1959-03-23 Regular MeetingI ?.>Q0 Minutes of the SpeCial Ca1.1ed Meeting March 20, 1959 Continued U'JI? PROPOSED PURCHASE STATUS - (Continued) the Chairman to sign the instruments which had been drawn by the County Attorney, set forth as a Contract to Buy and Seil the necessary acreage for the approach landing lights. The agreements were read and an appropriation made from the Emergency Fund to cover the cost of the land and survey. After.the Contract was exe- cuted,an engineer of the Federal Aviation Agency suggested that the whole proposition was wrong and that he would recommend abandoning Lhe site covered by the contract and therefore the County Attorney notified Mr. Cameron that since the Civil Aviation Agency had abandoned the need for that site,the Contract to Buy and Sell was null and void. Since that time, the Federal Aviation Agency has taken a firm stand on their need for a site to place the lights as originally designated and in fact they had advertised for installation bids which were to be opened on Tuesday, March 24th and had also ask- ed the Corps of Engineers for approval on constructing an elevated walkway 121 above the mean high waLer line over Smith's Creek. The Chairman further stated that it is true that some mention of acreage was made from time to time in the discussion but it was always an estimated figure and that when the actual acres included in the perimeter description were determined it amounted to 72.3 acresa Recently, Mr. Cameron called him and agreed to give a fee simple deed for the 12.2??Ejaired as an approach landing lights site with a reverter clause in event the airport ever ceased to use or need the site he would be willing to pay $500.00 an acre when it was redeeded to him. Mr. Holton said it seemed to him that the matter had resolved itself to either procure the easement on the other 60.1 acres and accept-the gift of the 12.2 acnes or abandon the approach landing lights altogether. Mr. Broadhurst said he understood that the County would also be required to get easements on some property at the north end of the run- way. During a discussion of the status of the pro,Ject at this time, the Board seemed to arrive at a stalemate. • ' RECESS - Mr, williams observed that it was now 10:45 A. M. and offered a motion tIiat the Board recess until 11:00 otclock. It was seconded by Mr. Braak and unanimously approved. RECONVENTION - At 11:00 o'clock, the Chairman cailed the Board to order and after some dis- cussion, Mr. Braak offered a motion that when informed by the Federal AViation Agency of the exact amount of land required, after the contracts have been let, that the Board of Commissioners assure them that they would condemn the necessary acreage for use of the approach landing lights. The motion was seconded by Mr. Williams and when the vote was cast, Mr. Broadhurst voted "NO" but the Chairman ruled the mof.ion prevailed. MARKET STOCK SHOW - The County Farm Agent, Mr. D. D. Baggett, informed the Board that aIviarket Stock Show would be held at the new barn at the County Farm on April 15th and 16th and invited the Commissioners to participate in this event. ADJOURNMENT - . There being no further bus:3ness to come before this Board, Mr. Williams moved that it adjourn, seconded by Mr. Braak and unanimousiy adopted. ' ,.°1? ? ? W. G. Houck?, F.xecutive SecretarV? I Wilmington, N. C. March 23,1959 ASSEMBLY - The regular weekly meeting of the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners was held this day at 9:30 A. M. in the Commissioners' Room of the Court House. PRESENT: Chairman J. E. Holton, Jr., Commissioners Peter H. Braak, L. E. Broadhurst, J. M. Hall, Jr. and Berry A. Williams; County Attorney John Bright Hill and County Auditor T. D. Love. INVOCATION - The Chairman called the meeting to order and asked Reverend R. K. Johnson, Pastor of Woodburn Presbyterian Church, to open the meeting with a prayer for guidance. APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES The Chairman requested the Executive Secretary to read the minutes of the recessed meeting held on March 20th, copies of which had not been mailed to each Com- missioner. He then opened the Board for a motion approving both the minutes of the reg- ular meeting on March 16th, copies of which had been previously mailed to each Commiss- ioner and of the recessed meeting of March 20th. Mr. Braak moved the approval of the minutes of both meetings as written. It was seconded by Mr. Broadhurst and unanimously adopted. • CAP - AIRPORT CONCESSIONS Drink Stand.- The Executive Secretary explained to the Board that pursuant Lo their instructions last week agreeing to the operation of concessions at the Airport y, during the A2alea Festival by the Azalea Committee provided it was satisfactory with the CAP, which had been granted permission to operate the concessions at the meeting on Fiarch 9th, but since the CAP was not agreeable to this arrangement, Mr. R. M. Howell, representing the CAP asked permission to expiain their position. In the first place, the GAP service is rendered the whole 365 days in the year and is County-wide. The only sources of revenue are through their orin efforts and donations. At the present time, they are financially broke and since they can not share profits he contended that they \1 ? ? ? ? 1 ? \ 401 , Minutes of the Meeting March 23, 1959 Continued • CAP - AIRPORT CONCESSIONS (Continued) should be allowed to operate the concessions as originally granted although they did not want to do so if it would cause dissention. Ma,jor Sidney W. Wilson, who is Squadron Commander for this district, suggested a Joint Meeting of the Committees of the Azalea Festival and the Civil Air Patroi in an effort to an amicable agreement. This suggestion met the approval of the members of the Board, who by common consent, agreed to let their March 9th agreement stand. Amusement Rides - Mr. Howell explained to the Board that in addition to the drink stand they wished to operate seven amusement rides which would require, under . ? Schedule B License Laws, about $10.00 per concession ride. Since the Civil Air PatroleNw,X? is a non-profit organization, the Statute provides that the license fee can be cut to $5.00. Mr. Howell observed that since their organl2atiori was rendering a public ser- vice, he was requesting that the entire cost be waived. Mr. Braak observed that only recently it had been necessary for the County to call on the CAP for emergency ambulance service and moved that the License Tax required under Schedule B be dispensed with and that the CAP be allowed to operate for seven days. Mr. Broadhurst seconded the motion provided the County Attorney ruled it was legal. This motion was unanimously adopted. FREEMAN BEACH GROINS - ? The Cha.irman informed the Board that he had received a telephone call from Frank Hill, a property oarner on Freeman Beach, advising that his insurance had been cancelled due to the encroachment of the water on the beach at that poiat: He reminded the Board that at the time the Budget was set, $5,000 was included for rehabilitation at Freeman Beach and so far nothing but talking had been done about it, although the Executive Secretary had investigated the possibility of securing some assistance from the State Highway Commission. The Executive Secretary observed that he had been in- structed sometime ago to authorize coordination of the program through the engineers' office as no doubt the work can be accomplished with less cost. Carolina Beach Town Magnager W. Gary Head explained that the delay was caused by the supplemental applica- tion for Rehabilitation Funds through Civil Defense and that only this week they had : received a reply. Their summer season is approaching and he thought it would take two weeks to advertise for bids and hoped.to get the work nnder way about the 15th of April so that it would certainly be finished by the middle of May. He further informed the Board that about 9 years ago the County agreed to match Carolina Beach Funds up to $2,000 for the protection of beaches under the direction of the Corps of Engineers. He requested the approval of the Board to arrange a Joint Meeting of the Carolina Beach Town Council and the New Hanover County Commissioners and set a tentative date of Wed- nesday, April lst. He is to inform the Executive Secretary when this Joint Meeting is confirmed. . . _.--^ DITCHING - MUIQICIPAL GOLF COURSE The Executive Secretary informed the Board that a request had been made for cleaning of ditches in and around the Municipal Golf Course as has been customary in the past as it is used for practise bysome of the professional golfer,s:. prior to the Azalea Open Golf Tournament 'sponsored by the Wilmington Athletic Association in connect- ion with the A2alea Festival celebration. Upon motion of Mr. Williams, seconded by Mr. Broadhurst, the request was unanimously granted and the Executive Secretary in- structed to so inform the Ditching Supervisor. „ CAPE FEAR GOLF COURSE The Executive Secretary informed the Board that he had been requested for ? permission to authorize the County prisoners to erect bleachers at the Cape Fear Golf Course for the use of spectators during.the Azalea Open Golf Tournament scheduled for this week. Upon motion of Mr. Hall,.seconded by Mr.. Williams, the Board unanimously granted this request and authori2ed the Executive Secretary to see that it was done. AIRPORT ELEVATED WALKWAY Pursuant to instructions at the meeting on A7arch 16th, the Executive Secre- rnn?BU tary informed the Board that the Corps of Engineers had received an application from ? the Federal Aviation Agency for a permit to construct an approach light system and an -?' elevated walkway approximately 121 above mean high water across Smithts Creek. Upon C'? ?J•e ? motion of Mr. Williams, seconded by Mr. Braak, the Executive Secretary was instructed to notify the Corps of Engineers that the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners had no objections to such construcLion. . ?--- - ,. HOLIDAYS - -?' -? Mr. Foster Edwards, Clerk of Superior Court, informed the Board that it had been customary for them to declare a legal holiday on Parade Day during the A2alea Festival, which this year occurs on April 4th. Upon motion of Mr. Broadhurst, seconded by Mr. Williams, April 4th, was unanimously declared to be a legal holiday for County employees. ' Easter Mondav - The Executive Secretary informed the Board that employees. were aiready asking if March 30th would be officially declared a holiday for the County employees as has been customary in the past. Upon motion of Mr. Broadhurst, seconded by Mr. Wi111ams, Easter Monday, March 30th was unanimousiy declared a legal holiday for County employees. PROPOSED RETIREMENT LEGISLATION - , Mr. F6ster Edwards, Clerk of Superior Court, presented the following amend- ment permitting the payment of all Retirement Fund contributions to the beneficiary or n.-;-? the estate of a deceased recipient and cease to make it mandatory that the County ab- sorb any portion of it: AN ACT TO AMEND CHAPTER 669 OF THE PUBLIC AND LOGAL LAWS OF 1943, THE SAME BEING HB 674, AN ACT TO CREATE A RETIREMENT SYSTEM FOR THE EMPLOYEES OF NEW HANOUER COUNTY. ?.?1'??-,?L The General Assembly do enact: Section 1. (To be added to section 6) paragraph "E". It is not the intention or purpose of this act to eliminate the estate of a retired empioyee, drawing pension, from being refunded ail such sums -A ? 402 Minutes of the Meeting March 23, 1959 Continued PROPOSED RETIREMENT LEGISLATION - (Continued) as he himself has paid in less the amounts paid out under this Act, if any such difference exist at the time of severance by death. Section 2. That if this section of this act shall be declared unconstitu- tional or invalid, it shall in no way invalidate any other section. Section 3. That all laws and clauses of law in conflict with this amend- ment are hereby repealed. Upon motion of Mr. Williams, seconded by Mr. Hall, the matter was taken under con- sideration and tabled for study until a later date. ROAD COMPLAINT - Pursuant to instructions at the regular meeting held on Marchr.2nd, the Ex- ecutlve Secretary-called Mr. Earl H. Orrell and informed him that the State Highway ? Commission is willing to give consideration to his request for paving Park Avenue ' from 48th Street to MacMillan Avenue provided the property owners would submit a new Petition properly signed. Mr. Orrell was recognized by the Chairman and stated that he would not sign such a Petition nor did he believe any of his neighbors would do so. He further questioned the ownership of the old trolley 21ne right-of way as he . thought it was owned by the State Highway Commission and if so it could be used for the paving right-of-way or the present•drainage cana2 could be used if the right size pipe to carry the water was put in and covered over as a storm drain. In the discuss- ion which followed someone suogested that the right-of-way for the old trolley line was owned by the Carolina Power and Light Company but that if the property owners would purchase the necessary pipe, the County might use its prison labor to lay the pipe and cover it, prov;ded the property owners would provide the necessary fill-in dirt. Mr. Orrell agreed that he would be willing to consider such a proposition as he thought there was enough.room to provide the right-of-way for paving but'he was not sure what the other property owners would be willing to do. It was flnally de- cided that the Executive Secretary would arrange a conference with Mr: C. E. Brown, 3rd Division Engineer, and the County Commissioners for a study of this problem. (Later the Board agreed to a conference wfth the State Highway Commission at 10:00 A. M. March 31st at which time this can be discussed.) RECESS - The Chairman announced that on March 16th, they had recessed the Board of Equali2ation and Review until 10:30 A. M. today and as there were people waiting to be heard, he opened the Board for a move to be recessed at this time. Mr. Hall offer- ed a motion that the Board of County Commissioners recess. It was seconded by Mr. Braak and unanimously adopted. MEETING OF THE BOARD OF EQUALIZATION AND REVIEW . The Board of Equallzation and Review met on Monday, March 23rd at 10:30 A. M., from its recessed meeting of March 16. The following'members were present: - James E. Holton, Jr.,L.E. Broadhurst, Peter H. Braak, J. M. Hall, Jr., and Berry A. Williams; T. D. Love,Tax Supervisor acted as Secretary to the Board. A number of complainants were present and the following were heard in regard to their complaints: . Mrs. Jennie D. Kallfeiz - 2801 Lake Shore Drive Thelma C. FormyDuval - Block 24 - Summer Hill A. C. Herring - 1516 South 5th Street A. E. Gibson - Lot 53 - Oleander Attorney R. S. McClelland - Representing property owned by Roger N. Page - Country Club Pines Attorney R. S. McClelland Representing Estate of R. F. Hall - Lot 5A in Block "A" Forest Hills Herbert Fisher - Property in Block 188 After having heard the reason behind each complaint, the Board advised the complain- ants that the property will be gfven due consideration and they would be advised as to the outcome. ? TO% The Board instructed Tax Supervisor Love to go with the County Assessor and review ?--? the properties and report back at the next meeting as to recommendations in regard to 70 (LV2&? the,complaints. All complainants that have not been heard are to be notified that they will be heard at the next meeting, April 6 at 11:00 A. N. There being no further business the Board recessed until April 6th. /S/ T. D. Love. Tax Suoervisor Clerk to the Board of Equalization and Review L, 403 Minutes of the Meeting March 23, 1959 Continued . RECONVENTION - At 22:00 otciock the Chairman cal2ed the Board of County Commissioners back in session and opened the meeting for further discussion. AIRPORT TRACKAGE BIDS - Pursuant to instructions at the'meeting on March 2nd, the Executive Secretary pub2ic2y aQvertised approx3mately 2400, of spur trackage, angiebars, tiepiates, frogs, switches,and spikes for bids.to be opened at the meeting today. Before the bids were ? opened the Executive Secretary stated that the ballast was not included in the bid. Mr. ---? Hall asked the question as to what constituCed trackage and.after some discussion, Mr. Williams moved that since the Cormnissioners had the right to accept or reject bids, for ihe purpose of opening these bids that metal on2y be considsred including rails, angle- bars, tieplates, spikes,,frogs and switches. This motion was seconded by Mr. Braak and unanimously adopted. The Chairman then opened the bids which are as follows: - Bid LJeposit • Stuart F. Collins Construction Company , $350.00 $17.50 E Horton Iron & Metal Company , 2116.13 106.00 Southern Iron 8 Metal Company 1756.00 87.80 Wilmington Scrap Iron 8 Metal Company 1452.00 72.60 Mr. Williams moved that the bid be awarded to the highest bidder and that it be held open for 10 days in order to notify the'Federal Aviation Agency in w'riting and inform the successful bidder that ballast was exempted. It was seconded by Mr. Braak and un- animonsly approve@. PRdPERTY TITLE CONFUSION - ?? 11V1;tP_ Pursuant to the instructions of the Board at their meeting on February 2nd instructing the County Auditor to work out a recommended method for clearing the title to some property which had been purchased by the County some years ago contrary to the advice of the County Attorney at that time, Colonel R. S. McClelland, representing the estate of Mrs. Perry, came in and requested a report. The Chairraan stated that legaliy the title was cleared because of adverse possession but that he felt like the - County had a morai obligation to the owners to clear it up and legally transfer the title to the property. After some discussion relative to the merits of the claim, Mr. ei ?"?'''?`? Williams offered a motion that the matter be referred to the County Attorney and the County Auditor with the request that they not only come up with a recommendation for settlement but also include a recommended price. This motion was seconded by Mr. Hall and unanimously approved. 1 OAK GROVE CEMETERY - The Chairman reminded the Board that the above property was etary and suggested that he would like to see no further interments on the proposed 17th Street right-of-way should iL be put through to Ship In fact, he thought they should cease to uSe it as a burial ground and around the east side after the graves on the west side were moved into observed that there was a burial gr.ound at the County Farm which could purpose. No formal action was taken,on this snggestion. CIVIL DEFENSE EXPANSION in Oak Grove Cem- the west side of ?,?? ? yard Boulevard, put a fence that section. He be used for that The Executive Secretary reminded the Board that he had been appointed joint- ly with C3ty Manager J. R. Benson to study and make recommendations with reference to a request of the Civil Defense Director at a Joint Meeting,February llth. He reported that according to the best information it seems that in order to participate under the Matching Funds Program it would be necessary Lo increase or expand the City-County Civil Defense program, and that no plan will be approved by the Federal Government that ? does not reflect an expansion or increase in the planning and operationaI capability. - The ohjective of the Personnel and Administrative Expenses Program is•to assist the States and their political subdivisions to develop a capability for non-military defense to meet the needs created by an emergency. The program has been established under author- ity of Public Law 85-606 amending the Federal Civil Defense Act of 1950. After some dis- some discussion, Mr. Williams moved than any action on the matter be tab2ed at this time to allow for further study. The motion was seconded by Mr. Hall and the Executive ' Secretary"instructed to hold over this item until the meeting to be held April 6th, \ MINIMUM WAGE - Mr. Williams was recognized by the Cliairman and said that he had noticed in the minutes of the meeting of March 16th the Board had approved and recommended HB # 3?"•.•,?" which provided for a 751? per hour minimum wage and specifical2y exempted the Counties. In his opinion, County employees are entitled to receive a minimum wage if any other people are and therefore he•would like to see the Board remove the words "County exempt" and approve the Bill with that left out, Mr. Hall expressed his opinion in a like man- ner and seconded a motion made by Mr. Williams that the Board go on reeord today inform- ing the General Councii of the State Association of County Commissioners that New Hanov- er County favored the 751 per hour Minimum Wage Bill but did not want the Counties exempted in event a State-wide Bill went through. When the vote was Laken, Mr.Broad- hurst voted "NO" but the Chairman ruled the motion prevailed. SALT-WALTER CONVERSION - ' • ?,,'????? Mr. Williams likewise observed that he had noticed an excerpt in last week's ll?? minutes acknowledging'a receipt of a copy of a letter from the Mayor of Wrightsville Beach to the Department of Interior informing them that the Aldermen wholeheartedly favored the location of one of the proposed salt water conversion plants to be construcL- ed on the East coast be piaced at Wrightsville Beach. Mr. Williams thought that the Board should go on record also favoring this proposal and pledging their wholehearted support to this multi-million dollar pro,}ect and urged that a letter be written to our Congressmen asking their support of this location. He then offered a motion that a let- ter be written to the Secretary of the Interior in support of this measure and that the - Congressmen be asked to do everything in their power to locate the plant at Wrightsville Beach, It was seconded by Mr. Braak and unanimously approved. r,404 , Ltiv? ? ? _4VhG„? ? '?. n?n n Minutes of the Nleeting Nlarch 23, 1959 f:ontinued BUILDING INSPECTION LEGISLATION - Mr. graak remarked that since our proposal for Legisiation authorizing the appointment of a Building inspector for New Hanover County, it has come to his atten- tion that a Study Commission which was authorized by the last session of the Legisla- ture to study this and other related problems has made a report to the Legislature con- taining recommendations on the above mentioned sub,jects. The Leglslative Committee of the North Carolina Association of County Commissioners made a detailed study of this report and unanimously recommended that the Board of Directors approve the report and support its adoption in the Legislature with certain revisions. The Board of Directors of the State Association, by unanimous vote, has endorsed the Commission's report as recommended by the Legislative Committee. This legislation is of a permissive nature. Mr. Braak then moved that'this Board inform our Representative and Senator that we are requesting that the Special Act which we submitted on March 10, 1959 be held in abeyance until such time as action is taken on the proposed State Legislation and further that we endorse the Study Commission report as unanimously recommended by the Board of Dir- ectors of the State Association of County Commissioners. This motion was seconded by Mr. Williams and was unanimously approved. USO - The Chairman informed the Board that he, Mr. Braak, and Mr. Broadhurst '. had .-attended 'a. ineeti'n.g at the'. City . Hall'-•l:ast wee.k..w3'.th the' City. Coun-. cil, at which time they were told that the USO organization was pulling out of Wilming- ton by April lsth but that by using a school teacher on weekends it would be possible to continue its operation until next Budget time for $900.00 and as it is a,joint operation it wouid mean $1E50.00 for the County and $450.40 for the City. He recognized that they could not commit themselves for another year's Budget but stated that those at the meet- ing expressing themselves were favorable to appropriating $2500.00 each to keep it open for the next year. He stated that in addition to that action they had made a trip to Camp LeJeune and discussed the matter with General Berger who was very happy at the pros- pect of its continuance and pledged his support in any way poss:ible., The Chairman observ- ed that in his opinion, it was much cheaper to provide.. a headquarters for the large number of service men who come into our County and spend their money than it was to turn them loose without,any supervision. He said that he was now asking the Board to formal- ly ratify their action. Mr. Broadhurst observed that he was willing to go along with the plan until the next Budget time but that in his opinion it is strictly a City respon- sibility and he would not commit himself to the future. Mr. Hall remarked that he would not like to commit himself beyond the end of this year but at the present time he felt like he would look with favor upon the continuation of the program. Mr. Williams offered a motion that the agreement be ratified and that $450.00, be appropriated from Unanticipated Interests to cover the cost up to the end of:this Fiscal Year and consider placing $2500.00 in the Budget for the 1959-60 Fiscai Year. It was seconded by Mr. Hall and unanimously adopted.. _ NACO INFORMATION SERVICE Mr. Hall informed the Board that at the Urban County Congress sponsored by the National Association of County Officials which he had the privilege of attending he learned that a new service rtas being set up providing for the discussion and trans- fer of new ideas between County Governments and that the fee for this service was based on population and in New Hanover County it amounted to $75.00. He offered a motion that this County subscribe to this service and that $75.00 be appropriated from Unantici- pated Interests to cover this worthwhile expenditure. It was seconded by Mr. Williams and unanimously approved. CONSOLIII4TED BQAFtD OF HEALTH - Pursuant to the tabled request last week by the Consolidated Board of Health for the transfer of funds in their internal Budget from one item to the other, Miss Elizabeth Watling, Superintendent of Nurses, apgeared and explained that the original Budget was set up for $9,000.00, one-third of which was pledged by the County, th e Feder- al Government and the State Government as a salary for a clinical psychologist. It be- came necessary during the year for the clinical psychologist to leave her work and in- order to carry on the program they had employed a part-time psychologist from Duke Univer- sity and in doing so it would require a Miscellaneous Item to pay his fees and in addi- tion they had employed a nurse to heip with the program and this meant that additional Social Security Funds would be required and since they were not asking for an increase in their Budget but only a transfer of internal funds to different items they felt like it was in order. Mr. Broadhurst offered a motiott that the matter be taken under adVise- ment and as there was no second to this motion, the Chairman ruled it dead, whereupon, Mr. Braak offered a motion that the request be granted provided they stayed within their Budget and that the money was used strictly for the mental health program as follows: 1- Salaries $3941+.00 2- Social Security 126.10 3- Misceilaneous 3739.90 4- Personal Service 11440.00 ? a ??- ? ? v This motion was seconded by Mr. Hall and when the vote was cast, Mr. Broadhurst aoted "IVO" but the Chairman ruled the motion carried. ABC FUNDS DIUERSION The Chairman informed the Board that Dr. Henry W. Jordan of Randolph County was proposing a Bill for increasing school teachers' salaries and that the funds be taken outout of 32 Counties with ABC Boards which would mean approximately 17% of the ABC Reven- ue or about $100,000.00 out of New Hanover County. Mr. Hall remarked that he did not disapprove of the raising of teachers' salaries but he was definitely opposed to taking the money out of ABC Funds, thus making an inroad on County money. ,f After some discuss- ion, Mr. Hall moved that he was heartily in favor of the teachers getting a raise but he was definitely opposed to the.method proposed in the Legislation urider HB 292 or SB 141 now before the Legislature which would increase sales tax on spiritous liquor from the present 10% to 17% in order to raise the money. This motion was seconded by ? Mr. Williams and unanimously approved,.with the suggestion that our Representatives be written to this effect. . * Nr. Hal1 offered a motion that the'Board go on record as being categorically opposed to any Bill, the financing of which depends on taking funds away from the present sources of the County's Revenue or in any way affects the County's 3ncome: IL was:secnnded by • both Messrs. Braak and Broadhurst and unanimously approved by the Board. Mr. Williams suggested that our Representatives be written to this effect. ., L, 40? Minutes of the Meeting March 23, 1959 Continued REGISTER OF DEEDS APPROPRIATION - ?""`- - Register of Deeds R. L. Black was recognized by the Chairman and stated,that for the last nine years he had budgeted $400.00 for extra help but rarely had he ever had to use it and so last year it was deleted from his Budget by the Commissioners dur- ing their deliberations. He now finds that the work in his department is much heavier and that the recordings of the births and death certificates are only posted up to May, 1958 and in order to catch up the work, it will require some additional clerical help. He requested an appropriation of $400.00 for this service. Mr. Hall offered a motion that $400.00 be appropriated from.Unanticipated Interests to the Register of Deeds - Ex- tra Help. It was seconded by Mr. Braak and when the votes were cast, Mr. Broadhurst vo- ted "NO", however, the Chairman ruled the motion prevailed. COUNTY FARM BUILDINGS Mr. Williams observed that in his travels up the 23rd Street Extenslon he had noticed some very unsightly buildings which belonged to the County and suggested that they be repaired or removed to improve the'attractiveness of the area. Mr. Broad- hurst, who is a member of the County Farm Committee,remarked that plans were underway for moving them at the present time. COUNTY TRASH DUMP - The Executive Secretary reminded the Board that sometime ago they tiad order- - ed certain hours for the trash dump to be open but that since proper signs had been erected directing people where to dump their trash the complaints had been eliminated and after consultation with the operators, including our County Home Superintendent, he recommended that it be left open on an experimental basis until it proved unsati?sfact- ory. Mr. Wiliiams offered a motion that it be left to the discretion of the Executive Secretary to make a decision as to how it could be best operated. The motion was second- ed by Mr. Braak and when the votes were cast, W. Broadhurst voted "NO" but the Chair- man ruled the motion carried. COUNTY CAR INSURANCE Mr. Williams remarked that he understood from the paper that the Sheriff's Department cars were not covered with Property Damage and Public Liability Insurance as is some of the other County owned vehicles. He also understood that the Deputy Sheriffs were being penalized and forced to pay fbr their own protection because of it. He offer- ed a motion that the ExecuLive Secretary explore the 3nsurance angle on those cars and have the Sheriff attend the next meeting to answer questions concerning this problem. This motion was approved by common consent. PETITION FOR RELIEF - ?"py? Mrs. Helen B. Sneeden, Superintendednt of Public Welfare, presented a Petit- F ion for relief of Walter Floyd Harrell, who is an arrested T.B. case living in an old outhouse belonging to his brother who has now ordered him to get out. He is mentally --° and physicially unable to care for himself and requests that he be placed in the County Home for care. Mr. Braak offered-.a motion that this Petition be approved. It was seconded by Mr. Broadhurst and unanimously adopted, ? LETTERS AND REPORTS - The following letters and reports were reviewed and ordered filed for inform- ation: ? 1- Letter from Senator Sam J. Ervin, Jr, acknowledging invitation to attend the recent Urban County Congress sponsored by NACO. 2- Letter from Congressman David M. Hall regarding Senate Bill 910 and , H. R. 1011. f??? 3- OATH taken by members of the Board of Equalization and Review. ADJOURNMENT - Upon motion of Mr. Braak, seconded by Mr. Williams, the Board unanilnously vo- ted ad,journment to meet as a Board of Equalization and Review. W. G. #*-:r -:e;? ?-K MEETING. OF. THE BOARD OF EQUALIZATION AND REVIEY! l ? V , Executive Secret ry The Board of Equalization and Review met on Monday, March 23, 1959 at 11:00 A. M., from its recessed meeting of March 13:th. Board members present were: James E. Holton, Jr., L. E. Broadhurst, Peter H. Braak, J. M. Hall, Jr., and Berry A. Williams. County Attorney J. B. Hill, and County Assessors McGirt and Blake were also present. T. D. Love, Tax Supervisor,acted as Clerk to the Board. • I Mr. Oliver Carter, Attorney,representing D. J. Black,was heard regarding his property in Summer Hill on which there are two buildings that are in question. The Board advised Mr. Black that they would go out and make an investigation and report back to him their findings. These are in Wilmington Township. Mr. V. D. Lockamy was heard regarding his property in Avondale, Harnett Township. Mr. - Holton suggested making an inspection of same (in rear of Miljo Drive In) and report back to Mr. Lockamy. 'A ?? 06 Minutes of the 'Board ;of Equalitiation and Review :March 23, 1959,Continued A. E. Gibson, Oleander, Wilmington Township property was considered, and the Board de- cided to leave Mr. Gibson's house as a one-story and a half, however, dropped 5% fact- or and allowed an additional 3% basic depreciation, thereby reducing the assessment $650.00. Barney W. English, Highwood Park, Wilmington Township property, was then considered. The Board recommended that no change be made. Property of Mrs. Jennie ICallfelz was discussed and the Board recommended that no change be made; that it is well in line. The Mumford property located at 12th and Dock Streets was considered and the Board recommended no change be made. The Roger N. Page property that was represented by Colonel R. S. McClelland was next, and it was recommended that a cut be made in the factor from 20% to 10%. This in Country Club Pines, Wilmington Township. Colonel R. S. McClelland also represented the R. F. Hall Estate. After much discuss- ion, the Board decided to make no change as it is in line with adjoining properties. Mr. W. C. Nichols, representing W. C. Godwin's property was presented to the Board for reviewing. It was decided to reduce the land value making the total assessment $30,900 rather than the $32,400 originally charged. On Mr. A. C. Herringfs property located on South sth Street, the Board decided after reviewing property card to remove the 20% plus factor, thereby reducing $500.00 and making the assessed value $3,350 instead of $3,850. Herbert Fisher's property was discussed, located in Block 188. There was an error in figuring Mr. Fisher's property card, however this was corrected and 5% depreciation was used. Upon reviewing this property card again, the Board agreed to allow an addi- - tional 3% depreciation, making an 8% basic depreciation on the drug store only. Mr. W. C. Nichols represented Helen N. Fussell's property located on Green Street. The Board agreed to remove a 20% factor and allow a 20% functional depreciation on same. After reviewing the property card of F. A. Debnam, the Board agreed to change the ba- sic depreciation to 50% and functional to 30% due to resale value. Property owned by William G. Stanford, et al,was represented by Mrs. Ethyl S. Hill, she entering the complaint. The Board agreed to take off $340.00 that was charged for an attic. There heing no attic, this was taken into consideration. Mr. M. M. DesChamps' property card was reviewed and after much discussion it was the Board's decision to make no change. Thelma FormyDuval's property card was reviewed, however, it was decided by the Board that they would go out and make a field inspection. A complaint made by William F. Jacobs on property owned by him at 1402 Dock Street, Block 491 was rev3ewed. It was decided by the Board to remove a 10% factor, thereby reducing his assessment on this property $450.00. It was decided by the Board that they wou-ld go out and make a field inspection of Dr. William A. Kamer's property and report back to Mr. Addison Hewlett, Attorney who is handling the complaint, on that part which is in question. (Forest Hills and Kenwood) Mr. L. F. Jones, Beaumont, Wilmington Township, entered a complaint on his property. , After reviewing Mr. Jones' property card, the Board decided to reduce factor 5%, and depreciation increased (}% on same. Nell B. Meyland, Sunset Park property card was reviewed and the Board agreed with her request. They recommended placing her lots together as one tract thereby giving her a r.eduction due to excess frontage. Nirs. Lillian M. Bellmay's complaint was considered, however, the Board recommended no change. (Her home is in Block 467 - Wilmington Township) FTs. Lillian N. Bellmay had another complaint on Block 190, the vacant lot in back of the Nrurchison Building (Parkiii5 Lot), The Board did not come to a conclusion this piece of property, but would at a later date. Attorney Edward J. Gould had written the Tax Supervisor to consider the property of Nfrs. J. M..Sulke. After much discussing regarding the Bijou building, the Colony and Puritan Cafe building, also the McClelland building, It was decided by the Board to make no recommendations, that the assessment stay as is. Attorney Stanley Winborne wrote the Tax Supervisor regarding property owned by Mrs. Albright Robertson requesting a review of Nrs. Robertson's property for lower assess- ment. The Board considered same and it was recommended no change. It was decided by the Board that they would go out and make a field inspection of Mrs. W. H. McLean's property on Kenwood Avenue in order to come to a conclusion as to the assessed value. w A motion was made and approved that all recommendations that were made by Tax Super- visor T. D. Love and Assessors McGirt and Elake be accepted and that the property owners would a21 be notified at one time when these meetings were concluded. Mr. Holton made a motion seconded by Mr. Hall that the meeting recess til next Nonday, April. 13 at 11:00 A. M. - to complete recommendations. T. D. Love Tax Supervisor \