1959-04-22 Special MeetingF? 4_ ??-? 9P9CIAL CALM ViMIitvG UJilmington, N. C. April`22,1959 ASSEMBLY - The Chairman called a Special Meeting of the Board to be held in his office, 220 North Water Street, at 4:30 P. M. today for the purpose of discussing various mat- ters pertaining to the County's affairs. PRESENT: Chairman J. E. Holton, Jr., Vice- ' Chairman Peter H. Braak, Leon E. Broadhurst, J. M. Hall, Jr. and County Attorney John Bright Hill. Commissioner Berry A. Williams was in Whiteville and could not attend. CONVENTION - The Chairman called the meeting to order and stated the purpose and announced he was ready to discuss the several subjects of interest to the members of the Board. WAIVER OF NOTICE - Mr. Hall moved that the two days written notice of a special meeting required by the General Statutes 153-8 be waived. His motion vaas seconded"by Mr. Braak, and unanimously approved. CIVIL DEFENSE MONEY - The Chairman reported that Civil Defense had allocat streams of debris and silt, deposited during Hurricane Helene. original requirements so that it may be possible for the County funds on a percentage basis on the work presently scheduled for would be necessary for the County to enter into a Contract with Department as follows: >_d $3,500.00 for clearing They have modified their to receive some of the the dragline, 'but it the Consolidated Health /1? ? New Hanover County agrees to furnish to the County Board of Health a dragline with necessary operators for the purpose of clearing approximate- ly 90,000 feet of ditches partially or completely obstructed by Hurricane Helene, thus creating mosquito breeding areas. The County Board of Health agrees to pay for this service at the rate of $12.50 per hour for the use of this dragline and operator. The total rental pay shall not exceed $6,000.00 and this work shall be completed not later than September 1, 1959. It is further understood that L. I. Lassiter,Senior Public Health Engin- eer, will represenL the County Board of Health and that W. G. Houck, Execu- - tive Secretary of the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners, will repre- sent the County. ,-? pm?s- ?.- , 9'" "1 l ?/iyllrr'?. ? APPROPRIATION - The Chairman informed the Board that he had been called by Mr. Luther A.Raney and requested to share equally in the cost of supplying guards in the protection of cars stored in the yar.d during a weeks' cruise of 650 members of Ancient Arabic Order of Nobles of the Mystic Shrane on the N. S. Italia, the largest ship to sai-l from a North Carolina Port. The cost will amount to $300.00 and the County's part would be $150.00. Upon motion of Mr. Hall, seconded by Mr. Broadhurst, the Board unanimously approved the expenditure out of the Advertising Funds. FAA VISIT The Chairman observed that the Hearing on the Restraining Order asking for a separate trial of the suits noia pending involving controversies between Mr. B. B. Camer- on et al was docketed for tomorrow morning at 9:30 A. M. He urged as many of the Commissioners as possible to attend and informed them that a Representative of the FAA. was scheduled to arrive here on April 28, 1959 at 1:00 P. M. He thought the matter should be continued until after this conference and stressed the importance of the pres- ence of all the Commissioners and the County Attorney. By common consent, the Board wholeheartedly agreed with the suggestion. LITIGATIOPI PENDITIG . County Attorney John Bright Hill informed the Board that the appeal in the Supreme Court of the United States of Dr. Hubert A. Eaton, et al., vs James Walker Memor- ial Hospital in which New Hanover County was named a Co-respondent; the suit of B. B. Cameron, et al. vs New Hanover County; and the death suit of Samuel N. Page, Adminis- trator for porthea Marie Page for $25r;000.00; all are calendared for the first two weeks of May. The Supreme Court Will not delay or continue their hearing; The Superior Court would.likely disfavor another_continuance as one continuation has been granted in the death case and the restraining order will probably necessitate the Cameron case be- ing placed on the calendar for the same term of Court, he will have to appear in Wash- ington so cannot be here to look after the cases docketed for trial. He requested assistant counsel to appear in the Cameron case. He recommended Attorney George Rountree, Jr. who has represented the County before and indicated his willingness to coopera.te for a fee of $500.00 in advance. Upon motion of Mr. Hall, seconded by Mr. Braak, the Board unanimously authorized the employment of Mr. George Rountree, Jr. as assistant coun- sel in the Cameron case at a fee of $500.00 appropriated From Unanticipated Interest on investments. The Chairman called Mr. Rountree who accepted the assignment. ATTORNEY TRAVEL AUTHORIZATION - P7r. Braak then offered a motion that County Attorney John Bright Hill be author- i2ed and directed to appear before the Supreme Court of the United States in Washington, District of Columbia, if and when the appeal filed by Hubert A. Eaton, et al vs James Walker Memorial Hospital in which the County is a Co-defendent is docketed for hearing, and his expenses paid by the County. It ti,ras seconded by Mr. Br dhu d nanimously adopted. /J „ oA , n Q „G WA. --Yl C ?. F,? y Attorney ///" ' ,- air?f (/'.?eR..-Commi s s i ondr r ?gi one r Commissioner ? ?