1959-05-18 Regular Meeting434 Wilmington, N. C. May 18,1959 / ?4;?o ? ASSEMBLY - The regular semimonthly meeting of the New Hanover County Board of Commission- ers Hras held this day in the Commissioners' Room of the Court House at 9:00 A. M. Present: Chairman J. E. Holton, Jr. Commissioners Peter H. Braak, L. E. Broadhurst, J. M. Hall, Jr. and Berry A. k'illiams; County Attorney John Bright Hill and County Auditor T. D. Love. INVOCATION - The Chairman called the meeting to order and aslted Reverend C.L. Turpin, Pas- tor of Pentecostal Holiness Church, to open the meeting with prayer. APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES - The minutes of the semimonthly meeting held on May 4th and the Special Called Meeting held on May 13, copies of which had previou,sly been mailed to each Commissioner, Vrere upon motion of Mr. Hall, seconded by Mr. Williams, approved unanimously as written. COUNTY HEALTH OFFICER - At the request of Commissioners Broadhurst and LJilliams,a discussion of the ad- visability of requesting the County Health Officer to make periodic visits to the County Home and emergency calls at the County J il was entered into and consideration given to this suogestion. Although it apparently?slegal for the County Health Officer to attend to such matters, it was felt that the State Board of Health would look with disfavor on the request and also that it should be made through the Consolidated Board of Nealth since it is a Constitutionai autonomous body. Mr. Broadhurst offered a motion that the Chair- man bring this matter before the Consolidated Board of Health at their next regular meet- ing and that the County Attorney be asked to determine the extent the avthority of the County Board of Commissioners have in the case of the Consolidated Board of Health. Mr. Williams seconded the motion and it was unanimously adopted. - PUBLIC WELFARE - 1- Mrs. Helen B. Sneeden, Superintendent of Public YJelfare, informed the Board• Q,,?? that she had not been furnished with the schedule of rates by the Ambvlance Service Com- /a?? pany and as a result that they were receiving invoices for various amounts for the same type service. After some discussion,the Board decided to request the County Auditor to discuss the matter with the owners of the Ambulance Service Company in an effort to se- cvre a schedule of standardized rates that would be used in handling the indigent cases for which the County Welfare Department was billed. 2- Mrs. Sneeden informed the Board that Nlary Strickland Allen who resided at 2119 Gibson Avenue recently died after having received assistance amounting to $2,901.00 ?. from the Welfare Department thus creating a Lien against her property. Her children want 'ro(to redeem it but do not think it is worth the total amount of the Lien but they are will- ing to pay $2500.00 for it and consider that a fair value as that is the appraisal of a local Savings and Loan Association. By common consent, the Board instructed the Execu- tive Secretary to have the property appraised by the County Tax Assessor and report it at the next meeting. 3- While Mrs. Sneeden was discussing other matters she presented the 1959-60 ? proposed Aid to the Blind Budget remarking that the total was $600.00 less than last years' Budget Request. The total Budget submitted amounted td $84,000.00 of which the County would pay $13,394•07 plus administrative expense amounting to $2,069.07. Mr. y Williams moved that the tentative budget be approved and that the Chairman and Executive ?'?i7,Secretary be authorized to sion the recommended budget. It was seconded by Mr. Braak JS'?"" and unanimously approved. AIRPORT LEASE RENEWAL - Notice was received that under the provisions of the Government Lease dated July 1, 1954 covering the joint use of Bluethenthal Field for Narine Crops Auiciliary Landing Field to renew on the same basis and under the same conditions for the period ? July i, 1959 to June 30, 1960. Nr. Williams offered a suggestion that it be referred to County Attorney Hill, the Airport Manager and the Airport Committee for consideration and recommendations at the next regular meeting of the Board on June lst. By common con- sent of the Board the suggestion tiras approved. OVERHEAD CABLE - Notice was received from the Corps of Engineers informing the Board that the ?,- 5outhern Bell Telephone and Telegraph Company had made application to construct an over- ,w head cable across the North East River near Castle Hayne. The vertical clearance is de- clared to be not less than 421 (feet) above mean highwater. By common consent, the Board aareed that so lono as the clearance was higher than the bridge and did not inter- fere with navigation they saw no valid objection to the proposal. ? BEER AND WINE PERMITS - J The following requests for Beer or Wine Licenses raere received from the Board A a ? of Alcoholic Control: , 1- .lames E. Lewis, Jr. P. 0. Box 43, Kure Beach, N. C. 2- Jesse "Jake" Thornton, Carolina Beach, N. C. 3- Willie Albert Stewart, Carolina Beach, N. C. 4- Joseph Charles L•Jilliamson, Route #2, Box 408, City 5- Glenn Norman Barber, Carolina Beach, N. C. 6- Mrs. Mamie Daley, Route #2, Box 252, City Mr. Broadhurst offered a motion that they be approved but the Ctiairman ruled it dead for lack of a second and Mr. 1Jiiliams offered a motion that they be referred to the Sheriffts Department for investigation. I.t was seconded by Mr. Hall and unanimously adopted. GROIN PROPOSAL - The Executive Secretary reminded the Board that he had polled each one of them , by phone for approval to authorize Henry Von Oesen to advertise for bids to construct a groin at the northern end of Carolina Beach known as Freeman Beach. The bids are to be ? received by the Chairman and opened at 9:00 A. M. Nay 25th in the Commissioners' Room. Upon motion of Mr. LJilliams, seconded by Mr. Hall,' this action was ratified unanimously by the Board. L. 4 1' f Minutes of the Meeting May 18, 1959 Continued SCHOOL CROSSING GUARDS - Letters of commendation were received from the school officials of 1Jr:ahtsville Beach and Bradley Creek corunending the Commissioners for providing school crossing guards and requesting the same service for the 1959-60 school term. They pointed out that besides s the protection to the childreri, it served to make them more safety conscious and will prove beneficial throughout their life. By common consent, the Board agreed to study this request and oive it full consideration at Budget time. v PI20PERTY SALE 1- The Executive Secretary informed the Board th2t F. E. Livingston and Company f?-r have offered $250.00 for Lot # 1 in Block 294 which is jointly owned by' the County and City as a result of tax foreclosure. The County Property Assessor reports the lot to be worth $650.00. Mr. Livingston agrees with the valuation providing the County will furnish a ularranty Deed but since the deed furnished by the County will cover only what interest they have in the property, he does not consider it worth full value. It was the opinion of some of the Coimnissioners that a concession might be made on this account, provided the property was placed on the tax records at the correct value and a house be placed on the lot in time to be taxed in next year's listing. Mr. Williams offered a motion that the County accept $500.00 for the lot,subject to the approval of the City Council. It was se- conded by Mr. Braak and when the votes were cast, Mr.. Broadhurst registered the only "NO" and the Chairman declared the motion approved. 2- 'Ida Mae Fennell requested approval for the purchase of the following lots appraised by the County Property Appraisor: Block # 267 Lot ,f 4 33' X 8216" 8th 8 Hanover $500.00 " 186 Pt. 2 75' S. From Chestnut 300.00 " 254 Pt• 3 33' x 82,6" Miller 200.00 Mr. Broadhurst offered a motion, seconded by Mr. Braak that approval be given for the sale of these lots for the appraised figure sub,ject to the approval of the City Council and it 4JHS unanimously approved. ? AIRPORT APP.,ROPRIAT30N - Pursuant to the appropriation authorization made on Viay 13th in concluding the settlement for the purchase of, and easement over, certain properties for installation of an approach lighting system at the New Hanover County Airport, Mr. Braak offered a motion . that svfficient funds be appropriated to pomplete the payment for the property. County Auditor T. D. Love informed the Board that at present the balance in the Airport Capital Outlay Account amounted to $11,806.72 and recommended that additional funds be appropriat- ed as follows: $ii,8o6.72 Unanticipated Funds Sale of 5anitorium Site $4,907.00 Sale of Airport Spur Track 1.,806.13 Transfer from Industrial Development 7,470.15 Total $26,000.00 Mr. Braak accepted this reeommendation as part of his motion which was seconded by Mr. Hall and unanimously approved by the entire Board. Prior to this action taken by the Board, Chairman Holton read the follotiaing telegram received from the Federal Aviation Agency, also his reply to them on May 14th as shown below: May 6, 1959 "From Federal Aviation Agency, Fort Worth Texas ' To Board of County Commissioners, Wilmington, N.C. Reference Westbrook's Letter 3-31-59. Contract awarded and contractor ready to start approach light construction. Please advise land status by return tuire. ` /5/ W. E. Peterson May 14, 1959 Dear Mr. Peterson: This will confirm my telephone conversation with you on this date. Please be advised that the Court action has been settled relative to acquiring the necess- ary land for the approach lights at Pleia Hanover County Airport. We now have the necessary fee simple land and avioation easements for you to proceed with construction of said lights. I was much pleased to hear you advise the construction will be started from 15 to 30 days from today. Thanking you in advance for all your patience in bringing this to a conclusion and looking forward to the completion of this project, I am Yours-very truly, /S/ J. E. Holton, Jr., Chairman FORECLOSURE PROPERTY SETTLEMENT - The Executive Secretary reminded the Board that on December 29th, 1958, they had approved the sale of a jointly owned piece of foreclosed property and insLructed the Executive Secretary to proceed with the collection of the money and the delivering of the deed which has been done but it was discovered that the Foster Hill Realty Company had a credit balance on the property amounting to $108.34 for which we had put in a claim for one-third as the County's interest. The foilowing information was given us as a result of our request: dJe find that the balance, as stated above, $108.34 is not a result of rents Continued - 'A r4a Minutes of the Meeting May 18, 1959 Continued FORECLOSURE PROPERTY SETTLEMENT - (Continued) ? collected but represents several payments made by one of the heirs of Charles Carroll, namely, Miss Georgia Carroll, to be paid to the Cooperative Savings and Loan Association on a_mortgage against the property, 704 MacRae Street. We wish to assure you of our desire to disburse this money and to cooperate with you and the Board of Commissioners as far as possibie; however, in view of the mix up in this account, we have been instructed to inform you that before any money can be disbursed, either to Sadgwar or to the Board of Commissioners, that it will be necess- ary for us to have a court order in order to protect our company in the disbursement of this money. As soon as you can furnish us with the documentary evidence as to the proper disbursement, you can rest assured that we will lend our full cooperation in disbursing the money as instructed." After some discussion, Mr. Broadhurst offered a motion that the matter be referred to . the County Attorney for study and recommendation. It was seconded by Mr. Hall and unani- mously approved. SALINE WATER CONVERSION - Letters from the Department of the Interior and Congressman Alton A: Lennon were received assuring this County of their consideration in the construction of a sea ? water plant to permanently replace the experimental site at Wrightsville Beach being utili2ed at present. No official action seemed to be required at this time. REGISTERS OF DEEDS - A letter was received from the president of the North Carolina Association of RA,cer-?- Registers of Deeds inviting the Commissioners to attend the annual conference to be held in Asheville, June 7-9, They pointed out that cne of the highlights of the meeting would be an address by North Carolina Attorney General, Honorable Malcolm B. Seawell. The Chairman urged any who could attend to go and Nr. Hall offered a motion, seconded by Mr. Williams that Mr. R. L. Black, the New Hanover County Register of Deeds, be auLhorized and urged to attend. It was unanimously approved. f COUNTY FARNi AND HOME INSPECTION - Reports were received from the Consolidated Board of He21th as a resuit of re- cent inspections of the County Prison Farm and Home. The Prison Farm received a Grade Rating Score of 81% and the County Home's rating was 66%. By common consent of the pqv.? Board, the Executive Secretary was instructed to refer these inspection reports to the County Farm and Home Committee with the suggestions that they report b2ck to the Board at the next regular semimonthly meeting on June lst. SANiTORIiiM SITE SALE - ? Complying 4aith authority and instructions at the regular semimonthly meeting on _M ay 4th, the Chairman reported that he had rnade the trip to Raleigh and had been success£ul in having the deeds drawn covering the land which had been sold to the Tide Water Naturai Cras Company, on which .there was a cloud on the title, and had them placed on the Governorts desY, for signature and hoped that this matter would be cleared up shortly. He also reported that he had discussed several other subjects of interest and importance to the County but LJOllld report on them at a later date. He considered his trip to Raleiah a very successful one. NlATERIAL PARTICIPATION - A letter was received from the Pitt County Attorney attaching a summary of a ? request for a Resolution to the Senators and Conaressmen representino North Carolina urging them to expedite the enactment of an amendment to Title II of the Social Secur- .;,vprA ity Act clarifying the status of farm landlords by eliminating the requirement of "mat- 0, erial participation". After some discussion by the Board, it was decided that this would not affect New Hanover County, either favorable or unfavorably, and by common con- sent, instructed the Executive Secretary to write the North Carolina Legislators in be- half of the amendment as requested by the Pitt County Commissioners. APPROPRIATION - An invoice was received from Carr ai ? services rendered in connection with Hubert A. Upon motion of Mr. Hall, the bill was approved Unanticipated Funds - Gambling Funds Siezed to vs New Hanover County et al., $101.57. It was adopted. id Swails, attorneys, for professional Eaton et al., in the amount of $101.57. for payment and funds appropriated from Commissioners - Hubert A. Eaton et al. seconded by Nr. Braak and unaninously ROAD NAME DUPLICATION - Mr. Braak reminded the $oard that sometime ago he had observed that there was „_-.Q a Hermitage Road designated in Lincoln Forest subdivision tiahich is a duplication of a', road of long standing in the neighborhood of the Agriculture Research Station near Castle Hayne. He cited a recent experience in which an ambulance was called to Hermitaoe Road in the Lincoln Forest subdivision but as the ambulance driver was quite familiar with the old established Hermitage Road in Castle Hayne he went to that address looking for the persons'requesting the ambulance, causing confusion and unnecessary expense. He offered a motion that a letter be written to the developers of the Lincoln Forest subdi- vision requesting that they redesignate their street now known as Hermitage Road and give it a name which is not a duplicate of some other designated road or street in the County. It was seconded by Mr. Hail and the Board unanimously approved it. ELECTION OFFICIALS PAY Mr. Henry C. Bost, Chairman of New Hanover County Board of Elections appear- ed before the Board and stated that he taas not entirely clear on what the law required or the policy the Commissioners would follow with reference to the future remuneration of election officials. He informed the Board that at present there were two pieces of legislation under consideration which would eliminate some of the present election ex- penses. In the first p2ace one of them rrould combine Challenoe Day with the last day of registration thus cutting out one full day's pay to the Registrar. Secondly, the State would pay one-haif the cost of inechanical voting machines where precincts had 500 or more registered voters in them. In New Hanover County the number of precincts could be reduced to not more than twenty-two and the proposed voting machines would cost approx- , L_ Minutes of the Meeting Nay 18, 1959 Continued ELECTION OFFICIP.LS PAY - (continued) imately $90,000 which, if the legislation is enacted, the County would be required to pay one-half, or $ 45j000 which spread over a period of ten years would cost the County $4,500 per year. In his opinion;it would cut the total cost of New Hanove'r County electicns. He further requested a policy as to what constituted a day and on what basis the pay 4JOlliCl be determined: After a discus'sion of the matter, Mr. ldilliams offered a motion that the first S hours pay for Registrars and Judges be $15.00 and $10.00,respectively,which conforms to the General Statutes and that fractions of days be paid for on a prorata hourly basis. It was seconded by Mr. Hall and unanimbusly adopted. Valuation # 2666 Isabelle C. Thompson $2,000.00 (1955) $26.40 City $44.00 # 2667 Coastal Office Equipment Co. 10,405•00 (1958) 119.66 # 2668 C.'D. Davis ' 45.00 (1957) $1•54 (1956) $1.54 (1955)'$1:54 ' P.rior $22.36 city $34•46 ' ABATEMENTS ' County Auditor T. D. Love presented the following recommend'ation for abating taxes: Upon motion of Mr. Williams, seconded by Mr. Hall, the Board unanimously approved the abatement bf the above penalties and taxes. Mr. Love explained that abaLement of the tax and penalty for 1958 charged to the First' Pentecostal Hbliness Church brought up the question as to orhether or not they were legal- ly exempt for taxes from the,time they had purchased the property until now. After a' discussion of'the circumstances, it developed that church property is tax free only'when it is being used for church purposes. Mr: Hall was of'the opinion that it could be'con- sidered used for church purposes so long as the intent to build on the property was posi- tive but that after the decision was made'to sell the property,'it no longer could be construed as'being used for that purpose and became taxable. Nr. Love e'stimated'that ? the total'taxes and penalties would approximate $150.00. Mr. Braak was of the opinion that the church officers had misunderstood the legal requirements for listing.church pro- perty and, therefore, offered a motion that interest and penalties be abated. It was seconcted by Mr. Williams and'iahen the vote tvas cast, Mr. Hali voted in the negative, hbw- ever, the Chairman ruled the motion prevailed. Mr. Williams observed that'in July of 1958, the Boothe Company of Greensboro, North Carolina had furnished the County a price of $23,764.00 for aerial maps covering all the parcels of property in the County excluding municipalities provided it was done in connection with the State mapping program. It was to include planimetric detail such as highways, streams, power lines as well as property lines and acreage drafted on Dupont Chronarflex which is transparent and durable to overlay and register the features on en- largements. As this was a joint venture, the price was approximately half the usual es- timate. Mr. Williams offered a motion that a letter be written to Mr. ti•:illiam R. Boothe, who is Secretary of that company and ask him to give a current proposal price for com-, pleting that service. It was seconded by Mr. Braak, ar.d when the votes were cast, Messrs. Braak and 'rJilliams voted "AYE" and Messrs. Broadhurst and Hall votecl "NAY". The Chair- man then cast his vote with Messrs. Broadhurst and Hall and deciared the motion defeaLed. AERIAL MAPPING SURVEY - ' ' 45 tAn? MERIT SYSTEM COUNCIL County Auditor Love informed the Board that he had just attended a school , sponsored by the Institute of Government at Chapel Hill wherein the Merit System Council was discussed: It is'his understanding that each County must approve a compensation . plan which shall constitute the official schedule of minimum salaries ard agree that no salaries should be approved unless they conform to one of the salary steps of the parti- cular class. The Merit System Council has established a normal annual salary range,to. be effective Ju2y 1, 1959. It'is based on the salaries three steps above the minimum appr,oved and is recommended by the State, however, a County at its discretion may adopt any step in the range which they desire. This allows the governing body to exercise its discretion in applying it to local conditions. Mr. Broadhurst offered a motion . that New Hanover County adopt a minimum range scale as recormnended by .the Merit System Council as the compensation plan for salary schedules of the Health and Welfare Depart- ? ments and that the, Executive Secretary be instructed?to write the Merit System Council and advise them of th`is decision. It was seconded by Mr. Braak and unanimously,adopted. INSTITUTE OF GOVERNN[ENT - ' ' County Attorney John Briaht Hill informed the Board that the Institute of C,171w" Government was hoiding a seminar for the County Attorneys at Chapel Hill and requested. approval and authority for attending that meeting. Upon motion of Mr. Williams, second- ed by Mr. Braak, the Board unanimously authorized his attendance at that school. PETIT JURY - ---? The following good and lawful persons were selected to serve as Jurors o? w'^'? in..th e.t r,i al. of Criminal cases for the one week term_ . beginning June 8, and ? for the trial of Civil cases for the two weeks term beginning June lsth and June 22nd. Jurors for the week, June Bth, 1959 - Criminal cases J. D. Cook 182 Lake Forest Pkwy. J. M. Snow 242 Forest Hills•Drive L. R. King RF? 1, Box 190 R. V. Dixon RFD 1, Box 418 R. M. 1Jalsak 3803 Peachtree Ave. A. F. Lewis 613 S. (}th St. R. F. Hope 4202 Wrightsville Ave. H. D. Avery 406 S. 5th 5t. 11m. A. Buck 656 Castle Hayne Rd. W. H. Snead 611 YJalnut St, M. P. Taylor 3525 S. Fron£ St. H. L. Barden 106 Pine Cone Rd. M. A. Newber 19 S . 8th St. Coy J. Moore 233 Vance St. K. C. Loughlin S. E. ;Jheatley H. T. Caldwell Vernon L. Pait G. L. Harrelson Leon D. Garris Marvin Hinson Clifton R. Russ Warren W. Brown Roger H. Smith Marvin NeUrton Felton Garner James L. Johnson Rufus L. Legrand P. O, Box 965, City 715 Essex Drive 5220 UJrightsville Ave. 403 N. Front St. 408 Wrightsviile Ave. 238 N. Stn St. P. o. Box 1594 1801 Perry Ave. 3002 Jefferson St. 1908 Nun St. 1202 Princess St. 110 Stradleigh Rd. 613 Grace St. RFD 2. Box 64 Continued- A Minutes of the Neeting PETIT JLJftY- (Continued) May 18, 1959 Continued R.O. Sellers 5323 Oleander Drive B. B. Cameron Box 990, City H. E. Shepard 2734 S. Front St. Hugh Batson 3202 Market St. Edward Register 2637 S. Front St. Graham 0. Horrell 108 Davie Drive William C.Howell 2912 Princess P1. Rd. Preston.R. Langley RFD 2, Box 244 A W. Ernest Blackburn 5301 Oleander Dr. 14m. Jennings Blanton 5001 Oleander Dr. Lawrence Lewis Jr, 1713 Market Jurors for the week. June 15. 1959 - Civil cases J. H. Hall 1712 Orange St. T. C. Clark 2214 Oak St. E. L. Britt RFD 1, Box 94 H. L. Ellis 240 Piefer Ave. Paul E. Rich 2203 Plaza Drive R. S. Burton Box 242, Carolina Beach N. E. Fuller 506 S, 18th St. R. D. Mooney 5W Nun St. D. M. McIntosh 315 N. 5th St. W. T. Croom 419 Wrightsville Av. T. E. Moody 203 Keaton Ave. R. T. Horne Jr. 2101 Creecy Ave. Elbert Lewis 171 Spofford Earl H. Pierce 1207 S. 3rd St. Fred H. Orrell 15 Borden Ave. Sam A. Troy, Jr. 1312 Cmace F. W. Mi11er,Jr. 27 Lagoor. Drive David Tyler % Echo Farm Dairy S. Rabunsky 8 J. Lake Village Frank McDaniel 110 S. 5th St. Carl V. McDaniel P. O. Box 11 Thomas B. Hughes Jr. 1810 Church St. Edwai;d W: .Schiffe r5416 P.ar.k.Auenue Curtis tiJ. Elliott 1921 Church St. Aibert R. Thompso n 241 Williamson Dr. Jurors for the week, June 22. 1959 - Civil cases R. J. Rhue 611 Ann St. J. W. Deil 604 Colwell Av. C. H. Royal 2835 H. Adams St. L. G. Jones P. O. Box 212 Wrightsville Beach D. L. Holt Box 676 Carolina Beach H. W. Dixon 121$ Grace St. C. E. Farrow Wrightsville Sound, N.C R. V. Jenkins 7 N. Lake Viliage .. R. D. Burriss 414 Sunset Ave, R. L. Farrow 613L S.r 2nd St. L. M. Taylor P.O. Box 1166 A. F. Nichol 1315 Chestnut St. D. B. Boswell 1909 Lingo Ave. Steve George 723 N. 4th St. R. F. Shipman 21 Hudson Drive Lester Benton 2021?Nun Street H. E. Kimball,Jr, 2122 Klein Road • -? John E. Mintz .Ir, 5 S. Lake 1lillage Percy J.Bradshaw 105 Northern.Blvd. Harry E. DeHart 415 S. 16th St. Thomas S. Cariton 616 S. Front St. R. H. Borkenhagen 4418 Park Ave. Antonios Roondos 226 S. Front SL. William Pridgen 209_Rutledge Drive S. D. Strickland Jr. 33 Lee Drive Thomas H. Stone A. Ray Richardson Oscar E. Register James H. Harris Jr Walter A. Andrews Hugh Oostwerwyk Harry Spiliotis Edlaard D. ldi 11 iams % Wachovia Bk, 8 Trust Co. 2404Z Metts Ave. RFD 3, sox 373 .714 orange St. Box 738, Carolina Beach Castle Hayne N. C. 119 Church St. 307 Wrioht St. William E. EnLrekin 168 W. Shipyard Blvd. Edwin N. Sma11,Jr. 3805 Park Avenue Oliver G, Worthington 126 Pinecrest Pkwy. Louis Covil Route 1, Box 165 Dan Skinner 2401 S. Front St. Carl R. Henry 3-K Lake Viliage Geo. A. Parker 5732 Park Av. Charles D. Jones 225 Oak Leaf Drive Pete Balafas lJilmington, N. C. Percy H. Smith 112 Avondale Ave. Harlan L. Epps 28 U Lake Village N. E. Everson 4710 Park Ave. W. E. Peterson 201 Kenwood Ave. Arthur C. Sandiin 706 S. sth St. E. E. Letendre RFD #3, Box 463 B. Donald C. Hing 8 A Oleander Apts. J. D. Robbins Jr. 125 Colonial Drive James C. Ray 2715 Monroe St. Robert D. Jones 1915 Woolcott Ave. Forest Batson RFD 11 Box 303 Nrartin Tanner 2809 Lyndon Ave. Louis R. Smith Jr. 4935 ldrightsville Ave. Ciyd Peterson 1508 E. Plaza Drive Thomas E. Neville 1918 Castle St. Joe E. Clemmons 2212 Klein Rd. Edward V. Noritis 36 UJayne Drive James LeRoy Fennell 24 Wrightsville Ave. Grover F. Woodward 609 Castle St. bJilliam Hollis 308 Meares St. W. H. Alexander RFD 1, Box 214 M. L. Goldstein, 2724 Columbia Ave. John B. Riggs, Jr. 114 Liveoak Ave. E. E. Burleigh. 206 S. 16th Street, C. A. Hardison 122 Mercer Ave. W. H. Crawford 1715 Carolina Ave, M. B. Hitchens 111 Colonial Circle Fred W. Dortch 5444 Oleander Drive Elijah Wa2ton 312 S. 4th St. B. Y. Fussell 32 Morningside Drive Joseph T. Merritt 209 Castle Str.eet Plorwood G. C1ark 2522 Adams Street R. D. Cronly Jr. P. 0. Box 457 C. W. Siland 2106 Lake Shore Drive Emanuel Gennis 108 S. Front St. Howard A. Hanby P. O, Box 89 C. B. McCandless' 3907 S. Front St. Harry F. Hufham RFD 2, Box 183 Henry Sherman 111 S. sth St. Thomas S. Carlton 616 S. Front St. Charles H. Tripp 17 Terrace Walk R. B. YJilliams Box 138, Wrightsville Beach William G. Pridgen 303 North Carolina Ave. Anthony J. Lampron 211 Forest Drive Beatty L. Baker 2103 Gibson Ave. REPORTS - , The following reports were reviewed and ordered filed for information. 1- Wiimington Colored Library 2- County Farm Agent's Report - 1 • 3- " " " Composition of Extension Advisory Board !}- Home Demonstration Agent's Monthly report. ADJOURNMENT - Upon motion of Mr. Williams, seconded by Mr. Braak, the Board havina no fur- ther business to be brought before them, unanimously adjourned. W. G. L_