1959-06-15 Regular Meeting Wilmington, N. C. June 15,1959 ASSEMBLY - The regular semimonthly meeting of the Nera Hanover County Board of Commiss- ioners was heid this day in the Commissioners' Room of the Court House at 9:00 A. M. PRESENT: Vice Chairman Peter H. Braak, L. E. Broadhurst and J. M. Hall, Jr. and County Attorney John Bright Hill. Chairman J. E. Holton Jr. was unable to attend the meeting and Commissioner Berry A. Williams and County Auditor T. D. Love were also absent as they were attending the annuai Convention of the State Association of County Commission- ers being held in Asheville, North Carolina. ' INVOCATION - ' Vice Chairman,Braak called the meeting to order and asked Reverend E. G. Con- nette, Jr.,Pastor of St. Andrews-Covenant Presbyterian Church, to open the meeting with praycr. APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES - ' Upon motion of Mr. Hal•1, seconded by Mr. Broadhurst, the minutes of the last meeting were unanimously approved as writLe•n. . , . ? COMMIJN I TY HOS P I T.4L BUDGET - ' ' Colonel A. P. Relly, Chairman of the Board of Directors and the Finance Com-? mittee of the Community Hospital presented the proposed 1959-60 Budget amounting to $376,070.00. He cxplained the various items which have made a ma,jor•contribution to the increase ov_er,_l.a.st year's requests. By common consent, the Board accepted the pro- posal for stiudy and consideration at Budget discussion.time. WEtFARE LIENS Pursuant to the discussions on May 18 and June lst with rtferenee to a Lot owned by J. G. Kuhlken et al., and on which the Public Welfare Department has a lien amounting to $2286.00, Mr. C. D. Hogue, attorney for the Board of Education, has offer- ed the following settlement. As the value of the lot is $230.00, he proposes that the r County accept the value of the lot and cancel their litn and the balance of the purchase price be paid to the property owners with ttie understanding that the County will pay the City its share of the delinquent taxes. Upon motion of Mr. Hall, secondcd by Mr. Broad- hurst, the following Resolution was unanimously passed, sub,jeet to the approval of the City Council: WHEREAS,the County Weifare Department has a certain Old Age Assistance Lien against J. G: Kuhlken in the amount of $720.00 and against Bertha Kuhlken in the amount of $1566.00; and, . WHEREAS,the New Hanover County Board of Education is desirous of purehasing a small piece of property in the center of Block #295 in the City of Wilmington, North Carolina from the heirs of J. G. Kuhlken who is now dcceased; and, WHEREAS, they have agreed on a purchase price of $450.00 for said property, and said property is appraised on the tax books at a value of $230.00; and WHEREAS, there are back City and County taxes duc on the said property in the • amount of $55•33 and the County Commissioners are of the opinion that if it re- c¢ives the sum of $230.00 for said property that it should release the welfare lien on said property and apply a portlon of the funds for the payment of said .. back taxes; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that upon the receipt of the sum of $230.00 from the New Hanover County Board of Education the County ofuNiw,Hariover does.hercby release ali the property formerly owned by J. G. Kuhlken in Block 095 in the City of Wilmington, record in the office of the Clerk of Superior Court of New Hanover County and further.out of said sum of $230.00 the County Auditor is empowered to pay all back City and County taxes due against said property through the year 1958• BE IT FURTHER RESOLI7ED THAT the Chairman and Secretary,of the Board are authoriz- ed and empowered to execute such relcases as may be necessary in order to reiease this property. Pursuant to revious discussions on May 18th and June lst relative to a Wel- fare Lien amounting to ?2901.00 on property in the name of Mary Strickland Alitn, Mrs. James B. Allen, her daughter-in-law, appeared before the Board and offered to pay the County $2500.00 in cash if they would cancel the Welfare Lien. After some discussian, Mr. Hall offered a motion that the proposal be accepted. It was seconded by Mr. Broad- hurst and unanimou5ly adopted. { PETITION FOR RELIEF - Mrs. Helen B. Sneeden, Superintendent of Public Welfare, presented a Petition ? for Owen Wakely King to be admitted to the County Home because of old age and physical disability. It was stated that he had Old Age and Survivor Insuranee amounting to $30.00 e ? per month income and the Board placed the responsibility of working out satisfactory arrangcmtnts on the amount that should be paid to the County with the Executive Secretary and the Supcrintendent of the Connty Homc. Upon motion of Nr. Broadhurst, seconded by Mr. Ha21, the request was unanimously granted by the Board. BEACH EROSION AND DISASTER PROTECTION . Pursuant t.o the decision at thc last meeting to delay the Freeman Beach groin construction untii the Council of Civil Defense had approved our snpplementary request for Disaster Relief Funds to rehabilitate all the public beaches damaged by Hurricane Helene, Engineer Henry Von Oesen recommends the rebuilding of the dunes by whatever arti- ficial means are most economical and that he be authorizcd to advertise for bids and setting a date for the letting, somewhere between June 25th and 29th which is almost the deadline in order to compiete the work before the anniversary of Hurricane Helene which is required by Federal law. During the discussion which follewed, Mr. Von Oesen was requested to see if he could get approval of the Council of Civii Defense to trans- fer the funds approved for sand fences over to the buildfng of dykes as experience along our particular coastline with sand fences has not been entirely satisfactory. continued- ' ? r L.'i 4 6 Minutes of trie Meeting June 15, 1959 Continued $k'ACH EROSION AND DISASTER PROTBCTION - Continued He explained that even if groins were constructed, they,at best, only tend to retard the literal drift of the beach material from 70-80% but that they would not stop the erosion and besides at Freeman Beach particularly, the inlet is cavsing a starvation of the natural beach building materials and,th erefore, the only solution 4s to feed it. He propounded the principal that there were only three ways t@ treat an ocean beach:. (1) to back away from it as it ate away the dunes, (2) to try to stop it which is prac- tically an impossibility, (3) to continue to feed it. After discussing the merits of this proposal, Mr. Broadhurst offered a motion that Mr. Von Oesen be authorized to advcr- tise far bids in accordance with the Fcderal Civil Defense recommendations. It was se- conded by,Nr. Hall and unanimously adopted. ADVERTISING ALLOTMENT - ' Messrs. T. H. MacDonald and W. R. Todd representing the National Federation of Post Office Clerks, Local #145 appeared before the Board and stated thaL they were begging for some help on the expenses of their State Convention. During the discussion, it dc- veloped that about the only contribution that could be made'to this cause would be through ,r. advertising, therefore Mr. Hall offcred a motion that up to $25.00 be paid on their pro- gram cost. It was seconded by Mr. Broadhurst and unanimously approved. BOARD OF EDUCATION - Mr. E. A. Laney and Mr. W. E. Brock, representing the Board of Education pre-. sented the proposcd School Budget for 1959-60 school term. They explzined some of the ??, major increases resulting from an increase of 427 average daily members of the student body. They suggested a,joint preiimimary meeting previous to the actual budget approval date and promised complete information and full cooperation in the fixing of this yearts Budget. . ? BOND SALE - O? Mr. Laney infarmed Lhe Board that it would be necessary for them to authorize the sale of a million dollars worth of bonds which is the remainder of the issue authoris- ed by the people at the last referendum in May as thcy had two ncw schools under construct- ion as well as additions and remodeling programs in so.nc of the others. He did not set any date that they would need this money and no action was taken by the Board on the mat- ter at this time. GAS 8 OIL BID ADVERTISEMENT- The Executive Secretary informed the Board that the contract to suppiy the gas and oil needs of thc County normally runs with the fiscal year but last year it was over- looked and the contract was not made until August 6th and_in ord6r to restore iL to a fiscal year.basis, requested the Board's approval to advertise for supplying gas and oil for the County for an elevcn months' period beginning August 6, 1959 and ending June 30, 1960. Upon motion of Mr. Hall, seconded by Mr. Broadhurst, the Board unanimously approv- ed this request and authorized an invitation to bid be advertised as requested. ? WELFARE BOARD APPOINTMENT The Executive Secretary informed the Board that thc term of the present Chair- ? man of the Board of Public Welfare, Thurston C. Davis, would expire on July lst, 1959 and that Mrs. Helen B. Sneeden,SuperintcndenL of Public Welfare, has requested an appoint- ment to replace him as he is ineligible for reappointment. She suggests that a mem"ber- of the present Board of Commissioncrs would be highly acceptable to hcr and asks that the appointment be made in time for her to arrange to have a new Chairman selected before the expiration of the present Chairman so that bank signatures for signing checks and other necessary office details might be completed to prevent the lapse of any service to those entitled to it. The Board deferred this appointment temporarily as only three members . of the Board were present. BEACH EROSION PLANS The Corps of Engineers submitted a report and summary of their study provid- ing for both shore and hurricane protection on Wrightsville Beach. The improvement plans 4??vn ;nclude data and cost as well as annual maintenance on the three possible recommended measures as follows: Plan of•improvement Estimated cost Estimated average annual cost of maintenance Federal . Non-Federal: Total . Plan A- Shore proteetion (berm) $25,000: $50,000 : $75,000 . $17,640 Plan B- Shore and hurricane protection (berm) 198,100: 104,600 : 302,700 . 17,640 Plan C- Shore and hurricane ? protection (berm plus dune) 3363000: 186,800 : 522,800 . 19.340 ? Mr. Hall offered a motion.that these plans be received for information and stu,dy and that the Executive Secretary be instructed to.inform the Corps of Engineers. His motion was seconded by Mr. Broadhurst and unanimously adopted. BEER AND WINE LICENSES The followi.ng applications and permits were reviewed for licenses to handle Beer and Wine in New Hanover County: . J.T. Bannerman, General Delivery, Wrightsville Beach, N. C. Charles D. Pickerell, Castle Hayne, N. C. ` Viola J. Sykes, 721 Princess St., Wilmington, N. C. George C. Schutt, 817 8laden St., Lewis M. Tartt, 211.`Peiffer Ave., Bobby C. Gideon 5917 Oleandec Drive Continued - , ?471 ? ? Minutes of the Meeting June 15, 1959 Continued BEER AND WINE LICENSES- (Continued) Upon motion of Mr. Broadhurst, seconded by Mr. Hall, the Executive Secretary was unanimously instructed to refer them to the Sheriff for h3s consideration. - ? Eok?- FORECLOSURE PROPER•TY SALE - ' ' The.Executive Secretary presented the following offers to purchase foreciosed property owned Jointly by the City and County. Block No. Lot No. Purchaser Description Sale Price 66, X 66, •$500.00 zac 38`+ X 661 350.00 451 x 501 350.00 Broadhurst, the Board unanimousiy approved the been approved by.the City Council. DITCH - STREET IMPROVEMIIVT ? The Trustees of the Winter Park Baptist Church respectfully request considera- -??,.?Q tion for the placing of tile in the ditch along Park Avenue and paving the street from 1-?'"' D 46th Street to MacMillan Avenue. A discussion of the subject revealed that they were evidently misinformed about the requirements for this improvement as this same request has been previously presented.by Mr. Earl H. Orrell and the Board had agreed to furnish labor for installing the tile in the ditch if the property owners would supply the tile and the filler necessary to cover it. The State Highway Commission has agreed that they would not cut the trees in order to improve the street but that a signed right-of- way agreement would be necessary for their files. By common.consent.of the Board, the Executive Secretary was instructed to convey this information to the Board of Trustees of the Winter Park Baptist Church. #294 #1 O. R. Par}cer #310 #1 Mrs. Essie H. Danti #351 Part #$ Miss MaTy Whitted Upon motion of Mr. Hall,.seconded by Mr. above sales all of which?have previously `7 /?_ , " ,p o TRANSFERS AND APPROPRIATIONS - • ?`" County Auditor T. D. Love presented a request for transfers and appro.priations to properly adjust some of the Budget items that have been overspent.. Hospitalization-State Pool BA-13 to Hospitalization- Mc-1 $800.00 • BA-13 500 . o0 Unanticipated Funds- Hospitalization 1690.01 1958 Taxes " " 1957 Taxes 42+•47 tt 1956 it 202.79 tt 1955 ril ti ?r It 84,40 " " Community Hos? Bad Debt. ' " " " 688 54 Recov eries • " " Community Hosp. Cha'rity,Recoveries to 1418.62 " " " " Duke Endowment 267.00 " " " " Helena Fuld Foundation 2228•24 11 ° " Ntitses Fees " • 498.97 Pay Patients " 2291.29 other " " , 120.52 Concessions " " 10.85 State Pub.Asst. Hosp. 4062.30 Hospital Refund 144.20 " " Gen. State Ingangible " SS-I} 4500.00 " " Airport Concessions to Airport-Resale Gas 1300.00 " " " " Airpori-Repairs Buildings 300.00 " " General 1958 Taxes " CSC - Staty. Supplies '25.00 " - Safe DeposiL Box 6.50 Commissioners- Capital Outlay " Commissioners- Taavel 300.00 Unanticipated Funds-Gen 1958 Taxes " Court House- Ice 20.00 " " -Gen. " " " " " - Labor from Farm 50.00 " " " " " Tax Collector- Atty. Fees 114.76 Repairs Equip. 10.00 ADC ADC - State. Federal 1438.61 ft 1957 ,t 11 62.31 ft 1956 11 it ?, It 21.33 Af „ 1955 it ?, It 44.61 " " " State Intang.Tax " " " " 610.25 " " " Refund " " " " . 211.00 " " " State.Federal " " " " 32,272•87 County Home Emergency " County Home-E2ec. Suppiies 100.00 . I* 11 " " " " -Ice, Cold Storage 10.00 , If It " " " . -Janitors Supplies 500.00 It 'f " County Farin-Tools, Supplies 50.00 ti " " " " Drainage-Tools, Supplies 25.00 Welfare - Boarding Home Care " Welfare- Conveying Indigents 500.00 11 " " " " - Directory 10.00 if ft " " - Postage 100.00 '! " " - Travel - 50.00 County Home Emergency " County Home-Boiler Insurance 21.38 Unanticipated Funds - Gen. 1958 Taxes " Auditor- Salaries 142.45 it • It " " " Sheriff- " lt}2.1+5 " " " " " Register Deeds-Salaries 142.1}5 CSC- Salaries 142 45 Recorders Ct.- Salaries 284.90 ?? • " " " " " " - Books.Binders 100.00 Register Deeds-Repairs Equipt. " Register Deeds- Capital Outlay 250.00 Welfare-Boarding Home Care " Welfare- Staty. Supplies ` 100.00 Upon motion of Mr. Hall, seconded by Mr. Broadhurst, the Board unanimousiy approved these r.equests. ? I 'A ?. , ?. ? ? ?! Minutes of the Meeting June 15, 1959 Continued HUGH MAC RAE, PARK - Poison Oak - The Executive Sec,retary informed the Board that he had been re- quested by residents to take steps for-eliminating poison oak in Hugh MacRae Park. This matter was discussed with the Public Health Department and they agreed to use their spraying equipment in an attempt to kill out this nuisance. Mr. Braak suggested that it was possible the Horticultural Crops Research Station might furnish us with the latest developments of control and eradication of this plant. Plavground - The Executive Secretary informed the Board that in complying with their authorization to construct another playground at Hugh MacRae Park, he had engaged the State Forester to inspect and mark the trees that would be necessary to cut for the construction of this additional baseball diamond. He als:o aduised them that a Mr. Island B. Brown had called him in protest against constructing another playground as the lights and noise disturbed the residents living nearby. After discussing the matter at some length, the Board, upon motion of Mr. Hall, seconded by Mr. Broadhurst, unanimously dir- ected the Executive Secretary to continue with this project as originally approved. Damaaed Trees Cut- While discussing this subject, the Executive Secretary fur=. ther informed the Board that sometime during last spring, a fire had damaged some trees on the par}c property adjacent to the new Winter Park Junior High School and that tree borers and bark beetles had gotten into them and for fear that they would spread into near- by healthy trees recommended that they be destroyed immediately. Three bids were secured from lumber and piling dealers which resulted in an agreement to cut them on a 45-55% basis, the County getting 55% on the proceeds. C.HEIDE TRASK BRIDGE ? Mr. Broadhurst reminded the Board that approximately a year ago, they had adopt- o3? ed and designated the new Bridge across the Intra-coastal Waterway as the C. Heide T,rask ' Bridge and offered a motion that the Executive Secretary be authorized to request the State Highway Commission to place a suitable sign on the bridge to keep it properly identi- fied for the public. It was seconded by Mr. Hall and unanimously approved. i3 DEPUTY JUDGE - RECORDEFtS' COURT J A letter was received from Judge H. Winfield Smith of the New k{anover County Recorders' Court informing the Board that Deputy Judge L. Bradford Titlery had tendered his resignation effective July 15, 1959. He recommended Deputy Judge Tillery for i's ? untiring and diligent services to the court and recommended the appointmeht of a local lawyer, William M,, C'am ron -,r., who is a man of sterling character, an excellent student of the law and highly respected by his elders and contemporaries. Although it was recog- nized by the Board that it was the Judge's prerogative to appoint a successor Deputy Judge, ali members of the Board present commended Judge Smith for his selection and unanimously went on record as aggroving this appointment. ? CONSOLIDATED BOARD OF HEALTH- - ? Complying with our request on ,lune lst for authoriiation to have the Countx Health Officer serve as the County Physician, the Consolidated Board of Health, at their meeting on June 3rd, recommended that a joint meeting of the County ,Commissioners, the City Council and the Consolidated Board of Heaith be held prior to thIi' July meeting in an effort to reach an understanding between the Boards and that the Chairman of the County Commissioners act as presiding officer and call the meeting at an acceptable daxe. (This meeting has been called for 2:00 P. M. June 24th in the City Council Chambers.) OFFICE OF THE CIVIL DEFENSE - James B. McCumber, Director of the local oFfice of Civil Defense presented•the "Y Board with a resume of precautions and safety measures which should be observed in event we are visited by another Hurricane. It was accepted for information. REPORTS - The following reports were received and ordered filed for information: ? -Tell 1- ? ' 2_ 3- ?? 5- ? 6- 7- ?? 8 ADJOURNMENT - Tax Collector Sam W. 3ohnson, Report for May 1459 New Hanover County Home Demonstration Agent's Monthly Report " " Colored " " " " " Wilmington Public Library Report " Colored Public Library Report County Agent's Cooperative Extension Report Consolidated Board of Heaith Report A County Traffic Map was received from State Highway Commission showing traffic counts on hardsurfaced roads in New Hanover County in 1958. Upon motion of Mr. Hall, seconded by Mr. Broadhurst, the Board unanimously voted adjournment. ? y -?-.- 4d. G. Houck, Executive Secret ry , A