1959-05-13 Special MeetingA 4-b C'o SPECIAL CALLtD MEETING Wilmington, N.C. May 13,1959 C?e ? PRELIMINARY - Chairman Holton instructed the Executive Secretary at 11:00 A. M: today that the Hearing on the controversy hetween Bruce B. Cameron and the County was to be heard in the Superior Court Room at 2:30 in the afternoon and directed him to call all the Commissioriers to be present at that time. It was found that Mr. Braak's telephone did not answer, Mr. Broadhurst was scheduled to work and Mr. Williams was in Whiteville. Chairman Holton and Commissioner Hall were both present during the Hearing along with County Attorney John Bright Hill and Attorney George Rountree, Jr. HEARING PROGRESS - As the Hearing progressed throughout the afternoon, the Chairman continued to have the Executive Secretary call the members of the Board not present in an effort to be able to make a decision should occasion require as negotiations seemed to indicate a a compromise settlement might be reached. At 5:00 P. M. the Chairman urged that at least one more Commissioner must be located and Mr. Braak finally was found and an official meeting was called in the Superior Court Room at 5:20 P. M. with Chairman Holton, Commiss- ioners Hall and Braak, County Attorney Hill and Attorney George Rountree, Jr. being pre- sent. WAIUER - Mr. Braak moved that the two days notice of a Srecial Meeting required by Gener- al Statutes 153-8 be waived. This motion was seconded by Mr. Hall and unanimously adopt- ed. ALS STANDARD CRITERIA - The Chairman handed the Executive Secretary the following letter and requested that it be made a.part of this meeting: FEDERAL AVIATION AGENCY District Airport Engineer 230 North Independence Blvd. Charlotte 4, N. C. May !}, 1959 Mr. James E. Holton Jr, Chairman, Board of New Hanover Commissioners, Wilmington, North Carolina Subject: New Hanover County Airport Wilmington, North Carolina Dear Mr. Holton: We are attaching herewith two copies of a print showing dimensions of clear zone and ALS requirements which are standard criteria and which are necessary for you to acquire. Under the present policy it would be possible for you to apply for re- imbursement up to 50% of all reasonable costs of land within this cri- teria and any land beyond the limits as outlined would not be required or considered eliaible for reimbursement. We hope that you will be able to acquire the required land at a reason- able figure within the near future in order that the proposed installa- tions can be initiated. If we may be of further assistance, please let us know. Sincerely, Attachments -2 /S/ Wm. W. Johnson, Jr. District Airport Engineer PURPOSE - The Chairman explained that the purpose for which this meeting was called was to consider an agreement on the Hearing of the controversy between New Hanover County and Bruce B. Cameron and Bruce B. Cameron and New Hanover County. He stated that a a compromise settlement had been reached in which the County would pay $26,500.00 less $500.00 already paid for the land requirements to meet standard criteria contained in copies of a p_r.lnt showing dimensions of clear zone which is a standard criteria for Approach Lighting System covering Track #1 (fee simple) and Track # 2(easements), .as shown below: TRACK I (Fee Simple) Beginning at a point at the intersection of the centerline extended of the Northwest - southeast runway of the New Hanover County Airport (Bluethenthal Field) wath the centerline of Smith's Creek, said point being approximately 1656 feet from the southern end of the paved runway as measured along the centerline extended, the magnetic bearing of said centerline being south 17°00 East; meandering thence in a southeasterly direction with the center- line of Smithfs Creek approximately 340 feet to a point, said point being at the intersection of the centerline of Smithts Creek with a line 200 feet eastwardly from and parallel to the above mentioned centerline of the north- west-southeast runway; running thence south 1700 0'East approximately 120 feet to a pipe at the highwater line on the south side of Smith's Creek; thence continuing'south 17000' East, 36.fiti feet to a concrete monument; thence continuing south 17000' East, 915.00 feet to another concrete monu- ment, said monument being the southeast corner of this tract and being locat- ed 200.00 feet eastwardly as measured perpendicular to the above mentioned runway centerline extended from a point on sa.id centerline extended which is 3,200.00 feet south of the southern end of the runway pavement; running thence South 730 0 0' West, 400.00 feet to a concrete monument, said monument being the southwest corner of this tract and being located 200.00 feet westwardly from the above mentioned point on the runwaycenterline extended; running thence North 17°00' West, 1375.00 feet to a concrete monument, thence con- . `e \ 433 Minutes of the Special Called Meetinq May 13, 1959 Continued PURPOSE- Track I(Fee Simple) Continued - tinui:ng North 17000' West, 60.00 feet to a pipe at the highwater line on the south side of Smithfs Creek; thence continuing North 17°00! West approximately 170 feet to a point in the centerline of Smith's Creek, said point being at the intersection of the centerline of Smith's Creek with a line 200.00 feet Westwardly from and parallel to the above mention- ed runway centerline; meandering thence in a southeasterly direction with the centerline of Smith's Creek approximately 335' feet to the point of beginning. The above.description covers a tract of land being situated in New Hanover County, North Carolina, on the south side of Smith's Creek containing 12.2 Acres. All bearings in the above description are magnetic as observed December 27, ,9 8. The above/described tract is shown on a map recorded on page map book. !O , New Hanover County Regis- try. TRACT # 2 - (Easement) BEGINNING at a point in the centerline of Smithfs Creek, said point being located at the intersection of the centerline of Smith's Creek with a line 200.00 feet eastwardly from and parallel to the centerline extended of the Northwest-southeast runway of the New Hanover County Airport (Bluethenthal . Field); meandering thence in an easterly direction with the centerline of Smith's Creek approximately 63$ feet to a point, running thence south 25 deorees 32 minutes East approximately 410 feet to a point; thence south 73 degrees 00 minutes west, 675 feet to a point; thence north 17 degrees 00 minutes west and paraliel with the above mentioned runway centerline extended ? 415 feet to a concrete marker; thence north 17 degrees 00 minutes West 36.88 feet to a pipe? at the highwater line on the south side of Smith's Creek; thence continving north 17 degrees 00 minutes west approximately 120 feet to a point in the centerline of Smith's Creek, said pbint being located at the intersection of the centerline of Smith's Creek with a 1Sne 200 feet east- wardly from and parallel to the above mentioned runway centerline extended and being the point of beginning. The above being a description of parcel "A" which is contained in Tract 2- Easement. ••• BEGINNING at a point in the centerline of Smith's Creek, said point being located at the intersection of the centerline of Smith's Creek with a line 200.00 feet westwardly from and parailel to the above mentioned runway center- _ line extended; running thence south 17 degrees 00 minutes east and parallel with the above mentioned runway centerline extended, approximately 170 feet ? to a pipe atthe highwater line on the south side of Smith's Creek; thence continuing south 17 degrees 00 minutes east, 60.00 feet to a concrete monu- ,ment; thence continuing south 17 degrees 00 minutes east 875 feet to a point; thence south 73 degrees 00 minutes west, 675 feet to a point; thence North 8 degrees 28 minutes west approximately 1660 feet to the centerline of Smith's Creek; thence eastwardly with the meanders of the centerline of Smith's Creek approximately 710 feet to a point, said point being the point of beginning. The above being a description of Parcel "B" which is contained in Tract 2- Ease- ment. The above description of Parcels "A" New Hanover County, North Carolina on ing approximately 26.9 acres. Ali Be netic as observed December 27, 1958• a map to be recorded in the office of County. and "B" covers lands being situated in the south side of Smith's Creek contain- srings in the above description are mag- The above described tract is shown on the Register of Deeds of New Hanover Motion: Mr. Hall offered a motion that this settlement be accepted. It iras seconded by Mr. Sraak and unanimously approved. APPROPRIATION AUTHORIZATION - Mr. Hall then offered a motion that an appropriation be authori2ed sufficient to cover the balance due on the above agreed obligation after an appropriation made at a precious meeting has been deducted from the balance of $26,000.00 above. It was second- ed by Mr. Braak and unanimously approved. MINUTES DISTRIBUTION - ??¢ Mr. Hall offered a motion that a copy of these minutes be sent to the presiding Judge of Superior Court on this Hearing viz.,Honorable Joseph W. Parker. Mr. Braak se- conded this motion and it was unanimously approved. ADJOURNMENT - There being no further special business coming before this meeting, Mr. Hail offered a motion that it adjourn. It was seconded by Mr. Braak and unanimously adopted. W. G. Houck, Executive Seetary ? A