1959-02-02 Regular Meeting\ Ninutes of the Meeting January 26, 1959 Continued LEGISLATIVE SUGGESTIONS AND PROPOSALS - (Continued) 5- Repeal Special Act Relating to Hours Per Day for Election blorkers. 6- An Act Permitting Commissioners to Regulate Gunfiring in Thickly Populated Areas Outside Corporate Limits. 7- Authorization to Require Building Permits, Set the Fee and Appoint a Building In- epector to Carry Out the Provisions of the State Building Code. SCHOOLS - STATE LEVEL 1- Recommend Increase in Teachers' Salaries. 2- Recommend More Realistic Approach in Allocation of Teachers For Each County.By Allowing Additional Teachers Based on Realistic Estimates for Increased Enrollment by Local School Authorities. 3- Recommend That tne Present Division in Responsibility For Public Schools Remain in Fffect with the Counties Providing the Buildings and the State Paying the Teachers' Salttr- ies. With the State Doing Its Part Well, There Should Be No Need For a Statewide-Bond Issue for School Con4truction Since Local F'unds will Be Available to do Those Thinga Which Are Needed on a Local Level. I}- Recommend That the Pnesent System of "Optional" Teacher Supplement Be Continued As Is, Without Interference by the State In An,y Wa.y. LOCAL SCHOOLS It is my impress3on from the answer given by the County Auditor at a Meeting last year r-- that of the local school supplement, leas than 35% is used to supplement the average " classroom teachers' salary and that the balance goes for payment of salaries in full of ???y??u other teachers and for other echool purposes. 5- Recommend That the Board of Education Be Reque•sted to Review the Allocation of the School Supplement Funds with the Purpose of IIsi.ng a Larger Parcentage of this Fund to Supplement tho Average Teacher'a Salary. 6- Recommond That a Neeting With the Board o£ Education Be Arranged Within 30 Days to Discuss the Probleme A£fecting the Schools Before We Get Into Budget Deliberations Which Would Reault in Better,Understanding of. Each•Others Problems, Better Cooperation and Better Schools. WELFARE PROPERTY LIEN. Bernard Spicer was recognized by the Chairman and informed the Board that ?. the Welfare Department had a Lien of $2,37(}.13 against the property in the name of Irala- chi- Dinkins. This property is located beyond I4yrtle Grove Junetion on the Carolina ' Beach Road near a tacltle shop and the Dinkins children still live thare. The owner died ?6y December 20, 1957. Bernard Spicer is arixious to have the Lien satisfied and the proper- r??"- ty cleared. The first step towaxd solving this problem seemed totietDdetermine the val- uation of the property. By common consent of the Board the matter was ordered referred to Property Assessor, H. A. McGirt. • ' SUBSTITUTE COURT REPORTER - -' The Executive Secretarq informed the Board that Court Reporter Dwight McEwen had been able to employ Niss Virginia Bunn of Wake Forest as Court Reporter in h3s stead for the Special Civil Term which was recently ordered by the Attorney General'at'the re- quest of the Local Bar Association for the trial of Civil Cases in the Superior Court without a 3ury, , • ADJOIIRNMENT - Upon motion of Mr. Hall, seconded by Mr. Williame, the Board unanimously adjourned. . . , ? . W. G. Houck, Executine Secretary , Wilmington, N.C. February 2,1959 ASSEMBLY - - The regular weekly meeting of the New Hanover County Board of Commisaioners was held this day at 9:30 A. M. in the Commissioners' Room of the Court House. PRESENT: , Chairman J. E. Holton, Jr., Commissioners P. H. Braak, L. E. Broadhurst, J. M. Hall, Jr, and Berry A. Wi.lliams; County Attorney John Bright Hill and County Auditor T. D. „ Love. . INVOCATION - Chairman Holton called the meeting to order and asked the Executive Secretary, Nr. W. G. 13ouck, to open the meeting with prayer. Reverend G. 0. Reed, Pastor of the lst Advent Christian Church, was unable to be present as scheduled. -A ( 36?> a liYlvcrn-rS' Minutes of the Meeting February 2, 1959 Continued APPROVAL OF THE NINUTE5 - The Executive Secretary informed the Board that in the Para§raph marked Tasc Abatement, the motion made by Nir. Williams should read as follows, that the County Attorney investigate the circumstanees surrounding the request for the abatement of 1956 and 1957 taxes which have already been paid and the 1958 taxes which have not been paid and if he determines that this particular request comes within the exemptions a11ow- ed on imported goods that the County Auditor be authorized to rebate that portion of the 1956 and 1957 taxes which were paid above the legal amount and to authorize the Tax Collector to accept the 1958 taxes lesa the amount charged on that p:ortion of the inven- tory meeting the eanneption requirements. This motion was seconded by Mr. Hall and unani- mously adopted." The Chairman suggested thst the amounts of the bida be included on the pump in the Paragraph marked Septic Tank Problem. Ntr. Hall then moved that the min- utes be approved as corrocted above. It wa= seconded by Mr, Williams. ADVERTISING APPROPRIATION - Messrs. J. B. Hinea and J.E. Mowbray, representing the Wilmington Athletic Association, were recognized by the Board and •tated that in the past it had been custom- ary for the Board in previous years to appropriate $400.00 out of the Advertising Fund toward the promotion of the Azalea Open Golf Tournament, They thanked the Board for the help contributed by prison labor and stated that in their opinion it would be impracti- cal to attempt the purchase of the amount of advertising which reeults from this tourna- ment. It is reliably estiinated that each of the average of 150 golfers who articipate in the tournament spend at least $200.00 which left a total o£ not less than ?30,000 for the four or five days they were here and that doea not include the many visitor• who come to see the tournament. They proposed to issue a program which will sell for 50? each and not solicit local advertising as they are convinced that the business men would prefer buying ticket• rather than program advertieing. It is a nonprofit organization and the value of the advertisin$ has grown over the past eleven years, for although New Hanover County is the smallestpopulated area supporting a National Golf Tournament, the publicity and good wi1Z draws a tremendous nvmber of peop7.e from many sectionq of the country. In the past, this event has lost money and they have employed a publicity man for the £irst time and hope that they will be able to at least break even. The Chairman explained that in previoue years they had issued a check for the donations made from the Advertising Fund but that the County Attorney ruled that this could no longer be done so NIr. Williams offered a motion that up to $450.00 be appropriated from the Advertising Fund for the payment of bills connected with this event and the County Auditor author3zed to pay the invoices up to that amount. This motion was seconded by Mr. Hall and unani- mously approved, PROPERTY TITLE CONFUSION - Colonel R. S. IicClelland, representing the estate of Nirs, Lucy F. Perry, ? informed the Board that the tax records indicated that Krs. Perry owned property in Block 551 and that she was charged with $49.31 unpaid taxes on it. He has examined the recorde and finds that thia propert9 wa4 deeded to the County on October !}, 1936 _?- but that the deed was given without Warranty. There is no record that the property was ???Wu.? ever foreclosed for taxes, however, the records show that Mr. E. K. Bryant conveyed the ? property to the County but there is no record of any conveyance of title to him. Appax- - ently the title was not traced at the time for there is a deed recorded in 1908 convey- ing the property to the Perrye and no further tranafers were recorded until•Bryant deed- ed it to the County. The property is now being used as a part of Oak Grove Cemetery, In order to straighten up this confused title, Mr. Broadhurst offered a.motion that the entire matter be referred to Countq Attorney John Bright Hill,and County Auditor T. D. Love for study and recommendation to the Board for untangling and.establish4ng the cor- rect title. It was seconded by Nr. Braak, and unanimously approved by the Board, ROAD CONPLAINT - Subsequent to the instructions on January 5th to write the State Highway Commission with reference to a complaint of Mr. Earl H. Orre1Z, a letter was rece3ved from Mr. C. E. Brown, Division Engineer, who promises to investigate the matter and ad- vise but it is not a Part of the CountY Road S atem maintained b the State Hi 9? y ghway Com- miseion. The Executive Sacretary was instructed to call Mr. Brown and discuss the matter with him further. PENALTY COMPLAINT - A letter was received.from a taxpayer, Mr, W. G. Womble, who lives•in Raleigh but owns property in Porter's Neck of New Hanover County. He complained that he had been -7'tf penalized in 1958. He requested an abstract so that he might list his 1959 taxes and thus avoid the penalty. By common coneent, the matter was referred to the Tax Supervi- sor for handling. BOND SALE AND IIdTEREST RATE - " Pursuant to the re.port on January 26th from the County Auditor that the Wil- -?? mington Coxmnunity College Bond• and the School Building Bonds had been sold at an aver- ? age rate of 3,23, Bond Attorney Cyrus D. Hogue Jr, informed the Board that it was neces- sary for them to approve this sale and interest rate, therefore Coimnissioner P. H. Braak moved that the following Resolution be adopted. WHEREAS, the Local Government Commission of North Carolina has informed the Board of Connnissioners that it has sold, in the manner preacribed by law, the $600,000 Community College Bonds of the County of New-Hanover, dated Decem- ber 1, 1958, authorized by a,bond order adopted by the Board of CoYrmiissioners on April 28, 1958, and the $550,000 School Building Bonds, Series A, of said • County, dated December 1, 1958, authorized by a bond order adopted by the Board of Commiseioners on January 6, 1958, and that the contract of sale contemplates that said bonds shall bear interest as hereinafter provided; NOW THEREFORE, . BE IT RESOLVED that said $600,000 Communitg College Bonds shall bear in- terest as follows; (1) the bonds payable in the years 1960 to 1965, inclusive, at 6°fo per annum, (2) the bonda payabl.e in the year 19661 at 2 3/t}f per annum, (3) the bonds payable in the years 1967 to 1971, inclusive, at 3? per annum, (4) the bonds payable in the years 1972 to 1979, inclusive, at 3,1/4% per annum and (5) the honcis payable in the year 1980 at 1/4% per annum. Continued L? Ninutes of the Neeting February 2, 1959 Continued BOND SALE AND INTEtZEST RATE -(Continued) FiTHTHER RESOLVED that said $550,000 School Building Bonds, Series A. shall bear interest as follows: (1) the bonda payable in the years 1961 to 1965, inclusive, at 6% $er annum, (2) the bonds payable in the year 1966, at 2 3/?f per annum, (3) the bonds payable in the years 1967 to 1971, inclusive, at 3% per annum, (t}) the bonds payable in the years 1972 to 1979, inclusive, -at 3 1/4% per annum and (5) the bonds payable in the year 1980, at 1/4% per annum. Commissioner Berry A. Williams seconded the motion, and the motion wae adopted, ?N those voting for the resolution were L. E. Broadhurst, Peter H. Braak, J. M. Hall, fV_ Jr. and Berry A. Willi.ams. No one voted against it. CITY RECREATION - Mayor J. E. L. Wade of Wilmington was recognized by the Chairman and stated that he wanted to present a matter that iaas valuable to the we]l-being of the citizena of New Hanover County and t.hat had to do with the matter of recreation. The Ste?YQ T•Qg- islature has given autnority to the City and County for allowing them to enter into a ar! ? joint participation for such activities. Anothor advantage is the attractiveness to industrial firms as this question is always among those asked by prospective industries when considering the estabiishment of new plants. He informed the Board that t.he City had set up a Committee to study the expansion of recreation as it applied to their 3ur- iediction and requeeted the County to appoint a Committee to study recreation facili- ties in the County and make recommendations for coordinating the recreational facili- ties and pledged the cooperation of the City Council. In order to acquaint the Com- missioners with the North Carolina Recreation Commiseiori, he left a copy of the Recrea= tion Lhabling Law autnorizing the governi.ng bodiee of-the States Political Subdivision• to establish and provide for,a recreational system as contained in North Carolina Stat- utes 160-155. He introduced Arnold Peterson, Superintendent of City Parks and Recrea= tion Department, who informed the Board that many Counties are now going into a program of recreation for their citizens. He cited P.er.son County which had recently establish- ed a Recreation Park on the shores of Kerr Reservoir. The Chairman thanked the Mayor for his presentation of this important phase of the government and bp corrnnon consent of the Board, it was accepted as a matter f or further study. CAPE FrAR AMBULANCE COMPANY Mr. John W. Poole, Manager of the Cape Fear Ambulance Company, presented four claims for services on which they had not been able to collect the ambulance fee. It developed that three of these calls were made within the City limits and therefore would not fall within the agreem=nt made with the County at their meeting on October ?. 200 1958. Mr. Williama offered a motion that they be referred to the Executive Secre- tary £or investigation and that he come back with recormnendation next week. '1'his ifio- ? tion wea seconded by N?r. Braak but before the queeti on was called, Nfr. Broadhurst offered a substitute motion that since only one of these claims came within the scope of the agreement made on October 20th with the Ambulance Company, the Executive Secre- tary check that one to see if it met the requirements of the agreement: This motion was seconded bp Mr. Hall and when the question was called there were no dissenting votes, so the Chairman ruled the substitute motion prevailed. The Executive Secretary was alao instructed, however, to send a copy of the agraement made on October 20th, 1958 to the Cape Fear Ambulance Company for their guidance. RIVERS AND HARBORS CONGRES3 The Executive Secretary presented the Board with a program for the meet3ng of the Cape Fear River Development Committee of the National Rivera and Harbors Congress ? to be held in the Council Chamber• of the I,11unicipal Building at 10:00 February 7,1959. Weaz,-'"'? The Chairman urged each of the Commisaionera to make every effort to attend"this Qe•sion as tho development of our waterways it ono of the moet important activities in whicli we participate. rEDERAL SCHOOL AID - • A letter was read as requested by Congressman Alton A. Lennon informing the Board that while the financi.ng and the operating of the public schools, public health and public road programe are primarily the responsibility of the local government, at the same timo he feels that it ahould be shared by the Federal Government when it is JWP1_1 obvious that it can not be properly done by the State and Local Governments. He further ? stated that he would not hesitate to vote £or the Federal Government to share in the cost of educational programs if legislation could be passed that would stand up in Federal Courts permitting auch appropriations without Federal interference or control. The mem- bers of Congress have stated plainly on the floor of the House that if authorization legislation was passed, they would insist on denying any State of the opportunity of par- ticipating in the Funds unless it had eubstantially integrated its public school sqstem. The Board received this information for sudy and future guidance. PETITION5 FOR RELIEF . Mrs. Helen B. Sneeden, Superintendent of Public Welfare, presented a Petition requesting the admittance of John WiZliam Curtie to the County Home for care because of ill health as he is unable to care for himself. He receivea an income from OASI and will pay for his expenses thero. Mr. Braak offered a mmtion that he be admitted, sacon- dod by N?r. Broadhurst and unanimously approved. Travel Expense Permit- While Mrs. Sneeden was explaining her problems, she requested the Board to approve an expenditure of $42.30 for piane fare to send Yir. Onzle B. Andrews, a paragoric addict to the Federal Institute for the Rehabilitation of Nar- cotic Addicts in Lexington, Kentucky. She explained that this was an indigent case-and the Federal Institution has accepted him for a period of 90 days for treatment and re- habilitation. Ms. Braak moved that this request be approved. It was aeconded by Mr. ' Williams and when the vote was called, P'lr. Broadhurst voted "NO" but as all the other members vo-ted in the affirmative, the Chairman ruled the motion adopted. _? , P_CtZZ? Q ? r?e+y,.?- I ?! ,-)7'lY e D ? Tfinutes of the Meeting February 2, 1959 Continued AUDITORS EXTRA CHARGE - A statement was received in the.amount of $50:00.from J. B::.McCabe.-and'Com- pany, Certified Pitblic Accouritants;"who recently completed an audit of the Consolidated Tax Of£ice,for preparation of extra copies of the audit report for each of the Commis•- ioners. Mr. Williams informed the Board that he had made the request not expecting an extra charge in view o£ past experiences with other auditing firms who automatically furnished copies of their audit for each member of the Board. Mr. Williams made a mo- tion that the Fxecutive Secretary ca11 J. B. McCabe and Company in order to secure a clarification o£ this charge and explain that the Board did not look w3th favor on a charge of $10.00 a cop-y for these reports as they felt that they were entitled to re- ceiva copies for their studp, and aleo to contact the City official= and determine what their experience had been in regard to this matter. By common coneent, the matter was lePt for the report next week. AIRPORT ENGIivarnING APPROPRIATIOV - An invoice was received in the amount of $1193•28 from Airport Engineering -? Associates for profeasional services on the proposed easement and puxchase of property in connection with the installation of landing lighta and inatrument landing systems at the Airport as authorized by the Board on October 20, 1958• After 4ome discussion of the matter, Mr. Braak moved that the bill be paid and the money be appropriated from the Airport Capital Outlay Account. 4Jhen the vote was taken, Mr. Broadhurstts vobgwas the only "NO" vote, so the Chairman ruled the motion carried. SUPREME COURT COSTS - An invoice was received from the Clerk of the Supreme Court of North Carolina ? covering the cost taxad against New Hanover County in the case of the State vs Grundler, ? a- No. 151 Fall Term of 1958. The Attorney explained that this was the usual procedure so Mr. Hall o£fered a motion that $111.45 be appropriated from the Emergency Fund and thiz bill be approved for payment. The motion was seconded by P'!r. Braak and unanimoualy approv- ed. - STATE ASSOCIATION DUES - A letter accompanied by an invoice was received from the Preeident of the ? State Assceiation of County Commissioners informing the Board that the Directors of ? that body had recently fixed the,membership dues for each County at one-half of one cent per inhabitant and that New Hanover Coun{;y's dueq amount to $316.36. Nr. 4Tilliams offer- ed a motion 1:hat this amount be appropriated from the Ehergency Fund and the Auditor be authcrizad to pay this invoice. It wass :econded by Mr. Hall and unanimously approved. kiILMI1JGT0IJ COPT'fUNITY COLLEGE APPROPRIATION - A letter was received from i4r. F. B. Graham, representing the Building and Grounds Committee of the Corrirnunity College, explaining that they need $15,000 for the purpose of acquiring additional land for the campus with the understanding that it will be replaced out of {;he Anticipated Funds of the $600,000Bond Sale voted by the people ?,?tryor"-- last Nay. Nir. Iiall made a motion that $15,000 be advanced to Wilmington Community Colle$e with the understanding that it be replaced when the remittances of the Sond Sale have been receiced. Thi4 motion was seconded by Mr. Williams and unanimously approved. ROAD NANiE DUPLICATION CoYmniasioner Braak reminded the Board that it had come to his attention that •. a road in Lincoln Foreat subdivision had been designated by the name of Hermitage Road and that there was a Hermitage Road in-the County about one-half way between Castle Hayne and Wilmington on Highway #117 which has been known by that name many yeare prior to Lin- coln Forest Development. He explained that it had caused some confusion in ambulance ? calla, delivery trucks and mail so he thought a change should be made in the duplication. By corrnnon conaent, the Facecutive Secretary was in4tructed to refer this matter to the ? Street Naming Committee appointed by the Board laet year for their study and recommenda- tions. CERTIFICATE OF CONIIMENDATION - ? A letter was received from John W. Homewocd, Chairman of the Aeep North Caro- ?ayyy,? lina Beautiful Cormnittee, corrunending the Tovm of Carolina Beach for their cooperat3on in this program. He requested the Chairman, J. E. Holton, Jr, to present an award which CQ,y? was included to Mayor Glenn_S.Tucker in honor of the contribution made by him and the Town of Carolina. Beach. Mayor Tucker was very appreciative of this recognition and , pled$ed their continued efforts in its auppor . TAX EXEYiPTION - A letter was rece3ved from Attorneys Poisson, Campbell and Narshall, repre- • senting the Americs.n Molasaes Company, explaining that they imported molassea in bulk from foreign countries and that none of the bulk molasses is ever on hand for more than 12 monthe at a time, howevar they have diecovered that quite often a taxable yea.r passes in which the edible mola44ee has been taxed in the tanka of the company before it wac blended and before it was eold. They explainea that in their opinion since it was re- ?-? ceived in bulk in foreign commerce it would clearly come within the exemption allowed un- der Subaection 17 of Section 105-297 of the General Statutes of North Carolina, This matter, by cor,imon conaent, was referred to the Gountg Attorney and the Tax Supervisor for inveatigation and recommendations. CIVIL DEFENSE REPORT - Pursuant to the requeat made by i:he Board on Decenber 29th, 1958 the Civ3.1 Defense Director James B. MacCumber submitted a written report which was read in full ? ? to the Board covering the activities of his office during his incumbency. It was the ? opinion of the Board that more progress had been made in the dissemination of informa- tion and the setting up of plana for the protection of life and property through the Civil Defense organization during the last six months than at any time since ita incept- ion. They agreed that he had done a very fine job since assuming the directorahip. Subsequent to the above report a letter was written inforrning the Board that the 85th 'Py Congress had amended the Federal Defense Act of 1950 so that a financial contribution could be made to political subdinisiona oP the State under Pub13c Law 85-606. The ., ? 11371 ' Minutes o£ the Neeting Februarv 2, 1959 Continued CIVIL DEFENSE REPORT - (Continued) objective of this amendment is to match funds appropriated by any political subaivision dollar for dollar in certain categories of expenditures, one of which is peraonal services. The effective date of this law becomes operative for the last quar- ter of this Fiscal-Year, which will permit the increase of Civil Defense employeesr salaries without any additional appropriation by either the City or County. The Civil Defense Director requested auLhority for raising the salary of the Civil Defense Direct- or to $500.00 per month and the Secretary to the D3rector, to $250.00 per month if and when the above anticipated funds become available, The Executive Secretary was inatritct- ed to arrange a joint session with the City Council for the purpoae of discueaing this request, (Thie meeting is scheduled for 9:00 A. M. Wednesday, February 11, 1959 in the City Council Chambers.) PROPERTY TRANSFER - On October 13, 1958, the Board approved the sale of a triangular piece of property, formed by the old Gordon Road, Blue Clay Road and the North 23rd Extension Road adjacent to the old Sanitorium site, to,the Tide Water Natural Gas Company. In searching the title preparatory to drawing the deed for this triangle, the Attorney re- ports that he ]xas discovered that this triangle was includod in a deed cotiveying certain --` propertiee known as the old Prison Farm to the North Carolina State Highway CommiQsion. Cnl;u? He has diacuased this situation with officiale of the State Highway Commisaion who in- formed him that they are willing to i3eed the property back to the Covnty in order that it might furnish a Warranty deed, however, he suggested that in order to clear up the matter it would be simpler for the State Highway Commission to re-convey the entire pro- perties back to the County and then re-survey the Metes and Bounds less the triangle mentioned above and let the County Commissionera conve9 the property bounded by this last survey back to the North Carolina State Highway Commission on the same conditione in which the original deed was drawn. The County Attorneg requested the approval for handling it in this manner and the Board unanimously agreed by common consent. DRAGLINE? - • J.? Mr. Hall reminded the Board that on September 8th; 1958, the dragline, which at that time was operating on the Porter's Neck Project waa a good one and he would like to see the project re-activated and referred to the Drainage Conunittee f.or a recommenda- tion. In the discueaion which followed there was a difference of opinion as to legal- ity and no action was taken. LEGISLATIVE PROPOSALS Commissioner Berry A. Williams waa recognized by the Chairman and informed the Board that he was ready to discu4e the suggestions made at last Mondayfs meeting for a legislative program for New Hanover County. The Chairman requested that he be allowed to read an excerpt from the minutes of a call•ed session of the New Hanover - County Board of Education held April 2, 1936 and the following Resolution was read: "The Board of Education, New Hanover County,•North Carolina, hereby requeats the Board of Cominissioners of the said County to call an election of the quelified vo- .? 1-w?'?-' ters of said County to determine whether' there shall be levied and collected annuaI:ly ??' a special school tax, not exceedirzg twenty (20) cents on the (100) one hundred dollar valuation of property, for the purpose of aupplementing the State appropriation for an eight montha echool term, providing a ninth month, raising the New Hanover High School to an accredited atanding, employing additional teachers where necessary throughout the achool system to decrease the teacher load and increaefn§ the salaries of teachers and other employees of the Board of Education of eaid County /S/ Dr. John T. Hoggard, Chairman /S/ J. W, Grise, Secretary Proposals 1- The-Expense of the Tasc Office Be Prorated According to the Amount o£ Noney Taken In Through the Tax Office For the Tax Office for the Governmenta Concerned. ie Collection4 Expenae New Hanover Countq $600,000.00 60% Wilmington ' 350,000.00 35% . Wrightsville Beach 50,000.00 05/ . 4i1,000J000.00 100% , Permi•sive Act For All Gbvernmental Units in New Hanover County Mr. Williams explained that this was purely a Permissive Act and while there J, were some objectiona to it, it seemed to him to be the most equitable way since the ex- pense is prorated and no exact method has been propoeed. Mr. Broadhurst reminded the Board that sometime ago Mr. Holton had been appointed to represent the County along with Mr. Batuyious representing the City on a Committee to study the Tax situation and come up with a recommendation. irir. Williams then offered a motion that his proposal be made to the Committee £or their study and recommendation to be presented to the Board not la- ter than February 16, 1959. This motion was seconded by Mr. Hall but he is of the opin- ion that a like study shouldbe given to basing the expense on a basis of a work load as well as to consider the amount collected Sor each body? The motion was unanimouely a- dopted by the Board. 2- Sheriff's Department: Delete $900.00 Per Year Automobile Allowance for the Sheriff and Authorize the Cottnty to Furnieh a Car Por His Official IIse. A discuasion relative to this propoQal developed that if the County furnished the Sher- iff a car as proposed it would cost approximately twice as much and on out of the Count9 trips, the Sheriff is entitled to collect mileage for which he is reimbursed by the State but if the car was County owned, he wquld not be entitled to this remuneration. One suggested that he would approve the installa.tion of a two-way radio in the Sheriff's pereonal car but it was the conaensue of opinion of the Board to delete this proposal from a euggested leg3.slative program and not include it. ;. A 7 2 S6t'? ?R^ ? Iqinutes of the Neeting February 2, 1959 Continued LEGISLATIVE PROPOSALS - (Continued) 3- Repeal Special Act Governing Meetings of New Hanover County Commisaionere Thereby Placing I1ew Hanover County Back Under the General Statutes of IJorth Carolina. In the discussion regarding this proposal it developed that Guilford County was re- quired to meet only once a month, however dur:ing the laat year the Commissioners met 42 timea which lacked only 10 meetings of being the mzmber required under the Special Act in Neia Hanover County. I?'ir. Hall observed that in liis opinion the established cu•tom in this County had allowed the people to exerciae their right in keeping in close touch witlz their governing body and present their peraonal problems regul.arly and he did not feel that the meoting senedulo should be changed at this time. Nr. Wil- liams then offered a motion that the Special Act governing the meetings of the Tdeta Han- over County Commisaioners be repealed and that it revert to the syatem outlined by the General Statutes of North Carolina. Ns. Broadhurst secondod this motion and when the vota wae called, Nir. Hall cast the only dissenting vote, eo the Chairman ordered it re- ferred_ to the County At-torney for drawing the nece•aary legal Act and refer it to our representatives. 14- Repeal the Special Act Requiring the Election of the County Auditor and the Setting of His Salary. During the diacussion oF this propoeal, Mr. Hall remarked that he thought the people should have the privilege of voting on as many officials as possibla and he opposed any change in the provisions of the Special Law for the election of a County Auditor. Pir. Williams offered a motion that the Special Act setting the salary and election oP the County Auditor be repealed effective at the expiration of his present term. This motion died for the lack of a second and the euggestion was stricken from the proposal liet. 5- Repeal Special Act Relating to Houre Per Day for Election Workera. Under date of November 10, 1958, the Board ordered the County Attorney to write a letter to Nessrs. Hewlett and Yow requeating them to seek nullification of the Act undor which New Hanover County holds its Election and place the County back under the General Elec- tion laws as enacted in Chapter 581 by the 1937 Legislature. 6- An Act Permitting Commisaioners to Regulate Gunfiring in Thickly Populated Areas Outside Corporate Limits. Nir. Williams moved that the County Attorney and the Sheriff be authorized to draw an Act authorizing the Commissioners to regula te gunfiring in the densely populated areas of the County and present it to the Board for approval. This motion was seconded by Mr. BroadhurQt and unanimously adopted, 7- Authorization to Require Building Permita, Set Fee and Appoint a Building Inspector to Carry Out the Provisions of the State Building Code. Mr. Williams offered a motion that the County Conmisaioners of Plew Hanover County be authorized to appoint a Building Inspector, set his fee, and require building permite to carry out the provisions of the State Build3ng Code. This motion was :econded by I1r. Braak and in the discussion which followed, it developed that this was not consider- ed zoning and that the Legislature had given the County authorization to adopt the mini= mum building code but had not provided a means of enforcing it. One Commissioner ob- served that in his opinion it would help to keep up the tax values as undesirable build- ingp could be controlled. When the vote was called on the motion, Nes4rs. Broadhuret and Hall voted "NO" and Mesars. Braak and bJilliams voted "YES" and the Chairman ruled the motion carried as he must in good con.cience vote in the affirmative on this quest- ion so this propoeal is to be added to the list being prepared by the County Attorney. REPORTS - The following reports and letters were reviewed and ordered filed for informa- tion: 1- State Highiaay Commission on Secondary Roads. 2. State Welfare Board acknowledgement•of Re-appointment of W. Allen Cobb a• e member. 3. State Highway Coirnnission acknowledging naming o£ College Road. (}. North Carolina Board of Idurse Registration acknozaledge last week's action and promise conQideratlon at their next meeting, 5. Wilmington Colored Library Report. 6. Notico of committment to McCain Sanitorium of Nonroe Rowell from Community Hospital. • 7. Appreciation letter from Ben R. Clayton 8. Veterans Service Office Report. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to be brought before the Board, NIr. Hall moved adjournment, seconded by Mr. Braak, and unanimously adopted. - - ? . .. W ? W. G. Houck, Executive Secrb,tary E L,