1959-03-16 Regular Meeting Minutes of the Meeting March 9, 1959 Continued SYECIAL PARKING PRIVILEGE - Mr. Louis T. Moore, Director of requested permission for using the Parking he is an officer of the HisLorical Commiss House buildino, it was decided that he was Lhe parking lot. Mr. Hall moved, seconded ed. It was unanimously approved. the New Hanover County Historical Commission, Lot and have a parking tag issued to him. Since ion and they maintained a museum in the Court eligible under the rules and regulations govern- by Mr. Broadhurst, that this privilege be grant- REPORTS AAtD LETTERS - The following reports and letters were reviewed by the Board and ordered filed for information: ? 1- Wilmington Public Library monthly report. 2- " Colored 3- A Memorandum of Understanding from the North Carolina Department of Agricul - ture and Home Economics Extension Service. 4- State Board of Alcoholic Control notation regarding application of Joseph Paul Musial, Castle Hayne, N. C. - $- OCDM changes in documentation. 84 Wit- i h °? 6- ow ng Grand Jury Report for February, 1959 Term of Criminal Court s nesses examined, 69 True Bills; Justices of the Peace Reports received with Warrants checked and found to be in order. r? ? 7- Letter from John A. Westbrook, Airport manager, advising that the Federal ? Aviation Agency would not pay up to one-half of the amount for the ease- ment land needed for the Approach Lights. Bvt in case the property is condemned in Court, the FAA would then pay up to one-half on easements as well as one-half of the purchase price, lawyer fees arid Engineer's fee. ? 8- Notice of the Budget Hearing of the NorLh Carolina State Ports Authority to be held March 12th, Revenue Building, Raleigh, N. C. ---? 9- Thank-you letter from Ciifton L. Moore acknowledging the Board's letter to Governor Hodges with reference to his appointment. ' 10- s en- Response leLters from Congressmen and Senators regarding the Board dorsement of Bills - S. 910 and H. R. 1011 ADJOURAiPENT - Upon motion of Mr. Hall, seconded by Mr. Williams, the Board unanimously voted adjournment. ? ???G?? ? li - ? ? W. G. Houck, Executive Secretary Wilmington, N. C. March 16,1959 ASSEMBLY - The regular i•reekly meeting of the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners was held this day at 9:30 A. M. in the Commissioners' Room of the Court House. PRESEMT: Chairman J. E. Holton, Jr., Commissioners Peter H. Braak and L. E. Broadhurst, and CounLy Auditor T. D. Love. Commissioners J. M. Hall, Jr, and Berry A. Williams, and 'CounLy Attorney John Br,ight Hill were absent from the meeting since they were attending the Urban County Congress held in Washington, D. C. sponsored by the National Association of County Officials. Commissioner Braak also attended the meeting in Washington after the Board's adjournment of today's session. I WOCAT I ON - The Chaoirman called the meeting to order and asked Reverend C. D. Roettger, Pastor of the Carolina Beach Methodist Church, to invoke the Divine Presence through prayer. APPROVAL Or THE MINUTES - The minutes of the New Hanover County Drainage Comriittee meeting held on March 5th were read by the Secretary and unanimously approved, upon motion of Mr. Broadhurst, seconded by Mr. Braak, along with the minutes of the regular meeting of the Commissioners of March 9th. AIRPORT CONCESSIONS - P7r, Edward G. Lilly, Jr.,, representing the Azalea Festival, informed the Board that he had noticed their approval of the.request by the Civil Air Patrol for operating the drink and sandwich concessions at the Airport during the Azalea Festival celebration. He stated that the Azalea Festival Committee was paying the expenses of the Blue Anoels and therefore they were of the opinion that they should be allowed to receive the profits from the concessions to help defray those costs. He was careful to make it clear that they did not intend to make an issue of the matter at the expense of the Civii Air Patrol as they recognized the contribution made to Lhe County by them. He did not aslt the Com- missioners to reverse their decision of last week approving the concession operation by the ClaP unless it was agreeable with them. He also argued that the Azalea Festival did not attempt to detract in any way from the revenue received by the CAP from the concess- ion operation on their Friendship Days. The Chairman explained that when the request was made, the CAP pointed out thaL the Federal Government, under their present policy, would recall all of their aircraft unless it was put under cover and they intended to use the funds to help defray the expense of building T-Hangars. Mr. Braak then offered a motion that the action of last week ap.proving the concession operation by the CAP be rescinded provided that 3t does not create a dissention betwe2n the Azalea Festival Committee and the CAP offices. Mr. Broadhurst seconded this motion with the proviso that the permiss- ion of the CAP be ascertained. When the vote was calied, the Chairman stated that he would vote for it also with the understanding that the Executive Secretary would contact the CP.P to get their agreement. A I!? ?, ???9? ? Minutes of the Meeting March 16, 1959 Continued DITCH OBSTRUCTIONS - The Executive Secretary presented the following Bill recommended by the Drain- age Committee and drawn by the County Attorney for approval of the Commissioners: ? b? A BILL TO BE ENTITLED "AN ACT TO AUTHORIZE THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY TO PROMULGATE ORDINANCES, RULES AND REGULATIONS GOVERNING THE BLOCKING OR STOPPING UP OF PUBLIC DRAINAGE DITCHES, WTTH- OUT PROVIDING A SUITASLE ALTERNATE DITCH IN THE COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER." WHEREAS, the General Assembly of North Carolina passed an Act set forth as Chapter one hundred and thirty-five of the Session Laws of nineteen hundred forty- seven, as follows: An Act to authorize the County Commissioners of New Hanover County to expend certain surplus funds for drainage purposes"; WHEREAS, this drainage program has been of great benefit to New Hanover County and said County is anxious to fully carry out the intent and purposes of this Act, and in order to do so must have more authority and control over the drainage sys- tem of said County; NOU1, THEREFORE, The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: Section 1. The Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County is hereby authorized and empowered, in its discretion, to issue, pass and promulgate ordin- ances, rules and regulations governing the blocking or stopping up or filling in of public drainage ditches or canals without providing a.suitable alternate ditch or canal to be approved by said Board of Commissioners. Section 2. A violation of any of the ordinances, rules or regulations issued, passed or promulgated under authority of this Act shall be a misdemeanor, and upon a plea of nolo contendere, or a plea of guilty, or upon conviction, any offen- der shall be fined not exceeding fifty dollars ($50.00) and/ or required to ciean out the ditch or canal. Section 3. All laws and clauses of laws in conflict with the provisions of this Act are hereby repealed. Section 1}. This Act shali be in full force and effect from and after its rati- fication. Section 5. In the General Assembly read three times and ratified, this the day of , 1959. Upon motion of Mr. Braak, seconded by Nr. Broadhurst, the Bill was approved and the Ex- ecutive Secretary instructed to send it to the Speaker of the House, Addison Hewlett Jr.. and Senator Cicero P. Yow for introduction and approvai of the General Assembly. CONSOLIDATED SOARD OF HEALTH - As instructed by the tabled motion last week, the Executive Secretary again presented the request for a transfer of funds by the Consolidated Board of Health. Flfter some discussion, the Board decided, by common consent, that it should be placed on the 1?-0,TjF? agenda when all members of the Board were present and instructed the Executive Secretary to put it on the agenda for the cemino week. PETITION FOR ROAD MAINTENANCE - f A Petition was received from a group of property owners requesting repairs and maintenance on North 1ti'ailace Avenue Extension which runs from Wrightsville Avenue ?' to the boundary line of Pine Hills Subdivision development. Upon moticn of SJr. Broad- hurst, seconded by Mr. Braak, the Board approved the Petition and instructed the Execu- tive Secretary to forvaard it to the State Highway Commiss?en for their consideration. DITCHING REQUEST - The Executive Secretary informed the Board that last year the County ditching crew had clear.ed out and deepened the lead canal carrying the drainage from the water- shed involving the Municipai Go1f Course and that a verbal request had again been made ? for this service. The Chairman informed the Board that he had personall,y instructed the Executive Secretary to place this request on the agenda for a full discussion of the Board as it was his opinion that the County should maintain the mair• ditches but not the laterals leading into them. Sy common consent, the Board thought the full Board should be present when this matter was discussed and instructed the Executive Secretary to put it on the agenda for next week. CORPS OF ENGINEERS - 1- The Corps of Engineers informed . the Northeast Cape Fear River approximately 78 templated and requested an expressien from the tion of Mr. Broadhurst, seconded by Mr. Braak, inform them that there are no known objections the Board that a submarine waterline across ? feet south of the Highway Bridoe was con- Board if they had any objections. Upon mo- the Executive Secretary was instructed to to this project. 2- Approach Licht System ar.d Elevated Walkway - A request has been made by the Federal Aviation Agency for the construction of an Approach Light System and an Eleva- f ted 4Jalkiaay approximately 12 feet above the mean low wateriine across Smith's Creek. They tve.silv6T request an expression of the Board of any approval or objections to this project. By common consent, the Board ordered the Executive Secretary to place this on the agenda for thfs coming week when ail members of the Board will be present. L :°?c9 7 Mirutes of the Meetinc Nrarch 16, 1959 Continued LOT APPRAISAL APPROVAL - A request has been made by Miss Mary H. 6dhitted of 321 South ?th Street for the purchase of a Lot in Block 351, Pt. of 5 on the Northeast corner of th and Taylor Streets. The lot is 45' by 50' and has been appraised by the County Property Appraisor, H. S. McGirt,at $350.00. Mr, Broadhurst moved that the County approve the sale of the • lot for the $350.00 psovided approval of the City Council is obtained since it is joint- ly owned as,a resuit of a tax foreclosure. The motion was seconded by Mr. Braak and un- animousiy approved. COMMISSIONER REPLACEMENT - The State Association of County Commissioners has decided to seek legislation authorizing a Board of County Commissioners to fill vacancies which might occvr on it. At present the Clerk of Superior Court makes an appointment in event of a vacancy, al- though by Special Act a few Boards are now permitted to do so. They request an express- ion from the New Hanover County Board on this subject. Upon motion of Mr. Broadhurst, seconde.d by Nr. Braak, the Board unanimously approved such legislation with the proviso that in event of a tie the Clerk of Superior Court be required to make the decision. In that way, a County would have the benefit of four opinions insiead of one as at the present. , .?? .. _ - MINIMJM WAGE - -" The Legislative Bulletin issued by the St2te Association of County Commission= ? ers sets forth that HB 121 prescribes a$1.00 per hour minimum wage and that Counties are not expressly excluded. HB 3 provides a minimum of 751 per hour and specifically exempts Counties. The Board of Direc'tors are not certain how a minimum wage requirement would affect County operations and request an expression from this Board. By common con- sent, it was decided that the 751 minimum wage includir.g a County exemption would be most suitable for our County and therefore the Executive Secretary was so instructed to advise them. ? would be introduced in Houses of the General Assembly within the next ten days under the sponsorship of the State Association of Cour.ty Commissioners, Clerks of Superior Court, and Registers of Deeds authorizing and directing format:on and execution of a program for i`nventory, repairing and microfilmino official County records and providing safe storage r such fiim. The sponsors of the Bill feel that it would be a good idea to have a numb r of the members of the General Assembly co-sign the Bili before its in- the General Assembly. MI CROF I LM troduction and herefore they requested that our Senators and Representatives be contact- ?-- ed and asked to cb-sponsor the Biil. By cemmon consent, the Board unanimously approv- ed this request and instructed the Executive Secretary to inform our representatives to The State Department of Archives and History informed the Board that a Bill completed work approved by the City Engir.eer amounting to $17,950.35, Which is Lhe total amount of the contract less the customary 10% withheld. Mr. Braak offered a motion that the estimate be paid. It was seconded by Mr'. Broadhurst'and unanimously adopted. PIPELINE CONSTRUCTION ESTIMATE - •?. Pursuant to the authorization at a Joint Meeting held December 19, 1958 author- izing the Chairman to execute a contracL in the name of the County fn the amount of ---- $20,706.14 for the purpose of constructing a water main from the City Limits line to, the new Southern Laces, Ir.corporated, the contractor has submitted an estimate for the G?•'• ASSISTANT CUSTODIAN The Executive Secretary requestedapproval of the Board for advertising for Custodian, since the resignation of Nr. Garrison. Mr.?Braak moved that the request be approved. It was seconded by Mr. Broadhurst and unanimously adopted. . LETTERS AND REPORTS - The folloraing letters and reports were received and reviewed by the Board and ordered filed for information: i- Letter from the Board of Aldermen of the Toi•m of Wrightsville Beach re- garding the sait tiaater conversion plant to be located in the area of Wriohtsviile Beach. -?` 2- North Carolina State Highway Commission report regarding Secondary Road Plan in New Hanover County. • •- 3- Report of the New Hanover County Home Agentfor February, 1959 4- New - ?elfare oRecipients? FStatistical Changesfor February 1959. 5 PETIT JURY - The following good and lawful citizens were se lected to ? serve as Jurors in the trial of Crimin al Cases for the one week term begi nning A pril 6th, 1959 and for the trial of C.iv il Cases for_the.Weeks.be.ginnin? Apr.il.i3th and Apr il 20th, 1959. ,)urors for the week ADril 6,1959 - Criminal Cases F. W. Cox Jr. P.O. Box 25,Wrightsv.Beach, H. E. Clifton 1221 S. 4th St. L. A. Beck 113 Wrightsvilie Ave. W. J. 4dillett 24Montgomery Ave. W. F. Renn 102 Virginia Ave. A. G. Herring. 2109 Pine St. J. L. Bass 522 S. 4th St. W. D. Kennedy 10 Wriahtsville Ave. David C. Paoe Lake Shore Drive K. C. Padgett 812 Princess St. W. J. Hayatt 19 D Lake Villaoe Wm.i•!. Murrell 109 Victoria Drive R. L. Lewis 1302 Castle St. O. E. Durant, S r. 2302 Market St. Hoyt Evans 515 E. Shipyard Blvd. Jas. C . Justice 304 Wright St. Alton L. Hines 407 Meares St. T. B. L^Jilliams 2004 N,arket St. James E. Evans 15 Ct, S. Lake Village Guy R. Jackson 315 Queen St. George Defree 13 K Nesbitt Cts. Edward Bryant 2932 A Adams St. P. E. Helber 20 S. 3rd St. Eugene D. Arend 312 Greenfield SL. S. J. Hayduk Rt. 1, Box 53A Castle Hayne C. E. Dickinson 8 Latimer St. 'vJri htsv?. A. B. Cannon 206 Live Oak Ave. Gerald H. Roger s'' 111 Wrightsville ?ve? C. C. Wescott 2108 1{lein Road James M. Crute 19 N. 7th St. Frank Hoilis RFD 2, Box 113 N. B. Futrelie 5r.1806 Carlina Ave. Thom. B. Merritt 1302 Greenfieid Andrew E. Hilbu rn 416 Castle St. continued - 'A Minutes of the Meeting March 16, 1959 Continued PETIT JURY - Jurors for week Aprii 6, 1959 Criminal Cases (Centinued) H. C. Arrants 212 Midland Drive Georoe Parker 305 Meares St, . Nmrphy Sasser 308 Nlartin St. B. L. Pressley Kure Beach, N.C. Major E. Walker 2208 Gibson Ave. R. M. Padrick Sr. 414 S. 4th St. Bernie L. Bullard 3005 Monroe St. Harry Glenn Goodson 21 0 Maryl and Ave. Jurors for week April 13, 1959 Civil Cases E. B. Bugg Wilmington Hotel R. B. Ham 205 S. 4th St. E. G. Lee 641 Castle Hayne Rd. A. N. Gumb 222 N. 22nd St. E. A.• Jones 2024 Klein Road A. B. Riggs 311 N. 45th St. C. E. Bond 2529 Narket St. Hubert Boyer 609 Oranae St. Aibert L. Lee 212 Rutiedge Dr. E. P. Costin P: O. Box 174 J. D. Horne 704 S. 3rd St. A. B. Cowan 201 Castle St. W. G. James 2002 Market St. S. F. Linton 2812 Chestnut W. L. Batson 21 N. 23rd St. L. R. Norris- 2851 H. Adams St. James H.`Bo9tic 8 U Lake Forest A. M. Baldwin Jr. 305 Central Blvd. George M. Jordan 2267 Mimosa Place John T . Hoggard 2928 Hydrangea Place W. G. Broadfoot 148 Colonial Dr. Robert E. Galloway110 Sunset Rve. RoberL A. Hodges 4947 ldriahLsville Ave. N, -A.NcWil.ldams 1420 Nun St. 1. Ken neth Pinner 2512 Market St. Jurors for week April 20, 1959 Civil Cases W. H. Worrell Carl Robinson Early Benton Hugh Browning . Chinnis R. Bennett Roxie D. Riagins Robert L. Jackson James Clyde Caulder Carl B. Rehder Jr. John H. Hanby Ernest Day Harold Gornto George S. Hickman I. C. Dubberiy R. W. Jamison Nathan Horowit2 Clarence B. Harvell Alex T. Brown Catherine H. Jones Andrew H. Mohr Therman B. Smith Billy E. Garland Bobby Jackson G. D. McFaydea Lewis W. Creech 3'ames M. Evans Linwood G. Hardy Jesse J. Peterson A. W. Southerland Callie B. Hardiman Bert B. Parmenter . Linster E. Williams Elbert W. Harrelson 4104 Peachtree St. 217 Frances Narion Dr. 2906 S. Front St. 155 Spofford Sr.318 Ann Stteet 920 N. 2nd St. 213 Pinecrest Pkwy. 148 Spofford 68 Wes't Drive 2109 Pender Ave. 1007 Hawthorne Rd. 305 Wright'St. 2748 S. Front St. 18 G. Nesbitt Cts. 17 K Nesbitt Cts. 2406 S. Front St. Rt.l, Box 73,Castle Hayne 809 Chestnut St. 112 Gordon Rd. 2426 Jefferson St. 2935 B. Jefferson St. 207 Bonham Ave. 918 N. 4tn 5t. 406 S. 16th St. RFD 2, Box 175 515 Surry St. 2720 Adams St. RFD 1, Box 2M . 19 Keaton Ave. RFD 1, Box 83 3034 Adams St. 1520 Orange St. 2531 Harrison S'ti. E. T. Amos P O. Box 654 Lyle J. Easter 1?2 Terrace Walk tarolina Beach, N.C. R. L. King 1022 S. 5th St. Leslie Brown 302 Calhoun Drive R. Y. Kelly 148 W. Rer.ovah Circle L. C. Legwin, Jr, 2311 Belvidere Drive W. F. Shue 827 Windsor Drive J. H. Gaskins 821 S. 4th St. Edw. B. Ward % Foster Hill P. N. Johnson RFD 3, Box 134 R. P. Brock 3100 Market St. I. G. Tillery 1820 Woolcott Ave. N. J. Hines 1140 County Club Rd. J. B. Campbeil 10 B rookwood Ave. N. V. Gause 18 Live Oak Ave. Geo. W. Bishop 2812 Washington St. A. A. Lewis 209 N. 14th St. C. R. Pierce RFD 2, Box 431 E. M. Milton 4306 Wrightsville Ave. R. P. Houston 217 N. 5th St. Richard Harts Jr. 1012 S. SLh St. James M. Adams 208 S. 41st St. Marlc Hines RFD 3, Box 326 A D. T. Shelton 3291 Wrightsville Ave. A. B. Farrow 1021 S. Front St. Joe M. Smith 2916 S. Front St. B. Leon Holden 11 S. Lake Village Thom. L. MacRae 612 Centrai Blvd. James E. Todd 2110 }(lein Road J. S. Shepard Jr. 217 N. 4th St. Joseph C. Howe 217 N. 7th St. 1•larren J. Beyes 1606 Princess St. Sennie Coley 46 Spofford Yliilia m Buraess 1613 Castie St. ?ieo rge A. Smith 1920 Ann St. David C. Howard 2724 Monroe St. _ Wizston Crawley 4211 Wrightsville Ave. Gus F. Johnson 609 Dickinson St. Henry L. Crotts 1 31la. Salisbury James Feimster 320 N. sth St. Winston Salnm, N.C. J.Robert'Sneeden RFD #. 3 Gerald O. Conrad 215 Forest Road Geroge F. Malpass 3021 Monroe St. Millar d S. Jones Jr. 2410 Shirley Road Ellis Uance Noble s2D Morningside Donald R. Jenlcins 516 Ann St. Joseph A. Sellars 2725 Surnett Blvd. A.C. Roethlinger 2913 D Adams St. RECESS - The Ch Board on Thursday airman informed the Soard March 19th at 10:00 A. that t N, for here would be the purpose o a cal f dis led meeting of the cussing some problems ? that have:arisen , in connection with the pr oposed airport transa ction . Mr. Braak, there- fore, offered a m otion that the meeting be recess ed immediately for the purpose of con- vening as a Board 'of Equalization and Revi ew, and a reconventio n of the Board of Commiss- ioners at 10:00 A . M. Thursday, March 19th . It was seconded by Mr. Broadhurst and unani- mously adopted. i - •r??- • W. G. Houck, Executive Secretary , \ MEETING OF THE BOARD OF EQUALIZATION AND REVIEW Having been sworn in and the Oath having been Commissioners, the Board met on Monday, March bers present: James E. Holton, Leon E. Bro: Supervisor,acted as Clerk to the Board. The meeting was opened by Chairman Holton and heard. i Wiimington, N.C. March 16,1959 filed with the Clerk of the Board of County 16 at 10:30 A. M.,,with the following mem- idhurst, Peter H. Braak; T. D. Love, Tax several complaints were presented and were Mr. L. G. Wolf, properLy owner, 417 Queen Street, complained in regard to the new assess- ment placed on his property, stating that same was too high and was thought to be out I of line with those in his neighborhood. Mr. Wolf was advised that the Board would in- ? vestigate and he would hear from them in regard to their findings and decision. Mr. J. C. Seymour, Forest Hills,was present and complained about the assessment placed on his house located in Forest Hills, stating that the attic was not finished and only one bath is in the house, and that the house was built in 1941. Mr. Seymour asked for a comparison with I. M. Craig's house and Mr. Biaustein's. He was advised that an investigation would be made and he would be advised as to the decision of the Board. Mr. W. F. Jacobs, owner of property, 1402 Dock Street, complained in regard to the assess- ment on this property, stating that the heating plant was completely obsolete and had to be removed and that the half-bath was being removed. He was advised that an investiga- tion would be made and he would hear from the Board about their decision. Mr. Wallace Murchison, representing Mr. William N. Smith complained as to the assess- ment placed on his Apartment House on Oleander Drive stating that the property was nine- teen (19) years old and that in his opinion the.property would not bring the appraisal 1 that had been placed on same. He was advised this would be investigated and he would be advised of the decision of the Board, The Clerk was advised to notify fifteen (15) complainants that they will be heard on C?? e March 23 at 10:30 A. M. There being no further business, the Board recessed until 10:30 A. M. Monday, March 23, 1959. /S/ T. D. Love, Tax Sunervisor Clerk to the Board of Equalization and Review Snecial Called Meetinq Commissioners' Room Court House, Wilminqton, N. C. March 20, 1959 RECONVENTION Pursuant to the recessed meeting of Monday, March 16th, the following mem- bers of the Board met today at 10:00 P. M. in the Commissioners' Room for the purpose of discussing the acquisition of property to provide a site for the installation of the approach landing lights.at New Hanover County Airport by the Federal Aviation Agency: Chairman J. E. Holton, Jr., Commissioners Peter H. Braak, L. E. Broadhurst, • and Berry A. Williams; County Attorney John Bright Hill and County Auditor T. D. Love. Commissioner J. M. Hall, Jr, was unable to attend the meeting since he is out of the • city. PROPOSED PURCHASE STATUS - Chairman Holton reviewed the progress of the negotiations with the property owner, Mr. Bruce B. Cameron, for the purchase of,and an easement over his property for the use of approach landing lights at New Hanover County Airport. He.stated that on September 29, 1958 a Committee was appointed by the Chairman to meet with Mr. Cameron and make him an offer of $500.00 per acre for the land 3n question with the request that his decision be made and reported back to the Board at a recessed meeting called for $:30 P. M. October 1, 1958. He further explained that the Committee at this time re- ported that for the consideration of $500.00 per acre (acreage to be determined by a competent surveyor), the owner would deed a permanent avigation easement on a fifty to one glide angle extending into his property to a point 35001 southwardly along the axis of runway # 34 and extending 875' on both sides perpendicular to the axis. He reminded the Board that at the time of this report on October lst, the County Attorney and Airport Manager wer¢ instructed and authori2ed to proceed immediately to draw the necessary papers and notify the proper authorities of this action. At the meeting on October 13th, the Chairman reported to the Board that a former Civil Aviation Agency engineer had informed him that the Federal Government authorities would go along with the approval of a minimum purchase of 5? acres on which to construct the approach land- ing lights and that the easements could be secured at a later date but recommended that additional appraisals be made as governmental aid would not be available beyond a fair and reasonable price. On October 20th, the Board had unanimously authorized I