1959-02-19 Special Meeting? e85 Minutes of the Speciai Called Meeting February 18, 1959 Continued DISCUSSION - (Continued) lieve the County has a legal right to become involved in the transaction. Mr. Hall called for the motion to be put and Mr. Williams voted "No" but the Chairman ruled the motiori carried, and stressed his conviction that before the equipment was moved proper insurance should be provided. ADJOURNMENT - The Chairman announced that the purpose for which this meeting was called had been accomplished and Mr. Hall offered a motion for adjournment, which was second- ed by Mr. Braak and it was uanimously adopted. i ' /i / W. d. Houck, Executive Secre ary SPECIAL CALLED MEETTNG• Commissioners1 Room Court House, Wilm3nqton, N.C. Februarv 19, 1957 3:00 P.M CONVENTION - A speciai meeting of the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners was call- ed for 3:00 P. M. today by the Chairman. The following were present: Chafrman J. E. Holton, Jr., Commissioners Peter H. Braak and'J. M. Hall, Jr., County Attorney John Bright Hill, Sheriff M. W. Millis'and Civil Defense Director James B. McCumber. Com- missioners L. E. Broadhurst and Berry A. Williams were unable to attend the meeting. PURPOSE OF NIEETING - ' The Chairman declared a quorum present and informed the Board that the plans formulated at the meeting last night had not materia2ized'so it was necessary to call this emergent meeting for the purpose of discussing another plan. ' WAIVER OF MEETING - ' ' The Chairman explained that in order to make this a legal meeting, it was necessary that the legal notice of ineeting be waived and stated that the Chair was open for such a move. Mr. Braak offered a motion that the requirement be waived. It was seconded by Mr. Hall and unanimously approved. DEVELOPMENT - County Attorney John Bright Hill opened the discussion by informing the Board that Thomas B. Hughes was not backing out on his proposition made last niohtto operate an ambulance service but after thinking over the matter he had interviewed Harold J. Jackson who operates Jackson's Esso Servicenter and Garage at 3105 Wriohtsvilie Avenue and who is equipped with mechanics and tools to keep the equipment in good running con- dition and has been approved by the Bank of Wilmington.in the amount of $1500.00 for the purpose of buying the ambulances and equipment owned by the Cape Fear Ambulance Com- pany. He served in a medical unit during the war and he is proficient in first aid and feels that he is well qualified to operate an ambulance service and intends to pay off the indebtedness to the bank but will need a he2ping hand on the other $500.00 necessary to purchase the equipment from the Cape Fear Ambulance Company at a figure of $2000.00. After some discussion by those present, Mr. Braak off.ered a mot.ion that the action taken last night approving the purchase of the ambulance equipment and placing it at the dis- posal of the Civil Defense and Mobilization Office be rescinded. It was seconded by Mr. Hall and unanimously adopted. APPROPRIATION DIF,ECTIVE - Mr. Hall then offered a eral Assistance Fund of the Public purchase of the ambulance equipmen for the repayment through services fare Department at regular rates. ly adopted. motion that the County advance $500v00 from the Gen- Welfare Department to help Mr. Jackson complete the t and that the Auditor be directed to set up a credit rendered the indigent patients certified by the Wel- This motion was seconded by Mr. Braak and unanimous- . ? ADJOURNMENT - The purpose of this meeting having been accomplished, Mr. liall offered a mo- tion for adjournment, seconded.by Mr. Braak and unanimously adopted. W. G. Wilmington, N. C. etary February 23,1959 The Board having declared this a legal Holiday, no meeting was held on this date. W. G. Houck Executive Secret ry J