1959-06-24 Special MeetingA ?\ ???. SPECIAL CALLED MEETING Commissivners' Room. Court House, Wilminaton. N. C. 1:00 P.M. June &,1959 CONVENTION - The Chairman called a Special Meeting of the Board to be held iri the Commiss- ioners' Room of the New Hanover County Court House at 11:00 P.M. June 24, 1959• PRESENT: Chairman J. E. Holton, Jr., Commissioners Peter H. Braak, L. E. Broadhurst, J. M. Hall Jr. and Berry A. Williams; County Attorney John Bright and County Auditor T. D. Love. . .. „ PURPOSE - " ' The Chairman ca2ked the meet3ng to order ar?d'anriounced that there was some pressing business which should be handled prior to the Joint Meeting with the City Coun- cil and the Consolidated Board of Health 'at 2:00 P. M. today as approved at the last meeting. By unanimous consent, the Board'agre'ed'to proceed with whatever business it was necessary to handle. ... " " " " " " ' . ..................... BUDGET PRESENTATION - ' ' ." ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' County Auditor T. D. Love presen'ted a'oopy of the 19$9-60 prmposed Budget to .. eaeh Commissioner with the following stat'ement'." "As required under Section 153-118 of"the'County "Fiscal Control Act", I submit to you herewith the Budget Estimate for ycar 1959-1960'." The Law requires that this Estimate be pub'lish'ecl and that the Budget Resalution be adopted not later than July 28th. The Es"tiinate is now open for public inspection and can be ad,justed by you during this per3od:* The Law a2so requires that as soon a's'prac't3ca1 after July 1 and it is determined the the exact amount of surplus on hand,'then'a supp2emental Budget should be presented ? • -showing any changes necessary. The Budaet : - . The total amount of the requests by various departments is $5,920,754.76 and the total 'amount recommended by your Auditor is $5,824,268.72 or a reduction of $96,486.04. Of the recommended Budget $1,574,002.88 is in School Bvilding Funds that came from our Bond is§ues. Subtracting this from the Budget recommendation we have an operating Budget of $4'250,265•84. ' The Genera2'Fund Budget i,s siightly less than last year's Budget. The various Weifare , • Funds are slightly more than last year, but require a smaller amount of tax levv this year because of greater participation,by Federal and State Governments,. County Home and Hospitaiization Funds are higher and the Cormunity Hospital Budget is recommended as you have already promised about $12,000.00 increase in the Budget and a substantial amount of work is necessary if yau are to meet the.rcquirements of the Medical Gare Commission: School Budgets are higher due to expanded enrollment and requested increase in teach- ers' pay. Oar School Bond Fund is increased by $138,000.00 and this is due to Bonds ? having been sold that the people authorized and this amount increases our rate by 10 cents per hundred. Revenues- • All types of revenue have been estimated to increase over last year and these esti- mates are as high as they can be safely estimated. Our taxable value is $146,500,000.00 and estimate that we wiil collect 92% of the tax , levy on this valuation. Estimat3ng revenues at these high percentages is departing from the conservative and . runs a chance of running financlal difficulties. Tax Rate - -'Jf A tax rate of $1.35 will be necessary to meet the Budget if the requested amounts are appropriated. A tax rate of $1.27 is necessary if ymur Auditor's recommendations are agreed with. The Lax rate would be divided as foilows: General Fund $ .1958 Hea2th Fund .0751} Welfare , ,2252 Wilmington College .0457 schools ° - .4711 School Bond Retirement .2376 Miscellaneous ? .0192 $1.2700 It is obvious how large a percentage Welfare and Schoo2s take of our tax doilar. ? Remarks: ' I call your attention to the fact that the Wilmington Cotlege levy is only .0457 and it is likely that they will ask for the full 5 cents levy. •- The School Supplementary Budget has a levy of .2121 and if 1',he Budget is granted as presented, it will be necessary that a shift be made in the Regular and Supplemen- tary Budget. ' In rqy opinion, the Budget as presented will adeqnateiy take care of the growing needs of Idew Hanover County. ? /S/ T. D. Love County Auditor ' Continued- , A ,a???? . , Minntes mf the Special Called Meeting June 24, 1959 BUDGET PRESENTATION - BUDGET ESTIMATE The following Budget Estimate for the fiscal year 1959-60 has been presented to the Board of County CommisSioners by the Accountant: Genera2 Fund ..................... $ 548,662.t}2 Agricuiture 8 Economics Fund ...... 21,098.00 Aid to Blind ..................... 13,394.07 Aid to Dependent Children Fund .... 554MW•00 Aid to Persons Totally Disabled ... 306,000.00 Old Age Assistance Fund .......... L}60,080.00 County Home Fund ................. 95,2}8.98 Health Fnnd ...................... 131,817.59 Hvspitalization Fund .............. W,070.00 Workmen's Compensation ........... 2,750.00 Welfare Fund ..................... 125,067.50 Revaluation Fund ....:.....:...... 13,500.00 School Bond ( Debt Service )....... 359,742•50 Schoo2 Pensions .................. 37,977.23 School Regular Fund .............. 430,680.00 " Supplement Fund ............ 495,450.00 " Books Fund ................. 229000.00 " Building ................... 10100,000.00 " Capital Outiay ............ 401000.00 " Lunchroom Fund ........... 50,000.00 " Trainable Chiidren ........ 15,000.00 " Veterans Program ......... 11,243.55 Wilmington College Fund .......... 7 ,000. oQ " "Building Fund 47 ,002.f?S 52d24,268.72 The Budget Estimate is nuw open for public inspection and after changes-are made wiil be adopted by July 28, 1959. Board of County Commissioners By W. G. Hottck Executive Secretary This proposed Budget was accepted for study and further consideration by the Board. ? INDEPENDENT ALIDITOR - 'T The Chairman informed th e Board that certain duties must be performed by an ? independent auditor befor¢ the end of the Fiscal Year, such as bank balance reconciliat- ions, confirmation of old records and, therefore, an auditor should be named today. After Cb"hr some d;scussion, Mr. Braak offered a motion that Mr. W. C. Barfield be employed to audit the County's recmrds for 1958-59 Fiscal Year. It was seconded by Mr. Hall and unanimous- ly approved. The Executive Secretary was authorized to call Mr. Barfield and inferm ' him of his appointment for this work and confirm it with a letter. ENGINEERING CONTRACT - , Complying with the authorization by the Board at their meetings on Novemher J o lOth and December 15, 1958 for employing Henry Von.Oesen and Associates as consuiting and supervising engineers on Hurricane Helene damage repairs, the Chairman and County Auditor signed a contract, as shown below, which is necessary in order to document fees under Paragraph 5 B with the State Civil Defense Office of Public Law 875. No further action was takcn. PROPOSAL - CONTRACT SUBJECT: HURRICANE DAMAGE REPAIRS HURRICANE HELENE 9/27/58 "In compliance with your request that we serve you as Consulting and Supervising Engineers on Hurricane Damage Repairs, the following proposal is made: 1. We wili make necessary preliminary studies, surveys, and applicat'ion.prepa- ration work to determine the requirements of same and prepare ready for submiss- ion, an application from you to O.C.D.M. under Public Law 875 for Federal assist- ance. 2. We wili, upon approval of the project, prepare necessary plans and specifica- „ tions, contract docwnents, and supervise the work of repairs. On all such con- tract¢d work, we will furnish final payment cerLificates and documentation for submission to the State Director for payments. 3. All original plans and specifications shall remain our property and ten com- pleted sets will be furnished for the project. All additional sets shall be charged for at the actual cost of pr,inting. , 4. All legal, advertising expense, cost of rights-of-way, materials, equipment and testing expense shall be borne directly by you. 5. Ny compensation for such services shall be as follows: - A. For the preparation and submission to you of nine comp2ete copies of Pro,ject Appiication ready for signature the lump sum amount of 'hao , Hundred Fiftv and no/100 ($250.00 ) Dollars. B. For Engineering services in design and supervision of repair work under Continued- ? • ..r i11 .., ?b A . Minutes of the Special Called Meeting June 24, 1959 Continued EMGINEERING CONTRACT - (Continued) , the approved project, a fee as computed from the curve "Engtneer Fee Schedule" Curve "D" as currentiy published by the Department of Ad- ministration of the State of North Carolina. Payment to be made in full within thirty days from completion of each phase of work. ' A C C E P T A N C E Respectfuliy submitted, Henry Von Oesen & Associates Consulting Engineers /S/ This ProFzve6-, -Contract was foTmally accepted by the Chairman and Board of County C sioners of New Hanover County, North Carolina, this 'the ? day of 1958, in a meeting assembled; and the above offer/ and thiAcceptance thereof constitute a legal and binding contract between Henry V Oesen 8 Associates, Consulting Engineers, Wilmington, North Caroli , and the Chairman and Board of County Commissioners of and for the County of New Hano\ver, North Carolina, under the terms and conditions there- in set forth. v. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS New Hanover County, North Carolina GAS AND OIL BID ADVERTISEMENT /5/ James E. Holton; Jr. Cha i r.man The Cha3rman reminded the Board that they had given the Executive Secretary authority to advertise for bids to supply the County's needs for gasoline and fuel oil for the next Fiscal Year and stated that he thought that lubricating oil Should likewise be included in this invitation for bids. The Executive Secretary was instructed to work out the detailed s.pecifications with the Airport Manager. ? ? APPOINTMENT - WELFARE BOARD L9? ? ? Mrs. Helen B. Sneeden, Superintendent of Public Welfare, informed the Board that their Chairman's term of office would expire on July 1, 1959 and that he was.inelig- ible for re-appointment. In order to expedite the many details in connection with re- organization of the Board, it was imperative that a new member be appointed prior to June 30, 1959. After some ccrsideration by the Board, Mr. Williams nominated Commissioner Peter H. Braak to serve for a three year term as a member of this Board. By common con- l.. sent of the Board, he was unanimously chosen •and appointed. The Executive Secretary e, ?•?was instructed to confirm this appointment to the State Board of Public Welfare. C.P. 8 L EASEMENT The Chairman recalled to the Board's memory that at the time the land was pur- chased for Lhe approach landing lights at the Airport, it was understood that it was be- ing acquired subJect to an easement for power lines by the Carolina Power and Light Com- pany. They have made an effort to have the Federal Aviation Agency move the line and , provide a right-of-way in order to give them electric seryice by August 1, 1959. This ---- has not materiali2ed and the engineers now recommend that the line be removed and recon- C structed at a new location. As this is required in order to provide a clear right-of- way for the approach landing lights, the Carolina Power 8 Light Company has estimated the County's share of this cost to be $2442.00. It is felt that the Federal Aviation Agency will participate in one-half of this expense, therefore the County will only be called on to pay $1221.00 net. Upon motion of Mr.,Hall, seconded by Mr. Braak, the ? Chairman was authorized to write the Carolina Power 8 Light Company approving this pro- posal and agreeing to underwrite the net cost. ' ROAD PETITIONS - ?? Petitions were received and reviewed from L. E. Allen and G..D. Murray for the addition of Fairlawn Drive and Myrtle Avenue, respectively, to the 5ystem of County roads maintained by the State Highway Commission. Upon motion of Mr. Williams, second- ed by Mr. Braak, the Executive Secretary was authorized to send them to the State High- way Commission for their consideration and acceptance. BUDGET TRANSFER - ' A letter was received from the Consolidated Board of Education requesting a shift of funds in the Budget to ad,just the foilowing items: UNI]ER REGULAR BUDGET General Controi $50.00 Debit - Office Expense . Credit - Instructional Service - Commencement. 50.00 _ UNDER SUPPLEMENTARY BUDGET . INSTRUCTIONAL SERVICE Debit -- H. S. Teaehers $3000.00 . " Vocational Teachers 3000.00 $6000.00 • • Credit -- Etementary Teachers ............. 6000.00 Upon motion of Mr. Williams, seconded by Mr. Hall, the Board unanimously approved this request provided it would not increase the amount of the Budget. , ? Minutes of the Specia3 Called Meeting June 24, 1959 Continued MEETING NOTICE - The Chairman reminded the Board that no regular meeting would be held be- fore July 6th, but he thought it would prove. profitable for them to schedule a prior meeting for a review of the proposed 1959-60 Budget. Mr. Hall suggested that he thought a week would be suffi•cient time for each individuai to study the Budget re- quests and offered a motion that the Board meet again at 8:00 P. M. Wednesday, July lst. It was seconded by Mr. Braak and unanimously agreed to by the enLire Board. ADJOURNMENT - There being no further business offered a motion that it adjourn and retire It was seconded by Mr. Hall and unanimously presented before this meeting, Mr Williams to the City Chambers for a Join Meeting. adopted. SPECIAL JOINT MEETING ??57M,e4 - ?- • - Executive 5ecretary Citv Council Chambers Municival Buildinq, Wilminaton, N. C. June 2L.,1959 2:00 P.M ASSEMBLY A special ,joint meeting of the New Hanover County Commissioners, the Wilming- ? ton City Council and the Consolidated Board of Health was called by the Chairman as sug- gested at the meeting on June 15th. A written notice was mailed to each Commissioner PCI on June 19th in accordance with the legal requirements GS 153-8. PRESENT: Chairman J.E. Holton, Jr., Cammissioners Peter H. Braak, L. E. Broadhurst, James M. Hall, Jr, and Berry A. Williams, County Attorney John Bright Hill and County Auditor T. D. Love; Mayor E. S. Capps, Jr., Councilmen James H. Batuytous, Russell T. Burney and W. Ronald Lane, City Manager J. R. Benson. Councilman J. E. L. Wade was absent due to illness and City Attorney Cicero P. Yow was also unable to attend the meeting; Consolidated Board of Health members present were Chairman J. E. Holton, Jr., Dr. J. C. Knox, -Dr. James H. Smiih•.and Dr. C. B. Davis. Dr. R. B. Hare and Mr. H. M. Roland, other members of this Board, were absent. PURPOSE - P7ayor E. S. Capps Jr, called the meeting to order and presided during the pro- ceedings. He called on Chairman J. E. Holton rJho stated that the purpose of the meet- ing was to discuss any matters of mutual interest to the three Boards. ? WILMINGTON COLORED LIBRARY - Professor Fred J. Rogers, representing the Board of Directors of the Wilming- ton Colored Library,was recognized by the Chairman and stated that for some years they had operated on a scanty Budget. One of the reasons was that their librarian was not certified and was willing to work for less than the minimum of $3600.00 per year for ceriified librarians and anoLher reason was their ability to secure highschool girls with sufficient experience to operate foot lockers f;lled with books in the very clense- ly populated areas usually serviced by a bookmobile. He suggested that an investiga- tion should be made to determine whether or not additional federal funds could be re- ceived if a bookmobile was placed in use. He further informed the Board that the building which they occupy'needed repairs which had to be taken out of the pres¢nt Bud- get and that no bookbinding had been done in the past 25 years and the books were in dire need of repairs. They are planning to use the State Budget money to hlre an assist- ant librarian. They are requesting a total Budget of $7,992.00 to be equally supplied by the City and County which will amount to $3996.00 each. The Chairman thanked him for making his presentation and promised that due consideration would be given the mat- ter. CONSOLIDATED BOARD OF HEALTH - Mayor Capps reminded the Board that the meet3ng was a result of a request by the Board of County Commissioners at their meeting on June ist forDr. C. B. Davis, the County Health Officer, to make periodic calls to examine and treat residents of the County Home and answer emergency calls to the County Jail. The County Attorney ruled that the Commissioners have the authority to appoint the Health Director as County Pliy- sician and as such determine the duties he is to perform not inconsistent with the law',. Dr. Hnox requested a reading of the recent opinion handed down by the County Attorney rnling that the Board of Commissioners had no authority to order or direct Dr. Davis to render such service, as the Consolidated Board of Health was an autonomous body and he was subject only to their aathority but that if he was named County Physician, as such would come within the scope of the authority of the County Cemmissioners. Dr. Knox, acting as spokesman for the Consolidated Board of Health, reminded the Board that the function of admfnistering properly the County Health Program was a fuli time ,job and that the idea behind a County Health service was of a preventive aspect of inedicine rather than a curative ar treating phase of inedicine. Commissioner Williams was recog- nized and remarked that as the purpose of the meeting was to discuss mutual problems in an effort to work out an understanding and coordinate the several County functions, he would like to have about ten minutes in which Lo explain several aspects of the pro- blems which seem to have caused the ma,jor misunderstandings. He pointed out that in the first place the Merit System Councii set up certain qualifications and fixed cer- tain increment steps controlling salary scales but that it was a flexible range scale and permissive rather than mandatory. Although the minimum wage seale suggested by the Merit System Cauncil was set up for the guidance of pauper Counties, nevertheless the adoption of the minimum wage scale by counties does not necessarily mean that it is classed as such. He further explained that New Hanover County is not a pauper Coun- ty and that thebS?ange in status classifications from a lower levei to a higher level are not mandatory permissive. He reviewed Public-Local laws beginning with Chapter• 316 with the 1913 General Assemb.ly down to the present time and reiterated his opinion that Dr. C. B. Davis could be legally required to attend the County Home residents. ••••••• Continued- L_ 4 C" `q!\ P F }' Minutes of the Speciai Joint Meeting June 24, 1959 Continued CONSOLIDATED BOARD OF HEALTH - (Continued) Chairman Holton reminded those present that the main issue was whether or not they wanted to direct Dr. Davis to do certain things in the County Home and Jail. Commissioner Broadhurst asked if Dr. Davis spent two days each week in Brunswick County and if so, did he receive additional pay from Brunswick County. It developed that the compensation amounted to $140.00 a month or a total of $1680.00 paid by Brunswick County in addition to the $9,120.00 paid by New Hanover County making a total of $10,800.00 per year. Commissioner Broadhurst further pointed out that the trash dump operated by the County was not as sanitary as formerly and asked if it was satisfactory te the Health Department. Dr. Knox, answering for the Board of Health, stated that very little time . was spent in Brunswick County by the personnel of the Consolidated Board of Health and that he doubted if there was any completely sanitary methqfl of handling refuse and that most trash dumps failed to meet the ideal standards hoped for by the Health Department but from a practical standpoint there was little complaint although much improvement could be made at all of them. ADJOURNMENT Mayor Capps reminded those present that there seemed to be a wlde difference of opinion among those present and that he could see littie use of a continued discuss- ion. Commissioner Hall moved that the meeting be adjourned. It was seconded by Cguncil- man Lane and unanimously adopted. f/ W. G. Houck, Executive Secret BUDGET MEETING Commissioners Room Court House. Wilminaton. N. C. 8:00 P.M. Julv 1. 1959 ASSEMBLY - A special.meeLing.of this date in the Commissioners' June 24th. PRESENT: Chairman Broadhurst, James M. Hall, Jr. County Attorney John Bright Hi.l the Board of County Commissioners was held at 8:00 P.M. Room of the Court Aovse as scheduled at the meeting on J. E. Holton, Jr.,Commissioners Peter H. Braak, L. E. and Berry A. Williams, County Auditor T. D. Love and WAIVER OF NOTICE - The Chairman called the meeting,to order and announced that because other mat- ters had come up which needed attention and the discussion wouid not be restricted to Budget items, he thought the Board should go on record waiving the legal requirements for a ca2led meeting as stipulated under GS 153-8. Mr. Hall offered a motion that the official notice be waived and that they proceed with whatever business seemed pertinent to this meeting. It was seconded by Mr. Williams and unanimously adopted by the Board. TIDE WATEA NATURAL GAS COMPANY ` Chairman Holton announced that he had received the deeds from Mr. J. E. Daven-. port, Real Property Attorney for the State Department of Administration, in which all property that was originally deeded to the State Highway Commission, on which the des- cription was uncertain as the deed called for ten acres but an actual survey disclosed 31 acres, was being conveyed back to the County; and another deed containing a correct description of the properLy which the County is conveying back to the State Hiohway Commission, however the reverter clause was deleted. He further stated that since the original deeds were given, the General Assembly had passed a law restricting the State from accepting property containing a reverter clause, however, he thought the Board should be aware of this change and take whatever action they saw fit. Mr. Hall offered a motion that since the deeds had been reviewed and approved by the County Attorney, .°he be authorized to have them executed and recorded. It was seconded by Mr. Braak and unanimously adopted. ? Land 5ale - After the above action, the way was paved for completing the sale of the triangle to the Tide Water Natural Gas Company that was authorized sometime ago but incomplete because of a questionable title. It amounted to 2.4 acres and the Executive Secretary was authori2ed to complete the transaction upon receipt of $2400.00. BUDGET TR.4NSFERS The County Auditor requested approval for the following transfers; to apply to the 1956-59 Budget. County Home Emergency $390.60 to County Home-Repairs Suilding $390.60 Agriculture, Economics Home Demonstration Agent 15.00 to Agricul., Economics- Home Demonstr. 15.00 Travel Agent Supplies Mr. Broadhurst moved that this request be granted. It was seconded by Mr. Braak and unanimously approved by the Board. I PEST CONTROL CONTRACTS - • ? Chairman Holton informed the Board that the Taylor Exterminating Company held contracts at the New Hanover County Airport and at the County Home for the control of pests and that the contract for the Airport had expired on February 26th and at the County C,rwp''r''Q"' Home on April 16th. The five year cost at the Airport is $300.00 and the five year cost , at the County flome is $675.00. The matter was open for discussion and by common consent they all agreed to discuss the matter further when the BuBget"was considered. J Niinutes of the Budget Meeting July 1,.1959 INTERIM BUDGET APPROPRIATION - ? Upon motion of l Mr. Broadhurst, seconded by Mr. Braak, the following Resolu- tion was unanimously adopted: BE IT RESOLVED BY THE NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS, Section 1- That in order to operate the County and its subdivisions from July lst, 1959 to date of adoption of the 1959-60 Budget Resolution, appropriations are hereby made for the purpose of paying salaries, the principal and interest on indebtedness and the usual ordinary expense • of the County and its subdivisions at the same rate of expendiLure as pro- vided for in the 1958-59 Fiscal Budget Year. Section 2- This Resolution shall cease to be effective from and after the adoption of the 1959-60 Budget Resolution, and all disbursements made in accordance with this i2esolution shall be chargeable to appropriations made in the 1959-60 Budget Appropriations. • BUDGET DISCUSSIONS - The Chairman announced that he was ready to discuss the Budget items and as salaries would be a major topic in the discussion, he thought they should decide whether or not it should be called an adjustment or a flat across the board raiSe. He observed that his preliminary study of the salary items in the Budget indicated a wide range of increases of $96.00 to $600.00 per year. He stated that County Auditor Love had recommended an across the board raise of 10%. Mr. Love reminded the Board that ? no raises had been given for two years and he thought that a general 10% raise was ' ,justified. By common oonsent, all members of the Board agreed that some adjustments were necessary. After some discussion, Mr. Broadhurst offered a motion that the sal- ary discussion be postponed until the last. The motion died for lack of a second. Mr. Williams then offered a*flat ti% increase"asthegeneral index of the cost of living has gone up and then adjust in each department whe? ever it seemsjustified. Mr. Braak t offered a motion that the Board proceed to discuss^on an tl% general increase with the understanding that adjustments•would be made after conversing with department heads. It was seconded by Mr. Williams and although Mr. Broadhurst voted against the motion, the Chairman ruled it carried and the Board proceeded to continue their discussion. ? suggestion that a af be granted ?- CHAIRMAN'S SALARY - Mr. Williams observed that each Commissioner was called on to devote his time to County affairs but that the Chairman of the Board was required considerably more than the others and therefore, he thought they should increase the Chairman!s pay for this service. He offered a motion that the salary of the Chairman of the Board of Commissioners be set at $1800.00 per year. It was seconded by Mr. Hall and unanimousiy adopted. JOINT SERVICES - . / ,7r , It was decided that discussion on the Wilmington Public Library, Wilming- C ton Colored Library and Civil Defense Budgets be omitted from this consideration as *vve AA4? L-&4 they would require a joint meeting with the City Council. BEACH EROSION - After a discussion of the Beach erosion problem, Mr. Williams offered a mo- tion that s:ince the $5,000.00 included in last year's Budget had,tiot yet baeri spent he ? tho+ightthatthey sfiould set up a"Budget of $10,000:.00 for thd-s .purpose to Tie'used al.ong wi.th.Civil Defense Rehabi.litation moriey on the areas out•side.the.town limits.of our shore- line. It was seconded by both Ms.- Braak and Mr. Hall'and when the vote was`calYed,-.Mr. Broadhurst voted negatively, howeva the Chairman ruled the motion prevailed as all the others voted in the affirmative. USO - ? The Chairman reminded the Board that they had recently appropriated $450.00 to be used along with a similar amount appropriated by the City of Wilmington to prevent the abandonment of our U50 services here. He stated that this service in Wilmington is being operated now as a branch of the Jacksonville USO program. Mr. Marx J. Neuwirth is Chairman of the local USO Committee but so far he has not presented a request to con- tinue an operation of that service. The Executive Secretary was instructed to remind him of this matter. WILMINGTON COLLEGE TRtJSTEES - Mr. Broadhurst reminded the Board that the death recently of Mr. E. L. White had left a vacancy on the Wilmington College Board of Trustees. He thinks that he should be replaced immediately as the College is eniering on its building program. In his opinion, this in no way shows a disrespect for the service Mr. White has rendered but the new appointee should be in on all the plans from the beginning. The Board de- cided to study the matter until their next regular meeting on July 6th. INDEPENDENCE HOLILIAY - The Executive Secretary informed the Board that he had polled each member with reference to allowing Friday July 3rd as a Holiday for County employees and that the majority of the Board were in favor of granting this request. A discussion disclosed ? that the Federal employees and the State employees were being granted that privilege and that the City employees were splitting the Holiday with neict Monday. After a discuss- ion, Mr. Hall offered a inotion that Friday, July 3rd be declared a Holiday for County employees. It was seconded by Mr. Broadhurst and when the votes were cast, Mr. Williams voted contrary to the motion, however the Chairman ruled it carried. POLLING POLICY Mr. Williams explained to the Board that in his opinion it was unwise for the Board to establish a policy by Board action at a regular meeting and then allow it to be changed by polling individual members without again being in regular Board meeting where it can be discussed by all present. He then offered a motion that in the future continued - ? L_ /tl Y'y, ha ?? 4'1'' QY Minutes of the Budget Meeting July 1, 1959 Continued ! ( POLLING POLICY - (Continued) where a policy has been established at a regular Board meeting and one member objects to a change during a poll of the Board that no action be taken except in a regu- lar meeting when a full discussion can be heard. This motion was seconded by Mr. Braak and when the vote was cast, Nessrs. Braak and Williams voted for the motion and Messrs. Broadhurst and Hall voted against the motion, so the Cha3rman ruled that the motion was defeated as he voted in the negative. RECESS Mr. Braak remarked that the hour was getting late and offered a motion that the Board recess until Friday, July 3rd at 8:00 P. M. when they would again meet to re- Qame this Budget discussion. This motion was seconded by Mr. Ha? an?o //u,?ly adopt- ? W!G. 'Ho7gTct, Executive Secreta BUDGET MEETING ' Commissioners Room Court House, Wilminaton. N.C. B:OO.P. M Julv 3.1959 ASSEMBLY - ' • Pursuant to the recessed meeting on Wednesday, July lst, the Board again met this date at 6:00 P. M. in the Commissioners' Room of the Court House with the follow- ing members present: Chairman'J. E. Holton, Jr., Commissioners Peter H. Braak; L. E. Broadhurst, James M. Hall, Jr. and Berry A. Williams; County Auditor T. D. Love, and County Attorney John Bright Hill. , RESIDENT JUDGE OFFICE Chairman Holton called the meeting to order and announced that Judge Rudolph I. Mintz wanted to appear before the Board and discuss the possibility of establishing an office in the Court House. He recognized Judge Mintz who stated that it would cause much less confusion to have an office in the Court House than to,operate from a private office and would be much more convenient for lawyers having business with the Court and besides the scope of work required of the Judge in the more densely°populated areas and large cities is disproportionate to the less thickly populated areas as the chamber work is so much greater. He has conferred with Mr. Aaron Goldberg, President of the local ?Bar Association, and'they have agreed that the expansion of the Law Library would not be imperative before trie next three or four years and suggesLed that the space between the Law Library and the Grand Jury Room be closed off'by a petition from the hall and desig- nated as a space for his office. The Chairman thanked Judge Mint2 and promised to study the matter and give him an answer when a conclusion had been reached. ! AGRICULTURE'AND ECONOMICS - After reviewing the Budget requests of this Department and adding the Federa7 and State contributions to the County, the Board was reluctant to vote an increase for the personnel. Mr. Williams offered a motion that the personnel of the Agriculture and Economics Department be left as is and that an tt% across the Board raise not apply. Mr. Hall seconded this motion with the proviso that the reason be recorded; that in his opinibn they were doing a splendid job and were very competent but that their salaries were well above the other County employees. The Board unanimously approved this motion. TIDE WATER NATURAL GAS COMPANY The Executive Secretary informed the Board that he had received a check from the Tide Water Natural Gas Company in the amount of $2,400.00 which had been turned over to the Auditor covering the purchase of the triangular piece of property adjacent to the bld Sanitorium site which they had already bought•and that he had delivered the deed for the property, properly executed, to them. \ 1 SURPLUS PROPERI"Y PROCUREMENT - ---^ Mr, Broadhurst informed the Board that according to his understanding, the pv?? County was paying insurance premiums on a considerable number of vehi'cles now stored at the Airport and in his opinion some of it could be reduced. This opened a discuss- sion about the procurement of surplus property and why counties were not entitled.to the privilege of buying it since the policy seemed to be that if it was not moved with- in a certain length of time it was sold at public auction to the highest bidder. Finaliy, the Board authorized the Executive Secretary to write Mr. Bernard F. Hillenbrand of the National Association of County Officials to see if there was other activity along this line or just what might be done to expedite such arrangement. CONSOLIDATED BOARD OF HEALTH - ? A discussion of the proposed Budget of the Consolidated Board of Health en- )?L? sued. Mr... Williams remarked that it would seem to-him that all of the requests under the different classifications of employees were mandatory as set out in the Budget re- quests. The salary schedules were reviewed alongside of the Merit System Council re- ?Dgimendations but no actual conclusions were reached on that matter.Th'e:Executive Secretary in3tructed to confer with the Health Director and invite him to meet.with ihe Board on Wednesday evening, July Sth at 8:00 P. M. in the Commissioners' Room and be prepared to clarify some of the questions which arose in the minds of the Commissioners such as v (1) classification of the secretary;(2)new employees under the 5% pension plan; (3) the item of conveyance amounting to $11,760.00 (4) item listed as attendance amounting to $360.00; (5) telephone and telegraph amounting to $1200.00 (6) Public Health meet- ings attendance amounting to $610.60 and (7) Special Ciinic Fees $5879.00. RECESS - ? Mr. Williams remarked that the hour was late and offered a motion that a recess CleC, ' be taken until Monday, July 6th at 9:00 A. M. and that the Executive Secretary invite the various department heads, excepting the Board of Education and Board of Health, to meet with the Board at 10:00 A. M. to clarify any items in their Budget which might be in quest- ion, and invite the Consolidated Board of Health to meet with them at 8:00 P. M. July 8th I ?? ? 56 Minutes of the Budget Meeting July 3, 1959 Continued RECESS - (continued) and the Consolidated Board of Education at 6:00 P. M. on Friday, July lOth. This motion was seconded by Mr. Braak and unanimously adopted. W. G. Wilmington, N. C. July 6, 1959 ASSEMBLY - . The regular semimonthly meeting of the New Hanover County Board of Commission- ers was held this day at 9:00 A. M. in the Commissioners'Room of the Court House. PRESENT: Chairman J. E. Holton, Jr., Commissioners Peter H. Braak, L. E. Broadhurst, • J. M. Hall, Jr. and Berry A. Williams; County Attorney John Bright Hill and County Auditor T. D. Love'. INUOCATION - The Chairman called the meeting to order and asked Major Dan Cartin of the Salvation Arrny to open the meeting with a prayer for guidance. APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES - Upon motion of Nir. Broadhurst, seconded by Mr. Braak, the minutes of the regu- lar semimonthly meeting held on June 15th and the Special.Called Meeting at 1:00 P.M. on June 24 were approved unanimously. In the minutes of the Special Joint Meeting with the City Councii at 2.100 P.M. on June 24th under the topic "Consolidated.Board of Health", after Mr. Williams had explained the Merit System Council's flexible range scale as per- missfve rather than mandatory he requested that the next remarks in which he further ex- piained_a pauper County be prefaced by "aithough the minimum wage scale suggested by the Mer.it System Council was set up for the guidance of pauper Counties, nevertheless the adoption of the minimum wage scale by coanties does not necessarily mean that it is classed as such" and insert the words " Dr. Hnox" before "requested a reading", and un- der the same topic, after Mayor Capps called attention to the main issue of the meeting insert "The County Attorney ruled,that the Commissioners have the authority to appoint the Health Director as County Physician and as such determine the duties he is to per- form not inconsistent w;th the law". After these corrections, Mr. Wi111ams offered a motion that the minntes of the joint meeting be approved as amended. It was seconded by Mr. Braak and unanimously approved. ? WILMINGTON COLLEGE REQUEST Mr. L. Bradford Tillery appeared before the Board in the interest of the Finance Committee of Wilmington College supplementing'a request of Dr. C. E. Hartford, Chairman of that Committee, formally requesting the following benefits for Wilmington College during the ensuing year. ? 1- Their pro-rata share of back tax collections. 2- Their pro-rata share of intangible. tax coll.ections. 3- The full five cents levy as authorized by the voters. L{.- Any surplus in the Wilmington College account as of June 30, 1959. . He explained that a previous request had been made for a fiat $75,000and that if these benefits were granted the revenue would amount to approximately $78,000. He further explained that the State wouid not allow any appropriations to be used in the Physical p Education Department operation or for plant beautification and therefore it would be necessary for them to depend on other sources for that particular activity which is an integral part of any college and particularly so if the Junior graduates follow up their education at higher institutions of learning. The Board, by common consent, assured him that their request would receive due consideration at Budget time. BOND SALE AUTHORIZATION Mr. C. D. Hogue, Jr., Attorney for the New Hanover County School Board, ex- plained that new buildings were under construction and remodeling plans on old buildings require the sale of the $1,000,000 worth of bonds which is the balance of the Bond issue voted by the people last year. Commissioner Hall moved that the following Resolution be adopted: WHERFAS, the bond order hereinafter described has taken effect and the /-? Board of Commissioners desires to make further provision for the issuance of ?dthe bonds to be issued pursuant to said bond order; NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLUED by the Board of Commissioners of the County of New Hanover, as follows: (1) The County of New Hanover (hereinafter referred to as "County") shall issue its bonds of the aggregate principal amount of $1,000,000 pursuant to and in accordance wfth the bond order entitled "Bond Order authorizing the issuance of $1,550,000 School Bonds of the County of.New Hanover", adopted by the Board of Commissioners of the County on January 6, 1956. Said bonds shail be desig- nated "School Building Bonds, Series B". Acting pursuant to Section 153-80 of the County Finance Act, the Board of Commissioners has ascertained and hereby determines that each-of the existing school buildings described in said bond order and each of the new buildings and additions to be financed by the issuance . L