1959-05-04 Regular Meeting? Q?, ?? Wilmington, N. C: May l}, 1959 ASSEMBLY - The semimonthly meeting of the New Hanover County Board of Commissfoners ? was held this day in the Commissionerst Room of the Court House at 9:00 A. M. PRESENT: Chairman J. E. Hoiton, Jr., Commissioners Peter H. Braak, Leon E. Broadhurst, J. M. Hall, Jr, and Berry A. Williams; County Auditor T..D, Love and County Attorney John Bright Hill. I NVOG.4T ION - The Chairman called the meeting to order and asked Reverend J. Frank Davis, Pastor of St. Paul's Lutheran Church, to open the meeting with prayer. APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES - Upon motion of Mr. Wiiliams, seconded by Mr. Braak, the minutes of the last meeting were unanimously approved. , DRAINAGE COMPLAINT Complying iaith instructions at the meeting of April 13, the Executive Secre- tary and Dave W. Rivenbark investigated the request of Christ Church Wilmington for determining the responsibility for a ditch draining across their property. After a physicai inspection of the site we informed Mr. M. D. Newton who was directing the work that after a cursory examinat3on we would not definitely state that the ditch was a part of the County Drainage system but that we would make further inquiry and let him know the next day whether or not he might close it up. After further inquiry, we determined that the ditch was opened by the property owners in a drainage district pro- ject about 1913. When we reached the scene of the ditch . i n• .. q u.e s t i an on- the next day, we found that it had already been filled. Attorney C. D. Hogue, Jr.., Hugh MacRaeII, and Henry Von Oesen, an engineer representing the Oleander Company, develop- ers of Hanover Center, appeared before the Board and bitterly complained that the blocking of the ditch was causing a stoppage of 4rater which was threatening to damage their property and requested the Board to take some action for their relief. Mr.MacRae stated that he witnessed a bulldozer, working on the church site under the supervision of Mr. M. D. Newton, fili the ditch. After discussino the matter at some length, Mr. e,O,C, Braak offered a motion that the Executive Secretary be directed to write a letter to Mr. M. D. Newton requesting that he open the ditch or provide proper size drainage tile not less than 30 or 36 inches for an outlet to drain the property. It was seconded by Mr. Hall and unanimously adopted. SENCBA - Ferrv Service - Mrs. Alice Strickland, Executive Secretary of the South Eastern North Carolina Beach Association, informed the Board that the response to the request for a ferry from Fort Fisher to Southport had been exceedingly fine and urged the indiv3dua1 members to make every effort to stir up the public in support of this pr.oject and for ratification by the Board of the foliowing Resolution: WI-IEREAS The New Hanover County Board of Commissioners have lona recognized the urgent need of better highway communications between the southern pen- insula of Nera Hanover County and Brunswick County near Southport, and l•JHEREAS The New Hanover County Commissioners are certain that the quickest possible way to increase the avertage annual per capita income of this region is to develop the enormous resort potential here and make the beach commun- ities more easily accessible to one another, and W}iEREAS The important historic sites of Fort Fisher, Old Brunswick Town and Orton Plantation should be better connected with each other, and WHEREAS The establishment of through traffic nearer the coast and the afore- mentioned historic sites will multiply the tourist revenue in both New Han- over and Brunswick Counties, create year-round employment for many people who now have work only in the summer resort season, and necessitate the con- struction of new tourist facilities thereby adding to the taxable wealth of both counties. ti NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Aoard of New Hanover County Commiss- ioners, in regular session on May 4, 1959 do hereby endorse and strongly recommend to the State Highway Commission that the said Highway Commission establish and put into operation at the earliestpossible date a ferry ser- vice across the Cape Fear River from the southern end of New Hanover County to Southport in Brunswick County. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners urge the State Highway Commission give all due consideration to our belief that such ferry service is economically feasible and necessary to the con- venience of North Carolinians and the traveling public. Upon motion by Mr. Wiliiams, seconded by Messrs. Hall and Broadhurst, the Board unani- mously adopted the Resolution. Bookiet - While Mrs. Strickland was on the floor she informed the Board that their annual Booklet had ,just come off the press and was being distributed very widely to attract tourists to this section of North Carolina and presented an invoice for $1,000.00 from the Carolina Printing and Stamp Company for these booklets. Upon motion of Mr. Broadhurst, seconded by Mr. Williams, the Board unanimously approved payment of this invoice. ? BEER PERMI TS GThe Board of Alcoholic Control informed the Board that the follotaing per- sons had made application for the sale of Beer or Wine: 1- Stephen Wilson Rogers, RFD # 3, Wilmington, N.C. 2- John E. Grady, Castle Hayne, N. C. 3- Jesse Jake Thornton, General Delivery, Carolina Beach, N.C. None of the Commissioners had any objections to the granting of these permits and by unanimous consent instructed the Executive Secretary to refer them to the Sheriff. , ' 9 A r ? j Minutes of the'Meeting May 4, 1959 Continued ROAD PETITION - A request for the acceptance into the State Highway system and the paving of a portion of the old Military Road from the Rogersville Road to US # 74 was receiv- ed from Mr. S. N. Patelos. After some discussion, Mr. Wiliiams offered the motion that the Petition be approved by the Board and the Executive Secretary instructed to forward it to the State Highway Commission for their investioation and consideration. The motion was seconded by Mr. Broadhurst and unanimously approved. WATERSHED DISTRICTS - A leLter was received from the Chairman of the Henderson County Board of Commissioners reminding the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners that legisla- C?,,,?, tion was being considered which would establish watershed districts which would prove "7,nva,.c? very beneficial to North Carolina and they asked the approval of this Board and urged that they contact their Representatives and request their support of this proposed measure. Some members of the Board wanted further time to study the matter before making a decision so the Chairman gave them the letter for study and no further action was taken at this time. ROAD CONIPLAINT - Mr. Earl H. Orr.ell of•4808 Park Avenue aoain appeared before the Commiss- ioners seeking some maintenance on that street from 48th Street to MacA7111an Avenue. He reminded Lhe Board that his original request was made in December of 1958 and that since that time he had appeared before the Board in January, February and twice in March without any apparent success so he had come to the conclvsion that since the State Highway Commission and the County Board denied any claim to that section of the road, he intended•to•make his own repairs and declare it a private road, closing it to the public. The Board reminded him that he had failed to comply with the require- ments of the State Highway Commission in providing a right-of-way for the work to be done and unless they were willing to sign the right-of-way agreement, the hands of both the Highway Commission and the County Commissioners were apparently tied and there was no solution to the problem. After considerable discussion of the entire matter, Mr. Hall offered a motion to the effect that the Board of County Commissioners had gone as far as they could in the matter and at present their hands were tied and that no further action be taken by this Board untii the right-of-way agreement is-signed by the property owners. This motion was seconded by A7r. Williams and there were no opposino votes. The Chairman suggested that the Executive Secretary confer with the State Highway Commission to see if their engineers would stake off the boundaries of the road showino where the right-of-way lines would run with respect to their proper- ties in event they were willing to sign it. STATE BOARD OF ASSESSNiENTS - i? The State Board of Assessment in session on April 13, 1959 did carefully consider all pertinent facts and d2ta in the appeals of the J& S Investment Company, Schloss Estate Corporation; and of Joe B. Nathan, S.A. Nathan and Mamie N. Bear. On the basis of the information submitted, a decision was rendered by the Board which did, ORDER, that the valuation of the property owned by the J__?,_S Investment Company situated at 211 North Second Street, in Wilminaton, North Carolina, New Hanover County, for the year 1958 be fixed at $90,000.00. This valuation is to remain until changed according to law. I ORDER, that the valuation of the property owned by the Schloss Estate Corporation, said pro,pe y being located at t?right'sville Beach, Net,r Hanover ?? County, North Carolinan ate Bo ard of As sess ment,.for the y ear 1958 be fi x- ed at $122,210.00. The attache d schedul e is a part of this order and sho ws in detail the fixed valuation o f each it em o f property. ::subject to an appeal of the 1. Lot 18, Schloss Division, W.T.W.P. $3480.00 17.) 1/2 interest,Bl ock F,Lots 1,2 $12,320.00 2. Lot 7, Schloss Division W.T.W. P. 1640.00 18.) thru 5,12 thru 19 and 20 Sea forth 3. Lot 8, Schioss Division W.T.W. P. 1640.00 19. Lot 1, Schloss Div. W.T.W.P 1970.00 4. Lot 4, Schloss Division W.T.W. P. 1640.00 20. Lot 15, Schloss Div.W.T.W.P 1150.00 5. Lot 2, S'chloss Division W.T.W.'.P,. 16(}0.00 21. Lot 14, Schloss Div.W.T.W.P 1150.00 6. 112 interest, Block D, Lots 3, 4, 9660.00 22. Lot 13, Schloss Div.1d.T.W.P 11$0.00 6,8, 11 thru 19, Seaforth 23. Lot 12, Schloss Div.W.T.W.P 1150.00 7. 1/2 interest, Block B, Lots, 2,5, 6480.00 24. Lot 11, Schloss Div.W.T.W.P 1150.00 13, 1(}1 1$, 16, 19, 20 Seaforth 25. Lot 10, Schloss Div.W.T.W.P 1150.00 8. 112 interest, Block S, Lots 1 8 2 1370.00 26. Lot BA,Schloss Div.E.T.W.P 3620.00 Seaforth 1 . 27. Lot 9, Schloss Div.E.T.W.P. 1150.00 9. 112 interest, Block G, Lots 8, 9 790.00 28. Lot 7A,Schloss Div.E.T.1J.P. 41}00.00 an d 10, Seaforth 29. Lot 6A,Schloss Div.E.T.W.P. 4950.00 10.1/2 interesL, Block R, Lots 1 thru 3440.00 30. Lot SA,Schloss Div.E.T.kl.P. 5500.00 t}, Seaforth 31. Lot L}A,Schloss Div.E.T.W.P. 5500.00 11.1/2 interest, Block H, Lots E8, E9, 4080.00 32. 112 interest, L ots lA and 2A, 5500.00 E1 0, 111 120 13,16,20 Seaforth Schloss Divisi on,W.T.W.P 12.112 interest, Block X, Lots 2 thru 5040.00 , • 5, . 8 thru 13, Seaforth 13.1/2 interest, Block W, Lots 1 thru 6600.00 6, 8 and 9, Seaforth 1(}.1/2 interest; Block V,Lots 1,2,3, 9200.00 5 thru 9,12,13,15,17 Seaforth TOTAL $ 122,210.00 15.112 interest, Block U, Lots 2 thru 5770.00 5, 7 thru 9, Seaforth , . 16.1/2 interest, Block T, Lots 2 thru 7930,00 9, 13,15,17 and 19 Seaforth This valuation is to remain until changed according to law, Continued- 1 , f d ?, Ninutes of the Meeting May 4, 1959 Continued STATE BOARD OF ASSESSMENTS - (Continued) ORDER, that the valuation of the property owned by Joe S. Nathan, S. A. Nathan, and Mamie N. Bear, said property being located at Wr.ight'sviile Beach, North Caro- lina, New Hanover County, and being the subject of an appe2l to the North Caro- lina State Board of Assessment for the year 1958 be fixed at $120,260.00. The attached schedule is a part of this order and shows in detail the fixed valuation of each item of property. This v2luation is to remain until changed according to law. 101 1/2 interest, Slock F, Lots 1& 20 $2350.00 110 112 interest,Block H,Lots 8,9 10, 102 Block O, Lot 2, Seaforth 2700.00 11,12,13,16, 17 and 20 $!}060.00 103 1/2 interest,Block S, Lots 1& 2 1370.00 111 112 interest,Block G. 790.00 Seaforth Lots 8,9,10 Seaforth 104 112 interest,Block R, Lots 1 3440.00 112 1/2 interest, Block F Lots thru 4, Seaforth 2 thru 5,12 thru 19 10,320.00 105 Block M, Lots 4,5 & 6 Seaforth 4200.00 Seaforth 106 112 interest,Block D Lots 3, 9660.00 113 1/2 interest,Block V, Lots ?},f?,8,11 thru 19, 1.2.3,5 thI'U 9, 12, 13, 107 1/2 interest,Block U, Lots 2,3, 5770.00 15 and 17 Seaforth 9200.00 4,5,7,8 and 9 Seaforth 11!} 1/2 interest,Block W. Lots 6600.00 108 1/2 interest,Block X, Lots 2 thru 5040.00 1 thru 6,8 and 9 Seaforth 5, 8 thru 13 Seaforth 115 Lots 1,11 and 18, West Bear 109 112 interest,Block T, Lots 2 thru 7930.00 Division 7890.00 9,13,15,1709, 11 Seaforth 116 LotS 1,2,13,14,15 EaSt 28,370.00 Bear Div. 117 1/2 interest,Block B. Lots 5,13,14,15 16,19 SoSo.oo 20 Seaforth 118 112 interest,Lots lA and 5500.00 2 A Schloss Division TOTAL $120,260.00 There was no action taken by the Board, The County Auditor informed the Board that the County Tax Books had been changed to comply with the above orders and that no further action was required. ` ^n HEAtTH BUILDING INSPECTION - Complying rrith instructions issued on April.bth the Executive Secretary re- ? ported that he had engaged Mr. S. Warren Sanders, .)r. Wilmington Building Inspector, to examine the building occupied by the Consolidated Board of Health for any structural imperfections. He reported the following: "After my inspection of the Health Department building on North 4th Street, I would suggest that further inspection of the property be carried on by opening the ceiling in the basement at various spots to determine the amount of water and termite damage. If, after inspection, you find no rotten framing and joists,. I would say that the building is perfectly sound. Some minor cracks in the exterior walls should be pointed up to stop any further damage from water. The joist spacing and spans are adequate to carry the floor loads safely if there has been no great amount of rot and termite damage." By common consent of the Board, the Executive Secretary was instructed to direct Maint- enance Superintendent Rhoda Farrow to further examine the buiiding in detail as recom- mended by the Building Inspector. UNIFORM UACATION - SICK LEAVE - HOLIDAYS ?•? Pursuant to a tabled motion on the above sub,ject since April 13th meeting the Board again entered into a discussion of a uniform set of rules and regulations governing the sick leave, vacation schedules and holidays for all County employees. Mr. Udilliams reminded the Board that as he remembered in Mr. Hall's second to the mo- tion he voiced objections to the accumulation of 120 days of sick leave, but though;t ' that vacation time should be allowed to accumulate up to 30 days with approvai of the department head and the governing bodies. He further reminded the Board that the Gen- eral Assembly as late as the 1957 Session empowered the Commissioners with authority to either adopt the Merit System Council Personnel Regulations or adopt their own rules and regulations. After considerable pro and con discussion,of the many details in- , volved, Mr. Williams finally accepted an amendment to his original motion reducing the sick leave accumulation to a max3mum of 60 days and accelerating the vacation leave to a maximum of 30 days and that the regulations apply to all County employees instead , of being limited to the Consolidated Health Department and the Consolidated Tax Col- lector's Office. Mr. Hall, as seconder to the motion, also accepted the amendment above and the foilowing rules and regulations were adopted, although Mr. Broadhurst voted "NO". , UNIFORM VACATION SICK LEAVE HOLILIAY SCHEDULE The following recommendations are made by the Special Committee appointed to study the possibility of the adoption of uniform vacation sicii.leave, and holiday schedules for all County Employees: . LEGAL HOLIDAYS •' ? Legal holidays hereinafter designated shall be observed with pay by regular, full- time County employees, unless such employees are required to be on regular duty: New Year's Day, Washington's Birthday, Easter Nonday, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Veterans Day, Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Day and the day after Christ- mas. ldhen a holiday falls on Sunday, the following Monday will be observed. ,426 Minutes of the Meeting May 41 1959 Continued tlNIFORM VACATION - SICK LEAVE - HOLIDAYS (Continued) ANNUAL LEAVE Each regular, full-time employee who has worked for either Department for one year or longer shall be entitled to annual leave with pay in the amount of two cal- endar weeks in each fiscal year. Annual leave shall be accrued as of the date an employee enters the service of the Department. In speciai cases, at the discretion of the Department ?Head.,and;Governing Bodies, an 2mployee iuho.'has been Sn the service af..the Department for 6 months may be granted one calendar week of his annual leave. Time lost by an employee by reason of absence without pay or time otherwise not worked or paid for, shall not be considered in computing earned allowances of annual leave. Vacation schedules for employees in.both departments shali be developed by De- partment Heads. It shall be the policy of each Department Head to schedule the va- cations over as wide a period as possible in order to alieviate, insofar as possible, the need for a temporary increase in personnel. Accumulated annual leave in excess of thirty (30) days shall not be allowed. Any employee who has voluntar.ily separated from the service will be entitled to compensation for any unused portion of his annual leave allowance for the preceding year and of the current year to the date of separation provided he has been in the service of the Department for one year or lonaer. SICK LEAVE Every regular, full-time employee shall be granted sick leave with full pay of one calendar day for each month of service. Any unused sick leave may be accumulat- ed from one fiscal year to the next to a miximum of sixty calendar days all of which shall be paid for at fuli time whenever needed. In the event an employee has used his accumulated sick leave, he may elect,sub- ject to approval of the Depafitment Head, to use part of his annual leave as sick leave to avoid losing pay for the period of illness in excess of his accumulated sick leave. A certificate from a reputable physician may be required as ev.idence ? of the illness before compensation for the period of illness is allowed. The Department's obligation in the granting of accumulated sick leave ceases the moment an employee is separated from his ,job, either voluntarily or otherwise. In order to get the matter of accumulated leave on a definite basis so that each employee will,know to what he is entitled and the Department will know the extent to which it is obligated, the following method will be used: The service record of each employee up to January 1, 1959, will be compiled and the amount of sick leave which would have been accumulated without sick- ness determined. This~accumulation will be divided in half and the amount so arrived at will form the basis fron which additional sick leave will be accumulated in accordance with the above schedule beginning January 1,1959. EMERGENCY LEAVE In case of death or serious illness in his immediate family, a regular, full-time employee may be granted leave of absence with pay for a period not to exceed three days. "Immediate family" is defined as wife, husband, child, brother, sister,parent or other relative living in the same household. It is further recommended that the employees' service record of the Tax Depart- ment Office be kept by the City of Wilmington; and of the Heaith Department by the County. PATROL GUARD - A letter was received from the tiJrightsboro Par.ent Teachers Association O 9?,,,?_ commending the Commissioners for providing school crossing guards to patrol their ?De?'""? school and requesting that they again be placed in front of the Wrightsboro School for the 1959-60 school year. This will receive further consideration at budget time, ADVERTISING ????Q? Vr " Under date of April 13, an invoice in the amount of $226.80 was approved as one-half the cost of a page advertisement in the Charlotte Observer Vacation Guide. A supplementary invoice was presented today amounting to $7.20 with the explanation that an error was made in the computation of the original bill which should have been $234.00 instead of $226.80. After a discussion of the matter, the Board unanimously agreed to let the contract stand as originally presented. SANITORIUM SITE SALE The Chairman foliowed up his report of April 20 in regard to his faithful attempt to clear up the title to the small triangle tiahich has been authorized to be sold to the Tidewater Natural Cras Company and on which their attorneys refu sato certify the title. He requested authorization by the Board to go to Raleigh and discuss the matter with proper authorities in an effort to clear up the matter once and for all. It was suggested that he also discuss reimbursement for expenses in- curred by the County in tearino down and rebuilding fences along the North 23rd Ex- tension in order to provide them with a right-of-way for that road construction. Mr. Braak offered a motion that the Chairman be authorized and empowered to make this trip in behalf of the County and see if he could work out a satisfactory solution. It was seconded by Mr. Hall and unanimously approved. ? , Minutes of the Meeting May 4, 1959 Continued SB9269 - SALARIES A discussion arose with reference to a bill being introduced fixing the an- nual salaries of certain officials and employees of New Hanover County without any know- ledge of the Board sinc.e they must be paid out of County Funds. Mr. Williams remarked that he believed in paying good salaries. Other me;nbers. of the Board expressed themselves as feeling that they should have been consulted before the Bill iaas introduced. After some discussion of that particular phase, Mr. 47illiams offered a motion that the New Han- over County Board of Commissioners be vested with the authority for fixing all salaries of County employees that are now governed by Special Act except the salaries of the Coruhiss- ioners themselves. The motion was seconded by Nr. Braak, who remarked that he was not as concerned about the salaries _ihemselves as he was that.the Board had not been made, aware of the intention to introduce such a Bill. 1Jhen the votes were cast, Messrs. Braak and Williams voted in the affirmative and Messrs. Hall and Broadhurst voted in the neoa- tive. The Chairman then declared the motion defeated as he.cast his vote with Messrs. Broadhurst and Hall. APPROPRIATIONS AND TRANSFERS The County Auditor reminded the Board that toward the end of the year it was y- ? always necessary to adjust the Budget in certain departments and presented the following ? recommendations for appropriations and transfers necessary to make the adjustments needed. FROM 339.28 Clk. Sup.Ct.- Boo}cs. Binders " " " - Capital Outlay . County.Aid - Caskets Court House - Lights. Power 50.00 Commissioners -Staty. Supplies 2492..22 Court House '- Fuel " " - Repairs Buildings ' Drainage Erosion- Repairs Equip:*. " " - Salaries 375•00 Court House - Janitors Supplies " , " - Labor from Farm 276.65 Jail - Salaries Sheriff - Bonds Sheriff- Repairs Equip. " - Telephone " - Travel 181.55 Recorders Ct. - Convey. Prisoners • " " - Staty. Supplies AMOUNT. Llnanticipated Funds: School Bonds $13,000.00 Accrued Interest Community College $5049.82 " " Schooi Bonds 4661.38, Interest on.Investments 3288.80 , . , General Emergency Fund 171.25 Court-Eaton et al,vs New Hanover County et al, . 171.25 County Aid- Public Audit Commissioners - Capita-l Outlay County Aid - Civil Defense Court House - Salaries Sheriff - Dog Pound Recorders Court - Books. Binders Superior Court- Lodging. Meals County Aid Retirement System Tax Collector - Capital Outlay 125.00 1283.00 36.20 TO Superior Ct. - Convey. Prisoners " " - Telephone Tax Collector - Postage " ' " - Refund Taxes " ' " - Staty. Supplie's Tax Listing - Red Books " . 't ' - Repairs. Equip. " " - Salaries " " - Staty. Supplies Tax Collector - Repairs. Equip. Agriculture,Economics - Cty. Agent Trave120.00 County Home Emergency 2111.84 County 1-Iome - Salaries County Farm - Capital Outlay County Drainage - Repairs. Equip. County .)uvenile Home - Repairs.Bldg, Agricul. Econ.- A.S.C. Telephone. County Home - Fuel " " - Repairs. Bldg. " " - Capital Outiay County Farm - Repairs. Bldg. " " - Tools'. Supplies " " = Salaries ' " " - Fuel ' 1000.00 County Nome - Groceries 75.00 County Farm - Medical 75.001 County Drainage - Clothing.Boots " - " - Tools. Supplies 30.00 County Juvenile Home- Salaries 120.35 3•93 15.00 200.00 50.00 I}17.22 1,000.00 1,000.00 75.00 200.00 17$.00 171.18 50.00 25.00 25.00 5.47 20.00 i6i.55 110.00 15.00 125.00 150.00 100.00 8.00 100.00 300.00 500.00 36.20 20.00 200.00 250.00 300.00 750.00 150.00 161.84 300.00 1000.00 75.00 25.00 ' S0.00 30.00 Mr. Hall offered a motion that the ad,justments recommended above be approved provided,there were no salary increases involved included in them. It was seconded by Messrs. Braak and Wiliiams and unanimously approved. 'A r 428 ?f Ninutes of the Meeting May 4, 1959 Continued ASATEMENTS - The County Auditor presented the Board with a list of abatements made dvring the past Fiscal Year and suggested that the totals be recorded in the minutes. After some discussion of the matter Mr. tiJilliams moved that the abatements be recorded in de- tail and itemized in the minutes. It rras seconded by Mr. Hall and unanimously approved as follows: Refund by CountY : Y No. NANIE VALUATIONS 1958 1957 1956 1955 PRIOR CITY Checks : Check"s ? 6 eX 7 21 } 7 W Ms Hill 900.00 68 J. N. Todd 4300.00 69 Aileen Maultsby 2200.00 70 L. R. Cottle 310.00 71 Lacy Moore 3700,00 72 Southern Auto Sales 400.40 73 L. T. Rogers 500.00 74 L. T. Rogers 250.00 75 L. T. Rogers 2700.00 76 Glenn Tucker 250.00 77 Maggie H. Thompson 200.00 78 H. W. Tennille-KBeach 1000.00 79 H. W. Tenniile 1100.00 80 Henry Turner 50.00 81 Travelers Oleander Av . 605.00 83 E. E. Roberts 650.00 84 W. I. Craig 500.00 85 Esther Smith 130.00 86 T. C. Heywood 2450.00 87 W. H. Stokley III 10000.00 88 C. D. Bowden 89 J. C. Jordan 90 Frank A. Flounce 54-50•00 92 Billy K. Martin 93 Quincy Newkirk 94 Louis Godwin 1300.00 95 Myrtle E. King 3600.00 96 Keith K. Kimmell 97 Jas. A. Applewhite 98 J. H. Peterson 99 L. R. Skipper 2500 Theo Patterson 01 A. H. Josey 02 Mrs. Creasy Dog 03 Eddie Durwood 1000.00 04 Bertha Theodore 450.00 05 Robert Chestnut 12245.00 06 T.L. Gore 07 M.B. Dickens 08 B.X. Pappos 09 W.J. Parrish 13.32 13.32 13.77 6.00 6.00 11.50 120.00 1.90 10 Eva Kelly 6.90 11 W. J. Mintz 1.38 12 Thomas Green 3•53 13 Daisy Mills 2.00 14 T. D. Piner 2.$3 15 Rossie I. Hopkins Pen. 2.00 16 Robert R. Jackson No change in total charges 17 John A. Goss Pen. 2.21 18 John H. Smith 2.00 19 Mt. Zion A.M. Church 33.21 20 C.Y. Devaun 1.15 21. D.G. Parisi 4.60 22 Tremarco Corp. Pen. 13.54 23 Mrs. W. R. Yopp Pen. .90 24 Inez Pierce Pen 1.84 25 Kevy Goldenburg 153,.00 26 George Moroan .58 27 Mary Gano .58 28 Sherwin 1rJilliams Co. 67.91 29 No changes in total chgs. 30 John A. Synder 31 Marion E. Walker 32 it it it 33 Shirley Edens 34 Leo N?cDonald 35 J. K. Graybeal 36 J. P. Jordan 37 J. I. Benson 38 Henry Oliver poll 39 W. R. Lane 40 No change in total chgs. 41 R.L. Ellis 42 C.E. Richardson 43 Pender Furniture Co . L?1} B. May 45 C. F. Jones 46 No change in total chgs. 47 J. D. NcRae 48 it tl tt 44 E. R. McKoy Pen, 50 No change in total chgs. 90.00 9.00 56.76 94.60 z9.o4 7.20 48.84 charge'Lacy Moore (Val.)6.50, Tax 7.80 7.30 10.92 6.00 3.00 3.00 3•40 .60 8.80 1.56 2.00 68.94 29.04 8.11 1.67 i6.45 45•54 37.00 8.33 17.3i io.35 43.33 3.57 2.00 11.50 5. 18 140.82 4.31 2.88 2.00 iz.42 4.bo 75.33 2.30 2.88 2.00 2.00 12.08 10.98 6.44 32.4a . 13.64 12.10 2.60 29 .!}0 i3.4o 2.76 27.17 5.89 19.00 8.55 232.66 7.13 18.10 2.50 11 .40 2.28 1.00 3.66 1.00 54•87 1.90 7.60 3.04 112.20 5e 4.60 20.52 7.60 5.94 4•75 1.00 19.95 2.00 1.00 i8.i5 10.64 22.09 8.34 3.60 3.60 4.60 32.20 6.61 28.92 32•17 32.17 32.17 1.35 2.23 L, ?29" Minutes of the Meeting May 4, 1959 ,ASATEMENTS - (Continued) Refund Refund by County by City No• NAl`iE VALUATIONS 1958 1957 1956 1955 PRIOR CITY Checks Checks 2552 Wulfs News stand 75,45 124.64 53 " " " No change in total c hos. 54 C. F. Meyer No change in• 8,63 55 J. L. King totals 10.46 56 Edmondson (Add to tax books) 57 Henry Weyers 58 The Alliance Church Pen.4.57 50.28 5•18 59 A. & P. Tea Co. 284.75 83.08 2560 No change 61 G. C. Canady 62 T. H. Stein 40.83 2.00 63 No change 64 Lucy Lizzie Parker No chanoe 65 Owen Hall 8.63 66 D. Longley 5•20 5.20 67 J. R. Malecki 29.41 58 69 L. E. William L. E. Spender °.43 17.25 70 Lillian BeilarrlY 11.40 71 Arlean C. Floyd 63.83 73 F. C. Sadgwar 2.30 3.80 74 R. Bennett 3•45 5•85 75 A. G. Maynard 4.1}9 7•412 76 D. L. Jackson 41.50 77 J. J. Brinson 3•45 5.70 78 E. H. Spencer , 25.65 79 C. E. Dusenberg 1.00 80 A. I. Trundle 38•47 23•29 81 N. A. Peebles 2(}.15 39.90 82 M. Singleton 15.82 83 Wi lletts Realty Co. 58.94 84 L. A. Jones 2.00 85 George T. Rollins No change 86 M. E. Thorpe 4.60 7.60 87 Mrs. Ida Bishop 3.16 5•23 88 :E.H. Bellamy 8.63 2.40 18.25 89 Miss Flowers 2.00 90 Myrtle Grove Fire Dept. 4.03 9. 0 91 Community Boys Club 13.60 2. 0 2.80 2.80 2.80 92 Julius Bethea Pen. 33.68 21.78 33.68 93 R. F. Burgess 15.07 94 W. N. Mosley Poll 2.00 95 J. J. Darby 2.00 1.00 96. . Annie. Jackson 14•38 97 Parrish Service Station 25.30 41.80 98 C. O. Kersey Pen. 15.15 25•23 99 w. E. Wood 4•37 2600 J. D. McGirt 57.05 01 M. E. Boswell Po11 2.00 02 J. H. Sweeney " 24.61 40.66 03 Brake 8 Electric Co, 12.62 127.02 04 H. A. Pearce (Addition) 6.67 OS M. H. Warlick 3•80 26.40 06 S. S. Baptist Church 07 No change 08 Pen. 9.58 • 09 I. Tatum 24• 32 10 C. M. Harrington 14.95 11 A. D. Gorham Poll 2.00 12 George B. Murray 20.25 13 John R. Hines 15.53 14 No change 15G. K. Horton Construction Co. 22.37 36•96 16 17 C. J. Dilda 29.10 36.86 18 Frank Herbst 2•73 19 M. L. Meyland Jr. 12.54 20 C. B. Parmele 1.60 1.60 1.60 5.28 21 No change 22 E. K. Haskett Pen. 1.00 23. _.Wertheimer Bag Co. 258.21 326.02 24 No change 25 J. L. Miller 1.44 8.80 8.80 7.80 16.95 26 W. H. Phillips 27 E. P. Blanchard Jr. 2.00 28 I. P. Deil 2.82 4.66 29 L. P.. Wilkerson 11.17 30 H. B. Ludlum 12.00 31 S. Bennett Poll 2.00 32 D. Nelson 5.75 33 w. W. ail 10.64 34 W. M. Gilbert Pen. 3•39 35 H. B. ?'iarriss Poll 2.00 36 Phyllis I. Brown 15•53 37 T. L. Evans 2.59 38 G. H. Hines 5.03 3•40 -A ?? 3o Minutes of the Meeting May t}, 1959 Continued RBATENF-NTS - (Continued) No. ArqME VALUAT IONS 2639 G. T. McDonald Pen. 40 E. P. Moore 41 W. I. Fales 42 R. B. warren 43 G. W. West Pen. 44 Sarah B. Nixon Poll 45 E. J. Hines 46 Ada B lackman 47 D. L. Blanton 48 Dorot hy J. Kroll Poll 49 W. o. Cannon 50 H. Bl uethenthal 51 Blue tidater Court 52 B. F. Smith Poll 53 D. Ja ckson 54 G. M. Tucker 55 J. M. Tardugno 56 C. D. Weeks 57 H. T. Farrow Poll 58 T. B. Hughes Jr. No change 59 Church of God 60 W. L. Bensdorp Co. 61 W. A. Russ 62 R. La dd Coble 63 J. R S. Investment Co. . 64 First Pentecostal Holiness Church Pen. 1958 1957 1956 1955 PRIOR 1•38 4•73 11.27 3•53 2.00 5.18 2.72 2.50 2.50 2.50 16.24 2.00 2..60 77.35 157 ..1 i 2.00 2.30 8.63 9.60 .60 .60 2.00 16.68 15.8 1 27.31 224.83 12.bz 1.26 (i0/54) 31.02 31.02 31.02 TOTALS $2631.15 338.62 229.51 134.01 289.08 ? ELECTION OFFICIALS PAY ??,R A letter was received from Speaker Addison Her????,t Jr. in a?;-?he introduction of a Bill placing New Hanover CountyatHe provisions with reference to election officials' pay. He quoted the follow3ng Generalts office: Refund Refund by County by City CITY Checks Checks 4•97 14.09 22.28 540.78 answer to a request for of the General Statutes ruling by the Attorney "In rep?y to your inquiry of this date, you are advised that under the provisions of Chapter 581 of the Public-Local and Private Laws of 1937, the County Commissioners of New Hanover and Randolph Counties are authorized to designate eight hours, or a fraction therecf,as a day's service for precinct officers, and they are also authorized to pay the precinct officers the sum of $5.00 per day or fraction thereof for their services." Since the language of the Act merely authorizes such action on the part of the Commission- ers, leaving the matter in their discretion, Mr. Wil.liams offered a motion that New Hanover County election officials follow the provisions of the General Statutes in this regard. It 4tas seconded by Nr. Braak and unanimously adopted. COURT APPEAL - As approved at the meeting of Flpril 13th, the printing of the Brief in the Appeal of Hubert A. Eaton, et al, against the Board of Managers of James W21ker Memorial Hospital et al, in which the County was made a Respondent, the bill was received in the amount of $171.25 covering one-half the cost of the printing of this Brief, the other half being borne by the City. Upon motion of Mr. Braak, seconded by Mr. 4lilliams, it was unanimously order- ed paid. PETITION.FOR_RELIEF - ? A Petition for admittance to the County Home of Richard Breece Masters, because ?,NBrn-Q--of physical disability, was received from Nrs. Helen B. Sneeden, Superintendent of Public Welfare. It was unanimously granted, by common consent, on a temporary basis until his bro- ther feels thaL he can take him back home. . SCHOOL INCENTIVE FUND - Mr. Braak reminded the Board that the House Education Committee had scheduled a Hearing on HB # 691 and SB # 283 creatfng a School Incentive Fund on the 3rd Floor of the Educational Building aL 10:00 A. M. Wednesday, May 6th, He also informed the Board that the Sta.te Association of County Commissioners would appear in opposition to this Bill as it is felt that it will be used to shift an additional burden of schooi sugport on the Counties. By cor:unon consent, the Board unanimously agreed that they, too, would oppose such legisla- tion and instructed the Executive.Secretary to write John Alexander McMahnn, General Counsel to the State Association of County Commissioners, and inform him of this action. .-.?p APPROPRIATIONS SUBCONIIsITTEE - Mr. Braak reminded the Board the General Assembly Appropriation Subcommittee is now working on ldelfare appropriations. From his observation, he was inclined to think they would try to shift the trend for additional appropriations to the local property tax. He stated that it seems clear at this point that additional appropriations for OAA, ADC and APTD to take care of annual increases in average grants and to take care of additional re- cipients, particularly in the ADC program will be made. He stated that additional appro- priations were also needed for Hospital•ization of Public Assistance Recipients and aid to 1Jelfare Administration, to help relieve the burden on property tax. Mr. l•Jiliians offered a motion that the General Counsel of the State Association of County Commissioners be written and our Legislators be informed that the Board is opposed to any legislation that would shift the burden on local property owners. He also included a letter to the tQationa•1 Asso- ciation of County Officials apprising them of this trend in North Carolina. It vaas second- ed by Nr. Braak and"unanimously adopted. , ? • ^ - - ?~ ?.,:? '.?t,.,, • t. , 'r . k \ / 431` Minutes of Lhe Meeting- May L}, 1959 Continued P'RIT SYSTEM COUNCIL - Mr. Williams observed that the House had killed SB 10 which would have placed the State, County, and the municipal Civil Defense employees under the Merit System Coun- cil, which, according to Federai law, prohibits them from participating in Federal funds for the Civil Defense Administration even if such funds were appropriated by Congress. Urr- o less they are under the Merit System Council they are ineligible to receive Federal funds. (S They suggested that if we were interested in Civil Defense, we should speak to our Repre- sentatives as the first move in having the House change its mind and pass the Bill so we _ can obtain Federal funds for Civil Defense Admin3stration. By common consent, the Board ejo?5,c_ approved trie suggestion and instructed the Executive Secretary ta write the General Counsel of the State Association of County Commissioners their views in this matter and uroed each Commissioner to speak to our Representatives on the subject. . CIVIL DEFENSE MOTdEY - Complying with authority and instructions by the Board at the Special Called Meeting April 22nd, the Executive Secretary entered into a contract with the Consolidated Board of H,ealth for the use of the County oomed dragline in cleaning ditches of silt and and debris caused by Hurricane Helene. This contract was submitted to the State Council of Civil Defense who informed us that in their opinion the Federal Auditor would refuse to , make payment on a contract on closely related governmental bodies. In view of this deci- ? sion, it was decided that the contract should be declared void and all copies so marked or destroyed. PETIT JURY - The,following good and lawful citi2ens were selected to serve as Jurors in the trial of Civil cases for the two weeks term beginning May 25th and June lst. .lurors for the one week term beqinninq May 25, 1959 - Civil Cases L. F. Haar 2248 Mimosa Place John H. Creech 3916 Cherry Ave. F. M. McCoy 203 Central Blvd. James H. Hobbs 2615 Wrig htsville Ave. C. H. Nash 2113 Chestnut St. F. P. Blanchard 16 Jackson Drive W. R. Piner 126 W. Shipyard Blvd. ,Gilbert Hale 2532 Burnett Blvd. J. E. Motte 1116 S. 3rd St. Stuart M. Nock 2522 Burnett Blvd. T. N. Smith 3625 Wrightsvilie Av. Kirby Daniels 136 Gordon Road J. E. Evans 207 N. 13th St. Johnnie R. Boyd RFD 1; Box 267• -' W. T. 'rTeaks 702 Central Blvd. Claude Hobbs 4005 Park Ave. C. E. Joyner 2310 S. Front Emery Sherman RFD #3, Box 121 P. L. Canady 2104 Metts Ave. William L.Russo 25 Ivey Circle 'W. R. Rogers 2711 Monroe St. W. H. McEachern Jr. 201 Live Oak Parkway C. W. Rogers RFD # 3 Thomas L. Jacobs 1107 S. 3rd St. A. L. Williams 2115 Chestnut St. Jack C. 7oyner Jr. 5 Hudson Drive H. :d. Brinker P. O. Box 258 Jesse B. Overbee 113 Morningside Drive RFDo13na BB?Xazhi N. C Tom Costas . Robert W. Lamont 711 Orange St. 5 T. L. Huogins 110 Northern Blvd. William Pierce 314 Castle St. A. C. Davidson 122 Chadwick Ave Shelton Stokley. East Lake Shore Drive . . • A. C. McDonald 4723 Long Leaf Hills ldm. Henry Hammond Box 975, City J. E. Rose 2206 Princess St. Rd. William H. Pepper RFD 2, Box 87 John F. Mason S. 46th St. Milton Fleishman 808 Windsor Drive Harold Munn 117 Sumter Drive Rudolph Gieschen 228 N. 22nd St. H. E. Peterson 1908 Castle St. Richard Bissinger RFD 2, Box 59 Harry Gross 104 A. uJilliamson Drive• Emanuel J. Batounis 300 N. Bivd. Ellis Hobbs 14 Lee Drive Nei2 V. Oldenbuttle 108 Stradleigh Rd. Edward Edens RFD 1, Box 358 Melvin K. Braxton 418 S, l}th St. Jurors for the week beginning June 1, 1959 - Civil Cases • D..G. Royal T. M. Crute A. B. Blake V. B. Cheek G. W. Reeves R. F. Pierce H. L. Barnes J. L. Howell F. R. Jordan E. P. Godwin M. T, ldinner C. S. Pot.ter E. E. Canady Paul J. Shaw W. S. Godfrey G. T. Sellers D. L. Shepard G. A. Perrett Phii Kramer Jack Morris R. H. Peterson - E. O. Hathaway T. E. Peterson C. J. Blackburn Ellis I. Smith 211 N. sth St. 511 5urry St. P. O, Box 1025 2518 Harrison St. 512 Central Blvd. 614 S. sth St. 217 Spruce Drive 210 S. 41st St. 529 Cast'le Hayne Rd. P. O. Box 1806 P. o Box 231 Carolina Beach, N. C. 16 s. 5tn st. 4934 Pine St. 4606 Lono Leaf Hills 207 s. 46tn st. 2524 Jackson st. RFD 1, Box 268 -.4 622 Colwell Ave. 3606 Straford Blvd, 425 S. 3rd st. 309 Castle St. RFD 3, Box 134, 2933 Oleander Drive 521 E. Shipyard Blvd. 124 Pine Cone Ro2d Louis J. Mickey 2014 Woolcott Ave. Coy L. McKenzie 6002 Park Ave. Boyd D. Quarles 2018 Klein Road George H. Chadwick 320 Castle Hayne Road Royal C. Mercer 2009 Woolcott Ave. Grady B. Murray 306 Calhoun Drive E. Dennis Blake 2808 Market St. Fred E. Little Jr. 812 Country Civb Road Justin Raphael 111 Stradleigh Road Austin Jackson 4205 Fran}ilin Ave. Perry C. Matthes 537 Castle Hayne Road Stone C. Pulliam 212 N. 16th St. Robert Kallman % France Neckwear Clyde Henderson 113 Vance St. William W. Devane llilliamson Drive Rudolph Simmons 138 Sumter Drive LJallace F. Pearson 146 Colonial Circle Thomas C. Hargrove 4013 Oleander Drive Fred B. Barnhill Jr.Box 493, City L. Edwin Yarborough 214 N. 6th St. Thomas E. Brown 2314 Chestnut St. George R. Barefoot 548 Bonham Ave. Edward B. RegisterJr.126 Victoria Drive Frank L. Mills Jr. 514 S. 4th St. Ronimus Baker 247 N. 26th St. REPORTS - The following reports were reviewed and ordered filed: 1- Ueterans' Service Office Report for the month of April ' 2- Wilmington Pub1iC Library 3- Tax Collector's Report 4- Pdegro Home Demonstration Agent ADJOURNMENT - Upom motion of Mr. Hall, seconded by Mr. Braak, the Board unani ad journment. lrr.' G. Houc'T,, Ex ? voted 7/VLi ? '? ive Secretary -A