1959-04-20 Regular Meeting418 BQARD OF EQUALIZATION AND REVIEW PROPERTY CHANGES - Continued A. C. Herring's property Block "A" Lots 7 and 8 and part 15 Greenfieid Terrace. This property was reviewed and the Board decided to remove the 20% factor, thereby reducing the assessment $500.00. Herbert Fisher - Block 168 - Drug'Store only. This property was reviewed and the Baard to allow an additional 3% depreciation, making an 8% basic depreciation on the Varsity Drug Store only. This difference being $175.00. Helen N. Fussell - Block 270. This property was reviewed and the Board agreed to re- move a 20% factor and allow a 20% functional depreciation on same, the'differ- ence..being $275.00. F. A. Debnam - Block 145. After reviewing this property, the Baord agreed to change the basic depreciation to 50% and functional to 30% due to resale value. This difference amounted to $725.00. William G. Stanford, et al - Block 51. After reviewing this property it was agreed by the Board to take off $340.00 that was charged for an attic which Mr. Stan- ford did not have. William F. Jacobs - Block 491. It was decided by the Board to remove a 10% factot on this property thereby reducing his assessment $450.00. L. F. Jones - Beaumont. After reviewing this property, the Board decided to reduce . factor 5% and depreciation increased 4% on same, making a difference of $700.00 allowed. ' Mrs. Nell B. Neyland - Block 14 - Sunset Park. The Board decided to combine Mrs. Meyland's ' two lots as'she requested thereby reducing her assessment $150.00. Her house is on the two lots. a•`•?.c;?";t?':rx'#'•;?x'•;-?-^ /S/ T. D. Love Tax Supervisor • Wilmington, IV. C. April 20,1959 ASSEMBLY - The .semi-monthly_, meeting of the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners was held this day at 9:00 A. M. in the Commissioners$ Room of the Court House. PRESENT: Chairman J. E. Holton, Jr,, Commissioners Peter H. Braak, L. E. Broadhurst, J.M. Hall, Jr, and Berry A. Williams, County Attorney John Bright Hill and County Auditor T. D. Love. • INVOCATION - • The Chairman called the meeting to order and asked the Executive Secretary, Mr. W. G. Houck, to open the meeting with a prayer for guidance. Reverend A. R. Folds was unable to be present as scheduled. APPROUAL OF THE MINUTES - - Upon motion of W. Williams, seconded by Mr. Braak, the minutes of the last meeting were unanimously approved as written. WILMINGTOM COLLEGE-BUDGET - sa-?,C? Dr. C. E. Hartford, Chairman of the Finance Committee of the Board of Trustees of Wilmington College and Dr. William M. Randell, president, appeared before the•Board •and presented the following estimated balance sheet For their 1959-60 school year: Estimated Expenses Item 5alaries $198,690.00 Supplies & N?aterials 7,500.00 Postage, Telephone, Telegraph 1,200.00 Travel 1,500.00 Prin£ing and Binding 800.00 Motor Uehicle Operation , 200.00 Lights, Water Power ' and Heat 2,500.00 Repairs and Alterations 2,000.00 General Expense 3000.00 Insurance & Bonding 1,500.00 Audit 10000.00 Equipment 10,000.00 Total $ 230,090.00 Estimated Revenues Tuition and Fees County Tax State Appropriation Other $ 9z,5oo.00 750000.00 S6, 000. 00 L.590.00 Total 230;090.00 They called attention to the expected County Tax Revenue amounting to $75,000 and re- quested the Board to include this amount in their next Fiscal Year Budget. It was approved by the voters in the May 31, 1958 election agreeing that 51 tax levy could go t o'_ the support of Wilmington College. They also requested their proportionate share of intangible taxes. The Chairman explained that the Board would be giad to take their request under consideration and take appropriate action on it at Budget time. ? AGRIC[JLTURAL EXTENSION SERVICE - Mr. D. D. Baggett, Farm Agent, read to the Board the contents of a Memorandum of Understanding between the Board of County Commissioners and North Carolina 5tate Col- lege and presented them with two copies for approval. After some questions clarify- ing a few of the items included in the agreement. Mr. Broadhurst offered a motion,se- conded by Mr. Braak,that the Chairman be authorized and directed to.sign the agreement in behalf of the County. It was unanimously adopted. ? ?. \ q A F .? ?3? Niinutes of the Meeting April 20, 1959 Continued AGRICULTURAL EXTENSION SERUICE (Continued) Market Stock Show - Commissioners Braak and 'Williams commended the Exten- sion Service Personnel for their fine cooperation and leadership in the recent Market Stock Show held at the County Farm Arena. The Chairman remarked that in his opinion this sort of activity improves live stock in genera2 and in his opinion has upgraded the entire livestock farming in this area. Advisory Committee- Mr. Baggett informed the Board that he was in the pro- cess of selecting and having appofnted by various organizations 15 persons to act as an advisory Board to the Extension Service work in the County. He thinks this will improve the quality of work done by the different agencies which will reflect in the training of the citizens and keep them up to date on the latest technological changes affecting agriculture and home economlcs. ? ? MASONBORO INLET SPOILS The Un3ted States Corps of Engineers presented the following Resolution for adoption by the Board indemnifying the Federal Government from suits because of spoil --disposal in the dredging of the Masonboro Inlet: V,) THAT WHERFAS the United States Army Corps of Engineers has determined ' it to be in the best interest of Nasonboro Iniet and Connecting Channels project to deposit the spoil from dredging said project on the beach sit- uated south of the inlet channels to provide for a dike to be constructed to elevation plus 10 feet above mean low water,and with a top width of 100 feet, generally as set forth on Corps of Engineers map titled Masonboro In- let and Connecting Channels, dated 15 April 1959, file No. AIWW 59-3• NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that-New Hanover County, in compliance with the terms of local cooperation adopted by said Board in resolution dated 10 December 1956, recorded in Minute Book No. 5, Page No. 117, there- in guaranteed the terms of local cooperation for project titled Masonboro Irn+let and Connecting Cka nnels, North Carolina, set forth in House' Document . No.341, Eflst Congress, lst Sesseion, approved by the River and Harbor Act of 1950, Public Law No. 516, 81st Congress, 2nd Session, does for and in? - ? consideration of the improvements of depositing spoil, resulting from dredg- ?. ing spoil, resulting from dredging said project, on the beach situated south `. of the inlet channels to provide for a dike to be constructed to elevation 10 feet above mean low water and with a top width of 100 feet, generally as set forth on Corps of Engineers map t.i.tled Masonboro Inlet and Connecting Channels, dated 15 April 1959, file No. AIWW MI 59-3, hereby guarantee hold and save the United States of America free from damages due to work of con- Amk structinng said dike. North Carolina New Hanover Co ty I, Clerk to the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover Coun y, do hereb? certify that the foregoing is a true and correct copy of Resolution adopt d by the Board of County Commissioners of New Han- over County in regular session on 20 April 1959, as the same appear.ing in Minute Book No. Page ? This, the 20th day of April 1959. . , Witness my hand and official seal of the County of New Hanoves. Clerk to Board of Commissioners New Hanover Couniy, North Carolina Mr. Williams offered a motion that the Resolution be approved, seconded by Mr. Braak, ? and unanimously adopted. . FORECLOSURE PROPERTY SALE - --' Three tracts of property owned jointly by the City and County as a result of Tax Foreclosures were appraised by the Property Assessor as follows for the interested persons named below: Block Lot Size A praisal T. S. 4Jilliams #30tS Pt, of #1 33' x L}1?.1 ?200.00 ,v It ,t #308 #2 331 x 751 250.00 C. D. Evans # 91 Pt. of 111,#2 29' X 901 ' 500.00 Mr. Broadhurst oYfered a motion that the lots be sold at the appraised value sub,ject to the approval of the City Council. This motion was seconded by Mr. Williams and unanimous- ly adopted. r REQUEST FOR LOWERING CULVERTS - Pursuant to the action last week deferring the decision on the request of Eugene Blake and other taxpaying citizens living along Kerr Avenue between Smith's Creek and the Gordon Road intersection for relief of a serious drainage problem by lowering pipe und2r the driveways. After some discussion of the problems involved, Mr. Braak offered a motion that the Executive Secretary write the State Highway Commission, with a copy to Mr. Eug- ene Biake, asking them to reconsider their verbal refusal to lower these cuiverts and give favorable consideration to this request. It was seconded by Mr. Broadhurst and unani- mously carried. -A ,, 420 Minutes of the Meeting April 20, 1959 Continued ? SAPIITORIUM SITE SALE - The Chairman briefly reviewed the efforts made to clear the title for the sa:le of a triangle adjacent to the five acres sold to the Tidewater Naturai Cras Com- pany in October 1958 but because of the unwillingness of the attorneys to certify the title deed due to a vague description surrounding the original deed to the State High- way and Public Works Commission it had been impossibie. At present, it is being cleared through attorneys for the Prison Department and the State Highway Commission which now controi the property and expect to expedite it shortly. ?UNIFORM VACATION - SICH LEAUE - HOLIDAYS Pursuant to instructions at the last meeting the Executive Secretary placed this item on the Agenda for discussion. County Attorney ,Tohn Bright Hill, at the re- quest of the Board, read the General Statutes 126-14 which indicated that Boards of County Commissioners might modify the rules and regulations of the Merit System Council governing employees of the Welfare or Health Departments to conform to rules and regu- lations applicab2e to other employees of the governmental unit. After a free discussion among the Board members, the consensus of opinion seemed to be that any rules or regula- tions adopted should apply to all employees of the County. It was explained that the pri- mary reason for discarding the former rules and regulations for County employees was sal- aries. It is also felt that department heads should be consulted for their opinion regard- ing holidays, sick leaves and vacations. Mr. Williams then moved that his motion of April 13th again be tabled until the next regular meeting on May 4th and that all department heads be informed that this sub,ject will be discussed at that time and invite them to be present to express their opinions. It was seconded by Mr. Hall and unanimously adopted. BUILDING EXPANSION PROPOSAL - , Pursuant to'instructions at the meeting on April bth, the sub,ject of remodel- ing the Court House was again discussed. Mr. Williams remarked that office space was now overcrowded but that in his opinion, there was plenty of room if some internaZ re- ...-? modeling work by competent architects was done. He cited the requests of the Sheriff, Recorders Court Ju°dge and Solicitor, Welfare Department, Commissioners' Room, Law Lib- rary and others. The Chairman observed that in his opinion several thousand dollars should be set for the emp2oyment of an architect to study plans and specifications and approximate cost of such an undertaking. By common eonsent of the Board it was decided that the suggestion was well taken and that they would consider it at Budget tfine. PETITION FOR RELIEF - Mrs. Helen B. Sneeden, Superintendent of the Public Welfare Department, pre- sented a Petition for relief for Lula Nichols Miller and asked that she be admitted to the County Home for care as she was physically unable to care for herse2f. Mr. Hall mov- ed that the Petition be granted. It was seconded by Mr. Broadhurst, and unanimously adopted. WELFARE SALARY SCALE - Mrs. Sneeden reminded the Board that at their last meeting they agreed to take her request for some salary adjustment under advisement and explained that she had to make a decision on requesCs from other Welfare Departments on one of her case workers as she had been offered $50.00 per month inerease in salary. She again reminded the Board that it would only cost $200.00 from now until Budget time to make this adjustment and that the training of a new case worker would far exceed that amount, then too, sufficient mon- ey is already in her Budget and no new appropriation would be necessary. After exp2ain- ing that consideration had to be given to every other employee of the County in the mat- ter of salary Ta,ise5, Mr.• Ha.1,1: moved, that.no;. consideration be given to salary ad,justments or increases at' this time. It was seconded by Mr. Broadhurst and unanimously approved. JACEE ADVERTISING '- Mr. Malcolm O. Yeo, representing the Junior Chamber of Commerce, reminded the Board that for the past five or six years they had participated in a State-wide Directory advertising page jointly with the City of Wilmington and stated that more than 50,000 copies were printed and used. The cost of the ad is $50.00 and the County would partici- pate in the amount of $25.00. Mr. tidilliams offered a motion that the advertisement be authorized and paid out of the Advertising Fund. It was seconded by Mr. Braak and unani- mously approved. ? • BLIND CONCESSION - • The Executive Secretary explained that he had been requested for permission to place a pepsi-cola automatic vending machine on the jail floor of the Court House by the . Supervisor of this District for the Blind Commission. Mr. Broadhurst offered a motion that this request be approved provided it was approved by the Sheriff. This motion was seconded by Mr. Braak and unanimously adopted. FIREWORKS APPROVAL - The Executive Secretary informed the Board that he had been requested by Mr. ? Robert H. Northrnp 'for permission to put on an aerial fireworks display at the Skyline Drive-In Theater on'July 3rd, 1959• He stated that'an experienced operator would be used for the protection of both the theater and the citizenry. Mr. Braak offered a mo- tion that this permission be given provided it would be approved by the Sheriff and that proper insurance was supplied to hold the County blameless from any liability. It was seconded by Mr. Broadhurst and unanimously carried. OLD FEDERAL POINT ROAD - As requested at the last meeting, the Executive Secretary contacted Mr. C. E. iJ? Brown, Division Engineer for the State Hiohway Commission, and asked him if there was 2ny action which might be taken to speed up the approval for construction of the old Federal Point Road hetween the intersection of Dawson Street and South 1-7th S.L.reet to Shipyard Boulevard. He thought that the property owners should be prepared to pro- vide a minimum of 130' righL-of-way as it is likely that the flow of traffic which will ultimately be fed onto this proposed connection will require a four lane road and fur- ther that the probability of either improving South 17th Street to fairlyhigh four, lane standards or pairing it with 16th Street in a one-way system, these anticipated require- ments might be cleared before actual construction time and that in his opinion te build- ing of this road would be approved without a doubt. He also thought that since it will pass through Oak Grove Cemetery, arranoements should be made for the removal of the exist- ing graves in the right-of-way area. C L_ 4 -? 1, Minutes of the Meeting April 20, 1959 Continued NAT I ONAL GUARD GUNS Pursuant to instructions at the meeting of March 4th, the Executive Secretary < requested procurement of.an antiaircraft gun and announced that a donation of a 90mm gun was being set aside in the warehouse pending action of the United States Property and d Fiscal Officer and if approved the gun will be demilitarized and turned over to the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners for disposition. ASSISTANT CUSTODIAN - Pursuant to authorization given the Executive Secretary on March 16th, ad- ??na vertisements were inserted in the k?ilmington Star News under dates April 1 and April announcing that the New Hanover County Civil Service Commission would interview appli- cants for the job of Assistant Custodian between the hours of 12 noon and 1 P. M. on ? Wednesday, April 15th. Eighteen applications were made for the position and the Civil Service Commission selected the foilowing four applicants for consideration of the Board. 1- 5amuel Baxter Yopp 307 Church Street, UJilmington, N. C. 2- James S. Roberts 210 Pinecrest Pkwy., Wilmington, N.C. 3- Milton Hayes Domler RFD #2, Box 75, lJilmington, N.C. 4- Leon Elwood Sikes RFD #1, Box 205, Castle Hayne, N. C. After reviewing the applications and discussing the various qualifications of each, Mr. Williams moved that James S. Roberts be employed at a salary of $225.00 per month. The motion was seconded by Mr. Braak and unanimously approved. ? DRAGLINE OPERATOR HOURS - Mr. Broadhurst observed tliat the dragline operator was in the habit of start- ing his eight hour day at the time he picked up his helper at the County Home and end- ing aL about 3:30 P. M. in time to reach the County Home during the eight hour period. After some discussion of the matter by each member of the Board they unanimously agreed by common consent that his hours should start at the time he reaches his machine and that he should spend eight hours at work rather than counting travel time as part of his day's work. The Executive Secretary was directed to correct this situation immed- iately. REPORTS - - The following reports were received and ordered filed for information only: -? r 1- Change in Welfare Recipients 5tatus 2- Wilmington Colored Library Report O ADJOURNMENT - Upon-motion of Mr. Broadhurst, seconded by Mr. Hall, the Board unanimously voted adjournment, to meet immediately as a Soard of Equalization and Review. .y --- , W. G. Houck, Executive Secretary NIEETING OF THE BOARD OF EQUALIZATION AND. REV I EYJ _ , ? The Board of Equalization and Review met on Monday, April 20 at 11:00 A. M. in the office of the Board of County Commissioners. Board members present were: James E. Holton, Jr. L. E. Broadhurst, Peter H. Braak, J. M. Hail, Jr., and Berry A. Williams. County Attor- ney John Bright Hill and County Assessor P9r. Raymond Blake were also present. T. D. Love, Tax Supervisor acted as Clerk to the Board. - A field check was made on the following and decisions were-reached. Mrs. W. H. McClain - Kenwood, Lots 15 8 Pt. 14. - There was no change made . , on ' the-jl : present assessment as it was found to be in line with similar properties in the County. James C. Seymour - Forest Hills - This property was reviewed and no reduction was made in the assessment as the property was found to be assessed with similar property.in the County. Nrs. Thelma FormyDuval - Summer Hill - Block 24. This was reviewed and the property Uras found to be assessed in line with other property in the County and no re- reduction was made in the assessment. Dr. William A. Kamer - Lots 9/10/11, Kenwood - This property was reviewed and an addi- tional 5% basic depreciation was allowed due to the age of the property and to bring it in line with assessment on similar property in the County. This resulted in a reduction of $725.00 in the assessment. Forest Hills- This was reviewed and an additional 5% basic depreciation was allowed due to the age of the property and to bring it in line with similar property in the County. This resulted in a decrease on the assess- ment of $1,050.00. All complaints which have been presented to the Board having been handled and decisions having been reached, the Secretary was instructed to notify all complainants of the de- cisions made. Upon motion made by Mr. Williams and seconded by Mr. Broadhurst, the ' meeting of the Board of Equalization and Review was adjourned for the year 1959. /.g/ T. D. Love, Tax Suoervisor Clerk to the Board of Equalization ' and Review -A