1959-04-06 Regular Meeting407 No meeting was held on this date, being Easter Monday, day by the Board. ASSENBLY - % Wilmington, N. C. March ?30,1959 and having been declared a Holi- , O v ?- / Y c'?l / ? W.G. H ck, Executive Secretary Wilmington, N.C. April 6, 1959 The regular weekly meeting of the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners was held this date at 9:30 A. M. in the Commissioners' Room of the Court,House...PRESENT: Chairman J. E. Holton, Jr., Commissioners Peter H. Braak. L. E. Broadhurst, J. M. Hall, Jr. and Berry A. Williams, County Auditor T. D. Love and County Attorney John Bright Hill. INVOCATION - Chairinan'Holton'6ailed the meeting to :drder and-asked Reverend' ;Frank A.Elliott, Pastor of Bethany Presbyterian Church, to open the meeting with a prayer. APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES - The Executive Secretary informed the Board that he had omitted the following motion which should appear in the Paragraph headed ABC Funds Diversion: "Mr. Hall moved th a t h e.. was heartily in favor of the teachers getting a raise but he was definitely opposed to the method proposed in the Legislation under HB 292 or SB 11E1 now before the Legislature which would increase sales tax on spiritous liquor from the present 10% to 17% in order to raise the money. This motion was seconded by Mr. Williams and unani- mously approved." Mr. Williams then moved that the minutes be approved as amended above. It was seconded by Mr. Braak and unanimously adopted. ? 1 PROPOSED RETIREMENT LEGISLATION Pursuant to the tabled motion last week the above matter was again brought up for discussion and Clerk of Court Foster Edwards was recognized by the Chairman and stated that he was speaking in behalf of the employees who have money in the Retire- ment Fund. He referred to the proposed amendment expiaining that the only money affect- ed would be the empioyees' contributions. He further,stated that there had never been a need up to this time for the act but that.he thought the employees should receive at least the money that they had actually contributed. During the discussion, the quest- ion was raised as to how the fund would be built up and replenished if everyone were allowed to draw out that portion which he had contributefl. There seemed to be no ready answer to this question at the moment and Mr. Wil2iams moved that the proposal again be tabled until next week in order to give eaCh of them time for more study. His motion was seconded by Mr. Braak, whereupon Mr. Broadhurst offered a substitute motion that the proposals be approved and recommended to our Legislators and their support request- ed. The Chairman ruled that a substitute motion could not be entertained over a motion to table and, therefore, it was not in order. The vote was taken on the original mo- tion and Nr. Broadhurst voted "NO", however, the Chairman rnled that the motion had pre- vailed and instructed the Executive Secretary to place it on the Agenda at the next regu- lar meeting. DRAINAGE - WILMINGTON COMMUNITY COLLEGE• Mr. F. B. Graham, Chairman of the Building and Grovnds Committee, Mr. Leslie N. Boney, Jr„ Architect, and Henry VonOesen, Engineer for Wilmington Community Col- lege, appeared before the Board and demonstrated, through: an aerial map, that there was a low area in the centrai rear Qortion of the proposed college campus which would require a dragline operation in order to properly drain the properties into Bradley Creek which is approximately one mile. They stated that there was plenty of fall be- cause the elevation at Bradley Creek was 27.3' above sea level and that the lake in the low area was 37.81. They promised to do the engineering work, chart the channel and furnish proper grades and levels stakes if the County would agree to use their dragline in opening this canal. Mr. Williams offered a motion that the request be approved and the work scheduled through the Drainage Committee as soon as possibie. Mr. Braak se- conded the motion which was unanimously adopted by the Board. CIVIL DEFENSE EXPANSION Pursuant to a tabled motion at the last meeting, a copy of the Civil Defense Operational Survival Plan for the Wilmington - New Hanover County Target Area was pre- sented to each Commissioner by the local Civil Defense Director, Colonel James B. Mc- Cumber. The Chairman requested the Board to study the reports until the next meeting and instructed the Executive 5ecretary to place it on the Agenda for further discuss- ion at that time. NEGRO HOME AGENT - . ' Mrs. Rebecca L. Hall, local Negro Home Demonstration Agent was recognized by the Chairman and stated that New Hanover County was rated by the Extension Service ? as heing eligible for training prospective Home Demonstration Agents and introduced Miss Elaine Moel from Roxboro, North Carolina, a Senior at A 8 T. Coliege, who will spend her training period in our County to observe and learn the practical problems which will face her when she graduates. She requested that they be allowed to sit in on the meeting and thus learn some of the matters presented before a Board of County Commissioners. She was welcomed by the Board. HEALTH BUILDING INSPECTION A letter was received from the Health Director, Dr. C. B. Davis, informing the Board that progressive evidence of structural failure in the present Health Build- ing might endanger the public and requested an investigation by an expert of an ob,ject- ive appraisal of its condition. He asked that the Consolidated Board of Heaith be in- formed of the recommendations not later than the May 6th, 1959 meeting. The Chairman suggested that the City Building Inspector be asked to inspect and appraise the damage to the building. Mr. Broadhurst moved that we have Mr. Rhoda Farrow look at it explain- ing that in his opinion he was as good as any that could be obtained. There was no i?r??,?t'`?t o" ? A ?4108 Minutes of the Meeting April 6, 1959 Cont3nued HEALTH BUILDING INSPECTION - (continued) second to this motion and the Chairman ruled it dead. Mr. Braak then offer- ed a motion that the City Building Inspector, in company with Mr. Farrow, be requested to make this inspection and furnish the Board with recommendations. Mr. Williams se- conded the motion with the remark that the Executive Secretary should contact the par- ties concerned and arrange for their joint inspection, and when the , vote , was taken, it was unanimously approved. LEGISLATIVE PROPOSALS - A:etter was received from Speaker Addison Hewlett, Jr., in response to our / legislative proposal of March lbth regarding a B311 regulating the stoppage or blockage Cr?of drainAge ditches. He called attention to a State-wide Act passed by the 1957 Sess- ? id ion of the General Assembly regarding this matter. The County Attorney informed the Board that he had studied that Act which covered agricultural or farm drainage ditches and did not seem to fit the requirements which were in mind when we made the request. A letter from Senator Cicero P. Yow assured the Board that they would sup- port the Bill to microfilm certain County records. He further explained that he.and Nm. Hewlett were aware of a 5tate-wide Bill regarding a Building Inspector and if it did not pass they would discuss further.the local Bill. In addition he informed the Board that HB # 248 known as the Sterilization Bill had little chance of receiving a favorable Committee Report and he did not think either he or Speaker Hewlett would ever have a chance to vote on it. ABC Fund Diversion - Mr. Hall reported that he had attended a Committee Re- ? port Hearing on the above increase in taxes on sp3ritous liquors and in his opinion it G? would not be r.eported out of the Committee for most of the Committee members have the same feeling as the Commissioners and some of them expressed their conviction that higher prices would lead to an increase in bootleggers who wouid defeat the purpose of legal control. The County Attorney was instructed to arrange a meeting with our Legis- lators for the purpose of discussing any Legislative Proposals which are under consid- eration or might come up, (County Attorney Hill has arranged for a meeting with Sena- tor Yow and Speaker Hewlett in the Commissioners Room at 4:00 Friday, April lOth.) SCHOOL CROSSING GUARDS - ? A letter was received and read by the Chairman from the Principal and PTA S? officers of the William H. Biount School commending the Board for their farsightedness in the employment of School Crossing Guards in their school district. PIPE PLACEMENT - The Executive Secretary informed the Board that he had received a request from Mrs. Julia F. Eimore, 3729 Carolina Beach Boulevard, requesting the use of the County forces in laying some pipe in a County drainage ditch which crosses her back- yard. She promises to furnish the pipe and any additional dirt required to cover it. Upon motion of Mr. Hall, seconded by Mr. Braak, the Board unanimously voted to approve the request. BUILDING EXPANSION PROPOSAL - A letter was received and read by the Chairman from Mr. Hargrove Bellamy offering to remodel a three story building for the use of either the County or City offices to relieve the need for additional space facilities. This letter brought up the question as to the problem of renovating the Court House as well as the considera- tion for the installation of air conditioning. Some thought it was wise to consider a study of the entire building by qualified and competent persons in order to arrive at an approximate cost and determine if available space might be increased to-meet our future needs. After some discussion, it was decided that since the law now permits a County to enter into continuing contracts they might consider this problem during the next Budget study period. By common consent, they agreed to sLudy this matter for two weeks and instructed the Executive Secretary to place it on the Agenda for the April 20th meeting. . PAVING PRIORITIES - Chairman Holton reported to the Board that on March 31st, at the invitation ? of the State Highway Commission, he, Mr. Hall and Mr. Williams attended a meeting with, the State Highway officials for the purpose of discussing paving priorities for second- ary roads in New Hanover County. The system of determining priorities was discussed and all agreed that it seemingly was a fair one. The 1959 allocation amounts to $53 645•00 which covers 4.83 miles of paving of secondary roads. There is approximately 20.56 miles which could be stabilized at an estimated cost of $172,300.00 as funds are available. Mr. Williams moved that the recommendations of the State Highway Commission be approved and the report accepted. It was seconded by Mr. Hall and unanimously adopted. AIRPORT LAND NEGOTIATIONS - The Chairman explained to the Board that while they were meeting with the State Highway Commission on March 31st, Mr. Bruce B. Cameron accompanied by his attorney, John A. Stevens, presented the three-members of the $oard present with a letter demand- Vpv?? ?v in a ment of 9 P Y $35,650.00 allegedly claimed due on a contract dated 31st day of October 1958'and offered what they said was a deed covering certain properties described in a contract. It was explained to them that the Board was not in session and that they could not act officially and, therefore, refused to make any commitments before the reg- ular scheduled meeting April 6th, 1959. ASSESSMENT APPEALS - Notice was received from the State Board of Assessments informing the J. 8 S. Investment Company and the Schloss Estate Corporation that a report on appeals was scheduled on April 13th in Raleigh. County Attorney John Bright Hill suggested that Tax Supervisor T. D. Love should attend that report in order to clear up any questions that might arise. By common consent, this was unanimously agreed upon. \ 409 Minutes of the Meeting April 6, 1959 Continued I PARKS AND RECREATION - AP" . A letter was received from the Wilmington Advisory Resreation Commission in-,? v'iting the Commissioners to a Public Hearing to be held at the Community Center on April 13th at 8:00 P. N. for the purpose of hear3ng the needs and desires of the peopie involving the recreational facilities and programs. 1'he Chairman observed that as New Hanover County became more and more urban this problem would have to be faced and urged all the Commissioners to study the question and attend this meeting if possible. Mr. Broadhurst was appointed by the Chairman to represent the County Commissioners at this meeting. DRAINAGE PETITIONS - A Petition was received from a group of citizens headed by Mr. W. E. Black- burn requesting an investigation and relief on a drainage problem In the Ogden area of the County. By common consent, the Board instructed the Executive Secretary to refer it to the Drainage Committee for their sLudy and approval. ? brf44`'^ Drainage Policy - The New Hanover County Drainage Committee, at their last meeting, requested the Board of County Commissioners to set a policy on drainage pro- blems arrising out of inadequate•or incorrect facilities for draining subdivisions de- veloped by realtors, land developers; or builders.• They recommended that the County assume the maintenance of such drainage ditches cut by land developers but did not think that the County•should take the responsibility of relieving problems which the developers should alleviate. In connection with this question a letter was received from the Oleander Company requesting a deferment of a discussion on this matter until next Monday, April 13th as they wanted the opportunity of presenting an explanation along with maps and aeriai photographs. By common consent, the Board unanimously agreed to this request. ' SCHOOL APPROPRIATION - • A letter was received from the New•Hanover County Board of Education remind- ing the Board that•on June 2, 1958 they had allowed $26,000 to be temporarily transfer- red from the Supplementary School Budget into the School Building Bond Fund for the . ' purpose of purchasing land for the Win-ter Park Junior High School. They now request ' that since the Bonds have been issued and sold, the $26,000 be replaced out of the funds. Mr. Williams offered a motion tfiat the $26,000 be appropriated from the School Building Bond Funds to the Schooi Supplementary Fund. It was seconded by Mr. Braak and unani- mously approved. ? BEACH EROS I ON • - • \ ????? a ? Pursuant to arrangements made at the regular meeting on March 23rd for a joint meeting with the Carolina Beach Toym Council on April lst, Commissioners Braak, Broadhurst, and Williams attended and made Lhe following report: Colonel H. C. Row- land, District Engineer for the Corps of Engineers, explained that about 9 years ago the County matched Carolina Beach Funds of $2,000 for the purpose of studying the Beach erosion and possible Hurricane protection in that area. He said that the Corps of En- gineers had studied the problem and developed three plans.as follows: Plan of Improvement Federal Non-Federal Total Carolina Beach Plan A- Shore protection (berm) $ 24,900 . $ 129,600 . $ 1549500 Plan B- Shore and hurricane 193,700 . 149,300 . 3439000 protection (berm) Plan C- Shore and hurricane 334000 : 209,500 . 543,500 protection (berm plus dune) Plan D- Shore and hurricane protect- 766,700 . • 395,000 . 1,161,700 ion (berm, dune & dike) South of Carolina Seach Plan E- Shore protection (berm) $ 25,800 : $ 1030200 . $ 129,000 Plan F- Shore and hurricane protection (berm) 239,000 . 199,000 . 4381000 Plan G- Shore and hurricane protect- ion (berm plus dune) 4191400 . 275,300 . 691+,700 Plan H- Shore and hurricane protect- ion (berm, dune & dike) 4(}9,700 . 292,500 . 742,200 He explained that it would cost considerable money to do this work and came up with the idea of suggesting that the interested political subdivisions share equally In the project providing local funds to supplement the Federal funds which might be available to help meet this important need. He estimated that the Carolina Beach pro,ject would cost $149,300.00 in local funds which would mean that the Town, County and the State would provide approximately $50,000.00 each and the Federal Government $193,700.00. }(ure Beach, Wilmington Beach and Fort Fisher were also vulnerable points and should be considered in the overall Rehabilitation Program. In this project, the estimated cost would amount to $438,000,00 In which event the Federal participation would amount to $239,000.00 and iVon=Federal or Local funds would be $199,000.00 to be provided by the political subdivisions involved. Mr. Broadhurst reported that In his opinion it would cost the County from $400,000.00 to $500,000.00 before it was finished as he knew Wrightsville Beach was also anticipating a beach erosion and shore protection pro- gram and would be equally entitled to County aid, and that he did not know where all the money was coming from. Mr. Williams explained th a t..: Federal aid depends en- tirely on local participation and when the advantages are spread over a period of 50 years the annual cost would be minimum compared to the damage done by Hurricane Haz21 alone. Mr. Braak thought that it was such an important pro,ject that he felt we could not afford to pass it up as the earliest probability of Federal aid would be available In 1961 even if we approved the project now. Mr. Williams then offered a motion that the Board approve the project as outlined by the Corps of Engineers for beach erosion and hurricane protection along our coastline. This motion was seconded by Messrs Hali and Braak and unanimously adopted. No money was appropriated for this project. 'A 410 Minutes of the Meeting April 6, 1959 Continued ??VACATION, SICK LEAVE AND HOLIDAYS - (7 Mr. Williams reported to the Board Councilman Capps at the last Joint Meeting of a system of vacation, sick leaves, and holida led. The Board, by common consent, requested Monday's meeting and instructed the Executive that he had been appointed along with the two Boards to study and recommend ys for those departments ,jointly control- that this report be delayed until next Secretary to place it on the Agenda. ATTORNEY RELEASE - County Attorney John Bright Hill reported that he had a request from Attor- ?- ney George Rountree, Jr. for a letter relea'sing him from any obligation to the County in connection with his former pleading in the racial case in which the James Walker Memorial Hospital, City of Wilmington, and New Hanover County were named the defend- ants. By common consent, no action was taken on this request. DOG DANiAGE A letter was received from Attorney Isaac C. Wrig ht representing a claim for Mr. Stephen E. Sneeden for damage as follows: "Claim is hereby made for ..........................$228.00 with interest from January 1, 1958 .................. 16.91 and COllft COSt.$ •................... * ............... 2?+7.20 Total ........$270.11 Dogs belonging to Albert J. Beam killed some of Mr. Sneeden's hogs and brought a suit against Beam and secured a judgment in September Term for the above amount. Execution was issued and returned nothing to be found. GS 67-3-. Upon payment of this money the ,judgment will be transferred to the County" Upon motion of Ns. Sraak, seconded by N?r. Broadhurst, the Board unanimously ordered the claim referred to County Attorney John Bright Hili for handl3ng. LETTERS AND REPORTS - The following letters and reports were received and reviewed, and order- ed filed for information: 1- Copy of letter from City Manager Benson in regard to bill for City- County participation in Festival Luncheon. 2- Copy of letter from Chairman J. E. Hoiton, Jr. to Mr. E. L. White, Chairman of the Wilmington U50 Committee notifying him of the Board's ? appropriation of $450.00 to support the operation of the USO for week ends for the period ending June 30th, 1959. - e3- Thank-you letter from Judge Rudoiph I. Mintz regarding his appoint- ment. ? vvo-AF-04- Thank-you letter from Mr. H. Clifton Blue, Chairman of the Finance Committee, North Carolina General Assembly for confirmation of teie- gram regarding HB 292 and SB 141. G??G 5- Application notice for Beer License of Willie Albert Stewart. ?,yv1.? 6- Wilmington Public Library Report for March, 1959 ?. 7- Report from Tax Coilector Sam W. Johnson ?- 8- Veteranst Service Office Report -'1'14At?? 9- Negro Home Demonstration Agent's Report 10- Home Demonstration Agent's Report ADJOURNMENT - Upon motion of Mr. Ha21, seconded by Mr. Braak, the Board unanimously voL•ed adjournment. ? o /_1 / W?G. Houck, Executive Se)etary Wilmington, N. C. April 13,1959 ASSEMBLY - The regular weekiy meeting of the New Hanover County Board of Commission- ers was held this day at 9:30 A. M. in the Commissioner's Room in the Court House. PRESENT: Chairman James E..Holton, Jr., Commissioners Leon E. Broadhurst, Peter H. Braak, J. M. Hall, Jr., and Berry A. Wiiliams; County Attorney John Bright Hill and County Auditor T. D. Love. INVOCRTION - The Chairman called the meeting to order and asked Reverend E. T. Small, Pastor of the Good Shepherd Episcopal Church,to open the meeting with prayer. MINUTES APPROVAL The Executive Secretary requested the following change be made under the paragraph titled BEACH EROSION in last weeks minutes in the sentence "Mr. Williams explained", strike out the words "and can be", then insert "when the advantages are" and in the same sentence strike out the words "which would reduce"and insert after the words "the annual cost" the phrase "would be minimized". Mr..Broadhurst request- ed a statement be inserted making it clear that no money was appropriated or approv- ed for the pro,ject. After these corrections and amendmentp, Mr. Broadhurst then moved approval of the minutes, which was seconded by Mr. Williams and unanimously carried. COLD STORAGE PROPOSAL - Mr. Alex P. Mercer, representing the Port City Cold Storage Company, was recogni2ed by the Chairman and stated that his business in appearing before the Board 61