1959-02-16 Regular Meeting3 - ?{1,i? g f,.` Wilmington, N. C. Februsry 16,1959 ASSEMBLY - The regular weekly meeting of the New Hanover County Board of Coimnissioners was held this day at 9:30 A. M. in the Commissionerst Rooin of the Court House. PRESENT: Cha4rman J. E. Holton, Jr., Commissioners L. E. Broadhurst, Peter H. Braak, J. M. Hall, Jr, ancl'Berry A. Williama; County Auditor T. D. Lone, and County Attorney John Bright H311. INVOCA:TION - The Chairman called the meeting to order and asked Reverend C. A. Foss, Pastor of the 4th Strset Advent Christian Church, to open the meeting with prayer. APPROVAL OF TAE MiNUTES - IIpon motion of Mr. Hall, seconded of February 9th were unanimously approved as DRAINAGE PROBLEMS - l, Rure Beach - Messra. Robert Ford and George Canoutas appeared before the Board and explainea tnat they represented'the Town of Kure Beach. Theg reported that since flurricane Helene they had eneountered a considerable drainage problem between Kure Beach and the Cape Fear River and requested assistance of the County forces in an e££ort to relieve the unhealthy conditions. During the discuesion, it developed that the outlet for their drainage problem was in the Sunny Point buffer zone controlled by the Federal Government and the proper approach would be through the Post Ehaineer. Mr, Braak then offered a mot3on, seconded by Mr. Broadhurst, that the Post Eng'rneer at Sunny Point be advised of the condition and requested to clean out the troublesome ditches up to the point of their control and the County would then make a survey to de- termine their responsibil3ty through the Drainage Committee. Thie motion was unani- mouely adopted. by Mr. Williams, the m3nutes of the meeting written. ?- 2. Oleander - Chairman Holton informed the Board that he had been approach- ed with reference to a drainage problem in the neighborhood of Live Oak Parkway, Haw- thorne Road and Merritt Street. The Executive Secretary informed the Board that this particular area had been the source of an investigation over the past two years and that part of this drainage flowed into City drainage systems and part of it flowed in the opposite direetion through County property. There is a 15 foot dedicated alley in the rear of the lots in this development on which some of the residents wanL a canal cut since the developers of the property originally cut a ditch across the lots leaving 3 to !} feet of the owners property over on the side next to the alley. The County forces have cleaned out the existing ditch within the past 12 months and received considerable criticism from one or two property owners who forbid our crossing their property again. After some discussion of the factors involved, Mr. Williams moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, that the Executive Secretary with Mr. Rivenbark, Mr. Lassiter of the Health Department and Nr. N?allard of the State Highway Commission and the County Attorney meet with tAr. Hugh MacRae to see if some workable solution could be developed to the problem. 3. Snow's Cut - Seabreeze Messrs. G. F. Baker and A. Suggs presented a Pet- ition si ned b the ro ert owners ad,jacent to a ditch runnin from a culvert n? r Snow's C A C?.. ? la ?? G , 9 Y P P Y 9 • I Cut Bridge on the Intra-Coastal Waterway to Seabreeze where it empties into the sound and requested that it be cleaned out to allow the water to drain from their properties. Mt: Braak offered a motion that this Petition be referred to the Drainage Committee for investigation and handiing. It was seconded by Mr. Williams and unanimously approved. RES I GNAT I ON - ?41 A letter was received from the Building Custodian, Mr. H. C. Garrison, noti- fy.ing the Board of his intent to retire upon the advice of his physician, effective March 1, 1959. Mr. Williams'remarked that he thought Mr. Garrison had been a faithful and loyal employee of the County and deserved a rest from his activities, and offered a mo- tion that the resignation be accepted with regrets and that suitable public recognition be given both Mr. and Mrs. Ross and Mr. Garrison at the next regular meeting of the Board. This motion was seconded by Mr. Braak and unanimously adopted. INTENDED MOTION - Mr. Williams requested approval of the Board to have the foilowing motion in- serted in the minutes. He explained that it was his intent to offer the motion last week after the discussion of the proposed School Legislative Program but since the Board did not wish to discuss it further he was unable to have it recorded at that time. "I move that the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners go on record as recommending that the State of North Caro,lina provide an adequate teacher salary-- further, that we, ._..-- recommend a more realistic approach in the allocation of,teachers at the beginning of Fec?? .. each school year by ailowing additional teachers based on realistic estimates for in- creased enrollment by local school authorities--- further, that we recommend that the present division in responsibility for public schools remain in effect, with a request that the State provide adequate funds for meeting its responsibilit'ies' relating to the school system of North Carolina -- further, that we request that the present system of ? ";Optionai" Teacher Snpplement be continued as 3s without interference by the State in " any way-- further, that these recommendations be forwarded to Stat¢ Senator Yow and Rep- resentative Hewlett." "Further, that we recommend that the Board of Education review the allocation of School Supplement Funds looking toward using a larger percentage of these funds for supplemen- ting the average classroom teacher's` salary -- and further, that the Chairman of this. Board arrange a meeting with the Board of Education in the near future to discuss pro- biems affecting the schools before we begin Budget deliberations which wouid resvlt in a better understanding of the problems confronting each Board." AMBULANCE SERVICES - I The Chairman reported that he had been notified by the operators of the Cape Fear Ambulance Company that they were closing the present firm and would no longer offer any ambulance service in this County. Since he is convinced that the citizens of the County are entitled to ambulance service, he has arranged with the Civil Air Pa- trol to be on emergency call until some arrangement5 can be worked out. They have pro- mised to cooperate in this program until today. The Sheriff's Department will receive the calls through his office. He observed that he was not convinced that ambulance v A ,?80 ? P,v?"y"' ? ?,•?- ? Minutes of the Meeting February 16, 1959 Continued • f , AMBULANCE SERVICES - (Continued) service was a function of government but he did f.eel that a community of this size should not be without it. Mr. Hall suggested that there was a possibility of pur- chasing the three ambulances owned by the Cape Fear Ambulance Company and placing them at the Castle Hayne, Myrtle Grove and Ogden Rural Volunteer Fire Departments. Mr. Braak, who is a member of the Castle Hayne Rural Volunteer Fire Department reportecl that at one time an ambulance was offered to them provided they had at least 15 people who would be willing to become proficient In first aid but because it is a time con- suming activity they were unable to procure the per.sonnel and he felt that the problem would be County-wide. The Chairman advised the Board that he had been informed that a private citizen was considering the purchase of equipment and re-opening an ambu- lance service. He suggested that the Civil Defense organization were trained in first aid and evacuation procedures and he thought that possibility might be explored to see if emergency service could not be established through that agency. NIr. Broadhurst offered a motion that the prohlem be referred Lo the Civil Defense Director for study and a possible solution. The motion was ruled dead for iack of a second. Mr. Wil- liams then moved that a Committee be appointed to thoroughly explore the possibilities to re-estabiish ambulance service In the County. This motion was seconded by Mr. Braak, and when the motion was put, Mr. Broadhurst,,voted "NO". The Chairman ruled the motion prevailed and named Mr. Braak as Chairman of the following Committee, Commis9ioner Hall, Sheriff Millis, Civil Defense Director McCumber and Executive Secre- tary Houck. District: CASTLE HAYNE FIRE DISTRICT - A letter was received from the New Hanover County Fire Inspection Committee presenting the following Resolution and requestfor re-aligning the.Castle Hayne Fire "Be it hereby resolved that the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners designate the following defined District, in_order that this Distrfct may comply with the Bulletin issued by the North Carolina Fire Insurance Rating Bureau "On Community Fire DePenses for Communities not having a Standard Water Works System" (February 1952) to receive credit approval under pro- visions of the above Builetin. Be it understood and agreed that this resolution in no way or manner voids, alters or supersedes any of the conditions that now exist by written con- tract between New Hanover County and the Respective Fire Department. DESCRIPTION OF FIRE DISTRICT: CASTLE HAYNE FIRE DEPARTMENT Beginning at a Point where Highway 117 intersects with the Road to the Plorth Carolina Experimental Station and extending In a northwesterly direct- ion to the iVortheast Cape Fear River, thense In a northeasterly direction - to a point where Prince George Creek intersects with the Northeast Cape Fear, thense along the south bank of said river to Sturgeon Creek, thense In a southeasterly direction along west bank of said creek to a point where branch of said ereek intersects with the Blue Clay-Scottts Hill Road, thense In a southwesterly direction to the Blue Clay Road at intersection of dead erid road to farm of New Hanover County, thense i.n a westerly direction to a point of the beginning. Be it hereby resolved in order to prevent the above defined Fire District to be denied of Fire Protection by having all of its units servicing a Fire beyond its designated area, We hereby submit this plan of coordination be- tween the various Volunteer Fire Departments of the County. If the Castle Hayne Volunteer Fire Department is calied beyond its designat- ed area with ail its units, the Wrightsboro and Ogden Volunteer Fire Depart- ment will be elerted to serve In event of a fire in the Castle Hayne Area. Resolved further that nothing In the foregoing Resolutions shall in any wise restrict the servieing of any portion of New Hanover County by the Castle . Hayne units when the occasion creates such a demand. /S/ Ed B. Wright, Secretary New Hanover Fire Inspection Committee ? tar,"" "O c?. , Mr. Braak then offered a motion that the request be approved. It was seconded by Mr. Williams and unanimously adopted. , FEDERAL AIRPORT AID - Mayor J. E. L.,Wade of Wilmington informed the Board that House Bi11#HR 1011 for appropriating funds to aid and assist airports would soon be presented to Congress. He urged the Commissioners to write the Senators and Representatives In support of this pro,ject. Upon motion of Mr. Williams, seconded by Mr. Hall, the Executive Secretary was instructed to write the Senators and Representatives expressing their approval of this proposed legislation and request them to support it. NEW BRIDGE - Mr. Williams, Chairman of the Commissioner's Highway Committee presented each member of the Board with a photograph and artistfs sketch of a proposed bridge across the Cape Fear River and suggested that the Board go on record as approving the recommendation of the Citizens Committee developed through a survey made by Parsons, Brinkerhoff, Hall and MacDonald. Mayor Wade presented the Board with a Resolution passed by the City Council and is of the opinion that complete unanimity of effort is necessary for the best interests of New Hanover County. Mr. Williams offered a mo- tion that the Comm3ssioners go on record as approving this project. It was seconded by Mr. Broadhurst and unanimously adopted. The Executive Secretary was inStructed to write the State Highway Commission expressing their approval of this proposed bridge. t ? Minutes of the Meeting February 16, 1959 Continued SENCBA - Mrs. Alice Strickland, Executive Secretary of the Southeastern North Caro- lina Beach Association, expressed her happiness at the success of the Annual Banquet held on January 31st at Southport, North Carolina and is of the opinion that much good was accomplished at,that time. She said that the Governor was well pleased with the aims and ob,jectives of the Association and she thought the Fort Fisher State Park move- ment received much needed support at that meeting. She asked tYiiCState to undertake a restoration program which has been started and requested the Board to authorize a' Resolution urging the establishment of such a park at Fort F-isher. She said that ad- j cent property owners were in favor,.of'such a pro,ject and,in fact, a movement was un- der aia to negotiate acquisition of some additional nearby land. The Executive Secre- ? tary remarked that.he had received two calls,recently protesting tlie desecration of growth of yaupon and laurel by prospectors hunting for souven-irs. Mr. Braak offered a motion that County Attorney Hill be authorized to draw such a Resolution for the signature of each Commissioner. The motfon was seconded by Mr. Williams and unani- mously approved. The Executive Secretary was instructed to inform the Sheriff of the desecration by the souvenir hunters as the live vegetation is a large factor in pre- venting the beach erosion which is so great at that point. CIVIL SERVICE BOARD - The Executive Secretary reminded the Board of a Service Commission caused by the recent death of Mr. C. B. sensus of opinion that the matter should be studied for a consent, the Executive Secretary was requested to place it e, ,?--' vacancy on the County Civi 1 Kornegay. It was the con- week or so, and by common on the Agenda for March 2nd. LIGHTIMG - The Executive Secretary informed the Board that Mrs. 5needen, Superinten- dent of Public Welfare, had recently had the lighting engineer from the Carolina Power and Light Company test the efficiency of lights in the Welfare office and found that three desk spaces received 14 to 20 foot candles of light as compared to a minimum of 70 foot candles as recommended. The cost of remedying this situation would approxir mate $100.00 but since the Maintenance and Repair Budget Account is depleted, the Board agreed to wait until the next Fiscai Year Budget for further attention. PARKING REGULATIONS - • Mr. Williams observed that he.had studied the Rules and Regulations govern- ing the use of the parking area around the Court House and suggested the following amendments: (1) In Section 3, to insert the word"tags" after "privilege" and before "wfll" iri the first line. (2) In Section 12, after the word "area" and before the word "will" in the first line, insert "for a period of 2 hours or more during regular Court House offiee hours." (3) To add Section 15 as follows, "One or more parking places shall be reserved for the County Commissioners at all times and shall be so designated. These changes were thoroughly discussed by all members of the Board and finally, Mr. Wil•liams moved that the Rules and Regulations appiy only to regular office hours obse'rved by the Court House and not during Holidays, Saturdays and Snn- days. It was se?'onded by Mr. Hall and when the vote was cast, Mr. Broadhurst voted "NO" but the Chairman ruled the motion prevailed. • . WELFARE PROPERTY LIEN - As reported to the Board at their meeting on February 9, Mr. Owen W. King owns one-half interest in a tract of land ad,joining Masonboro Baptist Church. • The Church was offering to purchase this one-half interest for $1,000 and request the Wel- fare Lien against the property be cancelled upon payment of $700.00 as the regulations controlling the Welfare recipients of Old Age Pensions are allowed to retain.$300.00 of the purchase price in matters of this kind. The.Covnty Property Assessor reported on February 9th that he considered $2,000 a fair market price for the entire tract of land. Mr. Williams moved that the County accept the offer of $700.00 and cancel the lien against the property for the one-half interest owned by Mr. D. W. King. Mr. Hall seconded this motion and it was unanimously approved. f FORECLOSURE SALE - .--- Mr. Lloyd W. Moore requested the Board to set a sale figure for a lot in Block 12, Lot A. The Executive Secretary informed the Board that he had requested 717, an appraisal by Mr. H. S. McGirt, the County Property Assessor, who reported a sale value of $350.00. This property was originally owned by Mr. Moore and was foreclosed for taxes in 1945• Upon motion of Mr. Broadhurst, seconded by W. Williams, the Board unanimously approved the sale of tkiis property back to Mr. Moore for the appraised val- ue of'$350.00 provided it was approved by the City Council. WASHINGTON'S BIRTHDAY - _? The Executive Secretary informed the Board that he had many requests from J?svV42?, .70 County empioyees for the reason that the Board had declined to grant a Holiday on Feb- ruary 23rd since it is a National Holiday and has been observed by the County for many years. After some discussfon, Mr. Broadhurst moved that the action Laken by the Board last week on this sub,ject be rescinded and that February 23rd be dec2ared a Holiday for County Employees. Ntr. Hall seconded this motion and the Board unanimously approv- ed it. STATE SUBSCRIPTION - , Miss Nettie Floyd, a blind citi2en of Fairmont, North Carolina, appeared be- fore the Board and requested renewal of their subscription to the State Maga2ine. Mr. . Broadhurst moved that this request be approved. It was seconded by Mr. Braak and the Board unanimously concurred in its adoption. REPORTS FOR FILING - The following reports and letters were reviewed and ordered filed for in- formation: continued I r 382 Minutes_-of the Meeting February 16, 1959 Continued REPORTS FOR FILING - (continued) i ? ? y ? 1- Ho:me Agent's Narrative Monthly Report. 2- Welfare Department Reports on Recipients Statistical Changes. 3- Letter from Governor Hodges relative to appointments to Supreme and Superior Courts. !}.- Letter from Wilmington Junior Chamber of Commerce endorsing Commissioner Williams' legislative school proposals. 5- Letter from North Carolina Board of Nurse Registration and Nurse Educa- tion withdrawing approval for Professional School of Nursing. 6- Letter from Mr. C. E. Brown, State Highway Commission, relative to Mr. Earl H. Orrell's complaint for Road Maintenance on Park Avenue from 48th Street to MacMillan Avenue stating that this road had not been added to the'system since all property owners had not signed the petition submitted. ADJOURNMENT - Upon motion of Mr. Williams, seconded by Mr. Holton, the Board unanimously voted adjournment. W. G.Houck,?Executive Secretary SPECIAL CALLED MEETING Commissioners' Room Court House, Wilminqton, N. C. Februarv 18,1959 10:00 P.M CONVENTION - A special meeting of the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners was called for 10:00 P. M. this date with the following present: Chairman J. E. Holton, Jr., Com- missioners Peter H. Braak, L. E. Broadhurst, J. M. Hall, Jr. and Berry A. Williams, County Attorney John Bright Hill, Sheriff M. W. Millis and Civil Defense Director James B. NicCumber. PURPOSE OF MEETING - The Chairman announced that this special meeting had been called for the pur- pose of hearing the report of the committee appointed last Monday For study and recom- mendation to re-establish an ambulance service for the citi2ens of New Hanover County. WAI'VER OF NOTICE - IWr. Broadhurst moved that the legal requirement estab23shed by Statute be waiv- ed and the Chairman proceed with the Hearing. It was seconded by Mr. Braak and unani- mously adopted. PROPOSALS Mr, Peter H. Braak, Chairman of the Committee informed the Board that Mr. Richard F. Kuehnle and R. L. Thomas who live at 16 N. 9th Street propose to operate an ambulance service on a volunteer basis, financing it through public welfare contribu- tions. They submitted the following statement: " My life and that of Mr. Kuehnle is dedicated to the preservation of human life and the alleviation of suffering. Due to this fact, at the time when Wil- mington found itself without ambulance service, we thought that it was about time we did someihing about our aims. Therefore, we endeavored to personally invest in this ambulance service, and realizing that there was not likely to be any profit in any such an endeav- or, and not wishing personal gain, we intended to run it as a free service, supported by charitable donations. We attempted, in various ways, to borrow the funds necessary to acquire the equipment for this plan, but our efforts were to no avaii. . At this time, it came to our attention, that the County Commissioners had appointed a committee to study the ambulance situation, and to quote the Wilming- ton News, "To come up with some solution, 'right quick"" We immediately brought our proposal for a solution to the attenLion of Mr. Hail, who referred us to Mr. Houck. Our proposal fs this, that: 1- The County Commission either: (a) Purchase the equipment, leasing it to us for the consideration of one dollar, and advance us the funds to initiate and run the service until proceeds from solicitations and continuous campaign can operate it, ail advances, including cost of equipment and initial operation to be re- paid from those proceeds, the method for such repayment to be decided and agreed upon between the County Commissioners and ourselves; (b) Purchase the equipment, and give it to us under contract to use as a free service supported by charitable donations, advancing us the necess.= ary funds for initial operation, such funds to be repaid. 2- Our intentions are: (a) To institute an ambulance service for ali cases where ambulances are needed, under these circumstances; 1- Attendants will be required to be qualified first aiders; (a) They will be required to hold at least a Standard First Aid Skills card. (b) Holders of Advanced First Aid Skills cards will receive a bonus. 2- Interns from the hospital wiil be used when possible, and will ride and assist as part of their training. 3- Flowers instead of bills wiil be sent to passengers; (a) Flowers will be.purchased at wholesa:le prices if possible. L,