv•-t- Education Committee had notified them that their nuraing school would not meet the stand- ards required £or their approval and that unless visible evidence of plans for improve- ment was furnished them by January 289 1959 the Community Hospital Pro£essional School. of Nuraing would no longer be approved by their Committee and stated that a minimum,addi- tional appropriation for ealaries in the amount of $12,500 for the employment of addition- al registered nurses qualified for instructional aervices would be required by the next Fiscal Year beginning July 1, 1959. The,y requestecl the County Comm3ssioners to send a letter to M4ss Vivian M. Culver, Executive Secretary to the Co7rmiittee of the North Caro- lina Nurses Regi•tration and Nurses Education, assuring them of their willingness to make such proviaions in•the next Budget Year in order that the Profese3onal School of Nur-'_ sing might eontinue to render a-valuable service to the negroes in our Community. During the diecuesion of this problem, Dr. Leonhard Felix Fuld, President of the Helene Fuld Health Foundation was introduced and explained that the primary purpose of a Profesaion- al Nurses School, of course, was providing qualified nurses and that in his opinion addi- tional monies were needed for personnel and equipment to upgrade the school but that their main purpose was to pronide a more healthful atmosphere for the students themselves. Var- ious members of the Corrnnittee voiced their plea for the continuation for thia Profe=aion- al School of Nursing and the final conclusion seemed to indicate that at least four regis- tered nurses qualified for teaching would be required to supply the present staff to meet the instructianal standards as autlined by the Medical and Nursing Cosrnn3ttee. Mr. Williams introduced th3s question "Would the Board of Directors be able to take over the complete responaibility for conductirig the Hospital on a self-suetaining basis if they were assur- ed of a minimum of $11,000 per month or a total of $132,000 per year as compared to the $1209000 at present?" One of the Directors observed that Community Hospital had the 1ow- est per diem rate per patient of any hospital in which the Duke Endowment participates. County Auditor Love reported that in his opinion Community Hospital was operating now at the highest efficiency at any time since he had been acquainted with the administrati.on and he thought that if the indigent patients were figured on a per diem basis it would cost the County $190,000 instead of $120,000 as now. It was apparent from the various discussions that the entire Committee from the Board of Nurses Registration and Aturses • Education had accepted excuses and promises for improvements for the last seven years and that since their request and previous recommendations have not been complied with they could no longer reconunend that the Professional School of Nursing of Community Hosp- ital be allowed to operate. Mr. Hall then observed tkxat in his opinion a letter should be written assur3ng the Medical Examining Board that the Commissioners would be willing to add the $12,500 in their.next Fiscal Year Budget to insure meeting the minimum stand- ards to continue operating the Profesaional Nursing School and offered a motion to that effect. The motion was seconded by Mr. Braak and when the Chairman called for,the vote, Messrs. Hall and Braak voted "Ape" and riessrs. Broadhurst and Ylilliams voted "Nay". The Cha3rinan then cast his vote with the ayes and declared the motion ca.rried. ? TAX CONPLAINT - Colonel R. S. McClelland, representing Lieutenant Colonel Roger M. Page, a property owner of 928 Country Club Road, informed the Board that his client had purchas- ed this property in'1938 for $9,650 and that the replacement value placed on it by an appraisal firm was $26,830 or almost three times its original cost a.fter 20 qears uae: He requested that the Commiasioners give some consideration to the reassessment oP thia property to a more realiatic figure. The Chairman explained to him that the Board would ' be glad to give consideration to this request if it was presented,on their regular form, wheii they-would sit again as a Board o£ Equalization and Review, beginning March 16,1959 ROAD PETITION - Nrs. Katherine 0. Jorgensen, of 4301 Park Avenue,.presented a Petition for paving the road in front of her propert'y. She informed the Board that this was the third Petition which she had preeented for improvements and that wh3.le they preferred to have the road paved they would be glad to have it stabili2ed and maintained as it at present was f no more than a mud hole. The Petition which she presented was not in the proper i'orm and the regular Stai;e Iiighway Commission Petition was given her for signatures. She was instructed to return it to the F.?cecutive Becretary as eoon as this was done and Mr. Wil- liams offered a mot3on authorizing the Executive Secretarg to forward it to the State Highway Gomnission as aoon as it waa returned. The motion was seconded by Mr. Broad- hurst and unanimously adopted. AZALEA FESTIVAL Mr, Walker Taylor, Jr. President of the 1959 Azalea Festival Committee, accom- p2nied by Mr. Fred 1rlilletEs, Jr, were recognized by the Chairman and told the Board that the Azalea Featival dates had been aet for April 2-5. They explained that it was neces- sary to do considerable advertising in order to promote a successful Festival and re- . quested the Board to appropriate $1500.00 to cover part of this promotional cost. They ? were reminded that because of added postage this year, the cost would increase 25% in that item alone. Mr. Williams then offered a motion that the Gounty Auditor be authoris- ed to pay bills up to $1,000 for advertising and one-half of the City-County Luncheon out of the Advertising Budget. This motion was seconded by N3r. Hall and unanimously ' adopted. ? ADVERTISING - Mr. Henry C. Bost reminded the Board that it had been the cuetom in the past for the City and County to jointly take a full page of advertising in the epacial Azalea Festival Issue of the State Magazine and that he thought it was well spent money for the promotion of our City and County.•The total coet amounte to $200.00. Mr. Braak moved + ; ?: 3 6 5 Ninutes of the Pfeeting January 26, 1959 Continued ADVERTISING - (Continued) . ---- that $100.00, representing one-half of the coat of th3a page, be appropriat- ed from the Advertising Fund 1'or this purpose. The motion was seconded by Ivir. Williems and unanimously adopted. . AUTONiATIC PABKING GATES - Mr. A. C. Nichola, representing the manufacturors of electrically operated _? parking gates, informed the Board that he had notieed from time to time newa article4 e,_.,?,r-Frt-?OA about their interest in regulating the parking area around the Court House and suggested ---- that an automatic parking device might be the answer to the problem and explained that ee 5,d. many kinds could be obtained but that in his opinion a key-in type would be more practi- cal, The Board instructed the Executive Secretary to secure estimates of approximate costs o£ such installation for future consideration. AIRPORT BUDGET SHIFT - Mr. John A. Westbrook, Airport Nanager, explained that he was over expended on three of his budget items, but that he had an excess in hi• Capital 0utlay Account GLv+? and requested approval for transferring $390.00 from the Capital Outla Account to Elec- tric Suppliea $200.00, Repairs and Maintenance $1!}0.00 and Telephone ?50.00. Mr. W31- liams offered a motion that these transfers be authorized since it does not increase the total budget. It was seconded by Yir. Braak and unanimously approved, TAX ABATENiEaVT - r The Chairman exp2ained to the Board that C. S. Loymimore & Company, CPA Audi- tors, examfning the records of the Wertheimer Bag Company had discovered that they had been reporting imported materials on hand for local taxes and requested the County to return their 1956 and 1957 taxes which have been paid and arrange it so that the 1958 taxes could be paid less the exemption entitled to on the imported materials which they had listed on hand incorrectly on January 1, 1958. The County Attorney ruled that.,vnder -^ North Carolina law, complying iaith Federa.l Statutea governing this matter, it stipulated C La? that any 3.mported materials in their original package or shipping state were not subject to local taxea. Nir. Williams then moved that if after investigation this particular case meets the requirements and the County Attorney rules it legal, that the over-payment of'the 1956 and 1957 taxe4 already paid be rebated and that the Tax CoZlector be authori- zed to accept only the legal portion of the 1958 taxes, (excluding the imported materials listed which are exempt.) This motion was seconded by Yir. Hall and unanimously adopted. SURETY BOND - ?A A Surety Bond for James Stanley Williamson was received for approval. Mr. Broadhurst moved that the Bond be appnoved subject to the examina.tion of the County Attorney. It was seconded by Mr. Williams and unanimously approved. • REQUEST FOR BUILDING BRIDGE The Executive Secretary explained that Mr. James F. Lane of Castle Hayne re- ? quosted that the County build a bridge for him over a canal which divided his property, rayyvs?-?' He said that approximately three yeare ago when the property was owned by his father- in-law, Joe Koeh, the County dragline cut a wide ditch saparating ten acres of his land without providing any means for him to get over to it in order to till it. He requeats the County to provide a br3dge which would enable him to move £arm machinery and equip- ment over to the isolated section. Mr. Broadhurst moved that the request be denied. It was secorided by Mr. Williams and unanimously approved by the Boerd, UNPAID BILL - COMMTJNITY HOSPITAL The County Attorney inPormed the Board that their action of November 3, 1958 rejecting the claim of John E. Wood for $802.75 had not concluded the matter, Attorney Elbert A. Brown haa drawn a Complaint which he expects to file unless some favorable act- ' ion is taken in an eftort to satisfy it. He further says that the County is 4ndebted to the Cumber-Moore Plumbing Company for $273.96 for some other services perfonmed for the County and not connected with the boiler installed at Community Hoapital which Nr. Noore is willing to be used in settlement of the Wood bill, therefore, the Attorney recom- menda that the Board offer the Plaintiff $600.00 in full settlement £or the claim of $802.75 and that the County add $326.04 to the $273.96 as if we are forced to defend the suit the expenee would exceed the amount necessary to satisfy the,claim on that basis. In the discussion of the matter, it developed that Yir. Moore wae eeriously ill and it wa-q doubtful if he would ever be able to teatify in Court as a Witness or be in a poaition to pay the claim himself. While it is doubtful if the County could refute his claim thkt official notice waa given before the compromitie settlement with the Cumber-Moore Plumbing Company, the Attorney ruled that the.laVr did not require a subcontractor to make his cla3m in writing although worksheets covering the claim were included with the Cumber- Moore Plumbing Company invoices. Mr. Hal7. offered a motion that sufficient funds be appropriated from the County Elnergency Fund and be added to the present account of $273.96 owing to the Cumber-Moore Plumbing Comparzy, not to exceed $600.00 be ofPered in flzll settlement o£ this claim and thus satisfy the entire matter. This motion was aeconded by Mr. Braak and when the vote was taken, Messre. Braak and Hall voted in the affirma- tive and Niessrs. Broadhurst and Williams voted negatively. The Chairman then voted with the affirmative group and ruled the motion carried. REVALUATION APPEAL - 1? The Executive Secretary called atteni:ion to the scheduled sesQion of the State Board of Assessments on Thur=day, January 29th, 1959 for the purpose of hearing the appeals of the Schlosa Eatate Corporation and the J. & S. Investment Company from the valuationa placed on their property by the recent public appraisers. The County Attorney informed the Board that he and County Auditor Love wauld go to Raleigh Wednesday evening for the purpose of conferring with representatines of the Cole-Layer-Trumble Company in an effort to plan their preaentation ahead of the scheduled meeting the next day. The Chairman, Mr. Holton, urged all the Commissioners to go and stated that while it was inconvenient for him to make the trip, hs £elt that it was a duty which he should perform.' Commission- ? er Hall al6o expressed his willin$ness to go and render whatever supporting service he , could in arranging a just and equitable agreement. 'A , Nintuea of the Meeting January 26, 1959 Continued COUNTY AIIDITOR REPORT - County Auditor T. D. Love informed the Board that the College and School Bonds had been sold at an average rate of 3.23 and submitted a mid-year operating statement showing the unexpended balances and percentages of the appropriation for the,first six months of the Fiscal Year. He a1Qo included a statement of the Renen- ue including the amount received to date and the percentage of the total of the ant3ci- pated estimates. He stated that as a whole the County was in a very good financial posi- ti on. WELFARE DEPARTMENT - Petition for Relief - Mrs. Helen B. Sneeden, Superintendent of the Public Welfare Department, presented a Petition for admission to the County Home for Dudley Pridgen who has recently been discharged form the State Mental Hital with a very Ci ,.,?zyr4-- £avorable record of cansing no trouble, eata and =leeps well and;,`f5P3frequent epileptic seizures. Mr. Broadhurst moved that the request be granted. It was seconded by Mr. Braak and unanimously approved. Mr•. Sneeden informed the Board that one of her employees would soon be re- tiring and requested the Board to approve the hiring of an in-training person to learn ? ho'" the work required in the statistical department. She explained that it would not re- quire an additional appropriation since the remuneration would be coneiderably less than the present salary included 3n the Budget. Upon motion of Mr. Braak, seconded by Nr. Broadhurst, unanimous approvaliwas given to this request by the Board. At this point in the meeting Television Commentator Ben MacDonald was recog- nized anci •aid that during the Christmaa season he had received more than 750 appeals for aseistance and that Mrs. Sneadea and her office had rendered incalculable assist- ance in proceasing and handling these activities., Mrs. Sneeden requestad the Board to a11ow her to make a monthly report of their work, but it was decided, by common coneent, that a quarterly report would be sufficient. 4- H 'CILIIB - ' Our Negro Home Demonatration Agent presented a brief reswna on the main pur- poses of the !}-H Club Foundation, Incorporated and explained some of the many accomplish- ments of this organization as well as out7.ined the ambitious program which they have for fui;ure developments and helping North Carolina negro youth become better leAders and citizens. She explained that it was aupported by contributiona-and au•taining member- ship fees. Many of the leading public firms in New Hanover County have contributed to this worthy cause in the past and this year the quota for New Hanover County was $500.00 and she waa hoping that individual membero of the Board might like to make a$10,00 con- tr3bution and she hoped that the Board would see fit to appropriate a minimum of $100.00 for this purpose. After some discussion of the worthy aims of thia endeavor, the Board by connnon consent, suggested that ehe make all the contacte possible and come back with her report next Monday and they would conaider her request at that tima. .? PARKING RULES AND REGULATTONS - e, ac' The rxecutive Secretary presented the rulee and regulations which had been ? drawn for the proper control of the parking problem around the Court Houae area. Isir, Cl 14,r-wa9- Hall suggested that a stipulation should be included authorizing and approving the towing o£ any unauthorized parked car at the owner• expense and that proper notice to this efSect be included in the sign to be posted at the entrance to the parking area. Nir. Williams suggested that he thought that the Cosrunissioners bhould reserve spacos on occa- sions for use such aa for Superior Gourt Judge as this would render the regulations a little more flekible. Mr. Williams thon offered a motion that the rulee and regula- tion4 preaented for the control of the Conrt House parking area be adopted with the above amendments included and to be effective February 15, 1959. The motion was seconded by Mr. Hall and unanimously adopted by the Board, • SEPTIC TANK PROBLEM - Pursuant to the discuasion of the septic tank problem at the January 19th meeting, the Executive Secretar secured bids for a new septic tank pump fr.om Hyman Supply Company in the amount of? 595.00; Longley Supply Company, $613.00; and Mill and ? Contractors Supply Company, $669.00,, The bid submitted b the H y yman was lowest'and their time ot deliver9 was approximately the same, however, the distance was consideratly less and the probability of earlier.shipment considered. Upon motion of Mr. Braak, seconded by Ifir, Williams, the Board authorized the Executive Secretary to place an order to the lowest bidder for the fastest delivery. During the discussion, Mr. Broadhurst expressed the opinion that Rhoda Farrow should be considered for making the installation. When the motion was put, it was unanimously approved. ? LEGISLATIVE SUGGESTIONS AND PROPOSALS - ?p?y,ip?Q Coirmiissioners Williams offered tne following proposals and suggeetions for consideration and study by the Board in recommending and formulating their program for presentation to our State Legislators for their consideration and final enactment in the 1959 Qesaion of the State Legislature: 1- The Expenee of the Tax Offico Be Pro-rated According To the Amount of Money Taken In Through the Tax Office for the Goverrunents Concerned. 3e Collectiona Expense Neia Hanover County $600,000,00 600 wilmington 350,000.00 35% Wrightsville Beach 50,000.00 05% $1,0009000.00 loUqo Permissive Act for All Governmental Units in New Hanover County 2- Sheriff's Department: Delete $900,00 Authorize the County to Furnieh a Car for 3- Repeal Special Act Governing Meetings Placing New Hanover County Back Under the /4- Repeal the Special Act Requiring the of His Salary. per Year Automobile Allowance for Sher3.ff and His Dfficial Use. of New Hanover Countp Corrmiissioners Thereby General Statutes of North Carolina. Election of the County Auditor and the Setting ?? • r ` \ Ninutes of the Meeting January 26, 1959 Continued LEGISLATIVE SUGGESTIONS AND PROPOSALS - (Continued) 5- Repeal Special Act Relating to Hours Per Day for Election blorkers. 6- An Act Permitting Commissioners to Regulate Gunfiring in Thickly Populated Areas Outside Corporate Limits. 7- Authorization to Require Building Permits, Set the Fee and Appoint a Building In- epector to Carry Out the Provisions of the State Building Code. SCHOOLS - STATE LEVEL 1- Recommend Increase in Teachers' Salaries. 2- Recommend More Realistic Approach in Allocation of Teachers For Each County.By Allowing Additional Teachers Based on Realistic Estimates for Increased Enrollment by Local School Authorities. 3- Recommend That tne Present Division in Responsibility For Public Schools Remain in Fffect with the Counties Providing the Buildings and the State Paying the Teachers' Salttr- ies. With the State Doing Its Part Well, There Should Be No Need For a Statewide-Bond Issue for School Con4truction Since Local F'unds will Be Available to do Those Thinga Which Are Needed on a Local Level. I}- Recommend That the Pnesent System of "Optional" Teacher Supplement Be Continued As Is, Without Interference by the State In An,y Wa.y. LOCAL SCHOOLS It is my impress3on from the answer given by the County Auditor at a Meeting last year r-- that of the local school supplement, leas than 35% is used to supplement the average " classroom teachers' salary and that the balance goes for payment of salaries in full of ???y??u other teachers and for other echool purposes. 5- Recommend That the Board of Education Be Reque•sted to Review the Allocation of the School Supplement Funds with the Purpose of IIsi.ng a Larger Parcentage of this Fund to Supplement tho Average Teacher'a Salary. 6- Recommond That a Neeting With the Board o£ Education Be Arranged Within 30 Days to Discuss the Probleme A£fecting the Schools Before We Get Into Budget Deliberations Which Would Reault in Better,Understanding of. Each•Others Problems, Better Cooperation and Better Schools. WELFARE PROPERTY LIEN. Bernard Spicer was recognized by the Chairman and informed the Board that ?. the Welfare Department had a Lien of $2,37(}.13 against the property in the name of Irala- chi- Dinkins. This property is located beyond I4yrtle Grove Junetion on the Carolina ' Beach Road near a tacltle shop and the Dinkins children still live thare. The owner died ?6y December 20, 1957. Bernard Spicer is arixious to have the Lien satisfied and the proper- r??"- ty cleared. The first step towaxd solving this problem seemed totietDdetermine the val- uation of the property. By common consent of the Board the matter was ordered referred to Property Assessor, H. A. McGirt. • ' SUBSTITUTE COURT REPORTER - -' The Executive Secretarq informed the Board that Court Reporter Dwight McEwen had been able to employ Niss Virginia Bunn of Wake Forest as Court Reporter in h3s stead for the Special Civil Term which was recently ordered by the Attorney General'at'the re- quest of the Local Bar Association for the trial of Civil Cases in the Superior Court without a 3ury, , • ADJOIIRNMENT - Upon motion of Mr. Hall, seconded by Mr. Williame, the Board unanimously adjourned. . . , ? . W. G. Houck, Executine Secretary , Wilmington, N.C. February 2,1959 ASSEMBLY - - The regular weekly meeting of the New Hanover County Board of Commisaioners was held this day at 9:30 A. M. in the Commissioners' Room of the Court House. PRESENT: , Chairman J. E. Holton, Jr., Commissioners P. H. Braak, L. E. Broadhurst, J. M. Hall, Jr, and Berry A. Wi.lliams; County Attorney John Bright Hill and County Auditor T. D. „ Love. . INVOCATION - Chairman Holton called the meeting to order and asked the Executive Secretary, Nr. W. G. 13ouck, to open the meeting with prayer. Reverend G. 0. Reed, Pastor of the lst Advent Christian Church, was unable to be present as scheduled. -A