1959-02-09 Regular Meeting Wilmin6ton, N. C. February 9,1959 3 AStiEP'BLY - The regular weekly meeting of the New was held this day at 9:30 A. M. in the Commissio Chairman J. E. Holton, Jr., Commiseionors L. E. Jr. and Berry A. Williama, County Auditor T. D. Hill. L Hanover County Board of Comm3ssioners. zers' Room of the Court House. PRESEIZT: Broadhurat, Peter H. Braak, J.M. Ha11, Love and County Attorney John Bright INVOCATION - The Chairman called the meeting to order and asked Reverand E. E. Kirton, Pastor of St. Mark's Episcopal Church, to open the meeting with prayer. APPROVAL OF THE PIIN[TTES - Before the minutea were approved, Ms. Hall requested a change in tne Para- graph headed Legislative Propoeals recommending a permissive act for pro-r.ating the expense of the Tax Office on the basis oP collectiona to read "This motion was second- ed bp Ms. Hall but he is of the opinion that a like study should be given to basing the expense on a basis of a work load as well ae to consider the amount collected for each body." Nir. Hall then offered a motion that the minutes of the meeting of February 2nd be approved with •the above ainendment. The motion was seconded by iqr. Braak and un- animoualy adopted. , LEGISLATIVB PROPOSALS - NIr. Hall was recogn3.zed by the Chairman and requested toat ho be excused in order to attend a funeral, however, he requeated the privilege o£ expreasing hi4 opin- J2p °°R ion on that section oi the Legislative Proposals carried over from last week that has ?? and the Chairman ruled the mot3on prevailed. ^ REVALUATION COMPLAINT Nir. Herbert T. Fisher, 2808 Princess Placo Drive, informed the Corrnnisaioners that he owned Lots t}, 5, and part of Lot 3 in Block 188 and that an adjuatment of $1800 had been $ranted him by the Board of Equalization and Review last year aetting his val- uation at $7,075 which he accepted in good faith but that recently he had received notice from the Tax Supervisor that an error had been made in the ori$inal vaulation and that his now value was set at $9,950 which he considered unjust since he had.been led to believe that when he accopted the valuation of $7,075 that it was a firm value on which to base his 1958 taxes. The Chairanan explained that ao long aa buainess was done by human beings, errors were made and that it was proper and right to correct . them but that if he had a just $rievance, the Board of Equalization and Review would sit for hearings beginning March lb, 1959 and if he would file hie request for re-assess- ment with the Tsx Supervisor, Mr. Love, it would receive due consideration at that time. to do with schools. He obaerved that the Board of Education waa'a duly elected Board chosen 6p the people of the County with the responsibility of planning and directing echool activities and that in his opinion the proposals infringed on their prerogatives, and for fear the Board of Education might consider such diecussion an affront, he offer- ed a motion that further discueeion of these school matters be deferred at this time or at such time a4 the School Board made an overture as evidence of their approval and willingneas to coneider them further. Thie motion was seconded by i?ir. Broadhurst. In the discussion of this motion, Nir. Williams remarlced that if the otlmr members of.the Board had given ae nnzch thought to this matter as he haci, he did not feel that they would sit idly bg and see it dismissed without adequate discuasion and felt that he should have a chance to explain each of his proposals, for at the present time there is a movement under way that an Incentive Fund be aet up now and in hiQ opinion it was a£orerunner of anothor request for an additional school supplement. He stated that the Attorney General had ruled that the Commissioners were char6ed with the responai- bility of determining how the 20? Levy is to be used. Nir. Hall explained that he did not intend for thie move to be construed as a means to shut up any individual from ex- pressing his convictions. When the vote was called, Nir. Williams voiced the only "NO" 4- x cLVS - ` Pursuant to instructions given the Negro Home Agent, Rebecca L. Hall,.at the meeting two w.eeks ago she reported that she had.collected $260.00 in cash toward the $500.00 goal and had $100.00 worth of pledges making a total oi' $360.00 and that in this report there were only three of the communities included and that she expected seven more to report this afternoon. The Chairman commended her for her diligence and Mr. Braak observed that he thougnt she was doing a fine job and moved that $50.00 be appropriated from the Energency Fund and contributed to thie project. It was second- ed by Mr. Broadhurst and unanimously adopted. VOLUNTEER FIRE DISTRICTS - • A Ietter was received from Mr. Ed B. tdright, Secretary o£ the Nevr Hanover County Fire Inspection Cozrmiittee, requesting a change in the £ire diptricts of the Gg- den Fire Department and the Seagate Volunteer Fire Department as follows: "Be it hereby reaolved that the New Hanover County Board of Commiseioners approve the revised description of the Seagate and Ogden Fire DistrictQ, as described below, in order that the Seagate Department may extend their Fire Dietrict Limits to Four (4) miles, which they have qualified by pur- chase of equipment required by-?the North Carolina Fire Insurance Ratin$ Bureau. Revised Dewcription of Fire District Limita - Seagate Volunteer Fire De- partment, Incorporated, Seagate, New Hanover County, North Carolina. Beginning at a point where Hewlett's Creek intersects with the Inland Waterwa5, thense We•terly to a point where Greenville Loop Road crossea Branch of Hewlett's Creek, thense Northerly to Intersection of Hawthorne Drive and Oleander Drive (Highway 76), thenae continuing along Hawthorne Drive and beyond, in a Northerly direction to intersection of U. S. High- vrays 17 and 74, thense in a Easterly Direction to a poini; on the Inland 4Tal;erway two(2) milea IZorth of the Wrightsville Draw-Bridge, thense in a Southerly direction to a point of the beginning. Revised Deecription of Fire District Limits - Ogden Volunteer Fire De- partment Incorporated, Ogden, New Hanover County, North Carolina. ? Minutea o£ the Neeting February 9, 1959 Continued VOLUTdTEER FIRE DISTRICTS - (Contined) Beginning at a point on U. S. Highway 17, one (1), tenth of a mile North of Rivenbarkla Road and extending in a Southerly direction to Page's Creek thense Eatterly along South Bank of =aid Creek to Eaet Bank of the Inla.ncl Waterway, thense Southerly along Inland Waterway to point Two (2) miles North of the Wrightaville Draw- Bridge, thense in a'westerly direction to a point on U. L. Highway 17, Two (2) tenths of a mile Nonth ea.terly of interasction of U. S. Highwaye 17 and 74, thense Idortherly to a?point on the Gordon Road, one half (2) mile EaQt of Smith's Creek, then4e Northeasterly to a point of the beginning. /S/ Ed. B. Wright, Secretar,y The reason for this request is to extend the Seagate Volunteer Fire Department dis- tricts as allowed by the Insurance Commission as they have recently acquired suffY- cient equipment to meet the requirementa of the North Carolina Fire Insurance Rating Bureau. Upon motion of PSr. Braak, seconded by Mr. Broadhurst, this request was un- animously approved. . ? HIGHWAY SURVEY AND PLAIVIJING CONMITTEE APPOINTI++IENNT - A letter was received from William Gary Head, Manager of the.Town of Caro- lina Beach in response to our invitation on December 15, 1958 to name a representa- tive to the New Hanover County Highway Survey and Planning Committee. One of their G? Councilmen, Mr. J. F. Collier, was appointed by the Town Council to aerve in that ca- pacity. Mr. Williams informed the Board that it was his understanding that Wr3ghts- ville Beach had appointed Mr. J. C. Thompson as their representative arid that the Wilmington City Council had nsmed E. S. Capps as their appointee. No action was necessary on this by the Board. JAILORS' RESIGNATION - A letter was recaived from Mr. and Mrs. Marion T. Ross, who have super- vised the Jail for more than a quarter of a century, informing the Board that they de- sired to retire and offsring their resignation effect3.ve February 28, 1959. After expressing the3r approeal of the fine job that had been done in overaeeing the prison- ers, many times under di£ficultieQ, Mr. Broadhurst offered a motion that their resig- nation be accepted with regrets and that a letter of commendation be sent them for a good fob well done and the unselPish example set by them for the cit3zena of the County. The mot3on was aeconded by Mr. Brask and unanimously approved, . AUDITORS' E3CTRA CHARGE - ? Pursuant to instructions at last weeks meeting with reference to the in- ?`'? voice.for°$50.00 aubmitted by Auditors J. B. MeCabe & Company for extra copies of the Tax Collector's Audit, the Executive Secretary informed the Board that Mr. R. C. Platt, a member of that firm expresaed his regret that it was necessary to bill. the County for this Serniee but that they had to proofread the copies as-well se pe for the time required ia their preparation and that they had investigated through several of the rinting firms as to a proper-charge for thia service and the cheapest they found ? • was $80.00 and so•in their opinion a charge of $50.00 wea very reasonable and that in the future '.... ; additional cop4es would be made at the time if _a"request`was.• made for them, -.s.lnak it"had been`.customary..fn;.the past to -furnish a copg, to. tYie °City Gonernment;• ' the Countp Gove rnment,narid.the'L66a1 Government Commission .only. Mr. Braak then oPfer- ed a motion that $50.00 be appropriated from County Aid-Public Audit to Tax Collect- or's Audit,.and the bill be paid. Mr. Williams seconded thia motion and it was unani- mously adopted.. • COIIRT REPORTER APPROPRIATION - Purauant to authorization at their meeting on January 19th an invoice waa receined in the amount of $155.45-from the aubstitute Court Reporter secured for the ' Speeial Civi1 Term,of Superior Court. IIpon motion of Mr. Broadhurat, seconded by Mr. ----1^^?, Williamsr the Board unanimously authorized the payment of th is invoice and appropriat- ed $i55.?F5 from the Energency Fund for thia purpose. WASHINGTONI`S BIRTHDAY ' The E7cecutive.Secretary reminded the Board that it the past to allow County employees a Holiday on Februar,y 22nd observed holiday. Investigation renealed*that it occurred on Braak and unanimousl9 approved.' had been customary in after some diecussion of its merits, Mr. Williams offered a mruary 23rd not be observed as a Holiday for County employees. which is a nationally Sunday this year and )tion that Monday, Feb- It was aeconded by Mr, ? WELFARE PROPERTY LIEN - Pursuant to instructions on January 26th, Propertg Assessor H. S. MeGirt.se- ported that he had inspected the propertg on which the Wel£are Department has a Lien of $2,374.13 because of advancea made to the owner, Malaehi Dinkins. He reports that the house ie in.very bad condition and of ZittZe value but-that the property has a road frontage of approximately 3001 on the Carolfina Beach Road and that in his opin- ion $2,000 is a fair appraisal. By common consent, the matter was re-assigned to County Attorney Iiill for handling with the proposed purchaser, Bernard Spicer,and re- port back when he had further information. MILITARY ENCROACHIMENT Mr. Williams informed the Board that the National Association of County Officials : had diacussed from time to time the idea of the Counties being compen- sated for land occupied by Military installations and/ or zones-used in connection with them which takes the property from the Tax Booka. He stated that bhe State Asso- ciation of County Corrmiissioners had already.endoraed a Senate Bill # 910 aponsored b,y our own Sam J.'Eri;rin, Jr, seeking to remedg this inequity. Mr. Wi3liams then offered a motion that e letter be written to our Senators and Congressmen in support of this L, Minutes of the Meet3ng February 9, 1959 Continued MILITARY ENCROACHMENT - (Continued) bill with a copy to the National Association of County Officials and the State Aesociation of County Commissionera. nuxxICANE REHABILITATION REPORT - The office of Civil.and Def.enae Mobilization aubmitted their approval of $7,000 to supplement the County's contribution for the rebuilding of Hurricane Helene damage along the coastline between Carolina Beach and Kure Beach, in response to our i application for Rehabilitation Funds in the amount of $106,287.00 more particularly des- ignated as NC Project Helene # 17. Ms'. Williams-observed that in the approval no amount whatever was allowed for the repair' at the northern end of Carolina Beach known as Freeman Beach. Each of the Corrnnissioners voiced his strong dissatisfaction with the result of this application and it was the consensus of their opinion that this amall pittanca was awarded as a token payment and upon motion of Mr. Braak,, seconded by Mr. Williams, they unanimously agreed to reject the allotment and instructed the Chairman ?? to write a letter to the Governor in protest and prepare another application. ? . Later in the meeting the Executive Secretary was recognized by the Chsirman and explained that he had diseussed this matter with Mr. Von Oesen,.the engineer who had made the investigetion and prepared the application, and that he had recommended- that the Board accept the $7,000 approved on this pro3ect but raserve the right to re- submit a reworded application for additional funds. After same discuesion of this de- velopment, Mr. Williams offered a motion that the,above action be rescinded and that Mr, Von Oesen's recommeadation to aecept the ?79000 and submit a.new application be approv- ed. This motion was seconded by Mr. Brask and unanimously agreed upon. LAW LIBRARY The Bsr Association of Wilm3ngton presented a request for additional space • in the Law Library through their repreeentatines, Aaron Goldberg, C. D. Hogue, Jr., W. G. Smith and J. B. Swails. Mr. Goldberg aeted as spokesman and stated that the Bar Aesociation appreciated the apace allowed them in the Court House For their Librarg but that it was dark and crowded and, in fact, it was necessary for some of their law books to be stored on the floor. They suggested that a solution might be obtained by includ- ing the corridor space between the Library and the Grand Jury Room. Mr. Williams moved that the request be taken under consideration. It was seconded by Mr. Braak and in the discussion, it deoeloped that the space was normally used by witnesses waiting-to be called before the Grand Jury, howener, when the question was called the motion unani- mously prevailed and the Chairman instructed the Executive Secretary to secure estimates and submit them at the next meeting. ? DRAINAGE REQUESTS '- . • • 1- A request from the Town of Carolina Beach for assis.tance in several drain- age problems that seem to require a dragline,was received and .considered by the Board, -r-. ' 2- A Petition was received from the property owners in the Myrtle Garden ••? aection of Nyrtle Grove Sound requiring a drainage ditch in the.area near Red Johnson's store. ' . , 3- A similar requeet wsa received from the same neighborhoo8 requesting •.T".vr^`?'' assistance on the-dredging of Everett Creek and thia Petition was submitted by Mr. N:ar- •6' vin Congleton. IIpon motion of Mr. Williams,- seconded by Mr. Braak, the Eacecutive Secre- tary was instructed to transmit these requests to the new appointed Drainage Coirmiittee • headed by Mr. Garland S. Currin. During. the discusaion, Nir. Broadhurst expresaed the opinion that the Carolina Beach work,could be handled with prieon labor and he was opposeci to referring it to the Drainage Committee and voted "NO" on the question when it was call- ed. The Chairman, however, ruled the motion prevailed. • C CIVIL Dr:r•ravSE APPROPRIATION - • ? _,. ' A letter was received from Civil Defense.Director, James B. MacCumber, inform- ing the Board that the {iKtJiC.ong-e.ss,amended the Fedexal C?.vil Defenae Act and enacted • Pub.l.i.c-.:Law 8K-?x06 ?erm3.tting a financial contribution.to political aubdivisions oi'-_fEe State £or certain categori'es emong which was personal services. It allowa the Federal e2w-k de,?"'e Government to contritiute dollar for dollar which meana that the present Civil DePense em- ployeea can have their salary increased in proportion to other City and County employeea without diaturbing the present budget of e3ther the City or County, in fact, it would sult in a decrease. It euggesta that-the Director be paid $SOO.OO per month and that the Secretaxy be paid $250.00 per month which means that the City and County would onJ.y be paying ?250,00 of the Director's salary and $125,00 of the Secretary's salary making• a total of 375.00. At present, the Director is being paid $300.00 per month and the Secretary $200.00 per month or a total of'$500.00, all,of wh3ch is being paid by the City • and County, therefore, a net saving of $125.00 per month to the Ctty and County could•re- sult. The letter stresses the fact that this propqsal ie based on the anticipation of • •these funds becoming available during the.last quarter of this Fiscal Year and the request £or the approval of a raiae to the salary mentioned above is predicated on this assumpt-• tion but he mede it clear that the funde.are, not cur,rently anailable. • The Director requested clarification of whether the Directorts salary as shown in the minimum budget submitted for the.Fiscal Year ending June 30, 1959 was approned as- requested. Since thi's agency is a foint one effecting the City and County, the Chairman announced that a Joint Session had been arranged with the Wilmi.ngton City Council onD fense Wednesday, Februazy 11th at 9:00 A. M. fvr, the purpose of discussirg: 1- The CivilA D3r- ector's Budget 2- The Civil De£ense Director's reque,st for appronal of a raise 3- •Re- port of the Tax Office Survey by the Comnittee, Commisa.ioner Holton and Councilman Batuy- ious. • • , ? ..,. T , ? . ? . . ^ • ... , .- . .- ,. "' ' . , .' ..? , . ,' .. , , - . . . ' . . . .. . , . ' - . . . . . . . r . . .. . . _. .. . . . } _ . . . _, ' , . ? . , _ i . _ - ' . • ' • .0 ' ?? 6 _1? Ter? Minutes of the Meeting February 9, 1959 Gontinued TAX OFFICE - Chairman Holton informed the Board that he was a member of a Corrrrnittee eppoint- ed at a Joint Session to stud9 and recommend proceduree for the Conso2idated Tax expense. He reported that he and Councilman Batuyious ha8 mat wlth the Tax Collector and determin- ed that the work load in maintaining the Tsx Office was slightly in fanor of the City but that since the City furnishes office space and utilities, they thought that the pre- sent arrangement of equal cost was as equitable as could be arranged and recormnended that the present system be continued. He also reported that this Committee recommend- ed a change in the present Special Act permitting the Tax Collector to receive 21% fees for collecting the Carolina Beach taxee, They are of the opinion that the Tax Collector should be paid a salary comnensur.ate with his responsibility and that the fees for col- iecting taxes for the Town of Carolina Beach should go equallg to the City and County Treasuries. They further reconnnend that if the pre.ent law is changed it should be a- mended so that the Towns of Kvre Beach and Wrightsville,Beach could share the same privi- lege as Carolina Beach in permitting the Consolidated Tax Collector to receive taxea due their respective municipalities. Mr. Williams offered a motion that the Board go on record as approving these recommendations and invite the City Coune3l to join in request- ing the General Asaembly to make the proper change in the law to conform with these re- coirunendations. There was no second to thi.s motion, however the Board unaniinously agreed that the matter would receive fu11 consideration at the Joint Seasion scheduled at 9:00 A. M. February llth in the Council Ehambers. REPORTS FOR T. ?v 3- 4- 5- .g.. 6- R 7- C?91111 JF'ORMATION AND FILING ONLY - Home Demonstration Agent's Narrative Report Tax Collector's fieport Wilmington Public Library Monthly Report Wilmington Colored Public Llbrary Report County Agent's Monthly Report Memorandum from Department of Secondary Roads Letter•fram Mr. William Formyduvall informing.the Board that cently opened an office in Bladenboro, N. C. as a municipal he has re- consultant. PETIT JIIF{Y - • • / The following good and lawflzl persons were drawn to serne as Jurors in the trial of Crimi.nal Cases for the week beginning March 2, 1959 and in the trial of Civil cases for the weeks beginning March 9th and March 16, 1959 3vrors for the week beginzaing March 2, 1959 - Griminal Term ' R. V. Jones, Jr. 2106 Rhodes Ave. Louis McLean C. L. Shaw 108 Bryan Ave. Ray Peterson C. C. Davis P. 0. Box 536 Lemuel S. Guy P. D. Piner 122 W. Shipyard W. C. Ramseur D. C'. North 2313 Metts Ave. Ronald G. Hobbs W. C. Baugh Box 1447, City Earl Wenberg R. W, Booth P. 0. Box 1646 Isn W. Worley E. V. Barbee 206 Frances Marion Dr. Joeeph Pecora Joe Moore • 607 S. !}th St. . Lonnie Melvin W. M. Poo1e, Jr. 28 Lee Drive Ivey C. Russell J. L. Tindall 123 S. 8th St. Mack Anderson M. D. Brinson 540 Bonham Ave. Milo P. Clayton E. R. Brownie RFD 1, Castle Hayne John Josey Jr. Katie D. Harr3s - 251}1} S. Front St. M. A. .Saunders• J. A. Blanton RFD 1, Boa 200 Caraway M. Robeson L. H. Rouse, Sr. 2421 Chestnut Nathan Schwartz Leon Reeves 1628 S. 15th St. Jahn Lewis Shaw Cecil Crosby 28 Spofford Charles E. Smith Charles R. Gool RFD 1, Box 470 Wm. E. Harrell Leonard Ragmond . 106 Central Blvd. Paul P. Sholar R. V. Hardison 1414 6astile St. Thurmon A. Williams James F. Walker 131 Mercer Ave. LeRoy C. Towlea Jr. Charles E. Bradham . 115 Bryan Ave. Charles M. Baugh Charlea M. Slackwelder 307 N. 46th St. Robert Fanstermaker Edward N. Fowler 720 Chestnut St. Ellon Brinkley Black Jtirora Por the week beginning March 9, 1959 - Civ31 Cases W. M: Todd ' 2416 Chestnut 5t. M. H. Powell A. M. Sell 128 Colonial Drive A. B. Garner L. C. Odom 2861 Adams St. W. F. Schell W. E. Doar 105 N. 5th St. C.•H. Jewell W. R. Broum 2620 Princess St. Rd. C. L. Beaver E. L. Wells 505 Wooster St. E. L. Wilson P. A. Inman 124 Bell St. H. W. Holder C. G. Posey . 28031 Market St. W. A. Penny Jr. C. R. Davis 217 S. 6th St. E. W. Edwards J. W. Avant !} E. Nesbitt Court L. W. Swinson S. M. Harr3s 27112 Mimosa Place W. H. Corbett George W. Page 25 Lee Drive J. C. Caulder Paul Bsrd 329 W1:1liamson Drine W. H. Bullard H. G. Bryant 207 Borden Ave, C. R. Wal•lace J. J. Farrar 1607 Orange St. H. 8. Groeger L. G. Wi113s 3710 Park Ave. H. W. Corbett E. J. Durham Box 527,CarolinaBeaeh J. M. Johnson J. A: Pierce 2712 Van Buren St. J. A. Wofford N. E. Stokley RFD 39 Box 624 F. C. Sadgwar E. C. Herring 8 N. 9th St. R. L. Bullard Win. E . Holley 209 S. lbth St. A. B. Johnson P. B. Seitter 1805 Ann St. H. W. Collina Beter SaPfo -320 Red Croea St. Mack L. Hicks J. G. Johnston 115 S. 15th St. B. W. Browning K. W. Jewell, Jr. Princess St. Rd. Bill Watson 418 s. 5th St. RF'D 2, Box 31+5 115 Castle St. 573 Castle Hayhe Rd. 2108 Barnett Ave. 2907 wrightsville Ave. 2429 Monroe St. 519 sunset Ave. ' 107 Castle Hayne Rd. 30 P3necrest Pkv+y. 216 Calhoun Drive General Delivery General Delivery,CajeHC?a 421 Castle Hayne Rd. 195 Col.onial Drive 108 Ciordon Road 72 Pinecrest Pkwy. 118 Live Oak Aae. 2308 Belvedere Drive 100 SpofPord 603 N. Lvsnina, W?1sv. 20 S. 8th St. e c 720 Chestnut St. 23 Kenwood Ave. 8 J Laka Forest 405 N. '21st 907 Live Oak Pkwy. 116 Gordon Road Box 306,Carolina Beach; N. C. 613 castle xayne xd. 216 Pinecrest Pkwy. 2210 Princess St. Rd. 178 Colonial Circle 1514 Dock St. P. 0,. Box 1139 RFD 1, Box 130 ' 207 Kenwood Aoe. 2218 Brandon Road 4019 WrightsvYlle Ave. 43 Terrace Walk 5536 oleander Drive 2027 Klien Road 516 Red Cross St. 2201 Barnett Ave. Carolina Beach, N.C. 210 Borden Ave. 125 Spofford Mills 174 Spofford Mills 82 Lake Village ? ??? Minutes of the Meeting Febrwary 9, 1959 Continued PETIT JIIRX - (COntfnued) Jurors for the week beginning March 16, 1959 'Civil"Cases Kenneth Guy Wm. H. , Skipper William Reid Frank G. Branch Kenneth M. Kerr Linwood Jacobs Robert W. Greer' Murray Sonsky Hardy R. Parker Mary K. Holland Glenn A. Aerring Edward B. Wgrd Louie F. Hines Thomas E. Goff Charles M. Acker Maurice Butler Harlee R.Kirkum David B. Woodall Edsol Homer Rowell Jesse W. Price Frederick L. Parnell Cecil Enerett Perkins Anastasios S. Ksfalas John W. Wenberg C. B. Sellers ADJOIIRNMENT - IIpon motion ted to adjourn., 1019 S..Sth St. John E. Bordeaux 4904 Pine St. Russell E. Moore 5132 Cheatnut St. Luther Williams 111 Ward St. Adrian A. Roberts 2955 Cambridge Herbert L. Gorman 2724 Monroe St. •Robert F. Warwick 194 Pinecrest Pkwy. Pete Kouloulies 2415 Jackson Ave. George H. Brinaon P'WrighUM26aeh Ernest L. Tohnson 1013 Market St. Fred J. Bouknight RFD 2, Box 32 A Bryan D. Ensley_ 113 Keaton Ave. Garl Pennington 246 Oakcrest George C. Farrise 710 N. l}th St. Willard P. Baldwin P. 0. Box 124 Thomas E. Williams 253 Whites Ave. Walter S. Carter RFD 2, Box 75 Richard Cromwell 5302 wrightsv. Ave. John F. Rogers 3908 Wrightsville Ave.James B. Rutledge 2919 Monroe St. Hamtlton L. Sanderlin 2918 Jefferson St. Charles H. Boney 12 K Lake Village William'P. Moore. 26 N. Front J.H.H Tienken P. 0. Box 893 George H. Beckham 2408 Princess. P1 Dr. Lloyd E. Hales 2416 Jackson St. 2932 B. Jeffereon 310 Martin 2915 G. Adams 5t. 4013 Wilshire Blvd, 1805 Princess st. 813 Chestnut - 508 Colonial Drive 406 Castle St. 2305 Chestnut St. 2824 Adams St. RFD 3, Boa 457 607 castle Hayne Rd. 4617 Long Leaf H311a Drive 61 Spofford 204 Rose Ave. RF'v 3, Box 313 7 A. Lake vsiiage 10 Sutrmiitt Walk RFD 3 Box 52-A 9 F. Oleander 205.Lake.Forest Pkwy. 207 S. 17th St. 407 S. 17th St. 2908 Monroe st. of Mr. Williams,=seconded by Mr. Braak, the Board unanimously vo- r W. JOIIdT SESSION Council Chambera, ASSEMBLY Municipal Building Februar.y 11. 1959 9:00 A.M WilminAton,N.C A'3oint sesaion of the New Hanover County Board of Corrunissioners and the Wil- mington City Council was held.at 9:00 A. M. this date in the Council Chambers with the Pollowing members present: Corr¢nissionera: Chairman, J. E. Holton, Jr., Peter H. Braak, L. E. Broadhurat, J. M. Hall, Jr. and Berry A. Williams, County Attorney John Bright Hil7.; Councilmen: Mayor J. E. L. Wade, James H. Batuyious, Ruseell T. Burney, E. S. Capps, Jr., W. Ronald Lane and City Manager J. R. Benson. ' CONVENTION - Mayor J. E.'L. Wade acted as Chairman and called the meeting to order Sn joint sesaion and requested Reverend Richard K. Johnson, Pastor of Woodburn Presbyterian Church, to opan with a prayer. WATERWAYS REPORT - ?- Mayor Wade explained that it was hi• privilege to request Colonel George W. Gillette, Ports and Waterways Development Comnissioner for the City of Wilmington, to report on his experiences and obsernations during the time.apent in Thailand and surround- ? ing countries studying their modes of waterway transportation £or the past eight months. waO,,,U?-f Colonel Gillette is convinced that eoentuslly the North Carolina ports might benefit from an exchange of goods between the two countries enen though the people of that part of the world seem to be at least 200 years behind our times in their economic develop- ment. Rice is the principal commodity for export with valuable teakwood running a close second and it is in that area that he feels we might benefit at aome ftzture date. The Chairman thanked Colonel Gillette for hia impromptu resume and expressed his apprecia- tion of all present for giving his time and effort. TAX OFFICE EXPENSE - Coimnissioner Chairman J. E. Holton Jr. was recognized by the presiding officer and explained that he end Councilman Batuyidus had been appointed by a previous 3oint sesaion to study the present expense structure of the Coneolidated Tax Office and pre- pare recomnendations for consideration by the foint Boards. He reported that their study had been completed and although the work load seemed to be in favor of the City, they considered the contribution of office space, utilities and jaMitorial sernices fur- nished b,p ths City was offset by any advantages of the work load, tlzerefore, they reeom- mended the continusnce of the present arrangement which is shared equally. Exception: With reference to the special agreement with Carolina Beach to collect their Town taxes for 2-pl% fee paid to the Collector which amounted to $1952.00 in 1958, they recouunended , that the joint Boards suggest to our Repreaentatives to the.General Assembly to intro- duce legislation whieh would permlt the other incorporated subdivisions to use the same service but that the fee collected be paid to the County. and City instead of the Tax Collector. After appropriate discussion of the various ideas expressed by the Commias- ioners and Councilmen, Commissioner Williams offered a motion, seconded by Councilman Batuyious, that the recomunendations of thia study coimnittee be approved and that the New Hanoner County Representatives to the General Assembly introduce the proper legisla- tion to accomplish the obfective as suggested above. 'A