1959-02-18 Special Meetingr 382 Minutes_-of the Meeting February 16, 1959 Continued REPORTS FOR FILING - (continued) i ? ? y ? 1- Ho:me Agent's Narrative Monthly Report. 2- Welfare Department Reports on Recipients Statistical Changes. 3- Letter from Governor Hodges relative to appointments to Supreme and Superior Courts. !}.- Letter from Wilmington Junior Chamber of Commerce endorsing Commissioner Williams' legislative school proposals. 5- Letter from North Carolina Board of Nurse Registration and Nurse Educa- tion withdrawing approval for Professional School of Nursing. 6- Letter from Mr. C. E. Brown, State Highway Commission, relative to Mr. Earl H. Orrell's complaint for Road Maintenance on Park Avenue from 48th Street to MacMillan Avenue stating that this road had not been added to the'system since all property owners had not signed the petition submitted. ADJOURNMENT - Upon motion of Mr. Williams, seconded by Mr. Holton, the Board unanimously voted adjournment. W. G.Houck,?Executive Secretary SPECIAL CALLED MEETING Commissioners' Room Court House, Wilminqton, N. C. Februarv 18,1959 10:00 P.M CONVENTION - A special meeting of the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners was called for 10:00 P. M. this date with the following present: Chairman J. E. Holton, Jr., Com- missioners Peter H. Braak, L. E. Broadhurst, J. M. Hall, Jr. and Berry A. Williams, County Attorney John Bright Hill, Sheriff M. W. Millis and Civil Defense Director James B. NicCumber. PURPOSE OF MEETING - The Chairman announced that this special meeting had been called for the pur- pose of hearing the report of the committee appointed last Monday For study and recom- mendation to re-establish an ambulance service for the citi2ens of New Hanover County. WAI'VER OF NOTICE - IWr. Broadhurst moved that the legal requirement estab23shed by Statute be waiv- ed and the Chairman proceed with the Hearing. It was seconded by Mr. Braak and unani- mously adopted. PROPOSALS Mr, Peter H. Braak, Chairman of the Committee informed the Board that Mr. Richard F. Kuehnle and R. L. Thomas who live at 16 N. 9th Street propose to operate an ambulance service on a volunteer basis, financing it through public welfare contribu- tions. They submitted the following statement: " My life and that of Mr. Kuehnle is dedicated to the preservation of human life and the alleviation of suffering. Due to this fact, at the time when Wil- mington found itself without ambulance service, we thought that it was about time we did someihing about our aims. Therefore, we endeavored to personally invest in this ambulance service, and realizing that there was not likely to be any profit in any such an endeav- or, and not wishing personal gain, we intended to run it as a free service, supported by charitable donations. We attempted, in various ways, to borrow the funds necessary to acquire the equipment for this plan, but our efforts were to no avaii. . At this time, it came to our attention, that the County Commissioners had appointed a committee to study the ambulance situation, and to quote the Wilming- ton News, "To come up with some solution, 'right quick"" We immediately brought our proposal for a solution to the attenLion of Mr. Hail, who referred us to Mr. Houck. Our proposal fs this, that: 1- The County Commission either: (a) Purchase the equipment, leasing it to us for the consideration of one dollar, and advance us the funds to initiate and run the service until proceeds from solicitations and continuous campaign can operate it, ail advances, including cost of equipment and initial operation to be re- paid from those proceeds, the method for such repayment to be decided and agreed upon between the County Commissioners and ourselves; (b) Purchase the equipment, and give it to us under contract to use as a free service supported by charitable donations, advancing us the necess.= ary funds for initial operation, such funds to be repaid. 2- Our intentions are: (a) To institute an ambulance service for ali cases where ambulances are needed, under these circumstances; 1- Attendants will be required to be qualified first aiders; (a) They will be required to hold at least a Standard First Aid Skills card. (b) Holders of Advanced First Aid Skills cards will receive a bonus. 2- Interns from the hospital wiil be used when possible, and will ride and assist as part of their training. 3- Flowers instead of bills wiil be sent to passengers; (a) Flowers will be.purchased at wholesa:le prices if possible. L, ?? ?8Minutes of the Speciai Called Meeting February 18, 1959 -Continued PROPOSALS - (Continued) 4- To have equipment stationed in outlying areas with 24 hour service. (a) Such equipment to be acquired at a laCer date. 5- To have all ambulances, besides the regular equipment, to be equipped with: (a) Three-way radio service, and/ or radio-telephone service. (b) Adequate,fire-extinguisher system. (c) Traction and regular splints. (d) Wrecking bars and asbestos gloves. (e) Device necessary for the administration of blood plasma enroute to hospital. (f) Portabie Lripod for on the scene administering of blood plasma, (g) Refrigeration box for keeping medicines and plasma at proper temp- ' erature. (h) Straps for hanging two extra stretchers from roof of ambuTance. (i) Three cloth and pole s.tretchers with each ambulance, or (3) Thre.e folding's"tretchers'with sam2: ._ _ B. To institute a First Aid Club under these conditions: . 1. Instructors will be authorized by the American Nationai Red Cross. 2. Dues will be paid in the amount of one doliar per month. .(a) Proceeds will go for operation of club, and the ambulance service. 3. Merrbers will ,join for the purpose of learrii.ng first aid for home, bus- iness, and other uses, and will receive a qualification card from the Red Cross. !}. Instructors will be v9lunteers, and serve without renumeration. C. We plan in the future to extend our service to include: 1- A completely equipped and manned crash truck at the Airport. 2- A completely equipped and manned foam truck at the Airport. 3- A completely equipped and manned ambulance at the Airport. l}- A completely equipped and manned field ambulance at Wrightsville and Carolina Beaches. 5- Completely equipped and manned rescue units in Wiimington, Wrightsv- ille Beach, and Carolina Beach. 6- Promotion of more'and better co-ordination and equipment in outlying areas and townships, ambulsnce and fire departments. D. Our communications system will include: 1- A sixty-watt base transcievers and buggywhip type antennae. 2- Direct line telephones to: (a) Police 1. Wilmington 2. Wrightsville Beach ' 3. Carolina Beach (b) Sheriff's Department (c) State Hiohway Patrol ' (d) James Waiker Memorial Hospital (e) Fire Department 1. Our ambulances will stand by at all fires where the Fire Depart- ment thinks they miaht be needed. (f) Civi1 Defense (g) Red Cross (h) Airport (i) Carolina Power and Liaht Company 3- A switchboard of ten trunk lines (a) All on same telephone number l}- Two standard telephones for business calls (a) Each to have different number E. To answer all emergency dalls from the Police, Sheriff's Office, State High- way Patrol, Fire Department, Airport, C3vi1 Defense, in all cases where an ambulance may be needed._ F. To answer ail emergency cails, and all calls where an ambulance is needed from individuals and private businesses. G. To operate this service at no charge to the persons carried in our vehic.les. H. To operate a constant fund drive to solicit funds for the operation of these services by various methods such as: 1- Door-to-door canvassing, annuaily. 2- Street-corner campaign, every three months. " , 3- Solicitations by officers for pledges of support from large and small businesses. !}- Counter boxes and cards in drug stores, groceries, theaters etc. 5- Radio and television announcements. (a)Plea for one dollar from each listener. 6- Newspaper ads and articles. (a)Plea for one dollar from each reader. 7- Posters. (a) Posters in windows of business estahlishments and bumper strips for cars. (b) Posters in schools. 1. Elementary: Plea for pennies and nickles, at least one cent from each student. ' 2. High School: Plea for ten cents at least from every student. 3. College: Plea for twenty-five cents from every student. Mr. Braak then reported that Thomas B. Hughes proposed to operate Lhe ambulance on a profit basis as a private enterprise, however, both plans wouid require the County to purch'ase •the =ambul'ance equipment,on LHe basi:s. of r.'epayment if and when sufficient mon- ey was available. He informed the Board that the Committee was unanimously recommend- ing the acceptance of the private enterprise. ? I`?8?, .? Minutes of the Meeting February 18, 2959 Continued DISCUSSION Civil Defense Director McCumber suggested the following plans as a basis of beginning the discussion. They are recommended in order of their priority in his own mind: 1. Statistics of ambulance calis over a period of time and location of points of pick-up and delivery, and cost of operation. 2. Shail we give service to entire County, including all incorporated communi- : ties. 3. Wi21 the County subsidize an organization to handle this responsibility, if so, what basis. 4. Just how deep will the County become involved with the proposed service: (a) Minimum for emergency only. (b) Service including all patients to and from ail hospitals. (c) Service to arid from out of County installations, that is to Medical Centers such as Duke et cetera. 5. If the County becomes involved financially, what form of rebate will be used. 6. Is the operation of an ambulance service the responsibility of government, --- interference with private enterprise --- Plan "A" 1. Place one Army fieid type ambulance with each ment. (This equipment to be secured through Fede fense, procurement furnished through County.) 2. Volunteer members of this service be required of ;nstruction. Local Red Cross Chapter will give 3. Radio transmitter and receiver can be secured ment with Civil Defense for each fire station. County volunteer fire depart- ral Surplus Property, Civil De- to complete a First Aid course the course free of charge. through a matching fund arrange- Plan "B" Subsidize with public money an ambulance service to handle emergency and indigent cases only. Plan "C" 1. Place in the fleet of vehicles now used by the Sher3ff's Department a station wagon equipped to perform dual duty, that is, regular duty and ambulance duty. 2. This means, of course, that all members of the Sheriff's Department would com- plete:.a,firSt aid:course. Plan "D" Realizing it is not the responsibility of the County to obligate itself contin- ously for a needed service that apparently can be operated on a profitable basis by private enterprise, no action will be taken at this time•on the question of ambulance service. County attorney Hili advised the Board that it would be necessary for the Board to declare this an emergency and even in that event, he did not know of any speci- fic authority in the law which would legally permit any such expenditure, however, he had investigated and so far as he could determine the answer must be found in implied authority through the Civil Defense and Mobilization Office or through the Rural Volun- teer Fire Departments. It is his further opinion that in event the equipment was pro- cured through either of those agencies, it would be necessary to use ABC Funds and not tax money. Chairman Holton suggested that the equipment of the Cape Fear Ambulance Com- pany might be purchased through the Civil Defense arid Mobilization Office, and then let them lease or rent the equipment to the operators until such time as the rental should equal the purchase price and then relinquish the title to them. In his opinion, how- ever, the law of probability was against financial success of this venture as a private enterprise. Mr. Wiliiams is of the opinion that tax money is not legally available and further does not think that the operation of ambulance service is a function of govern- ment and that it should.be handied as a private business'. He remarked that the general public would have less confidence in the pro3ect and even the taxpayers would feel like they were entitled to free service if public funds were used for its purchase. He sug- gests that the decision be delayed a few days_to see if Mr. Hughes can work out some means of handling it and offered a motion that the meeting be recessed at this time. There was no second to his motion so it was ruled dead. Mr. Hall then moved that the County purchase the equ3pment owned by the Cape Fear Ambulance Company and make it available to the Civil Defense and Mobilization Office for his disposal, to be used at his discretion with the understanding that it would be operated by Mr. Thomas Hughes for the benefit of the citizens of the County and the mon- ey advanced by the County and repaid by Mr. Hughes as soon as it was available as he thought ambulance servipe for a County of this si2e was essentiai. In his opinion, ambu- lance service can not be made a public venture for profit as others had given it up in the past such as the hospitals, funeral homes, and now a private enterprise. He does think, however, that the CAP should be thanked for their cooperation and this Committee commended for their prompt and forthright handling of this matter. Mr. Braak seconded Mr. Hall's motion and in the discussion following, Mr. Williams requested that he be re- corded as agreeing of the necessity of ambulance service in the County but does not be- 11 \ ? ? e85 Minutes of the Speciai Called Meeting February 18, 1959 Continued DISCUSSION - (Continued) lieve the County has a legal right to become involved in the transaction. Mr. Hall called for the motion to be put and Mr. Williams voted "No" but the Chairman ruled the motiori carried, and stressed his conviction that before the equipment was moved proper insurance should be provided. ADJOURNMENT - The Chairman announced that the purpose for which this meeting was called had been accomplished and Mr. Hall offered a motion for adjournment, which was second- ed by Mr. Braak and it was uanimously adopted. i ' /i / W. d. Houck, Executive Secre ary SPECIAL CALLED MEETTNG• Commissioners1 Room Court House, Wilm3nqton, N.C. Februarv 19, 1957 3:00 P.M CONVENTION - A speciai meeting of the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners was call- ed for 3:00 P. M. today by the Chairman. The following were present: Chafrman J. E. Holton, Jr., Commissioners Peter H. Braak and'J. M. Hall, Jr., County Attorney John Bright Hill, Sheriff M. W. Millis'and Civil Defense Director James B. McCumber. Com- missioners L. E. Broadhurst and Berry A. Williams were unable to attend the meeting. PURPOSE OF NIEETING - ' The Chairman declared a quorum present and informed the Board that the plans formulated at the meeting last night had not materia2ized'so it was necessary to call this emergent meeting for the purpose of discussing another plan. ' WAIVER OF MEETING - ' ' The Chairman explained that in order to make this a legal meeting, it was necessary that the legal notice of ineeting be waived and stated that the Chair was open for such a move. Mr. Braak offered a motion that the requirement be waived. It was seconded by Mr. Hall and unanimously approved. DEVELOPMENT - County Attorney John Bright Hill opened the discussion by informing the Board that Thomas B. Hughes was not backing out on his proposition made last niohtto operate an ambulance service but after thinking over the matter he had interviewed Harold J. Jackson who operates Jackson's Esso Servicenter and Garage at 3105 Wriohtsvilie Avenue and who is equipped with mechanics and tools to keep the equipment in good running con- dition and has been approved by the Bank of Wilmington.in the amount of $1500.00 for the purpose of buying the ambulances and equipment owned by the Cape Fear Ambulance Com- pany. He served in a medical unit during the war and he is proficient in first aid and feels that he is well qualified to operate an ambulance service and intends to pay off the indebtedness to the bank but will need a he2ping hand on the other $500.00 necessary to purchase the equipment from the Cape Fear Ambulance Company at a figure of $2000.00. After some discussion by those present, Mr. Braak off.ered a mot.ion that the action taken last night approving the purchase of the ambulance equipment and placing it at the dis- posal of the Civil Defense and Mobilization Office be rescinded. It was seconded by Mr. Hall and unanimously adopted. APPROPRIATION DIF,ECTIVE - Mr. Hall then offered a eral Assistance Fund of the Public purchase of the ambulance equipmen for the repayment through services fare Department at regular rates. ly adopted. motion that the County advance $500v00 from the Gen- Welfare Department to help Mr. Jackson complete the t and that the Auditor be directed to set up a credit rendered the indigent patients certified by the Wel- This motion was seconded by Mr. Braak and unanimous- . ? ADJOURNMENT - The purpose of this meeting having been accomplished, Mr. liall offered a mo- tion for adjournment, seconded.by Mr. Braak and unanimously adopted. W. G. Wilmington, N. C. etary February 23,1959 The Board having declared this a legal Holiday, no meeting was held on this date. W. G. Houck Executive Secret ry J