1959-02-11 Special Meeting??? Minutes of the Meeting Febrwary 9, 1959 Continued PETIT JIIRX - (COntfnued) Jurors for the week beginning March 16, 1959 'Civil"Cases Kenneth Guy Wm. H. , Skipper William Reid Frank G. Branch Kenneth M. Kerr Linwood Jacobs Robert W. Greer' Murray Sonsky Hardy R. Parker Mary K. Holland Glenn A. Aerring Edward B. Wgrd Louie F. Hines Thomas E. Goff Charles M. Acker Maurice Butler Harlee R.Kirkum David B. Woodall Edsol Homer Rowell Jesse W. Price Frederick L. Parnell Cecil Enerett Perkins Anastasios S. Ksfalas John W. Wenberg C. B. Sellers ADJOIIRNMENT - IIpon motion ted to adjourn., 1019 S..Sth St. John E. Bordeaux 4904 Pine St. Russell E. Moore 5132 Cheatnut St. Luther Williams 111 Ward St. Adrian A. Roberts 2955 Cambridge Herbert L. Gorman 2724 Monroe St. •Robert F. Warwick 194 Pinecrest Pkwy. Pete Kouloulies 2415 Jackson Ave. George H. Brinaon P'WrighUM26aeh Ernest L. Tohnson 1013 Market St. Fred J. Bouknight RFD 2, Box 32 A Bryan D. Ensley_ 113 Keaton Ave. Garl Pennington 246 Oakcrest George C. Farrise 710 N. l}th St. Willard P. Baldwin P. 0. Box 124 Thomas E. Williams 253 Whites Ave. Walter S. Carter RFD 2, Box 75 Richard Cromwell 5302 wrightsv. Ave. John F. Rogers 3908 Wrightsville Ave.James B. Rutledge 2919 Monroe St. Hamtlton L. Sanderlin 2918 Jefferson St. Charles H. Boney 12 K Lake Village William'P. Moore. 26 N. Front J.H.H Tienken P. 0. Box 893 George H. Beckham 2408 Princess. P1 Dr. Lloyd E. Hales 2416 Jackson St. 2932 B. Jeffereon 310 Martin 2915 G. Adams 5t. 4013 Wilshire Blvd, 1805 Princess st. 813 Chestnut - 508 Colonial Drive 406 Castle St. 2305 Chestnut St. 2824 Adams St. RFD 3, Boa 457 607 castle Hayne Rd. 4617 Long Leaf H311a Drive 61 Spofford 204 Rose Ave. RF'v 3, Box 313 7 A. Lake vsiiage 10 Sutrmiitt Walk RFD 3 Box 52-A 9 F. Oleander 205.Lake.Forest Pkwy. 207 S. 17th St. 407 S. 17th St. 2908 Monroe st. of Mr. Williams,=seconded by Mr. Braak, the Board unanimously vo- r W. JOIIdT SESSION Council Chambera, ASSEMBLY Municipal Building Februar.y 11. 1959 9:00 A.M WilminAton,N.C A'3oint sesaion of the New Hanover County Board of Corrunissioners and the Wil- mington City Council was held.at 9:00 A. M. this date in the Council Chambers with the Pollowing members present: Corr¢nissionera: Chairman, J. E. Holton, Jr., Peter H. Braak, L. E. Broadhurat, J. M. Hall, Jr. and Berry A. Williams, County Attorney John Bright Hil7.; Councilmen: Mayor J. E. L. Wade, James H. Batuyious, Ruseell T. Burney, E. S. Capps, Jr., W. Ronald Lane and City Manager J. R. Benson. ' CONVENTION - Mayor J. E.'L. Wade acted as Chairman and called the meeting to order Sn joint sesaion and requested Reverend Richard K. Johnson, Pastor of Woodburn Presbyterian Church, to opan with a prayer. WATERWAYS REPORT - ?- Mayor Wade explained that it was hi• privilege to request Colonel George W. Gillette, Ports and Waterways Development Comnissioner for the City of Wilmington, to report on his experiences and obsernations during the time.apent in Thailand and surround- ? ing countries studying their modes of waterway transportation £or the past eight months. waO,,,U?-f Colonel Gillette is convinced that eoentuslly the North Carolina ports might benefit from an exchange of goods between the two countries enen though the people of that part of the world seem to be at least 200 years behind our times in their economic develop- ment. Rice is the principal commodity for export with valuable teakwood running a close second and it is in that area that he feels we might benefit at aome ftzture date. The Chairman thanked Colonel Gillette for hia impromptu resume and expressed his apprecia- tion of all present for giving his time and effort. TAX OFFICE EXPENSE - Coimnissioner Chairman J. E. Holton Jr. was recognized by the presiding officer and explained that he end Councilman Batuyidus had been appointed by a previous 3oint sesaion to study the present expense structure of the Coneolidated Tax Office and pre- pare recomnendations for consideration by the foint Boards. He reported that their study had been completed and although the work load seemed to be in favor of the City, they considered the contribution of office space, utilities and jaMitorial sernices fur- nished b,p ths City was offset by any advantages of the work load, tlzerefore, they reeom- mended the continusnce of the present arrangement which is shared equally. Exception: With reference to the special agreement with Carolina Beach to collect their Town taxes for 2-pl% fee paid to the Collector which amounted to $1952.00 in 1958, they recouunended , that the joint Boards suggest to our Repreaentatives to the.General Assembly to intro- duce legislation whieh would permlt the other incorporated subdivisions to use the same service but that the fee collected be paid to the County. and City instead of the Tax Collector. After appropriate discussion of the various ideas expressed by the Commias- ioners and Councilmen, Commissioner Williams offered a motion, seconded by Councilman Batuyious, that the recomunendations of thia study coimnittee be approved and that the New Hanoner County Representatives to the General Assembly introduce the proper legisla- tion to accomplish the obfective as suggested above. 'A Minutes of the Joint Sesaion February 11, 1959 CIVIL Dw•isNSE SALARIES - A letter was received from Mr. J. B. McCumber, Director of the Y7ilmington - New Hanover County Office o£ Civil Defense, reminding the Board that at the time he accept- ed the diractorship, the Budget allowed a atarting salary of $300.00 per month for the Director and $200.00 per month Por a aeeretsry snd that he was led to believe that he could submit a revised Budget request £or the 1959-60 Fisca2 Year. He also requeated clarification as to whether or not the 1958-$9 Budget requests were approved. He stated•that the 85th Congress had amended the Federal Civil Defense Act of 1950 provid- ing for matching funds from the Federal Government Por personal services and requested that they approne the increase of the Director's salary to $500.00 per month and the secretary's salary to $250.00 per month. This would not increase the present Budget because the &'ederal Government would be paying the increase. He made it clear that the matching funds were not yet available,but he was led to believe that there was a poss- ibility of receSving the money during the last quarter of this Fiacal Year. Comm4asion- er Williema observed that the present Director was dcd ng an outstanding job, however, he questio?the expediency of increasing the salaries on the baeis of a recent change in Public Law 85-606 providing for financial contribution on e matching dollar basis by the Federal Government for peraonal services. He,is of the opinion that if the law permit• the Federal Goverrunent to contribute on a 50-50 basis they should be paying one-half of the present salery. After Magor Wade informed the 3oint Boards that the present Budget was based on his recommendations, Councilman Burney offered a motion, seconded by Commissioner Williams, that a Study Conanittee be appointed with power to make recoumiendations for the approval.of each of the Boards. The motion was carried unanimously and the Mayor appointed City Manager Bpnso,n for the City and Chairman Holton appointed Executive Secretary Houck for the'Lounty. SICK LEAVE AND VACATION SCtf_Nliut,ES - Commissioner Williama rem3nded the group that there was no schedule set.up for the control of sick leave, vacations or holidays in the agenc9 in which both govern- ing bodies participate and that he thought some agreement should be made in order to es- tablish a uniform policy. After some discusyion, Commissioner Broadhurat moved that those joint agencies with offices in the Niunicipal Buflding be controlled by the rulea and regulations established for the City employeea and that agency maintaining offices in the Court House be controlled by decisiona of the County CommiQsionere. There was no second to this motion. Then Commissioner Braak moved, •econded by Councilman Burney, that a Study Committee be appointed to v.*ork out a feasible recommendation for the approv= al of each of the Boards. When the question was called, Coimnisaloner Brcadhurat voiced the only "NO" vota and the Mayor ru7.ed the motion adopted and appointed Councilman Capps and Commissioner Williams as a Conanittee. CITY-COUNTY CONSOLIDATION Councilman.Batuyious then was recognized by the Chairman and stated that in hia opinion a study should be made looking toward the merging of the City and County governmente into one body, and offered a motion to th1s effect which was seconded by Commissioner Williams. During the diacusslon, Commissioner Hall observed that he could not see at the present time how any money could be saved for the taxpayers by such a move and further that in hia opinion it was too soon for.such action as the think- ing of the people in the County and the City did not coincide. Chairman Holton remerked that if they agreed to make such a study he thought it should be made by men of some statute in this field of endeavor such as I?i„ Albert Coates of the Institute of Govern- ment and offered a subatitute motion, seconded by Councilman Burney, that Dr. Coates be invited to make euch investigation and study that would permi.t him to make whatever rec- omnendatione aeem feasible from the facts and then for the governing bodies to proceed froin those recoimnendations. Commissioner Williama was of the opinion that while he agrees with Chairman Holton, he can see a need for local people to spearhead the move. Commissioner Broadhurst is of the opinion that it would be virtually impossible to merQe the five governing bodies in the County with their varied interests into one unified flznctioning group. Commissioner Hall then moved that the original motion to appoint a Study Committee be tabled. It was seconded by Councilman Burney. When the motion was put for tabling the original motion, Coirmiissioners Broadhurst, Hall; and Holton and Councilman Burney and Capps voted for the mation. Councilman Lane was absent from the meeting at the time, therefore the Chairman ruled the motion to ta]-Le prenail?ed. He stated that the Chair would now entertain a vote on the substitute motion offered by Commissioner Holton that Dr. Albert Coatea of Chapel Hill be invited to appeas before the joint bodies and make recommendations as to the advisability, desirability, feasi= bility and workability of coordinatin$ the County through one governfng unit. [dhen the vote was takan, Commissionera Broadhurst and Hall voted against 1t and Councilman Capps voting against it, remarking that he did not want any part of it.. The Chairman ruled the motion adopted and will arrange for aJoint meetirig with the five governing bo.dies and their attorneys with Dr. Coates. ADJOURNMENT - There being no further business to come before the two Boaxds, Commissioner Holton offered a motion for adjournment, which was seconded bg Councilman Batuyiou• and unanimously approved. • ?? . vW..G. Ho k, Executive Secretary